def run(self):
        # load calibration data to calculate depth map
        depthmapCalculator = DepthmapCalculator('../../data/calibration')

        # calibrate camera
        calibration = depthmapCalculator.get_calibration()

        # init block matcher (SGBM) to calculate depth map
        block_matcher = depthmapCalculator.get_block_macher()

        # init background subtraction
        backgroundSubtraction = BackgroundSubtraction()

        # init detector
        detector = Detector(min_window_size=(150, 150), step_size=(30, 30), downscale=1)

        # init tracking
        trackObj = TrackingObj(self.queue_update_pc, self.queue_execute_data)

        # subtract moving object
        imgObjectMoving = ObjectMoving(150, 150, 30)

        detectMoving = DetectMoving(150)

        # if videoStreamer.connect_pi():
        count = 0
        font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
        cdetect = 0

            # Set the whole string
            port = const.PORT
            if ":" in self.ip_address:
                arr = self.ip_address.split(":")
                self.ip_address = arr[0]
                port = int(arr[1])
            self.pi_socket.sendto(const.CMD_CONNECT, (self.ip_address, port))
            print 'send CMD_CONNECT ok to ' + self.ip_address

            # CODEC ='M','P','4','V') # MPEG-4 = MPEG-1
            # video_writer_right = cv2.VideoWriter("outputR24.avi", CODEC, 24, (352, 288))
            # video_writer_left = cv2.VideoWriter("outputL24.avi", CODEC, 24, (352, 288))

            # detete old data before write image
            # os.system("rm -rf /home/pc/PycharmProjects/PeopleCounter/source/capture/pass/*")
            # os.system("rm -rf /home/pc/PycharmProjects/PeopleCounter/source/capture/fail/*")

            line_seperate = np.zeros((288, 5, 3), np.uint8) + 255
            devmod = None

            while self.running:
                t1 = time.time()
                reply, addr = self.pi_socket.recvfrom(50000)
                    if not const.JOIN in reply:
                    arr = reply.split(const.JOIN)
                    dataRight = numpy.fromstring(arr[0], dtype='uint8')
                    dataLeft = numpy.fromstring(arr[1], dtype='uint8')
                    image_right = cv2.imdecode(dataRight, 1)
                    image_left = cv2.imdecode(dataLeft, 1)
                    # cv2.imshow('SERVER RIGHT', image_right)
                    # cv2.imshow('SERVER LEFT', image_left)
                    # video_writer_right.write(image_right)
                    # video_writer_left.write(image_left)
                    # cv2.imwrite("../capture/video" + str(count) + ".jpg", image_left)
                    depthmap = depthmapCalculator.calculate(image_left, image_right, block_matcher, calibration)
                    # depthmap = 255 - depthmap
                    # cv2.imwrite("../capture/depth" + str(count) + ".jpg", depthmap)
                    if self.isDevMode == 1:
                        display2 = cv2.cvtColor(depthmap, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
                        devmod = np.concatenate((display2, line_seperate), axis=1)
                        # cv2.imshow("Depthmap", depthmap)
                    # if count % 10 == 0:
                    #     self.queue_update_pc.put(const.TYPE_IN)
                    if count > 1:
                        mask, display = backgroundSubtraction.compute(depthmap)
                        # if np.sum(display) > 100:
                        #     print "capture" + str(count)
                        # cv2.imwrite("../capture/back" + str(count) + ".jpg", display)
                        if self.isDevMode == 1:
                            display2 = cv2.cvtColor(display, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
                            devmod = np.concatenate((devmod, display2), axis=1)
                            devmod = np.concatenate((devmod, line_seperate), axis=1)
                            # cv2.imshow("Background Subtraction", display)
                        # res,pon1,pon2 = imgObjectMoving.getImgObjectMoving(mask)
                        # if res:
                        #     # cv2.rectangle(display,pon1, pon2,(255,255,255), 2)
                        #     if count>74:
                        #         im_detected = detector.detect(display[pon1[1]:pon2[1],pon1[0]:pon2[0]])
                        #     # cv2.imshow("back", display)
                        #         cv2.imshow("back", im_detected)
                        data, data150 = detectMoving.detectObjectInImage(display)
                        # if len(data150) > 0:
                        #     count_y = 0
                        #     for y in data150:
                        #         # print y
                        #         imgx = display[y[0][1]:y[1][1],y[0][0]:y[1][0]]
                        #         cv2.rectangle(image_left,y[0], y[1],(255,255,255), 1)
                        #         # cv2.imwrite("../capture/150/b"+str(count) + str(count_y)+'.jpg', imgx)
                        #         count_y+=1

                        # List center point of objects
                        lstPointObjects = []
                        if len(data) > 0:
                            for x in data:
                                count_y = 0
                                # print x
                                # print x[0], x[1]
                                # print x[1][0] - x[0][0], x[1][1] - x[0][1]
                                # ckObj = trackObj.check_Obj(x[0],x[2])
                                # if ckObj == False:
                                #     cdetect+=1
                                #     print cdetect
                      , x[3], 25, (255, 255, 255), 1)
                                # cv2.rectangle(image_left, x[0], x[1], (255, 255, 255), 2)
                                # trackObj.trackingObj(x[0], x[2])
                                if detector.detect1(display, x[0], x[1], x[2]):
                                    # trackObj.trackingObj(x[0], x[2], 25)
                                    # cv2.rectangle(image_left,x[0], x[1],(255,255,255), 1)
                                    # else:
                                    # cv2.rectangle(image_left, x[0], x[1], (255, 255, 255), 15)
                          , x[3], 25, (255, 255, 255), 3)
                                    y = (detectMoving.CheckRectDetect(x[0], x[1], x[2], 352, 288))
                                    imgx = display[y[0][1]:y[1][1], y[0][0]:y[1][0]]
                                    # cv2.imwrite("../capture/pass/l"+str(count)+str(count_y) + '.jpg', imgx)
                                    # cv2.imwrite("../capture/l"+str(count)+str(count_y) + '.jpg', imgx)

                                    # else:
                                    #     y = (detectMoving.CheckRectDetect(x[0], x[1], x[2], 352, 288))
                                    #     imgx = display[y[0][1]:y[1][1], y[0][0]:y[1][0]]
                                    # cv2.imwrite("../capture/fail/l"+str(count)+str(count_y) + '.jpg', imgx)
                                    # cv2.imwrite("../capture/l"+str(count)+str(count_y) + '.jpg', imgx)
                        if len(lstPointObjects) > 0:
                        for headpoint in trackObj.allObj:
                            firstpoint = None
                            for point in headpoint.historyPoints:
                                if firstpoint != None:
                                    cv2.line(image_left,firstpoint,point,headpoint.color, 2)
                                    firstpoint = point
                                    firstpoint = point
                        cv2.line(image_left, (0, 144 - 70), (352, 144 - 70), (255, 255, 255), 1)
                        # cv2.line(image_left, (0, 144), (352, 144), (255, 255, 255), 1)
                        cv2.line(image_left, (0, 144 + 70), (352, 144 + 70), (255, 255, 255), 1)
                        cv2.putText(image_left, 'In: %i' % trackObj.InSh, (160, 20), font, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), 1)
                        cv2.putText(image_left, 'Out: %i' % trackObj.OutSh, (160, 276), font, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), 1)
                        cv2.putText(image_left, 'fps = ' + str(int(1 / (time.time() - t1))), (10, 20), font, 0.5,
                                    (255, 255, 255), 1)
                        if self.isDevMode == 1:
                            devmod = np.concatenate((devmod, image_left), axis=1)
                            cv2.imshow("Develop Mod", devmod)
                            cv2.imshow("Camera", image_left)

                    # print "-----------------------------" + str(count)

                    # if res:
                    #     cv2.rectangle(display,pon1, pon2,(255,255,255), 2)
                    # print trackObj.allObj
                    # print 'fps = ' + str(1 / (time.time() - t1))
                    count += 1
                    char = cv2.waitKey(1)

                    if (char == 99):
                        #     count += 1
                        #     cv2.imwrite(str(count)+'.jpg', display)
                        #     video_writer_right.release()
                        #     video_writer_left.release()
                        print trackObj.InSh, trackObj.OutSh

                    if (char == 27):
                except Exception, ex:
                    print 'Thread_Listening_Socket WHILE Exception: ' + str(ex)

        except Exception, ex:
            print 'Thread_Listening_Socket Exception: ' + str(ex)
Example #2
#init tracking
# trackObj = TrackingObj()

# subtract moving object
imgObjectMoving = ObjectMoving(150,150,30)

detectMoving = DetectMoving(150)

# if videoStreamer.connect_pi():
count = 0
cdetect = 0
while True:
    # image_left, image_right = videoStreamer.get_image_from_pi()
    image_left, image_right = streamer.get_image_from_video(videoLeft,videoRight)
    depthmap = depthmapCalculator.calculate(image_left, image_right, block_matcher, calibration)
    # depthmap = depthmap + 1
    cv2.imshow("depthmap", depthmap)
    if count > 1:
        mask, display = backgroundSubtraction.compute(depthmap)
        # if np.sum(display) > 100:
            # print "capture" + str(count)
            # cv2.imwrite("capture/full/" + str(count) + ".jpg", display)

        cv2.imshow("back1", display)
        # res,pon1,pon2 = imgObjectMoving.getImgObjectMoving(mask)
        # if res:
        #     # cv2.rectangle(display,pon1, pon2,(255,255,255), 2)
        #     if count>74:
        #         im_detected = detector.detect(display[pon1[1]:pon2[1],pon1[0]:pon2[0]])
        #     # cv2.imshow("back", display)