def __init__(self, font_dict, surf_wid, surf_hgt): Menu.__init__(self, font_dict, surf_wid, surf_hgt) self.title = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_50"], "Pool") self.title_size = self.title.get_message().get_size() self.title_x = (self.surf_wid - self.title_size[0])//2 self.title_y = self.surf_hgt // 4 = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_30"], "Play") self.play_size = self.play_x = (self.surf_wid - self.play_size[0])//2 self.play_y = self.surf_hgt *2// 5 self.about = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_30"], "About") self.about_size = self.about.get_message().get_size() self.about_x = (self.surf_wid - self.about_size[0])//2 self.about_y = self.surf_hgt //2 self.quit = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_30"], "Quit") self.quit_size = self.quit.get_message().get_size() self.q_x = (self.surf_wid - self.quit_size[0])//2 self.q_y = self.surf_hgt *3 // 5 self.title.display() self.about.display() self.quit.display() self.hiscores = font_dict["stencil_30"].render("Hi-Scores", False, (255,0,0))
def __init__(self, font_dict, surf_wid, surf_hgt): Menu.__init__(self, font_dict, surf_wid, surf_hgt) self.game_rules = self.initialize_instructions( "resources/how_to_play.txt") self.about = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_30"], "About") self.about_size = self.about.get_message().get_size() self.about_x = (self.surf_wid - self.about_size[0]) // 2 self.about_y = self.surf_hgt // 6 = TextDisplay( self.fonts["century_15"], "Pool is a game by Alex Tuck, made with Python and the pygame module" ) self.author_size = self.author_x = (self.surf_wid - self.author_size[0]) // 2 self.author_y = self.surf_hgt // 4 self.how_to_play = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_30"], "How to Play") self.htp_size = self.how_to_play.get_message().get_size() self.htp_x = (self.surf_wid - self.htp_size[0]) // 2 self.htp_y = self.surf_hgt // 3 self.exit = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_20"], "Exit to Main Menu") self.exit_size = self.exit.get_message().get_size() self.exit_x = (self.surf_wid - self.exit_size[0]) // 2 self.exit_y = self.surf_hgt * 3 // 5 self.about.display() self.how_to_play.display() self.exit.display()
def initialize_instructions(self, file_name): ''' Create texDisplay objects for the games instructions ''' instructions = open(file_name, 'r') game_rules = [] for line in instructions: if line == "###\n": #Denotes end of instructions break line = line.rstrip() text = TextDisplay(self.fonts["century_15"], line) text.display() game_rules.append(text) instructions.close() return game_rules
class EndMenu(Menu): ''' Menu displayed at the end of the game ''' def __init__(self, font_dict, surf_wid, surf_hgt, score): Menu.__init__(self, font_dict, surf_wid, surf_hgt) self.game_over = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_50"], "Game Over") self.go_size = self.game_over.get_message().get_size() self.go_x = (self.surf_wid - self.go_size[0]) // 2 self.go_y = self.surf_hgt // 4 self.new_score = score self.low_score = self.get_low_score() self.play_again = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_30"], "Play Again") self.pa_size = self.play_again.get_message().get_size() self.pa_x = (self.surf_wid - self.pa_size[0]) // 2 self.pa_y = self.surf_hgt * 2 // 5 self.quit = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_30"], "Quit") self.q_size = self.quit.get_message().get_size() self.q_x = (self.surf_wid - self.q_size[0]) // 2 self.q_y = self.surf_hgt // 2 #Determines if a new low score was set if self.new_score < self.low_score: self.ls_message = TextDisplay( self.fonts["stencil_30"], "New low score: " + str(self.new_score)) self.ls_size = self.ls_message.get_message().get_size() self.ls_x = (self.surf_wid - self.ls_size[0]) // 2 self.ls_y = self.surf_hgt * 2 // 3 else: self.ls_message = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_30"], "Low score: " + str(self.low_score)) self.ls_size = self.ls_message.get_message().get_size() self.ls_x = (self.surf_wid - self.ls_size[0]) // 2 self.ls_y = self.surf_hgt * 2 // 3 self.exit = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_20"], "Exit to Main Menu") self.exit_size = self.exit.get_message().get_size() self.exit_x = (self.surf_wid - self.exit_size[0]) // 2 self.exit_y = self.surf_hgt * 4 // 5 self.game_over.display() self.play_again.display() self.quit.display() self.ls_message.display() self.exit.display() self.set_low_score() def draw(self, display_surface): self.game_over.draw(display_surface, (self.go_x, self.go_y)) self.play_again.draw(display_surface, (self.pa_x, self.pa_y)) self.quit.draw(display_surface, (self.q_x, self.q_y)) self.ls_message.draw(display_surface, (self.ls_x, self.ls_y)) self.exit.draw(display_surface, (self.exit_x, self.exit_y)) def update(self, time, event_queue): ''' Update color of menu options ''' mouse_pos = ms.get_pos() self.update_color(mouse_pos, self.play_again, self.pa_x, self.pa_y, self.pa_size) self.update_color(mouse_pos, self.quit, self.q_x, self.q_y, self.q_size) self.update_color(mouse_pos, self.exit, self.exit_x, self.exit_y, self.exit_size) return False def on_event(self, event, event_queue): if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_pos = ms.get_pos() if self.check_click(mouse_pos, self.pa_x, self.pa_y, self.pa_size): event_queue.put("POP") event_queue.put("POP") event_queue.put("PUSH_TABLE") if self.check_click(mouse_pos, self.q_x, self.q_y, self.q_size): event_queue.put("QUIT") if self.check_click(mouse_pos, self.exit_x, self.exit_y, self.exit_size): event_queue.put("POP") event_queue.put("POP") return False def get_low_score(self): ''' Read through how_to_play.txt to find low score ''' file = open("resources/how_to_play.txt", "r") line = None #Read file to seperation string between the rules and the low score while line != "###\n": line = file.readline() low_score = file.readline().rstrip() file.close() return int(low_score) def set_low_score(self): ''' Modify how_to_play_txt with new low score ''' original = open("resources/how_to_play.txt", "r") new_file = open("resources/temp.txt", "w") for line in original: if line != "###\n": new_file.write(line) else: new_file.write(line) break new_file.write(str(self.new_score)) original.close() new_file.close() os.remove("resources/how_to_play.txt") os.rename("resources/temp.txt", "resources/how_to_play.txt")
def __init__(self, font_dict, surf_wid, surf_hgt, score): Menu.__init__(self, font_dict, surf_wid, surf_hgt) self.game_over = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_50"], "Game Over") self.go_size = self.game_over.get_message().get_size() self.go_x = (self.surf_wid - self.go_size[0]) // 2 self.go_y = self.surf_hgt // 4 self.new_score = score self.low_score = self.get_low_score() self.play_again = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_30"], "Play Again") self.pa_size = self.play_again.get_message().get_size() self.pa_x = (self.surf_wid - self.pa_size[0]) // 2 self.pa_y = self.surf_hgt * 2 // 5 self.quit = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_30"], "Quit") self.q_size = self.quit.get_message().get_size() self.q_x = (self.surf_wid - self.q_size[0]) // 2 self.q_y = self.surf_hgt // 2 #Determines if a new low score was set if self.new_score < self.low_score: self.ls_message = TextDisplay( self.fonts["stencil_30"], "New low score: " + str(self.new_score)) self.ls_size = self.ls_message.get_message().get_size() self.ls_x = (self.surf_wid - self.ls_size[0]) // 2 self.ls_y = self.surf_hgt * 2 // 3 else: self.ls_message = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_30"], "Low score: " + str(self.low_score)) self.ls_size = self.ls_message.get_message().get_size() self.ls_x = (self.surf_wid - self.ls_size[0]) // 2 self.ls_y = self.surf_hgt * 2 // 3 self.exit = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_20"], "Exit to Main Menu") self.exit_size = self.exit.get_message().get_size() self.exit_x = (self.surf_wid - self.exit_size[0]) // 2 self.exit_y = self.surf_hgt * 4 // 5 self.game_over.display() self.play_again.display() self.quit.display() self.ls_message.display() self.exit.display() self.set_low_score()
class MainMenu(Menu): ''' Main menu class. Will be part of state stack, so needs update, draw, and on_event methods ''' def __init__(self, font_dict, surf_wid, surf_hgt): Menu.__init__(self, font_dict, surf_wid, surf_hgt) self.title = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_50"], "Pool") self.title_size = self.title.get_message().get_size() self.title_x = (self.surf_wid - self.title_size[0])//2 self.title_y = self.surf_hgt // 4 = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_30"], "Play") self.play_size = self.play_x = (self.surf_wid - self.play_size[0])//2 self.play_y = self.surf_hgt *2// 5 self.about = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_30"], "About") self.about_size = self.about.get_message().get_size() self.about_x = (self.surf_wid - self.about_size[0])//2 self.about_y = self.surf_hgt //2 self.quit = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_30"], "Quit") self.quit_size = self.quit.get_message().get_size() self.q_x = (self.surf_wid - self.quit_size[0])//2 self.q_y = self.surf_hgt *3 // 5 self.title.display() self.about.display() self.quit.display() self.hiscores = font_dict["stencil_30"].render("Hi-Scores", False, (255,0,0)) def update(self,time, event_queue): ''' Update color of menu options ''' mouse_pos = ms.get_pos() self.update_color(mouse_pos,, self.play_x, self.play_y, self.play_size) self.update_color(mouse_pos, self.about, self.about_x, self.about_y, self.about_size) self.update_color(mouse_pos,self.quit, self.q_x, self.q_y, self.quit_size) return False def draw(self, display_surface): ''' ''' self.title.draw(display_surface, (self.title_x,self.title_y)), (self.play_x,self.play_y)) self.about.draw(display_surface, (self.about_x,self.about_y)) self.quit.draw(display_surface, (self.q_x,self.q_y)) def on_event(self, event, event_queue): if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_pos = ms.get_pos() if self.check_click(mouse_pos, self.play_x, self.play_y, self.play_size): event_queue.put("PUSH_TABLE") if self.check_click(mouse_pos, self.about_x, self.about_y, self.about_size): event_queue.put("PUSH_ABOUT") if self.check_click(mouse_pos, self.q_x, self.q_y, self.quit_size): event_queue.put("QUIT") return False
def __init__(self, font_dict): #Bumper prototypes, centered on x axis if LR or y axis if TB #Coordinates are so the short wall is first self.left_bumper = [ np.array([15, -80]), np.array([15, 80]), np.array([0, 95]), np.array([0, -95]) ] self.right_bumper = [ np.array([-15, -80]), np.array([-15, 80]), np.array([0, 95]), np.array([0, -95]) ] self.top_bumper = [ np.array([-80, 15]), np.array([80, 15]), np.array([95, 0]), np.array([-95, 0]) ] self.bottom_bumper = [ np.array([-80, -15]), np.array([80, -15]), np.array([95, 0]), np.array([-95, 0]) ] self.fonts = font_dict self.ball_surf_w = 450 self.ball_surf_h = 225 self.ball_surf_origin = self.x_orig, self.y_orig = 95, 80 self.ball_surf = pygame.surface.Surface( [self.ball_surf_w, self.ball_surf_h], pygame.SRCALPHA) #Legal area of ball to roll #self.ball_surf_origin = ball_surf_origin self.play_surface = self.ball_surf.get_rect() #self.play_surface = ball_surf_rect self.scratch = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_50"], "Scratch", display_time=750) self.strokes = 0 self.score = TextDisplay(self.fonts["century_15"], "Strokes: " + str(self.strokes)) self.score_size = self.score.get_message().get_size() self.score.display() self.bumper_coords = self.generate_bumper_coords(self.play_surface) self.pockets = Group(self.__initalize_pockets()) self.cue_ball = CueBall([375, 100], initial_vel=pm.Vector2(0, 0), friction=0.01) self.balls = Group(self.__initialize_balls(), self.cue_ball) #care self.stick = Stick(self.ball_surf_origin) self.update_stick = True self.sunk_stack = [ PoolBall([0, 0], num=np.Inf) ] #Contains balls sunk and the order they were sunk in. Dummy ball at bottom self.last_sunk = None #Flag for top of stack before cue_ball was sunk. In case of scratch, pop down #sunk stack until this is hit self.mouse_pos_on_click = None self.play_stick_animation = False
class PoolTable(): ''' Class that contains the pool table and all things that happen on it (balls, pockets) Initialized with the display surface it is drawn to, and the coordinates of the top left corner of the surface, relative to the window. ''' image = None def __init__(self, font_dict): #Bumper prototypes, centered on x axis if LR or y axis if TB #Coordinates are so the short wall is first self.left_bumper = [ np.array([15, -80]), np.array([15, 80]), np.array([0, 95]), np.array([0, -95]) ] self.right_bumper = [ np.array([-15, -80]), np.array([-15, 80]), np.array([0, 95]), np.array([0, -95]) ] self.top_bumper = [ np.array([-80, 15]), np.array([80, 15]), np.array([95, 0]), np.array([-95, 0]) ] self.bottom_bumper = [ np.array([-80, -15]), np.array([80, -15]), np.array([95, 0]), np.array([-95, 0]) ] self.fonts = font_dict self.ball_surf_w = 450 self.ball_surf_h = 225 self.ball_surf_origin = self.x_orig, self.y_orig = 95, 80 self.ball_surf = pygame.surface.Surface( [self.ball_surf_w, self.ball_surf_h], pygame.SRCALPHA) #Legal area of ball to roll #self.ball_surf_origin = ball_surf_origin self.play_surface = self.ball_surf.get_rect() #self.play_surface = ball_surf_rect self.scratch = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_50"], "Scratch", display_time=750) self.strokes = 0 self.score = TextDisplay(self.fonts["century_15"], "Strokes: " + str(self.strokes)) self.score_size = self.score.get_message().get_size() self.score.display() self.bumper_coords = self.generate_bumper_coords(self.play_surface) self.pockets = Group(self.__initalize_pockets()) self.cue_ball = CueBall([375, 100], initial_vel=pm.Vector2(0, 0), friction=0.01) self.balls = Group(self.__initialize_balls(), self.cue_ball) #care self.stick = Stick(self.ball_surf_origin) self.update_stick = True self.sunk_stack = [ PoolBall([0, 0], num=np.Inf) ] #Contains balls sunk and the order they were sunk in. Dummy ball at bottom self.last_sunk = None #Flag for top of stack before cue_ball was sunk. In case of scratch, pop down #sunk stack until this is hit self.mouse_pos_on_click = None self.play_stick_animation = False def __initalize_pockets(self): ''' ''' corner_size = 17 #Corner pocket radius? wall_size = 12 #Wall pocket radius? corner_positions = [ ([4, 0], corner_size), ([-4 + self.play_surface.width, 0], corner_size), ([4, self.play_surface.height], corner_size), ([-4 + self.play_surface.width, self.play_surface.height], corner_size) ] wall_positions = [ ([self.play_surface.width / 2, 0], wall_size), ([self.play_surface.width / 2, self.play_surface.height], wall_size) ] positions = corner_positions + wall_positions pockets = [Pocket(pos[0], pos[1]) for pos in positions] return pockets def __initialize_balls(self): ''' Place balls in the starting triangle ''' ball_list = [] colors = [(218, 135, 32), (0, 0, 255), (255, 0, 0), (218, 112, 114), (255, 165, 0), (34, 139, 34), (178, 34, 34), (160, 32, 240)] colors += colors for i in range(1, 16): ball_list.append(PoolBall([0, 0], num=i, color=colors[i])) self.ball_reracker((110, 100), ball_list, 'l') return ball_list def ball_reracker(self, head, balls, orientation='l'): ''' Return a list of balls in a triangle formation. Used for placing balls on table when a scratch occurs. head: point of lead ball balls: list of balls to find new positions for orientation: direction from head ball the triangle flows. 'l' = left, 'r' = right ''' if orientation == 'l': sign = -1 elif orientation == 'r': sign = 1 else: return point = head place = 0 #Holds which ball's position is modified next if len(balls) > 0: for column in range(1, 6): if column % 2 != 0: #How far off from the center ball the furthest ball is in the column offset = column // 2 else: offset = column // 2 - 0.5 for j in range(0, column): x = point[0] + sign * (column - 1) * 15 y = point[1] + offset * 16 - j * 16 balls[place].set_pos(x, y) place += 1 #Return if place is out of index if len(balls) == place: return balls return balls def update(self, time, event_queue): ''' ''' #Remove balls from pockets if cue ball is sunk. Balls_still_moving should only be called if cue_ball is sunk. if self.cue_ball.get_sunk() and not self.balls_still_moving(): self.strokes += 1 #Penalty for sinking cue ball self.cue_ball_sunk() #Movement of balls self.balls.update(self.play_surface, time, self.get_bumper_coords(), self.get_pockets(), self.sunk_stack) self.score.set_text("Score: " + str(self.strokes)) prev_play_stick_animation = self.play_stick_animation #Stick does not update position if play_stick_animation is false if self.update_stick == True: #Flag to prevent stick from updating when end game menu is displayed. Crashes otherwise self.play_stick_animation = self.stick.update( self.play_surface, time, self.play_stick_animation, self.cue_ball.get_pos(), self.mouse_pos_on_click) self.scratch.update(time) #If the stick animation was playing when update was called, but set to false after stick.update, #the cue ball has been struck, so update its velocity. if prev_play_stick_animation == True and self.play_stick_animation == False: vel = self.stick.new_cb_vel(self.cue_ball.get_pos(), self.mouse_pos_on_click) self.cue_ball.set_velocity( vel) #Velocity needs to be set after stick animation is over if not self.cue_ball.get_sunk() and len(self.sunk_stack) > 15: event_queue.put("PUSH_END_MENU") self.update_stick = False return False def draw(self, __display_surface): ''' Draws table, balls, pockets ''' __display_surface.fill(pygame.Color("black")) self.ball_surf.fill((0, 220, 100)) coordinates = self.generate_bumper_coords( self.play_surface ) #Generate new coordinates in case window resized (Resize not implemented) for key, item in coordinates.items(): drw.polygon(self.ball_surf, cl.Color('black'), item, 1) self.pockets.draw(self.ball_surf) self.balls.draw(self.ball_surf) __display_surface.blit(self.ball_surf, self.ball_surf_origin) #__display_surface.blit(self.scratch, (220,170)) self.score.draw(__display_surface, (__display_surface.get_width() - 2 * self.score_size[0], self.score_size[1])) self.scratch.draw(__display_surface, (220, 170)) #Draw stick last so it is drawn above the ball surface if not self.balls_still_moving(): self.stick.draw(__display_surface, self.play_stick_animation, self.cue_ball.get_pos()) def generate_bumper_coords(self, surface_rect): coord_dict = {} coord_dict['l'] = [ coord + np.array([0, round(surface_rect.height / 2)]) for coord in self.left_bumper ] coord_dict['r'] = [ coord + np.array([surface_rect.width - 1, round(surface_rect.height / 2)]) for coord in self.right_bumper ] coord_dict['t1'] = [ coord + np.array([round(surface_rect.width * 0.26), 0]) for coord in self.top_bumper ] coord_dict['t2'] = [ coord + np.array([round(surface_rect.width * 0.74), 0]) for coord in self.top_bumper ] coord_dict['b1'] = [ coord + np.array( [round(surface_rect.width * 0.26), surface_rect.height - 1]) for coord in self.bottom_bumper ] coord_dict['b2'] = [ coord + np.array( [round(surface_rect.width * 0.74), surface_rect.height - 1]) for coord in self.bottom_bumper ] return coord_dict def balls_still_moving(self): ''' Return true if a pool ball is still moving ''' for ball in self.balls.sprites(): if ball.get_vel_mag() != 0: return True return False def get_bumper_coords(self): return self.bumper_coords def get_pockets(self): return self.pockets def get_balls(self): return self.balls def get_sunk(self): return self.sunk_stack def __get_all_sunk(self): ''' Return all balls on sunk stack, except for dummy at the bortom. Testing purposes only. ''' popped_list = [] for i in range(1, len(self.sunk_stack)): popped_list.append(self.sunk_stack.pop()) return popped_list def get_sunk_on_turn(self): ''' Returns all balls sunk on a given turn ''' popped_list = [] while self.sunk_stack[-1].get_num() is not self.last_sunk: popped_list.append(self.sunk_stack.pop()) return popped_list def ball_overlap(self, popped_list): ''' Check if any balls replaced on table overlap balls already on table Goes through all the balls and checks if they overlap. Not very efficient. Not fully Tested. Works in trivial cases. ''' add_to_rerack = [] for new_ball in popped_list: ball_center = pm.Vector2(new_ball.x + new_ball.radius, new_ball.y + new_ball.radius) for existing_ball in self.balls: existing_center = pm.Vector2( existing_ball.x + existing_ball.radius, existing_ball.y + existing_ball.radius) collision_vector = ball_center - existing_center #If the balls are pretty close, add the existing ball to the list to be reracked if collision_vector.length() < 2 * new_ball.radius: self.balls.remove(existing_ball) existing_ball.vel = pm.Vector2(0, 0) add_to_rerack.append(existing_ball) #If the balls are still overlapped but not by a lot, simply move the existing one out of the way. #Will cause a mess if many balls in same place, but that generally will not happen. #elif collision_vector.length() < 2 * new_ball.radius: # collision_vector.scale_to_length(2 * new_ball.radius) # existing_ball.x = new_ball.x - collision_vector.x # existing_ball.y = new_ball.y - collision_vector.y return add_to_rerack def cue_ball_sunk(self): ''' Sequence of events that happens when the cue ball is sunk ''' self.scratch.display() #popped_list = self.__get_all_sunk() popped_list = self.get_sunk_on_turn() for ball in popped_list: ball.ball_unsunk() popped_list.remove(self.cue_ball) #If a cue ball overlaps if should be taken care of in pool_ball update self.cue_ball.set_pos(300, 110) popped_list = self.ball_reracker([100, 110], popped_list, 'l') #continue reracking until its nothing overlaps. #Add to rerack is a list that is added to if two balls occupy the same location #Otherwise, balls are simply scooted apart while True: add_to_rerack = self.ball_overlap(popped_list) if len(add_to_rerack) == 0: break popped_list += add_to_rerack popped_list = self.ball_reracker([100, 110], popped_list, 'l') self.balls.add(popped_list, self.cue_ball) def get_score(self): return self.strokes def on_event(self, event, event_queue): #HIt ball with stick if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and not self.balls_still_moving( ): self.last_sunk = self.sunk_stack[-1].get_num() self.mouse_pos_on_click = ms.get_pos() self.play_stick_animation = True self.strokes += 1 return False
class AboutScreen(Menu): ''' About screen Class that contains information about the game ''' def __init__(self, font_dict, surf_wid, surf_hgt): Menu.__init__(self, font_dict, surf_wid, surf_hgt) self.game_rules = self.initialize_instructions( "resources/how_to_play.txt") self.about = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_30"], "About") self.about_size = self.about.get_message().get_size() self.about_x = (self.surf_wid - self.about_size[0]) // 2 self.about_y = self.surf_hgt // 6 = TextDisplay( self.fonts["century_15"], "Pool is a game by Alex Tuck, made with Python and the pygame module" ) self.author_size = self.author_x = (self.surf_wid - self.author_size[0]) // 2 self.author_y = self.surf_hgt // 4 self.how_to_play = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_30"], "How to Play") self.htp_size = self.how_to_play.get_message().get_size() self.htp_x = (self.surf_wid - self.htp_size[0]) // 2 self.htp_y = self.surf_hgt // 3 self.exit = TextDisplay(self.fonts["stencil_20"], "Exit to Main Menu") self.exit_size = self.exit.get_message().get_size() self.exit_x = (self.surf_wid - self.exit_size[0]) // 2 self.exit_y = self.surf_hgt * 3 // 5 self.about.display() self.how_to_play.display() self.exit.display() def initialize_instructions(self, file_name): ''' Create texDisplay objects for the games instructions ''' instructions = open(file_name, 'r') game_rules = [] for line in instructions: if line == "###\n": #Denotes end of instructions break line = line.rstrip() text = TextDisplay(self.fonts["century_15"], line) text.display() game_rules.append(text) instructions.close() return game_rules def draw(self, display_surface): display_surface.fill(pygame.Color("black")) self.about.draw(display_surface, (self.about_x, self.about_y)), (self.author_x, self.author_y)) self.how_to_play.draw(display_surface, (self.htp_x, self.htp_y)) game_rule_size = self.game_rules[0].get_message().get_size() game_rule_x = self.surf_wid // 10 game_rule_y = self.htp_y + (3 * game_rule_size[1]) // 2 for rule in self.game_rules: rule.draw(display_surface, (game_rule_x, game_rule_y)) game_rule_y += game_rule_size[1] self.exit.draw(display_surface, (self.exit_x, self.exit_y)) def update(self, time, event_queue): ''' Update color of menu options ''' mouse_pos = ms.get_pos() self.update_color(mouse_pos, self.exit, self.exit_x, self.exit_y, self.exit_size) return False def on_event(self, event, event_queue): if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_pos = ms.get_pos() if self.check_click(mouse_pos, self.exit_x, self.exit_y, self.exit_size): event_queue.put("POP") return False