def test_clean_callable_default(tmpconfig, func):
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    # Default values
    assert hasattr(func, 'unblockable')
    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'priority')
    assert func.priority == 'medium'
    assert hasattr(func, 'thread')
    assert func.thread is True
    assert hasattr(func, 'rate')
    assert func.rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'channel_rate')
    assert func.rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'global_rate')
    assert func.global_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'event')
    assert func.event == ['PRIVMSG']

    # Not added by default
    assert not hasattr(func, 'rule')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'commands')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'nickname_commands')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'action_commands')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'intents')
Example #2
def test_clean_callable_rule(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'rule', [r'abc'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'rule')
    assert len(func.rule) == 1

    # Test the regex is compiled properly
    regex = re.compile(func.rule[0])
    assert regex.match('abc')
    assert regex.match('abcd')
    assert not regex.match('efg')

    # Default values
    assert hasattr(func, 'unblockable')
    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'priority')
    assert func.priority == 'medium'
    assert hasattr(func, 'thread')
    assert func.thread is True
    assert hasattr(func, 'user_rate')
    assert func.user_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'channel_rate')
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'global_rate')
    assert func.global_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'user_rate_message')
    assert func.user_rate_message is None
    assert hasattr(func, 'channel_rate_message')
    assert func.channel_rate_message is None
    assert hasattr(func, 'global_rate_message')
    assert func.global_rate_message is None
    assert hasattr(func, 'default_rate_message')
    assert func.default_rate_message is None
    assert hasattr(func, 'echo')
    assert func.echo is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'allow_bots')
    assert func.allow_bots is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'output_prefix')
    assert func.output_prefix == ''

    # idempotency
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)
    assert len(func.rule) == 1
    assert regex not in func.rule
    assert r'abc' in func.rule

    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert func.priority == 'medium'
    assert func.thread is True
    assert func.user_rate == 0
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert func.global_rate == 0
    assert func.user_rate_message is None
    assert func.channel_rate_message is None
    assert func.global_rate_message is None
    assert func.default_rate_message is None
    assert func.echo is False
    assert func.allow_bots is False
    assert func.output_prefix == ''
Example #3
def test_clean_callable_event(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'event', ['low', 'UP', 'MiXeD'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'event')
    assert func.event == ['LOW', 'UP', 'MIXED']

    # Default values
    assert hasattr(func, 'unblockable')
    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'priority')
    assert func.priority == 'medium'
    assert hasattr(func, 'thread')
    assert func.thread is True
    assert hasattr(func, 'rate')
    assert func.rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'channel_rate')
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'global_rate')
    assert func.global_rate == 0

    # idempotency
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)
    assert func.event == ['LOW', 'UP', 'MIXED']

    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert func.priority == 'medium'
    assert func.thread is True
    assert func.rate == 0
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert func.global_rate == 0
Example #4
def perform_who(bot, trigger, nick=None, success=None, fail=None, end=None):
    def who_recv(b, t):
        global flag
        flag = True
        if success:
            success(b, t)

    def who_end(b, t):
        global flag
        if fail and not flag:
            fail(b, t)
        if end:
            end(b, t)
        flag = False

    if not nick:
        nick = trigger.nick
    loader.clean_callable(who_recv, bot.config)
    loader.clean_callable(who_end, bot.config)
    meta = ([who_recv, who_end],[],[])
    bot.write(['WHO', nick, '%na'])
Example #5
def test_clean_callable_nickname_command(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'nickname_commands', ['hello!'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'nickname_commands')
    assert len(func.nickname_commands) == 1
    assert func.nickname_commands == ['hello!']
    assert not hasattr(func, 'rule')

    # Default values
    assert hasattr(func, 'unblockable')
    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'priority')
    assert func.priority == 'medium'
    assert hasattr(func, 'thread')
    assert func.thread is True
    assert hasattr(func, 'rate')
    assert func.rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'channel_rate')
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'global_rate')
    assert func.global_rate == 0

    # idempotency
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)
    assert not hasattr(func, 'rule')
    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert func.priority == 'medium'
    assert func.thread is True
    assert func.rate == 0
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert func.global_rate == 0
Example #6
def test_clean_callable_url(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'url_regex', [re.compile('.*')])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'url_regex')
    assert len(func.url_regex) == 1

    # Don't test the regex; that's handled in a different module
    # Default values
    assert hasattr(func, 'unblockable')
    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'thread')
    assert func.thread is True
    assert hasattr(func, 'rate')
    assert func.rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'channel_rate')
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'global_rate')
    assert func.global_rate == 0

    # idempotency
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)
    assert len(func.url_regex) == 1
    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert func.thread is True
    assert func.rate == 0
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert func.global_rate == 0
Example #7
def test_clean_callable_default(tmpconfig, func):
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    # Default values
    assert hasattr(func, 'thread')
    assert func.thread is True

    # Not added by default
    assert not hasattr(func, 'unblockable')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'priority')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'rate')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'channel_rate')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'global_rate')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'echo')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'allow_bots')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'output_prefix')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'event')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'rule')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'find_rules')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'search_rules')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'rule_lazy_loaders')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'find_rules_lazy_loaders')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'search_rules_lazy_loaders')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'commands')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'nickname_commands')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'action_commands')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'ctcp')
Example #8
 def register_timeout_jobs(self, handlers):
     """Register the timeout handlers for the timeout scheduler."""
     for handler in handlers:
         job = jobs.Job.from_callable(, handler)
         LOGGER.debug('Timeout Job registered: %s', str(job))
Example #9
def test_clean_callable_command(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'commands', ['test'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'commands')
    assert func.commands == ['test']

    # Default values
    assert hasattr(func, 'unblockable')
    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'priority')
    assert func.priority == 'medium'
    assert hasattr(func, 'thread')
    assert func.thread is True
    assert hasattr(func, 'user_rate')
    assert func.user_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'channel_rate')
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'global_rate')
    assert func.global_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'user_rate_message')
    assert func.user_rate_message is None
    assert hasattr(func, 'channel_rate_message')
    assert func.channel_rate_message is None
    assert hasattr(func, 'global_rate_message')
    assert func.global_rate_message is None
    assert hasattr(func, 'default_rate_message')
    assert func.default_rate_message is None
    assert hasattr(func, 'echo')
    assert func.echo is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'allow_bots')
    assert func.allow_bots is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'output_prefix')
    assert func.output_prefix == ''
    assert hasattr(func, 'event')
    assert func.event == ['PRIVMSG']
    assert not hasattr(func, 'rule')

    # idempotency
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)
    assert func.commands == ['test']

    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert func.priority == 'medium'
    assert func.thread is True
    assert func.user_rate == 0
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert func.global_rate == 0
    assert func.user_rate_message is None
    assert func.channel_rate_message is None
    assert func.global_rate_message is None
    assert func.default_rate_message is None
    assert func.echo is False
    assert func.allow_bots is False
    assert func.output_prefix == ''
    assert func.event == ['PRIVMSG']
Example #10
def test_clean_callable_event(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'event', ['low', 'UP', 'MiXeD'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'event')
    assert func.event == ['LOW', 'UP', 'MIXED']

    # idempotency
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)
    assert func.event == ['LOW', 'UP', 'MIXED']
Example #11
def test_clean_callable_event_string(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'event', 'some')
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'event')
    assert func.event == ['SOME']

    # idempotency
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)
    assert func.event == ['SOME']
Example #12
def test_clean_callable_event_string(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'event', 'some')
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'event')
    assert func.event == ['SOME']

    # idempotency
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)
    assert func.event == ['SOME']
def test_clean_callable_event(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'event', ['low', 'UP', 'MiXeD'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'event')
    assert func.event == ['LOW', 'UP', 'MIXED']

    # idempotency
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)
    assert func.event == ['LOW', 'UP', 'MIXED']
Example #14
def test_clean_callable_rule_nickname(tmpconfig, func):
    """Assert ``$nick`` in a rule will match ``TestBot``."""
    setattr(func, 'rule', [r'$nickname\s+hello'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'rule')
    assert len(func.rule) == 1

    # Test the regex is compiled properly
    regex = func.rule[0]
    assert regex.match('TestBot hello')
    assert not regex.match('TestBot not hello')
Example #15
def test_clean_callable_events_basetring(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'event', 'topic')
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'event')
    assert func.event == ['TOPIC']

    setattr(func, 'event', 'JOIN')
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'event')
    assert func.event == ['JOIN']
Example #16
def test_clean_callable_rule_string(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'rule', r'abc')
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'rule')
    assert len(func.rule) == 1

    # Test the regex is compiled properly
    regex = func.rule[0]
    assert regex.match('abc')
    assert regex.match('abcd')
    assert not regex.match('efg')
Example #17
def test_clean_callable_rule_nickname(tmpconfig, func):
    """Assert ``$nick`` in a rule will match ``TestBot``."""
    setattr(func, 'rule', [r'$nickname\s+hello'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'rule')
    assert len(func.rule) == 1

    # Test the regex is compiled properly
    regex = func.rule[0]
    assert regex.match('TestBot hello')
    assert not regex.match('TestBot not hello')
Example #18
def test_clean_callable_events_basetring(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'event', 'topic')
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'event')
    assert func.event == ['TOPIC']

    setattr(func, 'event', 'JOIN')
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'event')
    assert func.event == ['JOIN']
Example #19
def test_clean_callable_rule_string(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'rule', r'abc')
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'rule')
    assert len(func.rule) == 1

    # Test the regex is compiled properly
    regex = func.rule[0]
    assert regex.match('abc')
    assert regex.match('abcd')
    assert not regex.match('efg')
Example #20
def test_clean_callable_event(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'event', ['low', 'UP', 'MiXeD'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'event')
    assert func.event == ['LOW', 'UP', 'MIXED']

    # Default values
    assert hasattr(func, 'unblockable')
    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'priority')
    assert func.priority == 'medium'
    assert hasattr(func, 'thread')
    assert func.thread is True
    assert hasattr(func, 'user_rate')
    assert func.user_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'channel_rate')
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'global_rate')
    assert func.global_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'user_rate_message')
    assert func.user_rate_message is None
    assert hasattr(func, 'channel_rate_message')
    assert func.channel_rate_message is None
    assert hasattr(func, 'global_rate_message')
    assert func.global_rate_message is None
    assert hasattr(func, 'default_rate_message')
    assert func.default_rate_message is None
    assert hasattr(func, 'echo')
    assert func.echo is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'allow_bots')
    assert func.allow_bots is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'output_prefix')
    assert func.output_prefix == ''

    # idempotency
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)
    assert func.event == ['LOW', 'UP', 'MIXED']

    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert func.priority == 'medium'
    assert func.thread is True
    assert func.user_rate == 0
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert func.global_rate == 0
    assert func.user_rate_message is None
    assert func.channel_rate_message is None
    assert func.global_rate_message is None
    assert func.default_rate_message is None
    assert func.echo is False
    assert func.allow_bots is False
    assert func.output_prefix == ''
Example #21
def test_clean_callable_search_rules(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'search_rules', [r'abc'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'search_rules')
    assert len(func.search_rules) == 1
    assert not hasattr(func, 'rule')

    # Test the regex is compiled properly
    regex = re.compile(func.search_rules[0])
    assert not'adbc')

    # Default values
    assert hasattr(func, 'unblockable')
    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'priority')
    assert func.priority == 'medium'
    assert hasattr(func, 'thread')
    assert func.thread is True
    assert hasattr(func, 'rate')
    assert func.rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'channel_rate')
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'global_rate')
    assert func.global_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'echo')
    assert func.echo is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'allow_bots')
    assert func.allow_bots is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'output_prefix')
    assert func.output_prefix == ''

    # idempotency
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)
    assert hasattr(func, 'search_rules')
    assert len(func.search_rules) == 1
    assert regex not in func.search_rules
    assert func.search_rules[0] == r'abc'
    assert not hasattr(func, 'rule')

    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert func.priority == 'medium'
    assert func.thread is True
    assert func.rate == 0
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert func.global_rate == 0
    assert func.echo is False
    assert func.allow_bots is False
    assert func.output_prefix == ''
Example #22
def test_clean_callable_example_not_set(tmpconfig, func):

    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, '_docs')
    assert len(func._docs) == 1
    assert 'test' in func._docs

    docs = func._docs['test']
    assert len(docs) == 2
    assert docs[0] == inspect.cleandoc(func.__doc__).splitlines()
    assert docs[1] == []
Example #23
def test_clean_callable_example_not_set(tmpconfig, func):

    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, '_docs')
    assert len(func._docs) == 1
    assert 'test' in func._docs

    docs = func._docs['test']
    assert len(docs) == 2
    assert docs[0] == inspect.cleandoc(func.__doc__).splitlines()
    assert docs[1] == []
Example #24
def test_clean_callable_action_command(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'action_commands', ['bots'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'action_commands')
    assert len(func.action_commands) == 1
    assert func.action_commands == ['bots']
    assert not hasattr(func, 'rule')

    # idempotency
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)
    assert not hasattr(func, 'rule')
    assert func.action_commands == ['bots']
Example #25
def test_clean_callable_example_user_help(tmpconfig, func):
    module.example('.test hello', user_help=True)(func)

    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert len(func._docs) == 1
    assert 'test' in func._docs

    docs = func._docs['test']
    assert len(docs) == 2
    assert docs[0] == inspect.cleandoc(func.__doc__).splitlines()
    assert docs[1] == ['.test hello']
Example #26
def test_clean_callable_example_user_help(tmpconfig, func):
    module.example('.test hello', user_help=True)(func)

    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert len(func._docs) == 1
    assert 'test' in func._docs

    docs = func._docs['test']
    assert len(docs) == 2
    assert docs[0] == inspect.cleandoc(func.__doc__).splitlines()
    assert docs[1] == ['.test hello']
Example #27
def setup(bot):
    bot.memory['join_events_queue'] = collections.deque()

    # Manage JOIN flood protection
    if bot.settings.core.throttle_join:
        wait_interval = max(bot.settings.core.throttle_wait, 1)

        def processing_job(bot):

        loader.clean_callable(processing_job, bot.settings)
        bot.scheduler.add_job(jobs.Job(wait_interval, processing_job))
Example #28
def test_clean_callable_example_nickname(tmpconfig, func):
    module.example('$nickname: hello')(func)

    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert len(func._docs) == 1
    assert 'test' in func._docs

    docs = func._docs['test']
    assert len(docs) == 2
    assert docs[0] == inspect.cleandoc(func.__doc__).splitlines()
    assert docs[1] == 'TestBot: hello'
Example #29
def test_clean_callable_example_nickname(tmpconfig, func):
    module.example('$nickname: hello')(func)

    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert len(func._docs) == 1
    assert 'test' in func._docs

    docs = func._docs['test']
    assert len(docs) == 2
    assert docs[0] == inspect.cleandoc(func.__doc__).splitlines()
    assert docs[1] == 'TestBot: hello'
Example #30
def test_clean_callable_example_default_prefix(tmpconfig, func):
    module.example('.test hello')(func)

    tmpconfig.core.help_prefix = '!'
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert len(func._docs) == 1
    assert 'test' in func._docs

    docs = func._docs['test']
    assert len(docs) == 2
    assert docs[0] == inspect.cleandoc(func.__doc__).splitlines()
    assert docs[1] == '!test hello'
Example #31
def test_clean_callable_example_first_only(tmpconfig, func):
    module.example('.test hello')(func)
    module.example('.test bonjour')(func)

    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert len(func._docs) == 1
    assert 'test' in func._docs

    docs = func._docs['test']
    assert len(docs) == 2
    assert docs[0] == inspect.cleandoc(func.__doc__).splitlines()
    assert docs[1] == '.test hello'
Example #32
def test_clean_callable_example_nickname_custom_prefix(tmpconfig, func):
    plugin.example('$nickname: hello')(func)

    tmpconfig.core.help_prefix = '!'
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert len(func._docs) == 1
    assert 'test' in func._docs

    docs = func._docs['test']
    assert len(docs) == 2
    assert docs[0] == inspect.cleandoc(func.__doc__).splitlines()
    assert docs[1] == ['TestBot: hello']
Example #33
def test_clean_callable_intents(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'intents', [r'abc'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'intents')
    assert len(func.intents) == 1

    # Test the regex is compiled properly
    regex = func.intents[0]
    assert regex.match('abc')
    assert regex.match('abcd')
    assert regex.match('ABC')
    assert regex.match('AbCdE')
    assert not regex.match('efg')
Example #34
def test_clean_callable_example_default_prefix(tmpconfig, func):
    module.example('.test hello')(func)

    tmpconfig.core.help_prefix = '!'
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert len(func._docs) == 1
    assert 'test' in func._docs

    docs = func._docs['test']
    assert len(docs) == 2
    assert docs[0] == inspect.cleandoc(func.__doc__).splitlines()
    assert docs[1] == '!test hello'
Example #35
def test_clean_callable_example_first_only(tmpconfig, func):
    module.example('.test hello')(func)
    module.example('.test bonjour')(func)

    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert len(func._docs) == 1
    assert 'test' in func._docs

    docs = func._docs['test']
    assert len(docs) == 2
    assert docs[0] == inspect.cleandoc(func.__doc__).splitlines()
    assert docs[1] == '.test hello'
Example #36
def test_clean_callable_intents(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'intents', [r'abc'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'intents')
    assert len(func.intents) == 1

    # Test the regex is compiled properly
    regex = func.intents[0]
    assert regex.match('abc')
    assert regex.match('abcd')
    assert regex.match('ABC')
    assert regex.match('AbCdE')
    assert not regex.match('efg')
Example #37
def test_clean_callable_rule_string(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'rule', r'abc')
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'rule')
    assert len(func.rule) == 1

    # Test the regex is compiled properly
    assert func.rule[0] == r'abc'

    # idempotency
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)
    assert len(func.rule) == 1
    assert func.rule[0] == r'abc'
Example #38
def test_clean_callable_example(tmpconfig, func):
    plugin.example('.test hello')(func)

    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, '_docs')
    assert len(func._docs) == 1
    assert 'test' in func._docs

    docs = func._docs['test']
    assert len(docs) == 2
    assert docs[0] == inspect.cleandoc(func.__doc__).splitlines()
    assert docs[1] == ['.test hello']
Example #39
def test_clean_callable_ctcp(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'ctcp', [r'abc'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'ctcp')
    assert len(func.ctcp) == 1

    # Test the regex is compiled properly
    regex = func.ctcp[0]
    assert regex.match('abc')
    assert regex.match('abcd')
    assert regex.match('ABC')
    assert regex.match('AbCdE')
    assert not regex.match('efg')

    # Default values
    assert hasattr(func, 'unblockable')
    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'priority')
    assert func.priority == 'medium'
    assert hasattr(func, 'thread')
    assert func.thread is True
    assert hasattr(func, 'rate')
    assert func.rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'channel_rate')
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'global_rate')
    assert func.global_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'echo')
    assert func.echo is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'allow_bots')
    assert func.allow_bots is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'output_prefix')
    assert func.output_prefix == ''

    # idempotency
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)
    assert len(func.ctcp) == 1
    assert regex in func.ctcp

    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert func.priority == 'medium'
    assert func.thread is True
    assert func.rate == 0
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert func.global_rate == 0
    assert func.echo is False
    assert func.allow_bots is False
    assert func.output_prefix == ''
Example #40
def test_clean_callable_url(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'url_regex', [re.compile('.*')])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'url_regex')
    assert len(func.url_regex) == 1

    # Don't test the regex; that's handled in a different module
    # Default values
    assert hasattr(func, 'unblockable')
    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'thread')
    assert func.thread is True
    assert hasattr(func, 'user_rate')
    assert func.user_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'channel_rate')
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'global_rate')
    assert func.global_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'user_rate_message')
    assert func.user_rate_message is None
    assert hasattr(func, 'channel_rate_message')
    assert func.channel_rate_message is None
    assert hasattr(func, 'global_rate_message')
    assert func.global_rate_message is None
    assert hasattr(func, 'default_rate_message')
    assert func.default_rate_message is None
    assert hasattr(func, 'echo')
    assert func.echo is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'allow_bots')
    assert func.allow_bots is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'output_prefix')
    assert func.output_prefix == ''

    # idempotency
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)
    assert len(func.url_regex) == 1
    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert func.thread is True
    assert func.user_rate == 0
    assert func.channel_rate == 0
    assert func.global_rate == 0
    assert func.user_rate_message is None
    assert func.channel_rate_message is None
    assert func.global_rate_message is None
    assert func.default_rate_message is None
    assert func.echo is False
    assert func.allow_bots is False
    assert func.output_prefix == ''
Example #41
def test_clean_callable_nickname_command(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'nickname_commands', ['hello!'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'nickname_commands')
    assert len(func.nickname_commands) == 1
    assert func.nickname_commands == ['hello!']
    assert hasattr(func, 'rule')
    assert len(func.rule) == 1

    regex = func.rule[0]
    assert regex.match('TestBot hello!')
    assert regex.match('TestBot, hello!')
    assert regex.match('TestBot: hello!')
    assert not regex.match('TestBot not hello')
Example #42
def test_clean_callable_rule_nickname(tmpconfig, func):
    """Assert ``$nickname`` in a rule is not replaced (deprecated feature)."""
    setattr(func, 'rule', [r'$nickname\s+hello'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'rule')
    assert len(func.rule) == 1

    # Test the regex is not compiled
    assert func.rule[0] == r'$nickname\s+hello'

    # idempotency
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)
    assert len(func.rule) == 1
    assert func.rule[0] == r'$nickname\s+hello'
Example #43
def test_clean_callable_nickname_command(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'nickname_commands', ['hello!'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'nickname_commands')
    assert len(func.nickname_commands) == 1
    assert func.nickname_commands == ['hello!']
    assert hasattr(func, 'rule')
    assert len(func.rule) == 1

    regex = func.rule[0]
    assert regex.match('TestBot hello!')
    assert regex.match('TestBot, hello!')
    assert regex.match('TestBot: hello!')
    assert not regex.match('TestBot not hello')
Example #44
def test_clean_callable_example_multi_commands(tmpconfig, func):
    module.example('.test hello')(func)

    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, '_docs')
    assert len(func._docs) == 2
    assert 'test' in func._docs
    assert 'unit' in func._docs

    test_docs = func._docs['test']
    unit_docs = func._docs['unit']
    assert len(test_docs) == 2
    assert test_docs == unit_docs

    assert test_docs[0] == inspect.cleandoc(func.__doc__).splitlines()
    assert test_docs[1] == '.test hello'
Example #45
def test_clean_callable_default(tmpconfig, func):
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    # Default values
    assert hasattr(func, 'unblockable')
    assert func.unblockable is False
    assert hasattr(func, 'priority')
    assert func.priority == 'medium'
    assert hasattr(func, 'thread')
    assert func.thread is True
    assert hasattr(func, 'rate')
    assert func.rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'channel_rate')
    assert func.rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'global_rate')
    assert func.global_rate == 0
    assert hasattr(func, 'event')
    assert func.event == ['PRIVMSG']

    # Not added by default
    assert not hasattr(func, 'rule')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'commands')
    assert not hasattr(func, 'intents')
Example #46
def test_clean_callable_events(tmpconfig, func):
    setattr(func, 'event', ['TOPIC'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'event')
    assert func.event == ['TOPIC']

    setattr(func, 'event', ['TOPIC', 'JOIN'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'event')
    assert func.event == ['TOPIC', 'JOIN']

    setattr(func, 'event', ['TOPIC', 'join', 'Nick'])
    loader.clean_callable(func, tmpconfig)

    assert hasattr(func, 'event')
    assert func.event == ['TOPIC', 'JOIN', 'NICK']