Example #1
 def _to_python(self, value, state):
     options = SocialString(multivalued=True).to_python(value)
     options = [x for x in options if x]
     options = utils.uniqify(options)
     if not options:
         raise MissingParam('options', value, state)
     if len(options) < 2:
         raise MissingParam('2nd option', value, state)
     return options
    def aggregation(self, parts, values, data=None, fetched=None):
        userIds = utils.uniqify(values)
        noOfUsers = len(userIds)
        entities = data.get('entities', {})

        vals = dict([('user' + str(idx), utils.userName(uid, entities[uid]))\
                     for idx, uid in enumerate(userIds[0:2])])
        vals.update({'count': noOfUsers - 2, 'brandName': brandName})
        if 'orgId' in data:
            orgId = data['orgId']
            vals.update({'orgId': orgId,
                         'networkName': entities[orgId].basic['name']})

        return self._aggregation[3 if noOfUsers > 4 else noOfUsers - 1] % vals
    def aggregation(self, parts, values, data=None, fetched=None):
        userIds = utils.uniqify(values)
        noOfUsers = len(userIds)
        entities = data.get('entities', {})

        keyword = parts[2]
        keyword = '<a class="ajax" href="/admin/keyword-matches?keyword=%s">%s</a>' % (keyword, keyword)

        vals = dict([('user' + str(idx), utils.userName(uid, entities[uid]))\
                     for idx, uid in enumerate(userIds[0:2])])
        vals.update({'count': noOfUsers - 2, 'brandName': brandName,
                     'keyword': keyword})

        return self._aggregation[3 if noOfUsers > 4 else noOfUsers - 1] % vals
Example #4
    def reason(self, convId, updates, data):
        entities = data['entities']
        meta = data['items'][convId]['meta']
        ownerId = meta['owner']
        myId = data['myId']

        uname = lambda x: utils.userName(x, entities[x], "conv-user-cause")
        users = utils.uniqify([x[1] for x in reversed(updates) if x[1] != myId])
        vals = dict([('u'+str(i), uname(x)) for i,x in enumerate(users)])
                     'type':utils.itemLink(convId, meta['type'])})

        template = self.templates[len(users)-1][1] if ownerId != myId\
                   else self.templates[len(users)-1][0]
        return (template % vals, users)
    def aggregation(self, parts, values, data=None, fetched=None):
        values = utils.uniqify(values)
        noOfUsers = len(values)
        entities = data.get('entities', {})

        if self.notificationType == "GI":
            vals = dict([('user' + str(idx), utils.userName(uid, entities[uid]))\
                         for idx, uid in enumerate(values[0:2])])
            groupId = parts[2]
            vals['group0'] = utils.groupName(groupId, entities[groupId])
            vals = dict([('group' + str(idx), utils.userName(uid, entities[uid]))\
                         for idx, uid in enumerate(values[0:2])])

        vals.update({'count': noOfUsers - 2, 'brandName': brandName})
        return self._aggregation[3 if noOfUsers > 4 else noOfUsers - 1] % vals
Example #6
    def _getNotifications(self, request, count=15):
        authinfo = request.getSession(IAuthInfo)
        myId = authinfo.username
        myOrgId = authinfo.organization

        nextPageStart = None
        keysFromStore = []      # List of keys fetched
        notifyIds = []          # convIds for which we have notifications
        details_d = []          # Deferreds waiting of notification items

        toFetchTags = set()
        toFetchEntities = set()
        tags = {}
        entities = {}
        timestamps = {}

        notifyStrs = {}
        notifyClasses = {}
        notifyUsers = {}

        fetchStart = utils.getRequestArg(request, 'start') or ''
        if fetchStart:
            fetchStart = utils.decodeKey(fetchStart)
        fetchCount = count + 2
        while len(notifyIds) < count:
            fetchedNotifyIds = []
            results = yield db.get_slice(myId, "notifications", count=fetchCount,
                                         start=fetchStart, reverse=True)
            for col in results:
                value = col.column.value
                if value not in notifyIds:
                    timestamps[value] = col.column.timestamp / 1e6

            if not keysFromStore:

            fetchStart = keysFromStore[-1]

            if len(results) < fetchCount:

            if len(keysFromStore) > count:
                nextPageStart = utils.encodeKey(keysFromStore[count])
                notifyIds = notifyIds[0:count]
            elif len(results) == fetchCount:
                nextPageStart = utils.encodeKey(keysFromStore[-1])
                notifyIds = notifyIds[0:-1]

        # We don't have notifications on any conversations
        if not notifyIds:

        # We need the name of current user's organization

        # Fetch more data about the notifications
        notifyItems = yield db.get_slice(myId, "notificationItems",
                                         notifyIds, reverse=True)
        notifyValues = {}
        notifyParts = {}
        notifyPlugins = {}
        notifyPluginData = {}
        for notify in notifyItems:
            notifyId = notify.super_column.name
            updates = notify.super_column.columns
            notifyValues[notifyId] = []

            parts = notifyId.split(':')
            notifyType = parts[3] if parts[0] else parts[1]
            plugin = _notificationPlugins.get(notifyType, None)
            if not plugin:

            values = [update.value for update in updates]
            userIds, entityIds, pluginData = \
                yield plugin.fetchAggregationData(myId, myOrgId, parts, values)

            notifyValues[notifyId] = utils.uniqify(values)
            notifyParts[notifyId] = parts
            notifyPlugins[notifyId] = plugin
            notifyPluginData[notifyId] = pluginData
            notifyUsers[notifyId] = utils.uniqify(userIds)

        # Fetch the required entities
        entities = base.EntitySet(toFetchEntities)
        yield entities.fetchData()
        myOrg = entities.get(myOrgId)

        # Build strings
        notifyStrs = {}
        data = {'entities': entities, 'myId': myId, 'orgId': myOrgId}
        for notifyId in notifyIds:
            parts = notifyParts.get(notifyId, None)
            if not parts:

            plugin = notifyPlugins[notifyId]
            notifyStrs[notifyId] = plugin.aggregation(parts,
                                            notifyValues[notifyId], data,

        args = {"notifications": notifyIds, "notifyStr": notifyStrs,
                "notifyClasses": notifyClasses, "notifyUsers": notifyUsers,
                "entities": entities, "timestamps": timestamps,
                "nextPageStart": nextPageStart}