Example #1
    def _back_prop(self, z, a, X_train):
        delta = self.loss.delta(X_train, a[self.n_layers])
        dw = coo_matrix(self.w[self.n_layers - 1])

        # compute backpropagation updates
            a[self.n_layers - 1], delta, dw.row, dw.col, dw.data
        )  # If you have problems with Cython please use the backpropagation_updates_Numpy method by uncommenting the line below and commenting the one above. Please note that the running time will be much higher
        # If you have problems with Cython please use the backpropagation_updates_Numpy method by uncommenting the line below and commenting the one above. Please note that the running time will be much higher
        #backpropagation_updates_Numpy(a[self.n_layers - 1], delta, dw.row, dw.col, dw.data)

        update_params = {self.n_layers - 1: (dw.tocsr(), delta)}
        for i in reversed(range(2, self.n_layers)):
            delta = (delta
                     @ self.w[i].transpose()) * self.activations[i].prime(z[i])
            dw = coo_matrix(self.w[i - 1])

            # compute backpropagation updates
                a[i - 1], delta, dw.row, dw.col, dw.data
            )  # If you have problems with Cython please use the backpropagation_updates_Numpy method by uncommenting the line below and commenting the one above. Please note that the running time will be much higher
            # If you have problems with Cython please use the backpropagation_updates_Numpy method by uncommenting the line below and commenting the one above. Please note that the running time will be much higher
            #backpropagation_updates_Numpy(a[i - 1], delta, dw.row, dw.col, dw.data)

            update_params[i - 1] = (dw.tocsr(), delta)
            for k, v in update_params.items():
                self._update_w_b(k, v[0], v[1])
    def _back_prop(self, z, a, y_true):
        The input dicts keys represent the layers of the net.

        a = { 1: x,
              2: f(w1(x) + b1)
              3: f(w2(a2) + b2)
              4: f(w3(a3) + b3)
              5: f(w4(a4) + b4)

        :param z: (dict) w(x) + b
        :param a: (dict) f(z)
        :param y_true: (array) One hot encoded truth vector.

        # Determine partial derivative and delta for the output layer.
        # delta output layer
        delta = self.loss.delta(y_true, a[self.n_layers])
        dw = coo_matrix(self.w[self.n_layers - 1])

        # compute backpropagation updates
            a[self.n_layers - 1], delta, dw.row, dw.col, dw.data)
        # If you have problems with Cython please use the backpropagation_updates_Numpy method by uncommenting the line below and commenting the one above.
        # Please note that the running time will be much higher
        # backpropagation_updates_Numpy(a[self.n_layers - 1], delta, dw.row, dw.col, dw.data)

        update_params = {self.n_layers - 1: (dw.tocsr(), delta)}

        # In case of three layer net will iterate over i = 2 and i = 1
        # Determine partial derivative and delta for the rest of the layers.
        # Each iteration requires the delta from the previous layer, propagating backwards.
        for i in reversed(range(2, self.n_layers)):
            delta = (delta
                     @ self.w[i].transpose()) * self.activations[i].prime(z[i])
            dw = coo_matrix(self.w[i - 1])

            # compute backpropagation updates
                a[i - 1], delta, dw.row, dw.col, dw.data)
            # If you have problems with Cython please use the backpropagation_updates_Numpy method by uncommenting the line below and commenting the one above.
            # Please note that the running time will be much higher
            # backpropagation_updates_Numpy(a[i - 1], delta, dw.row, dw.col, dw.data)

            update_params[i - 1] = (dw.tocsr(), delta)
        for k, v in update_params.items():
            self._update_w_b(k, v[0], v[1])