def acc_from_tmp(): #spectrometer acceptance from temporary file tmp = TFile.Open("tmp/hacc.root") hAcc = tmp.Get("divide_hSel_by_hAll") can = ut.box_canvas() hAcc.Draw("AP") ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.14, 0.1, 0.01, 0.02) en = rt.Double(0) av = rt.Double(0) iacc = 0. for i in xrange(hAcc.GetN()): hAcc.GetPoint(i, en, av) iacc += av * (hAcc.GetErrorXhigh(i) + hAcc.GetErrorXlow(i)) print "iacc:", iacc #acceptance parametrization from spec_acc import spec_acc acc = spec_acc() acc.scale = iacc / acc.acc_func.Integral(2, 21) print "int_func:", acc.acc_func.Integral(2, 21) acc.acc_func.Draw("same") ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def plot_spec_acc(): #acceptance parametrization from spec_acc import spec_acc acc0 = spec_acc() acc = spec_acc(8200, 0.26, 42, 242) #acc.length = 8200 can = ut.box_canvas() frame = gPad.DrawFrame(1, 0, 22, 1) frame.Draw() acc0.acc_func.Draw("same") acc0.acc_func.SetLineStyle(rt.kDashed) acc.acc_func.Draw("same") gPad.SetGrid() ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def main(): #field = 0.37 # T, 18 GeV #field = 0.2 # T, 10 GeV field = 0.1 # T, 5 GeV emin = 0 emax = 19 amax = 1 can = ut.box_canvas() frame = gPad.DrawFrame(emin, 0, emax, amax) ut.put_yx_tit(frame, "Spectrometer acceptance", "Photon energy #it{E} (GeV)", 1.6, 1.3) frame.Draw() ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.12, 0.1, 0.03, 0.02) #geometry geo = rt.GeoParser("../../config/") #distance from magnet center to the front of spectrometer detectors length = geo.GetD("lumi_dipole", "zpos") - geo.GetD( "vac_lumi_spec_mid", "z0") #print(geo.GetD("lumi_dipole", "zpos")) #print(geo.GetD("vac_lumi_spec_mid", "z0")) #print(geo.GetD("vac_lumi_spec_mid", "dY0")) #print(geo.GetD("vac_lumi_mag_spec", "dY1")) #acc = spec_acc(9700, 0.26, 42, 242) acc = spec_acc(length, field, geo.GetD("vac_lumi_spec_mid", "dY0"), geo.GetD("vac_lumi_mag_spec", "dY1")) acc.scale = 1 acc.acc_func.Draw("same") gPad.SetGrid() ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def acc_spec(): #infile = "hits_spect.root" infile = "/home/jaroslav/sim/lmon/data/luminosity/lm2ax2/hits_spect.root" #infile = "/home/jaroslav/sim/lmon/data/luminosity/lm3a/hits_spect.root" #infile = "/home/jaroslav/sim/lmon/data/luminosity/lm1bx1/hits_spect.root" #infile = "/home/jaroslav/sim/lmon/data/luminosity/lm1cx1/hits_spect.root" emin = 0 emax = 19 amax = 0.05 inp_lmon = TFile.Open(infile) tree_lmon = inp_lmon.Get("event") acc_lmon = rt.acc_Q2_kine(tree_lmon, "gen_en", "is_spect") acc_lmon.prec = 0.04 #acc_lmon.prec = 0.1 acc_lmon.delt = 1e-2 acc_lmon.bmin = 0.1 #acc_lmon.nev = int(1e5) gLmon = acc_lmon.get() can = ut.box_canvas() frame = gPad.DrawFrame(emin, 0, emax, amax) ut.put_yx_tit(frame, "Spectrometer acceptance", "Photon energy #it{E}_{#gamma} (GeV)", 1.9, 1.3) frame.Draw() ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.14, 0.1, 0.03, 0.02) ut.set_graph(gLmon, rt.kBlue) gLmon.Draw("psame") #integrate the acceptance to scale the parametrization en = c_double(0) av = c_double(0) iacc = 0. for i in range(gLmon.GetN()): gLmon.GetPoint(i, en, av) iacc += av.value * (gLmon.GetErrorXhigh(i) + gLmon.GetErrorXlow(i)) print("iacc:", iacc) geo = rt.GeoParser("../../config/pro1/") length = geo.GetD("lumi_dipole", "zpos") - geo.GetD( "vac_lumi_spec_mid", "z0") print("Length (mm):", length) field = 0.37 # T #field = 0.2 # T #field = 0.1 # T acc = spec_acc(length, field, geo.GetD("vac_lumi_spec_mid", "dY0"), geo.GetD("vac_lumi_mag_spec", "dY1")) acc.scale = iacc / acc.acc_func.Integral(1, 21) acc.acc_func.Draw("same") gPad.SetGrid() leg = ut.prepare_leg(0.15, 0.82, 0.24, 0.12, 0.035) # x, y, dx, dy, tsiz leg.AddEntry(gLmon, "Geant4", "lp") leg.AddEntry(acc.acc_func, "Geometry model", "l") leg.Draw("same") #ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def acceptance(): #spectrometer acceptance as a function of generated photon energy #ebin = 1.5 ebin = 0.5 emin = 1 emax = 20 edet = 1 can = ut.box_canvas() hRec = ut.prepare_TH1D("hRec", ebin, emin, emax) hGen = ut.prepare_TH1D("hGen", ebin, emin, emax) #sel = "up_en>"+str(edet*1e3)+" && down_en>"+str(edet*1e3) sel = "up_en>" + str(edet) + " && down_en>" + str(edet) #tree.Draw("phot_gen/1000 >> hRec", sel) #tree.Draw("phot_gen/1000 >> hGen") tree.Draw("phot_gen >> hRec", sel) tree.Draw("phot_gen >> hGen") print "Rec entries:", hRec.GetEntries() print "Gen entries:", hGen.GetEntries() hAcc = hRec.Clone() hAcc.Sumw2() hAcc.Divide(hGen) #print "Integrated acceptance:", hAcc.Integral() hAcc.SetYTitle("Spectrometer acceptance / ({0:.3f}".format(ebin) + " GeV)") hAcc.SetXTitle("Generated #it{E}_{#gamma} (GeV)") hAcc.SetTitleOffset(1.8, "Y") hAcc.SetTitleOffset(1.3, "X") gPad.SetTopMargin(0.01) gPad.SetRightMargin(0.02) gPad.SetBottomMargin(0.1) gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.12) #hRec.Draw() #hGen.Draw() hAcc.Draw() #acceptance parametrization from spec_acc import spec_acc acc = spec_acc() #acc.scale = 0.081*0.7 acc.scale = hAcc.GetBinWidth(1) * hAcc.Integral() / acc.acc_func.Integral( 2, 21) #acc.scale = hAcc.Integral("w")/acc.acc_func.Integral(2, 21) print #print "scale:", acc.scale print "int_hacc:", hAcc.Integral() * hAcc.GetBinWidth(1) #print "binw:", hAcc.GetBinWidth(1) print "int_func:", acc.acc_func.Integral(2, 21) #ih = scale*if scale = ih/if acc.acc_func.Draw("same") leg = ut.prepare_leg(0.64, 0.84, 0.15, 0.15, 0.027) # x, y, dx, dy, tsiz leg.AddEntry( hAcc, "#frac{#it{N}(#it{E}_{up}>1 #bf{and} #it{E}_{down}>1 GeV)}{#it{N}_{all}}", "lp") leg.Draw("same") ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def acceptance_autobin(): #spectrometer acceptance as a function of generated photon energy, #size of bins is given by the desired precision emin = 1 emax = 20 edet = 1 prec = 0.07 #prec = 0.02 delt = 1e-2 sel = "up_en>" + str(edet * 1e3) + " && down_en>" + str(edet * 1e3) can = ut.box_canvas() gROOT.LoadMacro("get_acc.C") hAcc = rt.get_acc(tree, "phot_gen", sel, prec, delt) #ut.set_graph(hAcc, rt.kBlue) ut.set_graph(hAcc) #hAcc.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Spectrometer acceptance / "+str(prec*1e2)+" %") hAcc.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Spectrometer acceptance") hAcc.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Generated #it{E}_{#gamma} (GeV)") hAcc.SetTitle("") hAcc.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(2) hAcc.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3) ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.14, 0.1, 0.01, 0.02) hAcc.Draw("AP") #save the acceptance to a temporary file #tmp = TFile.Open("tmp/hacc.root", "recreate") #hAcc.Write() #tmp.Write() #tmp.Close() #integrate the acceptance to scale the parametrization en = rt.Double(0) av = rt.Double(0) iacc = 0. for i in xrange(hAcc.GetN()): hAcc.GetPoint(i, en, av) iacc += av * (hAcc.GetErrorXhigh(i) + hAcc.GetErrorXlow(i)) #acceptance parametrization from spec_acc import spec_acc #acc = spec_acc() acc = spec_acc(8200, 0.26, 42, 242) acc.scale = iacc / acc.acc_func.Integral(2, 21) acc.acc_func.Draw("same") leg = ut.prepare_leg(0.63, 0.86, 0.12, 0.1) #, 0.027) # x, y, dx, dy, tsiz #leg.AddEntry(hAcc, "#frac{#it{N}(#it{E}_{up}>1 #bf{and} #it{E}_{down}>1 GeV)}{#it{N}_{all}}", "lp") leg.AddEntry(hAcc, "Geant4", "lp") leg.AddEntry(acc.acc_func, "Geometry model", "l") leg.Draw("same") #ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")