Example #1
def test(image_list, model_images):
    """Performs testing by performing K-nearest neighbors classification
       Stores the predicted orientation in the object itself
    :param image_list: List of test images
    :param model_images: List of training images
    def calculate_distance(image1, image2):
        """Calculates the Euclidean distance between 2 images
        :param image1: First image object
        :param image2: Second image object
        :return: Euclidean distance between the 2 images
        dist = 0
        for f_image1, f_image2 in zip(image1.features, image2.features):
            dist += (f_image1 - f_image2)**2
        return 0.0 + dist

    # test() starts from here
    for test_image in image_list:
        # Traversing all the model images and calculating the distance
        least_dist = SortedList(K)
        for model_image in model_images:
            curr_dist = calculate_distance(test_image, model_image)
            least_dist.insert(curr_dist, model_image)

        # Get a voting from all the K nearest neighbors
        model_dict = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
        for index in range(K):
            curr_img = least_dist.get(index)
            model_dict[curr_img.orientation] += 1

        # print 'Printing model_dict:', model_dict
        max_orientation = max(model_dict, key=model_dict.get)
        test_image.pred_orientation = max_orientation
Example #2
def perform_top_n_filtering(similarity_df, n):
    """Finds the n most similar user/item, and returns it in the form of a list of tuples
    :param similarity_df: Pandas dataframe representing pairwise similarities between m users/items
    :param n: The number of neighbors
    :return: A dictionary that maps a user/item to at most n nearest users/items
    neighbor_dict = dict()
    for row_idx, row in similarity_df.iterrows():
        nearest = SortedList(n)
        for col_idx, cell in row.iteritems():
            if not (math.isnan(cell) or row_idx == col_idx):
                nearest.insert(cell, col_idx)
        neighbor_dict[row_idx] = nearest.get_all()
    # print neighbor_list
    return neighbor_dict
Example #3
def perform_threshold_filtering(similarity_df, threshold):
    """Finds the user/item whose similarity >= threshold, and returns it in the form of a list of tuples
    :param similarity_df: Pandas dataframe representing pairwise similarities between m users/items
    :param threshold: The similarity threshold
    :return: A list of tuples that maps a user/item to at most n nearest users/items
    neighbor_dict = dict()
    cols = len(similarity_df.columns)
    for row_idx, row in similarity_df.iterrows():
        nearest = SortedList(cols)
        for col_idx, cell in row.iteritems():
            if not (math.isnan(cell) or row_idx == col_idx
                    or cell < threshold):
                nearest.insert(cell, col_idx)
        neighbor_dict[row_idx] = nearest.get_all()
    # print neighbor_list
    return neighbor_dict