Example #1
def run_nwp(forecast, model, run_time, issue_time):
    Calculate benchmark irradiance and power forecasts for a Forecast or

    Forecasts may be run operationally or retrospectively. For
    operational forecasts, *run_time* is typically set to now. For
    retrospective forecasts, *run_time* is the time by which the
    forecast should be run so that it could have been be delivered for
    the *issue_time*. Forecasts will only use data with timestamps
    before *run_time*.

    forecast : datamodel.Forecast or datamodel.ProbabilisticForecast
        The metadata of the desired forecast.
    model : function
        NWP model loading and processing function.
        See :py:mod:`solarforecastarbiter.reference_forecasts.models`
        for options.
    run_time : pd.Timestamp
        Run time of the forecast.
    issue_time : pd.Timestamp
        Issue time of the forecast run.

    ghi : pd.Series or pd.DataFrame
    dni : pd.Series or pd.DataFrame
    dhi : pd.Series or pd.DataFrame
    air_temperature : pd.Series or pd.DataFrame
    wind_speed : pd.Series or pd.DataFrame
    ac_power : pd.Series or pd.DataFrame

    Series are returned for deterministic forecasts, DataFrames are
    returned for probabilisic forecasts.

    The following code would return hourly average forecasts derived
    from the subhourly HRRR model.

    .. testsetup::

       import datetime
       from solarforecastarbiter import datamodel
       from solarforecastarbiter.reference_forecasts import models
       from solarforecastarbiter.reference_forecasts.main import *

    >>> run_time = pd.Timestamp('20190515T0200Z')
    >>> issue_time = pd.Timestamp('20190515T0000Z')
    >>> modeling_parameters = datamodel.FixedTiltModelingParameters(
    ...     surface_tilt=30, surface_azimuth=180,
    ...     ac_capacity=10, dc_capacity=15,
    ...     temperature_coefficient=-0.4, dc_loss_factor=0,
    ...     ac_loss_factor=0)
    >>> power_plant = datamodel.SolarPowerPlant(
    ...     name='Test plant', latitude=32.2, longitude=-110.9,
    ...     elevation=715, timezone='America/Phoenix',
    ...     modeling_parameters=modeling_parameters)
    >>> forecast = datamodel.Forecast(
    ...     name='Test plant fx',
    ...     site=power_plant,
    ...     variable='ac_power',
    ...     interval_label='ending',
    ...     interval_value_type='mean',
    ...     interval_length='1h',
    ...     issue_time_of_day=datetime.time(hour=0),
    ...     run_length=pd.Timedelta('24h'),
    ...     lead_time_to_start=pd.Timedelta('0h'))
    >>> ghi, dni, dhi, temp_air, wind_speed, ac_power = run_nwp(
    ...     forecast, models.hrrr_subhourly_to_hourly_mean,
    ...     run_time, issue_time)
    fetch_metadata = fetch_nwp.model_map[models.get_nwp_model(model)]
    # absolute date and time for model run most recently available
    # as of run_time
    init_time = utils.get_init_time(run_time, fetch_metadata)
    # absolute start and end times. interval_label still controls
    # inclusive/exclusive
    start, end = utils.get_forecast_start_end(forecast, issue_time)
    site = forecast.site
        'Calculating forecast for model %s starting at %s from %s to %s',
        model, init_time, start, end)
    # model will account for interval_label
    *forecasts, resampler, solar_position_calculator = model(
        site.latitude, site.longitude, site.elevation, init_time, start, end,

    if isinstance(site, datamodel.SolarPowerPlant):
        solar_position = solar_position_calculator()
        if isinstance(forecasts[0], pd.DataFrame):
            # must iterate over columns because pvmodel.irradiance_to_power
            # calls operations that do not properly broadcast Series along
            # a DataFrame time index. pvlib.irradiance.haydavies operation
            # (AI = dni_ens / dni_extra) is the known culprit, though there
            # may be more.
            ac_power = {}
            for col in forecasts[0].columns:
                member_fx = [fx.get(col) for fx in forecasts]
                member_ac_power = pvmodel.irradiance_to_power(
                    solar_position['azimuth'], *member_fx)
                ac_power[col] = member_ac_power
            ac_power = pd.DataFrame(ac_power)
            ac_power = pvmodel.irradiance_to_power(
                site.modeling_parameters, solar_position['apparent_zenith'],
                solar_position['azimuth'], *forecasts)
        ac_power = None

    # resample data after power calculation
    resampled = list(map(resampler, (*forecasts, ac_power)))
    nwpoutput = namedtuple(
        ['ghi', 'dni', 'dhi', 'air_temperature', 'wind_speed', 'ac_power'])
    return nwpoutput(*resampled)
def test_get_nwp_model(model, exp):
    assert models.get_nwp_model(model) == exp