Example #1
File: ner1.py Project: framr/ml
    X_test, y_test = du.docs_to_windows(docs, word_to_num, tag_to_num, wsize=windowsize)

    # To avoid re-inventing the wheel, we provide a base class that handles a lot of the drudgery of 
    # managing parameters and running gradient descent. It's based on the classifier API used by 
    #[`scikit-learn`](http://scikit-learn.org/stable/), so if you're familiar with that library it should be easy to use.  
    # We'll be using this class for the rest of this assignment, so it helps to get acquainted with a simple 
    # example that should be familiar from Assignment 1. 
    # To keep this notebook uncluttered, we've put the code in the `softmax_example.py`; take a look at it there, then run the cell below.
    sr = SoftmaxRegression(wv=zeros((10,100)), dims=(100,5))

    # Automatic gradient checker!
    # this checks anything you add to self.grads or self.sgrads
    # using the method of Assignment 1
    sr.grad_check(x=5, y=4)

    # In order to implement a model, you need to subclass `NNBase`, then implement the following methods:
    # - `__init__()` (initialize parameters and hyperparameters)
    # - `_acc_grads()` (compute and accumulate gradients)
    # - `compute_loss()` (compute loss for a training example)
    # - `predict()`, `predict_proba()`, or other prediction method (for evaluation)
    # `NNBase` provides you with a few others that will be helpful:
    # - `grad_check()` (run a gradient check - calls `_acc_grads` and `compute_loss`)
    # - `train_sgd()` (run SGD training; more on this later)
    # Your task is to implement the window model in `nerwindow.py`; a scaffold has been provided for you with instructions on what to fill in.
Example #2
# Load the test set (dummy labels only)
docs = du.load_dataset('data/ner/test.masked')
X_test, y_test = du.docs_to_windows(docs,

from softmax_example import SoftmaxRegression
sr = SoftmaxRegression(wv=zeros((10, 100)), dims=(100, 5))

# Automatic gradient checker!
# this checks anything you add to self.grads or self.sgrads
# using the method of Assignment 1
sr.grad_check(x=5, y=4)

#from nerwindow import WindowMLP
from nerwindow_msushkov import WindowMLP
clf = WindowMLP(wv,
                dims=[None, 100, 5],
clf.grad_check(X_train[0], y_train[0])  # gradient check on single point

nepoch = 5
N = nepoch * len(y_train)
k = 5  # minibatch size

Example #3
# To avoid re-inventing the wheel, we provide a base class that handles a lot of the drudgery of managing parameters and running gradient descent. It's based on the classifier API used by [`scikit-learn`](http://scikit-learn.org/stable/), so if you're familiar with that library it should be easy to use. 
# We'll be using this class for the rest of this assignment, so it helps to get acquainted with a simple example that should be familiar from Assignment 1. To keep this notebook uncluttered, we've put the code in the `softmax_example.py`; take a look at it there, then run the cell below.

# In[71]:

from softmax_example import SoftmaxRegression
sr = SoftmaxRegression(wv=zeros((10,100)), dims=(100,5))

# Automatic gradient checker!
# this checks anything you add to self.grads or self.sgrads
# using the method of Assignment 1

sr.grad_check(x=5, y=0)

# sr._acc_grads(idx=5,label=4)
# print sr.params.W.shape
# print sr.params.b.shape
# print sr.sparams.L.shape
# # print sr.sgrads.L[1].shape

# sr.compute_loss(idx=5,label=4)

# In order to implement a model, you need to subclass `NNBase`, then implement the following methods:
# - `__init__()` (initialize parameters and hyperparameters)
# - `_acc_grads()` (compute and accumulate gradients)
# - `compute_loss()` (compute loss for a training example)