Example #1
def seed_org(unused_request, i):
  """Returns the properties for a new org entity.

  _, current_user = ensureUser()
  gsoc2009 = Program.get_by_key_name('google/gsoc2009')

  if not gsoc2009:
    raise Error('Run seed_db first')

  properties = {
      'key_name': 'google/gsoc2009/org_%d' % i,
      'link_id': 'org_%d' % i,
      'name': 'Organization %d' % i,
      'short_name': 'Org %d' % i,
      'founder': current_user,
      'scope_path': 'google/gsoc2009',
      'scope': gsoc2009,
      'status': 'active',
      'email': '*****@*****.**' % i,
      'home_page': 'http://code.google.com/p/soc',
      'description': 'Melange, share the love!',
      'license_name': 'Apache License',
      'contact_street': 'Some Street',
      'contact_city': 'Some City',
      'contact_country': 'United States',
      'contact_postalcode': '12345',
      'phone': '1-555-BANANA',
      'ideas': 'http://code.google.com/p/soc/issues',

  return properties
Example #2
  def getProjects(self, survey, user):
    """Get projects linking user to a program.

    Serves as access handler (since no projects == no access).
    And retrieves projects to choose from (if mentors have >1 projects).

      survey = survey entity
      user = survey taking user

    this_program = survey.scope or Program.get_by_key_name(survey.scope_path)

    if 'mentor' in survey.taking_access:
      these_projects = self.getMentorProjects(user, this_program)

    elif 'student' in survey.taking_access:
      these_projects = self.getStudentProjects(user, this_program)


    if len(these_projects) == 0:
      return False

    return these_projects
Example #3
  def commonSeedArgs(self, request):
    _, current_user = ensureUser()
    gsoc2009 = Program.get_by_key_name('google/gsoc2009')

    if not gsoc2009:
      raise Error('Run seed_db first')

    return dict(current_user=current_user,
Example #4
  def commonSeedArgs(self, request):
    _, current_user = ensureUser()
    gsoc2009 = Program.get_by_key_name('google/gsoc2009')

    if not gsoc2009:
      raise Error('Run seed_db first')

    status = request.GET.get('status', 'pre-accepted')

    return dict(current_user=current_user,
Example #5
  def activateGrades(self, survey):
    """Activates the grades on a Grading Survey.

    TODO(James) Fix this Docstring

      survey = survey entity
    if survey.taking_access != "mentor evaluation":
      logging.error("Cannot grade survey %s with taking access %s"
      % (survey.key().name(), survey.taking_access))
      return False

    program = survey.scope or Program.get_by_key_name(survey.scope_path)

    for project in program.student_projects.fetch(1000):
      this_record_group = SurveyRecordGroup.all().filter(
      "project = ", project).filter(
      "initial_status = ", project.status).get()

      if not this_record_group:
         logging.warning('neither mentor nor student has \
         taken the survey for project %s' % project.key().name() )

      if not this_record_group.mentor_record:
        # student has taken survey, but not mentor
        logging.warning('not continuing without mentor record...')

      status_options = PROJECT_STATUSES.get(project.status)

      if not status_options:
        logging.warning('unable to find status options for project \
        status %s' % project.status)

      new_project_grade = this_record_group.mentor_record.grade
      new_project_status = status_options.get(new_project_grade)

      if getattr(this_record_group, 'final_status'):
         logging.warning('project %s record group should not \
         yet have a final status %s' % (
         project.key().name(), this_record_group.final_status ) )

      # assign the new status to the project and surveyrecordgroup
      project.status = new_project_status
      this_record_group.final_status = new_project_status
Example #6
def seed_student(request, i):
  """Returns the properties for a new student entity.

  gsoc2009 = Program.get_by_key_name('google/gsoc2009')
  user = User.get_by_key_name('user_%d' % i)

  if not gsoc2009:
    raise Error('Run seed_db first')

  if not user:
    raise Error('Run seed_many for at least %d users first.' % i)

  properties = {
      'key_name':'google/gsoc2009/student_%d' % i,
      'link_id': 'student_%d' % i,
      'scope_path': 'google/gsoc2009',
      'scope': gsoc2009,
      'user' : user,
      'given_name': 'Student %d' % i,
      'surname': 'Last Name',
      'name_on_documents': 'Test Example',
      'email': '*****@*****.**',
      'res_street': 'Some Street',
      'res_city': 'Some City',
      'res_state': 'Some State',
      'res_country': 'United States',
      'res_postalcode': '12345',
      'phone': '1-555-BANANA',
      'birth_date': db.DateProperty.now(),
      'agreed_to_tos': True,
      'school_name': 'School %d' % i,
      'school_country': 'United States',
      'major': 'Computer Science',
      'degree': 'Undergraduate',
      'expected_graduation': 2012,
      'program_knowledge': 'Knowledge %d' % i,
      'school': None,
      'can_we_contact_you': True,

  return properties
Example #7
def seed_org_app(request, i):
  """Returns the properties for a new org proposal,

  _, current_user = ensureUser()
  status = request.GET.get('status', 'pre-accepted')
  gsoc2009 = Program.get_by_key_name('google/gsoc2009')

  if not gsoc2009:
    raise Error('Run seed_db first')

  properties = {
      'key_name': 'google/gsoc2009/org_%d' % i,
      'link_id': 'org_%d' % i,
      'name': 'Org App %d' % i,
      'scope_path': 'google/gsoc2009',
      'scope': gsoc2009,
      'status': status,
      'applicant': current_user,
      'home_page': 'http://www.google.com',
      'email': '*****@*****.**',
      'irc_channel': '#care',
      'pub_mailing_list': 'http://groups.google.com',
      'dev_mailing_list': 'http://groups.google.com',
      'description': 'This is an awesome org!',
      'why_applying': 'Because we can',
      'member_criteria': 'They need to be awesome',
      'license_name': 'Apache License, 2.0',
      'ideas': 'http://code.google.com/p/soc/issues',
      'contrib_disappears': 'We use google to find them',
      'member_disappears': 'See above',
      'encourage_contribs': 'We offer them cookies.',
      'continued_contribs': 'We promise them a cake.',
      'agreed_to_admin_agreement': True,

  return properties