def test_build_tree_4(): tree = build_tree([[LineagePair('rank1', 'name1'), LineagePair('rank2', 'name2a')], ]) tree = build_tree([[LineagePair('rank1', 'name1'), LineagePair('rank2', 'name2b')], ], tree) assert tree == { LineagePair('rank1', 'name1'): { LineagePair('rank2', 'name2a') : {}, LineagePair('rank2', 'name2b') : {}} }
def test_find_lca_3(): lin1 = lca_utils.make_lineage('a;b;c') lin2 = lca_utils.make_lineage('a;b') tree = build_tree([lin1, lin2]) lca, reason = find_lca(tree) assert lca == lin1 # find most specific leaf node
def test_find_lca_2(): tree = build_tree([[LineagePair('rank1', 'name1'), LineagePair('rank2', 'name2a')], [LineagePair('rank1', 'name1'), LineagePair('rank2', 'name2b')], ]) lca = find_lca(tree) assert lca == ((LineagePair('rank1', 'name1'),), 2)
def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument('node_mh_pickle') p.add_argument('lca_db') args = p.parse_args() node_mhs = pickle.load(open(args.node_mh_pickle, 'rb')) lca_obj = LCA_Database() lca_obj.load(args.lca_db) databases = ((lca_obj, args.lca_db, 'LCA'),) d = {} n_pure95 = 0 total = 0 for k, v in node_mhs.items(): ss = sourmash.SourmashSignature(v) results = [ x[0] for x in gather_databases(ss, databases, 0, True) ] sum_f_uniq = sum([result.f_unique_to_query for result in results]) keep_results = [] for result in results: if result.f_unique_to_query < 0.10: break keep_results.append(result) if not keep_results: print('** no match for {}'.format(k)) continue idents = [[0].split('.')[0] for result in keep_results ] idxlist = [ lca_obj.ident_to_idx[ident] for ident in idents ] lidlist = [ lca_obj.idx_to_lid[idx] for idx in idxlist ] lineages = [ lca_obj.lid_to_lineage[lid] for lid in lidlist ] tree = lca_utils.build_tree(lineages) lca, reason = lca_utils.find_lca(tree) level = '*none*' if lca: level = lca[-1].rank lineage = ";".join(lca_utils.zip_lineage(lca, truncate_empty=True)) this_f_uniq = sum([ result.f_unique_to_query for result in keep_results ]) print('node {} matches {} @ {:.1f}'.format(k, level, this_f_uniq / sum_f_uniq * 100)) if level in ('strain', 'genus', 'species') and this_f_uniq / sum_f_uniq >= 0.95: n_pure95 += 1 total += 1 print('XXX', n_pure95, total)
def make_lca_counts(dblist, lowest_rank='phylum', min_num=0, min_hashes=5, prefix='oddities'): """ Collect counts of all the LCAs in the list of databases. """ assert len(dblist) == 1 keep_ranks = ['root'] for rank in lca_utils.taxlist(): keep_ranks.append(rank) if rank == lowest_rank: break print('keeping hashvals at following ranks:', keep_ranks) print('min number of lineages:', min_num) print('min number of shared hashes:', min_hashes) print('---') # gather all hashvalue assignments from across all the databases assignments = defaultdict(set) for lca_db in dblist: for hashval, idx_list in lca_db.hashval_to_idx.items(): if min_num and len(idx_list) < min_num: continue for idx in idx_list: lid = lca_db.idx_to_lid.get(idx) if lid is not None: lineage = lca_db.lid_to_lineage[lid] assignments[hashval].add(lineage) # now convert to trees -> do LCA & counts counts = defaultdict(int) mixdict = defaultdict(set) for hashval, lineages in assignments.items(): # for each list of tuple_info [(rank, name), ...] build # a tree that lets us discover lowest-common-ancestor. debug("{}", lineages) tree = lca_utils.build_tree(lineages) # now find either a leaf or the first node with multiple # children; that's our lowest-common-ancestor node. lca, reason = lca_utils.find_lca(tree) # find cross-superkingdom hashes, and record combinations of lineages # that have them. rank = 'root' if lca: rank = lca[-1].rank if rank in keep_ranks: xx = [] for lineage in lineages: xx.append(tuple(lineage)) xx = tuple(xx) mixdict[xx].add(hashval) counts[lca] += 1 # sort on number of confused hash vals by combination of lineages. mixdict_items = list(mixdict.items()) mixdict_items.sort(key=lambda x: -len(x[1])) confused_hashvals = set() fp = open(prefix + '.csv', 'wt') w = csv.writer(fp) w.writerow([ 'cluster', 'num_lineages', 'shared_kmers', 'ksize', 'rank', 'lca', 'ident1', 'lineage1', 'ident2', 'lineage2' ]) # # find candidate lineages, then evaluate pairwise intersections. # for cluster_n, (lineages, hashvals) in enumerate(mixdict_items): # insist on more than N hash vals if len(hashvals) < min_hashes: continue # display summary: print('cluster {} has {} assignments for {} hashvals / {} bp'.format( cluster_n, len(lineages), len(hashvals), dblist[0].scaled * len(hashvals))) confused_hashvals.update(hashvals) tree = lca_utils.build_tree(lineages) lca, reason = lca_utils.find_lca(tree) if lca: rank = lca[-1].rank else: rank = 'root' print(' rank & lca:', rank, lca_utils.display_lineage(lca)) # for lineage_n, lineage in enumerate(lineages): # print('* ', lca_utils.display_lineage(lineage)) # now, identify all members of these lineages by their index: all_idxs = [] for lineage_n, lineage in enumerate(lineages): lids = dblist[0].lineage_to_lids[lineage] for lid in lids: idxs = dblist[0].lid_to_idx[lid] all_idxs.extend(idxs) for idx in idxs: ident = dblist[0].idx_to_ident[idx] # run through and look at all pairs of genomes in these lineages; # filter so that we're comparing across lineages with the right # LCA, and with significant intersection. pair_n = 0 candidates = [] for i in range(len(all_idxs)): idx1 = all_idxs[i] lid1 = dblist[0].idx_to_lid[idx1] lin1 = dblist[0].lid_to_lineage[lid1] for j in range(i): idx2 = all_idxs[j] lid2 = dblist[0].idx_to_lid[idx2] lin2 = dblist[0].lid_to_lineage[lid2] ident1 = dblist[0].idx_to_ident[idx1] ident2 = dblist[0].idx_to_ident[idx2] debug("{} x {}", ident1, ident2) this_tree = lca_utils.build_tree([lin1, lin2]) this_lca, this_reason = lca_utils.find_lca(this_tree) # weed out pairs that don't have the desired intersection if lca != this_lca: continue mh1 = dblist[0]._signatures[idx1] mh2 = dblist[0]._signatures[idx2] mins1 = set(mh1.get_mins()) mins2 = set(mh2.get_mins()) intersect_size = len(mins1.intersection(mins2)) # weed out pairs that don't have enough k-mer intersection if intersect_size < min_hashes: continue candidates.append( (pair_n, ident1, lin1, ident2, lin2, intersect_size)) # write summary to CSV for to use w.writerow([ 'cluster{}.{}'.format(cluster_n, pair_n), len(lineages), intersect_size * dblist[0].scaled, dblist[0].ksize, rank, lca_utils.display_lineage(lca), ident1, lca_utils.display_lineage(lin1), ident2, lca_utils.display_lineage(lin2) ]) pair_n += 1 print(' Candidate genome pairs for these lineages:') for pair_n, ident1, lin1, ident2, lin2, intersection_size in candidates: print(' cluster.pair {}.{} share {} bases'.format( cluster_n, pair_n, intersection_size * dblist[0].scaled)) print(' - {} ({})'.format(ident1, lca_utils.display_lineage(lin1))) print(' - {} ({})'.format(ident2, lca_utils.display_lineage(lin2))) print('') print('') return counts, confused_hashvals
def test_build_tree_3(): # empty 'rank2' name tree = build_tree([[LineagePair('rank1', 'name1'), LineagePair('rank2', '')]]) assert tree == { LineagePair('rank1', 'name1'): {} }
def test_build_tree(): tree = build_tree([[LineagePair('rank1', 'name1'), LineagePair('rank2', 'name2')]]) assert tree == { LineagePair('rank1', 'name1'): { LineagePair('rank2', 'name2') : {}} }
def test_find_lca(): tree = build_tree([[LineagePair('rank1', 'name1'), LineagePair('rank2', 'name2')]]) lca = find_lca(tree) assert lca == ((LineagePair('rank1', 'name1'), LineagePair('rank2', 'name2'),), 0)
def test_build_tree_5(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): tree = build_tree([])