Example #1
 def test_predict_price(self):
   bid = expr.randn(100)
   ask = expr.randn(100)
   res = finance.predict_price(bid, ask, 5).optimized()
   #print res
   #print res.optimized()
   print res.glom()
Example #2
  def test_slices_from_slices(self):
    slices1 = (slice(0, 50), slice(0, 50))
    slices2 = (slice(0, 50), slice(50, 100))
    slices3 = (slice(50, 100), slice(0, 50))
    slices4 = (slice(50, 100), slice(50, 100))
    t1 = expr.randn(100, 100)
    t2 = expr.randn(100, 100)
    t3 = expr.write(t2, slices1, t1, slices1)
    t4 = expr.write(t3, slices2, t1, slices2)
    t5 = expr.write(t4, slices3, t1, slices3)
    t6 = expr.write(t5, slices4, t1, slices4)
    Assert.all_eq(t1.glom(), t6.glom())

    dst = np.arange(0, 2500).reshape(50, 50)
    t11 = expr.write(t1, slices1, dst, slices1)
    t12 = expr.write(t11, slices2, dst, slices1)
    t13 = expr.write(t12, slices3, dst, slices1)
    t14 = expr.write(t13, slices4, dst, slices1)

    tmp = expr.write(expr.randn(100, 100), slices4, dst, slices1)
    t21 = expr.write(t2, slices1, tmp, slices4)
    t22 = expr.write(t21, slices2, tmp, slices4)
    t23 = expr.write(t22, slices3, tmp, slices4)
    t24 = expr.write(t23, slices4, tmp, slices4)
    Assert.all_eq(t14.glom(), t24.glom())
Example #3
 def test_predict_price(self):
     bid = expr.randn(100)
     ask = expr.randn(100)
     res = finance.predict_price(bid, ask, 5).optimized()
     #print res
     #print res.optimized()
     print res.glom()
Example #4
def benchmark_svm(ctx, timer):
  print "#worker:", ctx.num_workers
  max_iter = 2
  #N = 200000 * ctx.num_workers
  N = 1000 * 64
  D = 64
  # create data
  data = expr.randn(N, D, dtype=np.float64, tile_hint=(N, util.divup(D, ctx.num_workers)))
  labels = expr.shuffle(data, _init_label_mapper, shape_hint=(data.shape[0], 1))
  t1 = datetime.now()
  w = fit(data, labels, T=max_iter).force()
  t2 = datetime.now()
  util.log_warn('train time per iteration:%s ms, final w:%s', millis(t1,t2)/max_iter, w.glom().T)
  correct = 0
  for i in range(10):
    new_data = expr.randn(1, D, dtype=np.float64, tile_hint=[1, D])
    new_label = predict(w, new_data)
    #print 'point %s, predict %s' % (new_data.glom(), new_label)
    new_data = new_data.glom()
    if new_data[0,0] >= new_data[0,1] and new_label == 1.0 or new_data[0,0] < new_data[0,1] and new_label == -1.0:
      correct += 1
  print 'predict precision:', correct * 1.0 / 10
Example #5
 def test_fio_path(self):
   t1 = expr.randn(100, 100).evaluate()
   expr.save(t1, "fiotest1", self.test_dir2, False)
   expr.pickle(t1, "fiotest2", self.test_dir2, False)
   Assert.all_eq(t1.glom(), expr.load("fiotest1", self.test_dir2, False).glom())
   Assert.all_eq(t1.glom(), expr.unpickle("fiotest2", self.test_dir2, False).glom())
Example #6
def benchmark_cholesky(ctx, timer):
    print "#worker:", ctx.num_workers

    #n = int(math.pow(ctx.num_workers, 1.0 / 3.0))
    n = int(math.sqrt(ctx.num_workers))
    #ARRAY_SIZE = 1600 * 4
    ARRAY_SIZE = 1600 * n

    util.log_warn('prepare data!')
    #A = np.random.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE)
    #A = np.dot(A, A.T)
    #A = expr.force(from_numpy(A, tile_hint=(ARRAY_SIZE/n, ARRAY_SIZE/n)))

    #A = expr.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE, tile_hint=(ARRAY_SIZE/n, ARRAY_SIZE/n))
    A = expr.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE)
    # FIXME: Ideally we should be able to get rid of tile_hint.
    #        However, current extent.change_partition_axis relies on the
    #        information of one-dimentional size to change tiling to grid tiling.
    #        It assumes that every extent should be partitioned in the same size.
    #        Trace extent.pyx to think about how to fix it!
    A = expr.dot(A,
                 tile_hint=(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE / ctx.num_workers)).force()

    util.log_warn('begin cholesky!')
    t1 = datetime.now()
    L = cholesky(A).glom()
    t2 = datetime.now()
    assert np.all(np.isclose(A.glom(), np.dot(L, L.T.conj())))
    cost_time = millis(t1, t2)
    print "total cost time:%s ms, per iter cost time:%s ms" % (cost_time,
                                                               cost_time / n)
Example #7
  def test_pca(self):
    ctx = blob_ctx.get() 
    A =  expr.randn(*DIM, tile_hint=(int(DIM[0]/ctx.num_workers), DIM[1])).force()

    assert np.allclose(absolute(m.components_), absolute(m2.components_))
Example #8
 def test_qr(self):
   M = 100
   N = 10
   Y = expr.randn(M, N, tile_hint=(M/4, N)).force()
   Q1, R1 = qr(Y)
   Q1 = Q1.glom()
   Q2, R2 = linalg.qr(Y.glom(), mode="economic")
   assert np.allclose(np.absolute(Q1), np.absolute(Q2))
   assert np.allclose(np.absolute(R1), np.absolute(R2))
Example #9
    def test_qr(self):
        M = 100
        N = 10
        Y = expr.randn(M, N, tile_hint=(M / 4, N)).force()

        Q1, R1 = qr(Y)
        Q1 = Q1.glom()
        Q2, R2 = linalg.qr(Y.glom(), mode="economic")

        assert np.allclose(np.absolute(Q1), np.absolute(Q2))
        assert np.allclose(np.absolute(R1), np.absolute(R2))
Example #10
 def test_ssvd(self):
   ctx = blob_ctx.get() 
   # Create a sparse matrix.
   A = expr.randn(*DIM, tile_hint = (int(DIM[0]/ctx.num_workers), DIM[1]), 
   U,S,VT = svd(A)
   U2,S2,VT2 = linalg.svd(A.glom(), full_matrices=0)
   assert np.allclose(absolute(U.glom()), absolute(U2))
   assert np.allclose(absolute(S), absolute(S2))
   assert np.allclose(absolute(VT), absolute(VT2))
Example #11
 def test_slices_from_np(self):
   npa = np.random.random(10000).reshape(100, 100)
   slices1 = (slice(0, 50), slice(0, 50))
   slices2 = (slice(0, 50), slice(50, 100))
   slices3 = (slice(50, 100), slice(0, 50))
   slices4 = (slice(50, 100), slice(50, 100))
   t1 = expr.randn(100, 100)
   t2 = expr.write(t1, slices1, npa, slices1)
   t3 = expr.write(t2, slices2, npa, slices2)
   t4 = expr.write(t3, slices3, npa, slices3)
   t5 = expr.write(t4, slices4, npa, slices4)
   Assert.all_eq(t5.glom(), npa)
Example #12
    def test_ssvd(self):
        ctx = blob_ctx.get()
        # Create a sparse matrix.
        A = expr.randn(*DIM,
                       tile_hint=(int(DIM[0] / ctx.num_workers), DIM[1]),

        U, S, VT = svd(A)
        U2, S2, VT2 = linalg.svd(A.glom(), full_matrices=0)

        assert np.allclose(absolute(U.glom()), absolute(U2))
        assert np.allclose(absolute(S), absolute(S2))
        assert np.allclose(absolute(VT), absolute(VT2))
Example #13
def svd(A, k=None):
  Stochastic SVD.

  A : spartan matrix
      Array to compute the SVD on, of shape (M, N)
  k : int, optional
      Number of singular values and vectors to compute.

  The operations include matrix multiplication and QR decomposition.
  We parallelize both of them.

  U : Spartan array of shape (M, k)
  S : numpy array of shape (k,)
  V : numpy array of shape (k, k)
  if k is None:
    k = A.shape[1]

  ctx = blob_ctx.get()
  Omega = expr.randn(A.shape[1], k, tile_hint=(A.shape[1]/ctx.num_workers, k))

  r = A.shape[0] / ctx.num_workers
  Y = expr.dot(A, Omega, tile_hint=(r, k)).force()
  Q, R = qr(Y)
  B = expr.dot(expr.transpose(Q), A)
  BTB = expr.dot(B, expr.transpose(B)).glom()

  S, U_ = np.linalg.eig(BTB)
  S = np.sqrt(S)

  # Sort by eigen values from large to small
  si = np.argsort(S)[::-1]
  S = S[si]
  U_ = U_[:, si]

  U = expr.dot(Q, U_).force()
  V = np.dot(np.dot(expr.transpose(B).glom(), U_), np.diag(np.ones(S.shape[0]) / S))
  return U, S, V.T 
Example #14
def svd(A, k=None):
  Stochastic SVD.

  A : spartan matrix
      Array to compute the SVD on, of shape (M, N)
  k : int, optional
      Number of singular values and vectors to compute.

  The operations include matrix multiplication and QR decomposition.
  We parallelize both of them.

  U : Spartan array of shape (M, k)
  S : numpy array of shape (k,)
  V : numpy array of shape (k, k)
    if k is None: k = A.shape[1]

    Omega = expr.randn(A.shape[1], k)

    Y = expr.dot(A, Omega)

    Q, R = qr(Y)

    B = expr.dot(expr.transpose(Q), A)
    BTB = expr.dot(B, expr.transpose(B)).optimized().glom()

    S, U_ = np.linalg.eig(BTB)
    S = np.sqrt(S)

    # Sort by eigen values from large to small
    si = np.argsort(S)[::-1]
    S = S[si]
    U_ = U_[:, si]

    U = expr.dot(Q, U_).optimized().force()
    V = np.dot(np.dot(expr.transpose(B).optimized().glom(), U_),
               np.diag(np.ones(S.shape[0]) / S))
    return U, S, V.T
Example #15
def benchmark_cholesky(ctx, timer):
  print "#worker:", ctx.num_workers

  #n = int(math.pow(ctx.num_workers, 1.0 / 3.0))
  n = int(math.sqrt(ctx.num_workers))
  #ARRAY_SIZE = 1600 * 4
  ARRAY_SIZE = 900 * n

  util.log_warn('prepare data!')
  #A = np.random.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE)
  #A = np.dot(A, A.T)

  A = expr.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE)
  A = expr.dot(A, expr.transpose(A))

  util.log_warn('begin cholesky!')
  t1 = datetime.now()
  L = cholesky(A).optimized().glom()
  t2 = datetime.now()
  #assert np.all(np.isclose(A.glom(), np.dot(L, L.T.conj())))
  cost_time = millis(t1, t2)
  print "total cost time:%s ms, per iter cost time:%s ms" % (cost_time, cost_time/n)
Example #16
  def test_fio_partial_dense(self):
    t1 = expr.randn(300, 300).evaluate()
    expr.save(t1, "fiotest_partial1", self.test_dir, False)
    expr.pickle(t1, "fiotest_partial2", self.test_dir, False)
    t2 = expr.load("fiotest_partial1", self.test_dir, False)

    test_tiles = {}
    for ex, v in t1.tiles.iteritems():
      test_tiles[ex] = v.worker
    test_tiles = expr.partial_load(test_tiles, "fiotest_partial1", self.test_dir, False)
    for ex, v in test_tiles.iteritems():
      t1.tiles[ex] = v
    Assert.all_eq(t1.glom(), t2.glom())

    test_tiles = {}
    for ex, v in t1.tiles.iteritems():
      test_tiles[ex] = v.worker
    test_tiles = expr.partial_unpickle(test_tiles, "fiotest_partial2", self.test_dir, False)
    for ex, v in test_tiles.iteritems():
      t1.tiles[ex] = v
    Assert.all_eq(t1.glom(), t2.glom())
Example #17
def benchmark_cholesky(ctx, timer):
    print "#worker:", ctx.num_workers

    # n = int(math.pow(ctx.num_workers, 1.0 / 3.0))
    n = int(math.sqrt(ctx.num_workers))
    ARRAY_SIZE = 1600 * 4
    # ARRAY_SIZE = 1600 * n

    util.log_warn("prepare data!")
    # A = np.random.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE)
    # A = np.dot(A, A.T)
    # A = expr.force(from_numpy(A, tile_hint=(ARRAY_SIZE/n, ARRAY_SIZE/n)))

    A = expr.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE, tile_hint=(ARRAY_SIZE / n, ARRAY_SIZE / n))
    A = expr.dot(A, expr.transpose(A)).force()

    util.log_warn("begin cholesky!")
    t1 = datetime.now()
    L = cholesky(A).glom()
    t2 = datetime.now()
    assert np.all(np.isclose(A.glom(), np.dot(L, L.T.conj())))
    cost_time = millis(t1, t2)
    print "total cost time:%s ms, per iter cost time:%s ms" % (cost_time, cost_time / n)
Example #18
def benchmark_cholesky(ctx, timer):
    print "#worker:", ctx.num_workers

    #n = int(math.pow(ctx.num_workers, 1.0 / 3.0))
    n = int(math.sqrt(ctx.num_workers))
    #ARRAY_SIZE = 1600 * 4
    ARRAY_SIZE = 900 * n

    util.log_warn('prepare data!')
    #A = np.random.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE)
    #A = np.dot(A, A.T)

    A = expr.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE)
    A = expr.dot(A, expr.transpose(A))

    util.log_warn('begin cholesky!')
    t1 = datetime.now()
    L = cholesky(A).optimized().glom()
    t2 = datetime.now()
    #assert np.all(np.isclose(A.glom(), np.dot(L, L.T.conj())))
    cost_time = millis(t1, t2)
    print "total cost time:%s ms, per iter cost time:%s ms" % (cost_time,
                                                               cost_time / n)
Example #19
 def setUp(self):
   if not hasattr(self, 'current'):
     self.current = eager(expr.abs(10 + expr.randn(10)))
     self.strike = eager(expr.abs(20 + expr.randn(10)))
Example #20
def simulate(ts_all, te_all, lamb_all, num_paths):
    """Range over a number of independent products.

  :param ts_all: DistArray
    Start dates for a series of swaptions.
  :param te_all: DistArray
    End dates for a series of swaptions.
  :param lamb_all: DistArray
    Parameter values for a series of swaptions.
  :param num_paths: Int
    Number of paths used in random walk.

  :rtype: DistArray

    swaptions = []
    i = 0
    for ts_a, te, lamb in zip(ts_all, te_all, lamb_all):
        for ts in ts_a:
            # start = time()
            print i
            time_structure = arange(None, 0, ts + DELTA, DELTA)
            maturity_structure = arange(None, 0, te, DELTA)

            ############# MODEL ###############
            # Variance reduction technique - Antithetic Variates.
            eps_tmp = randn(time_structure.shape[0] - 1, num_paths)
            eps = concatenate(eps_tmp, -eps_tmp, 1)

            # Forward LIBOR rates for the construction of the spot measure.
            f_kk = zeros((time_structure.shape[0], 2 * num_paths))
            f_kk = assign(f_kk, np.s_[0, :], F_0)

            # Plane kxN of simulated LIBOR rates.
            f_kn = ones((maturity_structure.shape[0], 2 * num_paths)) * F_0

            # Simulations of the plane f_kn for each time step.
            for t in xrange(1, time_structure.shape[0]):
                f_kn_new = f_kn[1:, :] * exp(
                    lamb * mu(f_kn, lamb) * DELTA - 0.5 * lamb * lamb * DELTA + lamb * eps[t - 1, :] * sqrt(DELTA)
                f_kk = assign(f_kk, np.s_[t, :], f_kn_new[0])
                f_kn = f_kn_new

            ############## PRODUCT ###############
            # Value of zero coupon bonds.
            zcb = ones((int((te - ts) / DELTA) + 1, 2 * num_paths))
            f_kn_modified = 1 + DELTA * f_kn
            for j in xrange(zcb.shape[0] - 1):
                zcb = assign(zcb, np.s_[j + 1], zcb[j] / f_kn_modified[j])

            # Swaption price at maturity.
            last_row = zcb[zcb.shape[0] - 1, :].reshape((20,))
            swap_ts = maximum(1 - last_row - THETA * DELTA * expr.sum(zcb[1:], 0), 0)

            # Spot measure used for discounting.
            b_ts = ones((2 * num_paths,))
            tmp = 1 + DELTA * f_kk
            for j in xrange(int(ts / DELTA)):
                b_ts *= tmp[j].reshape((20,))

            # Swaption price at time 0.
            swaption = swap_ts / b_ts

            # Save expected value in bps and std.
            me = mean((swaption[0:num_paths] + swaption[num_paths:]) / 2) * 10000
            st = std((swaption[0:num_paths] + swaption[num_paths:]) / 2) / sqrt(num_paths) * 10000

            swaptions.append([me.optimized().force(), st.optimized().force()])
            # print time() - start
            i += 1
    return swaptions
Example #21
    def test_trace(self):
        devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
        with RedirectStdStreams(stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull):
            t1 = expr.randn(100, 100)
            t2 = expr.randn(200, 100)
            t3 = expr.add(t1, t2)
            t4 = expr.randn(300, 100)
            t5 = expr.add(t3, t4)
            t6 = expr.randn(400, 100)
            t7 = expr.add(t6, t5)
            t8 = t7.optimized()
            except Exception as e:

            t1 = expr.randn(100, 100)
            t2 = expr.randn(100, 100)
            t3 = expr.dot(t1, t2)
            t4 = expr.randn(200, 100)
            t5 = expr.add(t3, t4)
            t6 = t5.optimized()
            except Exception as e:

            t1 = expr.randn(100, 100)
            t2 = expr.randn(100, 100)
            t3 = expr.add(t1, t2)
            t4 = expr.randn(200, 100)
            t5 = expr.add(t3, t4)
            t6 = expr.randn(100, 100)
            t7 = expr.add(t6, t5)
            t8 = expr.count_zero(t7)
            t9 = t8.optimized()
            except Exception as e:
Example #22
 def setUp(self):
     if not hasattr(self, 'current'):
         self.current = eager(expr.abs(10 + expr.randn(10)))
         self.strike = eager(expr.abs(20 + expr.randn(10)))
Example #23
def simulate(ts_all, te_all, lamb_all, num_paths):
  '''Range over a number of independent products.

  :param ts_all: DistArray
    Start dates for a series of swaptions.
  :param te_all: DistArray
    End dates for a series of swaptions.
  :param lamb_all: DistArray
    Parameter values for a series of swaptions.
  :param num_paths: Int
    Number of paths used in random walk.

  :rtype: DistArray

  swaptions = []
  i = 0
  for ts_a, te, lamb in zip(ts_all, te_all, lamb_all):
    for ts in ts_a:
      #start = time()
      print i
      time_structure = arange(None, 0, ts + DELTA, DELTA)
      maturity_structure = arange(None, 0, te, DELTA)

      ############# MODEL ###############
      # Variance reduction technique - Antithetic Variates.
      eps_tmp = randn(time_structure.shape[0] - 1, num_paths)
      eps = concatenate(eps_tmp, -eps_tmp, 1)

      # Forward LIBOR rates for the construction of the spot measure.
      f_kk = zeros((time_structure.shape[0], 2*num_paths))
      f_kk = assign(f_kk, np.s_[0, :], F_0)

      # Plane kxN of simulated LIBOR rates.
      f_kn = ones((maturity_structure.shape[0], 2*num_paths))*F_0

      # Simulations of the plane f_kn for each time step.
      for t in xrange(1, time_structure.shape[0]):
        f_kn_new = f_kn[1:, :]*exp(lamb*mu(f_kn, lamb)*DELTA-0.5*lamb*lamb *
            DELTA + lamb*eps[t - 1, :]*sqrt(DELTA))
        f_kk = assign(f_kk, np.s_[t, :], f_kn_new[0])
        f_kn = f_kn_new

      ############## PRODUCT ###############
      # Value of zero coupon bonds.
      zcb = ones((int((te-ts)/DELTA)+1, 2*num_paths))
      f_kn_modified = 1 + DELTA*f_kn
      for j in xrange(zcb.shape[0] - 1):
        zcb = assign(zcb, np.s_[j + 1], zcb[j] / f_kn_modified[j])

      # Swaption price at maturity.
      last_row = zcb[zcb.shape[0] - 1, :].reshape((20, ))
      swap_ts = maximum(1 - last_row - THETA*DELTA*expr.sum(zcb[1:], 0), 0)

      # Spot measure used for discounting.
      b_ts = ones((2*num_paths, ))
      tmp = 1 + DELTA * f_kk
      for j in xrange(int(ts/DELTA)):
        b_ts *= tmp[j].reshape((20, ))

      # Swaption price at time 0.
      swaption = swap_ts/b_ts

      # Save expected value in bps and std.
      me = mean((swaption[0:num_paths] + swaption[num_paths:])/2) * 10000
      st = std((swaption[0:num_paths] + swaption[num_paths:])/2)/sqrt(num_paths)*10000

      swaptions.append([me.optimized().force(), st.optimized().force()])
      #print time() - start
      i += 1
  return swaptions
Example #24
 def test_find_change(self):
     arr = expr.randn(100)
     movers = finance.find_change(arr)
Example #25
 def test_find_change(self):
   arr = expr.randn(100)
   movers = finance.find_change(arr)
Example #26
  def test_trace(self):
    devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
    with RedirectStdStreams(stdout = devnull, stderr = devnull):
      t1 = expr.randn(100, 100)
      t2 = expr.randn(200, 100)
      t3 = expr.add(t1, t2)
      t4 = expr.randn(300, 100)
      t5 = expr.add(t3, t4)
      t6 = expr.randn(400, 100)
      t7 = expr.add(t6, t5)
      t8 = t7.optimized()
      except Exception as e:

      t1 = expr.randn(100, 100)
      t2 = expr.randn(100, 100)
      t3 = expr.dot(t1, t2)
      t4 = expr.randn(200, 100)
      t5 = expr.add(t3, t4)
      t6 = t5.optimized()
      except Exception as e:

      t1 = expr.randn(100, 100)
      t2 = expr.randn(100, 100)
      t3 = expr.add(t1, t2)
      t4 = expr.randn(200, 100)
      t5 = expr.add(t3, t4)
      t6 = expr.randn(100, 100)
      t7 = expr.add(t6, t5)
      t8 = expr.count_zero(t7)
      t9 = t8.optimized()
      except Exception as e: