Example #1
def plotIncident(lats, days, tilts, dirs, attenuate=False):
    if np.isscalar(lats):  lats  = [lats]
    if np.isscalar(days):  days  = [days]
    if np.isscalar(tilts): tilts = [tilts]
    if np.isscalar(dirs):  dirs  = [dirs]
    ts = np.arange(0,24,0.25)
    h = np.radians(solar.hourAngle(ts))
    for lat in lats:
        for day in days:
            for tilt in tilts:
                for dir in dirs:
                    (mon,md) = solar.findDay(day)
                    plt.plot(ts,solar.incident(lat,day,ts,tilt,dir,attenuate),label= mon + " " + str(md) + " " + str(lat) + " deg @" +str(tilt)+"["+str(dir)+"]" )
    plt.title('Effective Incident Solar')
    axes = plt.axes()
    handles, labels = axes.get_legend_handles_labels()
    axes.legend(handles, labels, loc=2)
    return axes                         
Example #2
def plotAzimuthDaysFix(lats,days):
    ts = np.arange(0,24,0.25)
    h = np.radians(solar.hourAngle(ts))
    for lat in lats:
        for day in days:
            d = np.radians(solar.declination(day))
            l = np.radians(lat)
            print 'day: ' + str(day) + " lat: " + str(lat), np.tan(d), np.tan(l), np.tan(d)/np.tan(l)
            (mon,md) = solar.findDay(day)
            plt.plot(ts,solar.azimuthRaw(lat,day,ts),label= mon + " " + str(md) + " " + str(lat) + " deg")
    plt.plot(ts, np.cos(h))
    plt.plot(ts, (np.tan(d)/np.tan(l)) * np.ones(len(ts)))
    plt.title('Solar Azimuth Angle Day')
    axes = plt.axes()
    handles, labels = axes.get_legend_handles_labels()
    axes.legend(handles, labels, loc=3)
    return axes
plt.savefig(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'SolarCalculations.wiki/DemoSolarAnglesCivilSolarTime.png'))

#### reset

# calculate hour angle for a summer day in Golden, CO
longitude = 105.2
stdmeridian = 105
latitude = 39.75
x = []
hours = []
for hour in range(0,24): # gives zero-based hours as expected in the datetime constructor
	dt = datetime(2001, 6, 21, hour, 00, 00)
	hours.append(solar.hourAngle(dt, True, longitude, stdmeridian).degrees)

plt.plot(x, hours, 'b', label='Hour Angle')
plt.suptitle("Hour Angle", fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
plt.xlabel("Hour of Day -- Clock Time")
plt.ylabel("Angle [degrees]")
plt.grid(True, axis='both')
plt.savefig(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'SolarCalculations.wiki/DemoSolarAnglesHour.png'))

#### reset

# calculate solar altitude angles for Winter and Summer days in Golden, CO
longitude = 105.2
# import the csv library for easier output
import csv

# Golden, CO
longitude = 104.85
stdmeridian = 105
latitude = 39.57

with open('/tmp/compare_winter_angles_library.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
	mywriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
	mywriter.writerow(['Hour', 'Hour Angle', 'Solar Altitude', 'Solar Azimuth'])
	for hour in range(0,24): # gives zero-based hours as expected in the datetime constructor
		x = hour
		dt = datetime(2001, 12, 21, hour, 30, 00)
		thour = solar.hourAngle(dt, False, longitude, stdmeridian).degrees
		altitude = solar.altitudeAngle(dt, False, longitude, stdmeridian, latitude).degrees
		azimuth = solar.solarAzimuthAngle(dt, False, longitude, stdmeridian, latitude).degrees
		mywriter.writerow([x, -thour, altitude, azimuth])

with open('/tmp/compare_summer_angles_library.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
	mywriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
	mywriter.writerow(['Hour', 'Hour Angle', 'Solar Altitude', 'Solar Azimuth'])
	for hour in range(0,24): # gives zero-based hours as expected in the datetime constructor
		x = hour
		dt = datetime(2001, 7, 21, hour, 30, 00)
		thour = solar.hourAngle(dt, False, longitude, stdmeridian).degrees
		altitude = solar.altitudeAngle(dt, False, longitude, stdmeridian, latitude).degrees
		azimuth = solar.solarAzimuthAngle(dt, False, longitude, stdmeridian, latitude).degrees
		mywriter.writerow([x, -thour, altitude, azimuth])
#### reset

# calculate hour angle for a summer day in Golden, CO
longitude = 105.2
stdmeridian = 105
latitude = 39.75
x = []
hours = []
for hour in range(
        24):  # gives zero-based hours as expected in the datetime constructor
    dt = datetime(2001, 6, 21, hour, 00, 00)
    hours.append(solar.hourAngle(dt, True, longitude, stdmeridian).degrees)

plt.plot(x, hours, 'b', label='Hour Angle')
plt.xlim([0, 23])
plt.suptitle("Hour Angle", fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
plt.xlabel("Hour of Day -- Clock Time")
plt.ylabel("Angle [degrees]")
plt.grid(True, axis='both')
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..',

#### reset
stdmeridian = 105
east_wall_normal_from_north = 90
south_wall_normal_from_north = 180
west_wall_normal_from_north = 270
with open('/tmp/eplus_validation_location.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
	mywriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
	mywriter.writerow(['Hour', 'Hour Angle', 'Solar Altitude', 'Solar Azimuth', 'Cos East Wall Theta', 'Cos South Wall Theta', 'Cos West Wall Theta'])
	for month in range(1,3): # just january and february
		thisLat = getLat(month)
		thisLong = getLong(month)
		for day in range(1,monthrange(2011, month)[1]+1): # just make sure it isn't a leap year
			for hour in range(0,24): # gives zero-based hours as expected in the datetime constructor
				x = hour
				dt = datetime(2011, month, day, hour, 30, 00)
				thour = solar.hourAngle(dt, False, thisLong, stdmeridian).degrees
				altitude = solar.altitudeAngle(dt, False, thisLong, stdmeridian, thisLat).degrees
				azimuth = solar.solarAzimuthAngle(dt, False, thisLong, stdmeridian, thisLat).degrees
				east_theta = solar.solarAngleOfIncidence(dt, False, thisLong, stdmeridian, thisLat, east_wall_normal_from_north).radians
				south_theta = solar.solarAngleOfIncidence(dt, False, thisLong, stdmeridian, thisLat, south_wall_normal_from_north).radians
				west_theta = solar.solarAngleOfIncidence(dt, False, thisLong, stdmeridian, thisLat, west_wall_normal_from_north).radians
				if east_theta != None:
					east_theta = math.cos(east_theta)
				if south_theta != None:
					south_theta = math.cos(south_theta)
				if west_theta != None:
					west_theta = math.cos(west_theta)
				mywriter.writerow([x, -thour, altitude, azimuth, east_theta, south_theta, west_theta])

def getWallOrientation(month):
	if month <= 1:
Example #7
     'Hour', 'Hour Angle', 'Solar Altitude', 'Solar Azimuth',
     'Cos East Wall Theta', 'Cos South Wall Theta', 'Cos West Wall Theta'
 for month in range(1, 3):  # just january and february
     thisLat = getLat(month)
     thisLong = getLong(month)
     for day in range(1,
                      monthrange(2011, month)[1] +
                      1):  # just make sure it isn't a leap year
         for hour in range(
                 0, 24
         ):  # gives zero-based hours as expected in the datetime constructor
             x = hour
             dt = datetime(2011, month, day, hour, 30, 00)
             thour = solar.hourAngle(dt, False, thisLong,
             altitude = solar.altitudeAngle(dt, False, thisLong,
                                            stdmeridian, thisLat).degrees
             azimuth = solar.solarAzimuthAngle(dt, False, thisLong,
                                               stdmeridian, thisLat).degrees
             east_theta = solar.solarAngleOfIncidence(
                 dt, False, thisLong, stdmeridian, thisLat,
             south_theta = solar.solarAngleOfIncidence(
                 dt, False, thisLong, stdmeridian, thisLat,
             west_theta = solar.solarAngleOfIncidence(
                 dt, False, thisLong, stdmeridian, thisLat,
             if east_theta != None:
                 east_theta = math.cos(east_theta)