Example #1
def call_sites(args):
    """Find the sites with SNPs in a sample.

    The sample alignment is sorted, duplicate reads are removed, a pileup is generated, and
    snps are called.

    This function expects, or creates '(*)', the following files arranged
    in the following way:

    The input files are created outside of this function. The package
    documentation provides an example of preparing these files based on the
    lambda_virus sequence that is used as one test for this package.

    args : argparse.Namespace
        referenceFile : File path of the reference fasta file
        sampleDir : Relative or absolute directory of the sample

    # Validate inputs

    # Verify reference fasta file exists and is not empty
    reference_file_path = args.referenceFile
    utils.verify_non_empty_input_files("Reference file", [reference_file_path],

    sample_dir = args.sampleDir

    remove_duplicate_reads = os.environ.get("RemoveDuplicateReads",
                                            "true").lower() == "true"
    enable_local_realignment = os.environ.get("EnableLocalRealignment",
                                              "true").lower() == "true"

    input_bam_file = os.path.join(sample_dir, "reads.sorted.bam")
    input_bam_file = utils.add_file_suffix(input_bam_file,
    input_bam_file = utils.add_file_suffix(input_bam_file,

    utils.verify_non_empty_input_files("Sample BAM file", [input_bam_file],

    sample_id = utils.sample_id_from_dir(sample_dir)

    # Create the pileup file

    # Check for fresh pileup; if not, create it
    pileup_file = os.path.join(sample_dir, "reads.all.pileup")
    needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild(
        [input_bam_file, reference_file_path], pileup_file)
    if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
            "# Pileup file is already freshly created for %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild."
            % sample_id)
        version_str = utils.extract_version_str("SAMtools",
                                                "samtools 2>&1 > /dev/null")
        samtools_mpileup_extra_params = os.environ.get(
            "SamtoolsMpileup_ExtraParams") or ""
        command_line = "samtools mpileup " + samtools_mpileup_extra_params + " -f " + reference_file_path + ' ' + input_bam_file
        verbose_print("# Create pileup from bam file.")
        verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
        verbose_print("# %s" % version_str)
        command.run(command_line, pileup_file)
        utils.sample_error_on_missing_file(pileup_file, "samtools mpileup")

    # Find the sites with SNPs

    # Check for fresh unfiltered vcf; if not, create it
    vcf_file = os.path.join(sample_dir, "var.flt.vcf")
    needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild([pileup_file], vcf_file)
    if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
            "# VCF file is already freshly created for %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild."
            % sample_id)
        jar_file_path = utils.find_path_in_path_list("VarScan", "CLASSPATH")
        if not jar_file_path:
                "Error: cannot execute VarScan. Define the path to VarScan.jar in the CLASSPATH environment variable."
            version_str = utils.extract_version_str(
                "VarScan", "java -jar " + jar_file_path +
                " 2>&1 > /dev/null | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2")
            varscan_jvm_extra_params = os.environ.get(
                "VarscanJvm_ExtraParams") or ""
            varscan_mpileup2snp_extra_params = os.environ.get(
                "VarscanMpileup2snp_ExtraParams") or ""
            command_line = "java " + varscan_jvm_extra_params + " -jar " + jar_file_path + " mpileup2snp " + pileup_file + " --output-vcf 1 " + varscan_mpileup2snp_extra_params
            verbose_print("# Create vcf file")
            verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
            verbose_print("# %s" % version_str)
            command.run(command_line, vcf_file)
            utils.sample_error_on_missing_file(vcf_file, "VarScan")
            utils.sample_error_on_file_contains(vcf_file, "OutOfMemoryError",
            utils.sample_error_on_file_contains(vcf_file, "Insufficient",
Example #2
def map_reads(args):
    """Align reads to the reference.

    Execute an external program (bowtie2 or smalt) to map the fastq reads
    to a reference file. The sample alignment is sorted, duplicate reads
    are marked, and reads realigned around indels.

    The environment variable SnpPipeline_Aligner selects between bowtie2 and smalt.

    This function expects, or creates '(*)', the following files arranged
    in the following way:

    The fastq files may be either compressed with gzip or uncompressed.

    The reverse fastq file is optional.

    All the input files are created outside of this function. The package
    documentation provides an example of preparing these files based on the
    lambda_virus sequence that is used as one test for this package.

    args : argparse.Namespace
        referenceFile : File path of the reference fasta file
        sampleFastqFile1 : File path of the forward fastq file
        sampleFastqFile2 : Optional file path of the reverse fastq file

    # Validate inputs

    # Verify reference fasta file exists and is not empty
    reference_file_path = args.referenceFile
    utils.verify_non_empty_input_files("Reference file", [reference_file_path],

    # Verify fastq files exist and are not empty
    sample_fastq_file1 = args.sampleFastqFile1
    sample_fastq_file2 = args.sampleFastqFile2
    fastq_files = [sample_fastq_file1]
    if sample_fastq_file2:

    utils.verify_non_empty_input_files("Sample file",

    # The environment variable SnpPipeline_Aligner selects between bowtie2 and smalt
    snp_pipeline_aligner = os.environ.get("SnpPipeline_Aligner") or "bowtie2"
    snp_pipeline_aligner = snp_pipeline_aligner.lower()
    if snp_pipeline_aligner not in ["bowtie2", "smalt"]:
            "Error: only bowtie2 and smalt aligners are supported.")

    sample_dir = os.path.dirname(sample_fastq_file1)
    sample_id = utils.sample_id_from_file(sample_fastq_file1)
    reference_base_path = os.path.splitext(reference_file_path)[
        0]  # strip the file extension
    reference_id = os.path.basename(reference_base_path)

    num_threads = args.threads

    # verify jar files are in CLASSPATH
    picard_jar_file_path = utils.find_path_in_path_list("picard", "CLASSPATH")
    if not picard_jar_file_path:
            "Error: cannot execute Picard. Define the path to picard.jar in the CLASSPATH environment variable."
    picard_version_str = utils.extract_version_str(
        "Picard", "java -jar " + picard_jar_file_path +
        " AddOrReplaceReadGroups --version 2>&1")

    gatk_jar_file_path = utils.find_path_in_path_list("GenomeAnalysisTK",
    if not gatk_jar_file_path:
            "Error: cannot execute GATK. Define the path to GenomeAnalysisTK.jar in the CLASSPATH environment variable."
    gatk_version_str = utils.extract_version_str(
        "GATK", "java -jar " + gatk_jar_file_path + " --version 2>&1")

    # Enforce the proper SAMtools version

    samtools_version_str = utils.extract_version_str(
        "SAMtools", "samtools 2>&1 > /dev/null")
    samtools_version = samtools_version_str.split()[-1]  # just the number
    if samtools_version < "1.4":
            "The installed %s is not supported.  Version 1.4 or higher is required."
            % samtools_version_str)

    # Check if alignment to reference has already been done
    sam_file = os.path.join(sample_dir, "reads.sam")
    source_files = [sample_fastq_file1]
    if sample_fastq_file2:
    if snp_pipeline_aligner == "bowtie2":
        source_files.append(reference_base_path + ".rev.1.bt2")
    elif snp_pipeline_aligner == "smalt":
        source_files.append(reference_base_path + ".smi")
    needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild(source_files, sam_file)

    if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
            "# %s has already been aligned to %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild."
            % (sample_id, reference_id))
        # Construct the command line to execute bowtie2 or smalt

        # The read group identifies reads from a single run and lane
        read_group_tags = fastq.construct_read_group_tags(
            sample_fastq_file1, sample_id)

        # Make up dummy read group tags if the read group information is missing from the fastq files.
        # GATK components require these tags.
        if read_group_tags is None:
            id = "1"
            sm = sample_id
            lb = "1"
            pl = None
            pu = sample_id
            read_group_tags = fastq.ReadGroupTags(id, sm, lb, pl, pu)

        if snp_pipeline_aligner == "bowtie2":
            version_str = utils.extract_version_str("bowtie2",
                                                    "bowtie2 --version")

            # Substitute the default parameters if the user did not specify bowtie parameters
            os.environ["Bowtie2Align_ExtraParams"] = os.environ.get(
                "Bowtie2Align_ExtraParams") or "--reorder"

            # Set the number of threads to use
            utils.configure_process_threads("Bowtie2Align_ExtraParams", "-p",
                                            num_threads, None)
            bowtie2_align_extra_params = os.environ["Bowtie2Align_ExtraParams"]

            # Specify the read group and sample tags here, --rg tags cannot be specified without ID.
            # The read group tags are used by some downstream tools, like Picard and GATK.
            read_group_params = ""
            read_group_params += " --rg-id " + read_group_tags.ID
            read_group_params += " --rg SM:" + read_group_tags.SM
            read_group_params += " --rg LB:" + read_group_tags.LB
            if read_group_tags.PL is not None:
                read_group_params += " --rg PL:" + read_group_tags.PL
            read_group_params += " --rg PU:" + read_group_tags.PU

            # Build the command with options depending on whether the fastq files are paired
            command_line = "bowtie2 " + read_group_params + " " + bowtie2_align_extra_params + " -x " + reference_base_path
            if sample_fastq_file2:
                command_line += " -1 " + sample_fastq_file1 + " -2 " + sample_fastq_file2
                command_line += " -U " + sample_fastq_file1

        elif snp_pipeline_aligner == "smalt":
            version_str = utils.extract_version_str("smalt", "smalt version")

            # Substitute the default parameters if the user did not specify smalt parameters
            os.environ["SmaltAlign_ExtraParams"] = os.environ.get(
                "SmaltAlign_ExtraParams") or "-O"

            # Set the number of threads to use
            utils.configure_process_threads("SmaltAlign_ExtraParams", "-n",
                                            num_threads, None)
            smalt_align_extra_params = os.environ["SmaltAlign_ExtraParams"]

            # Don't use the -i 1000 option if the fastq file is unpaired
            if not sample_fastq_file2:
                smalt_align_params = re.sub(
                    "-i[ ]+[0-9]+", '',
                    smalt_align_extra_params)  # regex substitute

            command_line = "smalt map " + smalt_align_extra_params + " " + reference_base_path + " " + sample_fastq_file1 + " " + (
                sample_fastq_file2 or "")

        # Run the command to execute bowtie2 or smalt
        verbose_print("# Align sequence %s to reference %s" %
                      (sample_id, reference_id))
        verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
        verbose_print("# %s" % version_str)
        command.run(command_line, sam_file)

        # When using smalt, assign read groups in a separate step.
        # This is already done when using bowtie2.
        if snp_pipeline_aligner == "smalt" and read_group_tags:
            smalt_sam_file = os.path.join(sample_dir, "reads.smalt.sam")
            shutil.move(sam_file, smalt_sam_file)
            jvm_params = os.environ.get("PicardJvm_ExtraParams") or ""
            command_line = "java " + jvm_params + " -jar " + picard_jar_file_path + " AddOrReplaceReadGroups"
            command_line += " I=" + smalt_sam_file
            command_line += " O=" + sam_file
            command_line += " RGID=" + read_group_tags.ID
            command_line += " RGSM=" + read_group_tags.SM
            command_line += " RGLB=" + read_group_tags.LB
            if read_group_tags.PL is None:
                command_line += " RGPL=unknown"  # Picard requires this command line option
                command_line += " RGPL=" + read_group_tags.PL
            command_line += " RGPU=" + read_group_tags.PU
            verbose_print("# Assign read group id %s" % (read_group_tags.ID))
            verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
            verbose_print("# %s" % picard_version_str)
            command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)

    # Convert sam to bam file, selecting only the mapped reads

    # Check for fresh bam file; if not, convert to bam file with only mapped reads
    unsorted_bam_file = os.path.join(sample_dir, "reads.unsorted.bam")
    needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild([sam_file], unsorted_bam_file)
    if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
            "# Unsorted bam file is already freshly created for %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild."
            % sample_id)
        # Substitute the default parameters if the user did not specify samtools view parameters
        os.environ["SamtoolsSamFilter_ExtraParams"] = os.environ.get(
            "SamtoolsSamFilter_ExtraParams") or "-F 4"

        # Set the number of threads to use
                                        ["-@", "--threads"], num_threads, None)
        samtools_samfilter_params = os.environ["SamtoolsSamFilter_ExtraParams"]

        command_line = "samtools view -S -b " + samtools_samfilter_params + " -o " + unsorted_bam_file + ' ' + sam_file
            "# Convert sam file to bam file with only mapped positions.")
        verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
        verbose_print("# %s" % samtools_version_str)
        command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)
        utils.sample_error_on_missing_file(unsorted_bam_file, "samtools view")

    # Sort the BAM file

    # Check for fresh sorted bam file; if not, sort it
    sorted_bam_file = os.path.join(sample_dir, "reads.sorted.bam")
    needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild([unsorted_bam_file],
    if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
            "# Sorted bam file is already freshly created for %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild."
            % sample_id)
        # Set the number of threads to use
                                        ["-@", "--threads"], num_threads, None)
        samtools_sort_extra_params = os.environ["SamtoolsSort_ExtraParams"]

        command_line = "samtools sort " + samtools_sort_extra_params + " -o " + sorted_bam_file + ' ' + unsorted_bam_file
        verbose_print("# Convert bam to sorted bam file.")
        verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
        verbose_print("# %s" % samtools_version_str)
        command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)
        utils.sample_error_on_missing_file(sorted_bam_file, "samtools sort")

    # Mark duplicate reads, so they will be ignored in subsequent steps

    remove_duplicate_reads = os.environ.get("RemoveDuplicateReads",
                                            "true").lower() == "true"
    input_file = sorted_bam_file
    output_file = utils.add_file_suffix(input_file,
    if remove_duplicate_reads:
        # Check for fresh deduped bam file; if not, remove duplicate reads
        needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild([input_file], output_file)
        if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
                "# Deduped bam file is already freshly created for %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild."
                % sample_id)
            picard_jvm_extra_params = os.environ.get(
                "PicardJvm_ExtraParams") or ""
            picard_mark_duplicates_extra_params = os.environ.get(
                "PicardMarkDuplicates_ExtraParams") or ""
            tmpdir = os.environ.get("TMPDIR") or os.environ.get("TMP_DIR")
            tmp_option = " TMP_DIR=" + tmpdir if tmpdir else ""
            command_line = "java " + picard_jvm_extra_params + " -jar " + picard_jar_file_path + " MarkDuplicates INPUT=" + input_file + " OUTPUT=" + output_file + " METRICS_FILE=" + os.path.join(
                sample_dir, "duplicate_reads_metrics.txt"
            ) + tmp_option + ' ' + picard_mark_duplicates_extra_params
            verbose_print("# Mark duplicate reads in bam file.")
            verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
            verbose_print("# %s" % picard_version_str)
            command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)
                                               "picard MarkDuplicates")

    # Next three steps are part of local realignment around indels
    enable_local_realignment = os.environ.get("EnableLocalRealignment",
                                              "true").lower() == "true"

    # Index the sorted bam file prior to RealignerTargetCreator

    input_file = output_file  # output from last step becomes input to this step
    if enable_local_realignment:
        # Check for fresh bai file; if not, index it
        bam_index_file = input_file[:-3] + "bai"
        needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild([input_file],
        if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
                "# Bam file index is already freshly created for %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild."
                % sample_id)
            # Set the number of threads to use
            utils.configure_process_threads("SamtoolsIndex_ExtraParams", "-@",
                                            num_threads, None)
            samtools_index_extra_params = os.environ[

            command_line = "samtools index " + samtools_index_extra_params + ' ' + input_file + ' ' + bam_index_file
            verbose_print("# Index bam file.")
            verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
            verbose_print("# %s" % samtools_version_str)
            command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)
                                               "samtools index")

    # Identify targets for realignment

    if enable_local_realignment:
        # Check for fresh realign_targets_file file; if not run RealignerTargetCreator
        realign_targets_file = os.path.join(sample_dir,
        needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild(
            [input_file, bam_index_file], realign_targets_file)
        if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
                "# Realign targets file is already freshly created for %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild."
                % sample_id)
            classpath = os.environ.get("CLASSPATH")
            gatk_jvm_extra_params = os.environ.get("GatkJvm_ExtraParams") or ""
            tmpdir = os.environ.get("TMPDIR") or os.environ.get("TMP_DIR")
            if tmpdir and "-Djava.io.tmpdir" not in gatk_jvm_extra_params:
                gatk_jvm_extra_params += " -Djava.io.tmpdir=" + tmpdir

            # Set the number of threads to use
                "RealignerTargetCreator_ExtraParams", ["-nt", "--num_threads"],
                num_threads, None)
            realigner_target_creator_extra_params = os.environ[

            command_line = "java " + gatk_jvm_extra_params + " -jar " + gatk_jar_file_path + " -T RealignerTargetCreator -R " + reference_file_path + " -I " + input_file + " -o " + realign_targets_file + ' ' + realigner_target_creator_extra_params
            verbose_print("# Identify targets for realignment.")
            verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
            verbose_print("# %s" % gatk_version_str)
            command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)
                                               "GATK RealignerTargetCreator",

    # Realign around indels

    output_file = utils.add_file_suffix(input_file,
    if enable_local_realignment:
        # Check for fresh indelrealigned bam file; if not run IndelRealigner
        needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild(
            [input_file, bam_index_file, realign_targets_file], output_file)
        if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
                "# Indelrealigned bam file is already freshly created for %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild."
                % sample_id)
            gatk_jvm_extra_params = os.environ.get("GatkJvm_ExtraParams") or ""
            tmpdir = os.environ.get("TMPDIR") or os.environ.get("TMP_DIR")
            if tmpdir and "-Djava.io.tmpdir" not in gatk_jvm_extra_params:
                gatk_jvm_extra_params += " -Djava.io.tmpdir=" + tmpdir

            indel_realigner_extra_params = os.environ.get(
                "IndelRealigner_ExtraParams") or ""
            command_line = "java " + gatk_jvm_extra_params + " -jar " + gatk_jar_file_path + " -T IndelRealigner -R " + reference_file_path + " -targetIntervals " + realign_targets_file + " -I " + input_file + " -o " + output_file + ' ' + indel_realigner_extra_params
            verbose_print("# Realign around indels")
            verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
            verbose_print("# %s" % gatk_version_str)
            command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)
                                               "GATK IndelRealigner")
Example #3
def index_ref(args):
    """Index the reference genome.

    Execute an external program (bowtie2 or smalt) to create an index for the
    reference genome to be used during subsequent alignment.  Execute samtools
    to create the faidx index file to be used during subsequent pileups.

    The environment variable SnpPipeline_Aligner selects between bowtie2 and smalt.

    This function expects, or creates '(*)', the following files arranged
    in the following way:
                referenceFile.fasta         # input fasta
                referenceFile.#.bt2*        # bowtie2 output
                referenceFile.rev.#.bt2*    # bowtie2 output
                referenceFile.sma*          # smalt output
                referenceFile.smi*          # smalt output
                referenceFile.fasta.fai*    # samtools faidx output

    The input fasta file is created outside of this function. The package
    documentation provides an example of preparing these files based on the
    lambda_virus sequence that is used as one test for this package.

    args : argparse.Namespace
        referenceFile : File path of the reference fasta file

    # Validate inputs

    # Verify reference fasta file exists and is not empty
    reference_file_path = args.referenceFile
    utils.verify_non_empty_input_files("Reference file", [reference_file_path],

    reference_base_path = os.path.splitext(reference_file_path)[
        0]  # strip the file extension

    # The environment variable SnpPipeline_Aligner selects between bowtie2 and smalt
    snp_pipeline_aligner = os.environ.get("SnpPipeline_Aligner") or "bowtie2"
    snp_pipeline_aligner = snp_pipeline_aligner.lower()
    if snp_pipeline_aligner not in ["bowtie2", "smalt"]:
            "Error: only bowtie2 and smalt aligners are supported.")

    # Create index file for reference
    if snp_pipeline_aligner == "bowtie2":
        target_file = reference_base_path + ".rev.1.bt2"
        needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild([reference_file_path],
        if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
                "# Bowtie index %s is already freshly built.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild."
                % target_file)
            version_str = utils.extract_version_str("bowtie2",
                                                    "bowtie2 --version")
            bowtie2_build_extra_params = os.environ.get(
                "Bowtie2Build_ExtraParams") or ""
            command_line = "bowtie2-build " + bowtie2_build_extra_params + ' ' + reference_file_path + ' ' + reference_base_path
            verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
            verbose_print("# %s" % version_str)
            command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)
            utils.global_error_on_missing_file(target_file, "bowtie2-build")

    elif snp_pipeline_aligner == "smalt":
        target_file = reference_base_path + ".smi"
        needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild([reference_file_path],
        if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
                "# Smalt index %s is already freshly built.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild."
                % target_file)
            version_str = utils.extract_version_str("smalt", "smalt version")
            smalt_index_extra_params = os.environ.get(
                "SmaltIndex_ExtraParams") or ""
            command_line = "smalt index " + smalt_index_extra_params + ' ' + reference_base_path + ' ' + reference_file_path
            verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
            verbose_print("# %s" % version_str)
            command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)

    # Create the samtools fai index
    target_file = reference_file_path + ".fai"
    needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild([reference_file_path],
    if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
            "# SAMtools fai index %s is already freshly built.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild."
            % target_file)
        version_str = utils.extract_version_str("samtools",
                                                "samtools 2>&1 > /dev/null")
        samtools_faidx_extra_params = os.environ.get(
            "SamtoolsFaidx_ExtraParams") or ""
        command_line = "samtools faidx " + samtools_faidx_extra_params + ' ' + reference_file_path
        verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
        verbose_print("# %s" % version_str)
        command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)
        utils.global_error_on_missing_file(target_file, "samtools faidx")

    # Create the reference dict file used later by GATK
    enable_local_realignment = os.environ.get("EnableLocalRealignment",
                                              "true").lower() == "true"
    if enable_local_realignment:
        target_file = reference_base_path + ".dict"
        needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild([reference_file_path],
        if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
                "# Sequence dictionary %s is already freshly built.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild."
                % target_file)
            )  # Need to delete existing output, if any, before running
            jar_file_path = utils.find_path_in_path_list("picard", "CLASSPATH")
            if not jar_file_path:
                    "Error: cannot execute Picard. Define the path to picard.jar in the CLASSPATH environment variable."
            version_str = utils.extract_version_str(
                "Picard", "java -jar " + jar_file_path +
                " CreateSequenceDictionary --version 2>&1")
            picard_jvm_extra_params = os.environ.get(
                "PicardJvm_ExtraParams") or ""
            picard_create_sequence_dictionary_extra_params = os.environ.get(
                "CreateSequenceDictionary_ExtraParams") or ""
            tmpdir = os.environ.get("TMPDIR") or os.environ.get("TMP_DIR")
            tmp_option = " TMP_DIR=" + tmpdir if tmpdir else ""
            command_line = "java " + picard_jvm_extra_params + " -jar " + jar_file_path + " CreateSequenceDictionary REFERENCE=" + reference_file_path + " OUTPUT=" + target_file + tmp_option + ' ' + picard_create_sequence_dictionary_extra_params
            verbose_print("# Create reference sequence dictionary.")
            verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
            verbose_print("# %s" % version_str)
            command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)
                target_file, "picard CreateSequenceDictionary")
Example #4
def run(args):
    """Run all the steps of the snp pipeline in th correct order.

    args : Namespace
        referenceFile : str
            Relative or absolute path to the reference fasta file
        forceFlag : bool
            Force processing even when result files already exist and are newer than inputs
        mirror : str
            Mode to create a mirror copy of the reference directory and all the sample directories.
            Possible values: {soft, hard, copy}
        configFile : str
            Relative or absolute path to a configuration file for overriding defaults and defining
            extra parameters for the tools and scripts within the pipeline.
        jobQueueMgr : str
            Job queue manager for remote parallel job execution in an HPC environment.  Currently
            "torque" and "grid" are supported.  If not specified, the pipeline will execute locally.
        workDir : str
            Output directory for the result files.
        samplesDir : str
            Relative or absolute path to the parent directory of all the sample directories.
        samplesFile : str
            Relative or absolute path to a file listing all of the sample directories.
    global log_dir
    global job_queue_mgr

    start_time = time.time()
    # Where are we running: grid, torque, or None (local)
    job_queue_mgr = args.jobQueueMgr

    # Erase any left-over error log environment variable from a previous run
    os.environ.pop("errorOutputFile", None) # the 2nd arg avoids an exception when not in dict

    # Handle output working directory.  Create the directory if it does not exist.
    # Any errors creating the work_dir will not be logged to the error log because
    # the error log belongs in the work_dir.
    work_dir = args.workDir
    except OSError as exc:
        utils.fatal_error("Error: could not create the output directory %s" % work_dir)
    if not utils.is_directory_writeable(work_dir):
        utils.fatal_error("Error: output directory % is not writable." % work_dir)

    # The error log is in the main workdir
    error_output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "error.log")
    os.environ["errorOutputFile"] = error_output_file
    # TODO: copy old error log to old logs directory, because otherwise it will be removed and lost forever
    if os.path.isfile(error_output_file):

    # Validate reference fasta file
    reference_file_path = args.referenceFile
    if not os.path.isfile(reference_file_path):
        utils.fatal_error("Error: reference file %s does not exist." % reference_file_path)
    if os.path.getsize(reference_file_path) == 0:
        utils.fatal_error("Error: reference file %s is empty." % reference_file_path)
    reference_file_name = os.path.basename(reference_file_path)

    # Force rebuild flag is passed to all the subtask commands below
    force_flag = " -f " if args.forceFlag else " "

    # Create the logs directory with name like "logs-20170215.144253"
    run_time_stamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d.%H%M%S', time.localtime())
    log_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "logs-" + run_time_stamp)
    except OSError as exc:
        utils.fatal_error("Error: could not create the logs directory %s" % log_dir)
    if not utils.is_directory_writeable(work_dir):
        utils.fatal_error("Error: logs directory % is not writable." % log_dir)

    # Handle configuration file, use the specified file, or create a default file
    if args.configFile:
        config_file_path = args.configFile
        if not os.path.isfile(config_file_path):
            utils.fatal_error("Error: configuration file %s does not exist." % config_file_path)
        if os.path.getsize(config_file_path) == 0:
            utils.fatal_error("Error: configuration file %s is empty." % config_file_path)

        shutil.copy2(config_file_path, log_dir)  # copy2 tries to preserve timestamps
        config_params = utils.read_properties(config_file_path, recognize_vars=True)
        command.run("cfsan_snp_pipeline data configurationFile " + log_dir, outfile=sys.stdout)
        config_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, "snppipeline.conf")
        config_params = utils.read_properties(config_file_path, recognize_vars=True)

    # Validate the configured aligner choice
    snp_pipeline_aligner = config_params.get("SnpPipeline_Aligner", "").lower() or "bowtie2"
    if snp_pipeline_aligner not in ["bowtie2", "smalt"]:
        utils.fatal_error("Config file error in SnpPipeline_Aligner parameter: only bowtie2 and smalt aligners are supported.")
    os.environ["SnpPipeline_Aligner"] = snp_pipeline_aligner

    # Stop the pipeline by default upon single sample errors if not configured either way
    # The environment variable is used by called processes
    stop_on_error = config_params.get("StopOnSampleError", "").lower() or "true"
    os.environ["StopOnSampleError"] = stop_on_error

    # Convert the stop_on_error flag to boolean for internal use in this function
    stop_on_error = stop_on_error == "true"

    # How many CPU cores can we use?
    max_cpu_cores = config_params.get("MaxCpuCores", None)
    if max_cpu_cores == "":
        max_cpu_cores = None
    if max_cpu_cores:
            max_cpu_cores = int(max_cpu_cores)
            if max_cpu_cores < 1:
                utils.fatal_error("Config file error in MaxCpuCores parameter: %s is less than one." % max_cpu_cores)
        except ValueError:
            utils.fatal_error("Config file error in MaxCpuCores parameter: %s is not a valid number." % max_cpu_cores)

    if job_queue_mgr is None: # workstation
        num_local_cpu_cores = psutil.cpu_count()
        max_cpu_cores = min(num_local_cpu_cores, max_cpu_cores) if max_cpu_cores else num_local_cpu_cores

    # How many CPU cores per process?
    if job_queue_mgr is None: # workstation
        cpu_cores_per_process = config_params.get("CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation", None)
        if cpu_cores_per_process:
                cpu_cores_per_process = int(cpu_cores_per_process)
                if cpu_cores_per_process < 1:
                    utils.fatal_error("Config file error in CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation parameter: %s is less than one." % cpu_cores_per_process)
            except ValueError:
                utils.fatal_error("Config file error in CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation parameter: %s is not a valid number." % cpu_cores_per_process)
            cpu_cores_per_process = min(num_local_cpu_cores, max_cpu_cores)
    else: # HPC
        cpu_cores_per_process = config_params.get("CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC", None)
        if not cpu_cores_per_process:
            utils.fatal_error("Config file error. CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC parameter must be set to a value.")
                cpu_cores_per_process = int(cpu_cores_per_process)
                if cpu_cores_per_process < 1:
                    utils.fatal_error("Config file error in CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC parameter: %s is less than one." % cpu_cores_per_process)
            except ValueError:
                utils.fatal_error("Config file error in CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC parameter: %s is not a valid number." % cpu_cores_per_process)

    # Put the configuration parameters into the process environment variables
    os.environ["Bowtie2Build_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("Bowtie2Build_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SmaltIndex_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("SmaltIndex_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["CreateSequenceDictionary_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("CreateSequenceDictionary_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SamtoolsFaidx_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("SamtoolsFaidx_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["Bowtie2Align_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("Bowtie2Align_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SmaltAlign_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("SmaltAlign_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SamtoolsSamFilter_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("SamtoolsSamFilter_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SamtoolsSort_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("SamtoolsSort_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SamtoolsIndex_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("SamtoolsIndex_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["RemoveDuplicateReads"] = config_params.get("RemoveDuplicateReads", "").lower() or "true"
    os.environ["PicardJvm_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("PicardJvm_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["PicardMarkDuplicates_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("PicardMarkDuplicates_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["EnableLocalRealignment"] = config_params.get("EnableLocalRealignment", "").lower() or "true"
    os.environ["GatkJvm_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("GatkJvm_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["RealignerTargetCreator_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("RealignerTargetCreator_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["IndelRealigner_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("IndelRealigner_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SamtoolsMpileup_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("SamtoolsMpileup_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["VarscanMpileup2snp_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("VarscanMpileup2snp_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["VarscanJvm_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("VarscanJvm_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["FilterRegions_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("FilterRegions_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["MergeSites_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("MergeSites_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["CallConsensus_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("CallConsensus_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SnpMatrix_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("SnpMatrix_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["BcftoolsMerge_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("BcftoolsMerge_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SnpReference_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("SnpReference_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["MergeVcfs_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("MergeVcfs_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["CollectMetrics_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("CollectMetrics_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["CombineMetrics_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get("CombineMetrics_ExtraParams", "")

    # Verify the dependencies are available on the path
    print("Checking dependencies...")

    dependencies = ["cfsan_snp_pipeline", snp_pipeline_aligner, "java", "tabix", "bgzip", "bcftools"]
    found_all_dependencies = True
    for executable in dependencies:
        if not utils.which(executable):
            utils.report_error(executable + " is not on the path")
            found_all_dependencies = False

    if not utils.which("samtools"):
        utils.report_error("samtools is not on the path")
        found_all_dependencies = False
        version_str = utils.extract_version_str("SAMtools", "samtools 2>&1 > /dev/null")
        samtools_version = version_str.split()[-1] # just the number
        if samtools_version < "1.4":
            utils.report_error("The installed %s is not supported.  Version 1.4 or higher is required." % version_str)
            found_all_dependencies = False

    jar_file_path = utils.find_path_in_path_list("VarScan", "CLASSPATH")
    if jar_file_path:
        stdout = command.run("java -jar " + jar_file_path + " 2>&1")
    if not jar_file_path or "error" in stdout.lower():
        utils.report_error("CLASSPATH is not configured with the path to VarScan.jar")
        found_all_dependencies = False

    picard_required = os.environ["RemoveDuplicateReads"] == "true" or  os.environ["EnableLocalRealignment"] == "true"
    if picard_required:
        jar_file_path = utils.find_path_in_path_list("picard", "CLASSPATH")
        if not jar_file_path:
            utils.report_error("CLASSPATH is not configured with the path to picard.jar")
            found_all_dependencies = False
            stdout = command.run("java -jar " + jar_file_path + " 2>&1")
            if stdout.lower().startswith("error"):
                found_all_dependencies = False

    gatk_required = os.environ["EnableLocalRealignment"] == "true"
    if gatk_required:
        jar_file_path = utils.find_path_in_path_list("GenomeAnalysisTK", "CLASSPATH")
        if not jar_file_path:
            utils.report_error("CLASSPATH is not configured with the path to GenomeAnalysisTK.jar")
            found_all_dependencies = False
            stdout = command.run("java -jar " + jar_file_path + " --version 2>&1")
            if stdout.lower().startswith("error"):
                found_all_dependencies = False
                stdout = command.run("java -jar " + jar_file_path + " -T IndelRealigner --version 2>&1")
                if "not a valid command" in stdout.lower() or "indelrealigner is no longer included" in stdout.lower():
                    utils.report_error("The installed GATK version does not support indel realignment.  Try installing an older release prior to GATK v4.")
                    found_all_dependencies = False
                elif "user error has occurred" in stdout.lower():
                    found_all_dependencies = False

    if not found_all_dependencies:
        utils.fatal_error("Check the SNP Pipeline installation instructions here: http://snp-pipeline.readthedocs.org/en/latest/installation.html")

    # Process the sample directory command line option
    # TODO: detect broken fastq symlinks
    if args.samplesDir:
        samples_parent_dir = args.samplesDir.rstrip('/') # strip trailing slash
        if not utils.verify_non_empty_directory("Samples directory", samples_parent_dir):

        # verify at least one of the subdirectories contains fastq files.
        dir_sizes = get_sorted_sample_dirs_fastq_sizes(samples_parent_dir)
        dir_sizes = [(size, path) for size, path in dir_sizes if size > 0]
        if len(dir_sizes) == 0:
            utils.fatal_error("Samples directory %s does not contain subdirectories with fastq files." % samples_parent_dir)

        sample_dirs_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "sampleDirectories.txt")
        persist_sorted_sample_dirs_file(samples_parent_dir, sample_dirs_file)

    # Process the file of sample directories command line option
    # TODO: detect broken fastq symlinks
    if args.samplesFile:
        sample_dirs_file = args.samplesFile
        if not os.path.isfile(sample_dirs_file):
            utils.fatal_error("Error: the file of samples directories, %s, does not exist." % sample_dirs_file)
        if os.path.getsize(sample_dirs_file) == 0:
            utils.fatal_error("Error: the file of samples directories, %s, is empty." % sample_dirs_file)
        rewrite_cleansed_file_of_sample_dirs(sample_dirs_file, os.path.join(work_dir, "sampleDirectories.txt"))
        sample_dirs_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "sampleDirectories.txt")

    with open(sample_dirs_file) as f:
        sample_dirs_list = f.read().splitlines()
    sample_count = len(sample_dirs_list)

    # --------------------------------------------------------
    if job_queue_mgr is None:
        progress("Step 1 - Prep work")
        print("Step 1 - Prep work")

    # --------------------------------------------------------
    # Mirror the input reference and samples if requested
    # TODO: make this a pure python solution
    if args.mirror:
        if args.mirror == "soft":
            # soft link, subsequent freshness checks use the timestamp of original file, not the soft link
            mirror_flag = " -s "
        elif args.mirror == "hard":
            # hard link, automatically preserves attributes of the original file
            mirror_flag = " -l "
            # regular copy, -p explicitly preserves attributes of the original file
            mirror_flag = " -p "

        # flush stdout to keep the unbuffered stderr in chronological order with stdout

        # Mirror/link the reference
        work_reference_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "reference")
        src_reference_file = os.path.abspath(reference_file_path)
        cmd = "cp -v -u -f" + mirror_flag + src_reference_file + ' ' + work_reference_dir
        subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)

        # since we mirrored the reference, we need to update our reference location
        reference_file_path = os.path.join(work_reference_dir, reference_file_name)

        # Mirror/link the samples
        work_samples_parent_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "samples")
        for directory in sample_dirs_list:
            basedir = os.path.basename(directory)
            work_sample_dir = os.path.join(work_samples_parent_dir, basedir)
            src_sample_dir = os.path.abspath(directory)
            # copy without stderr message and without exit error code because the fastq or fq files might not exist
            cmd = "cp -r -v -u -f" + mirror_flag + src_sample_dir + "/*.fastq* " + work_sample_dir + " 2> /dev/null || true"
            subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
            cmd = "cp -r -v -u -f" + mirror_flag + src_sample_dir + "/*.fq* " + work_sample_dir + " 2> /dev/null || true"
            subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)

        # since we mirrored the samples, we need to update our sorted list of samples
        sample_dirs_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "sampleDirectories.txt")
        persist_sorted_sample_dirs_file(work_samples_parent_dir, sample_dirs_file)

        # refresh the list of sample dirs -- now in sorted order
        with open(sample_dirs_file) as f:
            sample_dirs_list = f.read().splitlines()

    # get the *.fastq or *.fq files in each sample directory, possibly compresessed, on one line per sample, ready to feed to bowtie
    sample_full_path_names_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "sampleFullPathNames.txt")
    with open(sample_full_path_names_file, 'w') as f:
        for directory in sample_dirs_list:
            file_list = fastq.list_fastq_files(directory)
            print(' '.join(file_list), file=f)

    # Initialize the job runner
    if job_queue_mgr is None:
        runner = JobRunner("local", exception_handler=handle_exception, verbose=args.verbose >= 4)
    elif job_queue_mgr == "grid":
        strip_job_array_suffix = config_params.get("GridEngine_StripJobArraySuffix", "true").lower()
        qsub_extra_params = config_params.get("GridEngine_QsubExtraParams")
        runner = JobRunner(job_queue_mgr, strip_job_array_suffix == "true", qsub_extra_params=qsub_extra_params, verbose=args.verbose >= 4)
        strip_job_array_suffix = config_params.get("Torque_StripJobArraySuffix", "false").lower()
        qsub_extra_params = config_params.get("Torque_QsubExtraParams")
        runner = JobRunner(job_queue_mgr, strip_job_array_suffix == "true", qsub_extra_params=qsub_extra_params, verbose=args.verbose >= 4)

    progress("Step 2 - Index the reference")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "indexRef.log")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline index_ref" + force_flag + reference_file_path
    job_id_index_ref = runner.run(command_line, "indexRef", log_file)

    progress("Step 3 - Map the sample reads to the reference")
    # Parse the user-specified aligner parameters to find the number of CPU cores requested, for example, "-p 16" or "-n 16"
    # Set the default number of CPU cores if the user did not configure a value.
    if snp_pipeline_aligner == "smalt":
        extra_params_env_var = "SmaltAlign_ExtraParams"
        threads_option = "-n"
        extra_params_env_var = "Bowtie2Align_ExtraParams"
        threads_option = "-p"

    aligner_max_processes, aligner_threads_per_process = utils.configure_process_threads(extra_params_env_var, threads_option, cpu_cores_per_process, max_cpu_cores)
    samfilter_max_processes, samfilter_threads_per_process = utils.configure_process_threads("SamtoolsSamFilter_ExtraParams", ["-@", "--threads"], cpu_cores_per_process, max_cpu_cores)
    samsort_max_processes, samsort_threads_per_process = utils.configure_process_threads("SamtoolsSort_ExtraParams", ["-@", "--threads"], cpu_cores_per_process, max_cpu_cores)
    samindex_max_processes, samindex_threads_per_process = utils.configure_process_threads("SamtoolsIndex_ExtraParams", ["-@"], cpu_cores_per_process, max_cpu_cores)
    realigner_max_processes, realigner_threads_per_process = utils.configure_process_threads("RealignerTargetCreator_ExtraParams", ["-nt", "--num_threads"], cpu_cores_per_process, max_cpu_cores)

    # There are multiple processes within map_reads, each with multiple threads.
    # The CPU allocation must be enough for the process needing the largest number of threads.
    max_processes_list = [aligner_max_processes, samfilter_max_processes, samsort_max_processes, samindex_max_processes, realigner_max_processes]
    if all([i is None for i in max_processes_list]):
        max_processes = None
        max_processes = min([i for i in max_processes_list if i is not None])
    threads_per_process = max(aligner_threads_per_process, samfilter_threads_per_process, samsort_threads_per_process, samindex_threads_per_process, realigner_threads_per_process)

    parallel_environment = config_params.get("GridEngine_PEname", None)
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "mapReads.log")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline map_reads --threads " + str(threads_per_process) + force_flag + reference_file_path + " {1} {2}"
    job_id_map_reads = runner.run_array(command_line, "mapReads", log_file, sample_full_path_names_file, max_processes=max_processes, wait_for=[job_id_index_ref], threads=threads_per_process, parallel_environment=parallel_environment)

    progress("Step 4 - Find sites with SNPs in each sample")
    if job_queue_mgr in ["grid", "torque"]:
        time.sleep(1.0 + float(sample_count) / 150) # workaround torque bug when submitting two large consecutive array jobs, potential bug for grid

    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "callSites.log")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline call_sites" + force_flag + reference_file_path + " {1}"
    job_id_call_sites = runner.run_array(command_line, "callSites", log_file, sample_dirs_file, max_processes=max_cpu_cores, wait_for_array=[job_id_map_reads], slot_dependency=True)

    progress("Step 5 - Filter abnormal SNP regions")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "filterRegions.log")
    extra_params = os.environ.get("FilterRegions_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline filter_regions" + force_flag + "-n var.flt.vcf " + sample_dirs_file + ' ' + reference_file_path + ' ' + extra_params
    job_id_filter_regions = runner.run(command_line, "filterRegions", log_file, wait_for_array=[job_id_call_sites])

    # Starting from here, there are 2 threads:
    # Thread X.1: the thread processing the original VCF files and corresponding downstream results
    # Thread X.2: the thread processing the preserved VCF files and corresponding downstream results

    progress("Step 6.1 - Merge the SNP sites across all samples into the SNP list file")
    # The mergeSites process creates the filtered list of sample directories.  It is the list of samples not having excessive snps.
    # When running on a workstation, the file exists at this point during the script execution, but on grid or torque, it has not yet been created. However,
    # we know the path to the file regardless of whether it exists yet.
    filtered_sample_dirs_file = sample_dirs_file + ".OrigVCF.filtered"
    # touch $filtered_sample_dirs_file # TODO: why was this touch here in the old run_snp_pipeline.sh script?
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "mergeSites.log")
    output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snplist.txt")
    extra_params = os.environ.get("MergeSites_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline merge_sites" + force_flag + "-n var.flt.vcf -o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + sample_dirs_file + ' ' + filtered_sample_dirs_file
    job_id_merge_sites = runner.run(command_line, "mergeSites", log_file, wait_for=[job_id_filter_regions])

    progress("Step 6.2 - Merge the SNP sites across all samples into the SNP list file")
    # Create another copy of sample directories file, for the thread processing preserved snp files.
    filtered_sample_dirs_file2 = sample_dirs_file + ".PresVCF.filtered"
    # touch $filtered_sample_dirs_file2 # TODO: why was this touch here in the old run_snp_pipeline.sh script?
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "mergeSites_preserved.log")
    output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snplist_preserved.txt")
    extra_params = os.environ.get("MergeSites_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline merge_sites" + force_flag + "-n var.flt_preserved.vcf -o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + sample_dirs_file + ' ' + filtered_sample_dirs_file2
    job_id_merge_sites2 = runner.run(command_line, "mergeSites_preserved", log_file, wait_for=[job_id_filter_regions])

    progress("Step 7.1 - Call the consensus SNPs for each sample")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "callConsensus.log")
    list_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snplist.txt")
    output_file = "{1}/consensus.fasta"
    extra_params = os.environ.get("CallConsensus_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline call_consensus" + force_flag + "-l " + list_file + " -o " + output_file + " --vcfRefName " + reference_file_name + ' ' + extra_params + " --vcfFileName consensus.vcf {1}/reads.all.pileup"
    job_id_call_consensus = runner.run_array(command_line, "callConsensus", log_file, sample_dirs_file, max_processes=max_cpu_cores, wait_for=[job_id_merge_sites])

    progress("Step 7.2 - Call the consensus SNPs for each sample")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "callConsensus_preserved.log")
    list_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snplist_preserved.txt")
    output_file = "{1}/consensus_preserved.fasta"
    extra_params = os.environ.get("CallConsensus_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline call_consensus" + force_flag + "-l " + list_file + " -o " + output_file + " -e {1}/var.flt_removed.vcf --vcfRefName " + reference_file_name + ' ' + extra_params + " --vcfFileName consensus_preserved.vcf {1}/reads.all.pileup"
    job_id_call_consensus2 = runner.run_array(command_line, "callConsensus_preserved", log_file, sample_dirs_file, max_processes=max_cpu_cores, wait_for=[job_id_merge_sites2])

    progress("Step 8.1 - Create the SNP matrix")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "snpMatrix.log")
    output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snpma.fasta")
    extra_params = os.environ.get("SnpMatrix_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline snp_matrix" + force_flag + "-c consensus.fasta -o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + filtered_sample_dirs_file
    job_id_snp_matrix = runner.run(command_line, "snpMatrix", log_file, wait_for_array=[job_id_call_consensus])

    progress("Step 8.2 - Create the SNP matrix")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "snpMatrix_preserved.log")
    output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snpma_preserved.fasta")
    extra_params = os.environ.get("SnpMatrix_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline snp_matrix" + force_flag + "-c consensus_preserved.fasta -o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + filtered_sample_dirs_file2
    job_id_snp_matrix2 = runner.run(command_line, "snpMatrix_preserved", log_file, wait_for_array=[job_id_call_consensus2])

    progress("Step 9.1 - Create the reference sequence at SNP sites")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "snpReference.log")
    list_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snplist.txt")
    output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "referenceSNP.fasta")
    extra_params = os.environ.get("SnpReference_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline snp_reference" + force_flag + "-l " + list_file + " -o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + reference_file_path
    job_id_snp_reference = runner.run(command_line, "snpReference", log_file, wait_for_array=[job_id_call_consensus])

    progress("Step 9.2 - Create the reference sequence at SNP sites")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "snpReference_preserved.log")
    list_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snplist_preserved.txt")
    output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "referenceSNP_preserved.fasta")
    extra_params = os.environ.get("SnpReference_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline snp_reference" + force_flag + "-l " + list_file + " -o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + reference_file_path
    job_id_snp_reference2 = runner.run(command_line, "snpReference_preserved", log_file, wait_for_array=[job_id_call_consensus2])

    progress("Step 10.1 - Merge sample VCFs to create the multi-VCF file")
    if "--vcfFileName" in os.environ.get("CallConsensus_ExtraParams", ""):
        log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "mergeVcfs.log")
        output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snpma.vcf")
        extra_params = os.environ.get("MergeVcfs_ExtraParams", "")
        command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline merge_vcfs" + force_flag + "-o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + filtered_sample_dirs_file
        job_id_merge_vcfs = runner.run(command_line, "mergeVcfs", log_file, wait_for_array=[job_id_call_consensus])
        print("Skipped per CallConsensus_ExtraParams configuration")

    progress("Step 10.2 - Merge sample VCFs to create the multi-VCF file")
    if "--vcfFileName" in os.environ.get("CallConsensus_ExtraParams", ""):
        log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "mergeVcfs_preserved.log")
        output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snpma_preserved.vcf")
        extra_params = os.environ.get("MergeVcfs_ExtraParams", "")
        command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline merge_vcfs" + force_flag + "-n consensus_preserved.vcf -o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + filtered_sample_dirs_file2
        job_id_merge_vcfs2 = runner.run(command_line, "mergeVcfs_preserved", log_file, wait_for_array=[job_id_call_consensus2])
        print("Skipped per CallConsensus_ExtraParams configuration")

    progress("Step 11.1 - Calculate SNP distance matrix")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "distance.log")
    input_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snpma.fasta")
    pair_output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snp_distance_pairwise.tsv")
    matrix_output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snp_distance_matrix.tsv")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline distance" + force_flag + "-p " + pair_output_file + " -m " + matrix_output_file + ' ' + input_file
    job_id_distance = runner.run(command_line, "distance", log_file, wait_for=[job_id_snp_matrix])

    progress("Step 11.2 - Calculate SNP distance matrix")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "distance_preserved.log")
    input_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snpma_preserved.fasta")
    pair_output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snp_distance_pairwise_preserved.tsv")
    matrix_output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snp_distance_matrix_preserved.tsv")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline distance" + force_flag + "-p " + pair_output_file + " -m " + matrix_output_file + ' ' + input_file
    job_id_distance2 = runner.run(command_line, "distance_preserved", log_file, wait_for=[job_id_snp_matrix2])

    progress("Step 12 - Collect metrics for each sample")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "collectMetrics.log")
    output_file = "{1}/metrics"
    extra_params = os.environ.get("CollectMetrics_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline collect_metrics" + force_flag + "-o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + " {1} " + reference_file_path
    job_id_collect_metrics = runner.run_array(command_line, "collectMetrics", log_file, sample_dirs_file, max_processes=max_cpu_cores, wait_for_array=[job_id_call_consensus, job_id_call_consensus2], slot_dependency=True)

    progress("Step 13 - Combine the metrics across all samples into the metrics table")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "combineMetrics.log")
    output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "metrics.tsv")
    extra_params = os.environ.get("CombineMetrics_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline combine_metrics" + force_flag + "-n metrics -o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + sample_dirs_file
    combine_metrics_job_id = runner.run(command_line, "combineMetrics", log_file, wait_for_array=[job_id_collect_metrics])

    # Step 14 - Notify user of any non-fatal errors accumulated during processing
    if os.path.isfile(error_output_file) and os.path.getsize(error_output_file) > 0 and not stop_on_error:
        print("\nThere were errors processing some samples.\nSee the log file %s for a summary of errors." % error_output_file, file=sys.stderr)

    # Exit here to prevent showing the "cfsan_snp_pipeline run finished" message.  The jobs are queued, not finished yet.
    if job_queue_mgr is not None: # HPC
        end_time = time.time()
        elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
        print("Elapsed time =", elapsed_time)
Example #5
def run(args):
    """Run all the steps of the snp pipeline in th correct order.

    args : Namespace
        referenceFile : str
            Relative or absolute path to the reference fasta file
        forceFlag : bool
            Force processing even when result files already exist and are newer than inputs
        mirror : str
            Mode to create a mirror copy of the reference directory and all the sample directories.
            Possible values: {soft, hard, copy}
        configFile : str
            Relative or absolute path to a configuration file for overriding defaults and defining
            extra parameters for the tools and scripts within the pipeline.
        jobQueueMgr : str
            Job queue manager for remote parallel job execution in an HPC environment.  Currently
            "torque" and "grid" are supported.  If not specified, the pipeline will execute locally.
        workDir : str
            Output directory for the result files.
        samplesDir : str
            Relative or absolute path to the parent directory of all the sample directories.
        samplesFile : str
            Relative or absolute path to a file listing all of the sample directories.
       purge : bool
            Purge the intermediate output files when the pipeline completes successfully.
    global log_dir
    global job_queue_mgr

    start_time = time.time()
    # Where are we running: grid, torque, or None (local)
    job_queue_mgr = args.jobQueueMgr

    # Erase any left-over error log environment variable from a previous run
                   None)  # the 2nd arg avoids an exception when not in dict

    # Handle output working directory.  Create the directory if it does not exist.
    # Any errors creating the work_dir will not be logged to the error log because
    # the error log belongs in the work_dir.
    work_dir = args.workDir
    except OSError as exc:
        utils.fatal_error("Error: could not create the output directory %s" %
    if not utils.is_directory_writeable(work_dir):
        utils.fatal_error("Error: output directory % is not writable." %

    # The error log is in the main workdir
    error_output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "error.log")
    os.environ["errorOutputFile"] = error_output_file
    # TODO: copy old error log to old logs directory, because otherwise it will be removed and lost forever
    if os.path.isfile(error_output_file):

    # Validate reference fasta file
    reference_file_path = args.referenceFile
    if not os.path.isfile(reference_file_path):
        utils.fatal_error("Error: reference file %s does not exist." %
    if os.path.getsize(reference_file_path) == 0:
        utils.fatal_error("Error: reference file %s is empty." %
    reference_file_name = os.path.basename(reference_file_path)

    # Force rebuild flag is passed to all the subtask commands below
    force_flag = " -f " if args.forceFlag else " "

    # Create the logs directory with name like "logs-20170215.144253"
    run_time_stamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d.%H%M%S', time.localtime())
    log_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "logs-" + run_time_stamp)
    except OSError as exc:
        utils.fatal_error("Error: could not create the logs directory %s" %
    if not utils.is_directory_writeable(work_dir):
        utils.fatal_error("Error: logs directory % is not writable." % log_dir)

    # Handle configuration file, use the specified file, or create a default file
    if args.configFile:
        config_file_path = args.configFile
        if not os.path.isfile(config_file_path):
            utils.fatal_error("Error: configuration file %s does not exist." %
        if os.path.getsize(config_file_path) == 0:
            utils.fatal_error("Error: configuration file %s is empty." %

                     log_dir)  # copy2 tries to preserve timestamps
        config_params = utils.read_properties(config_file_path,
        command.run("cfsan_snp_pipeline data configurationFile " + log_dir,
        config_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, "snppipeline.conf")
        config_params = utils.read_properties(config_file_path,

    # Validate the configured aligner choice
    snp_pipeline_aligner = config_params.get("SnpPipeline_Aligner",
                                             "").lower() or "bowtie2"
    if snp_pipeline_aligner not in ["bowtie2", "smalt"]:
            "Config file error in SnpPipeline_Aligner parameter: only bowtie2 and smalt aligners are supported."
    os.environ["SnpPipeline_Aligner"] = snp_pipeline_aligner

    # Stop the pipeline by default upon single sample errors if not configured either way
    # The environment variable is used by called processes
    stop_on_error = config_params.get("StopOnSampleError",
                                      "").lower() or "true"
    os.environ["StopOnSampleError"] = stop_on_error

    # Convert the stop_on_error flag to boolean for internal use in this function
    stop_on_error = stop_on_error == "true"

    # How many CPU cores can we use?
    max_cpu_cores = config_params.get("MaxCpuCores", None)
    if max_cpu_cores == "":
        max_cpu_cores = None
    if max_cpu_cores:
            max_cpu_cores = int(max_cpu_cores)
            if max_cpu_cores < 1:
                    "Config file error in MaxCpuCores parameter: %s is less than one."
                    % max_cpu_cores)
        except ValueError:
                "Config file error in MaxCpuCores parameter: %s is not a valid number."
                % max_cpu_cores)

    if job_queue_mgr is None:  # workstation
        num_local_cpu_cores = psutil.cpu_count()
        max_cpu_cores = min(
            max_cpu_cores) if max_cpu_cores else num_local_cpu_cores

    # How many CPU cores per process?
    if job_queue_mgr is None:  # workstation
        cpu_cores_per_process = config_params.get(
            "CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation", None)
        if cpu_cores_per_process:
                cpu_cores_per_process = int(cpu_cores_per_process)
                if cpu_cores_per_process < 1:
                        "Config file error in CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation parameter: %s is less than one."
                        % cpu_cores_per_process)
            except ValueError:
                    "Config file error in CpuCoresPerProcessOnWorkstation parameter: %s is not a valid number."
                    % cpu_cores_per_process)
            cpu_cores_per_process = min(num_local_cpu_cores, max_cpu_cores)
    else:  # HPC
        cpu_cores_per_process = config_params.get("CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC",
        if not cpu_cores_per_process:
                "Config file error. CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC parameter must be set to a value."
                cpu_cores_per_process = int(cpu_cores_per_process)
                if cpu_cores_per_process < 1:
                        "Config file error in CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC parameter: %s is less than one."
                        % cpu_cores_per_process)
            except ValueError:
                    "Config file error in CpuCoresPerProcessOnHPC parameter: %s is not a valid number."
                    % cpu_cores_per_process)

    # Put the configuration parameters into the process environment variables
    os.environ["Bowtie2Build_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "Bowtie2Build_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SmaltIndex_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "SmaltIndex_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["CreateSequenceDictionary_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "CreateSequenceDictionary_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SamtoolsFaidx_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "SamtoolsFaidx_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["Bowtie2Align_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "Bowtie2Align_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SmaltAlign_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "SmaltAlign_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SamtoolsSamFilter_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "SamtoolsSamFilter_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SamtoolsSort_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "SamtoolsSort_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SamtoolsIndex_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "SamtoolsIndex_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["RemoveDuplicateReads"] = config_params.get(
        "RemoveDuplicateReads", "").lower() or "true"
    os.environ["PicardJvm_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "PicardJvm_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["PicardMarkDuplicates_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "PicardMarkDuplicates_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["EnableLocalRealignment"] = config_params.get(
        "EnableLocalRealignment", "").lower() or "true"
    os.environ["GatkJvm_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "GatkJvm_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["RealignerTargetCreator_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "RealignerTargetCreator_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["IndelRealigner_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "IndelRealigner_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SamtoolsMpileup_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "SamtoolsMpileup_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["VarscanMpileup2snp_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "VarscanMpileup2snp_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["VarscanJvm_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "VarscanJvm_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["FilterRegions_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "FilterRegions_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["MergeSites_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "MergeSites_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["CallConsensus_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "CallConsensus_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SnpMatrix_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "SnpMatrix_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["BcftoolsMerge_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "BcftoolsMerge_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["SnpReference_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "SnpReference_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["MergeVcfs_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "MergeVcfs_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["CollectMetrics_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "CollectMetrics_ExtraParams", "")
    os.environ["CombineMetrics_ExtraParams"] = config_params.get(
        "CombineMetrics_ExtraParams", "")

    # Verify the dependencies are available on the path
    print("Checking dependencies...")

    dependencies = [
        "cfsan_snp_pipeline", snp_pipeline_aligner, "java", "tabix", "bgzip",
    found_all_dependencies = True
    for executable in dependencies:
        if not utils.which(executable):
            utils.report_error(executable + " is not on the path")
            found_all_dependencies = False

    if not utils.which("samtools"):
        utils.report_error("samtools is not on the path")
        found_all_dependencies = False
        version_str = utils.extract_version_str("SAMtools",
                                                "samtools 2>&1 > /dev/null")
        samtools_version = version_str.split()[-1]  # just the number
        if samtools_version < "1.4":
                "The installed %s is not supported.  Version 1.4 or higher is required."
                % version_str)
            found_all_dependencies = False

    jar_file_path = utils.find_path_in_path_list("VarScan", "CLASSPATH")
    if jar_file_path:
        stdout = command.run("java -jar " + jar_file_path + " 2>&1")
    if not jar_file_path or "error" in stdout.lower():
            "CLASSPATH is not configured with the path to VarScan.jar")
        found_all_dependencies = False

    picard_required = os.environ[
        "RemoveDuplicateReads"] == "true" or os.environ[
            "EnableLocalRealignment"] == "true"
    if picard_required:
        jar_file_path = utils.find_path_in_path_list("picard", "CLASSPATH")
        if not jar_file_path:
                "CLASSPATH is not configured with the path to picard.jar")
            found_all_dependencies = False
            stdout = command.run("java -jar " + jar_file_path + " 2>&1")
            if stdout.lower().startswith("error"):
                found_all_dependencies = False

    gatk_required = os.environ["EnableLocalRealignment"] == "true"
    if gatk_required:
        jar_file_path = utils.find_path_in_path_list("GenomeAnalysisTK",
        if not jar_file_path:
                "CLASSPATH is not configured with the path to GenomeAnalysisTK.jar"
            found_all_dependencies = False
            stdout = command.run("java -jar " + jar_file_path +
                                 " --version 2>&1")
            if stdout.lower().startswith("error"):
                found_all_dependencies = False
                stdout = command.run("java -jar " + jar_file_path +
                                     " -T IndelRealigner --version 2>&1")
                if "not a valid command" in stdout.lower(
                ) or "indelrealigner is no longer included" in stdout.lower():
                        "The installed GATK version does not support indel realignment.  Try installing an older release prior to GATK v4."
                    found_all_dependencies = False
                elif "user error has occurred" in stdout.lower():
                    found_all_dependencies = False

    if not found_all_dependencies:
            "Check the SNP Pipeline installation instructions here: http://snp-pipeline.readthedocs.org/en/latest/installation.html"

    # Process the sample directory command line option
    # TODO: detect broken fastq symlinks
    if args.samplesDir:
        samples_parent_dir = args.samplesDir.rstrip(
            '/')  # strip trailing slash
        if not utils.verify_non_empty_directory("Samples directory",

        # verify at least one of the subdirectories contains fastq files.
        dir_sizes = get_sorted_sample_dirs_fastq_sizes(samples_parent_dir)
        dir_sizes = [(size, path) for size, path in dir_sizes if size > 0]
        if len(dir_sizes) == 0:
                "Samples directory %s does not contain subdirectories with fastq files."
                % samples_parent_dir)

        sample_dirs_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "sampleDirectories.txt")
        persist_sorted_sample_dirs_file(samples_parent_dir, sample_dirs_file)

    # Process the file of sample directories command line option
    # TODO: detect broken fastq symlinks
    if args.samplesFile:
        sample_dirs_file = args.samplesFile
        if not os.path.isfile(sample_dirs_file):
                "Error: the file of samples directories, %s, does not exist." %
        if os.path.getsize(sample_dirs_file) == 0:
                "Error: the file of samples directories, %s, is empty." %
            sample_dirs_file, os.path.join(work_dir, "sampleDirectories.txt"))
        sample_dirs_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "sampleDirectories.txt")

    with open(sample_dirs_file) as f:
        sample_dirs_list = f.read().splitlines()
    sample_count = len(sample_dirs_list)

    # --------------------------------------------------------
    if job_queue_mgr is None:
        progress("Step 1 - Prep work")
        print("Step 1 - Prep work")

    # --------------------------------------------------------
    # Mirror the input reference and samples if requested
    # TODO: make this a pure python solution
    if args.mirror:
        if args.mirror == "soft":
            # soft link, subsequent freshness checks use the timestamp of original file, not the soft link
            mirror_flag = " -s "
        elif args.mirror == "hard":
            # hard link, automatically preserves attributes of the original file
            mirror_flag = " -l "
            # regular copy, -p explicitly preserves attributes of the original file
            mirror_flag = " -p "

        # flush stdout to keep the unbuffered stderr in chronological order with stdout

        # Mirror/link the reference
        work_reference_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "reference")
        src_reference_file = os.path.abspath(reference_file_path)
        cmd = "cp -v -u -f" + mirror_flag + src_reference_file + ' ' + work_reference_dir
        subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)

        # since we mirrored the reference, we need to update our reference location
        reference_file_path = os.path.join(work_reference_dir,

        # Mirror/link the samples
        work_samples_parent_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "samples")
        for directory in sample_dirs_list:
            basedir = os.path.basename(directory)
            work_sample_dir = os.path.join(work_samples_parent_dir, basedir)
            src_sample_dir = os.path.abspath(directory)
            # copy without stderr message and without exit error code because the fastq or fq files might not exist
            cmd = "cp -r -v -u -f" + mirror_flag + src_sample_dir + "/*.fastq* " + work_sample_dir + " 2> /dev/null || true"
            subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
            cmd = "cp -r -v -u -f" + mirror_flag + src_sample_dir + "/*.fq* " + work_sample_dir + " 2> /dev/null || true"
            subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)

        # since we mirrored the samples, we need to update our sorted list of samples
        sample_dirs_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "sampleDirectories.txt")

        # refresh the list of sample dirs -- now in sorted order
        with open(sample_dirs_file) as f:
            sample_dirs_list = f.read().splitlines()

    # get the *.fastq or *.fq files in each sample directory, possibly compresessed, on one line per sample, ready to feed to bowtie
    sample_full_path_names_file = os.path.join(work_dir,
    with open(sample_full_path_names_file, 'w') as f:
        for directory in sample_dirs_list:
            file_list = fastq.list_fastq_files(directory)
            print(' '.join(file_list), file=f)

    # Initialize the job runner
    if job_queue_mgr is None:
        runner = JobRunner("local",
                           verbose=args.verbose >= 4)
    elif job_queue_mgr == "grid":
        strip_job_array_suffix = config_params.get(
            "GridEngine_StripJobArraySuffix", "true").lower()
        qsub_extra_params = config_params.get("GridEngine_QsubExtraParams")
        runner = JobRunner(job_queue_mgr,
                           strip_job_array_suffix == "true",
                           verbose=args.verbose >= 4)
        strip_job_array_suffix = config_params.get(
            "Torque_StripJobArraySuffix", "false").lower()
        qsub_extra_params = config_params.get("Torque_QsubExtraParams")
        runner = JobRunner(job_queue_mgr,
                           strip_job_array_suffix == "true",
                           verbose=args.verbose >= 4)

    progress("Step 2 - Index the reference")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "indexRef.log")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline index_ref" + force_flag + reference_file_path
    job_id_index_ref = runner.run(command_line, "indexRef", log_file)

    progress("Step 3 - Map the sample reads to the reference")
    # Parse the user-specified aligner parameters to find the number of CPU cores requested, for example, "-p 16" or "-n 16"
    # Set the default number of CPU cores if the user did not configure a value.
    if snp_pipeline_aligner == "smalt":
        extra_params_env_var = "SmaltAlign_ExtraParams"
        threads_option = "-n"
        extra_params_env_var = "Bowtie2Align_ExtraParams"
        threads_option = "-p"

    aligner_max_processes, aligner_threads_per_process = utils.configure_process_threads(
        extra_params_env_var, threads_option, cpu_cores_per_process,
    samfilter_max_processes, samfilter_threads_per_process = utils.configure_process_threads(
        "SamtoolsSamFilter_ExtraParams", ["-@", "--threads"],
        cpu_cores_per_process, max_cpu_cores)
    samsort_max_processes, samsort_threads_per_process = utils.configure_process_threads(
        "SamtoolsSort_ExtraParams", ["-@", "--threads"], cpu_cores_per_process,
    samindex_max_processes, samindex_threads_per_process = utils.configure_process_threads(
        "SamtoolsIndex_ExtraParams", ["-@"], cpu_cores_per_process,
    realigner_max_processes, realigner_threads_per_process = utils.configure_process_threads(
        "RealignerTargetCreator_ExtraParams", ["-nt", "--num_threads"],
        cpu_cores_per_process, max_cpu_cores)

    # There are multiple processes within map_reads, each with multiple threads.
    # The CPU allocation must be enough for the process needing the largest number of threads.
    max_processes_list = [
        aligner_max_processes, samfilter_max_processes, samsort_max_processes,
        samindex_max_processes, realigner_max_processes
    if all([i is None for i in max_processes_list]):
        max_processes = None
        max_processes = min([i for i in max_processes_list if i is not None])
    threads_per_process = max(aligner_threads_per_process,

    parallel_environment = config_params.get("GridEngine_PEname", None)
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "mapReads.log")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline map_reads --threads " + str(
        threads_per_process) + force_flag + reference_file_path + " {1} {2}"
    job_id_map_reads = runner.run_array(

    progress("Step 4 - Find sites with SNPs in each sample")
    if job_queue_mgr in ["grid", "torque"]:
            1.0 + float(sample_count) / 150
        )  # workaround torque bug when submitting two large consecutive array jobs, potential bug for grid

    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "callSites.log")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline call_sites" + force_flag + reference_file_path + " {1}"
    job_id_call_sites = runner.run_array(command_line,

    progress("Step 5 - Filter abnormal SNP regions")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "filterRegions.log")
    extra_params = os.environ.get("FilterRegions_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline filter_regions" + force_flag + "-n var.flt.vcf " + sample_dirs_file + ' ' + reference_file_path + ' ' + extra_params
    job_id_filter_regions = runner.run(command_line,

    # Starting from here, there are 2 threads:
    # Thread X.1: the thread processing the original VCF files and corresponding downstream results
    # Thread X.2: the thread processing the preserved VCF files and corresponding downstream results

        "Step 6.1 - Merge the SNP sites across all samples into the SNP list file"
    # The mergeSites process creates the filtered list of sample directories.  It is the list of samples not having excessive snps.
    # When running on a workstation, the file exists at this point during the script execution, but on grid or torque, it has not yet been created. However,
    # we know the path to the file regardless of whether it exists yet.
    filtered_sample_dirs_file = sample_dirs_file + ".OrigVCF.filtered"
    # touch $filtered_sample_dirs_file # TODO: why was this touch here in the old run_snp_pipeline.sh script?
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "mergeSites.log")
    output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snplist.txt")
    extra_params = os.environ.get("MergeSites_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline merge_sites" + force_flag + "-n var.flt.vcf -o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + sample_dirs_file + ' ' + filtered_sample_dirs_file
    job_id_merge_sites = runner.run(command_line,

        "Step 6.2 - Merge the SNP sites across all samples into the SNP list file"
    # Create another copy of sample directories file, for the thread processing preserved snp files.
    filtered_sample_dirs_file2 = sample_dirs_file + ".PresVCF.filtered"
    # touch $filtered_sample_dirs_file2 # TODO: why was this touch here in the old run_snp_pipeline.sh script?
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "mergeSites_preserved.log")
    output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snplist_preserved.txt")
    extra_params = os.environ.get("MergeSites_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline merge_sites" + force_flag + "-n var.flt_preserved.vcf -o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + sample_dirs_file + ' ' + filtered_sample_dirs_file2
    job_id_merge_sites2 = runner.run(command_line,

    progress("Step 7.1 - Call the consensus SNPs for each sample")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "callConsensus.log")
    list_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snplist.txt")
    output_file = "{1}/consensus.fasta"
    extra_params = os.environ.get("CallConsensus_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline call_consensus" + force_flag + "-l " + list_file + " -o " + output_file + " --vcfRefName " + reference_file_name + ' ' + extra_params + " --vcfFileName consensus.vcf {1}/reads.all.pileup"
    job_id_call_consensus = runner.run_array(command_line,

    progress("Step 7.2 - Call the consensus SNPs for each sample")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "callConsensus_preserved.log")
    list_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snplist_preserved.txt")
    output_file = "{1}/consensus_preserved.fasta"
    extra_params = os.environ.get("CallConsensus_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline call_consensus" + force_flag + "-l " + list_file + " -o " + output_file + " -e {1}/var.flt_removed.vcf --vcfRefName " + reference_file_name + ' ' + extra_params + " --vcfFileName consensus_preserved.vcf {1}/reads.all.pileup"
    job_id_call_consensus2 = runner.run_array(command_line,

    progress("Step 8.1 - Create the SNP matrix")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "snpMatrix.log")
    output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snpma.fasta")
    extra_params = os.environ.get("SnpMatrix_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline snp_matrix" + force_flag + "-c consensus.fasta -o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + filtered_sample_dirs_file
    job_id_snp_matrix = runner.run(command_line,

    progress("Step 8.2 - Create the SNP matrix")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "snpMatrix_preserved.log")
    output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snpma_preserved.fasta")
    extra_params = os.environ.get("SnpMatrix_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline snp_matrix" + force_flag + "-c consensus_preserved.fasta -o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + filtered_sample_dirs_file2
    job_id_snp_matrix2 = runner.run(command_line,

    progress("Step 9.1 - Create the reference sequence at SNP sites")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "snpReference.log")
    list_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snplist.txt")
    output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "referenceSNP.fasta")
    extra_params = os.environ.get("SnpReference_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline snp_reference" + force_flag + "-l " + list_file + " -o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + reference_file_path
    job_id_snp_reference = runner.run(command_line,

    progress("Step 9.2 - Create the reference sequence at SNP sites")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "snpReference_preserved.log")
    list_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snplist_preserved.txt")
    output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "referenceSNP_preserved.fasta")
    extra_params = os.environ.get("SnpReference_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline snp_reference" + force_flag + "-l " + list_file + " -o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + reference_file_path
    job_id_snp_reference2 = runner.run(command_line,

    progress("Step 10.1 - Merge sample VCFs to create the multi-VCF file")
    if "--vcfFileName" in os.environ.get("CallConsensus_ExtraParams", ""):
        log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "mergeVcfs.log")
        output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snpma.vcf")
        extra_params = os.environ.get("MergeVcfs_ExtraParams", "")
        command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline merge_vcfs" + force_flag + "-o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + filtered_sample_dirs_file
        job_id_merge_vcfs = runner.run(command_line,
        print("Skipped per CallConsensus_ExtraParams configuration")

    progress("Step 10.2 - Merge sample VCFs to create the multi-VCF file")
    if "--vcfFileName" in os.environ.get("CallConsensus_ExtraParams", ""):
        log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "mergeVcfs_preserved.log")
        output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snpma_preserved.vcf")
        extra_params = os.environ.get("MergeVcfs_ExtraParams", "")
        command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline merge_vcfs" + force_flag + "-n consensus_preserved.vcf -o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + filtered_sample_dirs_file2
        job_id_merge_vcfs2 = runner.run(
        print("Skipped per CallConsensus_ExtraParams configuration")

    progress("Step 11.1 - Calculate SNP distance matrix")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "distance.log")
    input_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snpma.fasta")
    pair_output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snp_distance_pairwise.tsv")
    matrix_output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snp_distance_matrix.tsv")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline distance" + force_flag + "-p " + pair_output_file + " -m " + matrix_output_file + ' ' + input_file
    job_id_distance = runner.run(command_line,

    progress("Step 11.2 - Calculate SNP distance matrix")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "distance_preserved.log")
    input_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "snpma_preserved.fasta")
    pair_output_file = os.path.join(work_dir,
    matrix_output_file = os.path.join(work_dir,
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline distance" + force_flag + "-p " + pair_output_file + " -m " + matrix_output_file + ' ' + input_file
    job_id_distance2 = runner.run(command_line,

    progress("Step 12 - Collect metrics for each sample")
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "collectMetrics.log")
    output_file = "{1}/metrics"
    extra_params = os.environ.get("CollectMetrics_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline collect_metrics" + force_flag + "-o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + " {1} " + reference_file_path
    job_id_collect_metrics = runner.run_array(
        wait_for_array=[job_id_call_consensus, job_id_call_consensus2],

        "Step 13 - Combine the metrics across all samples into the metrics table"
    log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "combineMetrics.log")
    output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "metrics.tsv")
    extra_params = os.environ.get("CombineMetrics_ExtraParams", "")
    command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline combine_metrics" + force_flag + "-n metrics -o " + output_file + ' ' + extra_params + ' ' + sample_dirs_file
    combine_metrics_job_id = runner.run(

    # Decide whether to purge the intermediate output files upon successful completion.
    # Case 1: we are running on the HPC.  We always need to submit the purge task. It will decide to do nothing if there were errors.
    if job_queue_mgr is not None:  # HPC
        need_purge = args.purge  # need to submit the purge task, it might decide to do nothing if there were errors
    # Case 2: we are running locally and we know right now whether there were any errors.
    #     Case 2a: We are configured to stop on error, but the fact that we got this far means there were no errors -- so we need to purge.
    #     Case 2b: We are configured to ignore errors, so now we look for evidence of errors and purge if there were no errors.
        errors_detected = os.path.isfile(error_output_file)
        need_purge = args.purge and not errors_detected

    if need_purge:
        progress("Step 14 - Purge the intermediate output files")
        log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "purge.log")
        command_line = "cfsan_snp_pipeline purge " + work_dir
        purge_job_id = runner.run(command_line,

    # Step 15 - Notify user of any non-fatal errors accumulated during processing
    if os.path.isfile(error_output_file) and os.path.getsize(
            error_output_file) > 0 and not stop_on_error:
            "\nThere were errors processing some samples.\nSee the log file %s for a summary of errors."
            % error_output_file,

    # Exit here to prevent showing the "cfsan_snp_pipeline run finished" message.  The jobs are queued, not finished yet.
    if job_queue_mgr is not None:  # HPC
        end_time = time.time()
        elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
        print("Elapsed time =", elapsed_time)
def call_sites(args):
    """Find the sites with SNPs in a sample.

    The sample alignment is sorted, duplicate reads are removed, a pileup is generated, and
    snps are called.

    This function expects, or creates '(*)', the following files arranged
    in the following way:

    The input files are created outside of this function. The package
    documentation provides an example of preparing these files based on the
    lambda_virus sequence that is used as one test for this package.

    args : argparse.Namespace
        referenceFile : File path of the reference fasta file
        sampleDir : Relative or absolute directory of the sample

    # Validate inputs

    # Verify reference fasta file exists and is not empty
    reference_file_path = args.referenceFile
    utils.verify_non_empty_input_files("Reference file", [reference_file_path], error_handler="global")

    sample_dir = args.sampleDir

    remove_duplicate_reads = os.environ.get("RemoveDuplicateReads", "true").lower() == "true"
    enable_local_realignment = os.environ.get("EnableLocalRealignment", "true").lower() == "true"

    input_bam_file = os.path.join(sample_dir, "reads.sorted.bam")
    input_bam_file = utils.add_file_suffix(input_bam_file, ".deduped", enable=remove_duplicate_reads)
    input_bam_file = utils.add_file_suffix(input_bam_file, ".indelrealigned", enable=enable_local_realignment)

    utils.verify_non_empty_input_files("Sample BAM file", [input_bam_file], error_handler="sample")

    sample_id = utils.sample_id_from_dir(sample_dir)

    # Create the pileup file

    # Check for fresh pileup; if not, create it
    pileup_file = os.path.join(sample_dir, "reads.all.pileup")
    needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild([input_bam_file, reference_file_path], pileup_file)
    if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
        verbose_print("# Pileup file is already freshly created for %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild." % sample_id)
        version_str = utils.extract_version_str("SAMtools", "samtools 2>&1 > /dev/null")
        samtools_mpileup_extra_params = os.environ.get("SamtoolsMpileup_ExtraParams") or ""
        command_line = "samtools mpileup " + samtools_mpileup_extra_params + " -f " + reference_file_path + ' ' + input_bam_file
        verbose_print("# Create pileup from bam file.")
        verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
        verbose_print("# %s" % version_str)
        command.run(command_line, pileup_file)
        utils.sample_error_on_missing_file(pileup_file, "samtools mpileup")

    # Find the sites with SNPs

    # Check for fresh unfiltered vcf; if not, create it
    vcf_file = os.path.join(sample_dir, "var.flt.vcf")
    needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild([pileup_file], vcf_file)
    if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
        verbose_print("# VCF file is already freshly created for %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild." % sample_id)
        jar_file_path = utils.find_path_in_path_list("VarScan", "CLASSPATH")
        if not jar_file_path:
            utils.global_error("Error: cannot execute VarScan. Define the path to VarScan.jar in the CLASSPATH environment variable.")
            version_str = utils.extract_version_str("VarScan", "java -jar " + jar_file_path + " 2>&1 > /dev/null | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2")
            varscan_jvm_extra_params = os.environ.get("VarscanJvm_ExtraParams") or ""
            varscan_mpileup2snp_extra_params = os.environ.get("VarscanMpileup2snp_ExtraParams") or ""
            command_line = "java " + varscan_jvm_extra_params + " -jar " + jar_file_path + " mpileup2snp " + pileup_file + " --output-vcf 1 " + varscan_mpileup2snp_extra_params
            verbose_print("# Create vcf file")
            verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
            verbose_print("# %s" % version_str)
            command.run(command_line, vcf_file)
            utils.sample_error_on_missing_file(vcf_file, "VarScan")
            utils.sample_error_on_file_contains(vcf_file, "OutOfMemoryError", "VarScan")
            utils.sample_error_on_file_contains(vcf_file, "Insufficient", "VarScan")
def map_reads(args):
    """Align reads to the reference.

    Execute an external program (bowtie2 or smalt) to map the fastq reads
    to a reference file. The sample alignment is sorted, duplicate reads
    are marked, and reads realigned around indels.

    The environment variable SnpPipeline_Aligner selects between bowtie2 and smalt.

    This function expects, or creates '(*)', the following files arranged
    in the following way:

    The fastq files may be either compressed with gzip or uncompressed.

    The reverse fastq file is optional.

    All the input files are created outside of this function. The package
    documentation provides an example of preparing these files based on the
    lambda_virus sequence that is used as one test for this package.

    args : argparse.Namespace
        referenceFile : File path of the reference fasta file
        sampleFastqFile1 : File path of the forward fastq file
        sampleFastqFile2 : Optional file path of the reverse fastq file

    # Validate inputs

    # Verify reference fasta file exists and is not empty
    reference_file_path = args.referenceFile
    utils.verify_non_empty_input_files("Reference file", [reference_file_path], error_handler="global")

    # Verify fastq files exist and are not empty
    sample_fastq_file1 = args.sampleFastqFile1
    sample_fastq_file2 = args.sampleFastqFile2
    fastq_files = [sample_fastq_file1]
    if sample_fastq_file2:

    utils.verify_non_empty_input_files("Sample file", fastq_files, error_handler="sample")

    # The environment variable SnpPipeline_Aligner selects between bowtie2 and smalt
    snp_pipeline_aligner = os.environ.get("SnpPipeline_Aligner") or "bowtie2"
    snp_pipeline_aligner = snp_pipeline_aligner.lower()
    if snp_pipeline_aligner not in ["bowtie2", "smalt"]:
        utils.global_error("Error: only bowtie2 and smalt aligners are supported.")

    sample_dir = os.path.dirname(sample_fastq_file1)
    sample_id = utils.sample_id_from_file(sample_fastq_file1)
    reference_base_path = os.path.splitext(reference_file_path)[0] # strip the file extension
    reference_id = os.path.basename(reference_base_path)

    num_threads = args.threads

    # verify jar files are in CLASSPATH
    picard_jar_file_path = utils.find_path_in_path_list("picard", "CLASSPATH")
    if not picard_jar_file_path:
        utils.global_error("Error: cannot execute Picard. Define the path to picard.jar in the CLASSPATH environment variable.")
    picard_version_str = utils.extract_version_str("Picard", "java -jar " + picard_jar_file_path + " AddOrReplaceReadGroups --version 2>&1")

    gatk_jar_file_path = utils.find_path_in_path_list("GenomeAnalysisTK", "CLASSPATH")
    if not gatk_jar_file_path:
        utils.global_error("Error: cannot execute GATK. Define the path to GenomeAnalysisTK.jar in the CLASSPATH environment variable.")
    gatk_version_str = utils.extract_version_str("GATK", "java -jar " + gatk_jar_file_path + " --version 2>&1")

    # Enforce the proper SAMtools version

    samtools_version_str = utils.extract_version_str("SAMtools", "samtools 2>&1 > /dev/null")
    samtools_version = samtools_version_str.split()[-1] # just the number
    if samtools_version < "1.4":
        utils.global_error("The installed %s is not supported.  Version 1.4 or higher is required." % samtools_version_str)

    # Check if alignment to reference has already been done
    sam_file = os.path.join(sample_dir, "reads.sam")
    source_files = [sample_fastq_file1]
    if sample_fastq_file2:
    if snp_pipeline_aligner == "bowtie2":
        source_files.append(reference_base_path + ".rev.1.bt2")
    elif snp_pipeline_aligner == "smalt":
        source_files.append(reference_base_path + ".smi")
    needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild(source_files, sam_file)

    if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
        verbose_print("# %s has already been aligned to %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild." % (sample_id, reference_id))
        # Construct the command line to execute bowtie2 or smalt

        # The read group identifies reads from a single run and lane
        read_group_tags = fastq.construct_read_group_tags(sample_fastq_file1, sample_id)

        # Make up dummy read group tags if the read group information is missing from the fastq files.
        # GATK components require these tags.
        if read_group_tags is None:
            id = "1"
            sm = sample_id
            lb = "1"
            pl = None
            pu = sample_id
            read_group_tags = fastq.ReadGroupTags(id, sm, lb, pl, pu)

        if snp_pipeline_aligner == "bowtie2":
            version_str = utils.extract_version_str("bowtie2", "bowtie2 --version")

            # Substitute the default parameters if the user did not specify bowtie parameters
            os.environ["Bowtie2Align_ExtraParams"] = os.environ.get("Bowtie2Align_ExtraParams") or "--reorder"

            # Set the number of threads to use
            utils.configure_process_threads("Bowtie2Align_ExtraParams", "-p", num_threads, None)
            bowtie2_align_extra_params = os.environ["Bowtie2Align_ExtraParams"]

            # Specify the read group and sample tags here, --rg tags cannot be specified without ID.
            # The read group tags are used by some downstream tools, like Picard and GATK.
            read_group_params = ""
            read_group_params += " --rg-id " + read_group_tags.ID
            read_group_params += " --rg SM:" + read_group_tags.SM
            read_group_params += " --rg LB:" + read_group_tags.LB
            if read_group_tags.PL is not None:
                read_group_params += " --rg PL:" + read_group_tags.PL
            read_group_params += " --rg PU:" + read_group_tags.PU

            # Build the command with options depending on whether the fastq files are paired
            command_line = "bowtie2 " + read_group_params + " " + bowtie2_align_extra_params + " -x " + reference_base_path
            if sample_fastq_file2:
                command_line += " -1 " + sample_fastq_file1 + " -2 " + sample_fastq_file2
                command_line += " -U " + sample_fastq_file1

        elif snp_pipeline_aligner == "smalt":
            version_str = utils.extract_version_str("smalt", "smalt version")

            # Substitute the default parameters if the user did not specify smalt parameters
            os.environ["SmaltAlign_ExtraParams"] = os.environ.get("SmaltAlign_ExtraParams") or  "-O"

            # Set the number of threads to use
            utils.configure_process_threads("SmaltAlign_ExtraParams", "-n", num_threads, None)
            smalt_align_extra_params = os.environ["SmaltAlign_ExtraParams"]

            # Don't use the -i 1000 option if the fastq file is unpaired
            if not sample_fastq_file2:
                smalt_align_params = re.sub("-i[ ]+[0-9]+", '', smalt_align_extra_params) # regex substitute

            command_line = "smalt map " + smalt_align_extra_params + " " + reference_base_path + " " + sample_fastq_file1 + " " + (sample_fastq_file2 or "")

        # Run the command to execute bowtie2 or smalt
        verbose_print("# Align sequence %s to reference %s" % (sample_id, reference_id))
        verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
        verbose_print("# %s" % version_str)
        command.run(command_line, sam_file)

        # When using smalt, assign read groups in a separate step.
        # This is already done when using bowtie2.
        if snp_pipeline_aligner == "smalt" and read_group_tags:
            smalt_sam_file = os.path.join(sample_dir, "reads.smalt.sam")
            shutil.move(sam_file, smalt_sam_file)
            jvm_params = os.environ.get("PicardJvm_ExtraParams") or ""
            command_line = "java " + jvm_params + " -jar " + picard_jar_file_path + " AddOrReplaceReadGroups"
            command_line += " I=" + smalt_sam_file
            command_line += " O=" + sam_file
            command_line += " RGID=" + read_group_tags.ID
            command_line += " RGSM=" + read_group_tags.SM
            command_line += " RGLB=" + read_group_tags.LB
            if read_group_tags.PL is None:
                command_line += " RGPL=unknown"  # Picard requires this command line option
                command_line += " RGPL=" + read_group_tags.PL
            command_line += " RGPU=" + read_group_tags.PU
            verbose_print("# Assign read group id %s" % (read_group_tags.ID))
            verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
            verbose_print("# %s" % picard_version_str)
            command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)

    # Convert sam to bam file, selecting only the mapped reads

    # Check for fresh bam file; if not, convert to bam file with only mapped reads
    unsorted_bam_file = os.path.join(sample_dir, "reads.unsorted.bam")
    needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild([sam_file], unsorted_bam_file)
    if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
        verbose_print("# Unsorted bam file is already freshly created for %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild." % sample_id)
        # Substitute the default parameters if the user did not specify samtools view parameters
        os.environ["SamtoolsSamFilter_ExtraParams"] = os.environ.get("SamtoolsSamFilter_ExtraParams") or "-F 4"

        # Set the number of threads to use
        utils.configure_process_threads("SamtoolsSamFilter_ExtraParams", ["-@", "--threads"], num_threads, None)
        samtools_samfilter_params = os.environ["SamtoolsSamFilter_ExtraParams"]

        command_line = "samtools view -S -b " + samtools_samfilter_params + " -o " + unsorted_bam_file + ' ' + sam_file
        verbose_print("# Convert sam file to bam file with only mapped positions.")
        verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
        verbose_print("# %s" % samtools_version_str)
        command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)
        utils.sample_error_on_missing_file(unsorted_bam_file, "samtools view")

    # Sort the BAM file

    # Check for fresh sorted bam file; if not, sort it
    sorted_bam_file = os.path.join(sample_dir, "reads.sorted.bam")
    needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild([unsorted_bam_file], sorted_bam_file)
    if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
        verbose_print("# Sorted bam file is already freshly created for %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild." % sample_id)
        # Set the number of threads to use
        utils.configure_process_threads("SamtoolsSort_ExtraParams", ["-@", "--threads"], num_threads, None)
        samtools_sort_extra_params = os.environ["SamtoolsSort_ExtraParams"]

        command_line = "samtools sort " + samtools_sort_extra_params + " -o " + sorted_bam_file + ' ' + unsorted_bam_file
        verbose_print("# Convert bam to sorted bam file.")
        verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
        verbose_print("# %s" % samtools_version_str)
        command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)
        utils.sample_error_on_missing_file(sorted_bam_file, "samtools sort")

    # Mark duplicate reads, so they will be ignored in subsequent steps

    remove_duplicate_reads = os.environ.get("RemoveDuplicateReads", "true").lower() == "true"
    input_file = sorted_bam_file
    output_file = utils.add_file_suffix(input_file, ".deduped", enable=remove_duplicate_reads)
    if remove_duplicate_reads:
        # Check for fresh deduped bam file; if not, remove duplicate reads
        needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild([input_file], output_file)
        if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
            verbose_print("# Deduped bam file is already freshly created for %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild." % sample_id)
            picard_jvm_extra_params = os.environ.get("PicardJvm_ExtraParams") or ""
            picard_mark_duplicates_extra_params = os.environ.get("PicardMarkDuplicates_ExtraParams") or ""
            tmpdir = os.environ.get("TMPDIR") or os.environ.get("TMP_DIR")
            tmp_option = " TMP_DIR=" + tmpdir if tmpdir else ""
            command_line = "java " + picard_jvm_extra_params + " -jar " + picard_jar_file_path + " MarkDuplicates INPUT=" + input_file + " OUTPUT=" + output_file + " METRICS_FILE=" + os.path.join(sample_dir, "duplicate_reads_metrics.txt") + tmp_option + ' ' + picard_mark_duplicates_extra_params
            verbose_print("# Mark duplicate reads in bam file.")
            verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
            verbose_print("# %s" % picard_version_str)
            command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)
            utils.sample_error_on_missing_file(output_file, "picard MarkDuplicates")

    # Next three steps are part of local realignment around indels
    enable_local_realignment = os.environ.get("EnableLocalRealignment", "true").lower() == "true"

    # Index the sorted bam file prior to RealignerTargetCreator

    input_file = output_file # output from last step becomes input to this step
    if enable_local_realignment:
        # Check for fresh bai file; if not, index it
        bam_index_file = input_file[:-3] + "bai"
        needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild([input_file], bam_index_file)
        if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
            verbose_print("# Bam file index is already freshly created for %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild." % sample_id)
            # Set the number of threads to use
            utils.configure_process_threads("SamtoolsIndex_ExtraParams", "-@", num_threads, None)
            samtools_index_extra_params = os.environ["SamtoolsIndex_ExtraParams"]

            command_line = "samtools index " + samtools_index_extra_params + ' ' + input_file + ' ' + bam_index_file
            verbose_print("# Index bam file.")
            verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
            verbose_print("# %s" % samtools_version_str)
            command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)
            utils.sample_error_on_missing_file(bam_index_file, "samtools index")

    # Identify targets for realignment

    if enable_local_realignment:
        # Check for fresh realign_targets_file file; if not run RealignerTargetCreator
        realign_targets_file = os.path.join(sample_dir, "realign.target.intervals")
        needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild([input_file, bam_index_file], realign_targets_file)
        if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
            verbose_print("# Realign targets file is already freshly created for %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild." % sample_id)
            classpath = os.environ.get("CLASSPATH")
            gatk_jvm_extra_params = os.environ.get("GatkJvm_ExtraParams") or ""
            tmpdir = os.environ.get("TMPDIR") or os.environ.get("TMP_DIR")
            if tmpdir and "-Djava.io.tmpdir" not in gatk_jvm_extra_params:
                gatk_jvm_extra_params += " -Djava.io.tmpdir=" + tmpdir

            # Set the number of threads to use
            utils.configure_process_threads("RealignerTargetCreator_ExtraParams", ["-nt", "--num_threads"], num_threads, None)
            realigner_target_creator_extra_params= os.environ["RealignerTargetCreator_ExtraParams"]

            command_line = "java " + gatk_jvm_extra_params + " -jar " + gatk_jar_file_path + " -T RealignerTargetCreator -R " + reference_file_path + " -I " + input_file + " -o " + realign_targets_file  + ' ' + realigner_target_creator_extra_params
            verbose_print("# Identify targets for realignment.")
            verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
            verbose_print("# %s" % gatk_version_str)
            command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)
            utils.sample_error_on_missing_file(realign_targets_file, "GATK RealignerTargetCreator", empty_ok=True)

    # Realign around indels

    output_file = utils.add_file_suffix(input_file, ".indelrealigned", enable=enable_local_realignment)
    if enable_local_realignment:
        # Check for fresh indelrealigned bam file; if not run IndelRealigner
        needs_rebuild = utils.target_needs_rebuild([input_file, bam_index_file, realign_targets_file], output_file)
        if not args.forceFlag and not needs_rebuild:
            verbose_print("# Indelrealigned bam file is already freshly created for %s.  Use the -f option to force a rebuild." % sample_id)
            gatk_jvm_extra_params = os.environ.get("GatkJvm_ExtraParams") or ""
            tmpdir = os.environ.get("TMPDIR") or os.environ.get("TMP_DIR")
            if tmpdir and "-Djava.io.tmpdir" not in gatk_jvm_extra_params:
                gatk_jvm_extra_params += " -Djava.io.tmpdir=" + tmpdir

            indel_realigner_extra_params = os.environ.get("IndelRealigner_ExtraParams") or ""
            command_line = "java " + gatk_jvm_extra_params + " -jar " + gatk_jar_file_path + " -T IndelRealigner -R " + reference_file_path + " -targetIntervals " + realign_targets_file + " -I " + input_file + " -o " + output_file  + ' ' + indel_realigner_extra_params
            verbose_print("# Realign around indels")
            verbose_print("# %s %s" % (utils.timestamp(), command_line))
            verbose_print("# %s" % gatk_version_str)
            command.run(command_line, sys.stdout)
            utils.sample_error_on_missing_file(output_file, "GATK IndelRealigner")