def delete_ports_status_for_y_cable(): state_db, port_tbl, y_cable_tbl = {}, {}, {} y_cable_tbl_keys = {} namespaces = multi_asic.get_front_end_namespaces() for namespace in namespaces: asic_id = multi_asic.get_asic_index_from_namespace(namespace) state_db[asic_id] = daemon_base.db_connect("STATE_DB", namespace) y_cable_tbl[asic_id] = swsscommon.Table( state_db[asic_id], swsscommon.STATE_HW_MUX_CABLE_TABLE_NAME) y_cable_tbl_keys[asic_id] = y_cable_tbl[asic_id].getKeys() # delete PORTS on Y cable table if ports on Y cable logical_port_list = y_cable_platform_sfputil.logical for logical_port_name in logical_port_list: # Get the asic to which this port belongs asic_index = y_cable_platform_sfputil.get_asic_id_for_logical_port( logical_port_name) if asic_index is None: logger.log_warning("Got invalid asic index for {}, ignored".format( logical_port_name)) if logical_port_name in y_cable_tbl_keys[asic_index]: delete_port_from_y_cable_table(logical_port_name, y_cable_tbl[asic_index])
def update_port_mux_status_table(logical_port_name, mux_config_tbl): physical_port_list = logical_port_name_to_physical_port_list(logical_port_name) if len(physical_port_list) == 1: physical_port = physical_port_list[0] read_side = y_cable.check_read_side(physical_port) active_side = y_cable.check_active_linked_tor_side(physical_port) if read_side == active_side: status = 'ACTIVE' elif active_side == 0: status = 'INACTIVE' else: status = 'STANDBY' fvs = swsscommon.FieldValuePairs([('status', status), ('read_side', str(read_side)), ('active_side',str(active_side))]) mux_config_tbl.set(logical_port_name, fvs) else: ''' Y cable ports should always have one to one mapping of physical-to-logical This should not happen''' logger.log_warning("Error: Retreived multiple ports for a Y cable table".format(logical_port_name))
def update_tor_active_side(read_side, status, logical_port_name): physical_port_list = logical_port_name_to_physical_port_list(logical_port_name) if len(physical_port_list) == 1: physical_port = physical_port_list[0] if read_side == 1: if status == "ACTIVE": y_cable.toggle_mux_to_torA(physical_port) elif status == "STANDBY": y_cable.toggle_mux_to_torB(physical_port) elif read_side == 2: if status == "ACTIVE": y_cable.toggle_mux_to_torB(physical_port) elif status == "STANDBY": y_cable.toggle_mux_to_torA(physical_port) #Now that mux has been toggled check to see if #mux has indeed been toggled # might not be neccessary #active_side = y_cable.check_active_linked_tor_side(physical_port) else: ''' Y cable ports should always have one to one mapping of physical-to-logical This should not happen''' logger.log_warning("Error: Retreived multiple ports for a Y cable table".format(logical_port_name))
def deinit(self): self.log_info("Start daemon deinit...") # Delete all the information from DB and then exit logical_port_list = platform_sfputil.logical for logical_port_name in logical_port_list: # Get the asic to which this port belongs asic_index = platform_sfputil.get_asic_id_for_logical_port( logical_port_name) if asic_index is None: logger.log_warning( "Got invalid asic index for {}, ignored".format( logical_port_name)) continue if self.y_cable_presence[0] is True: y_cable_helper.delete_ports_status_for_y_cable() global_values = globals() val = global_values.get('platform_chassis') if val is not None: del global_values['platform_chassis']
def task_worker(self, y_cable_presence): helper_logger.log_info("Start Ycable monitoring loop") # Connect to STATE_DB and create transceiver ycable config table state_db = {} mux_tbl = {} status_tbl = {} # Get the namespaces in the platform namespaces = multi_asic.get_front_end_namespaces() for namespace in namespaces: asic_id = multi_asic.get_asic_index_from_namespace(namespace) state_db[asic_id] = daemon_base.db_connect("STATE_DB", namespace) status_tbl[asic_id] = swsscommon.Table(state_db[asic_id], TRANSCEIVER_STATUS_TABLE) time.sleep(0.1) # Start loop to update ycable info in DB periodically while not self.task_stopping_event.wait( YCABLE_INFO_UPDATE_PERIOD_SECS): logical_port_list = platform_sfputil.logical for logical_port_name in logical_port_list: # Get the asic to which this port belongs asic_index = platform_sfputil.get_asic_id_for_logical_port( logical_port_name) if asic_index is None: logger.log_warning( "Got invalid asic index for {}, ignored".format( logical_port_name)) continue if not detect_port_in_error_status(logical_port_name, status_tbl[asic_index]): if y_cable_presence[0] is True: y_cable_helper.check_identifier_presence_and_update_mux_info_entry( state_db, mux_tbl, asic_index, logical_port_name) helper_logger.log_info("Stop DOM monitoring loop")
def init_ports_status_for_y_cable(platform_sfp, stop_event=threading.Event()): global platform_sfputil # Connect to CONFIG_DB and create port status table inside state_db config_db, state_db, port_tbl , y_cable_tbl= {}, {}, {}, {} port_table_keys = {} state_db_created = False platform_sfputil = platform_sfp # Get the namespaces in the platform namespaces = multi_asic.get_front_end_namespaces() for namespace in namespaces: asic_id = multi_asic.get_asic_index_from_namespace(namespace) config_db[asic_id] = daemon_base.db_connect("CONFIG_DB", namespace) port_tbl[asic_id] = swsscommon.Table(config_db[asic_id], "PORT") port_table_keys[asic_id] = config_db[asic_id].get_keys("PORT") # Init PORT_STATUS table if ports are on Y cable logical_port_list = platform_sfputil.logical for logical_port_name in logical_port_list: if stop_event.is_set(): break # Get the asic to which this port belongs asic_index = platform_sfputil.get_asic_id_for_logical_port(logical_port_name) if asic_index is None: logger.log_warning("Got invalid asic index for {}, ignored".format(logical_port_name)) continue if logical_port_name in port_table_keys[asic_index]: (status, fvs) = port_tbl[asic_index].get(logical_port_name) if status is False: logger.log_warning("Could not retreive fieldvalue pairs for {}, inside config_db".format(logical_port_name)) continue else: # Convert list of tuples to a dictionary mux_table_dict = dict(fvp) if "mux_cable" in mux_table_dict: if state_db_created: #fill in the newly found entry update_port_mux_status_table(logical_port_name,y_cable_tbl[asic_index]) else: #first create the db and then fill in the entry state_db_created = True namespaces = multi_asic.get_front_end_namespaces() for namespace in namespaces: asic_id = multi_asic.get_asic_index_from_namespace(namespace) state_db[asic_id] = daemon_base.db_connect("STATE_DB", namespace) y_cable_tbl[asic_id] = swsscommon.Table(state_db[asic_id], swsscommon.STATE_HW_MUX_CABLE_TABLE_NAME) # fill the newly found entry update_port_mux_status_table(logical_port_name,y_cable_tbl[asic_index]) else: logger.log_info("Port is not connected on a Y cable") else: ''' This port does not exist in Port table of config but is present inside logical_ports after loading the port_mappings from port_config_file This should not happen ''' logger.log_warning("Could not retreive port inside config_db PORT table ".format(logical_port_name)) return state_db_created
def task_worker(self): # Connect to STATE_DB and create transceiver dom info table app_db, state_db, status_tbl,y_cable_tbl = {}, {}, {},{} y_cable_tbl_keys = {} # Get the namespaces in the platform sel = swsscommon.Select() #logical_port_list = platform_sfputil.logical namespaces = multi_asic.get_front_end_namespaces() for namespace in namespaces: # Open a handle to the Application database, in all namespaces asic_id = multi_asic.get_asic_index_from_namespace(namespace) app_db[asic_id] = daemon_base.db_connect("APPL_DB", namespace) status_tbl[asic_id] = swsscommon.SubscriberStateTable(appl_db[asic_id], swsscommon.APP_HW_MUX_CABLE_TABLE_NAME) state_db[asic_id] = daemon_base.db_connect("STATE_DB", namespace) y_cable_tbl[asic_id] = swsscommon.Table(state_db[asic_id], swsscommon.STATE_HW_MUX_CABLE_TABLE_NAME) sel.addSelectable(status_tbl[asic_id]) # Listen indefinitely for changes to the APP_MUX_CABLE_TABLE in the Application DB's while True: # Use timeout to prevent ignoring the signals we want to handle # in signal_handler() (e.g. SIGTERM for graceful shutdown) (state, selectableObj) = if state == swsscommon.Select.TIMEOUT: # Do not flood log when select times out continue if state != swsscommon.Select.OBJECT: self.log_warning(" did not return swsscommon.Select.OBJECT") continue # Get the redisselect object from selectable object redisSelectObj = swsscommon.CastSelectableToRedisSelectObj(selectableObj) # Get the corresponding namespace from redisselect db connector object namespace = redisSelectObj.getDbConnector().getNamespace() asic_index = multi_asic.get_asic_index_from_namespace(namespace) y_cable_tbl_keys[asic_id] = state_db[asic_index].get_keys(swsscommon.STATE_HW_MUX_CABLE_TABLE_NAME) (port, op, fvp) = status_tbl[asic_id].pop() if fvp: #Might need to check the presence of this Port #in logical_port_list but keep for now for coherency if port not in y_cable_table_keys[asic_id]: continue fvp_dict = dict(fvp) if op == "status" in fvp_dict: #got a status change new_status = fvp_dict["status"] (status, fvs) = y_cable_tbl[asic_index].get(port) if status is False: logger.log_warning("Could not retreive fieldvalue pairs for {}, inside config_db".format(logical_port_name)) continue mux_port_dict = dict(fvs) old_status = mux_port_dict.get("status") read_side = mux_port_dict.get("read_side") active_side = mux_port_dict.get("active_side") if old_status != new_staus: update_tor_active_side(read_side, new_status, port) fvs_updated = swsscommon.FieldValuePairs([('status', new_status), ('read_side', read_side), ('active_side',active_side)]) mux_config_tbl.set(logical_port_name, fvs_updated) #nothing to do since no status change else: logger.log_warning("Got a change event on _MUX_TABLE that does not update the current status".format(logical_port_name))