Example #1
class SymbolMap(object):
    def __init__(self, min_v):
        self._list = SortedCollection((), lambda x : x[0])
        self._min_vaddr = min_v

    def add_symbol(self, start, length, name):
        tuple = (start, length, name)

    def find(self, addr):
            tuple = self._list.find_le(addr)
            if addr < tuple[0] + tuple[1]:
                return tuple[2]
            return None
        except ValueError:
            return None

    def copy(self):
        ret = SymbolMap()
        ret._list = self._list.copy()
        return ret

    def __str__(self):
        return "SymbolMap: " + self._list.__str__()
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()
Example #2
class MmapState(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._list = SortedCollection((), lambda x : x[0])

    def add_map(self, start, length, pgoff, name):
        tuple = (start, length, pgoff, name)

    def find(self, addr):
            tuple = self._list.find_le(addr)
            if addr < tuple[0] + tuple[1]:
                return tuple
            return None
        except ValueError:
            return None

    def copy(self):
        ret = MmapState()
        ret._list = self._list.copy()
        return ret

    def __str__(self):
        return "MmapState: " + self._list.__str__()
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()
Example #3
class MmapState(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._list = SortedCollection((), lambda x: x[0])

    def add_map(self, start, length, pgoff, name):
        map_tuple = (start, length, pgoff, name)

    def find(self, addr):
            map_tuple = self._list.find_le(addr)
            if addr < map_tuple[0] + map_tuple[1]:
                return map_tuple
            return None
        except ValueError:
            return None

    def copy(self):
        ret = MmapState()
        ret._list = self._list.copy()
        return ret

    def __str__(self):
        return 'MmapState: ' + self._list.__str__()

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()
Example #4
class SymbolMap(object):
    def __init__(self, min_v):
        self._list = SortedCollection((), lambda x: x[0])
        self._min_vaddr = min_v

    def add_symbol(self, start, length, name):
        tuple = (start, length, name)

    def find(self, addr):
            tuple = self._list.find_le(addr)
            if addr < tuple[0] + tuple[1]:
                return tuple[2]
            return None
        except ValueError:
            return None

    def copy(self):
        ret = SymbolMap()
        ret._list = self._list.copy()
        return ret

    def __str__(self):
        return "SymbolMap: " + self._list.__str__()

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()
Example #5
def find_overlapping_bins(arr1, arr2):
    ''' Function to calculate overlaps for every bin in array 1 against
	every bin in array 2. Accepts two arrays of tuples as inputs. Where each
	tuple is the start and end site of a bin within that array.

	Returns a list of Overlap objects for each bin in arr1. Each overlap
	object contains the indices of all the bins in arr2 that a given arr1
	bin overlaps with along with the amount of overlap represented as tuples.

    arr2_sc = SortedCollection(arr2, key=(lambda x: x[0]))
    overlapping_bins = []
    for bin in arr1:

        overlaps = Overlap(bin)
        bin_beg, bin_end = bin

        # Find the closest bin in array2
            closest_bin = arr2_sc.find_le(bin_beg)
            indx = arr2.index(closest_bin)
        except ValueError:
            closest_bin = arr2[0]
            indx = 0

        overlap_amt = get_overlap_amount(bin, closest_bin)
        if overlap_amt > 0:
            overlaps.add_bin(indx, overlap_amt)

        # Check bins after the closest for overlaps
        flag = True
        while flag:
            indx += 1
                next_bin = arr2[indx]
                overlap_amt = get_overlap_amount(bin, next_bin)
                if overlap_amt > 0:
                    overlaps.add_bin(indx, overlap_amt)
                    flag = False
            except IndexError:
                flag = False


    return overlapping_bins