Example #1
def backup_sites(url, destination, overwrite=True):
	"""Execute the script"""
	webapp = sp.get_webapplication(url)
	# make sure destination has a trailing slash
	if destination[-1] != "\\":
		destination = destination + "\\"
	def do_backup(site):
		backup_site(site, destination + _get_backup_filename(site.Url) + FILE_EXTENSION, overwrite)
	sp.enum_sites(webapp, do_backup)
Example #2
def apply_theme(url, theme, force=False):
	"""Applies the theme to all webs within the web application"""
	# always compare to lower case
	theme = theme.lower()
	def do_work(web):
		# make sure we're comparing to lower case
		wtheme = web.Theme.lower()
		if (theme == "none" and wtheme != "") or (theme != "none" and wtheme != theme) or force == True:
			print "Applying theme to", web.Url
	# iterate over all sites, then all webs
		lambda s: 
			sp.enum_all_webs(s, do_work))