def expand(text, reply): """<url> - unshortens <url>""" args = text.split() url = args[0] try: return web.expand(url) except web.ServiceError as e: reply(e.message) raise
def gitio(text, reply): """<url> [custom] - shortens a github URL <url> using with [custom] as an optional custom shortlink, or unshortens <url> if already short""" args = text.split() url = args[0] custom = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None try: if '' in url: return web.expand(url, '') else: return web.shorten(url, custom, '') except web.ServiceError as e: reply(e.message) raise
def isgd(text, reply): """<url> [custom] - shortens a url using with [custom] as an optional custom shortlink, or unshortens <url> if already short""" args = text.split() url = args[0] custom = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None try: if "" in url: return web.expand(url, "") else: return web.shorten(url, custom, "") except web.ServiceError as e: reply(e.message) raise