def main():
    config = Config(day=7)

    # PART ONE
    path_file = os.path.join(config.path_data, "bag_color_rules_test.txt")
    data_test = read_txt_file(path_file=path_file)
    data_test_parsed = parse_rules(data=data_test)
    bags_carrying_shiny_gold = find_gold_carrying_bags(data=data_test_parsed, bag_type="shiny gold bag")
    n_bags_carrying_shiny_gold = len(bags_carrying_shiny_gold)
    assert 4 == n_bags_carrying_shiny_gold

    path_file = os.path.join(config.path_data, "bag_color_rules.txt")
    data = read_txt_file(path_file=path_file)
    data_parsed = parse_rules(data=data)
    bags_carrying_shiny_gold = find_gold_carrying_bags(data=data_parsed)
    assert 128 == len(bags_carrying_shiny_gold)

    # PART TWO
    bags_unpacked = unpack(rules=data_test_parsed, inner_bags=data_test_parsed["shiny gold bags"])
    assert 32 == len(bags_unpacked)

    path_file = os.path.join(config.path_data, "bag_color_rules_test_part_two.txt")
    data_test_two = read_txt_file(path_file=path_file)
    data_test_two_parsed = parse_rules(data=data_test_two)
    bags_unpacked = unpack(rules=data_test_two_parsed, inner_bags=data_test_two_parsed["shiny gold bags"])
    assert 126 == len(bags_unpacked)

    bags_unpacked = unpack(rules=data_parsed, inner_bags=data_parsed["shiny gold bags"])
    print(f"The total number of bags within a shiny gold bag equals: {len(bags_unpacked)}")
    assert 20189 == len(bags_unpacked)

    return True
def main():
    config = Config(day=4)
    path_file = os.path.join(config.path_data, "passport_batch_files.txt")
    path_file_invalid = os.path.join(config.path_data, "passport_batch_files_invalid_test.txt")
    path_file_valid = os.path.join(config.path_data, "passport_batch_files_valid_test.txt")

    with open(path_file, "r") as f:
        data = [value.strip("\n") for value in f.readlines()]

    data_parsed = parse_data(data=data)
    passport_validity = [*map(validate_passport_one, data_parsed)]

    print("PART ONE")
    print(f"Number of valid passports: {sum(passport_validity)} / {len(passport_validity)}")

    with open(path_file_invalid, "r") as f:
        data_invalid = [value.strip("\n") for value in f.readlines()]
    data_invalid_parsed = parse_data(data=data_invalid)
    passport_validity = [*map(validate_passport_two, data_invalid_parsed)]
    assert not all(passport_validity)

    with open(path_file_valid, "r") as f:
        data_valid = [value.strip("\n") for value in f.readlines()]
    data_valid_parsed = parse_data(data=data_valid)
    passport_validity = [*map(validate_passport_two, data_valid_parsed)]
    assert all(passport_validity)

    passport_validity = [*map(validate_passport_two, data_parsed)]

    print("PART TWO")
    print(f"Number of valid passports: {sum(passport_validity)} / {len(passport_validity)}")

    return True
def main():
    config = Config(day=17)

    # PART ONE

    # Test
    state_initial = parse_initial_state(path_file=os.path.join(config.path_data, 'initial_state_test.txt'))
    state_final = simulate_cycles(state_initial=state_initial, n_cycles=6)
    assert 112 == state_final.sum().sum()

    # Real deal
    state_initial = parse_initial_state(path_file=os.path.join(config.path_data, 'initial_state.txt'))
    state_final = simulate_cycles(state_initial=state_initial, n_cycles=6)
    print(f"The number of active states upon 6 cycles equals: {state_final.sum().sum()}")
    assert 255 == state_final.sum().sum()

    # PART TWO

    # Test
    state_initial = parse_initial_state(path_file=os.path.join(config.path_data, 'initial_state_test.txt'), dims=4)
    state_final = simulate_cycles(state_initial=state_initial, n_cycles=6, dims=4)
    assert 848 == state_final.sum().sum()

    # Real deal
    state_initial = parse_initial_state(path_file=os.path.join(config.path_data, 'initial_state.txt'), dims=4)
    state_final = simulate_cycles(state_initial=state_initial, n_cycles=6, dims=4)
    print(f"PART TWO: The number of active states upon 6 cycles equals: {state_final.sum().sum()}")

    return True
Example #4
def main():
    config = Config(day=14)

    # PART ONE

    # Test
    path_file_test = os.path.join(config.path_data, "program_test.txt")
    program = parse_program(path_file_test)
    memory = execute_program(program=program)
    assert 165 == get_memory_sum(memory=memory)

    # Real deal
    path_file = os.path.join(config.path_data, "program.txt")
    program = parse_program(path_file)
    memory = execute_program(program=program)
    memory_sum = get_memory_sum(memory=memory)
    print(f"The sum of memory equals: {memory_sum}")
    assert 9619656261720 == memory_sum

    # PART TWO

    # Test
    path_file_test = os.path.join(config.path_data, "program_test_two.txt")
    program = parse_program(path_file_test)
    memory = execute_program_v2(program=program)
    assert 208 == get_memory_sum(memory=memory)

    # Real deal
    program = parse_program(path_file)
    memory = execute_program_v2(program=program)
    memory_sum = get_memory_sum(memory)
    print(f"The sum of memory for part 2 equals: {memory_sum}")
    assert 4275496544925 == sum(list(memory.values()))

    return True
Example #5
def main():
    config = Config(day=9)

    # PART ONE

    # Test
    path_data = os.path.join(config.path_data, "xmas_test.txt")
    data_test = read_txt_file(path_file=path_data)
    data_test = [int(val) for val in data_test]
    encoding_error_test = detect_encoding_error(sequence=data_test, preamble=5)
    assert 127 == encoding_error_test

    path_data = os.path.join(config.path_data, "xmas.txt")
    data = read_txt_file(path_file=path_data)
    data = [int(val) for val in data]
    encoding_error = detect_encoding_error(sequence=data, preamble=25)
    assert 167829540 == encoding_error
    print(f"The first digit which does not abide to XMAX encoding is: {encoding_error}")

    # PART TWO

    # Test
    encoding_weakness_test = detect_encryption_weakness(sequence=data_test, encoding_error=encoding_error_test)
    assert 62 == encoding_weakness_test

    encoding_weakness = detect_encryption_weakness(sequence=data, encoding_error=encoding_error)
        f"The sum of the min and max of the contiguous sequence of numbers, "
        f"which sum equals the encoding error equals: {encoding_weakness}"
    assert 28045630 == encoding_weakness

    return True
def main():
    config = Config(day=6)

    path_file = os.path.join(config.path_data, "custom_declaration_forms.txt")

    # PART ONE
    path_file_test = os.path.join(config.path_data,
    data_test = read_txt_file(path_file=path_file_test)
    data_test_group = split_group_data(data=data_test)

    sum_of_counts = compute_part_one(groups=data_test_group)
    assert 11 == sum_of_counts, f"Script does not lead to the correct sum. 11 != {sum_of_counts}"

    data = read_txt_file(path_file=path_file)
    groups = split_group_data(data=data)
    sum_of_counts = compute_part_one(groups=groups)
        f"The sum of the counts of the unique questions to which a group answered yes equals: {sum_of_counts}"
    assert 6585 == sum_of_counts

    # PART TWO
    data_test_group = split_group_data(data=data_test)
    sum_of_counts = compute_part_two(groups=data_test_group)
    assert 6 == sum_of_counts, f"Script does not lead to the correct sum. 6 != {sum_of_counts}"

    groups = split_group_data(data=data)
    sum_of_counts = compute_part_two(groups=groups)
        f"The sum of the counts of the questions to which all group members answered yes: {sum_of_counts}"

    return True
def main():
    config = Config(day=11)

    # PART ONE

    # Test one
    path_data = os.path.join(config.path_data, "seating_system_test.txt")
    seat_system_test_one = parse_seat_system(path_file=path_data)

    path_data = os.path.join(config.path_data, "seating_system_test_exp.txt")
    seat_system_exp = parse_seat_system(path_file=path_data)
    seat_system_new = fill_seats(seat_plan=seat_system_test_one)
    assert np.array_equal(seat_system_exp, seat_system_new)

    state_count = get_state_counts(seat_system=seat_system_new)
    assert state_count["#"] == 37

    path_data = os.path.join(config.path_data, "seating_system.txt")
    seat_system = parse_seat_system(path_file=path_data)
    # seat_system = fill_seats(seat_plan=seat_system)
    # state_count = get_state_counts(seat_system=seat_system)
    # print(f"Number of occupied seats equals: {state_count['#']}")
    # assert state_count["#"] == 2275

    # Test get visible seats
    path_data = os.path.join(config.path_data, "seating_system_test_two.txt")
    seat_system_test_two = parse_seat_system(path_file=path_data)
    seats_occupied = get_visible_occupied_seats(seat_plan=seat_system_test_two,
    assert seats_occupied == 8

    path_data = os.path.join(config.path_data, "seating_system_test_three.txt")
    seat_system_test_three = parse_seat_system(path_file=path_data)
    seats_occupied = get_visible_occupied_seats(
        seat_plan=seat_system_test_three, colidx=1, rowidx=1)
    assert seats_occupied == 0

    path_data = os.path.join(config.path_data, "seating_system_test_four.txt")
    seat_system_test_four = parse_seat_system(path_file=path_data)
    seats_occupied = get_visible_occupied_seats(
        seat_plan=seat_system_test_four, colidx=3, rowidx=3)
    assert seats_occupied == 0

    # Test fill_seats_two
    seat_system_new = fill_seats_two(seat_plan=seat_system_test_one)
    state_count = get_state_counts(seat_system=seat_system_new)
    assert state_count["#"] == 26

    # Real deal (Does not work)
    # seat_system_new = fill_seats_two(seat_plan=seat_system)
    # state_count = get_state_counts(seat_system=seat_system_new)
    print(f"The number of occupied seats equals: {state_count['#']}")

    return True
Example #8
def main():
    config = Config(day=13)

    # PART ONE

    # Test
    path_data_test = os.path.join(config.path_data, "notes_test.txt")
    timestamp_test, buslines_test = parse_notes(path_file=path_data_test)
    minutes_to_wait, bus_earliest = get_earliest_bus(timestamp=timestamp_test,
    assert 295 == bus_earliest * minutes_to_wait

    # Real deal
    path_data = os.path.join(config.path_data, "notes.txt")
    timestamp, buslines = parse_notes(path_file=path_data)
    minutes_to_wait, bus_earliest = get_earliest_bus(timestamp=timestamp,
        f"The earliest bus is {bus_earliest} which arrives in {minutes_to_wait} minutes, making the product equal to: "
        f"{minutes_to_wait * bus_earliest}")
    assert 410 == bus_earliest * minutes_to_wait

    # PART TWO

    # Test

    timestamp_test, buslines_test = parse_notes_two(path_file=path_data_test)
    t = get_t(buslines=buslines_test)
    assert 1068781 == t

    buslines_test = ["17", "x", "13", "19"]
    t = get_t(buslines=buslines_test)
    assert 3417 == t

    buslines_test = ["67", "7", "59", "61"]
    t = get_t(buslines=buslines_test)
    assert 754018 == t

    buslines_test = ["67", "x", "7", "59", "61"]
    t = get_t(buslines=buslines_test)
    assert 779210 == t

    # Real deal

    timestamp, buslines = parse_notes_two(path_file=path_data)
    t = get_t(buslines=buslines)
    print(f"t equals: {t} minutes")
    assert 600691418730595 == t
    return True
def main():
    config = Config(day=1)
    path_file = os.path.join(config.path_data, "expense_report.txt")

    with open(path_file, "r") as f:
        data = [int(value.strip("\n")) for value in f.readlines()]

    for group_size in [2, 3]:
        group_2020 = next(get_2020_groups(lst=data, group_size=group_size))
        if group_2020:
                f"Multiplying the group of size {group_size} which sum equals to 2020 {group_2020} gives: "

    return True
def main():
    config = Config(day=18)
    path_homework = os.path.join(config.path_data, "homework.txt")

    # PART ONE
    results = execute_homework(path_homework=path_homework,
    print(f"The sum of the resulting values: {sum(results)}")
    assert 131076645626 == sum(results)

    # PART TWO
    results = execute_homework(path_homework=path_homework,
    print(f"The sum of the resulting values (PART TWO): {sum(results)}")
    assert 109418509151782 == sum(results)
    return True
Example #11
def main():
    config = Config(day=12)

    # PART ONE

    # Test one
    path_data = os.path.join(config.path_data, "evasive_actions_test.txt")
    evasive_actions_test = parse_puzzle_input(path_data=path_data)
    coordinate_final = execute_actions(actions=evasive_actions_test,
                                       location_init=[0, 0],
    manhattan_distance = get_manhattan_distance(location=coordinate_final)
    assert 25 == manhattan_distance

    # Real deal
    path_data = os.path.join(config.path_data, "evasive_actions.txt")
    evasive_actions = parse_puzzle_input(path_data=path_data)
    coordinate_final = execute_actions(actions=evasive_actions,
                                       location_init=[0, 0],
    manhattan_distance = get_manhattan_distance(location=coordinate_final)
        f"The manhattan distance of the final coordinate equals: {manhattan_distance}"
    assert 2280 == manhattan_distance

    # PART TWO

    # Test
    coordinate_final = execute_actions_two(actions=evasive_actions_test,
                                           location_init=[0, 0],
                                           waypoint_init=[10, 1])
    manhattan_distance = get_manhattan_distance(location=coordinate_final)
    assert manhattan_distance == 286

    coordinate_final = execute_actions_two(actions=evasive_actions,
                                           location_init=[0, 0],
                                           waypoint_init=[10, 1])
    manhattan_distance = get_manhattan_distance(location=coordinate_final)
        f"The manhattan distance of the final coordinate equals: {manhattan_distance}"
    assert 38693 == manhattan_distance
    return True
Example #12
def main():
    config = Config(day=5)
    path_file = os.path.join(config.path_data, "boarding_passes.txt")

    with open(path_file, "r") as f:
        boarding_passes = [value.strip("\n") for value in f.readlines()]

    print(f"The number of boarding passes equals: {len(boarding_passes)}")

    boarding_passes_test = ["BFFFBBFRRR", "FFFBBBFRRR", "BBFFBBFRLL"]

    row_indices = [*range(0, 128)]
    column_indices = [*range(0, 8)]

    for boarding_pass, row_number_exp, col_number_exp in zip(
            boarding_passes_test, [70, 14, 102], [7, 7, 4]):
        row, = get_row(row_sequence=boarding_pass[:7], row_indices=row_indices)
        assert row_number_exp == row

        column, = get_column(col_sequence=boarding_pass[7:],
        assert col_number_exp == column
        seat_id = get_seat_id(row=row, column=column)
            f"Boardingpass {boarding_pass}, sits on row {row} and column {column}, with seat id {seat_id}"

    seat_ids = []
    for boarding_pass in boarding_passes:
        row, = get_row(row_sequence=boarding_pass[:7], row_indices=row_indices)
        column, = get_column(col_sequence=boarding_pass[7:],
        seat_ids.append(get_seat_id(row=row, column=column))

    print(f"The seat with the highest seat ID equals: {max(seat_ids)}")

    # PART TWO
    missing_seat_ids = set(range(0, max(seat_ids))).difference(set(seat_ids))
    for seat_id in missing_seat_ids:
        if seat_id - 1 in seat_ids and seat_id + 1 in seat_ids:
            print(f"Your seat ID: {seat_id}")

    return True
def main():
    config = Config(day=3)
    path_test_file = os.path.join(config.path_data, "tree_map_test.txt")

    slope = (1, 3)

    with open(path_test_file, "r") as f:
        data_test = [value.strip("\n") for value in f.readlines()]

    tree_count = count_encountered_trees(tree_data=data_test, slope=slope)

    assert tree_count == 7, f"The number of encountered trees in the test set != 7 but {tree_count}"

    path_file = os.path.join(config.path_data, "day_3", "tree_map.txt")
    with open(path_file, "r") as f:
        data = [value.strip("\n") for value in f.readlines()]

    # Part 1
    tree_count = count_encountered_trees(tree_data=data, slope=slope)
        f"The total number of encountered trees with slope {slope} are: {tree_count}"

    # Part 2
    slopes = [(1, 1), (1, 3), (1, 5), (1, 7), (2, 1)]
    tree_counts = []
    tree_counts_test_exp = [2, 7, 3, 4, 2]
    for slope, tree_count_exp in zip(slopes, tree_counts_test_exp):
        tree_count_test = count_encountered_trees(tree_data=data_test,
        assert tree_count_test == tree_count_exp, f"Tree count != expected tree count. " \
                                                  f"{tree_count_test} != {tree_count_exp}"

        tree_count = count_encountered_trees(tree_data=data, slope=slope)
            f"The total number of encountered trees with slope {slope} are: {tree_count}"

    print(f"The product of all the tree counts is: {}")
    return True
Example #14
def main():
    config = Config(day=2)
    path_file = os.path.join(config.path_data, "password_policies.txt")

    with open(path_file, "r") as f:
        data = [value.strip("\n") for value in f.readlines()]

    valid_passwords_one = []
    valid_passwords_two = []
    for string in data:
        policy, password = split_policy_and_password(string=string)
        policy_integers, character = split_policy(policy=policy)
        if is_valid_rule_one(character_count_range=policy_integers, character=character, password=password):
        if is_valid_rule_two(character_indices_policy=policy_integers, character=character, password=password):

    print(f"The number of valid passwords according to rule #1 is: {len(valid_passwords_one)}")
    print(f"The number of valid passwords according to rule #2 is: {len(valid_passwords_two)}")

    return True
def main():
    config = Config(day=10)

    # PART ONE

    # Test one
    path_data = os.path.join(config.path_data, "adapter_list_test_one.txt")
    data_test_one = read_adapter_data(path_file=path_data)

    result = compute_part_one(adapters=data_test_one)
    assert 35 == result

    # Test two
    path_data = os.path.join(config.path_data, "adapter_list_test_two.txt")
    data_test_two = read_adapter_data(path_file=path_data)

    result = compute_part_one(adapters=data_test_two)
    assert 220 == result

    path_data = os.path.join(config.path_data, "adapter_list.txt")
    data = read_adapter_data(path_file=path_data)
    result = compute_part_one(adapters=data)
    print(f"The number of 1 and 3 joltage differences multiplied equals: {result}")
    assert 1876 == result

    # PART TWO

    # Test one
    n_arrangements = get_adapter_arrangements(adapters=data_test_one)
    assert 8 == n_arrangements

    # Test two
    n_arrangements = get_adapter_arrangements(adapters=data_test_two)
    assert 19208 == n_arrangements

    n_arrangements = get_adapter_arrangements(adapters=data)
    print(f"The number of possible adapter arrangements equals: {n_arrangements}")
    assert 14173478093824 == n_arrangements

    return True
Example #16
def main():
    config = Config(day=16)

    # Test
    path_ticket_info = os.path.join(config.path_data, "ticket_info_test.txt")
    error_rate = compute_error_rate(path_ticket_info=path_ticket_info)
    assert 71 == error_rate

    # Real deal
    path_ticket_info = os.path.join(config.path_data, "ticket_info.txt")
    error_rate = compute_error_rate(path_ticket_info=path_ticket_info)
    print(f"The ticket scanning error rate equals: {error_rate}")
    assert 24980 == error_rate

    # PART TWO

    # Test
    path_ticket_info = os.path.join(config.path_data,
    notes, ticket_mine, tickets_nearby = parse_ticket_info(
    field_order = get_field_order(notes=notes, tickets_nearby=tickets_nearby)
    assert ["row", "class", "seat"] == field_order

    # Real deal
    path_ticket_info = os.path.join(config.path_data, "ticket_info.txt")
    notes, ticket_mine, tickets_nearby = parse_ticket_info(
    field_order = get_field_order(notes=notes, tickets_nearby=tickets_nearby)
    fields_departure = [
        i for i, f in enumerate(field_order) if "departure" in f
        f"The product of the departure fields equals: {prod([ticket_mine[i] for i in fields_departure])}"
    assert 809376774329 == prod([ticket_mine[i] for i in fields_departure])

    return True
def main():

    Stolen from

    config = Config(day=11)

    # PART ONE

    # Test one
    path_data = os.path.join(config.path_data, "seating_system.txt")

    with open(path_data, "r") as fp:
        lines = [line.rstrip() for line in fp.readlines()]
        lines = [list(line) for line in lines]

    rows, cols = len(lines), len(lines[0])
    deltas = [(-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]

    occupancy = check_occupied2(lines, deltas=deltas, rows=rows, cols=cols)
    print(f"There are {occupancy} valid seats.")
def main():
    config = Config(day=8)

    # PART ONE
    path_file_test = os.path.join(config.path_data, "boot_code_test.txt")
    path_file = os.path.join(config.path_data, "boot_code.txt")

    # Test set
    data_test = read_txt_file(path_file=path_file_test)
    print(f"The test boot code has {len(data_test)} lines")
    infinite_loop, accumulator = execute_boot_code(boot_code=data_test)
    assert infinite_loop, f"Execution of bootcode did not enter a infinite loop"
    assert 5 == accumulator, f"Accumulator value is incorrect. 5 != {accumulator}"

    data = read_txt_file(path_file=path_file)
    print(f"The boot code has {len(data)} lines")
    infinite_loop, accumulator = execute_boot_code(boot_code=data)
        f"The boot code accumulator equals {accumulator} before it hits an infinite loop"
    assert infinite_loop, f"Execution of bootcode did not enter a infinite loop"
    assert 1939 == accumulator, f"Accumulator value is incorrect. 1939 != {accumulator}"

    # PART TWO
    infinite_loop, accumulator, boot_code = fix_boot_code(boot_code=data_test)
    assert not infinite_loop
    assert 8 == accumulator, f"Accumulator value is incorrect. 8 != {accumulator}"

    infinite_loop, accumulator, boot_code = fix_boot_code(boot_code=data)
    assert not infinite_loop
        f"The fixed boot code accumulator equals {accumulator} after running until termination"
    assert 2212 == accumulator, f"Accumulator value is incorrect. 2212 != {accumulator}"

    return True