def setUp(self): self.sonar = SonarAPIHandler(user='******', password='******') username = str(uuid.uuid1()) self.test_user = self.sonar.create_user( username, 'qwerty', username, "{}".format(username) ).json().get('user')
class TestUsers(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.sonar = SonarAPIHandler(user='******', password='******') self.test_user = str(uuid.uuid1()) def test_get_users(self): users = self.sonar.get_users().json() self.assertIn('users', users) def test_create_update_deactivate_user(self): res = self.sonar.create_user(self.test_user, 'qwerty', name=self.test_user).json() self.assertIn('user', res) email = "{}".format(self.test_user) res = self.sonar.update_user(self.test_user, email=email).json() self.assertEqual(res['user']['email'], email) res = self.sonar.deactivate_user(self.test_user).json() self.assertFalse(res['user']['active'])
def test_url_building(self): test = SonarAPIHandler(host='http://localhost', port=9001, base_path='/testing') self.assertEqual( "http://localhost:9001/testing{}".format(test.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT), test._get_url(test.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT)) test = SonarAPIHandler(host='http://localhost', port=9001) self.assertEqual( "http://localhost:9001{}".format(test.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT), test._get_url(test.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT)) test = SonarAPIHandler(host='http://localhost') self.assertEqual( "http://localhost:9000{}".format(test.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT), test._get_url(test.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT))
def test_url_building(self): test = SonarAPIHandler(host="http://localhost", port=9001, base_path="/testing") self.assertEqual( "http://localhost:9001/testing{}".format(test.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT), test._get_url(test.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT) ) test = SonarAPIHandler(host="http://localhost", port=9001) self.assertEqual( "http://localhost:9001{}".format(test.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT), test._get_url(test.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT) ) test = SonarAPIHandler(host="http://localhost") self.assertEqual( "http://localhost:9000{}".format(test.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT), test._get_url(test.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT) )
def setUp(self): self.h = SonarAPIHandler(user='******', password='******')
class SonarAPIHandlerTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.h = SonarAPIHandler(user='******', password='******') @mock.patch('sonarqube_api.api.requests.Session.get') def test_validate_auth(self, mock_res): resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) mock_res.return_value = resp # Error, not authenticated resp.json.return_value = {'valid': False} self.assertFalse(self.h.validate_authentication()) # Weird result, always assume invalid resp.json.return_value = {'wtf': 'lala'} self.assertFalse(self.h.validate_authentication()) # OK, authenticated resp.json.return_value = {'valid': True} self.assertTrue(self.h.validate_authentication()) @mock.patch('sonarqube_api.api.requests.Session.get') def test_errors(self, mock_get): # Empty response , cannot get next resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.return_value = {'p': 1, 'ps': 20, 'total': 0, 'metrics': []} mock_get.return_value = resp self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, self.h.get_metrics()) # Invalid data, raises ValidationError resp.status_code = 400 resp.json.return_value = { 'errors': [{ 'msg': 'invalid data for field' }] } self.assertRaises(ValidationError, next, self.h.get_metrics()) # Not authenticated, raises AuthError resp.status_code = 401 resp.reason = 'Unauthorized' self.assertRaises(AuthError, next, self.h.get_metrics()) # Not authorized, raises AuthError resp.status_code = 403 resp.reason = 'Forbidden' self.assertRaises(AuthError, next, self.h.get_metrics()) # Not found, generic client error resp.status_code = 404 resp.reason = 'Not Found' self.assertRaises(ClientError, next, self.h.get_metrics()) # Server error resp.status_code = 500 resp.reason = 'Internal Server Error' self.assertRaises(ServerError, next, self.h.get_metrics()) @mock.patch('') def test_activate_rule(self, mock_post): # Missing param key resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=400) resp.json.return_value = { 'errors': [{ 'msg': 'The rule_key parameter is missing' }] } mock_post.return_value = resp with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): self.h.activate_rule(None, 'py-234454', reset=True, severity='MAJOR', format='^setUp|tearDown$') # Check call, params and severity were ignored url = self.h._get_url(self.h.RULES_ACTIVATION_ENDPOINT) mock_post.assert_called_with(url, data={ 'rule_key': None, 'profile_key': 'py-234454', 'reset': 'true' }) mock_post.reset_mock() # Now post proper data, with resp.status_code = 200 resp.json.return_value = {'result': 'ok'} self.h.activate_rule('py:S1291', 'py-234454', format='^setUp|tearDown$') # Check call, params and severity added mock_post.assert_called_with(url, data={ 'rule_key': 'py:S1291', 'profile_key': 'py-234454', 'reset': 'false', 'params': 'format=^setUp|tearDown$' }) @mock.patch('') def test_create_rule(self, mock_post): # Rule exists, error resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=400) resp.json.return_value = {'errors': [{'msg': 'rule already exists'}]} mock_post.return_value = resp with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): self.h.create_rule('x1', 'Do not frobnicate', 'Frobnicating is wrong and should be avoided', 'Reemove forbnication', 'DEFFN/SJS', 'MAJOR', 'ACTIVE', 'XPath') # Simulate removal, now post is OK resp.status_code = 200 resp.json.return_value = {'result': 'ok'} self.h.create_rule('x1', 'Do not frobnicate', 'Frobnicating is wrong and should be avoided', 'Reemove forbnication', 'DEFFN/SJS', 'major', 'active', 'XPath') # Check calls posted_data = { 'custom_key': 'x1', 'name': 'Do not frobnicate', 'markdown_description': 'Frobnicating is wrong and should be avoided', 'params': 'message=Reemove forbnication;xpathQuery=DEFFN/SJS', 'severity': 'MAJOR', 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'template_key': 'XPath' } url = self.h._get_url(self.h.RULES_CREATE_ENDPOINT) mock_post.assert_called_with(url, data=posted_data) @mock.patch('sonarqube_api.api.SonarAPIHandler._make_call') def test_get_metrics(self, mock_call): # Two pages, once each resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.side_effect = [ { 'p': 1, 'ps': 2, 'total': 3, 'metrics': [{ 'project': 'lala', 'coverage': 70, 'violations': 56 }, { 'project': 'lele', 'coverage': 72, 'violations': 34 }] }, { 'p': 2, 'ps': 2, 'total': 3, 'metrics': [{ 'project': 'lolo', 'coverage': 71, 'violations': 23 }] }, ] mock_call.return_value = resp # Get metrics with two fields (as list) resources = list(self.h.get_metrics(fields=['coverage', 'violations'])) self.assertEqual(resources, [{ 'project': 'lala', 'coverage': 70, 'violations': 56 }, { 'project': 'lele', 'coverage': 72, 'violations': 34 }, { 'project': 'lolo', 'coverage': 71, 'violations': 23 }]) # Ensure make_call was called twice with correct params self.assertEqual(mock_call.call_count, 2) mock_call.assert_any_call('get', self.h.METRICS_LIST_ENDPOINT, f='coverage,violations') mock_call.assert_any_call('get', self.h.METRICS_LIST_ENDPOINT, f='coverage,violations', p=2) @mock.patch('sonarqube_api.api.SonarAPIHandler._make_call') def test_get_rules(self, mock_call): # Two pages, once each resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.side_effect = [ { 'p': 1, 'ps': 2, 'total': 3, 'rules': [{ 'key': 'lala' }, { 'key': 'lele' }] }, { 'p': 2, 'ps': 2, 'total': 3, 'rules': [{ 'key': 'lolo' }] }, ] mock_call.return_value = resp # Get metrics with two fields (as list) resources = list( self.h.get_rules(profile='prof1', languages=['py', 'js'])) self.assertEqual(resources, [{ 'key': 'lala' }, { 'key': 'lele' }, { 'key': 'lolo' }]) # Ensure make_call was called twice with correct params self.assertEqual(mock_call.call_count, 2) mock_call.assert_any_call('get', self.h.RULES_LIST_ENDPOINT, is_template='no', statuses='READY', activation='true', qprofile='prof1', languages='py,js') mock_call.assert_any_call('get', self.h.RULES_LIST_ENDPOINT, is_template='no', statuses='READY', activation='true', qprofile='prof1', languages='py,js', p=2) @mock.patch('sonarqube_api.api.SonarAPIHandler._make_call') def test_get_resources_metrics(self, mock_call): # Note: resource metrics responses are not paged resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.return_value = [{ 'name': 'lala', 'key': 'wow:lala', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{ 'key': 'coverage', 'val': 26.0, 'frmt_val': '26.0%' }] }, { 'name': 'lele', 'key': 'wow:lele', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{ 'key': 'coverage', 'val': 29.0, 'frmt_val': '29.0%' }] }] mock_call.return_value = resp # Get metrics without specifying resource and no trends resources = list(self.h.get_resources_metrics()) self.assertEqual( resources, [{ 'name': 'lala', 'key': 'wow:lala', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{ 'key': 'coverage', 'val': 26.0, 'frmt_val': '26.0%' }] }, { 'name': 'lele', 'key': 'wow:lele', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{ 'key': 'coverage', 'val': 29.0, 'frmt_val': '29.0%' }] }]) # Ensure make_call was called once with correct params mock_call.assert_called_once_with('get', self.h.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT, metrics=','.join( self.h.GENERAL_METRICS)) mock_call.reset_mock() # Now get one resource, with metrics and trends resp.json.return_value = [{ 'name': 'lala', 'key': 'wow:lala', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{ 'key': 'coverage', 'val': 26.0, 'frmt_val': '26.0%' }] }] resources = list( self.h.get_resources_metrics(resource='wow:lala', metrics=['coverage'], include_trends=True)) self.assertEqual( resources, [{ 'name': 'lala', 'key': 'wow:lala', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{ 'key': 'coverage', 'val': 26.0, 'frmt_val': '26.0%' }] }]) # Check call mock_call.assert_called_once_with( 'get', self.h.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT, resource='wow:lala', includetrends='true', metrics=','.join(['coverage'] + list(self.h.NEW_METRICS))) @mock.patch('sonarqube_api.api.SonarAPIHandler._make_call') def test_get_resources_debt(self, mock_call): # Note: resource metrics responses are not paged resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.return_value = [{ 'key': 'wow:wtf', 'name': 'Wizardly Table Fetching', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{ 'ctic_key': 'TESTABILITY', 'ctic_name': 'Testability', 'val': 121710.0, 'key': 'sqale_index', 'frmt_val': '253d' }, { 'ctic_key': 'MAINTAINABILITY', 'ctic_name': 'Maintainability', 'val': 56916.0, 'key': 'sqale_index', 'frmt_val': '118d' }] }] mock_call.return_value = resp # Get debts for testability resources = list( self.h.get_resources_debt( resource='wow:wtf', categories=['testability', 'maintainability'])) self.assertEqual(resources, [{ 'key': 'wow:wtf', 'name': 'Wizardly Table Fetching', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{ 'ctic_key': 'TESTABILITY', 'ctic_name': 'Testability', 'val': 121710.0, 'key': 'sqale_index', 'frmt_val': '253d' }, { 'ctic_key': 'MAINTAINABILITY', 'ctic_name': 'Maintainability', 'val': 56916.0, 'key': 'sqale_index', 'frmt_val': '118d' }] }]) # Ensure make_call was called once with correct params mock_call.assert_called_once_with( 'get', self.h.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT, resource='wow:wtf', model='SQALE', metrics='sqale_index', characteristics='TESTABILITY,MAINTAINABILITY') mock_call.reset_mock() @mock.patch('sonarqube_api.api.SonarAPIHandler._make_call') def test_get_resources_full_data(self, mock_call): # Setup responses for calls resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.side_effect = [ # First call: get metrics [{ 'name': 'Wizardly Table Fetching', 'key': 'wow:wtf', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{ 'key': 'coverage', 'val': 26.0, 'frmt_val': '26.0%' }] }], # Second call: get debt (with wrong name) [{ 'key': 'wow:wtf', 'name': 'WTFdudeWrongName', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{ 'ctic_key': 'TESTABILITY', 'ctic_name': 'Testability', 'val': 121710.0, 'key': 'sqale_index', 'frmt_val': '253d' }, { 'ctic_key': 'MAINTAINABILITY', 'ctic_name': 'Maintainability', 'val': 56916.0, 'key': 'sqale_index', 'frmt_val': '118d' }] }] ] mock_call.return_value = resp # Make the call with one metric and two debt categories resources = list( self.h.get_resources_full_data( resource='wow:wtf', metrics=['coverage'], categories=['testability', 'maintainability'])) # Ensure proper merge of data and first name is kept self.assertEqual(resources, [{ 'name': 'Wizardly Table Fetching', 'key': 'wow:wtf', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{ 'key': 'coverage', 'val': 26.0, 'frmt_val': '26.0%' }, { 'ctic_key': 'TESTABILITY', 'ctic_name': 'Testability', 'val': 121710.0, 'key': 'sqale_index', 'frmt_val': '253d' }, { 'ctic_key': 'MAINTAINABILITY', 'ctic_name': 'Maintainability', 'val': 56916.0, 'key': 'sqale_index', 'frmt_val': '118d' }] }]) # Ensure make_call was called twice with correct params # Note: do not use mock_calls or assert_has_calls or you'll get weird results, the list # contains ONLY a call that mas never made (p: 3) twice self.assertEqual(mock_call.call_count, 2) mock_call.assert_any_call('get', self.h.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT, resource='wow:wtf', metrics='coverage') mock_call.assert_any_call( 'get', self.h.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT, resource='wow:wtf', model='SQALE', metrics='sqale_index', characteristics='TESTABILITY,MAINTAINABILITY')
def setUp(self): self.h = SonarAPIHandler(user="******", password="******")
class SonarAPIHandlerTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.h = SonarAPIHandler(user="******", password="******") def test_url_building(self): test = SonarAPIHandler(host="http://localhost", port=9001, base_path="/testing") self.assertEqual( "http://*****:*****@mock.patch("sonarqube_api.api.requests.Session.get") def test_validate_auth(self, mock_res): resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) mock_res.return_value = resp # Error, not authenticated resp.json.return_value = {"valid": False} self.assertFalse(self.h.validate_authentication()) # Weird result, always assume invalid resp.json.return_value = {"wtf": "lala"} self.assertFalse(self.h.validate_authentication()) # OK, authenticated resp.json.return_value = {"valid": True} self.assertTrue(self.h.validate_authentication()) @mock.patch("sonarqube_api.api.requests.Session.get") def test_errors(self, mock_get): # Empty response , cannot get next resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.return_value = {"p": 1, "ps": 20, "total": 0, "metrics": []} mock_get.return_value = resp self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, self.h.get_metrics()) # Invalid data, raises ValidationError resp.status_code = 400 resp.json.return_value = {"errors": [{"msg": "invalid data for field"}]} self.assertRaises(ValidationError, next, self.h.get_metrics()) # Not authenticated, raises AuthError resp.status_code = 401 resp.reason = "Unauthorized" self.assertRaises(AuthError, next, self.h.get_metrics()) # Not authorized, raises AuthError resp.status_code = 403 resp.reason = "Forbidden" self.assertRaises(AuthError, next, self.h.get_metrics()) # Not found, generic client error resp.status_code = 404 resp.reason = "Not Found" self.assertRaises(ClientError, next, self.h.get_metrics()) # Server error resp.status_code = 500 resp.reason = "Internal Server Error" self.assertRaises(ServerError, next, self.h.get_metrics()) @mock.patch("") def test_activate_rule(self, mock_post): # Missing param key resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=400) resp.json.return_value = {"errors": [{"msg": "The rule_key parameter is missing"}]} mock_post.return_value = resp with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): self.h.activate_rule(None, "py-234454", reset=True, severity="MAJOR", format="^setUp|tearDown$") # Check call, params and severity were ignored url = self.h._get_url(self.h.RULES_ACTIVATION_ENDPOINT) mock_post.assert_called_with(url, data={"rule_key": None, "profile_key": "py-234454", "reset": "true"}) mock_post.reset_mock() # Now post proper data, with resp.status_code = 200 resp.json.return_value = {"result": "ok"} self.h.activate_rule("py:S1291", "py-234454", format="^setUp|tearDown$") # Check call, params and severity added mock_post.assert_called_with( url, data={ "rule_key": "py:S1291", "profile_key": "py-234454", "reset": "false", "params": "format=^setUp|tearDown$", }, ) @mock.patch("") def test_create_rule(self, mock_post): # Rule exists, error resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=400) resp.json.return_value = {"errors": [{"msg": "rule already exists"}]} mock_post.return_value = resp with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): self.h.create_rule( "x1", "Do not frobnicate", "Frobnicating is wrong and should be avoided", "Reemove forbnication", "DEFFN/SJS", "MAJOR", "ACTIVE", "XPath", ) # Simulate removal, now post is OK resp.status_code = 200 resp.json.return_value = {"result": "ok"} self.h.create_rule( "x1", "Do not frobnicate", "Frobnicating is wrong and should be avoided", "Reemove forbnication", "DEFFN/SJS", "major", "active", "XPath", ) # Check calls posted_data = { "custom_key": "x1", "name": "Do not frobnicate", "markdown_description": "Frobnicating is wrong and should be avoided", "params": "message=Reemove forbnication;xpathQuery=DEFFN/SJS", "severity": "MAJOR", "status": "ACTIVE", "template_key": "XPath", } url = self.h._get_url(self.h.RULES_CREATE_ENDPOINT) mock_post.assert_called_with(url, data=posted_data) @mock.patch("sonarqube_api.api.SonarAPIHandler._make_call") def test_get_metrics(self, mock_call): # Two pages, once each resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.side_effect = [ { "p": 1, "ps": 2, "total": 3, "metrics": [ {"project": "lala", "coverage": 70, "violations": 56}, {"project": "lele", "coverage": 72, "violations": 34}, ], }, {"p": 2, "ps": 2, "total": 3, "metrics": [{"project": "lolo", "coverage": 71, "violations": 23}]}, ] mock_call.return_value = resp # Get metrics with two fields (as list) resources = list(self.h.get_metrics(fields=["coverage", "violations"])) self.assertEqual( resources, [ {"project": "lala", "coverage": 70, "violations": 56}, {"project": "lele", "coverage": 72, "violations": 34}, {"project": "lolo", "coverage": 71, "violations": 23}, ], ) # Ensure make_call was called twice with correct params self.assertEqual(mock_call.call_count, 2) mock_call.assert_any_call("get", self.h.METRICS_LIST_ENDPOINT, f="coverage,violations") mock_call.assert_any_call("get", self.h.METRICS_LIST_ENDPOINT, f="coverage,violations", p=2) @mock.patch("sonarqube_api.api.SonarAPIHandler._make_call") def test_get_rules(self, mock_call): # Two pages, once each resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.side_effect = [ {"p": 1, "ps": 2, "total": 3, "rules": [{"key": "lala"}, {"key": "lele"}]}, {"p": 2, "ps": 2, "total": 3, "rules": [{"key": "lolo"}]}, ] mock_call.return_value = resp # Get metrics with two fields (as list) resources = list(self.h.get_rules(profile="prof1", languages=["py", "js"])) self.assertEqual(resources, [{"key": "lala"}, {"key": "lele"}, {"key": "lolo"}]) # Ensure make_call was called twice with correct params self.assertEqual(mock_call.call_count, 2) mock_call.assert_any_call( "get", self.h.RULES_LIST_ENDPOINT, is_template="no", statuses="READY", activation="true", qprofile="prof1", languages="py,js", ) mock_call.assert_any_call( "get", self.h.RULES_LIST_ENDPOINT, is_template="no", statuses="READY", activation="true", qprofile="prof1", languages="py,js", p=2, ) @mock.patch("sonarqube_api.api.SonarAPIHandler._make_call") def test_get_resources_metrics(self, mock_call): # Note: resource metrics responses are not paged resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.return_value = [ { "name": "lala", "key": "wow:lala", "scope": "PRJ", "msr": [{"key": "coverage", "val": 26.0, "frmt_val": "26.0%"}], }, { "name": "lele", "key": "wow:lele", "scope": "PRJ", "msr": [{"key": "coverage", "val": 29.0, "frmt_val": "29.0%"}], }, ] mock_call.return_value = resp # Get metrics without specifying resource and no trends resources = list(self.h.get_resources_metrics()) self.assertEqual( resources, [ { "name": "lala", "key": "wow:lala", "scope": "PRJ", "msr": [{"key": "coverage", "val": 26.0, "frmt_val": "26.0%"}], }, { "name": "lele", "key": "wow:lele", "scope": "PRJ", "msr": [{"key": "coverage", "val": 29.0, "frmt_val": "29.0%"}], }, ], ) # Ensure make_call was called once with correct params mock_call.assert_called_once_with("get", self.h.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT, metrics=",".join(self.h.GENERAL_METRICS)) mock_call.reset_mock() # Now get one resource, with metrics and trends resp.json.return_value = [ { "name": "lala", "key": "wow:lala", "scope": "PRJ", "msr": [{"key": "coverage", "val": 26.0, "frmt_val": "26.0%"}], } ] resources = list( self.h.get_resources_metrics( resource="wow:lala", metrics=["coverage"], include_trends=True, include_modules=True ) ) self.assertEqual( resources, [ { "name": "lala", "key": "wow:lala", "scope": "PRJ", "msr": [{"key": "coverage", "val": 26.0, "frmt_val": "26.0%"}], } ], ) # Check call mock_call.assert_called_once_with( "get", self.h.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT, resource="wow:lala", includetrends="true", metrics="coverage,new_coverage", qualifiers="TRK,BRC", ) @mock.patch("sonarqube_api.api.SonarAPIHandler._make_call") def test_get_resources_debt(self, mock_call): # Note: resource metrics responses are not paged resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.return_value = [ { "key": "wow:wtf", "name": "Wizardly Table Fetching", "scope": "PRJ", "msr": [ { "ctic_key": "TESTABILITY", "ctic_name": "Testability", "val": 121710.0, "key": "sqale_index", "frmt_val": "253d", }, { "ctic_key": "MAINTAINABILITY", "ctic_name": "Maintainability", "val": 56916.0, "key": "sqale_index", "frmt_val": "118d", }, ], } ] mock_call.return_value = resp # Get debts for testability resources = list( self.h.get_resources_debt( resource="wow:wtf", categories=["testability", "maintainability"], include_trends=True, include_modules=True, ) ) self.assertEqual( resources, [ { "key": "wow:wtf", "name": "Wizardly Table Fetching", "scope": "PRJ", "msr": [ { "ctic_key": "TESTABILITY", "ctic_name": "Testability", "val": 121710.0, "key": "sqale_index", "frmt_val": "253d", }, { "ctic_key": "MAINTAINABILITY", "ctic_name": "Maintainability", "val": 56916.0, "key": "sqale_index", "frmt_val": "118d", }, ], } ], ) # Ensure make_call was called once with correct params mock_call.assert_called_once_with( "get", self.h.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT, resource="wow:wtf", model="SQALE", metrics="sqale_index", characteristics="TESTABILITY,MAINTAINABILITY", includetrends="true", qualifiers="TRK,BRC", ) mock_call.reset_mock() @mock.patch("sonarqube_api.api.SonarAPIHandler._make_call") def test_get_resources_full_data(self, mock_call): # Setup responses for calls resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.side_effect = [ # First call: get metrics [ { "name": "Wizardly Table Fetching", "key": "wow:wtf", "scope": "PRJ", "msr": [{"key": "coverage", "val": 26.0, "frmt_val": "26.0%"}], } ], # Second call: get debt (with wrong name) and a new project [ { "key": "wow:wtf", "name": "WTFdudeWrongName", "scope": "PRJ", "msr": [ { "ctic_key": "TESTABILITY", "ctic_name": "Testability", "val": 121710.0, "key": "sqale_index", "frmt_val": "253d", }, { "ctic_key": "MAINTAINABILITY", "ctic_name": "Maintainability", "val": 56916.0, "key": "sqale_index", "frmt_val": "118d", }, ], }, { "key": "lol:hahaha", "name": "Another project", "scope": "PRJ", "msr": [ { "ctic_key": "TESTABILITY", "ctic_name": "Testability", "val": 126.0, "key": "sqale_index", "frmt_val": "2h 6m", }, { "ctic_key": "MAINTAINABILITY", "ctic_name": "Maintainability", "val": 12.0, "key": "sqale_index", "frmt_val": "12m", }, ], }, ], ] mock_call.return_value = resp # Make the call with one metric and two debt categories resources = list( self.h.get_resources_full_data( metrics=["coverage"], categories=["testability", "maintainability"], include_modules=True ) ) # Ensure proper merge of data, first name use and sorting self.assertEqual( resources, [ { "key": "lol:hahaha", "name": "Another project", "scope": "PRJ", "msr": [ { "ctic_key": "TESTABILITY", "ctic_name": "Testability", "val": 126.0, "key": "sqale_index", "frmt_val": "2h 6m", }, { "ctic_key": "MAINTAINABILITY", "ctic_name": "Maintainability", "val": 12.0, "key": "sqale_index", "frmt_val": "12m", }, ], }, { "name": "Wizardly Table Fetching", "key": "wow:wtf", "scope": "PRJ", "msr": [ {"key": "coverage", "val": 26.0, "frmt_val": "26.0%"}, { "ctic_key": "TESTABILITY", "ctic_name": "Testability", "val": 121710.0, "key": "sqale_index", "frmt_val": "253d", }, { "ctic_key": "MAINTAINABILITY", "ctic_name": "Maintainability", "val": 56916.0, "key": "sqale_index", "frmt_val": "118d", }, ], }, ], ) # Ensure make_call was called twice with correct params # Note: do not use mock_calls or assert_has_calls or you'll get weird results, the list # contains ONLY a call that mas never made (p: 3) twice self.assertEqual(mock_call.call_count, 2) mock_call.assert_any_call("get", self.h.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT, metrics="coverage", qualifiers="TRK,BRC") mock_call.assert_any_call( "get", self.h.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT, model="SQALE", metrics="sqale_index", characteristics="TESTABILITY,MAINTAINABILITY", qualifiers="TRK,BRC", )
class SonarAPIHandlerTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.h = SonarAPIHandler(user='******', password='******') @mock.patch('sonarqube_api.api.requests.Session.get') def test_validate_auth(self, mock_res): resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) mock_res.return_value = resp # Error, not authenticated resp.json.return_value = {'valid': False} self.assertFalse(self.h.validate_authentication()) # Weird result, always assume invalid resp.json.return_value = {'wtf': 'lala'} self.assertFalse(self.h.validate_authentication()) # OK, authenticated resp.json.return_value = {'valid': True} self.assertTrue(self.h.validate_authentication()) @mock.patch('sonarqube_api.api.requests.Session.get') def test_errors(self, mock_get): # Empty response , cannot get next resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.return_value = {'p': 1, 'ps': 20, 'total': 0, 'metrics': []} mock_get.return_value = resp self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, self.h.get_metrics()) # Invalid data, raises ValidationError resp.status_code = 400 resp.json.return_value = {'errors': [{'msg': 'invalid data for field'}]} self.assertRaises(ValidationError, next, self.h.get_metrics()) # Not authenticated, raises AuthError resp.status_code = 401 resp.reason = 'Unauthorized' self.assertRaises(AuthError, next, self.h.get_metrics()) # Not authorized, raises AuthError resp.status_code = 403 resp.reason = 'Forbidden' self.assertRaises(AuthError, next, self.h.get_metrics()) # Not found, generic client error resp.status_code = 404 resp.reason = 'Not Found' self.assertRaises(ClientError, next, self.h.get_metrics()) # Server error resp.status_code = 500 resp.reason = 'Internal Server Error' self.assertRaises(ServerError, next, self.h.get_metrics()) @mock.patch('') def test_activate_rule(self, mock_post): # Missing param key resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=400) resp.json.return_value = {'errors': [{'msg': 'The rule_key parameter is missing'}]} mock_post.return_value = resp with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): self.h.activate_rule(None, 'py-234454', reset=True, severity='MAJOR', format='^setUp|tearDown$') # Check call, params and severity were ignored url = self.h._get_url(self.h.RULES_ACTIVATION_ENDPOINT) mock_post.assert_called_with(url, data={'rule_key': None, 'profile_key': 'py-234454', 'reset': 'true'}) mock_post.reset_mock() # Now post proper data, with resp.status_code = 200 resp.json.return_value = {'result': 'ok'} self.h.activate_rule('py:S1291', 'py-234454', format='^setUp|tearDown$') # Check call, params and severity added mock_post.assert_called_with(url, data={'rule_key': 'py:S1291', 'profile_key': 'py-234454', 'reset': 'false', 'params': 'format=^setUp|tearDown$'}) @mock.patch('') def test_create_rule(self, mock_post): # Rule exists, error resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=400) resp.json.return_value = {'errors': [{'msg': 'rule already exists'}]} mock_post.return_value = resp with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): self.h.create_rule('x1', 'Do not frobnicate', 'Frobnicating is wrong and should be avoided', 'Reemove forbnication', 'DEFFN/SJS', 'MAJOR', 'ACTIVE', 'XPath') # Simulate removal, now post is OK resp.status_code = 200 resp.json.return_value = {'result': 'ok'} self.h.create_rule('x1', 'Do not frobnicate', 'Frobnicating is wrong and should be avoided', 'Reemove forbnication', 'DEFFN/SJS', 'major', 'active', 'XPath') # Check calls posted_data = { 'custom_key': 'x1', 'name': 'Do not frobnicate', 'markdown_description': 'Frobnicating is wrong and should be avoided', 'params': 'message=Reemove forbnication;xpathQuery=DEFFN/SJS', 'severity': 'MAJOR', 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'template_key': 'XPath' } url = self.h._get_url(self.h.RULES_CREATE_ENDPOINT) mock_post.assert_called_with(url, data=posted_data) @mock.patch('sonarqube_api.api.SonarAPIHandler._make_call') def test_get_metrics(self, mock_call): # Two pages, once each resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.side_effect = [ {'p': 1, 'ps': 2, 'total': 3, 'metrics': [{'project': 'lala', 'coverage': 70, 'violations': 56}, {'project': 'lele', 'coverage': 72, 'violations': 34}]}, {'p': 2, 'ps': 2, 'total': 3, 'metrics': [{'project': 'lolo', 'coverage': 71, 'violations': 23}]}, ] mock_call.return_value = resp # Get metrics with two fields (as list) resources = list(self.h.get_metrics(fields=['coverage', 'violations'])) self.assertEqual(resources, [{'project': 'lala', 'coverage': 70, 'violations': 56}, {'project': 'lele', 'coverage': 72, 'violations': 34}, {'project': 'lolo', 'coverage': 71, 'violations': 23}]) # Ensure make_call was called twice with correct params self.assertEqual(mock_call.call_count, 2) mock_call.assert_any_call( 'get', self.h.METRICS_LIST_ENDPOINT, f='coverage,violations' ) mock_call.assert_any_call( 'get', self.h.METRICS_LIST_ENDPOINT, f='coverage,violations', p=2 ) @mock.patch('sonarqube_api.api.SonarAPIHandler._make_call') def test_get_rules(self, mock_call): # Two pages, once each resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.side_effect = [ {'p': 1, 'ps': 2, 'total': 3, 'rules': [{'key': 'lala'}, {'key': 'lele'}]}, {'p': 2, 'ps': 2, 'total': 3, 'rules': [{'key': 'lolo'}]}, ] mock_call.return_value = resp # Get metrics with two fields (as list) resources = list(self.h.get_rules(profile='prof1', languages=['py', 'js'])) self.assertEqual(resources, [{'key': 'lala'}, {'key': 'lele'}, {'key': 'lolo'}]) # Ensure make_call was called twice with correct params self.assertEqual(mock_call.call_count, 2) mock_call.assert_any_call( 'get', self.h.RULES_LIST_ENDPOINT, is_template='no', statuses='READY', activation='true', qprofile='prof1', languages='py,js' ) mock_call.assert_any_call( 'get', self.h.RULES_LIST_ENDPOINT, is_template='no', statuses='READY', activation='true', qprofile='prof1', languages='py,js', p=2 ) @mock.patch('sonarqube_api.api.SonarAPIHandler._make_call') def test_get_resources_metrics(self, mock_call): # Note: resource metrics responses are not paged resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.return_value = [ {'name': 'lala', 'key': 'wow:lala', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{'key': 'coverage', 'val': 26.0, 'frmt_val': '26.0%'}]}, {'name': 'lele', 'key': 'wow:lele', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{'key': 'coverage', 'val': 29.0, 'frmt_val': '29.0%'}]} ] mock_call.return_value = resp # Get metrics without specifying resource and no trends resources = list(self.h.get_resources_metrics()) self.assertEqual(resources, [ {'name': 'lala', 'key': 'wow:lala', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{'key': 'coverage', 'val': 26.0, 'frmt_val': '26.0%'}]}, {'name': 'lele', 'key': 'wow:lele', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{'key': 'coverage', 'val': 29.0, 'frmt_val': '29.0%'}]} ]) # Ensure make_call was called once with correct params mock_call.assert_called_once_with( 'get', self.h.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT, metrics=','.join(self.h.GENERAL_METRICS) ) mock_call.reset_mock() # Now get one resource, with metrics and trends resp.json.return_value = [ {'name': 'lala', 'key': 'wow:lala', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{'key': 'coverage', 'val': 26.0, 'frmt_val': '26.0%'}]} ] resources = list(self.h.get_resources_metrics( resource='wow:lala', metrics=['coverage'], include_trends=True )) self.assertEqual(resources, [ {'name': 'lala', 'key': 'wow:lala', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{'key': 'coverage', 'val': 26.0, 'frmt_val': '26.0%'}]} ]) # Check call mock_call.assert_called_once_with( 'get', self.h.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT, resource='wow:lala', includetrends='true', metrics='coverage,new_coverage' ) @mock.patch('sonarqube_api.api.SonarAPIHandler._make_call') def test_get_resources_debt(self, mock_call): # Note: resource metrics responses are not paged resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.return_value = [ {'key': 'wow:wtf', 'name': 'Wizardly Table Fetching', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{'ctic_key': 'TESTABILITY', 'ctic_name': 'Testability', 'val': 121710.0, 'key': 'sqale_index', 'frmt_val': '253d'}, {'ctic_key': 'MAINTAINABILITY', 'ctic_name': 'Maintainability', 'val': 56916.0, 'key': 'sqale_index', 'frmt_val': '118d'}]} ] mock_call.return_value = resp # Get debts for testability resources = list(self.h.get_resources_debt( resource='wow:wtf', categories=['testability', 'maintainability'], include_trends=True )) self.assertEqual(resources, [ {'key': 'wow:wtf', 'name': 'Wizardly Table Fetching', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{'ctic_key': 'TESTABILITY', 'ctic_name': 'Testability', 'val': 121710.0, 'key': 'sqale_index', 'frmt_val': '253d'}, {'ctic_key': 'MAINTAINABILITY', 'ctic_name': 'Maintainability', 'val': 56916.0, 'key': 'sqale_index', 'frmt_val': '118d'}]} ]) # Ensure make_call was called once with correct params mock_call.assert_called_once_with( 'get', self.h.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT, resource='wow:wtf', model='SQALE', metrics='sqale_index', characteristics='TESTABILITY,MAINTAINABILITY', includetrends='true' ) mock_call.reset_mock() @mock.patch('sonarqube_api.api.SonarAPIHandler._make_call') def test_get_resources_full_data(self, mock_call): # Setup responses for calls resp = mock.MagicMock(status_code=200) resp.json.side_effect = [ # First call: get metrics [{'name': 'Wizardly Table Fetching', 'key': 'wow:wtf', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{'key': 'coverage', 'val': 26.0, 'frmt_val': '26.0%'}]}], # Second call: get debt (with wrong name) [{'key': 'wow:wtf', 'name': 'WTFdudeWrongName', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{'ctic_key': 'TESTABILITY', 'ctic_name': 'Testability', 'val': 121710.0, 'key': 'sqale_index', 'frmt_val': '253d'}, {'ctic_key': 'MAINTAINABILITY', 'ctic_name': 'Maintainability', 'val': 56916.0, 'key': 'sqale_index', 'frmt_val': '118d'}]}] ] mock_call.return_value = resp # Make the call with one metric and two debt categories resources = list(self.h.get_resources_full_data( resource='wow:wtf', metrics=['coverage'], categories=['testability', 'maintainability'] )) # Ensure proper merge of data and first name is kept self.assertEqual(resources, [ {'name': 'Wizardly Table Fetching', 'key': 'wow:wtf', 'scope': 'PRJ', 'msr': [{'key': 'coverage', 'val': 26.0, 'frmt_val': '26.0%'}, {'ctic_key': 'TESTABILITY', 'ctic_name': 'Testability', 'val': 121710.0, 'key': 'sqale_index', 'frmt_val': '253d'}, {'ctic_key': 'MAINTAINABILITY', 'ctic_name': 'Maintainability', 'val': 56916.0, 'key': 'sqale_index', 'frmt_val': '118d'}]} ]) # Ensure make_call was called twice with correct params # Note: do not use mock_calls or assert_has_calls or you'll get weird results, the list # contains ONLY a call that mas never made (p: 3) twice self.assertEqual(mock_call.call_count, 2) mock_call.assert_any_call( 'get', self.h.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT, resource='wow:wtf', metrics='coverage' ) mock_call.assert_any_call( 'get', self.h.RESOURCES_ENDPOINT, resource='wow:wtf', model='SQALE', metrics='sqale_index', characteristics='TESTABILITY,MAINTAINABILITY' )
from sonarqube_api import SonarAPIHandler h = SonarAPIHandler(host='', port=9000, user='******', password='******') # gen = h.get_metrics() gen = h.get_metrics() print(gen.nex()) # while True: # print(gen.send(None))
class TestGroups(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.sonar = SonarAPIHandler(user='******', password='******') username = str(uuid.uuid1()) self.test_user = self.sonar.create_user( username, 'qwerty', username, "{}".format(username) ).json().get('user') def test_get_groups(self): groups = self.sonar.get_groups().json() self.assertIn('groups', groups) def test_create_update_delete_group(self): test_group = str(uuid.uuid1()) res = self.sonar.create_group(test_group).json() self.assertIn('group', res) res = self.sonar.update_group(gid=res['group']['id'], description="This is test group").json() self.assertIn('description', res['group']) res = self.sonar.delete_group(name=test_group) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 204) def test_add_remove_user_group(self): test_group = str(uuid.uuid1()) res = self.sonar.create_group(test_group).json() self.assertIn('group', res) res = self.sonar.add_user_group(self.test_user['login'], name=test_group) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 204) res = self.sonar.get_group_users(name=test_group).json() self.assertIn('users', res) with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): self.sonar.get_group_users() res = self.sonar.remove_user_group(self.test_user['login'], name=test_group) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 204)
def setUp(self): self.sonar = SonarAPIHandler(user='******', password='******') self.test_user = str(uuid.uuid1())
import requests from sonarqube_api import SonarAPIHandler from flask import Flask, request from flask_restful import Resource, Api from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) api = Api(app) #create an object to call all the api functionalities by providing valid #user name and password ref = SonarAPIHandler(user='******', password='******', host='') #make http-get call to get components('name of the projects','key of the projects', etc.) of all the projects. comp = ref._make_call(method='get', endpoint='/api/projects/index') ex_comp = comp.json() #get all projects listed class get_project_list(Resource): def get(self): extract_json = comp.json() project = [] co = 1 for p in extract_json: dict = {} dict["Project_Name_" + str(co)] = p['nm'] co = co + 1