async def emojiinfo_command(self, ctx, target: t.Union[discord.Emoji, str]): if isinstance(target, discord.Emoji): target = await ctx.guild.fetch_emoji( await ctx.send( ctx=ctx, header="Information", title=f"Emoji information for {}", thumbnail=target.url, fields=( ("ID",, False), ("Animated?", target.animated, True), ("Managed?", target.managed, True), ("Available?", target.available, True), ( "Created by", u.mention if (u := target.user) and guild_permissions.manage_emojis else "-", True, ), ("Created on", chron.long_date(target.created_at), True), ("Existed for", chron.short_delta(dt.datetime.utcnow() - target.created_at), True), ), ))
async def serverinfo_command(self, ctx): bot_count = len([m for m in ctx.guild.members if]) human_count = ctx.guild.member_count - bot_count await ctx.send( ctx=ctx, header="Information", title=f"Server information for {}", thumbnail=ctx.guild.icon_url, colour=ctx.guild.owner.colour, fields=( ("ID",, False), ("Owner", ctx.guild.owner.mention, True), ("Region", ctx.guild.region, True), ("Top role", ctx.guild.roles[-1].mention, True), ("Members", f"{ctx.guild.member_count:,}", True), ("Humans / bots", f"{human_count:,} / {bot_count:,}", True), ( "Bans", f"{len(await ctx.guild.bans()):,}" if guild_permissions.ban_members else "-", True, ), ("Roles", f"{len(ctx.guild.roles)-1:,}", True), ("Text channels", f"{len(ctx.guild.text_channels):,}", True), ("Voice channels", f"{len(ctx.guild.voice_channels):,}", True), ( "Invites", f"{len(await ctx.guild.invites()):,}" if guild_permissions.manage_guild else "-", True, ), ("Emojis", f"{len(ctx.guild.emojis):,} / {ctx.guild.emoji_limit*2:,}", True), ("Boosts", f"{ctx.guild.premium_subscription_count:,} (level {ctx.guild.premium_tier})", True), ("Newest member", max(ctx.guild.members, key=lambda m: m.joined_at).mention, True), ("Created on", chron.long_date(ctx.guild.created_at), True), ("Existed for", chron.short_delta(dt.datetime.utcnow() - ctx.guild.created_at), True), ( "Statuses", (f"🟢 {len([m for m in ctx.guild.members if m.status ==]):,} " f"🟠{len([m for m in ctx.guild.members if m.status == discord.Status.idle]):,} " f"🔴 {len([m for m in ctx.guild.members if m.status == discord.Status.dnd]):,} " f"⚪ {len([m for m in ctx.guild.members if m.status == discord.Status.offline]):,}" ), False, ), ), ))
async def messageinfo_command(self, ctx, target: t.Union[discord.Message, str]): if isinstance(target, discord.Message): await ctx.send( ctx=ctx, header="Information", title=f"Message information", description= f"You can see the original message [here]({target.jump_url}).",,, fields=( ("ID",, False), ("System?", target.is_system(), True), ("Embedded?", bool(target.embeds), True), ("Pinned?", target.pinned, True), ("Author",, True), ("Channel",, True), ("Reactions", f"{len(target.reactions):,}", True), ("Member mentions", f"{len(target.mentions):,}", True), ("Role mentions", f"{len(target.role_mentions):,}", True), ("Attachments", f"{len(target.attachments):,}", True), ("Created on", chron.long_date(target.created_at), True), ("Existed for", chron.short_delta(dt.datetime.utcnow() - target.created_at), True), ("Last edited on", chron.long_date(target.created_at), True), ( "Content", (target.content if len(target.content) <= 1024 else f"{target.content[:1021]}...") or "-", False, ), ), )) else: await ctx.send( f"{} Solaris was unable to identify a message with the information provided." )
async def roleinfo_command(self, ctx, *, target: t.Optional[t.Union[discord.Role, str]]): target = target or if isinstance(target, discord.Role): ngr = len(ctx.guild.roles) await ctx.send( ctx=ctx, header="Information", title=f"Role information for {}", description= f"You currently{' ' if target in else ' do not '}have this role.", thumbnail=ctx.guild.icon_url, colour=target.colour, fields=( ("ID",, False), ("Hoisted?", target.hoist, True), ("Assignable?", not target.managed, True), ("Mentionable?", target.mentionable, True), ("Admin?", target.permissions.administrator, True), ("Position", f"{string.ordinal(ngr - target.position)} / {ngr:,}", True), ("Colour", f"{str(target.colour)}", True), ("Members", f"{len(target.members):,}", True), ("Created on", chron.long_date(target.created_at), True), ("Existed for", chron.short_delta(dt.datetime.utcnow() - target.created_at), True), ), )) else: await ctx.send( f"{} Solaris was unable to identify a role with the information provided." )
async def channelinfo_command( self, ctx, *, target: t.Optional[t.Union[discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel, discord.CategoryChannel, str]], ): target = target or if isinstance(target, discord.TextChannel): await ctx.send( ctx=ctx, header="Information", title=f"Channel information for {}", description="This channel is a text channel.", thumbnail=ctx.guild.icon_url, fields=( ("ID",, False), ("NSFW?", target.is_nsfw(), True), ("News?", target.is_news(), True), ("Synced?", target.permissions_synced, True), ("Category",, True), ("Position", f"{string.ordinal(target.position+1)} / {len(ctx.guild.text_channels):,}", True), ("Allowed members", f"{len(target.members):,}", True), ("Overwrites", f"{len(target.overwrites)}", True), ( "Invites", f"{len(await target.invites()):,}" if guild_permissions.manage_guild else "-", True, ), ("Pins", f"{len(await target.pins())}", True), ("Slowmode delay", f"{target.slowmode_delay:,} second(s)", True), ("Created on", chron.long_date(target.created_at), True), ("Existed for", chron.short_delta(dt.datetime.utcnow() - target.created_at), True), ("Topic", target.topic or "-", False), ), )) elif isinstance(target, discord.VoiceChannel): await ctx.send( ctx=ctx, header="Information", title=f"Channel information for {}", description="This channel is a voice channel.", thumbnail=ctx.guild.icon_url, fields=( ("ID",, False), ("Synced?", target.permissions_synced, True), ("Category",, True), ("Bitrate", f"{target.bitrate//1000:,.0f} kbps", True), ("Position", f"{string.ordinal(target.position+1)} / {len(ctx.guild.voice_channels):,}", True), ("Overwrites", f"{len(target.overwrites)}", True), ( "Invites", f"{len(await target.invites()):,}" if guild_permissions.manage_guild else "-", True, ), ("Members joined", f"{len(target.members):,} / {target.user_limit or '∞'}", True), ("Created on", chron.long_date(target.created_at), True), ("Existed for", chron.short_delta(dt.datetime.utcnow() - target.created_at), True), ), )) elif isinstance(target, discord.CategoryChannel): await ctx.send( ctx=ctx, header="Information", title=f"Category information for {}", thumbnail=ctx.guild.icon_url, fields=( ("ID",, False), ("NSFW?", target.is_nsfw(), True), ("Synced?", target.permissions_synced, True), ("Position", f"{string.ordinal(target.position+1)} / {len(ctx.guild.categories):,}", True), ("Channels", f"{len(target.channels):,} / {len(ctx.guild.channels):,}", True), ("Text / voice", f"{len(target.text_channels):,} / {len(target.voice_channels):,}", True), ("Synced channels", f"{len([c for c in target.channels if c.permissions_synced])}", True), ("Overwrites", f"{len(target.overwrites)}", True), ("Created on", chron.long_date(target.created_at), True), ("Existed for", chron.short_delta(dt.datetime.utcnow() - target.created_at), True), ), )) else: await ctx.send( f"{} Solaris was unable to identify a channel with the information provided." )
async def userinfo_command( self, ctx, *, target: t.Optional[t.Union[discord.Member, converters.User, converters.SearchedMember, str]]): target = target or if isinstance(target, discord.Member): ps = target.premium_since ngr = len(target.guild.roles) await ctx.send( ctx=ctx, header="Information", title=f"User information for {}", description= (f"This member is also known as {target.display_name} in this server." if target.nick else f"This member does not have a nickname in this server."), colour=target.colour, thumbnail=target.avatar_url, fields=( ("ID",, False), ("Discriminator", target.discriminator, True), ("Bot?",, True), ("Admin?", target.guild_permissions.administrator, True), ("Created on", chron.long_date(target.created_at), True), ("Joined on", chron.long_date(target.joined_at), True), ("Boosted on", chron.long_date(ps) if ps else "-", True), ("Existed for", chron.short_delta(dt.datetime.utcnow() - target.created_at), True), ("Member for", chron.short_delta(dt.datetime.utcnow() - target.joined_at), True), ("Booster for", chron.short_delta(dt.datetime.utcnow() - ps) if ps else "-", True), ("Status", str(target.status).title(), True), ( "Activity type", str(target.activity.type).title(). split(".")[-1] if target.activity is not None else "-", True, ), ("Activity name", if target.activity else "-", True), ("Nº of roles", f"{len(target.roles)-1:,}", True), ("Top role", target.top_role.mention, True), ("Top role position", f"{string.ordinal(ngr - target.top_role.position)} / {ngr:,}", True), ), )) elif isinstance(target, discord.User): await ctx.send( ctx=ctx, header="Information", title=f"User information for {}", description= "Showing reduced information as the given user is not in this server.", thumbnail=target.avatar_url, fields=( ("ID",, True), ("Discriminator", target.discriminator, True), ("Bot?",, True), ("Created on", chron.long_date(target.created_at), True), ("Existed for", chron.short_delta(dt.datetime.utcnow() - target.created_at), True), ("\u200b", "\u200b", True), ), )) else: await ctx.send( f"{} Solaris was unable to identify a user with the information provided." )