Example #1
 def test_transpose3(self):
   t1 = expr.sparse_diagonal((107, 401)).evaluate()
   t2 = expr.sparse_diagonal((401, 107)).evaluate()
   a = expr.transpose(t1)
   b = expr.transpose(t2)
   Assert.all_eq(a.glom().todense(), sp.eye(107, 401).transpose().todense())
   Assert.all_eq(b.glom().todense(), sp.eye(401, 107).transpose().todense())
Example #2
 def test_transpose3(self):
     t1 = expr.sparse_diagonal((107, 401)).evaluate()
     t2 = expr.sparse_diagonal((401, 107)).evaluate()
     a = expr.transpose(t1)
     b = expr.transpose(t2)
                   sp.eye(107, 401).transpose().todense())
                   sp.eye(401, 107).transpose().todense())
Example #3
def benchmark_cg(ctx, timer):
    print "#worker:", ctx.num_workers
    l = int(math.sqrt(ctx.num_workers))
    #n = 2000 * 16
    n = 500 * ctx.num_workers
    la = 20
    niter = 5

    #nonzer = 7
    #nz = n * (nonzer + 1) * (nonzer + 1) + n * (nonzer + 2)
    #density = 0.5 * nz/(n*n)
    A = expr.rand(n, n)
    A = (A + expr.transpose(A)) * 0.5

    I = expr.sparse_diagonal((n, n)) * la
    A = A - I

    #x1 = numpy_cg(A.glom(), niter)
    util.log_warn('begin cg!')
    t1 = datetime.now()
    x2 = conj_gradient(A, niter).force()
    t2 = datetime.now()
    cost_time = millis(t1, t2)
    print "total cost time:%s ms, per iter cost time:%s ms" % (
        cost_time, cost_time / niter)
Example #4
def benchmark_cholesky(ctx, timer):
    print "#worker:", ctx.num_workers

    #n = int(math.pow(ctx.num_workers, 1.0 / 3.0))
    n = int(math.sqrt(ctx.num_workers))
    #ARRAY_SIZE = 1600 * 4
    ARRAY_SIZE = 1600 * n

    util.log_warn('prepare data!')
    #A = np.random.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE)
    #A = np.dot(A, A.T)
    #A = expr.force(from_numpy(A, tile_hint=(ARRAY_SIZE/n, ARRAY_SIZE/n)))

    #A = expr.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE, tile_hint=(ARRAY_SIZE/n, ARRAY_SIZE/n))
    A = expr.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE)
    # FIXME: Ideally we should be able to get rid of tile_hint.
    #        However, current extent.change_partition_axis relies on the
    #        information of one-dimentional size to change tiling to grid tiling.
    #        It assumes that every extent should be partitioned in the same size.
    #        Trace extent.pyx to think about how to fix it!
    A = expr.dot(A,
                 tile_hint=(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE / ctx.num_workers)).force()

    util.log_warn('begin cholesky!')
    t1 = datetime.now()
    L = cholesky(A).glom()
    t2 = datetime.now()
    assert np.all(np.isclose(A.glom(), np.dot(L, L.T.conj())))
    cost_time = millis(t1, t2)
    print "total cost time:%s ms, per iter cost time:%s ms" % (cost_time,
                                                               cost_time / n)
Example #5
def benchmark_cg(ctx, timer):
  print "#worker:", ctx.num_workers
  l = int(math.sqrt(ctx.num_workers))
  n = 2000 * 16
  #n = 4000 * l
  la = 20
  niter = 5
  tile_hint = (n, n/ctx.num_workers)
  #nonzer = 7
  #nz = n * (nonzer + 1) * (nonzer + 1) + n * (nonzer + 2)
  #density = 0.5 * nz/(n*n)
  A = expr.rand(n, n, tile_hint=tile_hint)
  A = (A + expr.transpose(A))*0.5
  I = expr.sparse_diagonal((n,n), tile_hint=tile_hint) * la
  A = expr.eager(A - I)

  #x1 = numpy_cg(A.glom(), niter)
  util.log_warn('begin cg!')
  t1 = datetime.now()
  x2 = conj_gradient(A, niter).force()
  t2 = datetime.now()
  cost_time = millis(t1,t2)
  print "total cost time:%s ms, per iter cost time:%s ms" % (cost_time, cost_time/niter)
def connectedConponents(ctx, dim, numIters):
	linkMatrix = eager(
							(dim, dim),
							dtype = np.int64,
							tile_hint = (dim / ctx.num_workers, dim)),

	power = eager(
							(dim, dim),
							dtype = np.int64,
							tile_hint = (dim / ctx.num_workers, dim)),

	eye = expr.eye(dim, tile_hint = (dim / ctx.num_workers,dim))
	startCompute = time.time()
	result = expr.logical_or(eye, linkMatrix).optimized().glom()
	for i in range(numIters):
		power = expr.dot(power, linkMatrix).optimized().glom()
		result = expr.logical_or(result, power)
	final = expr.logical_and(result, expr.transpose(result.optimized())).optimized().evaluate()
	endCompute = time.time()
	return endCompute - startCompute
def gen_dot(a, b):
  if not hasattr(a, 'shape') or not hasattr(b, 'shape') or len(a.shape) * len(b.shape) == 0: return [a * b]

  if a.shape[0] == b.shape[0]:
    if len(a.shape) > 1: return [expr.dot(expr.transpose(a), b)]
    elif len(b.shape) == 1: return [expr.dot(a, b)]

  if len(a.shape) > 1 and a.shape[1] == b.shape[0]:
      return [expr.dot(a, b)]

  if len(b.shape) > 1 and a.shape[0] == b.shape[1]:
      return [expr.dot(b, a)]

  if len(a.shape) > 1 and len(b.shape) > 1 and a.shape[1] == b.shape[1]:
      return [expr.dot(a, expr.transpose(b))]

  return [a, b]
Example #8
  def train_smo_1998(self, data, labels):
    Train an SVM model using the SMO (1998) algorithm.
      data(Expr): points to be trained
      labels(Expr): the correct labels of the training data
    N = data.shape[0] # Number of instances
    D = data.shape[1]  # Number of features

    self.b = 0.0
    self.alpha = expr.zeros((N,1), dtype=np.float64, tile_hint=[N/self.ctx.num_workers, 1]).force()
    # linear kernel
    kernel_results = expr.dot(data, expr.transpose(data), tile_hint=[N/self.ctx.num_workers, N])   
    labels = expr.force(labels)
    self.E = expr.zeros((N,1), dtype=np.float64, tile_hint=[N/self.ctx.num_workers, 1]).force()
    for i in xrange(N):
      self.E[i, 0] = self.b + expr.reduce(self.alpha, axis=None, dtype_fn=lambda input: input.dtype,
                                          fn_kw=dict(label=labels, data=kernel_results[:,i].force())).glom() - labels[i, 0]
    util.log_info("Starting SMO")
    it = 0
    num_changed = 0
    examine_all = True
    while (num_changed > 0 or examine_all) and (it < self.maxiter):
      util.log_info("Iteration:%d", it)

      num_changed = 0
      if examine_all:
        for i in xrange(N): 
          num_changed += self.examine_example(i, N, labels, kernel_results)
        for i in xrange(N):
          if self.alpha[i, 0] > 0 and self.alpha[i, 0] < self.C:
            num_changed += self.examine_example(i, N, labels, kernel_results)

      it += 1

      if examine_all: examine_all = False
      elif num_changed == 0: examine_all = True
    self.w = expr.zeros((D, 1), dtype=np.float64).force()
    for i in xrange(D): 
      self.w[i,0] = expr.reduce(self.alpha, axis=None, dtype_fn=lambda input: input.dtype,
                              fn_kw=dict(label=labels, data=expr.force(data[:,i]))).glom()
    self.usew_ = True
    print 'iteration finish:', it
    print 'b:', self.b
    print 'w:', self.w.glom()
Example #9
def svd(A, k=None):
  Stochastic SVD.

  A : spartan matrix
      Array to compute the SVD on, of shape (M, N)
  k : int, optional
      Number of singular values and vectors to compute.

  The operations include matrix multiplication and QR decomposition.
  We parallelize both of them.

  U : Spartan array of shape (M, k)
  S : numpy array of shape (k,)
  V : numpy array of shape (k, k)
  if k is None:
    k = A.shape[1]

  ctx = blob_ctx.get()
  Omega = expr.randn(A.shape[1], k, tile_hint=(A.shape[1]/ctx.num_workers, k))

  r = A.shape[0] / ctx.num_workers
  Y = expr.dot(A, Omega, tile_hint=(r, k)).force()
  Q, R = qr(Y)
  B = expr.dot(expr.transpose(Q), A)
  BTB = expr.dot(B, expr.transpose(B)).glom()

  S, U_ = np.linalg.eig(BTB)
  S = np.sqrt(S)

  # Sort by eigen values from large to small
  si = np.argsort(S)[::-1]
  S = S[si]
  U_ = U_[:, si]

  U = expr.dot(Q, U_).force()
  V = np.dot(np.dot(expr.transpose(B).glom(), U_), np.diag(np.ones(S.shape[0]) / S))
  return U, S, V.T 
Example #10
def cholesky(A):
  Cholesky matrix decomposition.

    A(Expr): matrix to be decomposed

    A = expr.force(A)
    n = int(math.sqrt(len(A.tiles)))
    tile_size = A.shape[0] / n
    for k in range(n):
        # A[k,k] = DPOTRF(A[k,k])
        diag_ex = get_ex(k, k, tile_size, A.shape)
        A = expr.map2(A, ((0, 1), ),

        if k == n - 1: break

        # A[l,k] = DTRSM(A[k,k], A[l,k]) l -> [k+1,n)
        col_ex = extent.create(((k + 1) * tile_size, k * tile_size),
                               (n * tile_size, (k + 1) * tile_size), A.shape)
        diag_tile = A.force().fetch(diag_ex)
        A = expr.map2(A, ((0, 1), ),
                      fn_kw=dict(array=force(A), diag_tile=diag_tile),

        # A[m,m] = DSYRK(A[m,k], A[m,m]) m -> [k+1,n)
        # A[l,m] = DGEMM(A[l,k], A[m,k], A[l,m]) m -> [k+1,n) l -> [m+1,n)
        col_exs = list([
            extent.create((m * tile_size, m * tile_size),
                          (n * tile_size, (m + 1) * tile_size), A.shape)
            for m in range(k + 1, n)
        dgemm_1 = expr.transpose(A)[(k * tile_size):((k + 1) * tile_size), :]
        dgemm_2 = A[:, (k * tile_size):((k + 1) * tile_size)]
        A = expr.map2((A, dgemm_1, dgemm_2), ((0, 1), 1, 0),
                      fn_kw=dict(array=force(A), k=k),

    # update the right corner to 0
    col_exs = list([
        extent.create((0, m * tile_size), (m * tile_size, (m + 1) * tile_size),
                      A.shape) for m in range(1, n)
    A = expr.map2(A, ((0, 1), ),
    return A
def gen_dot(a, b):
    if not hasattr(a, 'shape') or not hasattr(
            b, 'shape') or len(a.shape) * len(b.shape) == 0:
        return [a * b]

    if a.shape[0] == b.shape[0]:
        if len(a.shape) > 1: return [expr.dot(expr.transpose(a), b)]
        elif len(b.shape) == 1: return [expr.dot(a, b)]

    if len(a.shape) > 1 and a.shape[1] == b.shape[0]:
        return [expr.dot(a, b)]

    if len(b.shape) > 1 and a.shape[0] == b.shape[1]:
        return [expr.dot(b, a)]

    if len(a.shape) > 1 and len(b.shape) > 1 and a.shape[1] == b.shape[1]:
        return [expr.dot(a, expr.transpose(b))]

    return [a, b]
Example #12
def svd(A, k=None):
  Stochastic SVD.

  A : spartan matrix
      Array to compute the SVD on, of shape (M, N)
  k : int, optional
      Number of singular values and vectors to compute.

  The operations include matrix multiplication and QR decomposition.
  We parallelize both of them.

  U : Spartan array of shape (M, k)
  S : numpy array of shape (k,)
  V : numpy array of shape (k, k)
    if k is None: k = A.shape[1]

    Omega = expr.randn(A.shape[1], k)

    Y = expr.dot(A, Omega)

    Q, R = qr(Y)

    B = expr.dot(expr.transpose(Q), A)
    BTB = expr.dot(B, expr.transpose(B)).optimized().glom()

    S, U_ = np.linalg.eig(BTB)
    S = np.sqrt(S)

    # Sort by eigen values from large to small
    si = np.argsort(S)[::-1]
    S = S[si]
    U_ = U_[:, si]

    U = expr.dot(Q, U_).optimized().force()
    V = np.dot(np.dot(expr.transpose(B).optimized().glom(), U_),
               np.diag(np.ones(S.shape[0]) / S))
    return U, S, V.T
Example #13
    def test_transpose_dot(self):
        npa1 = np.random.random((401, 97))
        npa2 = np.random.random((401, 97))
        result1 = np.dot(npa1, np.transpose(npa2))
        #result2 = np.dot(np.transpose(npa1), npa2)

        t1 = expr.from_numpy(npa1)
        t2 = expr.from_numpy(npa2)
        t3 = expr.dot(t1, expr.transpose(t2))
        #t4 = expr.dot(expr.transpose(t1), t2)
        assert np.all(np.isclose(result1, t3.glom()))
Example #14
 def update(self):
 gradient_update = 2xTxw - 2xTy + 2* lambda * w
 Correct this if the update function is wrong.
     xT = expr.transpose(self.x)
     g1 = expr.dot(expr.dot(xT, self.x), self.w)
     g2 = expr.dot(xT, self.y)
     g3 = self.ridge_lambda * self.w
     g4 = g1 + g2 + g3
     return expr.reshape(g4, (1, self.N_DIM))
Example #15
  def test_transpose_dot(self):
    npa1 = np.random.random((401, 97))
    npa2 = np.random.random((401, 97))
    result1 = np.dot(npa1, np.transpose(npa2))
    #result2 = np.dot(np.transpose(npa1), npa2)

    t1 = expr.from_numpy(npa1)
    t2 = expr.from_numpy(npa2)
    t3 = expr.dot(t1, expr.transpose(t2))
    #t4 = expr.dot(expr.transpose(t1), t2)
    assert np.all(np.isclose(result1, t3.glom()))
Example #16
def cholesky(A):
  Cholesky matrix decomposition.

    A(Expr): matrix to be decomposed
    n = int(math.sqrt(FLAGS.num_workers))
    tile_size = A.shape[0] / n
    print n, tile_size
    for k in range(n):
        # A[k,k] = DPOTRF(A[k,k])
        diag_ex = get_ex(k, k, tile_size, A.shape)
        A = expr.map2(A, ((0, 1), ),

        if k == n - 1: break

        # A[l,k] = DTRSM(A[k,k], A[l,k]) l -> [k+1,n)
        col_ex = extent.create(((k + 1) * tile_size, k * tile_size),
                               (n * tile_size, (k + 1) * tile_size), A.shape)
        A = expr.map2((A, A[diag_ex.to_slice()]), ((0, 1), None),

        # A[m,m] = DSYRK(A[m,k], A[m,m]) m -> [k+1,n)
        # A[l,m] = DGEMM(A[l,k], A[m,k], A[l,m]) m -> [k+1,n) l -> [m+1,n)
        col_exs = list([
            extent.create((m * tile_size, m * tile_size),
                          (n * tile_size, (m + 1) * tile_size), A.shape)
            for m in range(k + 1, n)
        dgemm = A[:, (k * tile_size):((k + 1) * tile_size)]
        A = expr.map2((A, expr.transpose(dgemm), dgemm), ((0, 1), 1, 0),

    # update the right corner to 0
    col_exs = list([
        extent.create((0, m * tile_size), (m * tile_size, (m + 1) * tile_size),
                      A.shape) for m in range(1, n)
    A = expr.map2(A, ((0, 1), ),
    return A
Example #17
def predict(model, new_data):
  Predict the label of the given instance.
    model(dict): trained naive bayes model.
    new_data(Expr or DistArray): data to be predicted
  scores_per_label_and_feature = model['scores_per_label_and_feature']

  scoring_vector = expr.dot(scores_per_label_and_feature, expr.transpose(new_data))
  # util.log_warn('scoring_vector:%s', scoring_vector.glom().T)  
  return np.argmax(scoring_vector.glom())
Example #18
def predict(model, new_data):
  Predict the label of the given instance.
    model(dict): trained naive bayes model.
    new_data(Expr or DistArray): data to be predicted
    scores_per_label_and_feature = model['scores_per_label_and_feature']

    scoring_vector = expr.dot(scores_per_label_and_feature,
    # util.log_warn('scoring_vector:%s', scoring_vector.glom().T)

    return np.argmax(scoring_vector.glom())
Example #19
def qr(Y):
    ''' Compute the thin qr factorization of a matrix.
  Factor the matrix Y as QR, where Q is orthonormal and R is

  Y: Spartan array of shape (M, K).

  Y'Y must fit in memory. Y is a Spartan array of shape (M, K).
  Since this QR decomposition is mainly used in Stochastic SVD,
  K will be the rank of the matrix of shape (M, N) and the assumption
  is that the rank K should be far less than M or N.

  Q : Spartan array of shape (M, K).
  R : Numpy array of shape (K, K).
    # Since the K should be far less than M. So the matrix multiplication
    # should be the bottleneck instead of local cholesky decomposition and
    # finding inverse of R. So we just parallelize the matrix mulitplication.
    # If K is really large, we may consider using our Spartan cholesky
    # decomposition, but for now, we use numpy version, it works fine.

    # YTY = Y'Y. YTY has shape of (K, K).
    YTY = expr.dot(expr.transpose(Y), Y).optimized().glom()

    # Do cholesky decomposition and get R.
    R = np.linalg.cholesky(YTY).T

    # Find the inverse of R
    inv_R = np.linalg.inv(R)

    # Q = Y * inv(R)
    Q = expr.dot(Y, inv_R).optimized().evaluate()

    return Q, R
Example #20
def als(A, la=0.065, alpha=40, implicit_feedback=False, num_features=20, num_iter=10, M=None):
  compute the factorization A = U M' using the alternating least-squares (ALS) method.

  where `A` is the "ratings" matrix which maps from a user and item to a rating score,
        `U` and `M` are the factor matrices, which represent user and item preferences.
    A(Expr or DistArray): the rating matrix which maps from a user and item to a rating score.
    la(float): the parameter of the als.
    alpha(int): confidence parameter used on implicit feedback.
    implicit_feedback(bool): whether using implicit_feedback method for als.
    num_features(int): dimension of the feature space.
    num_iter(int): max iteration to run.
  num_users = A.shape[0]
  num_items = A.shape[1]

  AT = expr.transpose(A)

  avg_rating = expr.sum(A, axis=0) * 1.0 / expr.count_nonzero(A, axis=0)

  M = expr.rand(num_items, num_features)
  M = expr.assign(M, np.s_[:, 0], avg_rating.reshape((avg_rating.shape[0], 1)))

  #A = expr.retile(A, tile_hint=util.calc_tile_hint(A, axis=0))
  #AT = expr.retile(AT, tile_hint=util.calc_tile_hint(AT, axis=0))
  for i in range(num_iter):
    # Recomputing U
    shape = (num_users, num_features)
    U = expr.outer((A, M), (0, None), fn=_solve_U_or_M_mapper,
                   fn_kw={'la': la, 'alpha': alpha,
                          'implicit_feedback': implicit_feedback, 'shape': shape},
                   shape=shape, dtype=np.float)
    # Recomputing M
    shape = (num_items, num_features)
    M = expr.outer((AT, U), (0, None), fn=_solve_U_or_M_mapper,
                   fn_kw={'la': la, 'alpha': alpha,
                          'implicit_feedback': implicit_feedback, 'shape': shape},
                   shape=shape, dtype=np.float)
  return U, M
Example #21
def qr(Y):
  ''' Compute the thin qr factorization of a matrix.
  Factor the matrix Y as QR, where Q is orthonormal and R is

  Y: Spartan array of shape (M, K).
  Y'Y must fit in memory. Y is a Spartan array of shape (M, K).
  Since this QR decomposition is mainly used in Stochastic SVD,
  K will be the rank of the matrix of shape (M, N) and the assumption
  is that the rank K should be far less than M or N. 

  Q : Spartan array of shape (M, K).
  R : Numpy array of shape (K, K).
  # Since the K should be far less than M. So the matrix multiplication
  # should be the bottleneck instead of local cholesky decomposition and 
  # finding inverse of R. So we just parallelize the matrix mulitplication.
  # If K is really large, we may consider using our Spartan cholesky 
  # decomposition, but for now, we use numpy version, it works fine.

  # YTY = Y'Y. YTY has shape of (K, K).
  YTY = expr.dot(expr.transpose(Y), Y).optimized().glom() 
  # Do cholesky decomposition and get R.
  R = np.linalg.cholesky(YTY).T

  # Find the inverse of R
  inv_R = np.linalg.inv(R)

  # Q = Y * inv(R)
  Q = expr.dot(Y, inv_R).optimized().force()

  return Q, R 
Example #22
def benchmark_cholesky(ctx, timer):
  print "#worker:", ctx.num_workers

  #n = int(math.pow(ctx.num_workers, 1.0 / 3.0))
  n = int(math.sqrt(ctx.num_workers))
  #ARRAY_SIZE = 1600 * 4
  ARRAY_SIZE = 900 * n

  util.log_warn('prepare data!')
  #A = np.random.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE)
  #A = np.dot(A, A.T)

  A = expr.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE)
  A = expr.dot(A, expr.transpose(A))

  util.log_warn('begin cholesky!')
  t1 = datetime.now()
  L = cholesky(A).optimized().glom()
  t2 = datetime.now()
  #assert np.all(np.isclose(A.glom(), np.dot(L, L.T.conj())))
  cost_time = millis(t1, t2)
  print "total cost time:%s ms, per iter cost time:%s ms" % (cost_time, cost_time/n)
Example #23
def svds(A, k=6):
    """Compute the largest k singular values/vectors for a sparse matrix.

  A : sparse matrix
      Array to compute the SVD on, of shape (M, N)
  k : int, optional
      Number of singular values and vectors to compute.

  u : ndarray, shape=(M, k)
      Unitary matrix having left singular vectors as columns.
  s : ndarray, shape=(k,)
      The singular values.
  vt : ndarray, shape=(k, N)
      Unitary matrix having right singular vectors as rows.  
    AT = expr.transpose(A)
    d, u = lanczos.solve(AT, A, k)
    d, v = lanczos.solve(A, AT, k)
    return u, np.sqrt(d), v.T
Example #24
def benchmark_cholesky(ctx, timer):
    print "#worker:", ctx.num_workers

    # n = int(math.pow(ctx.num_workers, 1.0 / 3.0))
    n = int(math.sqrt(ctx.num_workers))
    ARRAY_SIZE = 1600 * 4
    # ARRAY_SIZE = 1600 * n

    util.log_warn("prepare data!")
    # A = np.random.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE)
    # A = np.dot(A, A.T)
    # A = expr.force(from_numpy(A, tile_hint=(ARRAY_SIZE/n, ARRAY_SIZE/n)))

    A = expr.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE, tile_hint=(ARRAY_SIZE / n, ARRAY_SIZE / n))
    A = expr.dot(A, expr.transpose(A)).force()

    util.log_warn("begin cholesky!")
    t1 = datetime.now()
    L = cholesky(A).glom()
    t2 = datetime.now()
    assert np.all(np.isclose(A.glom(), np.dot(L, L.T.conj())))
    cost_time = millis(t1, t2)
    print "total cost time:%s ms, per iter cost time:%s ms" % (cost_time, cost_time / n)
Example #25
def benchmark_cholesky(ctx, timer):
    print "#worker:", ctx.num_workers

    #n = int(math.pow(ctx.num_workers, 1.0 / 3.0))
    n = int(math.sqrt(ctx.num_workers))
    #ARRAY_SIZE = 1600 * 4
    ARRAY_SIZE = 900 * n

    util.log_warn('prepare data!')
    #A = np.random.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE)
    #A = np.dot(A, A.T)

    A = expr.randn(ARRAY_SIZE, ARRAY_SIZE)
    A = expr.dot(A, expr.transpose(A))

    util.log_warn('begin cholesky!')
    t1 = datetime.now()
    L = cholesky(A).optimized().glom()
    t2 = datetime.now()
    #assert np.all(np.isclose(A.glom(), np.dot(L, L.T.conj())))
    cost_time = millis(t1, t2)
    print "total cost time:%s ms, per iter cost time:%s ms" % (cost_time,
                                                               cost_time / n)
Example #26
def svds(A, k=6):
  """Compute the largest k singular values/vectors for a sparse matrix.

  A : sparse matrix
      Array to compute the SVD on, of shape (M, N)
  k : int, optional
      Number of singular values and vectors to compute.

  u : ndarray, shape=(M, k)
      Unitary matrix having left singular vectors as columns.
  s : ndarray, shape=(k,)
      The singular values.
  vt : ndarray, shape=(k, N)
      Unitary matrix having right singular vectors as rows.  
  AT = expr.transpose(A).force()
  d, u = lanczos.solve(AT, A, k)
  d, v =  lanczos.solve(A, AT, k)
  return u, np.sqrt(d), v.T
Example #27
def cholesky(A):
  Cholesky matrix decomposition.

    A(Expr): matrix to be decomposed
  n = int(math.sqrt(FLAGS.num_workers))
  tile_size = A.shape[0] / n
  print n, tile_size
  for k in range(n):
    # A[k,k] = DPOTRF(A[k,k])
    diag_ex = get_ex(k, k, tile_size, A.shape)
    A = expr.map2(A, ((0, 1), ), fn=_cholesky_dpotrf_mapper,
                  shape=A.shape, update_region=diag_ex)

    if k == n - 1: break

    # A[l,k] = DTRSM(A[k,k], A[l,k]) l -> [k+1,n)
    col_ex = extent.create(((k+1)*tile_size, k*tile_size), (n*tile_size, (k+1)*tile_size), A.shape)
    A = expr.map2((A, A[diag_ex.to_slice()]), ((0, 1), None), fn=_cholesky_dtrsm_mapper,
                  shape=A.shape, update_region=col_ex)

    # A[m,m] = DSYRK(A[m,k], A[m,m]) m -> [k+1,n)
    # A[l,m] = DGEMM(A[l,k], A[m,k], A[l,m]) m -> [k+1,n) l -> [m+1,n)
    col_exs = list([extent.create((m*tile_size, m*tile_size), (n*tile_size, (m+1)*tile_size), A.shape) for m in range(k+1, n)])
    dgemm = A[:, (k * tile_size):((k + 1) * tile_size)]
    A = expr.map2((A, expr.transpose(dgemm), dgemm), ((0, 1), 1, 0),
                  shape=A.shape, update_region=col_exs).optimized()

  # update the right corner to 0
  col_exs = list([extent.create((0, m*tile_size), (m*tile_size, (m+1)*tile_size), A.shape) for m in range(1, n)])
  A = expr.map2(A, ((0, 1), ), fn=_zero_mapper,
                shape=A.shape, update_region=col_exs)
  return A
Example #28
 def test_transpose2(self):
   t1 = expr.arange((101, 102, 103))
   t2 = np.transpose(np.reshape(np.arange(101 * 102 * 103), (101, 102, 103)))
   Assert.all_eq(expr.transpose(t1).glom(), t2)
Example #29
    def train_smo_1998(self, data, labels):
    Train an SVM model using the SMO (1998) algorithm.
      data(Expr): points to be trained
      labels(Expr): the correct labels of the training data

        N = data.shape[0]  # Number of instances
        D = data.shape[1]  # Number of features

        self.b = 0.0
        self.alpha = expr.zeros((N, 1),
                                tile_hint=[N / self.ctx.num_workers,

        # linear kernel
        kernel_results = expr.dot(data,
                                  tile_hint=[N / self.ctx.num_workers, N])

        labels = expr.force(labels)
        self.E = expr.zeros((N, 1),
                            tile_hint=[N / self.ctx.num_workers, 1]).force()
        for i in xrange(N):
            self.E[i, 0] = self.b + expr.reduce(
                dtype_fn=lambda input: input.dtype,
                    data=kernel_results[:, i].force())).glom() - labels[i, 0]

        util.log_info("Starting SMO")
        it = 0
        num_changed = 0
        examine_all = True
        while (num_changed > 0 or examine_all) and (it < self.maxiter):
            util.log_info("Iteration:%d", it)

            num_changed = 0

            if examine_all:
                for i in xrange(N):
                    num_changed += self.examine_example(
                        i, N, labels, kernel_results)
                for i in xrange(N):
                    if self.alpha[i, 0] > 0 and self.alpha[i, 0] < self.C:
                        num_changed += self.examine_example(
                            i, N, labels, kernel_results)

            it += 1

            if examine_all: examine_all = False
            elif num_changed == 0: examine_all = True

        self.w = expr.zeros((D, 1), dtype=np.float64).force()
        for i in xrange(D):
            self.w[i, 0] = expr.reduce(self.alpha,
                                       dtype_fn=lambda input: input.dtype,
                                                      data[:, i]))).glom()
        self.usew_ = True
        print 'iteration finish:', it
        print 'b:', self.b
        print 'w:', self.w.glom()
Example #30
    def train_smo_2005(self, data, labels):
    Train an SVM model using the SMO (2005) algorithm.
      data(Expr): points to be trained
      labels(Expr): the correct labels of the training data

        N = data.shape[0]  # Number of instances
        D = data.shape[1]  # Number of features

        self.b = 0.0
        alpha = expr.zeros((N, 1),
                           tile_hint=[N / self.ctx.num_workers, 1]).force()

        # linear kernel
        kernel_results = expr.dot(data,
                                  tile_hint=[N / self.ctx.num_workers, N])
        gradient = expr.ones(
            (N, 1), dtype=np.float64, tile_hint=[N / self.ctx.num_workers, 1
                                                 ]) * -1.0

        expr_labels = expr.lazify(labels)

        util.log_info("Starting SMO")
        pv1 = pv2 = -1
        it = 0
        while it < self.maxiter:
            util.log_info("Iteration:%d", it)

            minObj = 1e100

            expr_alpha = expr.lazify(alpha)
            G = expr.multiply(labels, gradient) * -1.0

            v1_mask = ((expr_labels > self.tol) * (expr_alpha < self.C) +
                       (expr_labels < -self.tol) * (expr_alpha > self.tol))
            v1 = expr.argmax(G[v1_mask - True]).glom().item()
            maxG = G[v1, 0].glom()
            print 'maxv1:', v1, 'maxG:', maxG

            v2_mask = ((expr_labels > self.tol) * (expr_alpha > self.tol) +
                       (expr_labels < -self.tol) * (expr_alpha < self.C))
            min_v2 = expr.argmin(G[v2_mask - True]).glom().item()
            minG = G[min_v2, 0].glom()
            #print 'minv2:', min_v2, 'minG:', minG

            set_v2 = v2_mask.glom().nonzero()[0]
            #print 'actives:', set_v2.shape[0]
            v2 = -1
            for v in set_v2:
                b = maxG - G[v, 0].glom()
                if b > self.tol:
                    na = (kernel_results[v1, v1] + kernel_results[v, v] -
                          2 * kernel_results[v1, v]).glom()[0][0]
                    if na < self.tol: na = 1e12

                    obj = -(b * b) / na
                    if obj <= minObj and v1 != pv1 or v != pv2:
                        v2 = v
                        a = na
                        minObj = obj

            if v2 == -1: break
            if maxG - minG < self.tol: break

            print 'opt v1:', v1, 'v2:', v2

            pv1 = v1
            pv2 = v2

            y1 = labels[v1, 0]
            y2 = labels[v2, 0]

            oldA1 = alpha[v1, 0]
            oldA2 = alpha[v2, 0]

            # Calculate new alpha values, to reduce the objective function...
            b = y2 * expr.glom(gradient[v2, 0]) - y1 * expr.glom(gradient[v1,
            if y1 != y2:
                a += 4 * kernel_results[v1, v2].glom()

            newA1 = oldA1 + y1 * b / a
            newA2 = oldA2 - y2 * b / a

            # Correct for alpha being out of range...
            sum = y1 * oldA1 + y2 * oldA2

            if newA1 < self.tol: newA1 = 0.0
            elif newA1 > self.C: newA1 = self.C

            newA2 = y2 * (sum - y1 * newA1)

            if newA2 < self.tol: newA2 = 0.0
            elif newA2 > self.C: newA2 = self.C

            newA1 = y1 * (sum - y2 * newA2)

            # Update the gradient...
            dA1 = newA1 - oldA1
            dA2 = newA2 - oldA2

            gradient += expr.multiply(
                labels, kernel_results[:, v1]) * y1 * dA1 + expr.multiply(
                    labels, kernel_results[:, v2]) * y2 * dA2

            alpha[v1, 0] = newA1
            alpha[v2, 0] = newA2

            #print 'alpha:', alpha.glom().T

            it += 1
            #print 'gradient:', gradient.glom().T

        self.w = expr.zeros((D, 1), dtype=np.float64).force()
        for i in xrange(D):
            self.w[i, 0] = expr.reduce(alpha,
                                       dtype_fn=lambda input: input.dtype,
                                                      data[:, i]))).glom()

        self.b = 0.0
        E = (labels - self.margins(data)).force()

        minB = -1e100
        maxB = 1e100
        actualB = 0.0
        numActualB = 0

        for i in xrange(N):
            ai = alpha[i, 0]
            yi = labels[i, 0]
            Ei = E[i, 0]

            if ai < 1e-3:
                if yi < self.tol:
                    maxB = min((maxB, Ei))
                    minB = max((minB, Ei))
            elif ai > self.C - 1e-3:
                if yi < self.tol:
                    minB = max((minB, Ei))
                    maxB = min((maxB, Ei))
                numActualB += 1
                actualB += (Ei - actualB) / float(numActualB)
        if numActualB > 0:
            self.b = actualB
            self.b = 0.5 * (minB + maxB)

        self.usew_ = True
        print 'iteration finish:', it
        print 'b:', self.b
        print 'w:', self.w.glom()
Example #31
 def test_transpose1(self):
   t1 = expr.arange((3721, 1347))
   t2 = np.transpose(np.reshape(np.arange(3721 * 1347), (3721, 1347)))
   Assert.all_eq(expr.transpose(t1).glom(), t2)
Example #32
def als(A,
  compute the factorization A = U M' using the alternating least-squares (ALS) method.

  where `A` is the "ratings" matrix which maps from a user and item to a rating score,
        `U` and `M` are the factor matrices, which represent user and item preferences.
    A(Expr or DistArray): the rating matrix which maps from a user and item to a rating score.
    la(float): the parameter of the als.
    alpha(int): confidence parameter used on implicit feedback.
    implicit_feedback(bool): whether using implicit_feedback method for als.
    num_features(int): dimension of the feature space.
    num_iter(int): max iteration to run.
    num_users = A.shape[0]
    num_items = A.shape[1]

    AT = expr.transpose(A)

    avg_rating = expr.sum(A, axis=0) * 1.0 / expr.count_nonzero(A, axis=0)

    M = expr.rand(num_items, num_features)
    M = expr.assign(M, np.s_[:, 0], avg_rating.reshape(
        (avg_rating.shape[0], 1)))

    #A = expr.retile(A, tile_hint=util.calc_tile_hint(A, axis=0))
    #AT = expr.retile(AT, tile_hint=util.calc_tile_hint(AT, axis=0))
    for i in range(num_iter):
        # Recomputing U
        shape = (num_users, num_features)
        U = expr.outer(
            (A, M), (0, None),
                'la': la,
                'alpha': alpha,
                'implicit_feedback': implicit_feedback,
                'shape': shape
        # Recomputing M
        shape = (num_items, num_features)
        M = expr.outer(
            (AT, U), (0, None),
                'la': la,
                'alpha': alpha,
                'implicit_feedback': implicit_feedback,
                'shape': shape
    return U, M
Example #33
 def test_transpose2(self):
     t1 = expr.arange((101, 102, 103))
     t2 = np.transpose(
         np.reshape(np.arange(101 * 102 * 103), (101, 102, 103)))
     Assert.all_eq(expr.transpose(t1).glom(), t2)
Example #34
 def test_transpose1(self):
     t1 = expr.arange((3721, 1347))
     t2 = np.transpose(np.reshape(np.arange(3721 * 1347), (3721, 1347)))
     Assert.all_eq(expr.transpose(t1).glom(), t2)
Example #35
  def train_smo_2005(self, data, labels):
    Train an SVM model using the SMO (2005) algorithm.
      data(Expr): points to be trained
      labels(Expr): the correct labels of the training data
    N = data.shape[0] # Number of instances
    D = data.shape[1]  # Number of features

    self.b = 0.0
    alpha = expr.zeros((N,1), dtype=np.float64, tile_hint=[N/self.ctx.num_workers, 1]).force()
    # linear kernel
    kernel_results = expr.dot(data, expr.transpose(data), tile_hint=[N/self.ctx.num_workers, N])
    gradient = expr.ones((N, 1), dtype=np.float64, tile_hint=[N/self.ctx.num_workers, 1]) * -1.0
    expr_labels = expr.lazify(labels)
    util.log_info("Starting SMO")
    pv1 = pv2 = -1
    it = 0
    while it < self.maxiter:
      util.log_info("Iteration:%d", it)
      minObj = 1e100
      expr_alpha = expr.lazify(alpha)
      G = expr.multiply(labels, gradient) * -1.0

      v1_mask = ((expr_labels > self.tol) * (expr_alpha < self.C) + (expr_labels < -self.tol) * (expr_alpha > self.tol))
      v1 = expr.argmax(G[v1_mask-True]).glom().item()
      maxG = G[v1,0].glom()
      print 'maxv1:', v1, 'maxG:', maxG

      v2_mask = ((expr_labels > self.tol) * (expr_alpha > self.tol) + (expr_labels < -self.tol) * (expr_alpha < self.C))     
      min_v2 = expr.argmin(G[v2_mask-True]).glom().item()
      minG = G[min_v2,0].glom()
      #print 'minv2:', min_v2, 'minG:', minG
      set_v2 = v2_mask.glom().nonzero()[0]
      #print 'actives:', set_v2.shape[0]
      v2 = -1
      for v in set_v2:
        b = maxG - G[v,0].glom()
        if b > self.tol:
          na = (kernel_results[v1,v1] + kernel_results[v,v] - 2*kernel_results[v1,v]).glom()[0][0]
          if na < self.tol: na = 1e12
          obj = -(b*b)/na
          if obj <= minObj and v1 != pv1 or v != pv2:
            v2 = v
            a = na
            minObj = obj
      if v2 == -1: break
      if maxG - minG < self.tol: break
      print 'opt v1:', v1, 'v2:', v2

      pv1 = v1
      pv2 = v2
      y1 = labels[v1,0]
      y2 = labels[v2,0]    
      oldA1 = alpha[v1,0]
      oldA2 = alpha[v2,0]
      # Calculate new alpha values, to reduce the objective function...
      b = y2*expr.glom(gradient[v2,0]) - y1*expr.glom(gradient[v1,0])
      if y1 != y2:
        a += 4 * kernel_results[v1,v2].glom()
      newA1 = oldA1 + y1*b/a
      newA2 = oldA2 - y2*b/a   

      # Correct for alpha being out of range...
      sum = y1*oldA1 + y2*oldA2;
      if newA1 < self.tol: newA1 = 0.0
      elif newA1 > self.C: newA1 = self.C
      newA2 = y2 * (sum - y1 * newA1) 

      if newA2 < self.tol: newA2 = 0.0;
      elif newA2 > self.C: newA2 = self.C
      newA1 = y1 * (sum - y2 * newA2)
      # Update the gradient...
      dA1 = newA1 - oldA1
      dA2 = newA2 - oldA2
      gradient += expr.multiply(labels, kernel_results[:,v1]) * y1 * dA1 + expr.multiply(labels, kernel_results[:,v2]) * y2 * dA2

      alpha[v1,0] = newA1
      alpha[v2,0] = newA2
      #print 'alpha:', alpha.glom().T
      it += 1
      #print 'gradient:', gradient.glom().T

    self.w = expr.zeros((D, 1), dtype=np.float64).force()
    for i in xrange(D): 
      self.w[i,0] = expr.reduce(alpha, axis=None, dtype_fn=lambda input: input.dtype,
                                fn_kw=dict(label=labels, data=expr.force(data[:,i]))).glom()
    self.b = 0.0
    E = (labels - self.margins(data)).force()
    minB = -1e100
    maxB = 1e100
    actualB = 0.0
    numActualB = 0
    for i in xrange(N):
      ai = alpha[i,0]
      yi = labels[i,0]
      Ei = E[i,0]
      if ai < 1e-3:
        if yi < self.tol:
          maxB = min((maxB,Ei))
          minB = max((minB,Ei))
      elif ai > self.C - 1e-3:
        if yi < self.tol:
          minB = max((minB,Ei))
          maxB = min((maxB,Ei))
        numActualB += 1
        actualB += (Ei - actualB) / float(numActualB)
    if numActualB > 0:
      self.b = actualB
      self.b = 0.5*(minB + maxB)

    self.usew_ = True
    print 'iteration finish:', it
    print 'b:', self.b
    print 'w:', self.w.glom()