Example #1
class EventSynchronizer(Resource):
    This resource handles event importer

    decorators = [require_oauth()]

    def post(self):
        This endpoint triggers an event synchronizer(Celery task) against a post request with valid data
            "social_network_id": 1
                "message": "Your events are being updated
        data = get_valid_json_data(request)
        social_network_id = data.get('social_network_id')  # Required
        if not social_network_id:
            raise InvalidUsage('Please provide social_network_id')
        if not isinstance(social_network_id, (int, long)):
            raise InvalidUsage("Invalid social_network_id type")
        user_credentials = UserSocialNetworkCredential.get_by_user_and_social_network_id(
            request.user.id, social_network_id)
        if user_credentials:
            return ApiResponse({'message': 'Your events are being updated'})
        raise ResourceNotFound(
            "User credentials not found for user_id: %d and social_network_id: %d"
            % (request.user.id, social_network_id))
Example #2
class RefreshTokenResource(Resource):
        This resource refreshes access token for given social network for given user.

    decorators = [require_oauth()]

    def put(self, social_network_id):
        Update access token for specified user and social network.
        :param int | long social_network_id: social network id


            headers = {
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>',
            response = requests.get(
                                        API_URL + '/social-networks/13/token/refresh',

        .. Response::

                "message" : 'Access token has been refreshed'
                'status' : true

        .. HTTP Status:: 201 (Resource Created)
                         403 (Failed to refresh token)
                         500 (Internal Server Error)
        user_id = request.user.id
            social_network = SocialNetwork.get_by_id(social_network_id)
            if not social_network:
                raise ResourceNotFound("Social Network not found")
            # creating class object for respective social network
            social_network_class = get_class(social_network.name.lower(),
            sn = social_network_class(user_id=user_id)
            status = sn.refresh_access_token()
        except Exception:
            raise InternalServerError(
                "Couldn't get fresh token for specified user "
                "and social network")
        if status:
            return dict(messsage='Access token has been refreshed',
            raise ForbiddenError("Unable to refresh access token")
Example #3
class DisconnectSocialNetworkResource(Resource):
        This resource remove access and refresh token of given social network from gt database which makes user
        disconnected from this social network.

    decorators = [require_oauth()]

    def post(self, social_network_id):
        Remove access and refresh token for specified user and social network.
        :param int | long social_network_id: social network id


            headers = {
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>',
            response = requests.get(
                                        API_URL + '/social-networks/13/disconnect',

        .. Response::

                "message" : 'Access token and refresh has been removed'

        .. HTTP Status:: 201 (Resource Created)
                         404 (Social network not found)
                         500 (Internal Server Error)
        user_id = request.user.id
        social_network = SocialNetwork.get_by_id(social_network_id)
        if not social_network:
            raise ResourceNotFound("Social Network not found")

        # Get social network specific Social Network class
        social_network_class = get_class(social_network.name, 'social_network')
        social_network_class.disconnect(user_id, social_network)
        events_count = Event.disable_events(user_id, social_network.id)
            'User (id: %s) has been disconnect from %s and his %s events are marked as hidden'
            % (user_id, social_network.name, events_count))
        return dict(
            'User (id: %s) has been disconnected from social network (name: %s)'
            % (user_id, social_network.name))
Example #4
class RsvpEventImporter(Resource):
        This resource gets all RSVPs or events.

        This function is called when we run celery to import events or RSVPs from
        social network website.

        1- Meetup
        2- Eventbrite

        ** Working **
        What this method does, is explained in following steps:
        1- Call celery importer task depending on mode and social_network value

        2- It gets the user_social_network_credentials of all the users related
            to given social network (social_network provided in arguments) from
            getTalent database in variable all_user_credentials.
        3- It picks one user_credential from all_user_credentials and instantiates
            respective social network class for auth process.
        4- If access token is not valid, we raise
            AccessTokenHasExpired exception in celery task and move on to next user_credential.

        **See Also**
        .. seealso:: process() method of SocialNetworkBase class inside social_network_service/base.py.

    decorators = [require_oauth(allow_null_user=True)]

    def post(self, mode, social_network):
        :param mode: Possible values -> rsvp, event
        :type mode: str
        :param social_network: Possible values -> eventbrite, facebook, meetup
        :type social_network: str
        if mode == 'event_importer':
            import_lock_key = 'Meetup_Importer_Lock'
            if not redis_store.get(import_lock_key):
                # set lock for 5 minutes
                redis_store.set(import_lock_key, True, 5 * 60)
                raise InvalidUsage('Importer is locked at the moment. Please try again later.')
            if app.config[TalentConfigKeys.ENV_KEY] in [TalentEnvs.JENKINS]:
                raise InvalidUsage('Invalid Usage')

            if not (social_network.lower() in [MEETUP, EVENTBRITE]):
                raise InvalidUsage("No social network with name {} found.".format(social_network))
            # import_meetup_events.delay()

        return dict(message='Meetup Importer has started at : %s' % datetime.datetime.utcnow())
Example #5
class GetTokenValidityResource(Resource):
    decorators = [require_oauth()]

    def get(self, social_network_id, **kwargs):
        Get user access_token validity status for specified social network.
        :param social_network_id: id for specified social network
        :type social_network_id: int
        :keyword user_id: id for current user
        :type user_id: int


            headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'}
            response = requests.get(
                                        API_URL + /social-networks/13/token/validity,

        .. Response::

              "status": true

        .. HTTP Status:: 200 (OK)
                         404 (Social network not found)
                         500 (Internal Server Error)

        .. Error Codes:
                     4061 (UserSocialNetworkCredential not found)
                     4062 (Social Network is not implemented)
                     4066 (Access token for social network has expired)

        user_id = request.user.id
        status = is_token_valid(social_network_id, user_id)
        return dict(status=status)
Example #6
class TwitterSubscription(Resource):
        This resource connects getTalent users with their Twitter accounts.
    decorators = [require_oauth()]

    def get(self):
        This endpoint is hit when user clicks on profile page to connect with Twitter account.
        Here we create object of Twitter class defined in social_network/twitter.py and call its method authenticate().
        This redirects the user to Twitter website to enter credentials and grant access to getTalent app.

        Response is like

                {'redirect_url': 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=Dr2z8QAAAAAAvnskAAABWqj22-E}

        **See Also**
            .. seealso:: authenticate() method defined in Twitter class inside social_network/twitter.py.

        user_id = request.user.id
        twitter_obj = Twitter(user_id=user_id, validate_credentials=False)
        return {'redirect_url': twitter_obj.authenticate()}
Example #7
# Register Blueprints for different APIs
api = TalentApi(app)

# Initialize Redis Cache

        graphiql=app.config[TalentConfigKeys.ENV_KEY] == TalentEnvs.DEV)))

def index():
    return 'Welcome to social network service'

def authorize():
    This is a redirect URL which will be hit when a user accept the invitation on meetup or eventbrite
    In case of meetup the querystring args contain 'state'
    and in case of eventbrite the querystring args does not contain 'state' parameter
Example #8
class Events(Resource):
        This resource returns a list of events or it can be used to create event using POST.
    decorators = [require_oauth()]

    def get(self):
        This action returns a list of user events and their count
        :return events_data: a dictionary containing list of events and their count
        :rtype json

            headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'}
            response = requests.get(API_URL + '/events/', headers=headers)

        .. Response::

              "events": [
                  "cost": 0,
                  "currency": "USD",
                  "description": "Test Event Description",
                  "end_datetime": "2015-10-30 16:51:00",
                  "social_network_group_id": "18837246",
                  "group_url_name": "QC-Python-Learning",
                  "id": 189,
                  "max_attendees": 10,
                  "organizer_id": 1,
                  "registration_instruction": "Just Come",
                  "social_network_event_id": "18970807195",
                  "social_network_id": 18,
                  "start_datetime": "2015-10-25 16:50:00",
                  "tickets_id": "39836307",
                  "timezone": "Asia/Karachi",
                  "title": "Test Event",
                  "url": "",
                  "user_id": 1,
                  "is_deleted_from_vendor": 0,
                  "venue_id": 2

        .. Status:: 200 (OK)
                    500 (Internal Server Error)

        page, per_page = get_pagination_params(request)
        search = request.args.get('search')
        sort_by = request.args.get('sort_by', 'start_datetime')
        sort_type = request.args.get('sort_type', 'desc')
        user_id = request.args.get('user_id')
        is_deleted_from_vendor = request.args.get('is_deleted_from_vendor', 0)

        if user_id:
            if user_id.isdigit():
                user_id = long(user_id)
                raise InvalidUsage('user_id is not a valid number, Given: %s' %

        social_network_id = request.args.get('social_network_id')
        if social_network_id:
            if social_network_id.isdigit():
                social_network_id = long(social_network_id)
                raise InvalidUsage(
                    'social_network_id is not a valid number, Given: %s' %
        query = Event.get_events_query(
        results = query.paginate(per_page=per_page, page=page)
        events = map(add_organizer_venue_data, results.items)
        headers = generate_pagination_headers(results.total, per_page, page)
        if events:
            return ApiResponse(response=dict(events=events), headers=headers)
            return ApiResponse(headers=headers, response=dict(events=[]))

    def post(self):
        This method takes data to create event in local database as well as on corresponding social network.

            event_data = {
                    "organizer_id": 1,
                    "venue_id": 2,
                    "is_deleted_from_vendor": 1,
                    "title": "Test Event",
                    "description": "Test Event Description",
                    "registration_instruction": "Just Come",
                    "end_datetime": "30 Oct, 2015 04:51 pm",
                    "group_url_name": "QC-Python-Learning",
                    "social_network_id": 18,
                    "timezone": "Asia/Karachi",
                    "cost": 0,
                    "start_datetime": "25 Oct, 2015 04:50 pm",
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "social_network_group_id": 18837246,
                    "max_attendees": 10

            headers = {
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>',
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            data = json.dumps(event_data)
            response = requests.post(
                                        API_URL + '/events/',

        .. Response::

                id: 123232
        .. Status:: 201 (Resource Created)
                    500 (Internal Server Error)
                    401 (Unauthorized to access getTalent)

        .. Error codes:
                    In case of internal server error, response contains error code which can be
                    4052 (Unable to determine Social Network)
                    4053 (Some required event fields are missing)
                    4055 (Event not created)
                    4056 (Event not Published on Social Network)
                    4058 (Event venue not created on Social Network)
                    4059 (Tickets for event not created)
                    4060 (Event was not saved in getTalent database)
                    4061 (User credentials of user for Social Network not found)
                    4062 (No implementation for specified Social Network)
                    4064 (Invalid datetime for event)
                    4065 (Specified Venue not found in database)
                    4066 (Access token for Social Network has expired)

        :return: id of created event
        # get json post request data
        event_data = get_valid_json_data(request)
        gt_event_id = process_event(event_data, request.user.id)
        headers = {
        return ApiResponse(dict(id=gt_event_id), headers=headers, status=201)

    def delete(self):
        Deletes multiple event whose ids are given in list in request data.

            event_ids = {
                'ids': [1,2,3]
            headers = {
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>',
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            data = json.dumps(event_ids)
            response = requests.post(
                                        API_URL + '/events/',

        .. Response::

                'message': '3 Events have been deleted successfully'
        .. Status:: 200 (Resource deleted)
                    207 (Not all deleted)
                    400 (Bad request)
                    500 (Internal Server Error)

        # get event_ids for events to be deleted
        req_data = get_valid_json_data(request)
        event_ids = req_data['ids'] if 'ids' in req_data and isinstance(
            req_data['ids'], list) else []
        # check if event_ids list is not empty
        if event_ids:
            deleted, not_deleted = delete_events(request.user.id, event_ids)
            if not not_deleted:
                return dict(message='%s Events deleted successfully' %

            return dict(message='Unable to delete %s events' %
                        not_deleted=not_deleted), 207
        raise InvalidUsage('Bad request, include event_ids as list data')
Example #9
class EventById(Resource):
    This resource handles event related task for a specific event specified by id
    decorators = [require_oauth()]

    def get(self, event_id):
        Returns event object with required id
        :param event_id: (Integer) unique id in Event table on GT database.

            headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'}
            event_id = 1
            response = requests.get(API_URL + '/events/' + str(event_id), headers=headers)

        .. Response::

              "event": {
                          "cost": 0,
                          "currency": "USD",
                          "description": "Test Event Description",
                          "end_datetime": "2015-10-30 16:51:00",
                          "social_network_group_id": "18837246",
                          "group_url_name": "QC-Python-Learning",
                          "id": 1,
                          "max_attendees": 10,
                          "organizer_id": 1,
                          "registration_instruction": "Just Come",
                          "social_network_event_id": "18970807195",
                          "social_network_id": 18,
                          "start_datetime": "2015-10-25 16:50:00",
                          "tickets_id": "39836307",
                          "timezone": "Asia/Karachi",
                          "title": "Test Event",
                          "url": "",
                          "user_id": 1,
                          "venue_id": 2


        .. Status:: 200 (OK)
                    404 (Event not found)
                    500 (Internal Server Error)
        :param event_id: integer, unique id representing event in GT database
        :return: json for required event
        event = Event.get_by_event_id_and_domain_id(event_id,
        if not event:
            raise ResourceNotFound(
                'Event does not exist with id %s in user`s domain.' % event_id)
        event_data = add_organizer_venue_data(event)
        return dict(event=event_data)

    def put(self, event_id):
        Updates event in getTalent's database and on corresponding social network.
        :param event_id: id of event on getTalent database


            event_data = {
                    "organizer_id": 1,
                    "venue_id": 2,
                    "title": "Test Event",
                    "description": "Test Event Description",
                    "registration_instruction": "Just Come",
                    "end_datetime": "30 Oct, 2015 04:51 pm",
                    "group_url_name": "QC-Python-Learning",
                    "social_network_id": 18,
                    "timezone": "Asia/Karachi",
                    "cost": 0,
                    "start_datetime": "25 Oct, 2015 04:50 pm",
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "social_network_group_id": 18837246,
                    "max_attendees": 10

            headers = {
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>',
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            data = json.dumps(event_data)
            event_id = event_data['id']
            response = requests.post(
                                        API_URL + '/events/' + str(event_id)',

        .. Response::

            No Content

        .. Status:: 200 (Resource Modified)
                    500 (Internal Server Error)
                    401 (Unauthorized to access getTalent)
                    403 (Forbidden: Can not update specified event)

        .. Error codes (returned in response's body):
                    In case of internal server error, response contains error code which can be

                    4052 (Unable to determine Social Network)
                    4053 (Some Required event fields are missing)
                    4055 (Event not created)
                    4056 (Event not Published on Social Network)
                    4058 (Event venue not created on Social Network)
                    4059 (Tickets for event not created)
                    4060 (Event was not save in getTalent database)
                    4061 (User credentials of user for Social Network not found)
                    4062 (No implementation for specified Social Network)
                    4064 (Invalid datetime for event)
                    4065 (Specified Venue not found in database)
                    4066 (Access token for Social Network has expired)

        event_data = get_valid_json_data(request)
        # check whether given event_id exists for this user
        event = Event.get_by_user_id_event_id_social_network_event_id(
            request.user.id, event_id, event_data['social_network_event_id'])

        if not event:
            raise ResourceNotFound('Event not found')

        process_event(event_data, request.user.id, method='Update')
        return dict(message='Event updated successfully')

    def delete(self, event_id):
        Removes a single event from getTalent's database and from social network as well.
        :param event_id: (Integer) unique id in Event table on GT database.

            headers = {
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>',
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            event_id = 1
            response = requests.post(
                                        API_URL + '/events/' + str(event_id),

        .. Response::

                'message': 'Event has been deleted successfully'
        .. Status:: 200 (Resource Deleted)
                    403 (Forbidden: event not found for this user)
                    500 (Internal Server Error)
        deleted, not_deleted = delete_events(request.user.id, [event_id])
        if len(deleted) == 1:
            return dict(message='Event deleted successfully')
        raise ForbiddenError('Forbidden: Unable to delete event')
Example #10
class EventOrganizersResource(Resource):
        This resource handles event organizer CRUD operations.
    decorators = [require_oauth()]

    def get(self):
        This action returns a list of event organizers created by current user.

            headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'}
            response = requests.get(API_URL + '/event-organizers/', headers=headers)

        .. Response::

              "count": 1,
              "event_organizers": [
                    "user_id": 1,
                    "name": "Zohaib Ijaz",
                    "email": "*****@*****.**",
                    "about": "I am a software engineer"


        .. HTTP Status:: 200 (OK)
                         500 (Internal Server Error)
        event_organizers = request.user.event_organizers.all()
        organizers = map(lambda organizer: organizer.to_json(),
        response = dict(event_organizers=organizers, count=len(organizers))
        return response

    def post(self):
        Creates an event organizer for this user.

            organizer_data = {
                    "name": "Zohaib Ijaz",
                    "email": "*****@*****.**",
                    "about": "I am a software engineer"

            headers = {
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>',
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            data = json.dumps(organizer_data)
            response = requests.post(
                                        API_URL + '/event-organizers/',

        .. Response::

                "message" : 'Event organizer created successfully'
                'id' : 123

        .. HTTP Status:: 201 (Resource Created)
                         500 (Internal Server Error)

        organizer_data = get_valid_json_data(request)
        user_id = request.user.id
        social_network = SocialNetwork.get_by_name('Eventbrite')
        eventbrite = Eventbrite(user_id, social_network_id=social_network.id)
        organizer_id = eventbrite.create_event_organizer(organizer_data)
        organizer_data['social_network_organizer_id'] = organizer_id
        organizer_data['social_network_id'] = social_network.id
        organizer_data['user_id'] = user_id
        organizer = EventOrganizer(**organizer_data)
        headers = {
        return ApiResponse(dict(
            messsage='Event organizer created successfully', id=organizer.id),

    def delete(self):
        This endpoint deletes one or more organizer owned by this user.

            organizers_ids = {
                'ids': [1,2,3]
            headers = {
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>',
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            data = json.dumps(organizers_ids)
            response = requests.post(
                                        API_URL + '/event-organizers/',

        .. Response::

                'message': '3 event organizers have been deleted successfully'
        .. HTTP Status:: 200 (Resource Deleted)
                         207 (Not all deleted)
                         400 (Bad request)
                         500 (Internal Server Error)

        deleted, not_deleted = [], []
        # Get json data from request
        req_data = get_valid_json_data(request)
        organizer_ids = req_data['ids'] if 'ids' in req_data and isinstance(
            req_data['ids'], list) else []
        # If no organizer id is given, return 400 (Bad request)
        if organizer_ids:
            for _id in organizer_ids:
                organizer = EventOrganizer.get_by_user_id_organizer_id(
                    request.user.id, _id)
                if organizer:

            if not not_deleted:
                return dict(
                    message='%s event organizer(s) deleted successfully' %

            return dict(message='Unable to delete %s event organizer(s)' %
                        not_deleted=not_deleted), 207
            raise InvalidUsage('Bad request, include ids as list data',
Example #11
class SocialNetworksResource(Resource):
        This resource returns a list of social networks.
    decorators = [require_oauth()]

    def set_is_subscribed(self, dicts, value=False):
        for dict in dicts:
            dict['is_subscribed'] = value
        return dicts

    def post(self, **kwargs):
        This method takes data to create social network in database.

            social_network = {
                    "name": 'Github',
                    "url": 'http://www.github.com/',
                    "apiUrl": "http://www.github.com/v1/api/",
                    "clientKey": "client_key_here",
                    "secretKey": "client_secret_goes_here",
                    "redirectUri": "http://gettalent.com",
                    "authUrl": "http://www.github.com/auth",

            headers = {
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>',
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            data = json.dumps(social_network)
            response = requests.post(
                                        API_URL + '/social-network/',

        .. Response::

                id: 123232
        .. HTTP Status:: 201 (Resource Created)
                    500 (Internal Server Error)
                    401 (Unauthorized to access getTalent)

        :return: id of created event
        # get json post request data
        sn_data = get_valid_json_data(request)
        social_network = SocialNetwork(**sn_data)
        headers = {
        response = ApiResponse(dict(id=social_network.id),
        return response

    def delete(self):
        Deletes multiple social network whose ids are given in list in request data.

            social_network_ids = {
                'ids': [1,2,3]
            headers = {
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>',
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            data = json.dumps(social_network_ids)
            response = requests.post(
                                        API_URL + '/social-network/',

        .. Response::

                'message': '3 social networks have been deleted successfully'
        .. HTTP Status::
                    200 (Resource Deleted)
                    207 (Not all deleted)
                    400 (Bad request)
                    500 (Internal Server Error)

        # get event_ids for events to be deleted
        req_data = get_valid_json_data(request)
        social_network_ids = req_data['social_network_ids'] \
            if 'social_network_ids' in req_data and isinstance(
            req_data['social_network_ids'], list) else []
        total_deleted = 0
        total_not_deleted = 0
        if social_network_ids:
            for sn_id in social_network_ids:
                    if SocialNetwork.get_by_id(sn_id):
                        total_deleted += 1
                except Exception as e:
                    total_not_deleted += 1
                        'Unable to delete social network with ID: %s\nError: %s'
                        % (sn_id, e.message))

        if total_not_deleted:
            return dict(message='Unable to delete %s social networks' %
                        not_deleted=total_not_deleted), codes.MULTI_STATUS
        elif total_deleted:
            return dict(message='%s social networks deleted successfully' %
        raise InvalidUsage('Bad request, include social work ids as list data',

    def get(self):
        This action returns a list of user social networks.

            headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'}
            response = requests.get(API_URL + '/venues/', headers=headers)

        .. Response::

              "count": 3,
              "social_networks": [
                      "api_url": "https://api.meetup.com/2",
                      "auth_url": "https://secure.meetup.com/oauth2",
                      "client_key": "jgjvi3gsvrgjcp2mu9r6nb3kb0",
                      "id": 13,
                      "is_subscribed": true,
                      "name": "Meetup",
                      "redirect_uri": "",
                      "updated_time": "",
                      "url": "www.meetup.com/"
                      "api_url": "https://www.eventbriteapi.com/v3",
                      "auth_url": "https://www.eventbrite.com/oauth",
                      "client_key": "MSF5F2NUE35NQTLRLB",
                      "id": 18,
                      "is_subscribed": true,
                      "name": "Eventbrite",
                      "redirect_uri": "",
                      "updated_time": "",
                      "url": "www.eventbrite.com"
                      "api_url": "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.4",
                      "auth_url": "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth",
                      "client_key": "1709873329233611",
                      "id": 2,
                      "is_subscribed": false,
                      "name": "Facebook",
                      "redirect_uri": "",
                      "updated_time": "",
                      "url": "www.facebook.com/"

        .. HTTP Status:: 200 (OK)
                    500 (Internal Server Error)

        user_id = request.user.id
        connected_networks = request.args.get('connected_networks', '0')
        if connected_networks == '1':
            user_credentials = UserSocialNetworkCredential.get_connected_networks(
            social_networks = [
                for user_credential in user_credentials
            return dict(social_networks=social_networks)

        # Get list of networks user is subscribed to from UserSocialNetworkCredential table
        subscribed_networks = None
        subscribed_data = UserSocialNetworkCredential.get_by_user_id(
        if subscribed_data:
            # Get list of social networks user is subscribed to
            subscribed_networks = SocialNetwork.get_by_ids(
                [data.social_network_id for data in subscribed_data])
            # Convert it to JSON
            subscribed_networks = map(lambda sn: sn.to_json(),
            # Add 'is_subscribed' key in each object and set it to True because
            # these are the social networks user is subscribed to
            subscribed_networks = self.set_is_subscribed(subscribed_networks,
        # Get list of social networks user is not subscribed to
        unsubscribed_networks = SocialNetwork.get_all_except_ids(
            [data.social_network_id for data in subscribed_data])
        if unsubscribed_networks:
            unsubscribed_networks = map(lambda sn: sn.to_json(),
            # Add 'is_subscribed' key in each object and set it to False
            unsubscribed_networks = self.set_is_subscribed(
                unsubscribed_networks, value=False)
        # Now merge both subscribed and unsubscribed networks
        all_networks = []
        if subscribed_networks:
        if unsubscribed_networks:
        if all_networks:
            for sn in all_networks:
                del sn['secret_key']
            return dict(social_networks=all_networks, count=len(all_networks))
            return dict(social_networks=[], count=0)
Example #12
class VenueByIdResource(Resource):
        This resource handles venue CRUD operations for a single venue given by venue_id

    decorators = [require_oauth()]

    def get(self, venue_id):
        This action returns a venue (given by id) created by current user.
        :param venue_id: id of venue to be returned

            headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'}
            response = requests.get(
                                        API_URL + '/venues/1',

        .. Response::

              "venue": {
                  "address_line_2": "",
                  "city": "Cupertino",
                  "address_line_1": "Infinite Loop",
                  "social_network_id": 13,
                  "country": "us",
                  "zip_code": "95014",
                  "longitude": 0,
                  "social_network_venue_id": "15570022",
                  "state": "CA",
                  "latitude": 0,
                  "id": 1


        .. HTTP Status:: 200 (OK)
                         404 (Resource not found)
                         500 (Internal Server Error)
        user_id = request.user.id
        venue = Venue.get_by_user_id_venue_id(user_id, venue_id)
        if not venue:
            raise ResourceNotFound('Venue not found')
        venue = venue.to_json()
        return dict(venue=venue)

    def put(self, venue_id):
        Updates a venue for current user
        :param venue_id: id of the requested venue

            venue_data = {
                  "address_line_2": "",
                  "city": "Cupertino",
                  "address_line_1": "Infinite Loop",
                  "social_network_id": 13,
                  "country": "us",
                  "zip_code": "95014",
                  "longitude": 0,
                  "social_network_venue_id": "15570022",
                  "state": "CA",
                  "latitude": 0,
                  "id": 1

            headers = {
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>',
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            data = json.dumps(venue_data)
            response = requests.post(
                                        API_URL + '/venues/1',

        .. Response::

                'message': 'Venue updated successfully'

        .. HTTP Status:: 200 (Resource Updated)
                         500 (Internal Server Error)

        user_id = request.user.id
        venue_data = get_valid_json_data(request)
        venue = Venue.get_by_user_id_venue_id(user_id, venue_id)
        if venue:
            venue_data['user_id'] = user_id
            return dict(message='Venue updated successfully')
            raise ResourceNotFound('Venue not found')

    def delete(self, venue_id):
        This endpoint deletes one venue owned by this user.
        :param venue_id: id of venue on getTalent database to be deleted

            headers = {
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>',
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            response = requests.delete(
                                        API_URL + '/venues/1',

        .. Response::

                'message': 'Venue has been deleted successfully'
        .. HTTP Status:: 200 (Resource Deleted)
                         404 (Not found)
                         500 (Internal Server Error)

        venue = Venue.get_by_user_id_venue_id(request.user.id, venue_id)
        if not venue:
            raise ResourceNotFound('Venue not found')
        return dict(message='Venue has been deleted successfully')
Example #13
class VenuesResource(Resource):
        This resource returns a list of user's created venues.

    decorators = [require_oauth()]

    def get(self):
        This action returns a list of user venues.
        :return: json for venues

            headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'}
            response = requests.get(API_URL + '/venues/', headers=headers)

        .. Response::

              "count": 1,
              "venues": [
                    "user_id": 1,
                    "zip_code": "95014",
                    "social_network_id": 13,
                    "address_line_2": "",
                    "address_line_1": "Infinite Loop",
                    "latitude": 0,
                    "longitude": 0,
                    "state": "CA",
                    "city": "Cupertino",
                    "country": "us"


        .. HTTP Status:: 200 (OK)
                         500 (Internal Server Error)

        venues = request.user.venues.all()
        venues = map(lambda venue: venue.to_json(), venues)
        response = dict(venues=venues, count=len(venues))
        return response

    def post(self):
        Creates a venue for this user

            venue_data = {
                "zip_code": "95014",
                "social_network_id": 13,
                "address_line_2": "",
                "address_line_1": "Infinite Loop",
                "latitude": 0,
                "longitude": 0,
                "state": "CA",
                "city": "Cupertino",
                "country": "us"

            headers = {
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>',
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            data = json.dumps(venue_data)
            response = requests.post(
                                        API_URL + '/venues/',

        .. Response::

                "message" : 'Venue created successfully'
                'id' : 123

        .. HTTP Status:: 201 (Resource Created)
                    500 (Internal Server Error)

        user_id = request.user.id
        venue_data = get_valid_json_data(request)
        mandatory_input_data = [
            'address_line_1', 'city', 'country', 'state', 'social_network_id'
        # gets fields which are missing
        missing_items = [
            key for key in mandatory_input_data if not venue_data.get(key)
        if missing_items:
            raise InvalidUsage("Mandatory Input Missing: %s" % missing_items,
        social_network_id = venue_data['social_network_id']
        social_network_venue_id = venue_data.get('social_network_venue_id')
        if social_network_venue_id:
            venue = Venue.get_by_user_id_and_social_network_venue_id(
                user_id, social_network_venue_id)
            if venue:
                raise InvalidUsage(
                    'Venue already exists in getTalent database',
            venue_data['user_id'] = user_id
            venue = SocialNetworkBase.save_venue(venue_data)
            social_network = SocialNetwork.get(social_network_id)
            if social_network:
                # creating class object for respective social network
                social_network_class = get_class(social_network.name.lower(),
                social_network = social_network_class(user_id=user_id)
                raise InvalidUsage(
                    'Unable to find social network with given id: %s' %
            venue = social_network.add_venue_to_sn(venue_data)
        headers = {
            '{url}/{id}'.format(url=SocialNetworkApi.VENUES, id=venue.id)
        return ApiResponse(dict(message='Venue created successfully',

    def delete(self):
        This endpoint deletes venues specified in list in request data.

            venue_ids = {
                'ids': [1,2,3]
            headers = {
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>',
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            data = json.dumps(venue_ids)
            response = requests.post(
                                        API_URL + '/venues/',

        .. Response::

                'message': '3 Venues have been deleted successfully'
        .. HTTP Status:: 200 (Resource Deleted)
                         207 (Not all deleted)
                         400 (Bad request)
                         500 (Internal Server Error)

        user_id = request.user.id
        deleted, not_deleted = [], []
        req_data = get_valid_json_data(request)
        venue_ids = req_data['ids'] if 'ids' in req_data and isinstance(
            req_data['ids'], list) else []
        if venue_ids:
            for _id in venue_ids:
                venue = Venue.get_by_user_id_venue_id(user_id, _id)
                if venue:

            if not not_deleted:
                return dict(message='%s Venue(s) deleted successfully' %

            return dict(message='Unable to delete %s venue(s)' %
                        not_deleted=not_deleted), 207
            raise InvalidUsage('Bad request, include ids as list data')
Example #14
class MeetupGroupsResource(Resource):
        This resource returns a list of user's admin groups for Meetup.
    decorators = [require_oauth()]

    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        This action returns a list of user events. In the response, we return fields
        as returned from Meetup's /groups call given at http://www.meetup.com/meetup_api/docs/2/groups/

            headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'}
            response = requests.get(API_URL + '/venues/', headers=headers)

        .. Response::

            This response is from Meetup API which will be returned.

              "count": 1,
              "groups": [
                  "category": {
                    "shortname": "tech",
                    "name": "tech",
                    "id": 34
                  "city": "Lahore",
                  "utc_offset": 18000000,
                  "who": "Python Lovers",
                  "rating": 0,
                  "description": "This group is for anyone interested in computer programming. Python is one of the top ranking programming languages. All skill levels are welcome. Basic purpose is to get exposure about python from smart people all over the world. We can also meet at some restaurant for some food and drink afterward. Let's meetup and share knowledge.",
                  "created": 1439705650000,
                  "country": "PK",
                  "topics": [
                      "name": "Python",
                      "urlkey": "python",
                      "id": 1064
                      "name": "Web Development",
                      "urlkey": "web-development",
                      "id": 15582
                      "name": "Programming Languages",
                      "urlkey": "programming-languages",
                      "id": 17628
                      "name": "Computer programming",
                      "urlkey": "computer-programming",
                      "id": 48471
                      "name": "Python web development",
                      "urlkey": "python-web-development",
                      "id": 917242
                  "join_mode": "open",
                  "lon": 74.3499984741211,
                  "visibility": "public",
                  "link": "http://www.meetup.com/QC-Python-Learning/",
                  "members": 59,
                  "urlname": "QC-Python-Learning",
                  "lat": 31.559999465942383,
                  "timezone": "Asia/Karachi",
                  "organizer": {
                    "name": "Waqas Younas",
                    "member_id": 183366764
                  "id": 18837246,
                  "name": "QC - Python Learning"

        .. HTTP Status:: 200 (OK)
                    500 (Internal Server Error)
        user_id = request.user.id
            meetup = Meetup(user_id=user_id)
            groups = meetup.get_groups()
            response = dict(groups=groups, count=len(groups))
        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception('Could not get meetup groups')
            raise InternalServerError(e.message)
        return response
Example #15
class ProcessAccessTokenResource(Resource):
    This resource adds user credentials for given user and social network.
    This resource takes access token 'code' and social network id for which we
    want to add credentials.
    decorators = [require_oauth()]

    def post(self, social_network_id):
        Adds credentials for user for given social network.
        Gets data from POST request which contains 'code' and 'social_credentials'
        :param args:
        :param kwargs:

            data = {
                    'code': '32432ffd2s8fd23e8saq123ds6a3da21221

            headers = {
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>',
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            data = json.dumps(data)
            response = requests.post(
                                        API_URL + '/social-networks/13/user/credentials',

        .. Response::

                "message" : 'User credentials for social network were added successfully'

        .. HTTP Status:: 201 (Resource Updated)
                         404 (Social Network not found)
                         500 (Internal Server Error)

        user_id = request.user.id
        # Get json request data
        req_data = get_valid_json_data(request)
        code = req_data['code']
        social_network = SocialNetwork.get_by_id(social_network_id)
        # if social network does not exists, send failure message
        if social_network:
            # Get social network specific Social Network class
            social_network_class = get_class(social_network.name,
            credentials = social_network_class(
                user_id, social_network.id,
                'User(id:%s) has been connected successfully with %s. We are going to import events now.'
                % (user_id, social_network.name))
            events_count = Event.enable_events(user_id, social_network.id)
                'User (id: %s) has been connected to %s and his %s events have been enabled'
                % (user_id, social_network.name, events_count))
            return dict(
                message='User credentials added successfully'), codes.CREATED
            raise ResourceNotFound('Social Network not found')
Example #16
class EventOrganizerByIdResource(Resource):
        This resource handles event organizer CRUD operations for a single organizer given by organizer_id.
    decorators = [require_oauth()]

    def get(self, organizer_id):
        This action returns an organizer (given by id) created by current user.
        :param organizer_id: id of organizer to be returned

            headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'}
            organizer_id = 1
            response = requests.get(
                                        API_URL + '/event-organizers/' + str(organizer_id),

        .. Response::

              "event_organizer": {
                    "id": 1
                    "user_id": 1,
                    "name": "Zohaib Ijaz",
                    "email": "*****@*****.**",
                    "about": "I am a software engineer"

        .. HTTP Status:: 200 (OK)
                         404 (Resource not found)
                         500 (Internal Server Error)
        user_id = request.user.id
        event_organizer = EventOrganizer.get_by_user_id_organizer_id(
            user_id, organizer_id)
        if not event_organizer:
            raise ResourceNotFound('Event organizer not found')
        event_organizer = event_organizer.to_json()
        return dict(event_organizer=event_organizer)

    def post(self, organizer_id):
        Updates an event organizer for current user.

            organizer_data = {
                    'id': 1,
                    "name": "My Organizer",
                    "email": "*****@*****.**",
                    "about": "He arranges events"

            headers = {
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>',
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            data = json.dumps(organizer_data)
            response = requests.post(
                                        API_URL + '/event-organizers/1',

        .. Response::

                "message" : 'Event organizer updated successfully'

        .. HTTP Status:: 200 (Resource Updated)
                         500 (Internal Server Error)

        user_id = request.user.id
        organizer_data = get_valid_json_data(request)
        event_organizer = EventOrganizer.get_by_user_id_organizer_id(
            user_id, organizer_id)
        if event_organizer:
            organizer_data['user_id'] = user_id
            return dict(message='Organizer updated successfully')
            raise ResourceNotFound("Organizer not found")

    def delete(self, venue_id):
        This endpoint deletes one organizer owned by this user.
        :param int | long venue_id: venue id

            headers = {
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>',
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            response = requests.delete(
                                        API_URL + '/organizers/1',

        .. Response::

                'message': 'Organizer has been deleted successfully'
        .. HTTP Status:: 200 (Resource Deleted)
                         404 (Not found)
                         500 (Internal Server Error)

        organizer = EventOrganizer.get_by_user_id_organizer_id(
            request.user.id, venue_id)
        if organizer:
            return dict(message='Organizer has been deleted successfully')
            raise ResourceNotFound("Organizer not found")