def getGeographIDs(bbox,key): """ Same as getUUIDs but for geograph files """ if bbox and not key: res = spatialite.execute(""" SELECT group_concat(id) as geograph_ids from geot_geograph g WHERE g.ROWID IN (SELECT pkid FROM idx_geot_geograph_geom WHERE xmin >= ? AND ymin >= ? AND xmax <= ? AND ymax <= ?) AND id IN ( select id from sample_ids ) """, bbox.split(',') ) if not bbox and key: #filter out small keywords for keyword-only queries if ( len(key) < 3): res = [(None,)] else: res = spatialite.execute(""" SELECT group_concat(b.gridimage_id) FROM gridimage_base b, gridimage_tag gt,tag WHERE gt.gridimage_id=b.gridimage_id AND tag.tag_id=gt.tag_id AND b.gridimage_id IN ( select id from sample_ids ) AND tag like ? """, ( key + '%' ,)) if bbox and key: # TODO too slow unless one uses a sorted text index and substitutes LIKE with a # x< foobas AND x >= foobar kind of optimization res = spatialite.execute(""" SELECT group_concat(id) as geograph_ids from geot_geograph g WHERE g.ROWID IN (SELECT pkid FROM idx_geot_geograph_geom WHERE xmin >= ? AND ymin >= ? AND xmax <= ? AND ymax <= ?) AND id IN ( select id from sample_ids ) -- AND tags like ? """, tuple(bbox.split(',')) ) # + (key,) res = ','.join(res[0]) if res[0]!=(None,) else "" return res
def getUUIDs(bbox,key): """ Return all UUIDs in database for mediafile within a BBOX and/or with keyword `key' Args: bbox (optional): string of comma separated xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax key (optional): keyword string to filter by """ if bbox and not key: res = spatialite.execute(""" SELECT group_concat(uuid) from sessions WHERE sessions.ROWID IN (SELECT pkid FROM idx_sessions_geom WHERE xmin >= ? AND ymin >= ? AND xmax <= ? AND ymax <= ?) """, bbox.split(',') ) if not bbox and key: res = spatialite.execute(""" SELECT group_concat(uuid) from sessions s, gtr_tags tags, gtr_tag tag WHERE = tags.sessions_id and = tags.tag_id and tag=? """, (key,) ) if bbox and key: res = spatialite.execute(""" SELECT group_concat(uuid) from sessions s, gtr_tags tags, gtr_tag tag WHERE = tags.sessions_id and = tags.tag_id and tag=? AND s.ROWID IN (SELECT pkid FROM idx_sessions_geom WHERE xmin >= ? AND ymin >= ? AND xmax <= ? AND ymax <= ?) """, (key,) + tuple(bbox.split(',')) ) res = ','.join(res[0]) if res[0]!=(None,) else "" return res
def get_userid_list(bbox, key): """ Return all userids in database for mediafile within a BBOX and/or with keyword `key' Args: bbox (optional): string of comma separated xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax key (optional): keyword string to filter by Returns: String of comma-separated userids """ if bbox and not key: res = spatialite.execute( """ SELECT group_concat(userid) from sessions WHERE sessions.ROWID IN (SELECT pkid FROM idx_sessions_geom WHERE xmin >= ? AND ymin >= ? AND xmax <= ? AND ymax <= ?) """, bbox.split(',')) if not bbox and key: res = spatialite.execute( """ SELECT group_concat(userid) from sessions s, tags, tag WHERE = tags.sessions_id and = tags.tag_id and tag=? """, (key, )) if bbox and key: res = spatialite.execute( """ SELECT group_concat(userid) from sessions s, tags, tag WHERE = tags.sessions_id and = tags.tag_id and tag=? AND s.ROWID IN (SELECT pkid FROM idx_sessions_geom WHERE xmin >= ? AND ymin >= ? AND xmax <= ? AND ymax <= ?) """, (key, ) + tuple(bbox.split(','))) res = ','.join(res[0]) if res[0] != (None, ) else "" return res
def insert_uuid(uuid, lon=None, lat=None): """ register uuid. No-op if uuid already exists. Optional argument lon/lat allow for geocoded uuids. """ if ( not (lon and lat)): res = spatialite.execute(""" INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sessions(uuid) VALUES (?); """, (uuid,)) else: res = spatialite.execute(""" INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sessions(uuid, geom) VALUES (?,PointFromText('POINT('|| ? || ' '|| ? || ')', 4326)) """, (uuid, lon, lat) ) return res
def get_request_pair(userid): """ return ( userid, req_secret ) pair for provided userid or None """ res = spatialite.execute( """ SELECT userid, reqsec from temp_request WHERE userid=? """, (userid, )) return res[0] if res else None
def prune_temp_request(): """ delete temporary requests tables. Should be called at app startup """ res = spatialite.execute(""" DELETE FROM temp_request(userid,reqsec) VALUES """) return res==[]
def save_unverified_request(userid, req_secret): """ save unverified request keys """ res = spatialite.execute( """ INSERT OR IGNORE INTO temp_request(userid,reqsec) VALUES (?,?) """, (userid, req_secret)) return res == []
def delete_token(userid): """ delete token with provided userid """ res = spatialite.execute( """ DELETE FROM tokens WHERE userid=? """, (userid, )) return res == []
def insert_key(key): """ register a new keyword. Noop if keyword exists. """ res = spatialite.execute( """ INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag(tag) VALUES (?); """, (key, )) return res
def insert_userid(userid, lon=None, lat=None): """ register userid. No-op if userid already exists. Optional argument lon/lat allow for geocoded userids. """ if (not (lon and lat)): res = spatialite.execute( """ INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sessions(userid) VALUES (?); """, (userid, )) else: res = spatialite.execute( """ INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sessions(userid, geom) VALUES (?,PointFromText('POINT('|| ? || ' '|| ? || ')', 4326)) """, (userid, lon, lat)) return res
def geograph_byid(id): """ Return lon,lat,tags for geogrph image of given id. Tags are None if they are empty""" res = spatialite.execute( """ select long, lat, tags from geot_geograph where id = ?; """, (id, )) return res[0]
def get_access_pair(userid): """ return ( acc_key, acc_secret ) for provided userid or None """ res = spatialite.execute( """ SELECT accsec, acckey from tokens WHERE userid=? """, (userid, )) return res[0] if res else None
def connect_key(uuid,key): """ Associate a uuid with a keyword. Both MUST already exist (so run insert_key&insert_uuid before just in case.) """ res = spatialite.execute(""" INSERT OR IGNORE INTO gtr_tags(sessions_id,tag_id) SELECT, from sessions s, gtr_tag t WHERE s.uuid=? and t.tag=? """ , (uuid,key)) return res
def connect_key(userid, key): """ Associate a userid with a keyword. Both MUST already exist (so run insert_key&insert_userid before just in case.) """ res = spatialite.execute( """ INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tags(sessions_id,tag_id) SELECT, from sessions s, tag t WHERE s.userid=? and t.tag=? """, (userid, key)) return res
def get_tags(userid): """ Get all tags associated with a userid """ stdout = spatialite.execute(""" BEGIN; select group_concat(tag) as tags from sessions LEFT OUTER JOIN tags USING userid LEFT OUTER JOIN tag USING tag_id where userid=? COMMIT;""", (userid,)) if stdout == None: raise DBException("No tags found!") return stdout.split(',')
def get_tags(): """ """ stdout = spatialite.execute(""" BEGIN; select group_concat(tag) as tags from sessions LEFT OUTER JOIN gtr_tags USING uuid LEFT OUTER JOIN gtr_tag USING tag_id where uuid=? COMMIT;""", (uuid,)) if stdout == None: raise DBException("No tags found!") return stdout.split(',')
def geotag_uuid(uuid, lon, lat): """ geocode existing uuid args: lon/lat WGS84 coords. """ log.debug("lon is %s" % lon) log.debug("UPDATE sessions SET geom = PointFromText('POINT('|| %s || ' '|| %s || ')', 4326) WHERE uuid='%s'" % (lon,lat,uuid)) res = spatialite.execute(""" UPDATE sessions SET geom = PointFromText('POINT('|| ? || ' '|| ? || ')', 4326) WHERE uuid=? """, (lon, lat, uuid) ) return res
def get_tags(userid): """ Get all tags associated with a userid """ stdout = spatialite.execute( """ BEGIN; select group_concat(tag) as tags from sessions LEFT OUTER JOIN tags USING userid LEFT OUTER JOIN tag USING tag_id where userid=? COMMIT;""", (userid, )) if stdout == None: raise DBException("No tags found!") return stdout.split(',')
def get_tags(): """ """ stdout = spatialite.execute( """ BEGIN; select group_concat(tag) as tags from sessions LEFT OUTER JOIN gtr_tags USING uuid LEFT OUTER JOIN gtr_tag USING tag_id where uuid=? COMMIT;""", (uuid, )) if stdout == None: raise DBException("No tags found!") return stdout.split(',')
def geotag_userid(userid, lon, lat): """ geocode existing userid args: lon/lat WGS84 coords. """ log.debug("lon is %s" % lon) log.debug( "UPDATE sessions SET geom = PointFromText('POINT('|| %s || ' '|| %s || ')', 4326) WHERE userid='%s'" % (lon, lat, userid)) res = spatialite.execute( """ UPDATE sessions SET geom = PointFromText('POINT('|| ? || ' '|| ? || ')', 4326) WHERE userid=? """, (lon, lat, userid)) return res
def getGeographIDs(bbox, key): """ Same as getUUIDs but for geograph files """ if bbox and not key: res = spatialite.execute( """ SELECT group_concat(id) as geograph_ids from geot_geograph g WHERE g.ROWID IN (SELECT pkid FROM idx_geot_geograph_geom WHERE xmin >= ? AND ymin >= ? AND xmax <= ? AND ymax <= ?) AND id IN ( select id from sample_ids ) """, bbox.split(',')) if not bbox and key: #filter out small keywords for keyword-only queries if (len(key) < 3): res = [(None, )] else: res = spatialite.execute( """ SELECT group_concat(b.gridimage_id) FROM gridimage_base b, gridimage_tag gt,tag WHERE gt.gridimage_id=b.gridimage_id AND tag.tag_id=gt.tag_id AND b.gridimage_id IN ( select id from sample_ids ) AND tag like ? """, (key + '%', )) if bbox and key: # TODO too slow unless one uses a sorted text index and substitutes LIKE with a # x< foobas AND x >= foobar kind of optimization res = spatialite.execute(""" SELECT group_concat(id) as geograph_ids from geot_geograph g WHERE g.ROWID IN (SELECT pkid FROM idx_geot_geograph_geom WHERE xmin >= ? AND ymin >= ? AND xmax <= ? AND ymax <= ?) AND id IN ( select id from sample_ids ) -- AND tags like ? """, tuple(bbox.split(','))) # + (key,) res = ','.join(res[0]) if res[0] != (None, ) else "" return res
def nearest_dist( lon, lat, dist ): """ Find nearest neighbours of lon,lat within dist Args: lon: Longitude lat: Latitude dist: distance in metres (assuming data in wgs84) Returns: nearest sorted by distance """ rad = 0.01 # rough approximation for filter #FYI sample_ids are the ones that geograph actually delivers for download as a torrent (about 10% of the whole). res = spatialite.execute(""" SELECT id, realname,title,tags,comment, long,lat, GeodesicLength( MakeLine( MAKEPOINT(?, ?, 4326) , geot_geograph.geom)) AS "Distance (m)" FROM geot_geograph WHERE GeodesicLength( MakeLine( MAKEPOINT(?, ?, 4326) , geot_geograph.geom)) < ? AND geot_geograph.ROWID IN ( SELECT pkid FROM idx_geot_geograph_geom WHERE xmin >= ? AND ymin >= ? AND xmax <= ? AND ymax <= ?) AND IN ( select id from sample_ids ) ORDER BY 8 LIMIT 10; """, ( lon, lat, lon, lat ,dist, lon - rad, lat - rad , lon + rad, lat + rad ) ) return res
def nearest_dist(lon, lat, dist): """ Find nearest neighbours of lon,lat within dist Args: lon: Longitude lat: Latitude dist: distance in metres (assuming data in wgs84) Returns: nearest sorted by distance """ rad = 0.01 # rough approximation for filter #FYI sample_ids are the ones that geograph actually delivers for download as a torrent (about 10% of the whole). res = spatialite.execute( """ SELECT id, realname,title,tags,comment, long,lat, GeodesicLength( MakeLine( MAKEPOINT(?, ?, 4326) , geot_geograph.geom)) AS "Distance (m)" FROM geot_geograph WHERE GeodesicLength( MakeLine( MAKEPOINT(?, ?, 4326) , geot_geograph.geom)) < ? AND geot_geograph.ROWID IN ( SELECT pkid FROM idx_geot_geograph_geom WHERE xmin >= ? AND ymin >= ? AND xmax <= ? AND ymax <= ?) AND IN ( select id from sample_ids ) ORDER BY 8 LIMIT 10; """, (lon, lat, lon, lat, dist, lon - rad, lat - rad, lon + rad, lat + rad)) return res
def save_access_tokens(userid, req_secret, acc_key, acc_secret): res = spatialite.execute(""" INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tokens(userid,reqsec,accsec,acckey) VALUES (?,?,?,?) """, (userid,req_secret, acc_key, acc_secret)) return res==[]
def save_access_tokens(userid, req_secret, acc_key, acc_secret): res = spatialite.execute( """ INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tokens(userid,reqsec,accsec,acckey) VALUES (?,?,?,?) """, (userid, req_secret, acc_key, acc_secret)) return res == []
def dump_tokens(): res = spatialite.execute(""" SELECT * FROM tokens; """) # 2D list of lists return res
def get_access_pair(userid): """ return ( acc_key, acc_secret ) for provided userid or None """ res = spatialite.execute(""" SELECT accsec, acckey from tokens WHERE userid=? """, (userid,)) return res[0] if res else None
def delete_token(userid): """ delete token with provided userid """ res = spatialite.execute(""" DELETE FROM tokens WHERE userid=? """, (userid,) ) return res==[]
def insert_key(key): """ register a new keyword. Noop if keyword exists. """ res = spatialite.execute(""" INSERT OR IGNORE INTO gtr_tag(tag) VALUES (?); """ , (key,)) return res
def geograph_byid( id ): """ Return lon,lat,tags for geogrph image of given id. Tags are None if they are empty""" res = spatialite.execute(""" select long, lat, tags from geot_geograph where id = ?; """, (id,)) return res[0]
def get_request_pair(userid): """ return ( userid, req_secret ) pair for provided userid or None """ res = spatialite.execute(""" SELECT userid, reqsec from temp_request WHERE userid=? """, (userid,)) return res[0] if res else None
def save_unverified_request( userid, req_secret ): """ save unverified request keys """ res = spatialite.execute(""" INSERT OR IGNORE INTO temp_request(userid,reqsec) VALUES (?,?) """, (userid,req_secret)) return res==[]
def prune_temp_request(): """ delete temporary requests tables. Should be called at app startup """ res = spatialite.execute(""" DELETE FROM temp_request(userid,reqsec) VALUES """) return res == []