def check_audit_service_enabled():
    config = '4.1.2 Ensure auditd service is enabled (Scored)'
    command = 'systemctl is-enabled auditd'
    output = 'enabled'
    source.output_isEqualTo_terminal_output(config, command, output)
def check_noConfined_deamons_exist():
    config = ' Ensure no unconfined daemons exist (Scored)'
    command = 'ps -eZ | egrep "initrc" | egrep -vw ' + '"tr|ps|egrep|bash|awk" | ' + "tr ':' ' ' | awk '{print $NF }'"
    output = ''
    source.output_isEqualTo_terminal_output(config, command, output)
def check_sticky_bit_worldRw_directories():
    conf = '1.1.21 Ensure sticky bit is set on all world-writable directories (Scored)'
    cmd = "sudo df --local -P | awk {'if (NR!=1) print $6'} | xargs -I '{}' find '{}' -xdev -type d"
    output = ''

    source.output_isEqualTo_terminal_output(conf, cmd, output)
def check_message_of_the_day_configured():
    config = ' Ensure message of the day is configured properly (Scored)'
    command = "egrep '(\\v|\\r|\\m|\\s)' /etc/motd"
    output = ''
    source.output_isEqualTo_terminal_output(config, command, output)
def check_remotelogin_warningBanner_configured():
    config = ' Ensure remote login warning banner is configured properly (Not Scored)'
    command = "egrep '(\\v|\\r|\\m|\\s)' /etc/"
    output = ''
    source.output_isEqualTo_terminal_output(config, command, output)
Example #6
def check_x_window_system_not_installed():
    config = '2.2.2 Ensure X Window System is not installed (Scored)'
    command = 'rpm -qa xorg-x11*'
    output = ''
    source.output_isEqualTo_terminal_output(config, command, output)