Example #1
def Exercise1():
	x_subintervals, t_subintervals = 6,10
	x_interval,t_final = [0,1], .4
	init_conditions = 2.*np.maximum(1./5 - np.abs(np.linspace(0,1,x_subintervals+1)-1./2),0.)
	x,u = heatexplicit(init_conditions,x_subintervals,t_subintervals,x_interval,T=t_final,flag3d="on",nu=.05)
	# # Generates the figures in the heat flow lab
	# view = [-.1, 1.1,-.1, .5]
	# plt.plot(x,u[:,0],'-k',linewidth=2.0)		# Initial Conditions
	# plt.plot(x,u[:,0],'ok',linewidth=2.0)
	# plt.axis(view)
	# plt.savefig('heatexercise1a.pdf')
	# plt.clf()
	# plt.plot(x,u[:,-1],'-k',linewidth=2.0)		# State at t = .2
	# plt.plot(x,u[:,-1],'ok',linewidth=2.0)
	# plt.axis(view)
	# plt.savefig('heatexercise1b.pdf')
	# plt.clf()
	Data = x,u[:,::1]
	Data = Data[0], Data[1].T[0:-1,:]
	time_steps = Data[1].shape[0]
	view = [-.1, 1.1,-.1, .5]
Example #2
def Exercise2():
    x_subintervals, t_subintervals = 140., 70.
    x_interval, t_final = [-12, 12], 1.
    init_conditions = np.maximum(
        1. - np.linspace(-12, 12, x_subintervals + 1)**2, 0.)
    x, u = heatexplicit(init_conditions,

    # # Generates a figure in the heat flow lab
    # view = [-12, 12,-.1, 1.1]
    # plt.plot(x,u[:,0],'-k',linewidth=2.0,label="Initial State")
    # plt.plot(x,u[:,-1],'--k',linewidth=2.0,label="State at time $t=1$.")		# State at t = .2
    # plt.xlabel("x",fontsize=16)
    # plt.legend(loc=1)
    # plt.axis(view)
    # plt.savefig('heatexercise2.pdf')
    # plt.show()
    # plt.clf()

    # Animation of results
    view = [-12, 12, -.1, 1.1]
    Data = x, u[:, ::2]
    Data = Data[0], Data[1].T[0:-1, :]
    time_steps = Data[1].shape[0]
    interval_length = 30
    math_animation(Data, time_steps, view, interval_length)
Example #3
def Exercise1():
    x_subintervals, t_subintervals = 6, 10
    x_interval, t_final = [0, 1], .4
    init_conditions = 2. * np.maximum(
        1. / 5 - np.abs(np.linspace(0, 1, x_subintervals + 1) - 1. / 2), 0.)
    x, u = heatexplicit(init_conditions,

    # # Generates the figures in the heat flow lab
    # view = [-.1, 1.1,-.1, .5]
    # plt.plot(x,u[:,0],'-k',linewidth=2.0)		# Initial Conditions
    # plt.plot(x,u[:,0],'ok',linewidth=2.0)
    # plt.axis(view)
    # plt.savefig('heatexercise1a.pdf')
    # plt.clf()
    # plt.plot(x,u[:,-1],'-k',linewidth=2.0)		# State at t = .2
    # plt.plot(x,u[:,-1],'ok',linewidth=2.0)
    # plt.axis(view)
    # plt.savefig('heatexercise1b.pdf')
    # plt.clf()

    Data = x, u[:, ::1]
    Data = Data[0], Data[1].T[0:-1, :]
    time_steps = Data[1].shape[0]
    interval_length = 50
    view = [-.1, 1.1, -.1, .5]
    math_animation(Data, time_steps, view, interval_length)
def Exercise2():
	x_subintervals, t_subintervals = 140.,70.
	x_interval,t_final = [-12,12], 1.
	init_conditions = np.maximum(1.-np.linspace(-12,12,x_subintervals+1)**2,0.)
	x,u = heatexplicit(init_conditions,x_subintervals,t_subintervals,x_interval,T=t_final,flag3d="off",nu=1.)
	# # Generates a figure in the heat flow lab
	# view = [-12, 12,-.1, 1.1]
	# plt.plot(x,u[:,0],'-k',linewidth=2.0,label="Initial State")	
	# plt.plot(x,u[:,-1],'--k',linewidth=2.0,label="State at time $t=1$.")		# State at t = .2
	# plt.xlabel("x",fontsize=16)
	# plt.legend(loc=1)
	# plt.axis(view)
	# plt.savefig('heatexercise2.pdf')
	# plt.show()
	# plt.clf()
	# Animation of results
	view = [-12, 12,-.1, 1.1]
	Data = x,u[:,::2]
	Data = Data[0], Data[1].T[0:-1,:]
	time_steps = Data[1].shape[0]
Example #5
def animate_heat1d():
	Domain = 10.
	Data = heatexplicit(J=320,nu=1.,L=Domain,T=1.,flag3d="animation")
	Data = Data[0], Data[1].T[0:-1,:]
	time_steps, view = Data[1].shape[0], [-Domain, Domain,-.1, 1.5]
Example #6
def Burgers():
	def bump(x): 
		sigma, mu = 1., 0.
		gaussian = (1./(sigma*np.sqrt(2*np.pi) ) )*np.exp((-1./2.)*((x-mu)/sigma)**2.)
		return gaussian*(3.5*np.sin(3*x)+ 3.5)
	def pde_matrix_func(Y2,Y1):
		out = np.zeros(len(Y1))
		c1 = (theta*delta_t)/(2.*delta_x)
		c2 = (theta*delta_t)/(delta_x**2.)
		c3 = ((1.-theta)*delta_t)/(2.*delta_x)
		c4 = ((1.-theta)*delta_t)/(delta_x**2.)
		out[1:-1] = ( Y2[1:-1] + c1*(Y2[1:-1] - s)*(Y2[2:] - Y2[:-2]) -
						c2*(Y2[2:] - 2.*Y2[1:-1] + Y2[:-2])- 
						Y1[1:-1] + c3*(Y1[1:-1] - s)*(Y1[2:] - Y1[:-2]) -
						c4*(Y1[2:] - 2.*Y1[1:-1] + Y1[:-2])		  
		out[0] = Y2[0]-Y1[0]		
		out[-1] = Y2[-1]-Y1[-1] 
		# for j in range(len(Y1)-1,len(Y1)):	out[j] = Y2[j]-Y1[j]	
		return out
	L, T = 20., 1.
	u_m,u_p = 5.,1.
	s, a = (u_m + u_p)/2., (u_m - u_p)/2.
	n, time_steps = 150, 350
	delta_x, delta_t = 2.*L/n, T/(n)
	x = np.linspace(-L,L,n)
	wave, perturb = s - a*np.tanh((a/2.)*x), bump(x)
	theta = 1/2.
	U = np.zeros( (time_steps, n) )
	U[0,:] = wave+perturb
	U[0,0], U[0,-1] = u_m, u_p
	for j in xrange(1, time_steps):
		U[j,:] = fsolve(lambda X,Y= U[j-1,:]: pde_matrix_func(X,Y), U[j-1,:] )
		print j
	view = [-L,L,u_p-1,u_m+1]
	stride = 1
	Data = x, U[::stride,:], wave
	time_steps, wait = int(time_steps/stride), 30
Example #7
def example5():
	L, T = 1., 2
	N_x, N_t = 200, 440
	def f(x):
		return 4.*np.sin(4*np.pi*x)
	def g(x):
		return np.zeros(x.shape)
	view = [0-.1,L+.1,-5,5]
	Data = wave_1d(f,g,L,N_x,T,N_t,view)
	stride = 2
	Data = Data[0], Data[1][::stride,:]
	time_steps, wait = int(N_t/stride), 200
Example #8
def example2():
	L, T = 1., 2
	N_x, N_t = 200, 440
	m, u_0 = 20, .2
	def f(x):
		return u_0*np.exp(-m**2.*(x-1./2.)**2.)
	def g(x):
		return -m**2.*2.*(x-1./2.)*f(x)
	view = [0-.1,L+.1,-.5,.5]
	Data = wave_1d(f,g,L,N_x,T,N_t,view)
	stride = 1
	Data = Data[0], Data[1][::stride,:]
	time_steps, wait = int(N_t/stride), 4
Example #9
def example4():
	L, T = 1., 2
	N_x, N_t = 200, 440
	def f(x):
		y = np.zeros_like(x)
		y[np.where( (5.*L/11. < x) & (x < 6*L/11. ) ) ] = 1./3
		return y

	def g(x):
		return np.zeros(x.shape)
	view = [-.1,L+.1,-.5,.5]
	Data = wave_1d(f,g,L,N_x,T,N_t,view)
	stride = 2
	Data = Data[0], Data[1][::stride,:]
	time_steps, wait = int(N_t/stride), 80
Example #10
def example3():
	L, T = 1., 2
	N_x, N_t = 200, 440
	m, u_0 = 20, 1/3.
	def f(x):
		return u_0*np.exp(-m**2.*(x-1./2.)**2.)
	def g(x):
		return np.zeros(x.shape)
	view = [-.1,L+.1,-.5,.5]
	Data = wave_1d(f,g,L,N_x,T,N_t,view)
	stride = 2
	Data = Data[0], Data[1][::stride,:]
	time_steps, wait = int(N_t/stride), 80
Example #11
def Burgers():
    def bump(x):
        sigma, mu = 1., 0.
        gaussian = (1. / (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * np.exp(
            (-1. / 2.) * ((x - mu) / sigma)**2.)
        return gaussian * (3.5 * np.sin(3 * x) + 3.5)

    def pde_matrix_func(Y2, Y1):
        out = np.zeros(len(Y1))

        c1 = (theta * delta_t) / (2. * delta_x)
        c2 = (theta * delta_t) / (delta_x**2.)
        c3 = ((1. - theta) * delta_t) / (2. * delta_x)
        c4 = ((1. - theta) * delta_t) / (delta_x**2.)

        out[1:-1] = (Y2[1:-1] + c1 * (Y2[1:-1] - s) * (Y2[2:] - Y2[:-2]) - c2 *
                     (Y2[2:] - 2. * Y2[1:-1] + Y2[:-2]) - Y1[1:-1] + c3 *
                     (Y1[1:-1] - s) * (Y1[2:] - Y1[:-2]) - c4 *
                     (Y1[2:] - 2. * Y1[1:-1] + Y1[:-2]))

        out[0] = Y2[0] - Y1[0]
        out[-1] = Y2[-1] - Y1[-1]
        # for j in range(len(Y1)-1,len(Y1)): 	out[j] = Y2[j]-Y1[j]
        return out

    L, T = 20., 1.
    u_m, u_p = 5., 1.
    s, a = (u_m + u_p) / 2., (u_m - u_p) / 2.

    n, time_steps = 150, 350
    delta_x, delta_t = 2. * L / n, T / (n)
    x = np.linspace(-L, L, n)
    wave, perturb = s - a * np.tanh((a / 2.) * x), bump(x)
    theta = 1 / 2.

    U = np.zeros((time_steps, n))
    U[0, :] = wave + perturb
    U[0, 0], U[0, -1] = u_m, u_p

    for j in xrange(1, time_steps):
        U[j, :] = fsolve(lambda X, Y=U[j - 1, :]: pde_matrix_func(X, Y),
                         U[j - 1, :])
        print j

    view = [-L, L, u_p - 1, u_m + 1]
    stride = 1
    Data = x, U[::stride, :], wave
    time_steps, wait = int(time_steps / stride), 30

    math_animation(Data, time_steps, view, wait)

    # plt.plot(x,wave,'-k',linewidth=2.,label=r'$\hat{u}$')
    # plt.plot(x,wave+perturb,'-r',linewidth=2.,label=r'$v$')
    # plt.axis([-20,20,0,6])
    # # lg = legend.Legend()
    # # lg.draw_frame(False)
    # plt.legend(loc='best',fontsize=20)
    # # plt.legend.draw_frame(False)
    # plt.savefig('Perturbed Wave.pdf')
    # plt.show()

def Burgers():
	def bump(x): 
		sigma, mu = 1., 0.
		gaussian = (1./(sigma*np.sqrt(2*np.pi) ) )*np.exp((-1./2.)*((x-mu)/sigma)**2.)
		return gaussian*(3.5*np.sin(3*x)+ 3.5)
	def pde_matrix_func(Y2,Y1):
		out = np.zeros(len(Y1))
		c1 = (theta*delta_t)/(2.*delta_x)
		c2 = (theta*delta_t)/(delta_x**2.)
		c3 = ((1.-theta)*delta_t)/(2.*delta_x)
		c4 = ((1.-theta)*delta_t)/(delta_x**2.)
		out[1:-1] = ( Y2[1:-1] + c1*(Y2[1:-1] - s)*(Y2[2:] - Y2[:-2]) -
						c2*(Y2[2:] - 2.*Y2[1:-1] + Y2[:-2])- 
						Y1[1:-1] + c3*(Y1[1:-1] - s)*(Y1[2:] - Y1[:-2]) -
						c4*(Y1[2:] - 2.*Y1[1:-1] + Y1[:-2])       
		out[0] = Y2[0]-Y1[0]		
		out[-1] = Y2[-1]-Y1[-1]	
		# for j in range(len(Y1)-1,len(Y1)): 	out[j] = Y2[j]-Y1[j]	
		return out
	L, T = 20., 1.
	u_m,u_p = 5.,1.
	s, a = (u_m + u_p)/2., (u_m - u_p)/2.
	n, time_steps = 150, 350
	delta_x, delta_t = 2.*L/n, T/(n)
	x = np.linspace(-L,L,n)
	wave, perturb = s - a*np.tanh((a/2.)*x), bump(x)
	theta = 1/2.
	U = np.zeros( (time_steps, n) )
	U[0,:] = wave+perturb
	U[0,0], U[0,-1] = u_m, u_p
	for j in xrange(1, time_steps):
		U[j,:] = fsolve(lambda X,Y= U[j-1,:]: pde_matrix_func(X,Y), U[j-1,:] )
		print j
	view = [-L,L,u_p-1,u_m+1]
	stride = 1
	Data = x, U[::stride,:], wave
	time_steps, wait = int(time_steps/stride), 30
	# plt.plot(x,wave,'-k',linewidth=2.,label=r'$\hat{u}$')
	# plt.plot(x,wave+perturb,'-r',linewidth=2.,label=r'$v$')
	# plt.axis([-20,20,0,6])
	# # lg = legend.Legend()
	# # lg.draw_frame(False)
	# plt.legend(loc='best',fontsize=20)
	# # plt.legend.draw_frame(False)
	# plt.savefig('Perturbed Wave.pdf')
	# plt.show()