Example #1
    def _getHostEntries(self, entity, params, prefix):
        """Returns a list with menu items for program host.

      entity: program entity to get the entries for
      params: view specific params
      prefix: module prefix for the program entity

        items = []

        # add link to edit Program Profile
        items += [(redirects.getEditRedirect(entity, params),
                   'Edit Program Profile', 'any_access')]
        # add link to edit Program Timeline
        items += [
                                       {'url_name': prefix + '/timeline'}),
             "Edit Program Timeline", 'any_access')
        # add link to create a new Program Document
        items += [
             "Create a New Document", 'any_access')
        # add link to list all Program Document
        items += [
             "List Documents", 'any_access')
        # add link to list all participants
        items += [(redirects.getListParticipantsRedirect(entity, params),
                   "List Participants", 'any_access')]
        # add link to Manage Statistics
        items += [(statistic_redirects.getManageRedirect(entity, params),
                   'Manage Statistics', 'any_access')]

        org_app_logic = params['org_app_logic']
        org_app_survey = org_app_logic.getForProgram(entity)

        # add link to create/edit OrgAppSurvey
        items += [(redirects.getCreateSurveyRedirect(entity,
                                                     prefix + '/org_app'),
                   'Edit Org Application Survey', 'any_access')]

        if org_app_survey:
            # add link to Review Org Applications
            items += [(redirects.getReviewOverviewRedirect(
                org_app_survey, params['org_app_view'].getParams()),
                       'Review Organization Applications', 'any_access')]

        return items
Example #2
  def _getHostEntries(self, entity, params, prefix):
    """Returns a list with menu items for program host.

      entity: program entity to get the entries for
      params: view specific params
      prefix: module prefix for the program entity

    items = []

    # add link to edit Program Profile
    items += [(redirects.getEditRedirect(entity, params),
            'Edit Program Profile', 'any_access')]
    # add link to edit Program Timeline
    items += [(redirects.getEditRedirect(entity, 
            {'url_name': prefix + '/timeline'}),
            "Edit Program Timeline", 'any_access')]
    # add link to create a new Program Document
    items += [(redirects.getCreateDocumentRedirect(
            entity, params['document_prefix']),
            "Create a New Document", 'any_access')]
    # add link to list all Program Document
    items += [(redirects.getListDocumentsRedirect(
            entity, params['document_prefix']),
            "List Documents", 'any_access')]
    # add link to list all participants
    items += [(redirects.getListParticipantsRedirect(entity, params),
               "List Participants", 'any_access')]
    # add link to Manage Statistics
    items += [(statistic_redirects.getManageRedirect(entity, params),
            'Manage Statistics', 'any_access')]

    org_app_logic = params['org_app_logic']
    org_app_survey = org_app_logic.getForProgram(entity)

    # add link to create/edit OrgAppSurvey
    items += [(redirects.getCreateSurveyRedirect(
                  entity, params['document_prefix'], prefix + '/org_app'),
              'Edit Org Application Survey','any_access')]

    if org_app_survey:
      # add link to Review Org Applications
      items += [(redirects.getReviewOverviewRedirect(
          org_app_survey, params['org_app_view'].getParams()),
          'Review Organization Applications', 'any_access')]

    return items
Example #3
  def updatePublicContext(self, context, entity, params):
    """Updates the context for the public page with information from the entity.

      context: the context that should be updated
      entity: a student proposal_entity used to set context
      params: dict with params for the view using this context

    from soc.logic.models.review import logic as review_logic
    from soc.logic.models.review_follower import logic as review_follower_logic

    student_entity = entity.scope

    context['student'] = student_entity
    context['student_name'] = student_entity.name()

    user_entity = user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount()

    # check if the current user is the student
    if user_entity.key() == student_entity.user.key():
      # show the proposal edit link
      context['edit_link'] = redirects.getEditRedirect(entity, params)

    # check if the current user is subscribed to this proposal's public reviews
    fields = {'user': user_entity,
        'scope': entity,
        'subscribed_public': True}

    context['is_subscribed'] = review_follower_logic.getForFields(fields,

    context['public_reviews'] = review_logic.getReviewsForEntity(entity,
        is_public=True, order=['created'])
Example #4
    def _public(self, request, entity, context):
        """Performs any processing needed for the Document's public page.

    For args see base.View._public().

        # check if the current user is allowed to visit the edit page
        rights = self._params['rights']

        allowed_to_edit = False
            # use the IsDocumentWritable check because we have no django args
                    'key_name': entity.key().name(),
                    'prefix': entity.prefix,
                    'scope_path': entity.scope_path,
                    'link_id': entity.link_id
                }, 'key_name')
            allowed_to_edit = True

        if allowed_to_edit:
            # add the document edit redirect to the context
            context['edit_redirect'] = redirects.getEditRedirect(
                entity, {'url_name': 'document'})

        return super(View, self)._public(request, entity, context)
def as_comment(context, comment):
    """Returns a HTML representation of a comment.

    edit_link = ''
    current_user = user_logic.logic.getCurrentUser()
    # pylint: disable=E1103
    if current_user and comment.author.key() == current_user.key():
        params = {'url_name': context['comment_on_url_name']}
        edit_link = redirects.getEditRedirect(comment, params)

        comment.modified_by.name if comment.modified_by else '',
        "public" if comment.is_public else "private",

    return context
Example #6
    def create(self,
        """Displays the create page for this entity type.

    If an OrgAppSurvey already exists it will redirect to the edit page.

        params = dicts.merge(params, self._params)
        program_view = params['scope_view']
        program_logic = program_view.getParams()['logic']

        program_entity = program_logic.getFromKeyName(kwargs['scope_path'])
        org_app = org_app_logic.getForProgram(program_entity)

        if org_app:
            # redirect to edit page
            return http.HttpResponseRedirect(
                redirects.getEditRedirect(org_app, params))
            # show create page
            return super(View, self).create(request,
Example #7
  def _getStudentEntries(self, program_entity, student_entity, 
                         params, id, user):
    """Returns a list with menu items for students in a specific program.

    items = []

    timeline_entity = program_entity.timeline

    if timeline_helper.isActivePeriod(timeline_entity, 'student_signup'):
      items += [('/student_proposal/list_orgs/%s' % (
          "Submit your Student Proposal", 'any_access')]

    if timeline_helper.isAfterEvent(timeline_entity, 'student_signup_start'):
      items += [(redirects.getListSelfRedirect(student_entity,
          "List my Student Proposals", 'any_access')]

    items += [(redirects.getEditRedirect(student_entity, 
        {'url_name': 'student'}),
        "Edit my Student Profile", 'any_access')]

    if timeline_helper.isAfterEvent(timeline_entity,
      # add a link to show all projects
      items += [(redirects.getListProjectsRedirect(program_entity,
          "List my Student Projects", 'any_access')]

    return items
Example #8
  def _public(self, request, entity, context):
    """Performs any processing needed for the Document's public page.

    For args see base.View._public().

    # check if the current user is allowed to visit the edit page
    rights = self._params['rights']

    allowed_to_edit = False
      # use the IsDocumentWritable check because we have no django args
      rights.checkIsDocumentWritable({'key_name': entity.key().name(),
                                      'prefix': entity.prefix,
                                      'scope_path': entity.scope_path,
                                      'link_id': entity.link_id},
      allowed_to_edit = True

    if allowed_to_edit:
      # add the document edit redirect to the context
      context['edit_redirect'] = redirects.getEditRedirect(
          entity, {'url_name': 'document'})

    return super(View, self)._public(request, entity, context)
Example #9
    def _getHostEntries(self, entity, params, prefix):
        """Returns a list with menu items for program host.

      entity: program entity to get the entries for
      params: view specific params
      prefix: module prefix for the program entity

        items = []

        # add link to edit Program Profile
        items += [(redirects.getEditRedirect(entity, params),
                   'Edit Program Profile', 'any_access')]
        # add link to edit Program Timeline
        items += [
                                       {'url_name': prefix + '/timeline'}),
             "Edit Program Timeline", 'any_access')
        # add link to create a new Program Document
        items += [
             "Create a New Document", 'any_access')
        # add link to list all Program Document
        items += [
             "List Documents", 'any_access')

        timeline_entity = entity.timeline

        if not timeline_helper.isAfterEvent(timeline_entity, 'org_signup'):
            # add link to create/edit OrgAppSurvey
            org_app_survey = org_app_logic.getForProgram(entity)
            items += [
                                                   prefix + '/org_app'),
                 'Edit Org Application Survey', 'any_access')

        return items
Example #10
  def _getExtraMenuItems(self, role_description, params=None):
    """Used to create the specific Sponsor menu entries.

    For args see group.View._getExtraMenuItems().

    submenus = []

    group_entity = role_description['group']
    roles = role_description['roles']
    if roles.get('host'):
      # add a link to create a new program
      submenu = (redirects.getCreateRedirect(group_entity,
          {'url_name': 'program'}),"Create a New Program", 'any_access')

      # add a link to the management page
      submenu = (redirects.getListRolesRedirect(group_entity, params), 
          "Manage Program Administrators", 'any_access')

      # add a link to invite an a host
      submenu = (redirects.getInviteRedirectForRole(group_entity, 'host'), 
          "Invite a Program Administrator", 'any_access')

      # add a link to the request page
      submenu = (redirects.getListRequestsRedirect(group_entity, params), 
          "List Program Administrator Invites", 'any_access')

      # add a link to the edit page
      submenu = (redirects.getEditRedirect(group_entity, params), 
          "Edit Program Owner Profile", 'any_access')

      # add a link to resign as a host
      submenu = (redirects.getManageRedirect(roles['host'], 
          {'url_name': 'host'}), 
          "Resign as Program Administrator", 'any_access')

      # add a link to create a new document
      submenu = (redirects.getCreateDocumentRedirect(group_entity, 'sponsor'),
          "Create a New Document", 'any_access')

      # add a link to list all documents
      submenu = (redirects.getListDocumentsRedirect(group_entity, 'sponsor'),
          "List Documents", 'any_access')

    return submenus
Example #11
  def _getExtraMenuItems(self, role_description, params=None):
    """Used to create the specific Sponsor menu entries.

    For args see group.View._getExtraMenuItems().

    submenus = []

    group_entity = role_description['group']
    roles = role_description['roles']
    if roles.get('host'):
      # add a link to create a new program
      submenu = (redirects.getCreateRedirect(group_entity,
          {'url_name': 'program'}),"Create a New Program", 'any_access')

      # add a link to the management page
      submenu = (redirects.getListRolesRedirect(group_entity, params), 
          "Manage Program Administrators", 'any_access')

      # add a link to invite an a host
      submenu = (redirects.getInviteRedirectForRole(group_entity, 'host'), 
          "Invite a Program Administrator", 'any_access')

      # add a link to the request page
      submenu = (redirects.getListRequestsRedirect(group_entity, params), 
          "List Program Administrator Invites", 'any_access')

      # add a link to the edit page
      submenu = (redirects.getEditRedirect(group_entity, params), 
          "Edit Program Owner Profile", 'any_access')

      # add a link to resign as a host
      submenu = (redirects.getManageRedirect(roles['host'], 
          {'url_name': 'host'}), 
          "Resign as Program Administrator", 'any_access')

      # add a link to create a new document
      submenu = (redirects.getCreateDocumentRedirect(group_entity, 'sponsor'),
          "Create a New Document", 'any_access')

      # add a link to list all documents
      submenu = (redirects.getListDocumentsRedirect(group_entity, 'sponsor'),
          "List Documents", 'any_access')

    return submenus
Example #12
  def _getStudentEntries(self, program_entity, student_entity,
                         params, id, user, prefix):
    """Returns a list with menu items for students in a specific program.

    items = []

    if timeline_helper.isBeforeEvent(program_entity.timeline, 'program_end') \
        and student_entity.status == 'active':
      items += [(redirects.getEditRedirect(student_entity,
          {'url_name': prefix + '/student'}),
          "Edit my Student Profile", 'any_access')]

    return items
Example #13
    def _getStudentEntries(self, program_entity, student_entity, params, id,
                           user, prefix):
        """Returns a list with menu items for students in a specific program.

        items = []

        if timeline_helper.isBeforeEvent(program_entity.timeline, 'program_end') \
            and student_entity.status == 'active':
            items += [
                                           {'url_name': prefix + '/student'}),
                 "Edit my Student Profile", 'any_access')

        return items
Example #14
  def _public(self, request, entity, context):
    """See base.View._public().

    if not entity:

    news_feed = NewsFeed(entity)
    context['news_feed'] = news_feed.getFeed() 
      home_doc = entity.home
    except db.Error:
      home_doc = None

    if not home_doc:
      return False

    home_doc.content = helper.templates.unescape(home_doc.content)
    context['home_document'] = home_doc

    # check if the current user is allowed edit the home document
    rights = self._params['rights']

    allowed_to_edit = False

      # use the IsDocumentWritable check because we have no django args
      rights.checkIsDocumentWritable({'key_name': home_doc.key().name(),
                                      'prefix': home_doc.prefix,
                                      'scope_path': home_doc.scope_path,
                                      'link_id': home_doc.link_id},
      allowed_to_edit = True

    if allowed_to_edit:
      # put the link to edit to home document in context
      context['home_document_edit_redirect'] = redirects.getEditRedirect(
          home_doc, {'url_name': 'document'})
    return super(View, self)._public(request, entity, context)
Example #15
  def _public(self, request, entity, context):
    """See base.View._public().

    if not entity:

      home_doc = entity.home
    except db.Error:
      home_doc = None

    if not home_doc:
      return False

    home_doc.content = helper.templates.unescape(home_doc.content)
    context['home_document'] = home_doc

    # check if the current user is allowed edit the home document
    rights = self._params['rights']

    allowed_to_edit = False

      # use the IsDocumentWritable check because we have no django args
      rights.checkIsDocumentWritable({'key_name': home_doc.key().name(),
                                      'prefix': home_doc.prefix,
                                      'scope_path': home_doc.scope_path,
                                      'link_id': home_doc.link_id},
      allowed_to_edit = True

    if allowed_to_edit:
      # put the link to edit to home document in context
      context['home_document_edit_redirect'] = redirects.getEditRedirect(
          home_doc, {'url_name': 'document'})

    return super(View, self)._public(request, entity, context)
Example #16
def as_comment(context, comment):
  """Returns a HTML representation of a comment.

  edit_link = ''
  current_user = user_logic.logic.getCurrentUser()
  # pylint: disable=E1103
  if current_user and comment.author.key() == current_user.key():
    params = {'url_name': context['comment_on_url_name']}
    edit_link = redirects.getEditRedirect(comment, params)

      'author': comment.author.name,
      'content': comment.content,
      'created': comment.created,
      'edit_link': edit_link,
      'modified_on': comment.modified,
      'modified_by': comment.modified_by.name if comment.modified_by else '',
      'comment_class': "public" if comment.is_public else "private",

  return context
Example #17
    def updatePublicContext(self, context, entity, params):
        """Updates the context for the public page with information from the entity.

      context: the context that should be updated
      entity: a student proposal_entity used to set context
      params: dict with params for the view using this context

        from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.review import logic as review_logic
        from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.review_follower import logic as \

        student_entity = entity.scope

        context['student'] = student_entity
        context['student_name'] = student_entity.name()

        user_entity = user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount()

        # check if the current user is the student
        # pylint: disable-msg=E1103
        if user_entity.key() == student_entity.user.key():
            # show the proposal edit link
            context['edit_link'] = redirects.getEditRedirect(entity, params)

        # check if the current user is subscribed to this proposal's public reviews
        fields = {
            'user': user_entity,
            'scope': entity,
            'subscribed_public': True

        context['is_subscribed'] = review_follower_logic.getForFields(
            fields, unique=True)

        context['public_reviews'] = review_logic.getReviewsForEntity(
            entity, is_public=True, order=['created'])
Example #18
  def create(self, request, access_type,
             page_name=None, params=None, **kwargs):
    """Displays the create page for this entity type.

    If an OrgAppSurvey already exists it will redirect to the edit page.

    params = dicts.merge(params, self._params)
    program_view = params['scope_view']
    program_logic = program_view.getParams()['logic']

    program_entity = program_logic.getFromKeyName(kwargs['scope_path'])
    org_app = org_app_logic.getForProgram(program_entity)

    if org_app:
      # redirect to edit page
      return http.HttpResponseRedirect(
          redirects.getEditRedirect(org_app, params))
      # show create page
      return super(View, self).create(request, access_type,
                                      page_name=page_name, params=params,
Example #19
    def _getExtraMenuItems(self, role_description, params=None):
        """Used to create the specific Organization menu entries.

    For args see group.View._getExtraMenuItems().
        submenus = []

        group_entity = role_description['group']
        program_entity = group_entity.scope
        roles = role_description['roles']

        mentor_entity = roles.get('mentor')
        admin_entity = roles.get('org_admin')

        is_active_mentor = mentor_entity and mentor_entity.status == 'active'
        is_active_admin = admin_entity and admin_entity.status == 'active'

        if admin_entity or mentor_entity:
            # add a link to view all the student proposals
            submenu = (redirects.getListProposalsRedirect(
                params), "View all Student Proposals", 'any_access')

        if admin_entity:
            # add a link to manage student projects after they have been announced
            if timeline_helper.isAfterEvent(
                submenu = (redirects.getManageOverviewRedirect(
                    group_entity, {'url_name': 'gsoc/student_project'}),
                           "Manage Student Projects", 'any_access')

        if is_active_admin:
            # add a link to the management page
            submenu = (redirects.getListRolesRedirect(group_entity, params),
                       "Manage Admins and Mentors", 'any_access')

            # add a link to invite an org admin
            submenu = (redirects.getInviteRedirectForRole(
                'gsoc/org_admin'), "Invite an Admin", 'any_access')

            # add a link to invite a member
            submenu = (redirects.getInviteRedirectForRole(
                group_entity, 'gsoc/mentor'), "Invite a Mentor", 'any_access')

            # add a link to the request page
            submenu = (redirects.getListRequestsRedirect(group_entity, params),
                       "List Requests and Invites", 'any_access')

            # add a link to the edit page
            submenu = (redirects.getEditRedirect(group_entity, params),
                       "Edit Organization Profile", 'any_access')

        if is_active_admin or is_active_mentor:
            submenu = (redirects.getCreateDocumentRedirect(
                group_entity, params['document_prefix']),
                       "Create a New Document", 'any_access')

            submenu = (redirects.getListDocumentsRedirect(
                params['document_prefix']), "List Documents", 'any_access')

        if is_active_admin:
            # add a link to the resign page
            submenu = (redirects.getManageRedirect(
                roles['org_admin'], {'url_name': 'gsoc/org_admin'}),
                       "Resign as Admin", 'any_access')

            # add a link to the edit page
            submenu = (redirects.getEditRedirect(
                roles['org_admin'], {'url_name': 'gsoc/org_admin'}),
                       "Edit My Admin Profile", 'any_access')

        if is_active_mentor:
            # add a link to the resign page
            submenu = (redirects.getManageRedirect(
                {'url_name': 'gsoc/mentor'}), "Resign as Mentor", 'any_access')

            # add a link to the edit page
            submenu = (redirects.getEditRedirect(roles['mentor'],
                                                 {'url_name': 'gsoc/mentor'}),
                       "Edit My Mentor Profile", 'any_access')

        return submenus
Example #20
    def __init__(self, params=None):
        """Defines the fields and methods required for the base View class
    to provide the user with list, public, create, edit and delete views.

      params: a dict with params for this View

        rights = access.GSoCChecker(params)
        rights['create'] = [('checkIsHostForProgramInScope', program_logic)]
        rights['edit'] = [('checkIsHostForProgramInScope', program_logic)]
        rights['delete'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
        rights['show'] = [('checkIsHostForProgramInScope', program_logic)]
        rights['list'] = [('checkIsHostForProgramInScope', program_logic)]
        rights['records'] = [('checkIsHostForProgramInScope', program_logic)]
        rights['edit_record'] = [('checkIsHostForProgramInScope',

        new_params = {}
        new_params['logic'] = survey_group_logic
        new_params['rights'] = rights
        new_params['name'] = "Grading Survey Group"
        new_params['url_name'] = 'gsoc/grading_survey_group'
        new_params['module_package'] = 'soc.modules.gsoc.views.models'
        new_params['sidebar_grouping'] = "Surveys"

        new_params['scope_view'] = program_view
        new_params['scope_redirect'] = redirects.getCreateRedirect

        new_params['no_admin'] = True
        new_params['no_create_with_key_fields'] = True

        new_params['create_extra_dynaproperties'] = {
            djangoforms.ModelChoiceField(GradingProjectSurvey, required=True),
            djangoforms.ModelChoiceField(ProjectSurvey, required=False),

        new_params['extra_dynaexclude'] = [
            'link_id', 'scope', 'scope_path', 'last_update_started',

        new_params['edit_extra_dynaproperties'] = {
            'link_id': forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput),

        # remove the raw list and add the one without the link_id
        new_params['no_list_raw'] = True
        new_params['sans_link_id_list'] = True

        # redefine the developer sidebar so that the list_raw is not shown
        new_params['sidebar_developer'] = [
            # TODO(SRabbelier): remove create once new list code is in
            ('/%s/create', 'New %(name)s', 'create')

        patterns = [
             'Overview of GradingRecords'),
             'Edit a GradingRecord'),

        new_params['extra_django_patterns'] = patterns

        new_params['edit_template'] = 'soc/grading_survey_group/edit.html'
            'view_records_template'] = 'soc/grading_survey_group/records.html'
        new_params['record_edit_template'] = 'soc/grading_record/edit.html'

        # create the form that will be used to edit a GradingRecord
        record_logic = survey_group_logic.getRecordLogic()

        record_edit_form = dynaform.newDynaForm(
                'grading_survey_group', 'mentor_record', 'student_record',

        new_params['record_edit_form'] = record_edit_form

        new_params['public_field_keys'] = [
            "name", "last_update_started", "last_update_completed"
        new_params['public_field_names'] = [
            "Name", "Last update started", "Last update completed"

        new_params['records_field_prefetch'] = [
            # TODO(SRabbelier): Enable when we support multi-level prefetching
            # 'project.student', 'project.scope', 'project.mentor',
        new_params['records_field_extra'] = lambda entity: {
            "mentor_grade": ("Pass" if entity.mentor_record.grade else "Fail")
            if entity.mentor_record else "Not Available",
            "Yes" if entity.student_record else "Not Available",
        new_params['records_field_keys'] = [
        new_params['records_field_names'] = [
            "Project Name",
            "Student link_id",
            "Student email",
            "Mentor link_id",
            "Mentor email",
            "Final Grade",
            "Mentor Grade",
            "Student Eval",
        new_params['records_row_extra'] = lambda entity: {
            "link": redirects.getEditRedirect(entity, params),

        params = dicts.merge(params, new_params)

        super(View, self).__init__(params=params)
Example #21
  def getExtraMenus(self, id, user, params=None):
    """Returns the extra menu's for this view.

    A menu item is generated for each program that is currently
    running. The public page for each program is added as menu item,
    as well as all public documents for that program.

      params: a dict with params for this View.

    from soc.views.models import survey as survey_view
    from soc.views.models import project_survey as project_survey_view
    from soc.views.models import grading_project_survey as grading_survey_view

    logic = params['logic']
    rights = params['rights']

    # only get all invisible and visible programs
    fields = {'status': ['invisible', 'visible']}
    entities = logic.getForFields(fields)

    menus = []

    rights.setCurrentUser(id, user)

    for entity in entities:
      items = []

      if entity.status == 'visible':
        # show the documents for this program, even for not logged in users
        items += document_view.view.getMenusForScope(entity, params)
        items += survey_view.view.getMenusForScope(entity, params, id, user)
        items += project_survey_view.view.getMenusForScope(
            entity, params, id, user)
        items += grading_survey_view.view.getMenusForScope(
            entity, params, id, user)
        items += self._getTimeDependentEntries(entity, params, id, user)
        # check if the current user is a host for this program
                             {'scope_path': entity.scope_path,
                              'link_id': entity.link_id}, [])

        if entity.status == 'invisible':
          # still add the document links so hosts can see how it looks like
          items += document_view.view.getMenusForScope(entity, params)
          items += survey_view.view.getMenusForScope(entity, params, id, user)
          items += project_survey_view.view.getMenusForScope(
              entity, params, id, user)
          items += grading_survey_view.view.getMenusForScope(
              entity, params, id, user)
          items += self._getTimeDependentEntries(entity, params, id, user)

        items += [(redirects.getReviewOverviewRedirect(
            entity, {'url_name': 'org_app'}),
            "Review Organization Applications", 'any_access')]
        # add link to edit Program Profile
        items += [(redirects.getEditRedirect(entity, params),
            'Edit Program Profile', 'any_access')]
        # add link to Assign Slots
        items += [(redirects.getAssignSlotsRedirect(entity, params),
            'Assign Slots', 'any_access')]
        # add link to Show Duplicate project assignments
        items += [(redirects.getShowDuplicatesRedirect(entity, params),
            'Show Duplicate Project Assignments', 'any_access')]
        # add link to edit Program Timeline
        items += [(redirects.getEditRedirect(entity, {'url_name': 'timeline'}),
            "Edit Program Timeline", 'any_access')]
        # add link to create a new Program Document
        items += [(redirects.getCreateDocumentRedirect(entity, 'program'),
            "Create a New Document", 'any_access')]
        # add link to list all Program Document
        items += [(redirects.getListDocumentsRedirect(entity, 'program'),
            "List Documents", 'any_access')]
        # add link to create a new Program Survey
        items += [(redirects.getCreateSurveyRedirect(entity, 'program',
            "Create a New Survey", 'any_access')]
        # add link to list all Program Surveys
        items += [(redirects.getListSurveysRedirect(entity, 'program',
            "List Surveys", 'any_access')]
        # add link to create a new Project Survey
        items += [(redirects.getCreateSurveyRedirect(entity, 'program',
            "Create a New Project Survey", 'any_access')]
        # add link to list all Project Surveys
        items += [(redirects.getListSurveysRedirect(entity, 'program',
            "List Project Surveys", 'any_access')]
        # add link to create a new Grading Survey
        items += [(redirects.getCreateSurveyRedirect(entity, 'program',
            "Create a New Grading Survey", 'any_access')]
        # add link to list all Grading Surveys
        items += [(redirects.getListSurveysRedirect(entity, 'program',
            "List Grading Surveys", 'any_access')]

      except out_of_band.Error:

      items = sidebar.getSidebarMenu(id, user, items, params=params)
      if not items:

      menu = {}
      menu['heading'] = entity.short_name
      menu['items'] = items
      menu['group'] = 'Programs'

    return menus
Example #22
def constructParams(params):
  """Constructs a new params dictionary based on params.

  Params usage:
    The params dictionary is passed to getCreateForm and getEditForm,
    see their docstring on how they use it.

    rights: The rights value is merged with a default rights
      dictionary and then used as rights value.
    url_name: The url_name value is used in constructing several
      redirects as the first part of the url.
    module_name: The module_name value is used in constructing the
      location of several templates. It is expected that it matches
      the part after "/templates/soc/" for this View.
    name_plural: The name_plural argument is provided to the
      LIST_DESCRIPTION when constructing the list_description field.
    extra_dynainclude: The extra_dynainclude value is used when
      constructing the create_dynainclude value.
    extra_dynaexclude: The extra_dynaexclude value is used when
      constructing the create_dynaexclude value.
    logic: The logic value is used as argument to save the scope_logic
      and create a create form.

  logic = params['logic']

  if params.get('rights'):
    rights = params['rights']
    rights = access.Checker(params)

  rights['unspecified'] = ['deny']
  rights['allow'] = ['allow']
  rights['any_access'] = ['checkIsLoggedIn']
  rights['show'] = ['checkIsUser']
  rights['create'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
  rights['edit'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
  rights['delete'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
  rights['list'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
  rights['pick'] = ['checkIsUser'] # TODO(SRabbelier): proper check

  new_params = {}
  new_params['scope_logic'] = logic.getScopeLogic()

  if 'name_short' not in params:
    params['name_short'] = params['name']

  if 'name_plural' not in params:
    params['name_plural'] = params['name'] + 's'

  if 'module_name' not in params:
    params['module_name'] = params['name_short'].replace(' ', '_').lower()

  if 'url_name' not in params:
    params['url_name'] = params['module_name']

  if 'document_prefix' not in params:
    params['document_prefix'] = params['url_name']

  # Do not expand edit_redirect to allow it to be overwritten without suffix
  new_params['edit_redirect'] = '/%(url_name)s/edit/%(suffix)s'
  new_params['missing_redirect'] = '/%(url_name)s/create' % params
  new_params['delete_redirect'] = '/%(url_name)s/list' % params
  new_params['invite_redirect'] = '/request/list'
  # new_params['cancel_redirect'] = '/%(url_name)s/list' % params
  new_params['public_redirect'] = None

  new_params['sidebar'] = None
  new_params['sidebar_grouping'] = 'main'
  new_params['sidebar_defaults'] = []
  new_params['sidebar_developer'] = [
      # TODO(SRabbelier): remove create once new list code is in
      ('/%s/create', 'New %(name)s', 'create'),
      ('/%s/list', 'List %(name_plural)s', 'list'),
  new_params['sidebar_additional'] = []

  names_sans_link_id = [i for i in logic.getKeyFieldNames() if i != 'link_id']
  sans_link_id_pattern = getPattern(names_sans_link_id,

  new_params['link_id_arg_pattern'] = linkable.LINK_ID_ARG_PATTERN
  new_params['link_id_pattern_core'] = linkable.LINK_ID_PATTERN_CORE
  new_params['scope_path_pattern'] = getScopePattern(params)
  new_params['sans_link_id_pattern'] = sans_link_id_pattern

  new_params['django_patterns'] = None
  new_params['extra_django_patterns'] = []
  new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] = []

  # Defines the module package that the view is in. If it is not
  # already defined in the respective view, it defaults to 
  # soc.views.models
  if not params.get('module_package'):
    new_params['module_package'] = 'soc.views.models'

  if not params.get('no_edit'):
    new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
          '%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.edit', 'Edit %(name_short)s')]

  if not params.get('no_delete'):
    new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
          '%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.delete', 'Delete %(name_short)s')]

  if not params.get('no_show'):
    new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
          '%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.public', 'Show %(name_short)s')]

  if not params.get('no_admin'):
    new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
          'Show %(name_short)s (admin)')]

  if not params.get('no_create_raw'):
    new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
          '%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.create', 'Create %(name_short)s')]

  if not params.get('no_create_with_scope'):
    new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
        '%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.create', 'Create %(name_short)s')]

  if not params.get('no_create_with_key_fields'):
    new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
        '%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.create', 'Create %(name_short)s')]

  if not params.get('no_list_raw'):
    new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
          '%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.list', 'List %(name_plural)s')]

  if params.get('pickable'):
    new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
          '%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.pick', 'Pick %(name_short)s')]

  if params.get('export_content_type'):
    new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
          '%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.export', 'Export %(name_short)s')]

  if params.get('sans_link_id_create'):
    new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
         '%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.create', 'Create %(name_short)s')]

  if params.get('sans_link_id_list'):
    new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
         '%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.list', 'List %(name_plural)s')]

  if params.get('sans_link_id_public_list'):
    new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
         'List %(name_plural)s')]

  new_params['public_template'] = 'soc/%(module_name)s/public.html' % params
  new_params['export_template'] = 'soc/export.html'
  new_params['create_template'] = 'soc/models/edit.html'
  new_params['edit_template'] = 'soc/models/edit.html'
  new_params['admin_template'] = 'soc/models/admin.html'
  new_params['list_template'] = 'soc/models/list.html'
  new_params['invite_template'] = 'soc/models/invite.html'

  new_params['context'] = None

  new_params['cache_pick'] = False

  new_params['export_content_type'] = None
  new_params['export_extension'] = '.txt'
  new_params['csv_fieldnames'] = []

  # TODO: Use only the js modules needed instead of js_uses_all
  new_params['js_uses_all'] = DEF_JS_USES_LIST
  new_params['js_uses_list'] = ['jq', 'menu']
  new_params['js_uses_show'] = ['jq', 'menu']
  new_params['js_uses_edit'] = ['jq', 'menu', 'tinymce', 'jq_purr',
                                'jq_spin', 'jq_autocomplete']

  new_params['error_public'] = 'soc/%(module_name)s/error.html' % params
  new_params['error_export'] = new_params['error_public']
  new_params['error_edit'] = new_params['error_public']

  new_params['public_row_action'] = {
        "type": "redirect_custom",
        "parameters": dict(new_window=False),
  new_params['public_row_extra'] = lambda entity, *args: {
        "link": redirects.getEditRedirect(entity, params),

  new_params['list_description'] = DEF_LIST_DESCRIPTION_FMT % params
  new_params['save_message'] = [ugettext('%(name)s saved.' % params),
                                ugettext('Cannot delete %(name)s.' % params)]
  new_params['submit_msg_param_name'] = DEF_SUBMIT_MSG_PARAM_NAME
  new_params['edit_params'] = {

  new_params['cannot_delete_params'] = {

  new_params['dynabase'] = helper.forms.BaseForm

  create_dynaproperties = {
      'clean_link_id': cleaning.clean_link_id('link_id'),
  create_dynaproperties.update(params.get('create_extra_dynaproperties', {}))

  # dynafields override any dynaproperties
  create_dynafields = getDynaFields(params.get('create_dynafields', {}))
  create_dynaproperties = dicts.merge(create_dynafields, create_dynaproperties)

  new_params['references'] = []
  new_params['create_dynainclude'] = [] + params.get('extra_dynainclude', [])
  new_params['create_dynaexclude'] = ['scope', 'scope_path'] + \
      params.get('extra_dynaexclude', [])
  new_params['create_dynaproperties'] = create_dynaproperties

  edit_dynaproperties = {
      'clean_link_id': cleaning.clean_link_id('link_id'),
      'link_id': forms.CharField(widget=helper.widgets.ReadOnlyInput()),
  edit_dynaproperties.update(params.get('edit_extra_dynaproperties', {}))

  # dynafields override any dynaproperties
  edit_dynafields = getDynaFields(params.get('edit_dynafields', {}))
  edit_dynaproperties = dicts.merge(edit_dynafields, edit_dynaproperties)

  new_params['edit_dynainclude'] = None
  new_params['edit_dynaexclude'] = None
  new_params['edit_dynaproperties'] = edit_dynaproperties

  params = dicts.merge(params, new_params)

  # These need to be constructed separately, because they require
  # parameters that can be defined either in params, or new_params.
  if not 'create_form' in params:
    params['create_form'] = getCreateForm(params, logic.getModel())

  if not 'edit_form' in params:
    params['edit_form'] = getEditForm(params, params['create_form'])

  if not 'admin_form' in params:
    params['admin_form'] = getAdminForm(params['edit_form'])

  if not 'key_fields_pattern' in params:
    params['key_fields_pattern'] = getKeyFieldsPattern(params)

  # merge already done by access.Checker
  params['rights'] = rights

  return params
Example #23
    def _getExtraMenuItems(self, role_description, params=None):
        """Used to create the specific club menu entries.

    For args see group.View._getExtraMenuItems().

        submenus = []

        group_entity = role_description['group']
        roles = role_description['roles']

        if roles.get('club_admin'):
            # add a link to the management page
            submenu = (redirects.getListRolesRedirect(group_entity, params),
                       "Manage Admins and Members", 'any_access')

            # add a link to invite an admin
            submenu = (redirects.getInviteRedirectForRole(
                group_entity, 'club_admin'), "Invite an Admin", 'any_access')

            # add a link to invite a member
            submenu = (redirects.getInviteRedirectForRole(
                group_entity, 'club_member'), "Invite a Member", 'any_access')

            # add a link to the request page
            submenu = (redirects.getListRequestsRedirect(group_entity, params),
                       "List Requests and Invites", 'any_access')

            # add a link to the edit page
            submenu = (redirects.getEditRedirect(group_entity, params),
                       "Edit Club Profile", 'any_access')

        if roles.get('club_member') or roles.get('club_admin'):
            submenu = (redirects.getCreateDocumentRedirect(
                group_entity, 'club'), "Create a New Document", 'any_access')

            submenu = (redirects.getListDocumentsRedirect(
                group_entity, 'club'), "List Documents", 'any_access')

        if roles.get('club_admin'):
            # add a link to resign as club admin
            submenu = (redirects.getManageRedirect(roles['club_admin'],
                                                   {'url_name': 'club_admin'}),
                       "Resign as Club Admin", 'any_access')

        if roles.get('club_member'):
            # add a link to resign as club member
            submenu = (redirects.getManageRedirect(
                roles['club_member'], {'url_name': 'club_member'}),
                       "Resign as Club Member", 'any_access')

        return submenus
  def __init__(self, params=None):
    """Defines the fields and methods required for the base View class
    to provide the user with list, public, create, edit and delete views.

      params: a dict with params for this View

    rights = access.GSoCChecker(params)
    rights['create'] = [('checkIsHostForProgramInScope', program_logic)]
    rights['edit'] = [('checkIsHostForProgramInScope', program_logic)]
    rights['delete'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
    rights['show'] = [('checkIsHostForProgramInScope', program_logic)]
    rights['list'] = [('checkIsHostForProgramInScope', program_logic)]
    rights['records'] = [('checkIsHostForProgramInScope', program_logic)]
    rights['edit_record'] = [('checkIsHostForProgramInScope', program_logic)]

    new_params = {}
    new_params['logic'] = survey_group_logic
    new_params['rights'] = rights
    new_params['name'] = "Grading Survey Group"
    new_params['url_name'] = 'gsoc/grading_survey_group'
    new_params['module_package'] = 'soc.modules.gsoc.views.models'
    new_params['sidebar_grouping'] = "Surveys"

    new_params['scope_view'] = program_view
    new_params['scope_redirect'] = redirects.getCreateRedirect

    new_params['no_admin'] = True
    new_params['no_create_with_key_fields'] = True

    new_params['create_extra_dynaproperties'] = {
       'grading_survey': djangoforms.ModelChoiceField(
            GradingProjectSurvey, required=True),
       'student_survey': djangoforms.ModelChoiceField(ProjectSurvey,

    new_params['extra_dynaexclude'] = ['link_id', 'scope', 'scope_path',

    new_params['edit_extra_dynaproperties'] = {
        'link_id': forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput),

    # remove the raw list and add the one without the link_id
    new_params['no_list_raw'] = True
    new_params['sans_link_id_list'] = True

    # redefine the developer sidebar so that the list_raw is not shown
    new_params['sidebar_developer'] = [
        # TODO(SRabbelier): remove create once new list code is in
        ('/%s/create', 'New %(name)s', 'create')

    patterns = [
        'Overview of GradingRecords'),
        'Edit a GradingRecord'),

    new_params['extra_django_patterns'] = patterns

    new_params['edit_template'] = 'soc/grading_survey_group/edit.html'
    new_params['view_records_template'] = 'soc/grading_survey_group/records.html'
    new_params['record_edit_template'] = 'soc/grading_record/edit.html'

    # create the form that will be used to edit a GradingRecord
    record_logic = survey_group_logic.getRecordLogic()

    record_edit_form = dynaform.newDynaForm(
        dynaexclude=['grading_survey_group', 'mentor_record',
                     'student_record', 'project'],

    new_params['record_edit_form'] = record_edit_form

    new_params['public_field_keys'] = ["name", "last_update_started",
    new_params['public_field_names'] = ["Name", "Last update started",
                                        "Last update completed"]

    new_params['records_field_prefetch'] = [
        'project', 'mentor_record', 'student_record',
      # TODO(SRabbelier): Enable when we support multi-level prefetching
      # 'project.student', 'project.scope', 'project.mentor',
    new_params['records_field_extra'] = lambda entity: {
        "project_title": entity.project.title,
        "student_name": entity.project.student.link_id,
        "student_email": entity.project.student.email,
        "organization": entity.project.scope.name,
        "mentor_name": entity.project.mentor.link_id,
        "mentor_email": entity.project.mentor.email,
        "final_grade": entity.grade_decision.capitalize(),
        "mentor_grade": ("Pass" if entity.mentor_record.grade else "Fail") if
            entity.mentor_record else "Not Available",
        "student_eval": "Yes" if entity.student_record else "Not Available",
    new_params['records_field_keys'] = [
        "project_title", "student_name", "student_email", "organization",
        "mentor_name", "mentor_email", "final_grade", "mentor_grade",
        "student_eval", "locked", "grade_decision",
    new_params['records_field_names'] = [
        "Project Name", "Student link_id", "Student email", "Organization",
        "Mentor link_id", "Mentor email", "Final Grade", "Mentor Grade",
        "Student Eval", "Locked", "Grade",
    new_params['records_row_extra'] = lambda entity: {
        "link": redirects.getEditRedirect(entity, params),

    params = dicts.merge(params, new_params)

    super(View, self).__init__(params=params)
Example #25
    def _getExtraMenuItems(self, role_description, params=None):
        """Used to create the specific GCI Organization menu entries.

    For args see soc.views.models.organization.View._getExtraMenuItems().
        submenus = []

        group_entity = role_description["group"]
        roles = role_description["roles"]

        mentor_entity = roles.get("gci_mentor")
        admin_entity = roles.get("gci_org_admin")

        is_active_mentor = mentor_entity and mentor_entity.status == "active"
        is_active_admin = admin_entity and admin_entity.status == "active"

        if admin_entity or mentor_entity:
            # add a link to view all the organization tasks.
            submenu = (
                gci_redirects.getListTasksRedirect(group_entity, {"url_name": "gci/task"}),
                "View all Tasks",

        if is_active_admin:
            # add a link to create task
            submenu = (
                redirects.getCreateRedirect(group_entity, {"url_name": "gci/task"}),
                "Create a Task",

            # add a link to bulk create tasks
            submenu = (
                gci_redirects.getBulkCreateRedirect(group_entity, {"url_name": "gci/task"}),
                "Bulk Create Tasks",

            # add a link to the management page
            submenu = (redirects.getListRolesRedirect(group_entity, params), "Manage Admins and Mentors", "any_access")

            # add a link to invite an org admin
            submenu = (
                redirects.getInviteRedirectForRole(group_entity, "gci/org_admin"),
                "Invite an Admin",

            # add a link to invite a member
            submenu = (redirects.getInviteRedirectForRole(group_entity, "gci/mentor"), "Invite a Mentor", "any_access")

            # add a link to the request page
            submenu = (
                redirects.getListRequestsRedirect(group_entity, params),
                "List Requests and Invites",

            # add a link to the edit page
            submenu = (redirects.getEditRedirect(group_entity, params), "Edit Organization Profile", "any_access")

        if is_active_mentor:
            # add a link to suggest task
            submenu = (
                gci_redirects.getSuggestTaskRedirect(group_entity, {"url_name": "gci/task"}),
                "Suggest a Task",

        if is_active_admin or is_active_mentor:
            submenu = (
                redirects.getCreateDocumentRedirect(group_entity, "gci_org"),
                "Create a New Document",

            submenu = (redirects.getListDocumentsRedirect(group_entity, "gci_org"), "List Documents", "any_access")

        if is_active_admin:
            # add a link to the resign page
            submenu = (
                redirects.getManageRedirect(roles["gci_org_admin"], {"url_name": "gci/org_admin"}),
                "Resign as Admin",

            # add a link to the edit page
            submenu = (
                redirects.getEditRedirect(roles["gci_org_admin"], {"url_name": "gci/org_admin"}),
                "Edit My Admin Profile",

        if is_active_mentor:
            # add a link to the resign page
            submenu = (
                redirects.getManageRedirect(roles["gci_mentor"], {"url_name": "gci/mentor"}),
                "Resign as Mentor",

            # add a link to the edit page
            submenu = (
                redirects.getEditRedirect(roles["gci_mentor"], {"url_name": "gci/mentor"}),
                "Edit My Mentor Profile",

        return submenus
Example #26
  def _getExtraMenuItems(self, role_description, params=None):
    """Used to create the specific club menu entries.

    For args see group.View._getExtraMenuItems().

    submenus = []

    group_entity = role_description['group']
    roles = role_description['roles']
    if roles.get('club_admin'):
      # add a link to the management page
      submenu = (redirects.getListRolesRedirect(group_entity, params),
          "Manage Admins and Members", 'any_access')

      # add a link to invite an admin
      submenu = (redirects.getInviteRedirectForRole(group_entity, 'club_admin'),
          "Invite an Admin", 'any_access')

      # add a link to invite a member
      submenu = (redirects.getInviteRedirectForRole(group_entity, 
          'club_member'), "Invite a Member", 'any_access')

      # add a link to the request page
      submenu = (redirects.getListRequestsRedirect(group_entity, params), 
          "List Requests and Invites", 'any_access')

      # add a link to the edit page
      submenu = (redirects.getEditRedirect(group_entity, params), 
          "Edit Club Profile", 'any_access')

    if roles.get('club_member') or roles.get('club_admin'):
      submenu = (redirects.getCreateDocumentRedirect(group_entity, 'club'),
          "Create a New Document", 'any_access')

      submenu = (redirects.getListDocumentsRedirect(group_entity, 'club'),
          "List Documents", 'any_access')

    if roles.get('club_admin'):
      # add a link to resign as club admin
      submenu = (redirects.getManageRedirect(roles['club_admin'], 
          {'url_name': 'club_admin'}), 
          "Resign as Club Admin", 'any_access')

    if roles.get('club_member'):
      # add a link to resign as club member
      submenu = (redirects.getManageRedirect(roles['club_member'], 
          {'url_name' : 'club_member'}), 
          "Resign as Club Member", 'any_access')

    return submenus
Example #27
    def _getExtraMenuItems(self, role_description, params=None):
        """Used to create the specific GCI Organization menu entries.

    For args see soc.views.models.organization.View._getExtraMenuItems().
        submenus = []

        group_entity = role_description['group']
        roles = role_description['roles']

        mentor_entity = roles.get('gci_mentor')
        admin_entity = roles.get('gci_org_admin')

        is_active_mentor = mentor_entity and mentor_entity.status == 'active'
        is_active_admin = admin_entity and admin_entity.status == 'active'

        if admin_entity or mentor_entity:
            # add a link to view all the organization tasks.
            submenu = (gci_redirects.getListTasksRedirect(
                {'url_name': 'gci/task'}), "View all Tasks", 'any_access')

        if is_active_admin:
            # add a link to create task
            submenu = (redirects.getCreateRedirect(group_entity,
                                                   {'url_name': 'gci/task'}),
                       "Create a Task", 'any_access')

            # add a link to bulk create tasks
            submenu = (gci_redirects.getBulkCreateRedirect(
                {'url_name': 'gci/task'}), "Bulk Create Tasks", 'any_access')

            # add a link to the management page
            submenu = (redirects.getListRolesRedirect(group_entity, params),
                       "Manage Admins and Mentors", 'any_access')

            # add a link to invite an org admin
            submenu = (redirects.getInviteRedirectForRole(
                'gci/org_admin'), "Invite an Admin", 'any_access')

            # add a link to invite a member
            submenu = (redirects.getInviteRedirectForRole(
                group_entity, 'gci/mentor'), "Invite a Mentor", 'any_access')

            # add a link to the request page
            submenu = (redirects.getListRequestsRedirect(group_entity, params),
                       "List Requests and Invites", 'any_access')

            # add a link to the edit page
            submenu = (redirects.getEditRedirect(group_entity, params),
                       "Edit Organization Profile", 'any_access')

        if is_active_mentor:
            # add a link to suggest task
            submenu = (gci_redirects.getSuggestTaskRedirect(
                {'url_name': 'gci/task'}), "Suggest a Task", 'any_access')

        if is_active_admin or is_active_mentor:
            submenu = (redirects.getCreateDocumentRedirect(
                'gci_org'), "Create a New Document", 'any_access')

            submenu = (redirects.getListDocumentsRedirect(
                group_entity, 'gci_org'), "List Documents", 'any_access')

        if is_active_admin:
            # add a link to the resign page
            submenu = (redirects.getManageRedirect(
                roles['gci_org_admin'], {'url_name': 'gci/org_admin'}),
                       "Resign as Admin", 'any_access')

            # add a link to the edit page
            submenu = (redirects.getEditRedirect(
                roles['gci_org_admin'], {'url_name': 'gci/org_admin'}),
                       "Edit My Admin Profile", 'any_access')

        if is_active_mentor:
            # add a link to the resign page
            submenu = (redirects.getManageRedirect(roles['gci_mentor'],
                                                   {'url_name': 'gci/mentor'}),
                       "Resign as Mentor", 'any_access')

            # add a link to the edit page
            submenu = (redirects.getEditRedirect(roles['gci_mentor'],
                                                 {'url_name': 'gci/mentor'}),
                       "Edit My Mentor Profile", 'any_access')

        return submenus
Example #28
def constructParams(params):
    """Constructs a new params dictionary based on params.

  Params usage:
    The params dictionary is passed to getCreateForm and getEditForm,
    see their docstring on how they use it.

    rights: The rights value is merged with a default rights
      dictionary and then used as rights value.
    url_name: The url_name value is used in constructing several
      redirects as the first part of the url.
    module_name: The module_name value is used in constructing the
      location of several templates. It is expected that it matches
      the part after "/templates/soc/" for this View.
    name_plural: The name_plural argument is provided to the
      LIST_DESCRIPTION when constructing the list_description field.
    extra_dynainclude: The extra_dynainclude value is used when
      constructing the create_dynainclude value.
    extra_dynaexclude: The extra_dynaexclude value is used when
      constructing the create_dynaexclude value.
    logic: The logic value is used as argument to save the scope_logic
      and create a create form.

    logic = params['logic']

    if params.get('rights'):
        rights = params['rights']
        rights = access.Checker(params)

    rights['unspecified'] = []
    rights['any_access'] = ['checkIsLoggedIn']
    rights['show'] = ['checkIsUser']
    rights['create'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
    rights['edit'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
    rights['delete'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
    rights['list'] = ['checkIsDeveloper']
    rights['pick'] = ['checkIsUser']  # TODO(SRabbelier): proper check

    new_params = {}
    new_params['scope_logic'] = logic.getScopeLogic()

    if 'name_short' not in params:
        params['name_short'] = params['name']

    if 'name_plural' not in params:
        params['name_plural'] = params['name'] + 's'

    if 'module_name' not in params:
        params['module_name'] = params['name_short'].replace(' ', '_').lower()

    if 'url_name' not in params:
        params['url_name'] = params['module_name']

    if 'document_prefix' not in params:
        params['document_prefix'] = params['url_name']

    # Do not expand edit_redirect to allow it to be overwritten without suffix
    new_params['edit_redirect'] = '/%(url_name)s/edit/%(suffix)s'
    new_params['missing_redirect'] = '/%(url_name)s/create' % params
    new_params['delete_redirect'] = '/%(url_name)s/list' % params
    new_params['invite_redirect'] = '/request/list'
    # new_params['cancel_redirect'] = '/%(url_name)s/list' % params
    new_params['public_redirect'] = None

    new_params['sidebar'] = None
    new_params['sidebar_grouping'] = 'main'
    new_params['sidebar_defaults'] = []
    new_params['sidebar_developer'] = [
        # TODO(SRabbelier): remove create once new list code is in
        ('/%s/create', 'New %(name)s', 'create'),
        ('/%s/list', 'List %(name_plural)s', 'list'),
    new_params['sidebar_additional'] = []

    names_sans_link_id = [
        i for i in logic.getKeyFieldNames() if i != 'link_id'
    sans_link_id_pattern = getPattern(names_sans_link_id,

    new_params['link_id_arg_pattern'] = linkable.LINK_ID_ARG_PATTERN
    new_params['link_id_pattern_core'] = linkable.LINK_ID_PATTERN_CORE
    new_params['scope_path_pattern'] = getScopePattern(params)
    new_params['sans_link_id_pattern'] = sans_link_id_pattern

    new_params['django_patterns'] = None
    new_params['extra_django_patterns'] = []
    new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] = []

    # Defines the module package that the view is in. If it is not
    # already defined in the respective view, it defaults to
    # soc.views.models
    if not params.get('module_package'):
        new_params['module_package'] = 'soc.views.models'

    if not params.get('no_edit'):
        new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
             '%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.edit', 'Edit %(name_short)s')

    if not params.get('no_delete'):
        new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
             'Delete %(name_short)s')

    if not params.get('no_show'):
        new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
             'Show %(name_short)s')

    if not params.get('no_admin'):
        new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
             'Show %(name_short)s (admin)')

    if not params.get('no_create_raw'):
        new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
             'Create %(name_short)s')

    if not params.get('no_create_with_scope'):
        new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
             'Create %(name_short)s')

    if not params.get('no_create_with_key_fields'):
        new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
             'Create %(name_short)s')

    if not params.get('no_list_raw'):
        new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
             '%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.list', 'List %(name_plural)s')

    if params.get('pickable'):
        new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
             '%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.pick', 'Pick %(name_short)s')

    if params.get('export_content_type'):
        new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
             'Export %(name_short)s')

    if params.get('sans_link_id_create'):
        new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
             'Create %(name_short)s')

    if params.get('sans_link_id_list'):
        new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
             '%(module_package)s.%(module_name)s.list', 'List %(name_plural)s')

    if params.get('sans_link_id_public_list'):
        new_params['django_patterns_defaults'] += [
             'List %(name_plural)s')

    new_params['public_template'] = 'soc/%(module_name)s/public.html' % params
    new_params['export_template'] = 'soc/export.html'
    new_params['create_template'] = 'soc/models/edit.html'
    new_params['edit_template'] = 'soc/models/edit.html'
    new_params['admin_template'] = 'soc/models/admin.html'
    new_params['list_template'] = 'soc/models/list.html'
    new_params['invite_template'] = 'soc/models/invite.html'

    new_params['context'] = None

    new_params['cache_pick'] = False

    new_params['export_content_type'] = None
    new_params['export_extension'] = '.txt'
    new_params['csv_fieldnames'] = []

    # TODO: Use only the js modules needed instead of js_uses_all
    new_params['js_uses_all'] = DEF_JS_USES_LIST
    new_params['js_uses_list'] = ['jq', 'menu']
    new_params['js_uses_show'] = ['jq', 'menu']
    new_params['js_uses_edit'] = [
        'jq', 'menu', 'tinymce', 'jq_purr', 'jq_spin', 'jq_autocomplete'

    new_params['error_public'] = 'soc/%(module_name)s/error.html' % params
    new_params['error_export'] = new_params['error_public']
    new_params['error_edit'] = new_params['error_public']

    new_params['list_main'] = 'soc/list/main.html'
    new_params['list_pagination'] = 'soc/list/pagination.html'
    new_params['list_row'] = 'soc/%(module_name)s/list/row.html' % params
        'list_heading'] = 'soc/%(module_name)s/list/heading.html' % params

    new_params['public_row_action'] = {
        "type": "redirect_custom",
        "parameters": dict(new_window=True),
    new_params['public_row_extra'] = lambda entity, *args: {
        "link": redirects.getEditRedirect(entity, params),

    new_params['list_params'] = {
        'list_description': 'description',
        'list_info': 'info',
        'list_key_order': 'key_order',
        'list_main': 'main',
        'list_pagination': 'pagination',
        'list_row': 'row',
        'list_heading': 'heading',

    new_params['list_description'] = DEF_LIST_DESCRIPTION_FMT % params
    new_params['no_lists_msg'] = ""
    new_params['save_message'] = [
        ugettext('%(name)s saved.' % params),
        ugettext('Cannot delete %(name)s.' % params)
    new_params['submit_msg_param_name'] = DEF_SUBMIT_MSG_PARAM_NAME
    new_params['edit_params'] = {

    new_params['cannot_delete_params'] = {

    new_params['dynabase'] = helper.forms.BaseForm

    create_dynaproperties = {
        'clean_link_id': cleaning.clean_link_id('link_id'),
        'clean_feed_url': cleaning.clean_feed_url,
    create_dynaproperties.update(params.get('create_extra_dynaproperties', {}))

    # dynafields override any dynaproperties
    create_dynafields = getDynaFields(params.get('create_dynafields', {}))
    create_dynaproperties = dicts.merge(create_dynafields,

    new_params['references'] = []
    new_params['create_dynainclude'] = [] + params.get('extra_dynainclude', [])
    new_params['create_dynaexclude'] = ['scope', 'scope_path'] + \
        params.get('extra_dynaexclude', [])
    new_params['create_dynaproperties'] = create_dynaproperties

    edit_dynaproperties = {
        'clean_link_id': cleaning.clean_link_id('link_id'),
        'link_id': forms.CharField(widget=helper.widgets.ReadOnlyInput()),
    edit_dynaproperties.update(params.get('edit_extra_dynaproperties', {}))

    # dynafields override any dynaproperties
    edit_dynafields = getDynaFields(params.get('edit_dynafields', {}))
    edit_dynaproperties = dicts.merge(edit_dynafields, edit_dynaproperties)

    new_params['edit_dynainclude'] = None
    new_params['edit_dynaexclude'] = None
    new_params['edit_dynaproperties'] = edit_dynaproperties
    new_params['list_msg'] = None

    params = dicts.merge(params, new_params)

    # These need to be constructed separately, because they require
    # parameters that can be defined either in params, or new_params.
    if not 'create_form' in params:
        params['create_form'] = getCreateForm(params, logic.getModel())

    if not 'edit_form' in params:
        params['edit_form'] = getEditForm(params, params['create_form'])

    if not 'admin_form' in params:
        params['admin_form'] = getAdminForm(params['edit_form'])

    if not 'key_fields_pattern' in params:
        params['key_fields_pattern'] = getKeyFieldsPattern(params)

    # merge already done by access.Checker
    params['rights'] = rights

    return params
Example #29
  def _getExtraMenuItems(self, role_description, params=None):
    """Used to create the specific Organization menu entries.

    For args see group.View._getExtraMenuItems().
    submenus = []

    group_entity = role_description['group']
    program_entity = group_entity.scope
    roles = role_description['roles']

    if roles.get('org_admin') or roles.get('mentor'):
      # add a link to view all the student proposals
      submenu = (redirects.getListProposalsRedirect(group_entity, params),
          "View all Student Proposals", 'any_access')

    if roles.get('org_admin'):
      # add a link to manage student projects after they have been announced
      if timeline_helper.isAfterEvent(program_entity.timeline,
        submenu = (redirects.getManageOverviewRedirect(group_entity,
            {'url_name': 'student_project'}),
            "Manage Student Projects", 'any_access')

      # add a link to the management page
      submenu = (redirects.getListRolesRedirect(group_entity, params),
          "Manage Admins and Mentors", 'any_access')

      # add a link to invite an org admin
      submenu = (redirects.getInviteRedirectForRole(group_entity, 'org_admin'),
          "Invite an Admin", 'any_access')

      # add a link to invite a member
      submenu = (redirects.getInviteRedirectForRole(group_entity, 'mentor'),
          "Invite a Mentor", 'any_access')

      # add a link to the request page
      submenu = (redirects.getListRequestsRedirect(group_entity, params),
          "List Requests and Invites", 'any_access')

      # add a link to the edit page
      submenu = (redirects.getEditRedirect(group_entity, params),
          "Edit Organization Profile", 'any_access')

    if roles.get('org_admin') or roles.get('mentor'):
      submenu = (redirects.getCreateDocumentRedirect(group_entity, 'org'),
          "Create a New Document", 'any_access')

      submenu = (redirects.getListDocumentsRedirect(group_entity, 'org'),
          "List Documents", 'any_access')

    if roles.get('org_admin'):
      # add a link to the resign page
      submenu = (redirects.getManageRedirect(roles['org_admin'],
          {'url_name': 'org_admin'}),
          "Resign as Admin", 'any_access')

      # add a link to the edit page
      submenu = (redirects.getEditRedirect(roles['org_admin'],
          {'url_name': 'org_admin'}),
          "Edit My Admin Profile", 'any_access')

    if roles.get('mentor'):
      # add a link to the resign page
      submenu = (redirects.getManageRedirect(roles['mentor'],
          {'url_name' : 'mentor'}),
          "Resign as Mentor", 'any_access')

      # add a link to the edit page
      submenu = (redirects.getEditRedirect(roles['mentor'],
          {'url_name': 'mentor'}),
          "Edit My Mentor Profile", 'any_access')

    return submenus