Example #1
class TestOrgsRegistry(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        if not hasattr(sys.stdout, 'getvalue'):
            self.fail('This test needs to be run in buffered mode')

        # Create a dataset to test the registry
        self.db = Database(DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_HOST, DB_PORT)

        api.add_organization(self.db, 'Example')
        api.add_domain(self.db, 'Example', 'example.com')
        api.add_domain(self.db, 'Example', 'example.org')
        api.add_domain(self.db, 'Example', 'example.net')

        api.add_organization(self.db, 'Bitergia')
        api.add_domain(self.db, 'Bitergia', 'bitergia.net')
        api.add_domain(self.db, 'Bitergia', 'bitergia.com', is_top_domain=True)

        api.add_organization(self.db, 'LibreSoft')

        # Create command
        self.kwargs = {'user' : DB_USER,
                       'password' : DB_PASSWORD,
                       'database' :DB_NAME,
                       'host' : DB_HOST,
                       'port' : DB_PORT}
        self.cmd = Organizations(**self.kwargs)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_registry(self):
        """Check registry output list"""

        code = self.cmd.registry()
        self.assertEqual(code, CMD_SUCCESS)
        output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip()
        self.assertEqual(output, REGISTRY_OUTPUT)

    def test_registry_term(self):
        """Check if it returns the info about orgs using a search term"""

        # Add an extra organization first
        api.add_organization(self.db, 'MyExample')
        api.add_domain(self.db, 'MyExample', 'myexample.com')

        code = self.cmd.registry('Example')
        self.assertEqual(code, CMD_SUCCESS)
        output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip()
        self.assertEqual(output, REGISTRY_OUTPUT_EXAMPLE)

    def test_not_found_term(self):
        """Check whether it prints an error for not existing organizations"""

        code = self.cmd.registry('Bitergium')
        self.assertEqual(code, CODE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR)
        output = sys.stderr.getvalue().strip()
        self.assertEqual(output, REGISTRY_ORG_NOT_FOUND_ERROR)

    def test_empty_registry(self):
        """Check output when the registry is empty"""

        # Delete the contents of the database

        code = self.cmd.registry()
        self.assertEqual(code, CMD_SUCCESS)
        output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip()
        self.assertEqual(output, REGISTRY_EMPTY_OUTPUT)
Example #2
class TestOrgsAdd(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        if not hasattr(sys.stdout, 'getvalue'):
            self.fail('This test needs to be run in buffered mode')

        # Create a connection to check the contents of the registry
        self.db = Database(DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_HOST, DB_PORT)

        # Create command
        self.kwargs = {'user' : DB_USER,
                       'password' : DB_PASSWORD,
                       'database' :DB_NAME,
                       'host' : DB_HOST,
                       'port' : DB_PORT}
        self.cmd = Organizations(**self.kwargs)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_add(self):
        """Check whether everything works ok when adding organizations and domains"""

        code = self.cmd.add('Example')
        self.assertEqual(code, CMD_SUCCESS)

        code = self.cmd.add('Example', 'example.com')
        self.assertEqual(code, CMD_SUCCESS)

        code = self.cmd.add('Bitergia')
        self.assertEqual(code, CMD_SUCCESS)

        code = self.cmd.add('Bitergia', 'bitergia.net')
        self.assertEqual(code, CMD_SUCCESS)

        code = self.cmd.add('Bitergia', 'bitergia.com', is_top_domain=True)
        self.assertEqual(code, CMD_SUCCESS)

        code = self.cmd.add('LibreSoft', '') # This will work like adding a organization
        self.assertEqual(code, CMD_SUCCESS)

        code = self.cmd.add('Example', 'example.org')
        self.assertEqual(code, CMD_SUCCESS)

        code = self.cmd.add('Example', 'example.net')
        self.assertEqual(code, CMD_SUCCESS)

        # List the registry and check the output
        output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip()
        self.assertEqual(output, REGISTRY_OUTPUT)

    def test_existing_organization(self):
        """Check if it fails adding an organization that already exists"""

        code1 = self.cmd.add('Bitergium')
        self.assertEqual(code1, CMD_SUCCESS)

        code2 = self.cmd.add('Bitergium')
        self.assertEqual(code2, CODE_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR)

        output = sys.stderr.getvalue().strip()
        self.assertEqual(output, REGISTRY_ORG_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR)

    def test_non_existing_organization(self):
        """Check if it fails adding domains to not existing organizations"""

        code = self.cmd.add('Bitergium', 'bitergium.com')
        self.assertEqual(code, CODE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR)

        output = sys.stderr.getvalue().strip()
        self.assertEqual(output, REGISTRY_ORG_NOT_FOUND_ERROR)

    def test_existing_domain(self):
        """Check if it fails adding a domain that already exists"""

        # Add a pair of organizations and domains first
        self.cmd.add('Example', 'example.com')
        self.cmd.add('Bitergia', 'bitergia.com')

        # Add 'bitergia.com' to 'Example' org
        # It should print an error
        code = self.cmd.add('Example', 'bitergia.com')
        self.assertEqual(code, CODE_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR)
        output = sys.stderr.getvalue().strip()
        self.assertEqual(output, REGISTRY_DOM_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR)

    def test_overwrite_domain(self):
        """Check whether it overwrites the old organization-domain relationship
        and the top_domain flag"""

        # Add a pair of organizations and domains first
        self.cmd.add('Example', 'example.com')
        self.cmd.add('Example', 'example.org')
        self.cmd.add('Bitergia', 'bitergia.com')

        # Overwrite the relationship assigning the domain to a different
        # company and top_domain flag
        code = self.cmd.add('Bitergia', 'example.com',
                            is_top_domain=True, overwrite=True)
        self.assertEqual(code, CMD_SUCCESS)
        output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip()
        self.assertEqual(output, REGISTRY_EMPTY_OUTPUT)

        # Check if the domain has been assigned to Bitergia
        orgs = api.registry(self.db)

        org1 = orgs[0]
        self.assertEqual(org1.name, 'Bitergia')
        doms1 = org1.domains
        doms1.sort(key=lambda x: x.domain)
        self.assertEqual(len(doms1), 2)
        dom = doms1[0]
        self.assertEqual(dom.domain, 'bitergia.com')
        dom = doms1[1]
        self.assertEqual(dom.domain, 'example.com')
        self.assertEqual(dom.is_top_domain, True)

        org2 = orgs[1]
        self.assertEqual(org2.name, 'Example')
        doms2 = org2.domains
        doms2.sort(key=lambda x: x.domain)
        self.assertEqual(len(doms2), 1)
        dom1 = doms2[0]
        self.assertEqual(dom1.domain, 'example.org')

    def test_none_organization(self):
        """Check behavior adding None organizations"""

        code = self.cmd.add(None)
        self.assertEqual(code, CMD_SUCCESS)
        output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip()
        self.assertEqual(output, REGISTRY_EMPTY_OUTPUT)

        # The registry should be empty
        orgs = api.registry(self.db)
        self.assertEqual(len(orgs), 0)

    def test_empty_organization(self):
        """Check behavior adding empty organizations"""

        code = self.cmd.add('')
        self.assertEqual(code, CMD_SUCCESS)
        output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip()
        self.assertEqual(output, REGISTRY_EMPTY_OUTPUT)

        # The registry should be empty
        orgs = api.registry(self.db)
        self.assertEqual(len(orgs), 0)