def downloadStudentForms(options): from google.appengine.ext import db from soc.views.helper import lists as list_helper from soc.modules.gsoc.models.profile import GSoCStudentInfo q = lambda: GSoCStudentInfo.all().filter('number_of_projects', 1) outputdir = os.path.abspath(options.outputdir) if not os.path.exists(outputdir): os.mkdir(outputdir) if not os.path.isdir(outputdir): print "Could not create output dir: %s" % outputdir print "Fetching StudentInfo..." students = list(i for i in interactive.deepFetch(q) if i.tax_form) keys = list_helper.collectParentKeys(students) keys = list(set(keys)) prefetched = {} print "Fetching Profile..." for i in xrange(0, len(keys), 100): chunk = keys[i:i+100] entities = db.get(chunk) prefetched.update(dict((i.key(), i) for i in entities if i)) list_helper.distributeParentKeys(students, prefetched) countries = ['United States'] us_students = [i for i in students if i.parent().res_country in countries] for student in us_students: form = student.tax_form _, ext = os.path.splitext(form.filename) path = os.path.join(outputdir, student.parent().link_id + ext) dst = open(path, "w") src = shutil.copyfileobj(src, dst) print "Downloading form to '%s'..." % path print "Done."
def clear(*args, **kwargs): """Removes all entities from the datastore. """ # TODO(dbentley): If there are more than 1000 instances of any model, # this method will not clear all instances. Instead, it should continually # call .all(), delete all those, and loop until .all() is empty. entities = itertools.chain(*[ Survey.all(), SurveyRecord.all(), GCIOrganization.all(), GSoCTimeline.all(), GCITimeline.all(), GSoCProgram.all(), GSoCProject.all(), GSoCProposal.all(), GCIProgram.all(), GCIScore.all(), GSoCStudentInfo.all(), GCIStudentInfo.all(), GCITask.all(), Sponsor.all(), Site.all(), Document.all(), # The below models are all subclasses of ndb.Model and therefore must # use .query() to return all instances instead of .all(). soc_org_model.SOCOrganization.query(), profile_model.Profile.query(), soc_profile.SOCStudentData.query(), user.User.query(), address.Address.query(), contact.Contact.query() ]) try: for entity in entities: if isinstance(entity, ndb.Model): entity.key.delete() else: entity.delete() except db.Timeout: return http.HttpResponseRedirect('#') memcache.flush_all() return http.HttpResponse('Done')
def clear(*args, **kwargs): """Removes all entities from the datastore. """ # TODO(dbentley): If there are more than 1000 instances of any model, # this method will not clear all instances. Instead, it should continually # call .all(), delete all those, and loop until .all() is empty. entities = itertools.chain(*[ Notification.all(), GCIStudent.all(), Survey.all(), SurveyRecord.all(), StudentProposal.all(), GSoCOrganization.all(), GCIOrganization.all(), GSoCTimeline.all(), GCITimeline.all(), GSoCProgram.all(), GSoCProfile.all(), GCIProfile.all(), GSoCProposal.all(), GCIProgram.all(), GCIScore.all(), GSoCStudentInfo.all(), GCIStudentInfo.all(), GCITask.all(), Host.all(), Sponsor.all(), User.all(), Site.all(), Document.all(), ]) try: for entity in entities: entity.delete() except db.Timeout: return http.HttpResponseRedirect('#') # pylint: disable=E1101 memcache.flush_all() return http.HttpResponse('Done')
def seed(request, *args, **kwargs): """Seeds the datastore with some default values. """ site_properties = { 'key_name': 'site', 'link_id': 'site', } site = Site(**site_properties) site.put() account = accounts.getCurrentAccount() if not account: account = users.User(email='*****@*****.**') user_properties = { 'key_name': 'test', 'link_id': 'test', 'account': account, 'name': 'Test', } current_user = User(**user_properties) current_user.put() group_properties = { 'key_name': 'google', 'link_id': 'google', 'name': 'Google Inc.', 'short_name': 'Google', 'founder': current_user, 'home_page': '', 'email': '*****@*****.**', 'description': 'This is the profile for Google.', 'contact_street': 'Some Street', 'contact_city': 'Some City', 'contact_country': 'United States', 'contact_postalcode': '12345', 'phone': '1-555-BANANA', 'status': 'active', } google = Sponsor(**group_properties) google.put() role_properties = { 'key_name': 'google/test', 'link_id': 'test', 'public_name': 'test', 'scope': google, 'scope_path': 'google', 'user': current_user, 'given_name': 'Test', 'surname': 'Example', 'name_on_documents': 'Test Example', 'email': '*****@*****.**', 'res_street': 'Some Street', 'res_city': 'Some City', 'res_state': 'Some State', 'res_country': 'United States', 'res_postalcode': '12345', 'phone': '1-555-BANANA', 'birth_date':, 'agreed_to_tos': True, 'is_org_admin': True, 'is_mentor': True, } current_user.host_for = [google.key()] current_user.put() google_host = Host(**role_properties) google_host.put() from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta now = before = now - timedelta(365) after = now + timedelta(365) timeline_properties = { 'key_name': 'google/gsoc2009', 'link_id': 'gsoc2009', 'scope_path': 'google', 'scope': google, 'program_start': before, 'program_end': after, 'accepted_organization_announced_deadline': before, 'student_signup_start': before, 'student_signup_end': after, } gsoc2009_timeline = GSoCTimeline(**timeline_properties) gsoc2009_timeline.put() program_properties = { 'key_name': 'google/gsoc2009', 'link_id': 'gsoc2009', 'scope_path': 'google', 'scope': google, 'name': 'Google Summer of Code 2009', 'short_name': 'GSoC 2009', 'group_label': 'GSOC', 'description': 'This is the program for GSoC 2009.', 'apps_tasks_limit': 42, 'slots': 42, 'timeline': gsoc2009_timeline, 'status': 'visible', } gsoc2009 = GSoCProgram(**program_properties) gsoc2009.put() timeline_properties.update({ 'key_name': 'google/gsoc2010', 'link_id': 'gsoc2010', }) gsoc2010_timeline = GSoCTimeline(**timeline_properties) gsoc2010_timeline.put() program_properties.update({ 'key_name': 'google/gsoc2010', 'link_id': 'gsoc2010', 'name': 'Google Summer of Code 2010', 'description': 'This is the program for GSoC 2010.', 'short_name': 'GSoC 2010', 'timeline': gsoc2010_timeline, }) gsoc2010 = GSoCProgram(**program_properties) gsoc2010.put() timeline_properties = { 'key_name': 'google/gci2009', 'link_id': 'gci2009', 'scope_path': 'google', 'scope': google, 'program_start': before, 'program_end': after, 'accepted_organization_announced_deadline': before, 'student_signup_start': before, 'student_signup_end': after, 'tasks_publicly_visible': before, 'task_claim_deadline': after, 'stop_all_work_deadline': after, } gci2009_timeline = GCITimeline(**timeline_properties) gci2009_timeline.put() program_properties.update({ 'key_name': 'google/gci2009', 'link_id': 'gci2009', 'name': 'Google Code In Contest 2009', 'short_name': 'GCI 2009', 'group_label': 'GCI', 'description': 'This is the program for GCI 2009.', 'timeline': gci2009_timeline, }) gci2009 = GCIProgram(**program_properties) gci2009.put() site.active_program = gci2009 site.put() group_properties.update({ 'key_name': 'google/gci2009/melange', 'link_id': 'melange', 'name': 'Melange Development Team', 'short_name': 'Melange', 'scope_path': 'google/gci2009', 'scope': gci2009, 'home_page': '', 'description': 'Melange, share the love!', 'license_name': 'Apache License', 'ideas': '', }) melange = GCIOrganization(**group_properties) melange.put() group_properties.update({ 'scope_path': 'google/gsoc2009', 'scope': gsoc2009, }) role_properties.update({ 'key_name': 'google/gsoc2009/test', 'link_id': 'test', 'scope_path': 'google/gsoc2009', 'scope': gsoc2009, 'program': gsoc2009, 'parent': current_user, }) profile = GSoCProfile(**role_properties) role_properties.pop('parent') orgs = [] for i in range(15): group_properties.update({ 'key_name': 'google/gsoc2009/org_%d' % i, 'link_id': 'org_%d' % i, 'name': 'Organization %d' % i, 'short_name': 'Org %d' % i, 'description': 'Organization %d!' % i, }) entity = GSoCOrganization(**group_properties) orgs.append(entity) entity.put() # Admin (and thus mentor) for the first org if i == 0: profile.org_admin_for.append(entity.key()) profile.mentor_for.append(entity.key()) profile.is_mentor = True profile.is_org_admin = True profile.put() # Mentor for the second org if i == 1: profile.mentor_for.append(entity.key()) profile.is_mentor = True profile.put() role_properties.update({ 'key_name': 'google/gci2009/test', 'link_id': 'test', 'scope_path': 'google/gci2009', 'scope': gci2009, 'program': gci2009, 'org_admin_for': [melange.key()], 'mentor_for': [melange.key()], 'parent': current_user, }) melange_admin = GCIProfile(**role_properties) # TODO: add GCI orgs melange_admin.put() task_properties = { 'status': 'Open', 'modified_by': melange_admin.key(), 'subscribers': [melange_admin.key()], 'title': 'Awesomeness', 'created_by': melange_admin.key(), 'created_on': now, 'program': gci2009, 'time_to_complete': 1337, 'modified_on': now, 'org': melange.key(), 'description': '<p>AWESOME</p>', 'difficulty_level': DifficultyLevel.MEDIUM, 'types': ['Code'] } gci_task = GCITask(**task_properties) gci_task.put() user_properties = { 'key_name': 'student', 'link_id': 'student', 'account': users.User(email='*****@*****.**'), 'name': 'Student', } student_user = User(**user_properties) student_user.put() student_id = 'student' student_properties = { 'key_name': gsoc2009.key().name() + "/" + student_id, 'link_id': student_id, 'scope_path': gsoc2009.key().name(), 'parent': student_user, 'scope': gsoc2009, 'program': gsoc2009, 'user': student_user, 'is_student': True, 'public_name': 'Student', 'given_name': 'Student', 'surname': 'Student', 'birth_date':, 'email': '*****@*****.**', 'im_handle': 'student_im_handle', 'major': 'test major', 'name_on_documents': 'Student', 'res_country': 'United States', 'res_city': 'city', 'res_street': 'test street', 'res_postalcode': '12345', 'publish_location': True, 'blog': '', 'home_page': '', 'photo_url': '', 'ship_state': None, 'tshirt_size': 'XS', 'tshirt_style': 'male', 'degree': 'Undergraduate', 'phone': '1650253000', 'can_we_contact_you': True, 'program_knowledge': 'I heard about this program through a friend.' } melange_student = GSoCProfile(**student_properties) student_info_properties = { 'key_name': melange_student.key().name(), 'parent': melange_student, 'expected_graduation': 2009, 'program': gsoc2009, 'school_country': 'United States', 'school_name': 'Test School', 'school_home_page': '', 'program': gsoc2009, } student_info = GSoCStudentInfo(**student_info_properties) student_info.put() melange_student.student_info = student_info melange_student.put() user_properties = { 'key_name': 'student2', 'link_id': 'student2', 'account': users.User(email='*****@*****.**'), 'name': 'Student 2', } student_user2 = User(**user_properties) student_user2.put() student_id = 'student2' student_properties.update({ 'key_name': gsoc2009.key().name() + "/" + student_id, 'link_id': student_id, 'user': student_user2, 'parent': student_user2, }) melange_student2 = GSoCProfile(**student_properties) melange_student2.put() project_id = 'test_project' project_properties = { 'key_name': gsoc2009.key().name() + "/org_1/" + project_id, 'link_id': project_id, 'scope_path': gsoc2009.key().name() + "/org_1", 'scope': orgs[1].key(), 'title': 'test project', 'abstract': 'test abstract', 'status': 'accepted', 'student': melange_student, 'mentor': profile, 'program': gsoc2009 } melange_project = StudentProject(**project_properties) melange_project.put() student_info_properties.update({'number_of_projects': 1, 'project_for_orgs': [orgs[1].key()]}) student_info = GSoCStudentInfo(**student_info_properties) student_info.put() melange_student.student_info = student_info melange_student.put() project_id = 'test_project2' project_properties.update({ 'key_name': gsoc2009.key().name() + "/org_1/" + project_id, 'link_id': project_id, 'student': melange_student2, 'title': 'test project2' }) student_info_properties.update({ 'key_name': gsoc2009.key().name() + "/" + student_id, 'link_id': student_id, 'parent': melange_student2, }) student_info2 = GSoCStudentInfo(**student_info_properties) student_info2.put() melange_student2.student_info = student_info2 melange_student2.put() melange_project2 = StudentProject(**project_properties) melange_project2.put() student_id = 'student' student_properties.update({ 'key_name': gci2009.key().name() + '/' + student_id, 'parent': student_user, 'scope': gci2009, 'scope_path': gci2009.key().name(), }) gci_student = GCIProfile(**student_properties) gci_student.put() student_info_properties.update({ 'key_name': gci_student.key().name(), 'parent': gci_student, 'program': gci2009, }) student_info = GCIStudentInfo(**student_info_properties) student_info.put() gci_student.student_info = student_info gci_student.put() score_properties = { 'parent': gci_student, 'program': gci2009, 'points': 5, 'tasks': [gci_task.key()] } score = GCIScore(**score_properties) score.put() document_properties = { 'key_name': 'site/site/home', 'link_id': 'home', 'scope_path': 'site', 'scope': site, 'prefix': 'site', 'author': current_user, 'title': 'Home Page', 'short_name': 'Home', 'content': 'This is the Home Page', 'modified_by': current_user, } home_document = Document(**document_properties) home_document.put() document_properties = { 'key_name': 'user/test/notes', 'link_id': 'notes', 'scope_path': 'test', 'scope': current_user, 'prefix': 'user', 'author': current_user, 'title': 'My Notes', 'short_name': 'Notes', 'content': 'These are my notes', 'modified_by': current_user, } notes_document = Document(**document_properties) notes_document.put() site.home = home_document site.put() # pylint: disable=E1101 memcache.flush_all() return http.HttpResponse('Done')