def run(): # debug into app_select # launcher.app_select = 2 # app.layer = 1 ui.height, ui.weight = 480, 320 # button_io.config(23, 20, 31) # amigo tft button_io.config(16, 23, 20) # amigo ips sipeed_led.init(14, 15, 17, 32) app.i2c3 = I2C(I2C.I2C3, freq=100 * 1000, scl=24, sda=27) app.i2c4 = I2C(I2C.I2C4, freq=100 * 1000, scl=9, sda=7) TouchLow.config(i2c3=app.i2c3) # amigo #if AXP173_ADDR in i2c.scan(): axp173 = AXP173(i2c_dev=app.i2c3) axp173.enable_adc(True) # 默认充电限制在 4.2V, 190mA 档位 axp173.setEnterChargingControl(True) axp173.exten_output_enable() # amigo sensor config. axp173.writeREG(0x27, 0x20) axp173.writeREG(0x28, 0x0C) taskbar.init(axp173) CubeAudio.init(app.i2c3) if CubeAudio.check(): CubeAudio.ready() fm.register(13, fm.fpioa.I2S0_MCLK, force=True) fm.register(21, fm.fpioa.I2S0_SCLK, force=True) fm.register(18, fm.fpioa.I2S0_WS, force=True) fm.register(35, fm.fpioa.I2S0_IN_D0, force=True) fm.register(34, fm.fpioa.I2S0_OUT_D2, force=True) #app.ctrl.event(100, lambda *args: time.sleep(1)) #app.ctrl.event(10, app.on_event) app.ctrl.event(5, app.draw) #ui.enable = False while True: last = 0 while True: try: # print((int)(1000 / (time.ticks_ms() - last)), 'fps') # last = time.ticks_ms() # print_mem_free() gc.collect() app.ctrl.cycle() protect.keep() #time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: protect.stop() raise KeyboardInterrupt() except Exception as e: # gc.collect() print(e)
def work(self): self.agent.parallel_cycle() ui.canvas.draw_string(10, 30, "9 Audio Test", (127, 127, 255), scale=3) ui.canvas.draw_string(10, 70, "isconnected: %s" % (str)(self.isconnected), (255, 127, 0), scale=2) ui.canvas.draw_string(10, 100, "Test: %s" % ('play' if self.state == 0 else 'record'), (255, 127, 0), scale=3) #print(time.ticks_ms()) if self.isconnected: if self.state == 0 and self.is_play: if CubeAudio.event() == False: CubeAudio.load(os.getcwd() + "/res/sound/loop.wav", 100) #print('self.count', self.count) if self.count > 1: CubeAudio.i2s.set_sample_rate(22050) else: # pass CubeAudio.i2s.set_sample_rate(22050) elif self.state == 1: ui.canvas.draw_string(10, 200, "Press Any-Key \n Start", (255, 127, 0), scale=3) elif self.state == 2 and self.is_record: tmp = CubeAudio.i2s.record(1024) fft_res =, 512) fft_amp = FFT.amplitude(fft_res) if fft_amp[50] > 100 and fft_amp[100] > 100: AudioTest.RecordTest = True for x_shift in range(240): hist_height = fft_amp[x_shift] ui.canvas.draw_rectangle((x_shift, 0, 1, hist_height), [255, 255, 255], 1, True) #print((x_shift, 0, 1, hist_height)) if self.isError != None: ui.canvas.draw_string(40, 80, self.isError, (255, 255, 255), scale=2)
def run(): # debug into app_select #launcher.app_select = 0 #app.layer = 2 button_io.config() sipeed_led.init(13, 12, 14, 32) sample_page.key_init() fm.register(30, fm.fpioa.I2C1_SCLK, force=True) fm.register(31, fm.fpioa.I2C1_SDA, force=True) axp173 = AXP173() axp173.enable_adc(True) # 默认充电限制在 4.2V, 190mA 档位 axp173.setEnterChargingControl(True) axp173.exten_output_enable() taskbar.init(axp173) if CubeAudio.check(): CubeAudio.ready() fm.register(19, fm.fpioa.I2S0_MCLK, force=True) fm.register(35, fm.fpioa.I2S0_SCLK, force=True) fm.register(33, fm.fpioa.I2S0_WS, force=True) fm.register(34, fm.fpioa.I2S0_IN_D0, force=True) fm.register(18, fm.fpioa.I2S0_OUT_D2, force=True) #app.ctrl.event(100, lambda *args: time.sleep(1)) #app.ctrl.event(10, app.btn.event) app.ctrl.event(5, app.draw) while True: #import time #last = time.ticks_ms() while True: try: #print((int)(1000 / (time.ticks_ms() - last)), 'fps') #last = time.ticks_ms() #print_mem_free() gc.collect() app.ctrl.cycle() protect.keep() #time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: protect.stop() raise KeyboardInterrupt() except Exception as e: # gc.collect() print(e)
def load_application(selected): if app.current != None: # clear last application del app.current app.current = None if selected == 0: pass elif selected == 1: app.current = pages() = "Weclome to Maix Amigo" elif selected == 2: CubeAudio.load(os.getcwd() + "/res/sound/loop.wav", 100) app.points = [] pass #app.layer -= 1 # return last layer #raise Exception("Settings Unrealized.") elif selected == 3: photos.scan()
def load_application(selected): if app.current != None: # clear last application del app.current app.current = None if selected == 0: pass elif selected == 1: app.current = pages() elif selected == 2: pass #app.layer -= 1 # return last layer #raise Exception("Settings Unrealized.") elif selected == 3: CubeAudio.load(os.getcwd() + "/res/sound/one.wav", 100) sample_page.add_sample(sample_msa301()) sample_page.add_sample(sample_spmod_test()) sample_page.add_sample(sample_shtxx()) sample_page.add_demo()
def run(): CubeAudio.ready() # CubeAudio.load("/flash/1k.wav", 100) #app.ctrl.event(100, lambda *args: time.sleep(1)) app.ctrl.event(10, app.draw) while True: import time last = time.ticks_ms() while True: try: #print((int)(1000 / (time.ticks_ms() - last)), 'fps') print((int)((time.ticks_ms() - last))) last = time.ticks_ms() app.ctrl.parallel_cycle() protect.keep() #time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: protect.stop() raise KeyboardInterrupt() except Exception as e: # gc.collect() print(e)
def check(self): try: if self.isconnected == False: self.isconnected = CubeAudio.check() else: if self.state == 0 and self.is_play == False: self.is_play = True CubeAudio.ready() from fpioa_manager import fm fm.register(19, fm.fpioa.I2S0_MCLK, force=True) fm.register(35, fm.fpioa.I2S0_SCLK, force=True) fm.register(33, fm.fpioa.I2S0_WS, force=True) fm.register(34, fm.fpioa.I2S0_IN_D0, force=True) fm.register(18, fm.fpioa.I2S0_OUT_D2, force=True) # CubeAudio.i2s.set_sample_rate(22050) elif self.state == 1 and self.is_record == False: self.is_record = True CubeAudio.ready(True) CubeAudio.i2s.set_sample_rate(22050) except Exception as e: #Report.Audio_Test = False Report.isError = str(e) print(e)
def draw_demo(): app.loop = (app.loop + 1) % 200 value = math.cos(math.pi * app.loop / 16) * 10 ui.canvas.draw_string(10, 5, "Seeed Grove", color=(40 + int(value) * 2, 240 + int(value) * 2, 40 + int(value) * 2), scale=3, mono_space=0) try: CubeAudio.event() if app.isconnected == False: CubeAudio.event() if app.loop % 5 == 1: result = app.i2c4.scan() ui.canvas.draw_string(290, 80, "Scan Dev: " + str(result), color=(140 + int(value) * 5, 240 + int(value) * 5, 140 + int(value) * 5), scale=2, mono_space=0) if SHT3x_ADDR in result: app.sht3x = SHT3x(app.i2c4, SHT3x_ADDR) app.isconnected = True CubeAudio.event() if SHT31_ADDR in result: app.sht3x = SHT3x(app.i2c4, SHT31_ADDR) app.isconnected = True CubeAudio.event() ui.canvas.draw_string( 280, 25, "Wait Grove Sensor \n sht31/35 <<< << <-", color=(140 + int(value) * 5, 240 + int(value) * 5, 140 + int(value) * 5), scale=2, mono_space=0) if CubeAudio.event() == False: value = math.cos(math.pi * app.loop / 100) * 50 tmp = int(value) #print(value) ui.canvas.draw_circle(0, 0, 100 + tmp, fill=False, color=(0, (150 + tmp) + 10, 0)) ui.canvas.draw_circle(0, 0, 100 + tmp * 2, fill=False, color=(0, (150 + tmp) + 20, 0)) ui.canvas.draw_circle(0, 0, 100 + tmp * 3, fill=False, color=(0, (150 + tmp) + 30, 0)) ui.canvas.draw_circle(0, 0, 100 + tmp * 4, fill=False, color=(0, (150 + tmp) + 40, 0)) else: data = app.sht3x.read_temp_humd() # print(data) if app.sidu == None: app.sidu = image.Image(os.getcwd() + "/res/images/sidu.jpg") ui.canvas.draw_circle(350, 160, 100, fill=True, color=(255, 255, 255)) ui.canvas.draw_image(app.sidu, 270, 60, alpha=235 + int(value) * 2) ui.canvas.draw_string(330, 190, "%.2d" % data[1], scale=4, color=(80, 80, 80)) ui.canvas.draw_rectangle(60, 60, 180, 200, thickness=4, color=(155, 155, 155)) if len(app.points) > 18: app.points.pop(0) elif data[0] > 1 and app.temp != int(data[0] * 10): app.temp = int(data[0] * 10) app.points.append(app.temp) for p in range(len(app.points)): #print(app.points) if p < 1: b = (60 + int(10 * (p))), 450 - app.points[p] ui.canvas.draw_circle(b[0], b[1], 3, fill=True, color=(255, 155, 150)) else: a, b = ((60 + int(10 * (p - 1))), 450 - app.points[p - 1]), ((60 + int(10 * (p))), 450 - app.points[p]) ui.canvas.draw_circle(b[0], b[1], 3, fill=False, color=(155, 155, 155)) ui.canvas.draw_line(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1], thickness=4, color=(255, 255, 255)) ui.canvas.draw_string( 60, 280, "Average temperature: %s" % str(sum(app.points) / len(app.points) / 10.0), color=(240 + int(value) * 5, 240 + int(value) * 5, 240 + int(value) * 5), scale=2, mono_space=0) CubeAudio.event() ui.display() except Exception as e: app.layer = 1 app.isconnected = False app.points = [] raise e
from machine import I2C import nes, lcd, sys, time from sound import CubeAudio from fpioa_manager import fm from Maix import FPIOA, GPIO i2c = I2C(I2C.I2C3, freq=500 * 1000, sda=27, scl=24) CubeAudio.init(i2c) tmp = CubeAudio.check() print(tmp) CubeAudio.ready(volume=100) fm.fpioa.set_function(13, fm.fpioa.I2S0_MCLK) fm.fpioa.set_function(21, fm.fpioa.I2S0_SCLK) fm.fpioa.set_function(18, fm.fpioa.I2S0_WS) fm.fpioa.set_function(35, fm.fpioa.I2S0_IN_D0) fm.fpioa.set_function(34, fm.fpioa.I2S0_OUT_D2) import video v ="/sd/badapple.avi") print(v) v.volume(90) while True: if == 0: print("play end") break
def run(): # debug into app_select #launcher.app_select = 0 #app.layer = 2 ui.height, ui.weight = 480, 320 button_io.config(23, 31, 20) # amigo cube_led.init(14, 15, 17, 32) app.i2c0 = I2C(I2C.I2C0, freq=100*1000) app.i2c1 = I2C(I2C.I2C1, freq=100*1000) fm.register(24,fm.fpioa.I2C1_SCLK, force=True) fm.register(27,fm.fpioa.I2C1_SDA, force=True) print('monkey patch & config for i2c') TouchLow.config(i2c1=app.i2c1) # amigo for i in range(100): try: tmp = fm.fpioa.get_Pin_num(fm.fpioa.I2C1_SDA) fm.register(tmp, fm.fpioa.GPIOHS15) sda = GPIO(GPIO.GPIOHS15, GPIO.OUT) sda.value(1) fm.register(tmp, fm.fpioa.I2C1_SDA, force=True) #if AXP173_ADDR in i2c.scan(): axp173 = AXP173(i2c_dev=app.i2c1) axp173.enable_adc(True) # 默认充电限制在 4.2V, 190mA 档位 axp173.setEnterChargingControl(True) axp173.exten_output_enable() # amigo sensor config. axp173.writeREG(0x27, 0x20) axp173.writeREG(0x28, 0x0C) taskbar.init(axp173) break except Exception as e: # gc.collect() pass #if i == 99: #raise(e) if CubeAudio.check(): CubeAudio.ready() fm.register(13,fm.fpioa.I2S0_MCLK, force=True) fm.register(21,fm.fpioa.I2S0_SCLK, force=True) fm.register(18,fm.fpioa.I2S0_WS, force=True) fm.register(35,fm.fpioa.I2S0_IN_D0, force=True) fm.register(34,fm.fpioa.I2S0_OUT_D2, force=True) #app.ctrl.event(100, lambda *args: time.sleep(1)) #app.ctrl.event(10, app.on_event) app.ctrl.event(5, app.draw) #ui.enable = False while True: last = 0 while True: try: # gc.collect() print((int)(1000 / (time.ticks_ms() - last)), 'fps') last = time.ticks_ms() #print_mem_free() app.ctrl.cycle() protect.keep() #time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: protect.stop() raise KeyboardInterrupt() except Exception as e: # gc.collect() print(e)
def __init__(self): self.is_load = False self.i2c = I2C(I2C.I2C1, freq=100 * 1000, scl=30, sda=31) CubeAudio.init(self.i2c) self.count = 0