lamagetter = fetcher.Fetcher(cfg['connection']) localdb = LocalStore(dbname) for notice in notices: try: rows = lamagetter.fetch(notice['sql'].format(searchdate)) except fetcher.FetcherError as e: print ' - Error accessing DB: {0}'.format(e.message) sys.exit(1) localdb.save_data(notice['table'], rows, notice['uidfield']) print ' - {0} rows saved to table {1}'.format(len(rows), notice['table']) if len(rows) > 0: #Extract all the users from the AOI featureclass. allusers = set() usrflds = [cfg['addrfield'], notice['preffield']] rawaddrs = spatial.extract_results(cfg['aoisource'], usrflds, usrflds) for addr in rawaddrs: if addr[notice['preffield']] == '1': allusers.add(addr[cfg['addrfield']]) print ' - {0} users to be notified for {1}'.format(len(allusers), notice['table']) #This gets a little brute-forcey. Probably should be rolled up in localstore. getuidssql = 'SELECT DISTINCT {0} FROM {1}'.format(notice['uidfield'], notice['table']) uidres = localdb.exec_sql(getuidssql) noticeuids = '|'.join([str(x[notice['uidfield']]) for x in uidres]) rows = [] fields = [cfg['namefield'], cfg['addrfield'], cfg['uidfield']] for addr in allusers: rows.append(collections.OrderedDict(zip(fields, [cfg['citywidearea'], addr, noticeuids]))) localdb.save_points(cfg['mailtable'], rows, notice['table'], cfg['sourcefield'])
lamagetter = fetcher.Fetcher(cfg['connection']) localdb = LocalStore(dbname) for notice in notices: try: rows = lamagetter.fetch(notice['sql'].format(searchdate)) except fetcher.FetcherError as e: print ' - Error accessing DB: {0}'.format(e.message) sys.exit(1) localdb.save_data(notice['table'], rows, notice['uidfield']) print ' - {0} rows saved to table {1}'.format(len(rows), notice['table']) if len(rows) > 0: #Extract all the users from the AOI featureclass. allusers = set() usrflds = [cfg['addrfield'], notice['preffield']] rawaddrs = spatial.extract_results(cfg['aoisource'], usrflds, usrflds) for addr in rawaddrs: if addr[notice['preffield']] == '1': allusers.add(addr[cfg['addrfield']]) print ' - {0} users to be notified for {1}'.format( len(allusers), notice['table']) #This gets a little brute-forcey. Probably should be rolled up in localstore. getuidssql = 'SELECT DISTINCT {0} FROM {1}'.format( notice['uidfield'], notice['table']) uidres = localdb.exec_sql(getuidssql) noticeuids = '|'.join([str(x[notice['uidfield']]) for x in uidres]) rows = [] fields = [cfg['namefield'], cfg['addrfield'], cfg['uidfield']] for addr in allusers: rows.append(
try: joined = spatial.select_and_join(cfg['aoisource'], notice['table'], gdb, aoifilter, outfields, notice['uidfield']) except spatial.ArcError as e: print ' - Error completing spatial join: {0}'.format(e.message) sys.exit(1) if joined is not None: fcfields = [ notice['namefield'], notice['addrfield'], notice['uidfield'] ] exportfields = [ cfg['namefield'], cfg['addrfield'], cfg['uidfield'] ] joinedrows = spatial.extract_results(joined, fcfields, exportfields) if len(joinedrows) > 0: localdb.save_points(cfg['mailtable'], joinedrows, notice['table'], cfg['sourcefield']) totaljoined += len(joinedrows) print ' - {0} rows saved for notice {1}'.format( len(joinedrows), notice['table']) else: print ' - {0} rows saved for notice {1}'.format(0, notice['table']) localdb.close_db() #Now, delete the temp GDB, unless the --keep option has been passed. if args.rename: print 'Keeping scratch GDB for posterity...' currdate ='%Y%m%d') try:
except spatial.ArcError as e: print ' - Error creating points from notices: {0}'.format(e.message) sys.exit(1) aoifilter = notice['aoifilter'].format(frequency) try: joined = spatial.select_and_join(cfg['aoisource'], notice['table'], gdb, aoifilter, outfields, notice['uidfield']) except spatial.ArcError as e: print ' - Error completing spatial join: {0}'.format(e.message) sys.exit(1) if joined is not None: fcfields = [notice['namefield'], notice['addrfield'], notice['uidfield']] exportfields = [cfg['namefield'], cfg['addrfield'], cfg['uidfield']] joinedrows = spatial.extract_results(joined, fcfields, exportfields) if len(joinedrows) > 0: localdb.save_points(cfg['mailtable'], joinedrows, notice['table'], cfg['sourcefield']) totaljoined += len(joinedrows) print ' - {0} rows saved for notice {1}'.format(len(joinedrows), notice['table']) else: print ' - {0} rows saved for notice {1}'.format(0, notice['table']) localdb.close_db() #Now, delete the temp GDB, unless the --keep option has been passed. if args.rename: print 'Keeping scratch GDB for posterity...' currdate ='%Y%m%d') try: spatial.keep_gdb(gdb, currdate)