Example #1
def test_graphical_robot_creation():
    This test will create a simple 3-link graphical robot.
    The joints are then set to new poses to show updating does occur.
    p = SE3()

    p1 = p
    p2 = p.Tx(1)
    p3 = p.Tx(2)

    robot = gph.GraphicalRobot(g_canvas, 'test_3_link_robot')

    robot.append_link('r', p1, 1.0)
    robot.append_link('R', p2, 1.0)
    robot.append_link('r', p3, 1.0)

    arr = array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    new_p1 = SE3(arr)

    arr = array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    new_p2 = SE3(arr)

    arr = array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 2], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    new_p3 = SE3(arr)


    robot.set_joint_poses([new_p1, new_p2, new_p3])
Example #2
def test_multiple_robots():
    p = SE3()
    p1 = p
    p2 = p.Tx(1)
    p3 = p.Tx(2)

    robot = gph.GraphicalRobot(g_canvas, 'Robot A')

    robot.append_link('r', p1, 1.0)
    robot.append_link('R', p2, 1.0)
    robot.append_link('r', p3, 1.0)

    arr = array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    new_p1 = SE3(arr)

    arr = array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    new_p2 = SE3(arr)

    arr = array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 2], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    new_p3 = SE3(arr)

    robot2 = gph.GraphicalRobot(g_canvas, 'Robot B')
    robot2.append_link('r', new_p1, 1.0)
    robot2.append_link('R', new_p2, 1.0)
    robot2.append_link('r', new_p3, 1.0)
Example #3
    def exp(self, theta=None, units='rad'):
        Exponentiate a twist
        :param theta: DESCRIPTION, defaults to None
        :type theta: TYPE, optional
        :param units: DESCRIPTION, defaults to 'rad'
        :type units: TYPE, optional
        :return: DESCRIPTION
        :rtype: TYPE

        TW.exp is the homogeneous transformation equivalent to the twist (SE2 or SE3).

        TW.exp(THETA) as above but with a rotation of THETA about the twist.

        - For the second form the twist must, if rotational, have a unit rotational component.

        See also Twist.T, trexp, trexp2.

        if units != 'rad' and self.isprismatic:
            print('Twist.exp: using degree mode for a prismatic twist')

        if theta is None:
            theta = 1
            theta = argcheck.getunit(theta, units)

        if isinstance(theta, (int, np.int64, float, np.float64)):
            return SE3(tr.trexp(self.S * theta))
            return SE3([tr.trexp(self.S * t) for t in theta])
    def _get_initial_qpos(self):
        Calculates the initial joint position for the robot based on the initial desired pose (self.traj_pt, self.goal_quat).


            (np.array): n joint positions 
        pos = self._convert_robosuite_to_toolbox_xpos(self.traj_pt)
        ori_euler = mat2euler(quat2mat(self.goal_quat))

        # desired pose
        T = SE3(pos) * SE3.RPY(ori_euler)

        # find initial joint positions
        if self.robots[0].name == "UR5e":
            robot = rtb.models.DH.UR5()
            sol = robot.ikine_min(T, q0=self.robots[0].init_qpos)

            # flip last joint around (pi)
            sol.q[-1] -= np.pi
            return sol.q

        elif self.robots[0].name == "Panda":
            robot = rtb.models.DH.Panda()
            sol = robot.ikine_min(T, q0=self.robots[0].init_qpos)
            return sol.q
    def __init__(self, graphics_canvas, name, robot=None):
        self.joints = []
        self.num_joints = 0
        self.rob_shown = True
        self.ref_shown = True
        self.opacity = 1
        self.name = name
        self.__scene = graphics_canvas

        self.angles = []
        self.robot = robot

        # If Robot given, create the robot
        if self.robot is not None:
            # Update name
            self.name = self.robot.name
            # Get initial poses
            zero_angles = self.robot.qz
            all_poses = self.robot.fkine_all(zero_angles)
            # Create the base
            if robot.basemesh is not None:
                self.append_link("s", robot.base, robot.basemesh, [0, 0], 0)
            # else: assume no base joint
            # Create the joints
            i = 0
            for link in self.robot.links:
                # Get info
                if link.isprismatic():
                    j_type = 'p'
                elif link.isrevolute():
                    j_type = 'r'
                    j_type = 's'
                pose = all_poses[i]   # Pose
                if link.mesh is None:
                    if i == 0:
                        x1, x2 = SE3().t[0], all_poses[i].t[0]
                        y1, y2 = SE3().t[1], all_poses[i].t[1]
                        z1, z2 = SE3().t[2], all_poses[i].t[2]
                        length = sqrt(
                            (x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1)
                            * (y2 - y1) + (z2 - z1) * (z2 - z1))  # Length
                        x1, x2 = all_poses[i - 1].t[0], all_poses[i].t[0]
                        y1, y2 = all_poses[i - 1].t[1], all_poses[i].t[1]
                        z1, z2 = all_poses[i - 1].t[2], all_poses[i].t[2]
                        length = sqrt(
                            (x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1)
                            * (y2 - y1) + (z2 - z1) * (z2 - z1))  # Length
                    length = link.mesh
                angle_lims = link.qlim  # Angle limits
                theta = link.theta  # Current angle
                i += 1
                self.append_link(j_type, pose, length, angle_lims, theta)

        # Add the robot to the canvas UI
 def base(self, T):
     # if not isinstance(T, SE3):
     #     T = SE3(T)
     if T is None or isinstance(T, SE3):
         self._base = T
     elif SE3.isvalid(T):
         self._tool = SE3(T, check=False)
         raise ValueError('base must be set to None (no tool) or an SE3')
Example #7
    def setUp(self):
        self.scene = canvas.GraphicsCanvas3D()

        #    0.707107 -0.707107  0         0
        #    0.707107  0.707107  0         1
        #    0         0         1         0.4
        #    0         0         0         1
        self.se3 = SE3().Ty(1) * SE3().Tz(0.4) * SE3().Rz(45, 'deg')
        self.structure = 1.0
Example #8
    def __init__(self,
                 imagesize=(1024, 1024),
        Create instance of a Camera class
        if name is None:
            self._name = 'MVTB camera'
            if not isinstance(name, str):
                raise TypeError(name, 'name must be a string')
            self._name = name

        if camtype is None:
            self._camtype = 'perspective'
            if not isinstance(camtype, str):
                raise TypeError(camtype, 'camtype must be a string')
            self._camtype = camtype

        rho = base.getvector(rho)
        if len(rho) == 1:
            self._rhou = rho[0]
            self._rhov = rho[0]
        elif len(rho) == 2:
            self._rhou = rho[0]
            self._rhov = rho[1]
            raise ValueError(rho, 'rho must be a 1- or 2-element vector')

        imagesize = base.getvector(imagesize)
        if len(imagesize) == 1:
            self._nu = imagesize
            self._nv = imagesize
        elif len(imagesize) == 2:
            self._nu = imagesize[0]
            self._nv = imagesize[1]
            raise ValueError(
                imagesize, 'imagesize must be a 1- or 2-element vector')

        if pose is None:
            self._pose = SE3()
            self._pose = SE3(pose)

        self._image = None

        self._fig = None
        self._ax = None

        self._noise = None
        self._distortion = None
Example #9
def go_down(connection):

    servo_position = get_position(connection)
    N1 = int(servo_position[0])

    head_position = get_head_position(connection, servo_pos=servo_position)

    rbot = rtb.models.DH.widowx()

    pos = [
        head_position[0], 0, head_position[1] + 36
    ]  # [x,y,z] = [l, 0, 36+h], 0 mais ballec faut juste pas commander le servo 1
    pas = 20
    dt = 0.31
    H = np.flip(np.append(np.arange(-50, pos[2], pas), pos[2]))
    viapt = []
    ang_reel = [
        servo_position[0] * (pi / 2048),
        (servo_position[1] - 1024) * (pi / 2048),
        (servo_position[2] - 1024) * (pi / 2048)
    ]  # [theta_1, theta_2, theta_3], angles réels du robot
    ang = [ang_reel[0], pi - 0.3443 - ang_reel[1], ang_reel[2] + 0.3443 - pi
           ]  # [phi_1, phi_2, phi_3], angles utilisés par le modèle

    for h in H:
        T = SE3(pos[0], pos[1], h) * SE3.OA([0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -1])
        sol = rbot.ikinem(T, q0=np.array(
            ([ang[0]], [ang[1]],
             [ang[2]])).T)  # ikinem: cinématique inverse numérique,
        ang = [sol[0][0], sol[0][1], sol[0][2]]

    VIA = np.array(viapt)
    qt = rtb.trajectory.mstraj(
        VIA, dt, tacc=0.2, qdmax=10
    )  # tacc : temps d'accélération | qdmax : vitesse max | dt : delay
    # rbot.plot(qt.q, movie='panda1.gif') # plot de la trajectoire
    traj = qt.q
    print("trajectoire :" + str(len(traj)))

    for i in range(len(traj)):

        ang2_mod = traj[i][1]
        ang3_mod = traj[i][2]

        ang2_reel = pi - 0.3443 - ang2_mod
        ang3_reel = ang3_mod - 0.3443 + pi

        N2_pile = (2048 / pi) * ang2_reel + 1024
        N3_pile = (2048 / pi) * ang3_reel + 1024

        N2 = int((2048 / pi) * ang2_reel + 1024)
        N3 = int((2048 / pi) * ang3_reel + 1024)

        N4 = int(1024 + N2_pile - N3_pile)
Example #10
 def tool(self, T):
     # if not isinstance(T, SE3):
     #     T = SE3(T)
     # this is allowed to be none, it's helpful for symbolics rather than having an identity matrix
     if T is None or isinstance(T, SE3):
         self._tool = T
     elif SE3.isvalid(T):
         self._tool = SE3(T, check=False)
         raise ValueError('tool must be set to None (no tool) or an SE3')
    def setUp(self):
        self.robot_scene = GraphicsCanvas3D()

        #    0.707107 -0.707107  0         0
        #    0.707107  0.707107  0         1
        #    0         0         1         0.4
        #    0         0         0         1
        self.robot_se3 = SE3().Ty(1) * SE3().Tz(0.4) * SE3().Rz(45, 'deg')
        self.robot_structure = 1.0
        self.se3 = SE3().Tx(3)
        warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=ResourceWarning)
    def test_multiply(self):
        T1 = SE3.Rx(pi / 4)
        T2 = SE3.Rz(-pi / 3)

        T = T1 * T2

        d1 = UnitDualQuaternion(T1)
        d2 = UnitDualQuaternion(T2)

        d = d1 * d2
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(d.SE3().A, T.A)
    def rne(robot, q, qd, qdd, gravity=None):

        n = robot.n

        # allocate intermediate variables
        Xup = SE3.Alloc(n)
        Xtree = SE3.Alloc(n)

        v = SpatialVelocity.Alloc(n)
        a = SpatialAcceleration.Alloc(n)
        f = SpatialForce.Alloc(n)
        I = SpatialInertia.Alloc(n)  # noqa
        s = [None for i in range(n)]  # joint motion subspace
        Q = np.zeros((n, ))  # joint torque/force

        # initialize intermediate variables
        for j, link in enumerate(robot):
            I[j] = SpatialInertia(m=link.m, r=link.r)
            Xtree[j] = link.Ts
            s[j] = link.v.s

        if gravity is None:
            a_grav = SpatialAcceleration(robot.gravity)
            a_grav = SpatialAcceleration(gravity)

        # forward recursion
        for j in range(0, n):
            vJ = SpatialVelocity(s[j] * qd[j])

            # transform from parent(j) to j
            Xup[j] = robot[j].A(q[j]).inv()

            if robot[j].parent is None:
                v[j] = vJ
                a[j] = Xup[j] * a_grav + SpatialAcceleration(s[j] * qdd[j])
                jp = robot[j].parent.jindex
                v[j] = Xup[j] * v[jp] + vJ
                a[j] = Xup[j] * a[jp] \
                    + SpatialAcceleration(s[j] * qdd[j]) \
                    + v[j] @ vJ

            f[j] = I[j] * a[j] + v[j] @ (I[j] * v[j])

        # backward recursion
        for j in reversed(range(0, n)):
            Q[j] = f[j].dot(s[j])

            if robot[j].parent is not None:
                jp = robot[j].parent.jindex
                f[jp] = f[jp] + Xup[j] * f[j]

        return Q
def p_servo(wTe, wTep, gain=2, threshold=0.1):
    Position-based servoing.

    Returns the end-effector velocity which will cause the robot to approach
    the desired pose.

    :param wTe: The current pose of the end-effecor in the base frame.
    :type wTe: SE3
    :param wTep: The desired pose of the end-effecor in the base frame.
    :type wTep: SE3
    :param gain: The gain for the controller
    :type gain: float
    :param threshold: The threshold or tolerance of the final error between
        the robot's pose and desired pose
    :type threshold: float

    :returns v: The velocity of the end-effecotr which will casue the robot
        to approach wTep
    :rtype v: ndarray(6)
    :returns arrived: True if the robot is within the threshold of the final
    :rtype arrived: bool


    if not isinstance(wTe, SE3):
        wTe = SE3(wTe)

    if not isinstance(wTep, SE3):
        wTep = SE3(wTep)

    # Pose difference
    eTep = wTe.inv() * wTep

    # Translational velocity error
    ev = eTep.t

    # Angular velocity error
    ew = eTep.rpy() * np.pi / 180

    # Form error vector
    e = np.r_[ev, ew]

    # Desired end-effector velocity
    v = gain * e

    if np.sum(np.abs(e)) < threshold:
        arrived = True
        arrived = False

    return v, arrived
Example #15
    def test_set_joint_pose(self):
        # Create a scene
        self.scene.scene.title = "Test Set Joint Pose"

        # Create a joint
        joint = robot.RotationalJoint(self.se3, self.structure, self.scene)

        # Move joint x+30d, y, z-2
        joint.update_pose(self.se3 * SE3().Rx(30, 'deg') * SE3().Tz(-2))

        # Check position
        self.check_obj_pose(joint, self.se3 * SE3().Rx(30, 'deg') * SE3().Tz(-2))
Example #16
    def test_set_joint_orientation(self):
        # Create a scene
        self.scene.scene.title = "Test Set Joint Orientation"

        # Create a joint
        joint = robot.RotationalJoint(self.se3, self.structure, self.scene)

        # Rotate joint x+30d, y, z+45d
        joint.update_orientation(self.se3 * SE3().Rx(30, 'deg') * SE3().Rz(45, 'deg'))

        # Check position
        self.check_obj_pose(joint, self.se3 * SE3().Rx(30, 'deg') * SE3().Rz(45, 'deg'))
Example #17
    def setUp(self):
        # Get the last scene
        self.robot_scene = self.env.canvases[len(self.env.canvases) - 1]

        #    0.707107 -0.707107  0         0
        #    0.707107  0.707107  0         1
        #    0         0         1         0.4
        #    0         0         0         1
        self.robot_se3 = SE3().Ty(1) * SE3().Tz(0.4) * SE3().Rz(45, 'deg')
        self.robot_structure = 1.0
        self.se3 = SE3().Tx(3)
        warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=ResourceWarning)
Example #18
    def __init__(self, base=None):

        mm = 1e-3
        deg = pi / 180

        # details from

        h = 53.0 * mm
        r = 30.309 * mm
        l2 = 170.384 * mm
        l3 = 136.307 * mm
        l4 = 86.00 * mm
        c = 40.0 * mm

        # tool_offset = l4 + c

        # Turret, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Claw
        links = [
            RevoluteDH(d=h, a=0, alpha=90 * deg),  # Turret
                alpha=0,  # Shoulder
                qlim=[10 * deg, 122.5 * deg]),
                alpha=0,  # Elbow
                qlim=[20 * deg, 340 * deg]),
                a=l4 + c,
                alpha=0,  # Wrist
                qlim=[45 * deg, 315 * deg])

                         name="Orion 5",
                         manufacturer="RAWR Robotics",
                         base=SE3(r, 0, 0),
                         tool=SE3.Ry(90, 'deg'))

        # zero angles, all folded up
        self.addconfiguration("qz", np.r_[0, 90, 180, 180] * deg)

        # stretched out vertically
        self.addconfiguration("qv", np.r_[0, 90, 180, 180] * deg)

        # arm horizontal, hand down
        self.addconfiguration("qh", np.r_[0, 0, 180, 90] * deg)
Example #19
    def test_listpowers(self):
        R = SE3()
        R1 = SE3.Rx(0.2)
        R2 = SE3.Ry(0.3)

        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 3)
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        array_compare(R[0], np.eye(4))
        array_compare(R[1], R1)
        array_compare(R[2], R2)

        R = SE3([trotx(0.1), trotx(0.2), trotx(0.3)])
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 3)
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)
        array_compare(R[0], trotx(0.1))
        array_compare(R[1], trotx(0.2))
        array_compare(R[2], trotx(0.3))

        R = SE3([SE3.Rx(0.1), SE3.Rx(0.2), SE3.Rx(0.3)])
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 3)
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)
        array_compare(R[0], trotx(0.1))
        array_compare(R[1], trotx(0.2))
        array_compare(R[2], trotx(0.3))
Example #20
    def A(self, q=0.0, fast=False):
        Link transform matrix
        :param q: Joint coordinate (radians or metres). Not required for links
            with no variable
        :type q: float
        :param fast: return NumPy array instead of ``SE3``
        :type param: bool
        :return T: link frame transformation matrix
        :rtype T: SE3 or ndarray(4,4)
        ``LINK.A(q)`` is an SE(3) matrix that describes the rigid-body
          transformation from the previous to the current link frame to
          the next, which depends on the joint coordinate ``q``.
        If ``fast`` is True return a NumPy array, either SE(2) or SE(3).
        A value of None means that it is the identity matrix.
        If ``fast`` is False return an ``SE2`` or ``SE3`` instance.

        # Use c extension
        if fast:
            if not np.isscalar(q):
                q = 0.0
            T = np.empty((4, 4))
            fknm.link_A(q, self._fknm, T)
            return T

        # Otherwise use Python implementation
        if self.isjoint:
            # a variable joint
            if q is None:
                raise ValueError("q is required for variable joints")

            # premultiply variable part by constant part if present
            Ts = self.Ts
            if Ts is None:
                T = self.v.T(q)
                T = Ts @ self.v.T(q)
            # a fixed joint
            T = self.Ts

        if fast:
            return T

        if T is None:
            return SE3()
            return SE3(T, check=False)
Example #21
    def ikine_global(
            self, T, qlim=False, ilimit=1000,
            tol=1e-16, method=None, options={}):
        .. warning:: Experimental code for using SciPy global optimizers.

        Each global optimizer has quite a different call signature, so final
        design will need a bit of thought.


        # basinhopping:
        # brute: ranges, finish=None
        # differential_evolution:  bounds, tol
        # shgo: bounds, options:f_tol
        # dual_annealing: bounds

        if not isinstance(T, SE3):
            T = SE3(T)

        solutions = []

        # wr = 1 / self.reach
        # weight = np.r_[wr, wr, wr, 1, 1, 1]

        optdict = {}

        if method is None:
            method = 'differential-evolution'

        if method == 'brute':
            # requires a tuple of tuples
            optdict['ranges'] = tuple([tuple(li.qlim) for li in self])
            optdict['bounds'] = tuple([tuple(li.qlim) for li in self])

        if method not in ['basinhopping', 'brute', 'differential_evolution',
                          'shgo', 'dual_annealing']:
            raise ValueError('unknown global optimizer requested')

        global_minimizer = opt.__dict__[method]

        def cost(q, T, weight):
            # T, weight, costfun, stiffness = args
            e = _angle_axis(self.fkine(q).A, T) * weight
            return (e**2).sum()

        for _ in T:
            res = global_minimizer(

            solution = iksol(res.x, res.success, res.message, res.nit, res.fun)
            q0 = res.x  # use this solution as initial estimate for next time

        if len(T) == 1:
            return solutions[0]
            return solutions
Example #22
def test_robot_decor():
    Test importing textures and changing joint colours
    new_rot = gph.RotationalJoint(SE3(), 1.0, g_canvas.scene)

    # Load a sample texture


    # Green shift the texture
        colour=[0, 0.75, 0],


    # Remove the texture and red shift
    new_rot.set_texture(colour=[1, 0, 0])


    # Remove all details

    # Set transparency
Example #23
def test_clear_scene_with_grid_updating():
    This test will import the Puma560 model, then after 2 seconds, clear the canvas of all models.
    puma560 = gph.import_puma_560(g_canvas.scene)

    # Get the poses for a ready-position
    puma = Puma560()
    poses = puma.fkine(puma.config('qr'), alltout=True)


        SE3(),  # 0 (Base doesn't change)
        poses[0],  # 1
        poses[1],  # 2
        poses[2],  # 3
        poses[3],  # 4
        poses[4],  # 5
        poses[5]  # 6


    del puma560
Example #24
def import_puma_560(g_canvas):
    Create a Robot class object based on the puma560 robot

    :param g_canvas: The canvas to display the robot in
    :type g_canvas: class:`graphics.graphics_canvas.GraphicsCanvas`
    :return: Puma560 robot
    :rtype: class:`graphics.graphics_robot.GraphicalRobot`
    puma560 = GraphicalRobot(g_canvas, 'Puma560')


    # Get the poses for a zero-position
    puma = Puma560()
    poses = puma.fkine(puma.config('qz'), alltout=True)

        SE3(),  # 0 (Base doesn't change)
        poses[0],  # 1
        poses[1],  # 2
        poses[2],  # 3
        poses[3],  # 4
        poses[4],  # 5
        poses[5]  # 6

    return puma560
Example #25
    def set_joint_poses(self, all_poses):
        Set the joint poses.

        :param all_poses: List of all the new poses to set
        :type all_poses: class:`spatialmath.pose3d.SE3` list
        :raises UserWarning: Robot must not have 0 joints, and given poses length must equal number of joints.
        # Sanity checks
        if self.num_joints == 0:
            raise UserWarning(
                "Robot has 0 joints. Create some using append_link()")

        # If given a base pose, when there isn't one
        if self.num_joints == len(all_poses) - 1 and all_poses[0] == SE3():
            # Update the joints
            for idx in range(self.num_joints):
                self.joints[idx].update_pose(all_poses[idx + 1])

        # If incorrect number of joints
        if self.num_joints != len(all_poses):
            err = "Number of given poses {0} does not equal number of joints {1}"
            raise UserWarning(err.format(len(all_poses), self.num_joints))

        # Update the joints
        for idx in range(self.num_joints):
    def A(self, q=None, fast=False):
        Link transform matrix

        :param q: Joint coordinate (radians or metres). Not required for links
            with no variable
        :type q: float
        :param fast: return NumPy array instead of ``SE3``
        :type param: bool
        :return T: link frame transformation matrix
        :rtype T: SE3 or ndarray(4,4)

        ``LINK.A(q)`` is an SE(3) matrix that describes the rigid-body 
          transformation from the previous to the current link frame to
          the next, which depends on the joint coordinate ``q``.


        if self.isjoint:
            # a variable joint
            if q is None:
                raise ValueError("q is required for variable joints")
            T = self.Ts.A @ self.v.T(q)
            # a fixed joint
            T = self.Ts.A

        if fast:
            return T
            return SE3(T, check=False)
Example #27
def test_puma560_angle_change():
    This test loads in the Puma560 model and changes its angles over time.
    Joint angles are printed for validation.
    puma560 = gph.import_puma_560(g_canvas.scene)

    print("Prior Poses")

    # Get the poses for a ready-position
    puma = Puma560()
    poses = puma.fkine(puma.config('qr'), alltout=True)


        SE3(),  # 0 (Base doesn't change)
        poses[0],  # 1
        poses[1],  # 2
        poses[2],  # 3
        poses[3],  # 4
        poses[4],  # 5
        poses[5]  # 6

    print("Final Poses")
Example #28
    def test_vpython_to_se3(self):
        # Create a scene
        scene = canvas.GraphicsCanvas3D(title="TEST VPYTHON TO SE3")

        # Create a basic entity
        # pos = 1, 2, 3
        # X = 0, 0, -1
        # Y = -1, 0, 0
        # Z = 0, 1, 0
        entity = box(
            pos=vector(1, 2, 3),
            axis=vector(0, 0, -1),
            up=vector(-1, 0, 0)

        # Check resulting SE3
        arr = array([
            [0, -1, 0, 1],
            [0, 0, 1, 2],
            [-1, 0, 0, 3],
            [0, 0, 0, 1]
        expected = SE3(arr)
        self.assertEqual(common.vpython_to_se3(entity), expected)
Example #29
    def to_dict(self):
        to_dict() returns the shapes information in dictionary form

        :returns: All information about the shape
        :rtype: dict

        if self.stype == 'cylinder':
            fk = self.wT * SE3.Rx(np.pi/2)
            fk = self.wT

        shape = {
            'stype': self.stype,
            'scale': self.scale.tolist(),
            'filename': self.filename,
            'radius': self.radius,
            'length': self.length,
            't': fk.t.tolist(),
            'q': r2q(fk.R).tolist(),
            'v': self.v.tolist(),
            'color': list(self.color)

        return shape
Example #30
    def test_robot_detach_link(self):
        # Update scene
        self.scene.scene.title = "Test Robot Detach Link"

        # Create robot
        robot1 = robot.GraphicalRobot(self.scene, "Robot 1")

        # Add two links
        robot1.append_link("r", self.se3, self.structure)
        robot1.append_link("r", self.se3 * SE3().Tx(1), self.structure)

        # Count num objects
        num_obj = len(self.scene.scene.objects)

        # Count num joints
        num_joints = robot1.num_joints

        # Detach

        # Verify new object count
        self.assertEqual(len(self.scene.scene.objects), num_obj - 2)  # 2 = one for joint, 1 for ref frame

        # Verify new joint count
        self.assertEqual(robot1.num_joints, num_joints - 1)  # Taken away 1 joint

        # Create new empty robot
        robot2 = robot.GraphicalRobot(self.scene, "Robot 2")

        # Attempt to detach from empty
        self.assertRaises(UserWarning, robot2.detach_link)