Example #1
def get_uavsar_annotation(fkey, directory):
    # search local files for a matching file with .ann in its name
    ann_candidates = os.listdir(directory)
    fmatches = [f for f in ann_candidates if fkey in f and 'ann' in f]

    # If we find too many or not enough raise an exception and exit
    if len(fmatches) != 1:
        raise ValueError('Unable to find a corresponding description file to'
                         ' UAVsAR file {}'.format(f))

    # Form the descriptor file name based on the grid file name, should have .ann in it
    ann_file = join(directory, fmatches[0])
    desc = read_InSar_annotation(ann_file)

    return desc, ann_file
Example #2
    def setup_class(self):
        Attempt to convert all the files
        if not isdir(self.temp):

        self.desc = read_InSar_annotation(join(self.d, 'uavsar_latlon.ann'))

        # Output file
        f_pieces = self.input_f.split('.')[0:-1] + [self.component, 'tif']
        output_f = join(self.temp, '.'.join(f_pieces))

        if isdir(self.temp):


        INSAR_to_rasterio(join(self.d, self.input_f), self.desc,
                          join(self.temp, self.input_f.replace('grd', 'tif')))
        self.dataset = rasterio.open(output_f)
        self.band = self.dataset.read(1)
Example #3
def convert(filenames, output, epsg, clean_first=False):
    Convert all grd files from the UAVSAR grd to tiff. Then reporjects
    the resulting files from Lat long to UTM, and then saves to the output dir

        filenames: List of *.grd files needed to be converted
        output: directory to output files to
        epsg: epsg of the resulting file
        clean_first: Boolean indicating whether to clear out the output folder first
    # Keep track of errors, time elapsed, and number of files completed
    start = time.time()
    errors = []
    completed = 0

    # Clean up existing and make an output folder with a temp folder
    temp = join(output, 'temp')

    for d in [output, temp]:
        if isdir(d):
            if clean_first:
                log.info('Removing {}...'.format(d))

        if not isdir(d):

    nfiles = len(filenames)

    log.info('Converting {} UAVSAR .grd files to geotiff...'.format(nfiles))

    directory = dirname(filenames[0])
    # Loop over all the files, name them using the same name just using a
    # different folder
    for ann in sorted(filenames):

        # open the ann file
        desc = read_InSar_annotation(ann)

        # Form a pattern based on the annotation filename
        base_f = basename(ann)
        pattern = '.'.join(base_f.split('.')[0:-1]) + '*'

        # Gather all files associated
        grd_files = glob.glob(join(directory, pattern + '.grd'))
        log.info('Converting {} grd files to geotiff...'.format(

        for grd in grd_files:
            # Save to our temporary folder and only change fname to have
            # ext=tif
            latlon_tiff = grd.replace(directory, temp).replace('grd', 'tif')

                # Convert the GRD to a geotiff thats projected in lat long
                INSAR_to_rasterio(grd, desc, latlon_tiff)
                tiff_pattern = '.'.join(latlon_tiff.split('.')[0:-1]) + '*'
                tif_files = glob.glob(tiff_pattern)

                log.info('Reprojecting {} files to utm...'.format(

                for tif in glob.glob(tiff_pattern):
                    utm_file = tif.replace(temp, output)
                    reproject_raster_by_epsg(tif, utm_file, epsg)
                    completed += 1

            except Exception as e:
                errors.append((grd, e))

    nfiles = completed + len(errors)
    log.info('Converted {}/{} files.'.format(completed, nfiles))

    # Report errors an a convenient location for users
    if errors:
        log.warning('{}/{} files errored out during conversion...'.format(
            len(errors), nfiles))
        for c in errors:
            f, e = c[0], c[1]
            log.error('Conversion of {} errored out with:\n{}'.format(f, e))

    # Clean up the temp folder
    log.debug('Removing {}...'.format(temp))

    log.info('Completed! {:0.0f}s elapsed'.format(time.time() - start))
Example #4
    def _push_one(self, f, **kwargs):
        Here we overwrite _push_one to push a set of rasters associated to the
        annotation file instead a single raster

        # Copy the metadata for modifying and open the ann file
        meta = kwargs.copy()
        desc = read_InSar_annotation(f)

        # Expand the path for the geotiffs
        tiff_dir = abspath(expanduser(self.geotiff_dir))

        # form the pattern to look for and grab the tifs
        pattern = '.'.join(basename(f).split('.')[0:-1]) + '*.tif'
        rasters = glob.glob(join(tiff_dir, pattern))

        # Submit each geotif, modifying meta on the fly
        for r in rasters:
            # Grab information from the filename
            f_pieces = r.split('.')
            component = f_pieces[-2]  # Real or imaginary component
            data_abbr = f_pieces[-3]  # Key to the data name
            dname = self.dname_map[data_abbr]  # Data type in db

            # For the data type
            meta['type'] = 'insar ' + dname.split(' ')[0]

            if dname == 'interferogram':
                meta['type'] += (' ' + component)

            # Assign the date for the respective flights
            if 'amplitude' in dname:
                meta['date'] = desc['start time of acquisition for pass {}'.format(
                    dname.split(' ')[-1])]['value']

            # Derived products always receive the date of the last overpass
                meta['date'] = desc['start time of acquisition for pass 2']['value']

            # Assign only the date not the date and time
            meta['date'] = meta['date'].date()

            # Assign units
            meta['units'] = desc['{} units'.format(
                dname.split(' ')[0])]['value']

            # Flexibly form a comment for each of the products for dates
            comment = get_InSar_flight_comment(dname, desc)
            # add which dem was used which dictates the file name convert e.g.
            # ...VV_01.int.grd
            comment += ', DEM used = {}'.format(
                desc['dem used in processing']['value'])
            # Add the polarization to the the comments
            comment += ', Polarization = {}'.format(
            meta['description'] = comment

            self.log.info('Uploading {} as {}...'.format(r, meta['type']))

            d = self.UploaderClass(r, **meta)

            # Submit the data to the database

        # Uploaded set
        self.uploaded += 1
Example #5
def main():

    # How much of the original data cropped to the middle, e.g. 20% in each direction from center
    ratio = 0.2

    # Output directory
    outdir = '../tests/data'
    temp = './temp'

    outdir = abspath(outdir)
    temp = abspath(temp)

    # Pattern to look for
    directory = '~/Downloads/SnowEx2020_UAVSAR'
    pattern = 'grmesa_27416_20003-028_20005-007_0011d_s01_L090HH_01.*.grd'

    # Get the directory the file
    directory = abspath(expanduser(directory))
    files = glob.glob(join(directory, pattern))

    log.info('Found {} files that can be used for testing...'.format(

    fkey = pattern.split('.')[0]

    # Get the ann file
    desc, ann_file = get_uavsar_annotation(fkey, directory)

    # Form the modifications to the ann file
    mods = make_mods(desc, ratio)

    # make our temporary folder
    if isdir(temp):


    log.info("Cropping binary files...")
    for f in files:
        # Output file name, use the same extension
        ext = '.'.join(f.split('.')[-2:])
        grd_file = join(outdir, 'uavsar_latlon.' + ext)

        # Crop and save resulting binary file in tests/data
        open_crop_grd_files(f, desc, ratio, grd_file)

    # Modify the annotation file and write it out to the new location
    new_ann = join(outdir, 'uavsar_latlon.ann')
    copy_and_mod_annotation(ann_file, new_ann, mods)
    desc = read_InSar_annotation(new_ann)

    log.info("Converting files to GeoTiffs...")
    for f in glob.glob(join(outdir, 'uavsar_latlon*.grd')):
        # Convert the binary to tiff and save in our testing
        tif_file = f.replace('.grd', '.tif')
        INSAR_to_rasterio(f, desc, tif_file)

    log.info("Reprojecting files to GeoTiffs...")

    utm_dir = '../tests/data/uavsar'
    utm_dir = abspath(expanduser(utm_dir))

    if isdir(utm_dir):

    for f in glob.glob(join(outdir, 'uavsar_latlon*.tif')):
        # # Reproject the data

        utm_file = basename(f).replace('_latlon', '_utm')
        utm_file = join(utm_dir, utm_file)
        reproject_raster_by_epsg(f, utm_file, 26912)