Example #1
def inference(bmodel_path, input_path, loops, tpu_id, compare_path):
    """ Load a bmodel and do inference.
   bmodel_path: Path to bmodel
   input_path: Path to input file
   loops: Number of loops to run
   tpu_id: ID of TPU to use
   compare_path: Path to correct result file

    True for success and False for failure
    # set configurations
    load_from_file = True
    detected_size = (416, 416)
    threshold = 0.5
    nms_threshold = 0.45
    num_classes = 80
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(input_path)
    # init Engine and load bmodel
    if load_from_file:
        # load bmodel from file
        net = sail.Engine(bmodel_path, tpu_id, sail.IOMode.SYSIO)
        # simulate load bmodel from memory
        f = open(file=bmodel_path, mode='rb')
        bmodel = f.read()
        net = sail.Engine(bmodel, len(bmodel), tpu_id, sail.IOMode.SYSIO)
    # get model info
    graph_name = net.get_graph_names()[0]
    input_name = net.get_input_names(graph_name)[0]
    reference = get_reference(compare_path)
    status = True
    # pipeline of inference
    for i in range(loops):
        # read an image
        ret, img = cap.read()
        if not ret:
            print("Finished to read the video!")
        # preprocess
        data = preprocess(img, detected_size)
        input_data = {input_name: np.array([data], dtype=np.float32)}
        output = net.process(graph_name, input_data)
        # postprocess
        bboxes, classes, probs = postprocess(output, img, detected_size,
        # print result
        if compare(reference, bboxes, classes, probs, i):
            for bbox, cls, prob in zip(bboxes, classes, probs):
                message = "[Frame {} on tpu {}] Category: {}, Score: {:.3f}, Box: {}"
                print(message.format(i + 1, tpu_id, cls, prob, bbox))
            status = False
    return status
Example #2
def main():
    """ An example shows infernece of one model on multiple TPUs.
    # init Engine to load bmodel and allocate input and output tensors
    # one engine for one TPU
    engines = list()
    thread_num = len(ARGS.tpu_id)
    for i in range(thread_num):
        engines.append(sail.Engine(ARGS.bmodel, ARGS.tpu_id[i], sail.SYSIO))
    # create threads for inference
    threads = list()
    status = [None] * thread_num
    for i in range(thread_num):
                                        args=(i, engines[i], \
                                              ARGS.input, ARGS.loops, \
                                              ARGS.compare, status)))
    for i in range(thread_num):
    for i in range(thread_num):
    # check status
    for stat in status:
        if not stat:
Example #3
def main():
    """ An example shows inference of one model by multiple threads on one TPU.
    # init Engine
    engine = sail.Engine(ARGS.tpu_id)
    # load bmodel without builtin input and output tensors
    # each thread manage its input and output tensors
    # create threads for inference
    thread_num = int(ARGS.threads)
    status = [None] * thread_num
    threads = list()
    for i in range(thread_num):
                             args=(i, engine, ARGS.input, ARGS.loops,
                                   ARGS.compare, status)))
    for i in range(thread_num):
    for i in range(thread_num):
    # check status
    for stat in status:
        if not stat:
    def __init__(self, bmodel_path, tpu_id):
        # init Engine
        Net.engine_ = sail.Engine(tpu_id)
        # load bmodel without builtin input and output tensors
        # get model info
        # only one model loaded for this engine
        # only one input tensor and only one output tensor in this graph
        Net.handle_ = Net.engine_.get_handle()
        Net.graph_name_ = Net.engine_.get_graph_names()[0]
        input_names = Net.engine_.get_input_names(Net.graph_name_)
        input_dtype = 0
        Net.tpu_id_ = tpu_id
        Net.input_name_ = input_names[0]
        for i in range(len(input_names)):
            Net.input_shapes_[input_names[i]] = Net.engine_.get_input_shape(
                Net.graph_name_, input_names[i])
            input_dtype = Net.engine_.get_input_dtype(Net.graph_name_,
            input = sail.Tensor(Net.handle_, Net.input_shapes_[input_names[i]],
                                input_dtype, False, False)
            Net.input_tensors_[input_names[i]] = input
            Net.input_dtype_ = input_dtype
        Net.output_names_ = Net.engine_.get_output_names(Net.graph_name_)
        for i in range(len(Net.output_names_)):
                Net.output_names_[i]] = Net.engine_.get_output_shape(
                    Net.graph_name_, Net.output_names_[i])
            output_dtype = Net.engine_.get_output_dtype(
                Net.graph_name_, Net.output_names_[i])
            output = sail.Tensor(Net.handle_,
                                 output_dtype, True, True)
            Net.output_tensors_[Net.output_names_[i]] = output
            for j in range(4):

        # set io_mode
        Net.engine_.set_io_mode(Net.graph_name_, sail.IOMode.SYSIO)
        Net.bmcv_ = sail.Bmcv(Net.handle_)
        Net.img_dtype_ = Net.bmcv_.get_bm_image_data_format(input_dtype)
        scale = Net.engine_.get_input_scale(Net.graph_name_, input_names[0])
        scale *= 0.003922
        Net.preprocessor_ = PreProcessor(Net.bmcv_, scale)

        # load postprocess so
        ll = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary
        Net.lib_post_process_ = ll('./libYoloPostProcess.so')

        if os.path.exists('result_imgs') is False:
            os.system('mkdir -p result_imgs')
    def __init__(self, bmodel_path, tpu_id, stage):
        # init Engine
        Net.engine_ = sail.Engine(tpu_id)
        # load bmodel without builtin input and output tensors
        # get model info
        # only one model loaded for this engine
        # only one input tensor and only one output tensor in this graph
        Net.handle_ = Net.engine_.get_handle()
        Net.graph_name_ = Net.engine_.get_graph_names()[0]
        input_names = Net.engine_.get_input_names(Net.graph_name_)
        print("input names:", input_names)
        input_dtype = 0
        Net.tpu_id_ = tpu_id
        Net.input_name_ = input_names[0]
        for i in range(len(input_names)):
            Net.input_shapes_[input_names[i]] = Net.engine_.get_input_shape(
                Net.graph_name_, input_names[i])
            input_dtype = Net.engine_.get_input_dtype(Net.graph_name_,
            input = sail.Tensor(Net.handle_, Net.input_shapes_[input_names[i]],
                                input_dtype, False, False)
            Net.input_tensors_[input_names[i]] = input
            Net.input_dtype_ = input_dtype
        Net.output_names_ = Net.engine_.get_output_names(Net.graph_name_)
        for i in range(len(Net.output_names_)):
                Net.output_names_[i]] = Net.engine_.get_output_shape(
                    Net.graph_name_, Net.output_names_[i])
            output_dtype = Net.engine_.get_output_dtype(
                Net.graph_name_, Net.output_names_[i])
            output = sail.Tensor(Net.handle_,
                                 output_dtype, True, True)
            Net.output_tensors_[Net.output_names_[i]] = output
        print("input shapes:", Net.input_shapes_)
        print("output shapes:", Net.output_shapes_)

        # set io_mode
        Net.engine_.set_io_mode(Net.graph_name_, sail.IOMode.SYSIO)
        Net.bmcv_ = sail.Bmcv(Net.handle_)
        Net.img_dtype_ = Net.bmcv_.get_bm_image_data_format(input_dtype)
        scale = Net.engine_.get_input_scale(Net.graph_name_, input_names[0])
        print("scale", scale)
        scale *= 0.003922
        Net.preprocessor_ = PreProcessor(Net.bmcv_, scale)

        # load postprocess so
        ll = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary
        Net.lib_post_process_ = ll('./post_process_lib/libPostProcess.so')
Example #6
def inference(bmodel_path, input_path, loops, tpu_id, compare_path):
  """ Do inference of a model in a thread.

    bmodel_path: Path to bmodel
    input_path: Path to input image.
    loops: Number of loops to run
    compare_path: Path to correct result file
    status: Status of comparison

    True for success and False for failure.
  # init Engine to load bmodel and allocate input and output tensors
  engine = sail.Engine(bmodel_path, tpu_id, sail.SYSIO)
  # get model info
  # only one model loaded for this engine
  # only one input tensor and only one output tensor in this graph
  graph_name = engine.get_graph_names()[0]
  input_name = engine.get_input_names(graph_name)[0]
  input_shape = engine.get_input_shape(graph_name, input_name)
  output_name = engine.get_output_names(graph_name)[0]
  output_shape = engine.get_output_shape(graph_name, output_name)
  out_dtype = engine.get_output_dtype(graph_name, output_name);
  reference = get_reference(compare_path)
  compare_type = 'fp32_top5' if out_dtype == sail.BM_FLOAT32 else 'int8_top5'
  # pipeline of inference
  for i in range(loops):
    # read image and preprocess
    image = preprocess(input_path).astype(np.float32)
    # inference with fp32 input and output
    # data scale(input: fp32 to int8, output: int8 to fp32) is done inside
    # for int8 model
    output = engine.process(graph_name, {input_name:image})
    # postprocess
    result = postprocess(output[output_name])
    # print result
    print("Top 5 of loop {} on tpu {}: {}".format(i, tpu_id, \
    if not compare(reference, result[1]['top5_idx'][0], compare_type):
      return False
  return True
Example #7
def inference(bmodel_path, input_path, loops, tpu_id, compare_path):
    """ Load a bmodel and do inference.

   bmodel_path: Path to bmodel
   input_path: Path to input file
   loops: Number of loops to run
   tpu_id: ID of TPU to use
   compare_path: Path to correct result file

    True for success and False for failure
    # init Engine to load bmodel and allocate input and output tensors
    engine = sail.Engine(bmodel_path, tpu_id, sail.SYSIO)
    # init preprocessor and postprocessor
    preprocessor = PreProcessor([127.5, 127.5, 127.5], 0.0078125)
    postprocessor = PostProcessor([0.5, 0.3, 0.7])
    reference = postprocessor.get_reference(compare_path)
    status = True
    # pipeline of inference
    for i in range(loops):
        # read image
        image = cv2.imread(input_path)
        image = cv2.transpose(image)
        # run PNet, the first stage of MTCNN
        boxes = run_pnet(engine, preprocessor, postprocessor, image)
        if boxes is not None and len(boxes) > 0:
            # run RNet, the second stage of MTCNN
            boxes = run_rnet(engine, preprocessor, postprocessor, boxes, image)
            if boxes is not None and len(boxes) > 0:
                # run ONet, the third stage of MTCNN
                boxes = run_onet(engine, preprocessor, postprocessor, boxes,
        # print detected result
        if postprocessor.compare(reference, boxes, i):
            print_result(boxes, tpu_id)
            status = False
    return status
  def __init__(self, bmodel_path, tpu_id):
    # init Engine
    Net.engine_ = sail.Engine(tpu_id)
    # load bmodel without builtin input and output tensors
    # get model info
    # only one model loaded for this engine
    # only one input tensor and only one output tensor in this graph
    Net.handle_ = Net.engine_.get_handle()
    Net.graph_name_ = Net.engine_.get_graph_names()[0]
    Net.input_names_ = Net.engine_.get_input_names(Net.graph_name_)
    input_dtype = 0
    Net.tpu_id_ = tpu_id
    for i in range(len(Net.input_names_)): 
      Net.input_shapes_[Net.input_names_[i]] = Net.engine_.get_input_shape(Net.graph_name_, Net.input_names_[i])
      input_dtype = Net.engine_.get_input_dtype(Net.graph_name_, Net.input_names_[i])
      alloc_flag = False
      if i == 1:
        alloc_flag = True
      input = sail.Tensor(Net.handle_, Net.input_shapes_[Net.input_names_[i]], input_dtype, alloc_flag, alloc_flag)
      Net.input_tensors_[Net.input_names_[i]] = input
      Net.input_dtype_ = input_dtype
    Net.output_names_ = Net.engine_.get_output_names(Net.graph_name_)
    for i in range(len(Net.output_names_)): 
      Net.output_shapes_[Net.output_names_[i]] = Net.engine_.get_output_shape(Net.graph_name_, Net.output_names_[i])
      output_dtype = Net.engine_.get_output_dtype(Net.graph_name_, Net.output_names_[i])
      output = sail.Tensor(Net.handle_, Net.output_shapes_[Net.output_names_[i]], output_dtype, True, True)
      Net.output_tensors_[Net.output_names_[i]] = output
    print (Net.input_shapes_)
    print (Net.output_shapes_)

    # set io_mode
    Net.engine_.set_io_mode(Net.graph_name_, sail.IOMode.SYSO)
    Net.bmcv_ = sail.Bmcv(Net.handle_)
    Net.img_dtype_ = Net.bmcv_.get_bm_image_data_format(input_dtype)
    scale = Net.engine_.get_input_scale(Net.graph_name_, Net.input_names_[0])
    scale *= 0.003922
    Net.preprocessor_ = PreProcessor(Net.bmcv_, scale)

    if os.path.exists('result_imgs') is False:
      os.system('mkdir -p result_imgs')
Example #9
 def load_models_from_memory(self, graphs_in_memory):
   """ Load all submodels which already read in memory.
   #if self.use_xx_cmodel:
   #  raise RuntimeError("Can't load from memory while using cmodel.")
   models = list()
   for i in range(self.graph_num):
     graph = self.graph_infos["graphs"][i]
     if graph["device"] == "cpu":
       graph_name = "graph_{}".format(i)
       assert graph_name in graphs_in_memory
       model = self.load_graph_cpu_from_memory(graphs_in_memory[graph_name])
     elif graph["device"] == "tpu":
       graph_name = "graph_{}_bmodel".format(i)
       assert graph_name in graphs_in_memory
       model = sail.Engine(graphs_in_memory[graph_name], \
           len(graphs_in_memory[graph_name]), 0, sail.IOMode.SYSIO)
       raise RuntimeError('wrong device: {0}!!!'.format(graph['device']))
   return models
Example #10
 def load_models(self):
   """ Load all submodels.
   models = list()
   for i in range(self.graph_num):
     graph = self.graph_infos["graphs"][i]
     if graph["device"] == "cpu":
       model = self.load_graph_cpu(graph['model_info'])
     elif graph["device"] == "tpu":
       if self.mode == 0:
         model = self.load_graph_cpu(graph['model_info'])
       elif self.mode == 1:
         model = self.load_graph_gpu(graph['model_info'])
         context_dir = str(os.path.join(self.folder, graph["context_dir"]))
         bmodel_path = os.path.join(context_dir, 'compilation.bmodel')
         #if self.use_xx_cmodel:
         #  model = bmodel_path
         model = sail.Engine(bmodel_path, 0, sail.IOMode.SYSIO)
       raise RuntimeError('wrong device: {0}!!!'.format(graph['device']))
   return models
Example #11
def main():
    """ An example shows inference of multi-models in multi-threads on one TPU.
    # init Engine
    engine = sail.Engine(ARGS.tpu_id)
    # create threads for loading bmodel, you can also load in main thread
    thread_num = len(ARGS.bmodel)
    threads = list()
    # load bmodel without builtin input and output tensors
    # each thread manage its input and output tensors
    for i in range(thread_num):
                             args=(i, engine, ARGS.bmodel[i])))
    for i in range(thread_num):
    for i in range(thread_num):
    status = [None] * thread_num
    graph_names = engine.get_graph_names()
    # create threads for inference, and each thread processes a model
    for i in range(thread_num):
                                        args=(i, graph_names[i], engine, \
                                              ARGS.input, ARGS.loops, \
                                              ARGS.compare, status)))
    for i in range(thread_num):
    for i in range(thread_num):
    # check status
    for stat in status:
        if not stat:
Example #12
 def bm1682_init(self):
   """Init bm1682 inference
   inference = sail.Engine(self.context_path, self.tpus, sail.IOMode.SYSIO)
   return inference
Example #13
def inference(bmodel_path, input_path, loops, tpu_id, compare_path):
    """ Load a bmodel and do inference.
   bmodel_path: Path to bmodel
   input_path: Path to input file
   loops: Number of loops to run
   tpu_id: ID of TPU to use
   compare_path: Path to correct result file

    True for success and False for failure
    # init Engine
    engine = sail.Engine(tpu_id)
    # load bmodel without builtin input and output tensors
    # get model info
    # only one model loaded for this engine
    # only one input tensor and only one output tensor in this graph
    graph_name = engine.get_graph_names()[0]
    input_name = engine.get_input_names(graph_name)[0]
    output_name = engine.get_output_names(graph_name)[0]
    input_shape = [4, 3, 300, 300]
    input_shapes = {input_name: input_shape}
    output_shape = [1, 1, 800, 7]
    input_dtype = engine.get_input_dtype(graph_name, input_name)
    output_dtype = engine.get_output_dtype(graph_name, output_name)
    is_fp32 = (input_dtype == sail.Dtype.BM_FLOAT32)
    # get handle to create input and output tensors
    handle = engine.get_handle()
    input = sail.Tensor(handle, input_shape, input_dtype, False, False)
    output = sail.Tensor(handle, output_shape, output_dtype, True, True)
    input_tensors = {input_name: input}
    output_tensors = {output_name: output}
    # set io_mode
    engine.set_io_mode(graph_name, sail.IOMode.SYSO)
    # init bmcv for preprocess
    bmcv = sail.Bmcv(handle)
    img_dtype = bmcv.get_bm_image_data_format(input_dtype)
    # init preprocessor and postprocessor
    scale = engine.get_input_scale(graph_name, input_name)
    preprocessor = PreProcessor(bmcv, scale)
    threshold = 0.59 if is_fp32 else 0.52
    postprocessor = PostProcess(threshold)
    reference = postprocessor.get_reference(compare_path)
    # init decoder
    decoder = sail.Decoder(input_path, True, tpu_id)
    status = True
    # pipeline of inference
    for i in range(loops):
        imgs_0 = sail.BMImageArray4D()
        imgs_1 = sail.BMImageArray4D(handle, input_shape[2], input_shape[3], \
                                     sail.Format.FORMAT_BGR_PLANAR, img_dtype)
        # read 4 frames from input video for batch size is 4
        flag = False
        for j in range(4):
            ret = decoder.read_(handle, imgs_0[j])
            if ret != 0:
                print("Finished to read the video!")
                flag = True
        if flag:
        # preprocess
        preprocessor.process(imgs_0, imgs_1)
        bmcv.bm_image_to_tensor(imgs_1, input)
        # inference
        engine.process(graph_name, input_tensors, input_shapes, output_tensors)
        # postprocess
        real_output_shape = engine.get_output_shape(graph_name, output_name)
        out = output.asnumpy(real_output_shape)
        dets = postprocessor.process(out, imgs_0[0].width(),
        # print result
        if postprocessor.compare(reference, dets, i):
            for j, vals in dets.items():
                frame_id = int(i * 4 + j + 1)
                img0 = sail.BMImage(imgs_0[j])
                for class_id, score, x0, y0, x1, y1 in vals:
                    msg = '[Frame {} on tpu {}] Category: {}, Score: {:.3f},'
                    msg += ' Box: [{}, {}, {}, {}]'
                        msg.format(frame_id, tpu_id, class_id, score, x0, y0,
                                   x1, y1))
                    bmcv.rectangle(img0, x0, y0, x1 - x0 + 1, y1 - y0 + 1,
                                   (255, 0, 0), 3)
                bmcv.imwrite('result-{}.jpg'.format(frame_id), img0)
            status = False
    return status
Example #14
def inference(bmodel_path, input_path, loops, tpu_id, compare_path):
    """ Load a bmodel and do inference.
   bmodel_path: Path to bmodel
   input_path: Path to input file
   loops: Number of loops to run
   tpu_id: ID of TPU to use
   compare_path: Path to correct result file

    True for success and False for failure
    # init Engine and load bmodel
    engine = sail.Engine(bmodel_path, tpu_id, sail.IOMode.SYSIO)
    # get model info
    # only one model loaded for this engine
    # only one input tensor and only one output tensor in this graph
    graph_name = engine.get_graph_names()[0]
    input_name = engine.get_input_names(graph_name)[0]
    output_name = engine.get_output_names(graph_name)[0]
    input_dtype = engine.get_input_dtype(graph_name, input_name)
    is_fp32 = (input_dtype == sail.Dtype.BM_FLOAT32)
    scale = engine.get_input_scale(graph_name, input_name)
    # init preprocessor and postprocessor
    preprocessor = PreProcessor(scale)
    threshold = 0.59 if is_fp32 else 0.52
    postprocessor = PostProcessor(threshold)
    reference = postprocessor.get_reference(compare_path)
    is_image = True if input_path.split('.')[-1] in \
               ['jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG'] else False
    if not is_image:
        cap = cv2.VideoCapture(input_path)
    status = True
    # pipeline of inference
    for i in range(loops):
        # read an image from a image file or a video file
        if is_image:
            img0 = cv2.imread(input_path)
            ret, img0 = cap.read()
            if not ret:
                print("Finished to read the video!")
        h, w, _ = img0.shape
        # preprocess
        data = preprocessor.process(img0)
        # inference
        input_tensors = {input_name: np.array([data], dtype=np.float32)}
        output = engine.process(graph_name, input_tensors)
        # postprocess
        dets = postprocessor.process(output[output_name], w, h)
        # print result
        if postprocessor.compare(reference, dets, i):
            for (class_id, score, x0, y0, x1, y1) in dets:
                message = '[Frame {} on tpu {}] Category: {}, Score: {:.3f},'
                message += ' Box: [{}, {}, {}, {}]'
                    message.format(i + 1, tpu_id, class_id, score, x0, y0, x1,
                cv2.rectangle(img0, (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (255, 0, 0), 3)
            cv2.imwrite('result-{}.jpg'.format(i + 1), img0)
            status = False
    if not is_image:
    return status