def __init__(self, main_window): """The constructor ... :param main_window: an instance of the MainWindow class """ super(DataViewerTab, self).__init__() = [] self.lay = [] self.project = [] self.stacks = [] self.viewers_loaded = {} self.viewer_current = {} #Display of combobox containing the viewers self.main_window = main_window self.lay = Qt.QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(self.lay) hlay = Qt.QHBoxLayout() self.lay.addLayout(hlay) hlay.addWidget(Qt.QLabel('use viewer:')) #Combobox will contain the viewers if they are available self.viewers_combo = Qt.QComboBox() self.viewers_combo.setMinimumWidth(150) hlay.addWidget(self.viewers_combo) hlay.addStretch(1) self.viewers_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.change_viewer)
def paintEvent(self, event): if self._first_paint: self._first_paint = True self.update_buttons() painter = Qt.QStylePainter(self) opt = Qt.QStyleOptionTab() for i in range(self.count()): self.initStyleOption(opt, i) painter.drawControl(Qt.QStyle.CE_TabBarTabShape, opt) s = opt.rect.size() s.transpose() r = Qt.QRect(Qt.QPoint(), s) r.moveCenter( opt.rect = r c = self.tabRect(i).center() painter.translate(c) painter.rotate(90) painter.translate(-c) painter.drawControl(Qt.QStyle.CE_TabBarTabLabel, opt) painter.restore() Qt.QWidget.paintEvent(self, event)
def __init__(self, init_global_handlers = None): super(MiaViewer, self).__init__() self.anaviewer = AnaSimpleViewer(init_global_handlers) # count global number of viewers using anatomist, in order to close it # nicely if not hasattr(DataViewer, 'mia_viewers'): DataViewer.mia_viewers = 0 DataViewer.mia_viewers += 1 findChild = lambda x, y: Qt.QObject.findChild(x, Qt.QObject, y) awidget = self.anaviewer.awidget toolbar = findChild(awidget, 'toolBar') open_action = findChild(awidget, 'fileOpenAction') db_action = Qt.QAction(open_action.icon(), 'filter', awidget) toolbar.insertAction(open_action, db_action) db_action.triggered.connect(self.filter_documents) layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) self.anaviewer.awidget.setSizePolicy(Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding) layout.addWidget(self.anaviewer.awidget) self.project = None self.documents = [] self.displayed = []
def update_buttons(self): # check if tab is closable if self.tabsClosable(): opt = Qt.QStyleOptionTab() for i in range(self.count()): self.initStyleOption(opt, i) optRect = opt.rect optRect.setX(optRect.width() - 14) # set X pos of close button optRect.setY(optRect.y() + 8) # calcs the Y pos of close button optRect.setSize(Qt.QSize(12, 12)) self.tabButton(i, Qt.QTabBar.RightSide).setGeometry(optRect)
def __init__(self): QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self, None, QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) #Load ui file uifile = 'second_window.ui' cwd = os.getcwd() mainwindowdir = os.path.join(cwd, 'user_interface/data_viewer/anatomist_2') os.chdir(mainwindowdir) awin = loadUi(os.path.join(mainwindowdir, uifile)) os.chdir(cwd) # connect GUI actions callbacks def findChild(x, y): return Qt.QObject.findChild(x, QtCore.QObject, y) self.window = awin self.viewNewWindow = findChild(awin, 'windows') self.newViewLay = Qt.QHBoxLayout(self.viewNewWindow) self.new_awindow = None self.object = None self.window_index = 0 self.popup_window = Qt.QWidget() self.popup_window.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() | QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) self.popups = [] self.layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout() self.popup_window.setLayout(self.layout) self.popup_window.resize(730, 780) self.window.setSizePolicy(Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding) #find views viewButtons self.viewButtons = [ findChild(awin, 'actionAxial'), findChild(awin, 'actionSagittal'), findChild(awin, 'actionCoronal'), findChild(awin, 'action3D') ] self.viewButtons[0].setChecked(True) self.viewButtons[0].triggered.connect( lambda: self.changeDisplay(0, self.object)) self.viewButtons[1].triggered.connect( lambda: self.changeDisplay(1, self.object)) self.viewButtons[2].triggered.connect( lambda: self.changeDisplay(2, self.object)) self.viewButtons[3].triggered.connect( lambda: self.changeDisplay(3, self.object))
def __init__(self, init_global_handlers=None): super(MiaViewer, self).__init__() self.anaviewer = AnaSimpleViewer2(init_global_handlers) # count global number of viewers using anatomist, in order to close it # nicely if not hasattr(DataViewer, 'mia_viewers'): DataViewer.mia_viewers = 0 DataViewer.mia_viewers += 1 findChild = lambda x, y: Qt.QObject.findChild(x, Qt.QObject, y) awidget = self.anaviewer.awidget filter_action = findChild(awidget, 'filterAction') preferences_action = findChild(awidget, 'actionPreferences') filter_action.triggered.connect(self.filter_documents) preferences_action.triggered.connect(self.preferences) layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) self.anaviewer.awidget.setSizePolicy(Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding) layout.addWidget(self.anaviewer.awidget) self.project = None self.documents = [] self.displayed = [] self.table_data = []
def _label_context_menu(self, widget, control_name, pos): menu = Qt.QMenu(control_name, None) protect = menu.addAction('%s modified' % control_name) protect.setCheckable(True) protected = self.controller.is_parameter_protected(control_name) protect.setChecked(protected) menu.exec_(widget().mapToGlobal(pos)) if protect.isChecked() != protected: self.controller.protect_parameter(control_name, protect.isChecked())
def filter_documents(self): dialog = Qt.QDialog() layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout() dialog.setLayout(layout) table_data = TableDataBrowser( self.project, self, self.project.session.get_shown_tags(), False, True, link_viewer=False) layout.addWidget(table_data) hlay = Qt.QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(hlay) ok = Qt.QPushButton('Display') hlay.addWidget(ok) ok.clicked.connect(dialog.accept) ok.setDefault(True) cancel = Qt.QPushButton('Cancel') hlay.addWidget(cancel) cancel.clicked.connect(dialog.reject) hlay.addStretch(1) # Reducing the list of scans to selection all_scans = table_data.scans_to_visualize table_data.scans_to_visualize = self.documents table_data.scans_to_search = self.documents table_data.update_visualized_rows(all_scans) res = dialog.exec_() if res == Qt.QDialog.Accepted: points = table_data.selectedIndexes() result_names = [] for point in points: row = point.row() # We get the FileName of the scan from the first row scan_name = table_data.item(row, 0).text() value = self.project.session.get_value(COLLECTION_CURRENT, scan_name, TAG_FILENAME) value = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.project.folder, value)) result_names.append(value) self.display_files(result_names)
def create_widget(parent, control_name, control_value, trait, label_class=None, user_data=None): """ Method to create the string widget. Parameters ---------- parent: QWidget (mandatory) the parent widget control_name: str (mandatory) the name of the control we want to create control_value: str (mandatory) the default control value trait: Tait (mandatory) the trait associated to the control label_class: Qt widget class (optional, default: None) the label widget will be an instance of this class. Its constructor will be called using 2 arguments: the label string and the parent widget. Returns ------- out: 2-uplet a two element tuple of the form (control widget: QLineEdit, associated label: QLabel) """ # Create the widget that will be used to fill a string try: str_value = str(control_value) except TypeError: try: str_value = repr(control_value) except TypeError: str_value = ' <%s>' % type(control_value).__name__ widget = Qt.QLabel( '<style>background-color: gray; text-color: red;</style>' + str_value, parent) widget.setEnabled(False) # Create the label associated with the string widget control_label = getattr(trait, 'label', control_name) if label_class is None: label_class = Qt.QLabel if control_label is not None: label = label_class(control_label, parent) else: label = None return (widget, label)
def wait_for_close(self, win): import threading from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import Qt if isinstance(threading.current_thread(), threading._MainThread): # we are running in the main thread: use a local event loop to wait # for the editor window to be closed by the user. The destroyed # callback will take care of ending the loop. self.local_event_loop = Qt.QEventLoop() self.local_event_loop.exec_() else: # we are running in a secondary thrad: poll in the main thread for # the editor window to be closed by the user done = False while not done: time.sleep(0.1) done = mainThreadActions().call(getattr, self, 'win_deleted')
def create_widget(parent, control_name, control_value, trait, label_class=None, user_data=None): """ Method to create the list widget. Parameters ---------- parent: QWidget (mandatory) the parent widget control_name: str (mandatory) the name of the control we want to create control_value: list of items (mandatory) the default control value trait: Tait (mandatory) the trait associated to the control label_class: Qt widget class (optional, default: None) the label widget will be an instance of this class. Its constructor will be called using 2 arguments: the label string and the parent widget. Returns ------- out: 2-uplet a two element tuple of the form (control widget: , associated labels: (a label QLabel, the tools QWidget)) """ widget, labels = OffscreenListControlWidget.create_widget( parent, control_name, control_value, trait, label_class=label_class, user_data=user_data) button = Qt.QPushButton("...", widget) button.setObjectName('files_button') button.setStyleSheet('QPushButton#files_button ' '{padding: 2px 10px 2px 10px; margin: 0px;}') layout = widget.layout() layout.addWidget(button) button.clicked.connect( partial(OffscreenListFileControlWidget.select_files, widget)) return (widget, labels)
def load_viewer(self, viewer_name): """Available viewers in data_viewer folder are loaded as soon as Data Viewer tab is clicked. :param viewer_name: string """ if viewer_name: detected_viewer = [viewer_name] else: detected_viewer = [ p for p in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) if os.path.isdir( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), p))) and p != '__pycache__' ] if not self.viewers_loaded: self.stacks = Qt.QStackedLayout() self.lay.addLayout(self.stacks) init_global_handlers = True #Try import detected viewers for viewer_name in detected_viewer: if viewer_name not in self.viewers_loaded: try: viewer_module = importlib.import_module( '%s.%s' % (__name__.rsplit('.', 1)[0], viewer_name)) self.viewers_loaded[viewer_name] = viewer_module.MiaViewer( init_global_handlers) self.stacks.addWidget(self.viewers_loaded[viewer_name]) self.viewers_combo.addItem(viewer_name) #Check if initialization of controls has been done: if self.viewers_loaded[ viewer_name].anaviewer._global_handlers_initialized: init_global_handlers = False except Exception as e: print('\n{0} viewer is not available or not working ' '...!\nTraceback:'.format(viewer_name)) print(''.join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)), end='') print('{0}: {1}\n'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e))
def create_widget(parent, control_name, control_value, trait, label_class=None, user_data=None): """ Method to create the Undefined widget. Parameters ---------- parent: QWidget (mandatory) the parent widget control_name: str (mandatory) the name of the control we want to create control_value: str (mandatory) the default control value trait: Tait (mandatory) the trait associated to the control label_class: Qt widget class (optional, default: None) the label widget will be an instance of this class. Its constructor will be called using 2 arguments: the label string and the parent widget. Returns ------- out: 2-uplet a two element tuple of the form (control widget: QLineEdit, associated label: QLabel) """ # Create the widget widget = Qt.QLabel( '<style>background-color: gray; text-color: red;</style>' + str(traits.Undefined), parent) # Create the label associated with the string widget control_label = control_name if label_class is None: label_class = QtGui.QLabel if control_label is not None: label = label_class(control_label, parent) else: label = None return (widget, label)
def __init__(self, engine, parent=None): super(SettingsEditor, self).__init__(parent) self.engine = engine layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) env_layout = Qt.QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(env_layout) env_layout.addWidget(Qt.QLabel('Environment:')) self.environment_combo = Qt.QComboBox() self.environment_combo.setEditable(True) self.environment_combo.setInsertPolicy( Qt.QComboBox.InsertAlphabetically) self.environment_combo.addItem('global') env_layout.addWidget(self.environment_combo) #htab_layout = Qt.QHBoxLayout() self.tab_wid = QVTabWidget() # Qt.QTabWidget() #self.tab_wid.setTabPosition(Qt.QTabWidget.West) layout.addWidget(self.tab_wid) self.module_tabs = {} buttons_layout = Qt.QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(buttons_layout) buttons_layout.addStretch(1) ok = Qt.QPushButton('OK') buttons_layout.addWidget(ok) cancel = Qt.QPushButton('Cancel') buttons_layout.addWidget(cancel) ok.clicked.connect(self.accept) cancel.clicked.connect(self.reject) #ok.setDefault(True) self.environment_combo.activated.connect(self.change_environment) self.update_gui()
def __init__(self, extra_options=None): """ Method to initialize the Application class. The capsulview application can be executed with command line options (that can also be passed to the class constructor as extra_options). From the command line, we can set the debug level with the -d option: * debug * info * warning * error * critical For exemple: >>> capsulview -d debug The default mode is error. From the command line we can also redirect all messages to a graphical message box with the -r option: >>> capsulview -r Parameters ---------- extra_options: list (optional) some additional options that are not passed through the command line. """ # Inheritance Qt.QApplication.__init__(self, []) # Extra application options extra_options = extra_options or [] # Define a mapping to the logging level levels = { "debug": logging.DEBUG, "info": logging.INFO, "warning": logging.WARNING, "error": logging.ERROR, "critical": logging.CRITICAL } # Parse command line and internal options parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", help="Set the logging level " "(debug, info, warning, error, or critical", metavar="LEVEL") parser.add_option("-r", "--redirect-to-messagebox", dest="redirect", action="store_true", default=False, help="Redirect all messages to the console") parser.add_option("-t", "--test", dest="test", action="store_true", default=False, help="Add a set of test pipelines") for args, kwargs in extra_options: parser.add_option(*args, **kwargs) self.options, self.arguments = parser.parse_args() # Logging format logging_format = ("[%(asctime)s] " "{%(pathname)s:%(lineno)d} " "%(levelname)s - %(message)s") date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" # If someone tried to log something before basicConfig is called, # Python creates a default handler that goes to the console and # will ignore further basicConfig calls: we need to remove the # handlers if there is one. while len(logging.root.handlers) > 0: logging.root.removeHandler(logging.root.handlers[-1]) # If the logging level is specified if self.options.debug is not None: # Get the real logging level from the mapping level = levels.get(self.options.debug, None) # If a no valid logging level is found raise an Exception if level is None: raise Exception("Warning : unknown logging level " "{0}".format(self.options.debug)) # Configure the logging module logging.basicConfig(level=level, format=logging_format, datefmt=date_format) # Disable deprecation warnings if we are not in the debug mode if level != logging.DEBUG: warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) # Set the default logging level else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR, format=logging_format, datefmt=date_format) # Disable deprecation warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) # Check if the redirection option is found: redirecect stdout and # stderr to a message box if self.options.redirect: # Create a message box self.message_box = Qt.QTextEdit() # Redirect stdout and stderr sys.stdout = EmittingStream() sys.stderr = EmittingStream() # Connect with text written signal self.connect(sys.stdout, Qt.SIGNAL('textWritten(QString)'), self._on_text_print) self.connect(sys.stderr, Qt.SIGNAL('textWritten(QString)'), self._on_text_print) # Update root logger handler root_logger = logging.getLogger() h = root_logger.handlers[0] = sys.stdout
def create_widget(parent, control_name, control_value, trait, label_class=None, user_data=None): """ Create the widget. Parameters ---------- parent: QWidget (mandatory) the parent widget control_name: str (mandatory) the name of the control we want to create control_value: str (mandatory) the default control value, here the enum values trait: Tait (mandatory) the trait associated to the control label_class: Qt widget class (optional, default: None) the label widget will be an instance of this class. Its constructor will be called using 2 arguments: the label string and the parent widget. Returns ------- out: 2-uplet a two element tuple of the form (control widget: QComboBox, associated label: QLabel) """ # Create the widget that will be used to select a value widget = Qt.QWidget(parent) # we have a combobox for the trait type, and one of the control types # implementations depending on it layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout() widget.setLayout(layout) widget.type_combo = Qt.QComboBox() hlayout = Qt.QHBoxLayout() #layout.addLayout(hlayout) lwidget = Qt.QWidget() lwidget.setLayout(hlayout) hlayout.addWidget(Qt.QLabel('Compound type:')) hlayout.addWidget(widget.type_combo) widget.header_widget = lwidget widget.user_data = user_data # get compound types types = trait_ids(trait) for t in types: widget.type_combo.addItem(t) widget.type_combo.setCurrentIndex(0) widget.compound_widget = None widget.trait = trait # we need to access it later widget.trait_name = control_name widget.compound_label = None type_id = CompoundControlWidget.type_id_for(trait.handler.handlers, control_value) widget.current_type_id = type_id widget.type_combo.setCurrentIndex(type_id) CompoundControlWidget.create_compound_widget(widget) widget.type_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect( partial(CompoundControlWidget.change_type_index, widget)) # Add a parameter to tell us if the widget is optional widget.optional = trait.optional # Create the label associated with the enum widget control_label = trait.label if control_label is None: control_label = control_name if label_class is None: label_class = Qt.QLabel if control_label is not None: label = (label_class(control_label, parent), lwidget) else: label = lwidget return (widget, label)
def create_widget(parent, control_name, control_value, trait, label_class=None, user_data=None): """ Method to create the list widget. Parameters ---------- parent: QWidget (mandatory) the parent widget control_name: str (mandatory) the name of the control we want to create control_value: list of items (mandatory) the default control value trait: Tait (mandatory) the trait associated to the control label_class: Qt widget class (optional, default: None) the label widget will be an instance of this class. Its constructor will be called using 2 arguments: the label string and the parent widget. Returns ------- out: 2-uplet a two element tuple of the form (control widget: , associated labels: (a label QLabel, the tools QWidget)) """ widget, label = OffscreenListFileControlWidget.create_widget( parent, control_name, control_value, trait, label_class=label_class, user_data=user_data) layout = widget.layout() project = user_data.get('project') scan_list = user_data.get('scan_list') main_window = user_data.get('main_window') if project and scan_list: # Create a browse button button = Qt.QPushButton("Filter", widget) button.setObjectName('filter_button') button.setStyleSheet('QPushButton#filter_button ' '{padding: 2px 10px 2px 10px; margin: 0px;}') layout.addWidget(button) widget.filter_b = button # Set a callback on the browse button control_class = parent.get_control_class(trait) node_name = getattr(parent.controller, 'name', None) if node_name is None: node_name = parent.controller.__class__.__name__ browse_hook = partial(control_class.filter_clicked, weak_proxy(widget), node_name, control_name) #parameters, process) widget.filter_b.clicked.connect(browse_hook) return (widget, label)
def filter_documents(self): '''Filter documents already loaded in the Databrowser ''' dialog = Qt.QDialog() dialog.setWindowTitle('Filter documents') dialog.resize(1150, 500) layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout() dialog.setLayout(layout) #Some specific filtering #QLineEdit for research self.search_bar = RapidSearch(dialog) self.search_bar.textChanged.connect(self.search_str) #Cancel search button sources_images_dir = Config().getSourceImageDir() button_cross = QToolButton() button_cross.setStyleSheet('background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);') button_cross.setIcon( QIcon(os.path.join(sources_images_dir, 'gray_cross.png'))) button_cross.clicked.connect(self.reset_search_bar) title = Qt.QLabel() title.setText('Search by FileName: ') layout.addWidget(title) search_bar_layout = QHBoxLayout() search_bar_layout.addWidget(self.search_bar) search_bar_layout.addSpacing(3) search_bar_layout.addWidget(button_cross) #Add layout to dialogBox layout.addLayout(search_bar_layout) layout.addSpacing(8) self.table_data = TableDataBrowser( self.project, self, self.project.session.get_shown_tags(), False, True, link_viewer=False) layout.addWidget(self.table_data) hlay = Qt.QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(hlay) ok = Qt.QPushButton('Import') hlay.addWidget(ok) ok.clicked.connect(dialog.accept) ok.setDefault(True) cancel = Qt.QPushButton('Cancel') hlay.addWidget(cancel) cancel.clicked.connect(dialog.reject) hlay.addStretch(1) # Reducing the list of scans to selection all_scans = self.table_data.scans_to_visualize self.table_data.scans_to_visualize = self.documents self.table_data.scans_to_search = self.documents self.table_data.update_visualized_rows(all_scans) res = dialog.exec_() if res == Qt.QDialog.Accepted: points = self.table_data.selectedIndexes() result_names = [] for point in points: row = point.row() # We get the FileName of the scan from the first row scan_name = self.table_data.item(row, 0).text() value = self.project.session.get_value(COLLECTION_CURRENT, scan_name, TAG_FILENAME) value = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self.project.folder, value)) result_names.append(value) self.display_files(result_names)
def preferences(self): '''Preferences for the dataviewer ''' #Get initial config: im_sec = Config().getViewerFramerate() config = Config().getViewerConfig() ref = Config().get_referential() dialog = Qt.QDialog() dialog.setWindowTitle('Preferences') dialog.resize(600, 400) layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(25, 25, 25, 25) dialog.setLayout(layout) #Change Neuro/Radio configuration config_layout = QHBoxLayout() title_config = Qt.QLabel() title_config.setText('Configuration: ') box = Qt.QComboBox() box.addItem('Neuro') box.addItem('Radio') config_layout.addWidget(title_config) config_layout.addWidget(box) if config == 'radio': box.setCurrentIndex(1) #set automatic time frame rate frame_rate_layout = QHBoxLayout() title = Qt.QLabel() title.setText('Automatic time image display:') slider = Qt.QSlider(Qt.Qt.Horizontal) slider.setRange(1, 100) slider.setValue(int(im_sec)) size = QtCore.QSize(180, 15) slider.setMinimumSize(size) slow_label = Qt.QLabel() fast_label = Qt.QLabel() slow_label.setText('slow') fast_label.setText('fast') frame_rate_layout.addWidget(title) frame_rate_layout.addWidget(slow_label) frame_rate_layout.addWidget(slider) frame_rate_layout.addWidget(fast_label) frame_rate_layout.insertSpacing(1, 200) #Change referential ref_layout = QHBoxLayout() title_ref = Qt.QLabel() title_ref.setText('Referential: ') box2 = Qt.QComboBox() box2.addItem('World Coordinates') box2.addItem('Image referential') ref_layout.addWidget(title_ref) ref_layout.addWidget(box2) box2.setCurrentIndex(int(ref)) #Set general vertical layout layout.addLayout(config_layout) layout.addLayout(frame_rate_layout) layout.addLayout(ref_layout) layout.addStretch(1) #Save and cancel buttons hlay = Qt.QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(hlay) ok = Qt.QPushButton('Save') hlay.addStretch(1) hlay.addWidget(ok) ok.clicked.connect(dialog.accept) ok.setDefault(True) cancel = Qt.QPushButton('Cancel') hlay.addWidget(cancel) cancel.clicked.connect(dialog.reject) hlay.addStretch(1) res = dialog.exec_() if res == Qt.QDialog.Accepted: new_config = box.currentText().lower() new_ref = box2.currentIndex() #Save Config parameters and reload images #when config and referential have changed Config().setViewerFramerate(slider.value()) Config().setViewerConfig(new_config) Config().set_referential(new_ref) if new_config != config: self.anaviewer.changeConfig(new_config) if new_ref != ref: self.anaviewer.changeRef()
def write_state(): state_file_name = '/tmp/state.json' with open(state_file_name, 'w') as f: json.dump(pipeline.pipeline_state(), f) print('Wrote', state_file_name) import sys from soma.qt_gui import qt_backend qt_backend.set_qt_backend(compatible_qt5=True) from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import Qt from capsul.qt_gui.widgets import PipelineDeveloperView #from capsul.qt_gui.widgets import PipelineUserView from capsul.api import capsul_engine app = Qt.QApplication(sys.argv) # pipeline = capsul_engine().get_process_instance(MainTestPipeline) pipeline = MainTestPipeline() pipeline.on_trait_change(write_state, 'selection_changed') view1 = PipelineDeveloperView(pipeline, show_sub_pipelines=True, allow_open_controller=True) view1.add_embedded_subpipeline('switch_pipeline', scale=0.7) view1.add_embedded_subpipeline('way1_1', scale=0.4) view1.add_embedded_subpipeline('way2_1', scale=0.4) #view2 = PipelineUserView(pipeline) app.exec_() del view1 #del view2
def create_widget(parent, control_name, control_value, trait, label_class=None, user_data=None): """ Method to create the file widget. Parameters ---------- parent: QWidget (mandatory) the parent widget control_name: str (mandatory) the name of the control we want to create control_value: str (mandatory) the default control value trait: Tait (mandatory) the trait associated to the control label_class: Qt widget class (optional, default: None) the label widget will be an instance of this class. Its constructor will be called using 2 arguments: the label string and the parent widget. Returns ------- out: 2-uplet a two element tuple of the form (control widget: QWidget with two elements, a QLineEdit in the 'path' parameter and a browse button in the 'browse' parameter, associated label: QLabel) """ # Create the widget that will be used to select a file widget, label = FileControlWidget.create_widget( parent, control_name, control_value, trait, label_class=label_class, user_data=user_data) if user_data is None: user_data = {} widget.user_data = user_data # regular File does not store data layout = widget.layout() project = user_data.get('project') scan_list = user_data.get('scan_list') connected_inputs = user_data.get('connected_inputs', set()) def is_number(x): try: int(x) return True except ValueError: return False main_window = user_data.get('main_window') # files in a list don't get a Filter button. if project and scan_list and not trait.output \ and control_name not in connected_inputs \ and not is_number(control_name): # Create a browse button button = Qt.QPushButton("Filter", widget) button.setObjectName('filter_button') button.setStyleSheet('QPushButton#filter_button ' '{padding: 2px 10px 2px 10px; margin: 0px;}') layout.addWidget(button) widget.filter_b = button # Set a callback on the browse button control_class = parent.get_control_class(trait) node_name = getattr(parent.controller, 'name', None) if node_name is None: node_name = parent.controller.__class__.__name__ browse_hook = partial(control_class.filter_clicked, weak_proxy(widget), node_name, control_name) widget.filter_b.clicked.connect(browse_hook) return (widget, label)