def test_fb_maxpool(self): dimension = 2 pool_size = 3 pool_stride = 2 batch_input = np.asarray([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 0, 2, 8], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]).astype(float) indices = batch_input.copy().nonzero() locations = np.concatenate([indices[0][:, None], indices[1][:, None]], axis=1) batch_input = batch_input[:, :, np.newaxis].copy() spatial_size = torch.LongTensor(batch_input.shape[:dimension]) select_indices = tuple(locations.T) features = batch_input[select_indices] input_layer = scn.InputLayer(dimension, spatial_size, mode=3) # Facebook implementation applies only valid padding max_pool_layer = scn.MaxPooling(dimension, pool_size, pool_stride) output_layer = scn.SparseToDense(dimension=dimension, nPlanes=1) x = input_layer([torch.LongTensor(locations), torch.FloatTensor(features)]) x = max_pool_layer(x) x = output_layer(x) correct_output = np.asarray([[1, 2], [0, 8]]).astype(float) self.assertListEqual(correct_output.tolist(), torch.squeeze(x).data.cpu().tolist())
def __init__(self, full_scale=127, use_normal=False): nn.Module.__init__(self) dimension = 3 m = 32 # 16 or 32 residual_blocks = True #True or False block_reps = 2 #Conv block repetition factor: 1 or 2 blocks = [['b', m * k, 2, 2] for k in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]] self.num_final_channels = m * len(blocks) self.sparseModel = scn.Sequential().add( scn.InputLayer(dimension, full_scale, mode=4)).add( scn.SubmanifoldConvolution( dimension, 3 + 3 * int(use_normal), m, 3, False)).add(scn.MaxPooling(dimension, 3, 2)).add( scn.SparseResNet(dimension, m, blocks)).add( scn.BatchNormReLU(self.num_final_channels)).add( scn.SparseToDense(dimension, self.num_final_channels)) self.num_labels = 20 self.label_encoder = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.num_labels, 64), nn.ReLU()) #self.pred = nn.Linear(m * len(blocks), 1) self.pred = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.num_final_channels + 64, 64), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(64, 1)) return
def __init__(self, n_classes): nn.Module.__init__(self) self.n_classes = n_classes self.sparseModel = scn.Sequential( # 255x255 scn.SubmanifoldConvolution( 2, 2, 16, 3, False), # dimension, nIn, nOut, filter_size, bias scn.MaxPooling(2, 3, 2), # dimension, pool_size, pool_stride # 127x127 scn.SparseResNet( 2, 16, [ # dimension, nInputPlanes, layers ['b', 16, 2, 1], # 63x63 # blockType, n, reps, stride ['b', 32, 2, 2], # 63x63 ['b', 48, 2, 2], # 31x31 ['b', 96, 2, 2], # 15x15 ['b', 144, 2, 2], # 7x7 ['b', 192, 2, 2] ]), # 3x3 scn.Convolution( 2, 192, 256, 3, 1, False ), # 1x1 # dimension, nIn, nOut, filter_size, filter_stride, bias scn.BatchNormReLU(256)) # dimension, nPlanes self.sparse_to_dense = scn.SparseToDense(2, 256) #self.spatial_size=[1, 1])) self.spatial_size = self.sparseModel.input_spatial_size( torch.LongTensor([1, 1])) self.inputLayer = scn.InputLayer(2, self.spatial_size, 2) # dimension, spatial_size, mode self.linear = nn.Linear(256, self.n_classes) print(self.spatial_size)
def __init__(self, flags): torch.nn.Module.__init__(self) import sparseconvnet as scn self._flags = flags dimension = self._flags.DATA_DIM num_class = self._flags.NUM_CLASS image_size = self._flags.SPATIAL_SIZE num_filter = self._flags.BASE_NUM_FILTERS assert image_size == 128 net = scn.Sequential() net.add(scn.InputLayer(dimension, image_size, mode=3)) net.add(scn.SubmanifoldConvolution(dimension, 1, num_filter, 3, False)) net.add(scn.MaxPooling(dimension, 2, 2)) net.add( SparseResNet(dimension, num_filter, [[num_filter * 1, 2, 1], [num_filter * 2, 2, 2], [num_filter * 4, 2, 2], [num_filter * 8, 2, 2]])) net.add( scn.Convolution(dimension, num_filter * 8, num_filter * 16, 3, 1, False)) net.add(scn.BatchNormReLU(num_filter * 16)) net.add(scn.SparseToDense(dimension, num_filter * 16)) net.add(torch.nn.AvgPool3d(6)) self._net = net self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(num_filter * 16, num_class)
def __init__(self, nf_in, nf, input_sparsetensor, return_sparsetensor, max_data_size): nn.Module.__init__(self) data_dim = 3 self.nf_in = nf_in = nf self.input_sparsetensor = input_sparsetensor self.return_sparsetensor = return_sparsetensor self.max_data_size = max_data_size if not self.input_sparsetensor: self.p0 = scn.InputLayer(data_dim, self.max_data_size, mode=0) self.p1 = scn.SubmanifoldConvolution(data_dim, nf_in, nf, filter_size=FSIZE0, bias=False) self.p2 = scn.Sequential() self.p2.add(scn.ConcatTable().add(scn.Identity()).add( scn.Sequential().add(scn.BatchNormReLU(nf)).add( scn.SubmanifoldConvolution( data_dim, nf, nf, FSIZE0, False)).add(scn.BatchNormReLU(nf)).add( scn.SubmanifoldConvolution(data_dim, nf, nf, FSIZE0, False)))).add( scn.AddTable()) self.p2.add(scn.BatchNormReLU(nf)) # downsample space by factor of 2 self.p3 = scn.Sequential().add( scn.Convolution(data_dim, nf, nf, FSIZE1, 2, False)) self.p3.add(scn.BatchNormReLU(nf)) if not self.return_sparsetensor: self.p4 = scn.SparseToDense(data_dim, nf)
def get_sparse_to_dense( num_dims, sparse, input_channels, output_channels=None): assert sparse assert input_channels == output_channels or output_channels is None stride = np.full(num_dims, 1) layer = scn.SparseToDense(num_dims, input_channels) return False, stride, input_channels, layer
def test_fb_sparse_convolution1d(self): dense_input = np.array([[[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2, 4], [1, 0, 0, 0]]]) kernel = np.array([[[0, -1, 2], [1, 1, -1], [0, 0, 0]]]) locations_x, locations_y = np.squeeze(dense_input).nonzero() features = dense_input[0, locations_x, locations_y] spatial_size = torch.LongTensor([3, 4]) input_layer = scn.InputLayer(2, spatial_size, mode=3) sparse_conv_layer = scn.SubmanifoldConvolution(dimension=2, nIn=1, nOut=1, filter_size=3, bias=False) = torch.squeeze( torch.tensor(kernel.flatten(), dtype=torch.float32))[:, None, None, None] output_layer = scn.SparseToDense(dimension=2, nPlanes=1) x = input_layer([ torch.LongTensor( np.concatenate((locations_x[:, None], locations_y[:, None]), axis=-1)), torch.FloatTensor(features)[:, None] ]) x = sparse_conv_layer(x) x = output_layer(x) dense_output = np.array([[[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 5], [1, 0, 0, 0]]]) self.assertListEqual(dense_output.flatten().squeeze().tolist(), torch.squeeze(x.flatten()).data.cpu().tolist())
def __init__(self): nn.Module.__init__(self) self.sparseModel = scn.Sequential( scn.SubmanifoldConvolution( 3, 1, 64, 7, False), # sscn(dimension, nIn, nOut, filter_size, bias) scn.BatchNormReLU(64), scn.MaxPooling(3, 3, 2), # MaxPooling(dimension, pool_size, pool_stride) scn.SparseResNet( 3, 64, [ # SpraseResNet(dimension, nInputPlanes, layers=[]) ['b', 64, 2, 1], # [block_type, nOut, rep, stride] ['b', 64, 2, 1], ['b', 128, 2, 2], ['b', 128, 2, 2], ['b', 256, 2, 2], ['b', 256, 2, 2], ['b', 512, 2, 2], ['b', 512, 2, 2] ]), scn.SparseToDense(3, 256)) self.avgpool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool3d((1, 1, 1)) # self.spatial_size= self.sparseModel.input_spatial_size(torch.LongTensor([1, 1])) self.spatial_size = torch.LongTensor([101, 101, 101]) self.inputLayer = scn.InputLayer(3, self.spatial_size, mode=3)
def __init__(self, nr_classes): super(FBSparseVGGTest, self).__init__() self.sparseModel = scn.SparseVggNet( 2, nInputPlanes=2, layers=[['C', 16], ['C', 16], 'MP', ['C', 32], ['C', 32], 'MP', ['C', 64], ['C', 64], 'MP', ['C', 128], ['C', 128], 'MP', ['C', 256], ['C', 256], 'MP', ['C', 512]]).add( scn.Convolution(2, 512, 256, 3, filter_stride=2, bias=False)).add( scn.BatchNormReLU(256)).add( scn.SparseToDense(2, 256)) cnn_spatial_output_size = [2, 3] self.spatial_size = self.sparseModel.input_spatial_size( torch.LongTensor(cnn_spatial_output_size)) self.inputLayer = scn.InputLayer(dimension=2, spatial_size=self.spatial_size, mode=2) self.linear_input_features = cnn_spatial_output_size[ 0] * cnn_spatial_output_size[1] * 256 self.linear = nn.Linear(self.linear_input_features, nr_classes)
def __init__(self, dimension, nPlanes,full_scale = 32,topk = 5,r = 0.5): super(DistMatchLayer_v4, self).__init__() self.dimension = dimension self.s2d = scn.SparseToDense(dimension, nPlanes) self.full_scale = full_scale self.topk = topk self.r = r
def _make_transpose(self, transblock, planes, blocks, stride=1): upsample = None if stride != 1: upsample = scn.Sequential( scn.SparseToDense(2,self.inplanes * transblock.expansion), nn.ConvTranspose2d(self.inplanes * transblock.expansion, planes, kernel_size=2, stride=stride, padding=0, bias=False), scn.DenseToSparse(2), scn.BatchNormalization(planes) ) elif self.inplanes * transblock.expansion != planes: upsample = scn.Sequential( scn.NetworkInNetwork(self.inplanes * transblock.expansion, planes, False), scn.BatchNormalization(planes) ) layers = [] for i in range(1, blocks): layers.append(transblock(self.inplanes, self.inplanes * transblock.expansion)) layers.append(transblock(self.inplanes, planes, stride, upsample)) self.inplanes = planes // transblock.expansion return scn.Sequential(*layers)
def __init__(self): import sparseconvnet as scn super(SCNet, self).__init__() self.input_tensor = scn.InputLayer(dimension=2, spatial_size=(3600, 3600)) self.elu = scn.ELU() self.conv1 = scn.SubmanifoldConvolution(dimension=2, nIn=1, nOut=10, filter_size=5, bias=False) self.conv2 = scn.SubmanifoldConvolution(dimension=2, nIn=10, nOut=64, filter_size=5, bias=False) self.conv3 = scn.SubmanifoldConvolution(dimension=2, nIn=64, nOut=128, filter_size=5, bias=False) self.conv4 = scn.SubmanifoldConvolution(dimension=2, nIn=128, nOut=256, filter_size=5, bias=False) self.maxp = scn.MaxPooling(dimension=2, pool_size=5, pool_stride=5) self.maxp2 = scn.MaxPooling(dimension=2, pool_size=4, pool_stride=4) N = 256 self.sparse_to_dense = scn.SparseToDense(dimension=2, nPlanes=N) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(N * 9 * 9, 32) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(32, 5)
def evaluate_child(self, child, hyperparameters): '''Calculate validation signal for child using hyperparameters ''' loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss() sparsifier = scn.InputLayer(len(self.input_space_size), self.input_space_size) densifier = scn.SparseToDense(len(self.latent_space_size), self.latent_space_channels) # move to gpu for eval total_loss = 0 for (inputs, targets) in self.val: inputs = [[torch.from_numpy(t).to(self.device) for t in j] for j in inputs] primary, secondary = inputs[0], inputs[1] primary[1] = primary[1].float().reshape(-1, 1) secondary[1] = secondary[1].float().reshape(-1, 1) predictions = child(primary, secondary) predictions = densifier(predictions) targets = [torch.from_numpy(t).to(self.device) for t in targets] targets[1] = targets[1].float().reshape(-1, 1) targets = sparsifier(targets) targets = densifier(targets) loss = loss_fn(predictions, targets) total_loss += loss.item() # take off gpu when finished'cpu') return total_loss / len(self.val)
def __init__(self, output_shape, use_norm=True, num_input_features=128, num_filters_down1=[64], num_filters_down2=[64, 64], name='SparseMiddleExtractor'): super(SparseMiddleExtractor, self).__init__() = name if use_norm: BatchNorm1d = change_default_args( eps=1e-3, momentum=0.01)(nn.BatchNorm1d) Linear = change_default_args(bias=False)(nn.Linear) else: BatchNorm1d = Empty Linear = change_default_args(bias=True)(nn.Linear) sparse_shape = np.array(output_shape[1:4]) + [1, 0, 0] # sparse_shape[0] = 11 print(sparse_shape) self.scn_input = scn.InputLayer(3, sparse_shape.tolist()) self.voxel_output_shape = output_shape middle_layers = [] num_filters = [num_input_features] + num_filters_down1 # num_filters = [64] + num_filters_down1 filters_pairs_d1 = [[num_filters[i], num_filters[i + 1]] for i in range(len(num_filters) - 1)] for i, o in filters_pairs_d1: middle_layers.append(scn.SubmanifoldConvolution(3, i, o, 3, False)) middle_layers.append(scn.BatchNormReLU(o, eps=1e-3, momentum=0.99)) middle_layers.append( scn.Convolution( 3, num_filters[-1], num_filters[-1], (3, 1, 1), (2, 1, 1), bias=False)) middle_layers.append( scn.BatchNormReLU(num_filters[-1], eps=1e-3, momentum=0.99)) # assert len(num_filters_down2) > 0 if len(num_filters_down1) == 0: num_filters = [num_filters[-1]] + num_filters_down2 else: num_filters = [num_filters_down1[-1]] + num_filters_down2 filters_pairs_d2 = [[num_filters[i], num_filters[i + 1]] for i in range(len(num_filters) - 1)] for i, o in filters_pairs_d2: middle_layers.append(scn.SubmanifoldConvolution(3, i, o, 3, False)) middle_layers.append(scn.BatchNormReLU(o, eps=1e-3, momentum=0.99)) middle_layers.append( scn.Convolution( 3, num_filters[-1], num_filters[-1], (3, 1, 1), (2, 1, 1), bias=False)) middle_layers.append( scn.BatchNormReLU(num_filters[-1], eps=1e-3, momentum=0.99)) middle_layers.append(scn.SparseToDense(3, num_filters[-1])) self.middle_conv = Sequential(*middle_layers)
def __init__(self, args): torch.nn.Module.__init__(self) # All of the parameters are controlled via the flags module # Create the sparse input tensor: self.input_tensor = scn.InputLayer(dimension=3, spatial_size=(512)) # Here, define the layers we will need in the forward path: # The convolutional layers, which can be shared or not across planes, # are defined below # We apply an initial convolution, to each plane, to get n_inital_filters self.initial_convolution = scn.SubmanifoldConvolution( dimension=3, nIn=1, nOut=args.n_initial_filters, filter_size=5, bias=args.use_bias) n_filters = args.n_initial_filters # Next, build out the convolution steps self.convolutional_layers = torch.nn.ModuleList() for layer in range(args.network_depth): self.convolutional_layers.append( SparseBlockSeries(inplanes=n_filters, n_blocks=args.res_blocks_per_layer, bias=args.use_bias, batch_norm=args.batch_norm, residual=True)) out_filters = 2 * n_filters self.convolutional_layers.append( SparseConvolutionDownsample(inplanes=n_filters, outplanes=out_filters, bias=args.use_bias, batch_norm=args.batch_norm)) # outplanes = n_filters + args.n_initial_filters)) n_filters = out_filters # Here, take the final output and convert to a dense tensor: self.final_layer = SparseBlockSeries( inplanes=n_filters, n_blocks=args.res_blocks_per_layer, bias=args.use_bias, batch_norm=args.batch_norm, residual=True) self.bottleneck = scn.SubmanifoldConvolution(dimension=3, nIn=n_filters, nOut=2, filter_size=3, bias=args.use_bias) self.sparse_to_dense = scn.SparseToDense(dimension=3, nPlanes=2)
def get_occupied_grids(self, inputs): dense_inputs = scn.InputLayer(2, [256, 5760])(inputs) dense_inputs = scn.SparseToDense(2, 2)(dense_inputs) dense_inputs = dense_inputs.sum(dim=1) gridified = torch.nn.MaxPool2d(self.pool_size)(dense_inputs) gridified =, 0.).float() #'gridified = %s %s',gridified.size(),gridified.sum()) return gridified
def __init__(self, output_shape): torch.nn.Module.__init__(self) # All of the parameters are controlled via the flags module # Create the sparse input tensor: self.input_tensor = scn.InputLayer(dimension=3, spatial_size=(512)) # Here, define the layers we will need in the forward path: # The convolutional layers, which can be shared or not across planes, # are defined below # We apply an initial convolution, to each plane, to get n_inital_filters self.initial_convolution = scn.SubmanifoldConvolution( dimension=3, nIn=1, nOut=FLAGS.N_INITIAL_FILTERS, filter_size=5, bias=FLAGS.USE_BIAS) n_filters = FLAGS.N_INITIAL_FILTERS # Next, build out the convolution steps self.convolutional_layers = [] for layer in range(FLAGS.NETWORK_DEPTH): self.convolutional_layers.append( SparseBlockSeries(n_filters, FLAGS.RES_BLOCKS_PER_LAYER, residual=True)) out_filters = filter_increase(n_filters) self.convolutional_layers.append( SparseConvolutionDownsample(inplanes=n_filters, outplanes=out_filters)) # outplanes = n_filters + FLAGS.N_INITIAL_FILTERS)) n_filters = out_filters self.add_module("conv_{}".format(layer), self.convolutional_layers[-2]) self.add_module("down_{}".format(layer), self.convolutional_layers[-1]) # Here, take the final output and convert to a dense tensor: self.final_layer = SparseBlockSeries( inplanes=n_filters, n_blocks=FLAGS.RES_BLOCKS_PER_LAYER, residual=True) self.bottleneck = scn.SubmanifoldConvolution(dimension=3, nIn=n_filters, nOut=2, filter_size=3, bias=FLAGS.USE_BIAS) self.sparse_to_dense = scn.SparseToDense(dimension=3, nPlanes=2)
def __init__(self): nn.Module.__init__(self) self.stage1 = scn.Sequential().add( scn.ValidConvolution(3, 1, 16, 3, False)) self.stage1.add(scn.MaxPooling(3, 2, 2)) res(self.stage1, 3, 16, 64) self.stage1.add(scn.MaxPooling(3, 2, 2)) self.stage2 = UNet6(3, nClasses) self.densePred = scn.SparseToDense(3, nClasses)
def __init__(self): nn.Module.__init__(self) self.sparseModel = scn.SparseVggNet( 2, 3, [['C', 16], ['C', 16], 'MP', ['C', 32], ['C', 32], 'MP', ['C', 48], ['C', 48], 'MP', ['C', 64], ['C', 64], 'MP', ['C', 96], ['C', 96] ]).add(scn.Convolution(2, 96, 128, 3, 2, False)).add( scn.BatchNormReLU(128)).add(scn.SparseToDense(2, 128)) self.linear = nn.Linear(128, 3755)
def __init__(self): nn.Module.__init__(self) self.sparseModel = scn.SparseVggNet(2, 3, [ ['C', 8, ], ['C', 8], 'MP', ['C', 16], ['C', 16], 'MP', ['C', 16 + 8], ['C', 16 + 8], 'MP', ['C', 24 + 8], ['C', 24 + 8], 'MP'] ).add(scn.Convolution(2, 32, 64, 5, 1, False) ).add(scn.BatchNormReLU(64) ).add(scn.SparseToDense(2, 64)) self.linear = nn.Linear(64, 183)
def __init__(self): super(CNN, self).__init__() ############################### # Hardcoded settings ############################### self._dimension = 3 reps = 2 kernel_size = 2 num_strides = 7 init_num_features = 8 nInputFeatures = 1 spatial_size = 128 #padding the rest for 169 PMTs num_classes = 2 # good versus ghost nPlanes = [(2**i) * init_num_features for i in range(0, num_strides) ] # every layer double the number of features downsample = [kernel_size, 2] leakiness = 0 ################################# # Input layer ################################# self.input = scn.Sequential().add( scn.InputLayer(self._dimension, spatial_size, mode=3)).add( scn.SubmanifoldConvolution(self._dimension, nInputFeatures, init_num_features, 3, False)) # Kernel size 3, no bias self.concat = scn.JoinTable() ################################# # Encode layers #################################\ self.encoding_conv = scn.Sequential() for i in range(num_strides): if i < 4: #hardcoded self.encoding_conv.add( scn.BatchNormLeakyReLU( nPlanes[i], leakiness=leakiness)).add( scn.Convolution(self._dimension, nPlanes[i], nPlanes[i + 1], downsample[0], downsample[1], False)) elif i < num_strides - 1: self.encoding_conv.add(scn.MaxPooling(self._dimension, 2, 2)) self.output = scn.Sequential().add( scn.SparseToDense(self._dimension, nPlanes[-1])) ################################### # Final linear layer ################################### self.deepest_layer_num_features = int( nPlanes[-1] * np.power(spatial_size / (2**(num_strides - 1)), 3.)) self.classifier = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.ReLU(), torch.nn.Linear(self.deepest_layer_num_features, 2), )
def __init__(self, sgc_config): nn.Module.__init__(self) self.stage1 = scn.Sequential().add( scn.ValidConvolution(3, 1, 16, 3, False)) self.stage1_2 = scn.MaxPooling(3, 2, 2) self.stage2 = scn.Sequential() res(self.stage2, 3, 16, 64) self.stage2_2 = scn.MaxPooling(3, 2, 2) self.stage3 = UNet6(3, nClasses, sgc_config=sgc_config) self.densePred = scn.SparseToDense(3, nClasses) self.sgc_config = sgc_config
def __init__(self): nn.Module.__init__(self) self.sparseModel = scn.SparseVggNet( 2, 3, [['C', 16], ['C', 16], 'MP', ['C', 32], ['C', 32], 'MP', ['C', 48], ['C', 48], 'MP', ['C', 64], ['C', 64], 'MP', ['C', 96], ['C', 96] ]).add(scn.Convolution(2, 96, 128, 3, 2, False)).add( scn.BatchNormReLU(128)).add(scn.SparseToDense(2, 128)) self.spatial_size = self.sparseModel.input_spatial_size( torch.LongTensor([1, 1])) self.inputLayer = scn.InputLayer(2, self.spatial_size, 2) self.linear = nn.Linear(128, 3755)
def __init__(self): nn.Module.__init__(self) self.sparseModel = scn.Sequential().add( scn.SubmanifoldConvolution(2, 3, 8, 3, False)).add( scn.MaxPooling(2, 3, 2)).add( scn.SparseResNet(2, 8, [['b', 8, 2, 1], [ 'b', 16, 2, 2 ], ['b', 24, 2, 2], ['b', 32, 2, 2]])).add( scn.Convolution(2, 32, 64, 5, 1, False)).add(scn.BatchNormReLU(64)).add( scn.SparseToDense(2, 64)) self.linear = nn.Linear(64, 183)
def __init__(self): nn.Module.__init__(self) self.sparseModel = scn.Sequential( scn.SubmanifoldConvolution(2, 3, 16, 3, False), scn.BatchNormReLU(16), scn.SparseResNet( 2, 16, [['b', 16, 3, 1], ['b', 32, 3, 2], ['b', 64, 3, 2]]), scn.AveragePooling(2, 8, 8), scn.SparseToDense(2, 64)) self.spatial_size = self.sparseModel.input_spatial_size( torch.LongTensor([1, 1])) self.inputLayer = scn.InputLayer(2, self.spatial_size, 2) self.linear = nn.Linear(64, 10)
def __init__(self, num_classes=5): nn.Module.__init__(self) self.sparseModel = scn.Sequential().add(scn.DenseToSparse(2)).add( scn.ValidConvolution(2, 3, 8, 2, False)).add( scn.MaxPooling(2, 4, 2)).add( scn.SparseResNet(2, 8, [['b', 8, 3, 1], [ 'b', 16, 2, 2 ], ['b', 24, 2, 2], ['b', 32, 2, 2]])).add( scn.Convolution(2, 32, 64, 4, 1, False)).add(scn.BatchNormReLU(64)).add( scn.SparseToDense(2, 64)) self.linear = nn.Linear(6400, num_classes)
def __init__(self): nn.Module.__init__(self) self.sparseModel = scn.Sequential( scn.SubmanifoldConvolution(2, 3, 16, 3, False), scn.MaxPooling(2, 3, 2), scn.SparseResNet(2, 16, [['b', 16, 2, 1], ['b', 32, 2, 2], ['b', 48, 2, 2], ['b', 96, 2, 2]]), scn.Convolution(2, 96, 128, 3, 1, False), scn.BatchNormReLU(128), scn.SparseToDense(2, 128)) self.spatial_size = self.sparseModel.input_spatial_size( torch.LongTensor([1, 1])) self.inputLayer = scn.InputLayer(2, self.spatial_size, 2) self.linear = nn.Linear(128, 3755)
def __init__(self, dimension=3, device='cuda'): nn.Module.__init__(self) self.sparseModel = scn.Sequential().add( scn.SparseVggNet( dimension, 1, [['C', 8], ['C', 8], ['MP', 3, 2], ['C', 16], ['C', 16], ['MP', 3, 2], ['C', 24], ['C', 24], ['MP', 3, 2]])).add( scn.SubmanifoldConvolution( dimension, 24, 32, 3, False)).add(scn.BatchNormReLU(32)).add( scn.SparseToDense(dimension, 32)).to(device) self.spatial_size = self.sparseModel.input_spatial_size( torch.LongTensor([1] * dimension)) self.inputLayer = scn.InputLayer(dimension, self.spatial_size)
def __init__(self): nn.Module.__init__(self) self.sparseModel = scn.Sequential( scn.SparseVggNet( 2, 3, [[ 'C', 8, ], ['C', 8], 'MP', ['C', 16], ['C', 16], 'MP', ['C', 16, 8], ['C', 16, 8], 'MP', ['C', 24, 8], ['C', 24, 8], 'MP']), scn.Convolution(2, 32, 64, 5, 1, False), scn.BatchNormReLU(64), scn.SparseToDense(2, 64)) self.spatial_size = self.sparseModel.input_spatial_size( torch.LongTensor([1, 1])) self.inputLayer = scn.InputLayer(2, self.spatial_size, 2) self.linear = nn.Linear(64, 183)
def forward(self, x): pdb.set_trace() x = self.inputLayer(x) x = self.sscn1(x) x = scn.ReLU()(x) x = self.sscn2(x) x = scn.SparseToDense(2, 64)(x) x = F.relu(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2) x = self.dropout1(x) x = torch.flatten(x, 1) x = self.fc1(x) x = F.relu(x) x = self.dropout2(x) x = self.fc2(x) output = F.log_softmax(x, dim=1) return output