Example #1
def canonicalize(forward, wfn0, M=0):
    Canonicalize the wavefunction.
    forward : int 
        0 for left and 1 for right.
    wfn0 : ndarray
        current MPS.
    M : int
        bond dimension
    mps0 : ndarray
        canonicalized mps.
    gaug : ndarray
        gauge, i.e. sigma * v


    if forward:
        mps0, s, wfn1, dwt = svd("ij, k", wfn0, M)
        gaug = einsum("ij, jk -> ik", s, wfn1)
        wfn1, s, mps0, dwt = svd("i, jk", wfn0, M)
        gaug = einsum("ij, jk -> ik", wfn1, s)
    return mps0, gaug
Example #2
def dot_twosite(lmpo, rmpo, lopr, ropr, wfn0):
    Compute the sigma vector, i.e. sigma = H * c
    used for Davidson algorithm, in the twosite algorithm

     _L N M R_
    scr1 = einsum("Lal, lnmr -> Lanmr", lopr, wfn0)
    scr2 = einsum("Lanmr, aNnb -> LNbmr", scr1, lmpo)
    scr3 = einsum("LNbmr, bMmc -> LNMcr", scr2, rmpo)
    sgv0 = einsum("LNMcr, Rcr -> LNMR", scr3, ropr)
    return sgv0
Example #3
def initialize_heisenberg(N, h, J, M):
    Initialize the MPS, MPO, lopr and ropr.
    # MPS
    mpss = sMPX.rand([2] * N, D=M, bc='obc', seed=0)
    normalize_factor = 1.0 / gMPX.norm(mpss)
    mpss = gMPX.mul(normalize_factor, mpss)

    # make MPS right canonical
    for i in xrange(N - 1, 0, -1):
        mpss[i], gaug = canonicalize(0, mpss[i], M=M)
        mpss[i - 1] = einsum("ijk, kl -> ijl", mpss[i - 1], gaug)

    # MPO
    mpos = np.asarray(heisenberg_mpo(N, h, J))

    # lopr
    loprs = [COO(np.array([[[1.0]]]))]
    # ropr
    roprs = [COO(np.array([[[1.0]]]))]
    for i in xrange(N - 1, 0, -1):
            renormalize(0, mpos[i], roprs[-1], mpss[i].conj(), mpss[i]))

    # NOTE the loprs and roprs should be list currently to support pop()!
    return mpss, mpos, loprs, roprs
Example #4
def diag_onesite(mpo0, lopr, ropr):
    Compute the diagonal elements of sandwich <L|MPO|R>,
    used as preconditioner of Davidson algorithm.


     _l n r_
    |_l | r_|

    mpo0 : ndarray
        The MPO.
    lopr : ndarray
        left block operators
    ropr : ndarray
        right block operators
    diag : ndarray
        The diagonal element, stored as 'lnr'.

    #mpo0_diag = COO(einsum('annb -> anb', mpo0))
    #lopr_diag = COO(einsum('lal -> la', lopr))
    #ropr_diag = COO(einsum('rbr -> br', ropr))
    mpo0_diag = sh.diagonal(mpo0, axes=[1, 2])
    lopr_diag = sh.diagonal(lopr, axes=[0, 2])
    ropr_diag = sh.diagonal(ropr, axes=[0, 2])

    scr1 = einsum('la, anb -> lnb', lopr_diag, mpo0_diag)
    diag = einsum('lnb, rb -> lnr', scr1, ropr_diag)

    #diag = scr2
    # ZHC NOTE check the SDcopy of upcast options
    return diag
Example #5
def optimize_twosite(forward, lmpo, rmpo, lopr, ropr, lwfn, rwfn, M, tol):
    Optimization for twosite algorithm.
    M : int
        bond dimension
    energy : float or list of floats
        The energy of desired root(s).

    wfn2 = einsum("lnr, rms -> lnms", lwfn, rwfn)
    diag = diag_twosite(lmpo, rmpo, lopr, ropr)

    mps_shape = wfn2.shape

    def dot_flat(x):
        return dot_twosite(lmpo, rmpo, lopr, ropr,

    def compute_precond_flat(dx, e, x0):
        return dx / (diag_flat - e)

    energy, wfn0 = linalg_helper.davidson(dot_flat, wfn2.ravel(),
    wfn0 = wfn0.reshape(mps_shape)

    if forward:
        wfn0, gaug = canonicalize(1, wfn0, M)  # wfn0 R => lmps gaug
        wfn1 = einsum("ij, jkl -> ikl", gaug, wfn1)
        lopr = renormalize(1, mpo0, lopr, wfn0.conj(), wfn0)
        return energy, wfn0, wfn1, lopr
        wfn0, gaug = canonicalize(0, wfn0, M)  # wfn0 R => lmps gaug
        wfn1 = einsum("ijk, kl -> ijl", wfn1, gaug)
        ropr = renormalize(0, mpo0, ropr, wfn0.conj(), wfn0)
        return energy, wfn0, wfn1, ropr
Example #6
def diag_twosite(lmpo, rmpo, lopr, ropr):
    lmpo_diag = einsum('annb -> anb', lmpo)
    rmpo_diag = einsum('bmmc -> bmc', rmpo)
    lopr = einsum('lal->la', lopr)
    ropr = einsum('rcr-> cr', ropr)

    scr1 = einsum('la, anb -> lnb', lopr, lmpo)
    scr2 = einsum('lnb, bmc -> lnmc', scr1, rmpo)
    diag = einsum('lnmc, cr -> lnmr', scr2, ropr)
    return diag
Example #7
def test_einsum_outer_prod(shape_x, shape_y, descr):

    density = 0.4
    np.set_printoptions(3, linewidth=1000, suppress=True)
    x = sparse.random(shape_x, density, format='coo')
    x_d = x.todense()
    y = sparse.random(shape_y, density, format='coo')
    y_d = y.todense()
    sout = sh.einsum(descr, x, y)
    out = np.einsum(descr, x_d, y_d)
    assert_eq(sout, out)
Example #8
def renormalize(forward, mpo0, opr0, bra0, ket0):
    Renormalized the block opr.
    forward : int 
        0 for left and 1 for right.
    mpo0 : ndarray
    opr0 : ndarray
        block opr.
    bra0 : ndarray
        upper MPS. should already be conjugated.
    ket0 : ndarray
        down MPS
    opr1 : ndarray
        renormalized block opr.


    if forward:
        scr = einsum('Lal, lnr -> Lanr', opr0, ket0)
        scr = einsum('Lanr, aNnb -> LNbr', scr, mpo0)
        opr1 = einsum('LNR, LNbr -> Rbr', bra0, scr)
        scr = einsum('LNR, Rbr -> LNbr', bra0, opr0)
        scr = einsum('LNbr, aNnb -> Lanr', scr, mpo0)
        opr1 = einsum('Lanr, lnr-> Lal ', scr, ket0)

    return opr1
Example #9
def dot_onesite(mpo0, lopr, ropr, wfn0):
    Compute the sigma vector, i.e. sigma = H * c
    used for Davidson algorithm.


     _L N R_

    mpo0 : ndarray
        The MPO.
    lopr : ndarray
        left block operators
    ropr : ndarray
        right block operators
    wfn0 : ndarray
        The current MPS. (wavefunction for desired roots)
    sgv0 : ndarray
        The sigma vector, stored as LNR.

    # ZHC NOTE the contraction order and stored structure may be optimized.

    scr1 = einsum('Lal, lnr -> Lanr', lopr, wfn0)
    scr2 = einsum('Lanr, aNnb -> LNbr', scr1, mpo0)
    sgv0 = einsum('LNbr, Rbr -> LNR', scr2, ropr)
    return sgv0
Example #10
def optimize_onesite(forward, mpo0, lopr, ropr, wfn0, wfn1, M, tol):
    Optimization for onesite algorithm.
    forward : int 
        0 for left and 1 for right.
    mpo0 : ndarray
    lopr : ndarray
        left block opr.
    ropr : ndarray
        right block opr.
    wfn0 : ndarray
        MPS for canonicalization.
    wfn1 : ndarray
    M : int
        bond dimension
    energy : float or list of floats
        The energy of desired root(s).


    #diag_flat = diag_onesite(mpo0, lopr, ropr).ravel()
    diag_flat = diag_onesite(mpo0, lopr, ropr).ravel().todense()

    mps_shape = wfn0.shape

    def dot_flat(x):
        #return dot_onesite(mpo0, lopr, ropr, x.reshape(mps_shape)).ravel()
        return dot_onesite(mpo0, lopr, ropr,

    def compute_precond_flat(dx, e, x0):
        #return COO(dx.todense() / (diag_flat.todense() - e))
        return dx / (diag_flat - e)

    #dot_func = sparse.coo.common.dot
    dot_func = np.dot
    #energy, wfn0 = linalg_helper.davidson(dot_flat, wfn0.ravel(), compute_precond_flat, tol = tol, dot = dot_func)
    energy, wfn0 = linalg_helper.davidson(dot_flat,
    #wfn0 = wfn0.reshape(mps_shape)
    wfn0 = COO(wfn0.reshape(mps_shape))

    if forward:
        wfn0, gaug = canonicalize(1, wfn0, M)  # wfn0 R => lmps gaug
        wfn1 = einsum("ij,jkl->ikl", gaug, wfn1)
        lopr = renormalize(1, mpo0, lopr, wfn0.conj(), wfn0)
        return energy, wfn0, wfn1, lopr
        wfn0, gaug = canonicalize(0, wfn0, M)  # wfn0 R => lmps gaug
        wfn1 = einsum("ijk,kl->ijl", wfn1, gaug)
        ropr = renormalize(0, mpo0, ropr, wfn0.conj(), wfn0)
        return energy, wfn0, wfn1, ropr
Example #11
def einsum(idx, *tensors, **kwargs):
    if any(isinstance(a, sparse.coo.COO) for a in tensors):
        return sparse_helper.einsum(idx, *tensors)
        return np.einsum(idx, *tensors, **kwargs)