Example #1
 def execute(self, agent, event, bindings, zexpr):
     raise LowError("execute method not defined for %r", self)
Example #2
 def match_inverse(self, agent, bindings, zexpr, obj):
     raise LowError("Trying to match non-invertible function")
Example #3
 def solutions(self, agent, bindings, zexpr):
     for imp in self._imps:
         if imp.valid_mode_p(agent, bindings, zexpr):
             return imp.solutions(agent, bindings, zexpr)
     raise LowError("Calling predicate with invalid mode")
Example #4
 def conclude(self, agent, bindings, expr):
     if len(zexpr) != 1:
         raise LowError("Expecting one argument to EventPosted")
     val = termEvalErr(agent, bindings, zexpr[0])
     if val not in agent.allPostedEvents:
Example #5
 def __init__(self, mode, fun):
     _Basic.__init__(self, mode, fun)
     if self._output_indices: #len(self._output_indices) > 0:
         raise LowError("Mode string %r is not valid for a function", mode)
Example #6
 def conclude(self, agent, bindings, zexpr):
     if len(zexpr) != 0:
         raise LowError("Expecting no argument to RecordingAllEvents")
     if agent.allPostedEvents is None:
         agent.allPostedEvents = []
Example #7
 def retractall(self, agent, bindings, zexpr):
     if len(zexpr) != 0:
         raise LowError("Expecting no argument to RecordingAllEvents")
     agent.allPostedEvents = None
Example #8
File: map.py Project: jbalint/spark
def mapGen(*args):
    if len(args) % 2 != 0:
        raise LowError(
            "You must have an even number of positional arguments for mapCreate"
    return dictMap(dict(zip(args[0::2], args[1::2])))
Example #9
 def __init__(self, modestring):
     if not isString(modestring):
         raise LowError("Mode should be a string: %r", modestring)
     self._modestring = modestring
     self._bitmap = modestring_bitmap(modestring, \
                                      self.zerochar, self.onechar)
Example #10
def generateRandomId(prefix):
    firstId = prefix + str(random.randint(0,1000000000))
    yield firstId
    raise LowError("You must not find more than one solution to RandomId")
Example #11
File: oaa.py Project: jbalint/spark
def oaa_construct(sym, *args):
    if not isSymbol(sym):
        raise LowError(
            "oaastruct requires a symbol for its first argument, not %s",
    return Structure(sym, args)
Example #12
def generateGeneratedId(prefix):
    firstId = prefix + str(IDGENERATOR())
    yield firstId
    raise LowError("You must not find more than one solution to GeneratedId")
Example #13
def installConstructor(cv_class):
    if hasattr(cv_class, "__init__") \
           and not hasattr(cv_class, "constructor_mode"):
        raise LowError("Class %s has no constructor_mode attribute" %
    CONSTRUCTOR_NAME_CLASS[cv_class.__name__] = cv_class
Example #14
def idObject(agent, idnum):
    val = _ID_SAVE.idGetObject(agent, idnum)
    if val is None:
        raise LowError("No record of object %d", idnum)
    return val
Example #15
    for impl in predimpls:
            #Testing Script. Begin:
            #            #esm = str(type(impl))
            #            #if not chronometers.has_key(esm):
            #            #    chronometers[esm] = chronometer(esm)
            #            #chronometers[esm].start()
            #Testing Script. End.
            arityOrFacts = impl.persist_arity_or_facts(agent)
            if isinstance(arityOrFacts, int):
                b, z = optBZ([None] * arityOrFacts)
                facts = [[b.bTermEval(agent, x) for x in z] \
                        for s in impl.solutions(agent, b, z) if s]
            elif arityOrFacts == None:
                raise LowError(
                    "persist_arity_or_facts method for %s returned None" %
                facts = arityOrFacts
            for fact in facts:
                writeFact(agent, impl.symbol, fact, output)
        except AnyException, f:
            errid = NEWPM.displayError()
            if isinstance(impl, DefaultImp):
                #use the predsym
                errOutput.write("%s(DefaultImp): %s\n" % (impl.symbol, str(f)))
                errOutput.write("%s: %s\n" % (impl.__class__.__name__, str(f)))
        #Testing Script. Begin:
Example #16
def getTime(arg=None):
    """Get the time as a floating point number
    arg=None or arg="NOW": get the current simulated time
    arg="REAL": get the current real time
    arg='<yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>T<HH>:<MM>:<SS>[.<frac>]': get from localtime string
    arg='<yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>T<HH>:<MM>:<SS>[.<frac>]Z': get from UT string
    arg='<yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>T<HH>:<MM>:<SS>[.<frac>][+-]<HH>:<MM>': use given timezone
    arg='<yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>; represent date by 00:00 UT
    arg='P<d>D<H>H<M>M<S>[.<frac>]' treat as a duration
    arg='-P<d>D<H>H<M>M<S>[.<frac>]' treat as a negative duration
    arg is a float: leave it unchanged
    Note: the - and : separators and some unused components can be left out
    if arg is None or arg == SIMULATED_TIME:
        return _realtimeToSimtime(_time.time())
    elif arg == REAL_TIME:
        return _time.time()
    elif isString(arg):
        match = DURATION.match(arg)
        if match:
            (neg, d, h, m, s) = match.groups()
            dur = ((optInt(d) * 24 + optInt(h)) * 60 +
                   optInt(m)) * 60 + optFloat(s)
            if neg:
                return -dur
                return dur
        match = DATE_TIME.match(arg)
        if match:
            (Y, M, D, h, m, s, z, tzh, tzm) = match.groups()
            year = int(Y)
            month = int(M)
            day = int(D)
            hour = optInt(h)
            min = optInt(m)
            sec = optFloat(s)
            if z or h == None:  # explicit GMT suffix or date without time
                return calendar.timegm(
                    (year, month, day, hour, min, 0, 0, 1, 0)) + sec
            elif tzh:
                offset = (int(tzh) * 60 + optInt(tzm)) * 60
                gmt = calendar.timegm(
                    (year, month, day, hour, min, 0, 0, 1, 0)) + sec
                return gmt - offset
                return _time.mktime(
                    (year, month, day, hour, min, 0, 0, 1, -1)) + sec
            raise LowError('Invalid datetime string: %s' % arg)

#         try:
#             if arg[8] != "T":
#                 raise LowError("Invalid datetime string: %s"%arg)
#             year = int(arg[0:4])
#             month = int(arg[4:6])
#             day = int(arg[6:8])
#             hour = int(arg[9:11])
#             min = int(arg[11:13])
#             if arg.endswith('Z'):           # UT
#                 sec = float(arg[13:-1] or 0)
#                 return calendar.timegm((year,month,day,hour,min,0,0,1,0)) + sec
#             else:                           # localtime
#                 sec = float(arg[13:] or 0)
#                 return _time.mktime((year,month,day,hour,min,0,0,1,-1)) + sec
#         except (ValueError, IndexError):
#             raise LowError('Invalid datetime string: %s'%arg)
    elif isFloat(arg):
        return arg
    elif isInteger(arg):
        return float(arg)
        raise LowError('Invalid time argument of type %s: %r' %
                       (type(arg), arg))