def load_model(self,weight_file,device,use_half): # import pytorch try: import torch except: raise RuntimeError("could not load pytorch!") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # import model - change to my model sys.path.append("../../../networks/infill") from sparseinfill import SparseInfill if "cuda" not in device and "cpu" not in device: raise ValueError("invalid device name [{}]. Must str with name \ \"cpu\" or \"cuda:X\" where X=device number") self.device = torch.device(device) map_location = {"cuda:0":"cpu","cuda:1":"cpu"} self.model = SparseInfill( (512,496), 1,16,16,5, show_sizes=False) checkpoint = torch.load( weight_file, map_location=map_location ) from_data_parallel = False for k,v in checkpoint["state_dict"].items(): if "module." in k: from_data_parallel = True break if from_data_parallel: new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in checkpoint["state_dict"].items(): name = k[7:] # remove `module.` new_state_dict[name] = v checkpoint["state_dict"] = new_state_dict self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["state_dict"]) self.model.eval() print ("Loaded Model!")
def forwardpassy(data_t, CHECKPOINT_FILE=None): # function to load the sparse infill network and run a forward pass of one image # make tensor for coords (row,col,batch) ncoords = np.size(data_t, 0) coord_t = torch.ones((ncoords, 3), isdead = np.equal(data_t, np.zeros((ncoords, 3))) isdeadnum = np.sum(isdead) if (isdeadnum == 0): print("SKIPPED DUE TO NO DEAD CHANNELS") return data_t # tensor for input pixels input_t = torch.zeros((ncoords, 1), dtype=torch.float) coord_t[0:ncoords,0:2] \ = torch.from_numpy(data_t[:,0:2].astype( ) input_t[0:ncoords, 0] = torch.from_numpy(data_t[:, 2]) # print coord_t # print input_t # loading model with hard coded parameters used in training # ( (height,width),reps,ninput_features, noutput_features,nplanes, show_sizes=False) if CHECKPOINT_FILE is None: CHECKPOINT_FILE = "/mnt/disk1/nutufts/kmason/sparsenet/ubdl/sparse_infill/sparse_infill/training/sparseinfill_yplane_test.tar" model = SparseInfill((512, 496), 1, 16, 16, 5, show_sizes=False) # load checkpoint data checkpoint = torch.load(CHECKPOINT_FILE, { "cuda:0": "cpu", "cuda:1": "cpu" }) for name, arr in checkpoint["state_dict"].items(): if (("unet" in name and "weight" in name and len(arr.shape) == 3) or ("conv2" in name and "weight" in name and len(arr.shape) == 3) or ("conv1" in name and "weight" in name and len(arr.shape) == 3) or ("sparseModel" in name and "weight" in name and len(arr.shape) == 3)): #print("reshaping ",name) checkpoint["state_dict"][name] = arr.reshape( (arr.shape[0], 1, arr.shape[1], arr.shape[2])) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["state_dict"]) model.eval() loadedmodeltime = time.time() # run the forward pass with torch.set_grad_enabled(False): out_t = model(coord_t, input_t, 1) forwardpasstime = time.time() out_t = predict_t = np.zeros((ncoords, 3), dtype=np.float32) predict_t[:, 2] = out_t[:, 0] predict_t[:, 0:2] = data_t[:, 0:2] print("forwardpass: ", forwardpasstime - loadedmodeltime) return predict_t
def load_model(CHECKPOINT_FILE, DEVICE): model = SparseInfill((512, 496), 1, 16, 16, 5, show_sizes=False).to(torch.device(DEVICE)) checkpoint = torch.load(CHECKPOINT_FILE, { "cuda:0": DEVICE, "cuda:1": DEVICE }) for name, arr in checkpoint["state_dict"].items(): if (("unet" in name and "weight" in name and len(arr.shape) == 3) or ("conv2" in name and "weight" in name and len(arr.shape) == 3) or ("conv1" in name and "weight" in name and len(arr.shape) == 3) or ("sparseModel" in name and "weight" in name and len(arr.shape) == 3)): #print("reshaping ",name) checkpoint["state_dict"][name] = arr.reshape( (arr.shape[0], 1, arr.shape[1], arr.shape[2])) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["state_dict"]) model.eval() #print(model) return model
def main(): global best_prec1 global writer global num_iters if GPUMODE: DEVICE = torch.device("cuda:%d"%(DEVICE_IDS[0])) else: DEVICE = torch.device("cpu") # create model, mark it to run on the GPU imgdims = 2 ninput_features = 16 noutput_features = 16 nplanes = 5 reps = 1 # self, inputshape, reps, nin_features, nout_features, nplanes,show_sizes model = SparseInfill( (IMAGE_HEIGHT,IMAGE_WIDTH), reps, ninput_features, noutput_features, nplanes, show_sizes=False).to(DEVICE) # Resume training option if RESUME_FROM_CHECKPOINT: print "RESUMING FROM CHECKPOINT FILE ",CHECKPOINT_FILE checkpoint = torch.load( CHECKPOINT_FILE, map_location=CHECKPOINT_MAP_LOCATIONS ) # load weights to gpuid best_prec1 = checkpoint["best_prec1"] if CHECKPOINT_FROM_DATA_PARALLEL: model = nn.DataParallel( model, device_ids=DEVICE_IDS ) # distribute across device_ids model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["state_dict"]) if not CHECKPOINT_FROM_DATA_PARALLEL and len(DEVICE_IDS)>1: model = nn.DataParallel( model, device_ids=DEVICE_IDS ).to(device=DEVICE) # distribute across device_ids # uncomment to dump model if False: print "Loaded model: ",model return # define loss function (criterion) and optimizer criterion = SparseInfillLoss().to(device=DEVICE) # training parameters lr = 1.0e-4 momentum = 0.9 weight_decay = 1.0e-4 # training length batchsize_train = BATCHSIZE_TRAIN batchsize_valid = BATCHSIZE_VALID#*len(DEVICE_IDS) start_epoch = 0 epochs = 10 iter_per_epoch = None # determined later iter_per_valid = 10 nbatches_per_itertrain = 5 itersize_train = batchsize_train*nbatches_per_itertrain trainbatches_per_print = -1 nbatches_per_itervalid = 5 itersize_valid = batchsize_valid*nbatches_per_itervalid validbatches_per_print = -1 # SETUP OPTIMIZER # SGD w/ momentum #optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr, # momentum=momentum, # weight_decay=weight_decay) # ADAM # betas default: (0.9, 0.999) for (grad, grad^2). smoothing coefficient for grad. magnitude calc. # optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), # lr=lr, # weight_decay=weight_decay) # RMSPROP optimizer = torch.optim.RMSprop(model.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay) # optimize algorithms based on input size (good if input size is constant) cudnn.benchmark = True # LOAD THE DATASET iotrain = load_infill_larcvdata( "train_adc", INPUTFILE_TRAIN, BATCHSIZE_TRAIN, NWORKERS_TRAIN, input_producer_name="ADCMasked", true_producer_name="ADC", plane = 0, tickbackward=TICKBACKWARD, readonly_products=None ) iovalid = load_infill_larcvdata( "valid_adc", INPUTFILE_TRAIN, BATCHSIZE_TRAIN, NWORKERS_TRAIN, input_producer_name="ADCMasked", true_producer_name="ADC", plane = 0, tickbackward=TICKBACKWARD, readonly_products=None ) print "pause to give time to feeders" NENTRIES = len(iotrain) #NENTRIES = 100000 print "Number of entries in training set: ",NENTRIES if NENTRIES>0: iter_per_epoch = NENTRIES/(itersize_train) if num_iters is None: # we set it by the number of request epochs num_iters = (epochs-start_epoch)*NENTRIES else: epochs = num_iters/NENTRIES else: iter_per_epoch = 1 print "Number of epochs: ",epochs print "Iter per epoch: ",iter_per_epoch with torch.autograd.profiler.profile(enabled=RUNPROFILER) as prof: # Resume training option if RESUME_FROM_CHECKPOINT: print "RESUMING FROM CHECKPOINT FILE ",CHECKPOINT_FILE checkpoint = torch.load( CHECKPOINT_FILE, map_location=CHECKPOINT_MAP_LOCATIONS ) best_prec1 = checkpoint["best_prec1"] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["state_dict"]) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) # if GPUMODE: # optimizer.cuda(GPUID) for ii in range(start_iter, num_iters): adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, ii, lr) print "MainLoop Iter:%d Epoch:%d.%d "%(ii,ii/iter_per_epoch,ii%iter_per_epoch), for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: print "lr=%.3e"%(param_group['lr']), print # train for one iteration try: _ = train(iotrain, DEVICE, BATCHSIZE_TRAIN, model, criterion, optimizer, nbatches_per_itertrain, ii, trainbatches_per_print) except Exception,e: print "Error in training routine!" print e.message print e.__class__.__name__ traceback.print_exc(e) break # evaluate on validation set if ii%iter_per_valid==0 and ii>0: try: totloss, acc5 = validate(iovalid, DEVICE, BATCHSIZE_VALID, model, criterion, optimizer, nbatches_per_itervalid, ii, validbatches_per_print) except Exception,e: print "Error in validation routine!" print e.message print e.__class__.__name__ traceback.print_exc(e) break # remember best prec@1 and save checkpoint prec1 =acc5 is_best = prec1 > best_prec1 best_prec1 = max(prec1, best_prec1) # check point for best model if is_best: print "Saving best model" save_checkpoint({ 'iter':ii, 'epoch': ii/iter_per_epoch, 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'best_prec1': best_prec1, 'optimizer' : optimizer.state_dict(), }, is_best, -1) # periodic checkpoint if ii>0 and ii%ITER_PER_CHECKPOINT==0: print "saving periodic checkpoint" save_checkpoint({ 'iter':ii, 'epoch': ii/iter_per_epoch, 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'best_prec1': best_prec1, 'optimizer' : optimizer.state_dict(), }, False, ii) # flush the print buffer after iteration sys.stdout.flush()
def forwardpass(sparseimg_bson_list, checkpoint_file): """ function to load the sparse infill network and run a forward pass of one image make tensor for coords (row,col,batch). expects an input consisting of a list of pybyte objects containing json versions of SparseImage """ print("[INFILL] forward pass") print("[INFILL] Load modules: ROOT") from ROOT import std print("[INFILL] Load modules: larcv") from larcv import larcv print("[INFILL] Load modules: ublarcapp") from ublarcvapp import ublarcvapp print("[INFILL] Load modules: load_jsonutils") larcv.json.load_jsonutils batchsize = 1 starttime = time.time() # load the model print("[INFILL] define sparse model") model = SparseInfill((512, 496), 1, 16, 16, 5, show_sizes=False) # load checkpoint data print("[INFILL] load checkpoint file {}".format(checkpoint_file)) checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_file, { "cuda:0": "cpu", "cuda:1": "cpu" }) best_prec1 = checkpoint["best_prec1"] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["state_dict"]) loadedmodeltime = time.time() - starttime print("[INFILL] model loading time: %.2f secs" % (loadedmodeltime)) # parse the input data, loop over pybyte objects sparsedata_v = [] rse_v = [] ntotalpts = 0 for bson in sparseimg_bson_list: c_run = c_int() c_subrun = c_int() c_event = c_int() c_id = c_int() imgdata = larcv.json.sparseimg_from_bson_pybytes( bson, c_run, c_subrun, c_event, c_id) sparsedata_v.append(imgdata) rse_v.append((c_run.value, c_subrun.value, c_event.value, c_id.value)) nbatches = len(sparsedata_v) / batchsize if len(sparsedata_v) % batchsize != 0: nbatches += 1 iimgs = 0 tloadbatchdata = 0. trunmodel = 0. tpackoutput = 0. bson_results_v = [] # loop over batches for ibatch in range(nbatches): starttime = time.time() # count the number of pts in each image of the batch totalpts = 0 npts_v = [] for ib in range(batchsize): img_idx = ibatch * batchsize + ib if img_idx >= len(sparsedata_v): continue img = sparsedata_v[img_idx] imgpts = int(img.pixellist().size() / (img.nfeatures() + 2)) print("pixlist={} nfeatures={} npts={}".format( img.pixellist().size(), img.nfeatures(), imgpts)) totalpts += imgpts npts_v.append(imgpts) print("Pt totals: ", npts_v) # prepare numpy array for batch coord_np = np.zeros((totalpts, 3), input_np = np.zeros((totalpts, 1), dtype=np.float32) # fill data into batch arrays nfilled = 0 for ib in range(batchsize): img_idx = ibatch * batchsize + ib if img_idx >= len(sparsedata_v): continue img_np = larcv.as_ndarray(sparsedata_v[img_idx], larcv.msg.kNORMAL) start = nfilled end = nfilled + npts_v[ib] coord_np[start:end, 0:2] = img_np[:, 0:2].astype( coord_np[start:end, 2] = ib input_np[start:end, 0] = img_np[:, 2] nfilled = end # convert to torch coord_t = torch.from_numpy(coord_np).to(torch.device("cpu")) input_t = torch.from_numpy(input_np).to(torch.device("cpu")) tloadbatchdata += time.time() - starttime starttime = time.time() # run through the model with torch.set_grad_enabled(False): out_t = model(coord_t, input_t, batchsize) out_np = out_t.detach().cpu().numpy() trunmodel += time.time() - starttime # packoutput back into bson starttime = time.time() # loop over batch nfilled = 0 for ib in range(batchsize): img_idx = ibatch * batchsize + ib if img_idx >= len(sparsedata_v): continue rsei = rse_v[img_idx] meta = sparsedata_v[img_idx].meta_v().front() outmeta_v = std.vector("larcv::ImageMeta")() outmeta_v.push_back(meta) start = nfilled end = nfilled + npts_v[ib] sparse_np = np.zeros((npts_v[ib], 3), dtype=np.float32) sparse_np[:, 0:2] = coord_np[start:end, 0:2] sparse_np[:, 2] = out_np[start:end, 0] # make the sparseimage object sparseimg = larcv.sparseimg_from_ndarray(sparse_np, outmeta_v, larcv.msg.kNORMAL) # convert to bson string print("[{}] {}".format(img_idx, rsei)) bson = larcv.json.as_bson_pybytes(sparseimg, rsei[0], rsei[1], rsei[2], rsei[3]) # store in output list bson_results_v.append(bson) tpackoutput = time.time() - starttime return bson_results_v
def main(): inputfiles = ["/mnt/disk1/nutufts/kmason/data/sparseinfill_data_test.root"] outputfile = ["sparseoutput.root"] CHECKPOINT_FILE = "../training/vplane_24000.tar" trueadc_h = TH1F('adc value', 'adc value', 100, 0., 100.) predictadc_h = TH1F('adc value', 'adc value', 100, 0., 100.) diffs2d_thresh_h = TH2F('h2', 'diff2d', 90, 10., 100., 90, 10., 100.) diff2d_h = TH2F('h2', 'diff2d', 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., 100.) if GPUMODE: DEVICE = torch.device("cuda:%d" % (DEVICE_IDS[0])) else: DEVICE = torch.device("cpu") iotest = load_infill_larcvdata("infillsparsetest", inputfiles, batchsize, nworkers, "ADCMasked", "ADC", plane, tickbackward=tickbackward, readonly_products=readonly_products) inputmeta = larcv.IOManager(larcv.IOManager.kREAD) inputmeta.add_in_file(inputfiles[0]) inputmeta.initialize() # setup model model = SparseInfill((image_height, image_width), reps, ninput_features, noutput_features, nplanes, show_sizes=False).to(DEVICE) # load checkpoint data checkpoint = torch.load( CHECKPOINT_FILE, map_location=CHECKPOINT_MAP_LOCATIONS) # load weights to gpuid best_prec1 = checkpoint["best_prec1"] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["state_dict"]) tstart = time.time() # values for average accuracies totacc2 = 0 totacc5 = 0 totacc10 = 0 totacc20 = 0 totalbinacc = 0 # output IOManager outputdata = larcv.IOManager(larcv.IOManager.kWRITE, "IOManager", larcv.IOManager.kTickForward) outputdata.set_out_file("sparseoutput.root") outputdata.initialize() # save to output file ev_out_ADC = outputdata.get_data(larcv.kProductImage2D, "ADC") ev_out_input = outputdata.get_data(larcv.kProductImage2D, "Input") ev_out_output = outputdata.get_data(larcv.kProductImage2D, "Output") ev_out_overlay = outputdata.get_data(larcv.kProductImage2D, "Overlay") totaltime = 0 for n in xrange(nentries): starttime = time.time() print "On entry: ", n inputmeta.read_entry(n) ev_meta = inputmeta.get_data(larcv.kProductSparseImage, "ADC") outmeta = ev_meta.SparseImageArray()[0].meta_v() model.eval() infilldict = iotest.get_tensor_batch(DEVICE) coord_t = infilldict["coord"] input_t = infilldict["ADCMasked"] true_t = infilldict["ADC"] # run through model predict_t = model(coord_t, input_t, 1) forwardpasstime = time.time() predict_t.detach().cpu().numpy() input_t.detach().cpu().numpy() true_t.detach().cpu().numpy() # calculate accuracies labels = input_t.eq(0).float() chargelabel = labels * (true_t > 0).float() totaldeadcharge = chargelabel.sum().float() totaldead = labels.sum().float() predictdead = labels * predict_t truedead = true_t * labels predictcharge = chargelabel * predict_t truecharge = chargelabel * true_t err = (predictcharge - truecharge).abs() totacc2 += ( * chargelabel.float()).sum().item() / totaldeadcharge totacc5 += ( * chargelabel.float()).sum().item() / totaldeadcharge totacc10 += ( * chargelabel.float()).sum().item() / totaldeadcharge totacc20 += ( * chargelabel.float()).sum().item() / totaldeadcharge bineq0 = (truedead.eq(0).float() * predictdead.eq(0).float() * labels).sum().item() bingt0 = ( * totalbinacc += (bineq0 + bingt0) / totaldead # construct dense images ADC_img = larcv.Image2D(image_width, image_height) Input_img = larcv.Image2D(image_width, image_height) Output_img = larcv.Image2D(image_width, image_height) Overlay_img = larcv.Image2D(image_width, image_height) ADC_img, Input_img, Output_img, Overlay_img, trueadc_h, predictadc_h, diff2d_h, diffs2d_thresh_h = pixelloop( true_t, coord_t, predict_t, input_t, ADC_img, Input_img, Output_img, Overlay_img, trueadc_h, predictadc_h, diff2d_h, diffs2d_thresh_h) ev_out_ADC.Append(ADC_img) ev_out_input.Append(Input_img) ev_out_output.Append(Output_img) ev_out_overlay.Append(Overlay_img) outputdata.set_id(, ev_meta.subrun(), ev_meta.event()) outputdata.save_entry() endentrytime = time.time() print "total entry time: ", endentrytime - starttime print "forward pass time: ", forwardpasstime - starttime totaltime += forwardpasstime - starttime avgacc2 = (totacc2 / nentries) * 100 avgacc5 = (totacc5 / nentries) * 100 avgacc10 = (totacc10 / nentries) * 100 avgacc20 = (totacc20 / nentries) * 100 avgbin = (totalbinacc / nentries) * 100 tend = time.time() - tstart print "elapsed time, ", tend, "secs ", tend / float(nentries), " sec/batch" print "average forward pass time: ", totaltime / nentries print "--------------------------------------------------------------------" print " For dead pixels that should have charge..." print "<2 ADC of true: ", avgacc2.item(), "%" print "<5 ADC of true: ", avgacc5.item(), "%" print "<10 ADC of true: ", avgacc10.item(), "%" print "<20 ADC of true: ", avgacc20.item(), "%" print "binary acc in dead: ", avgbin.item(), "%" print "--------------------------------------------------------------------" # create canvas to save as pngs # ADC values rt.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) c1 = TCanvas("ADC Values", "ADC Values", 600, 600) trueadc_h.GetXaxis().SetTitle("ADC Value") trueadc_h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Number of pixels") c1.UseCurrentStyle() trueadc_h.SetLineColor(632) predictadc_h.SetLineColor(600) c1.SetLogy() trueadc_h.Draw() predictadc_h.Draw("SAME") legend = TLegend(0.1, 0.7, 0.48, 0.9) legend.AddEntry(trueadc_h, "True Image", "l") legend.AddEntry(predictadc_h, "Output Image", "l") legend.Draw() c1.SaveAs(("ADCValues.png")) # 2d ADC difference histogram c2 = TCanvas("diffs2D", "diffs2D", 600, 600) c2.UseCurrentStyle() line = TLine(0, 0, 80, 80) line.SetLineColor(632) diff2d_h.SetOption("COLZ") c2.SetLogz() diff2d_h.GetXaxis().SetTitle("True ADC value") diff2d_h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Predicted ADC value") diff2d_h.Draw() line.Draw() c2.SaveAs(("diffs2d.png")) # 2d ADC difference histogram - thresholded c3 = TCanvas("diffs2D_thresh", "diffs2D_thresh", 600, 600) c3.UseCurrentStyle() line = TLine(10, 10, 80, 80) line.SetLineColor(632) diffs2d_thresh_h.SetOption("COLZ") diffs2d_thresh_h.GetXaxis().SetTitle("True ADC value") diffs2d_thresh_h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Predicted ADC value") diffs2d_thresh_h.Draw() line.Draw() c3.SaveAs(("diffs2d_thresh.png")) # save results outputdata.finalize()
class UBInfillSparseWorker(MDPyWorkerBase): def __init__(self,broker_address,plane, weight_file,device,batch_size, use_half=False,use_compression=False, **kwargs): """ Constructor inputs ------ broker_address str IP address of broker plane int Plane ID number. Currently [0,1,2] only weight_file str path to files with weights batch_size int number of batches to process in one pass """ if type(plane) is not int: raise ValueError("'plane' argument must be integer for plane ID") elif plane not in [0,1,2]: raise ValueError("unrecognized plane argument. \ should be either one of [0,1,2]") else: print("PLANE GOOD: ", plane) pass if type(batch_size) is not int or batch_size<0: raise ValueError("'batch_size' must be a positive integer") self.plane = plane self.batch_size = batch_size self._still_processing_msg = False self._use_half = use_half self._use_compression = use_compression service_name = "infill_plane%d"%(self.plane) super(UBInfillSparseWorker,self).__init__( service_name, broker_address, **kwargs) self.load_model(weight_file,device,self._use_half) if self.is_model_loaded():"Loaded ubInfill model. Service={}"\ .format(service_name)) def load_model(self,weight_file,device,use_half): # import pytorch try: import torch except: raise RuntimeError("could not load pytorch!") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # import model - change to my model sys.path.append("../../../networks/infill") from sparseinfill import SparseInfill if "cuda" not in device and "cpu" not in device: raise ValueError("invalid device name [{}]. Must str with name \ \"cpu\" or \"cuda:X\" where X=device number") self.device = torch.device(device) map_location = {"cuda:0":"cpu","cuda:1":"cpu"} self.model = SparseInfill( (512,496), 1,16,16,5, show_sizes=False) checkpoint = torch.load( weight_file, map_location=map_location ) from_data_parallel = False for k,v in checkpoint["state_dict"].items(): if "module." in k: from_data_parallel = True break if from_data_parallel: new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in checkpoint["state_dict"].items(): name = k[7:] # remove `module.` new_state_dict[name] = v checkpoint["state_dict"] = new_state_dict self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["state_dict"]) self.model.eval() print ("Loaded Model!") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_reply(self,request,nreplies): """we load each image and pass it through the net. we run one batch before sending off partial reply. the attribute self._still_processing_msg is used to tell us if we are still in the middle of a reply. """ #print("DummyPyWorker. Sending client message back") self._log.debug("received message with {} parts".format(len(request))) if not self.is_model_loaded(): self._log.debug("model not loaded for some reason. loading.") try: import torch except: raise RuntimeError("could not load pytorch!") try: from ROOT import std except: raise RuntimeError("could not load ROOT.std") # message pattern: [image_bson,image_bson,...] nmsgs = len(request) nbatches = nmsgs/self.batch_size if not self._still_processing_msg: self._next_msg_id = 0 # turn message pieces into numpy arrays imgdata_v = [] sizes = [] frames_used = [] rseid_v = [] totalpts =0 for imsg in xrange(self._next_msg_id,nmsgs): try: compressed_data = str(request[imsg]) if self._use_compression: data = zlib.decompress(compressed_data) else: data = compressed_data c_run = c_int() c_subrun = c_int() c_event = c_int() c_id = c_int() imgdata = larcv.json.sparseimg_from_bson_pybytes(data, c_run, c_subrun, c_event, c_id ) except Exception as e: self._log.error("Image Data in message part {}\ could not be converted: {}".format(imsg,str(e))) continue self._log.debug("Image[{}] converted: nfeatures={} npts={}"\ .format(imsg,imgdata.nfeatures(), imgdata.pixellist().size()/(imgdata.nfeatures()+1))) # get source meta # print ("nmeta=",imgdata.meta_v().size()) srcmeta = imgdata.meta_v().front() # print( "srcmeta=",srcmeta.dump()) # check if correct plane! if srcmeta.plane()!=self.plane: self._log.debug("Image[{}] meta plane ({}) is not same as worker's ({})!" .format(imsg,srcmeta.plane(),self.plane)) continue # check that same size as previous images nfeatures = imgdata.nfeatures() npts = imgdata.pixellist().size()/(2+nfeatures) imgsize = ( int(srcmeta.rows()), int(srcmeta.cols()), int(nfeatures), int(npts) ) if len(sizes)==0: sizes.append(imgsize) elif len(sizes)>0 and imgsize not in sizes: self._log.debug("Next image a different size. \ we do not continue batch.") self._next_msg_id = imsg break totalpts += npts imgdata_v.append(imgdata) frames_used.append(imsg) rseid_v.append((c_run.value,c_subrun.value,c_event.value,c_id.value)) if len(imgdata_v)>=self.batch_size: self._next_msg_id = imsg+1 break # convert the images into numpy arrays nimgs = len(imgdata_v) self._log.debug("converted msgs into batch of {} images. frames={}" .format(nimgs,frames_used)) np_dtype = np.float32 # img_batch_np = np.zeros( (nimgs,1,sizes[0][1],sizes[0][0]), # dtype=np_dtype ) coord_np = np.zeros( (totalpts,3), ) input_np = np.zeros( (totalpts,1), dtype=np_dtype ) nfilled = 0 for iimg,imgdata in enumerate(imgdata_v): (rows,cols,nfeatures,npts) = sizes[iimg] # print ("size of img", len(imgdata.pixellist())) if (len(imgdata.pixellist()) == 0): start = 0 end = 1 totalpts = end coord_np = np.zeros( (totalpts,3), ) input_np = np.zeros( (totalpts,1), dtype=np_dtype ) coord_np[start:end,0] = 0 coord_np[start:end,1] = 0 coord_np[start:end,2] = iimg input_np[start:end,0] = 10.1 nfilled = 1 else: data_np = larcv.as_ndarray( imgdata, larcv.msg.kNORMAL ) start = nfilled end = nfilled+npts coord_np[start:end,0:2] = data_np[:,0:2].astype( coord_np[start:end,2] = iimg input_np[start:end,0] = data_np[:,2] nfilled = end # print("shape of image: ",img2d_np.shape) coord_t = torch.from_numpy( coord_np ).to(self.device) input_t = torch.from_numpy( input_np ).to(self.device) with torch.set_grad_enabled(False): out_t = self.model(coord_t, input_t, len(imgdata_v)) out_t = out_t.detach().cpu().numpy() # convert from numpy array batch back to sparseimage and messages reply = [] nfilled = 0 for iimg,(imgshape,imgdata,rseid) in enumerate(zip(sizes,imgdata_v,rseid_v)): npts = imgshape[3] start = nfilled end = start+npts nfeatures = 1 # make numpy array to remake sparseimg sparse_np = np.zeros( (npts,2+nfeatures), dtype=np.float32 ) sparse_np[:,0:2] = coord_np[start:end,0:2] sparse_np[:,2] = out_t[start:end,0] outmeta_v = std.vector("larcv::ImageMeta")() outmeta_v.push_back( imgdata.meta_v().front() ) # make the sparseimage object sparseimg = larcv.sparseimg_from_ndarray( sparse_np, outmeta_v, larcv.msg.kNORMAL ) # convert to bson string bson = larcv.json.as_bson_pybytes( sparseimg, rseid[0], rseid[1], rseid[2], rseid[3] ) # compress if self._use_compression: compressed = zlib.compress(bson) else: compressed = bson # add to reply message list reply.append(compressed) nfilled += npts if self._next_msg_id>=nmsgs: isfinal = True self._still_processing_msg = False else: isfinal = False self._still_processing_msg = True self._log.debug("formed reply with {} frames. isfinal={}" .format(len(reply),isfinal)) return reply,isfinal def is_model_loaded(self): return self.model is not None