def __init__(self, type, shape=None, **kwargs): # Store input self.type = type self.shape = shape # Derive center of model shape if self.shape is None: = (0, 0) else: = ((self.shape[0] + 1) / 2, (self.shape[1] + 1) / 2) # Initialize model if 'gauss' in self.type.lower(): if 'radius' in kwargs: # Copying the radius keyword argument into the proper Gaussian2D keywords kwargs['x_stddev'] = kwargs['radius'] kwargs['y_stddev'] = kwargs['radius'] del kwargs['radius'] self.model = Gaussian2D([0],[1], **kwargs) elif 'airy' in self.type.lower(): self.model = AiryDisk2D([0],[1], **kwargs) else: raise SpecklepyValueError('PSFModel', argname='type', argvalue=type, expected="either 'Gaussian' or 'Airy'")
def model_psf(self, model, radius, psf_resolution, shape=256, **kwargs): """Models the PSF given the desired model function and kwargs. Args: model (str): Must be either 'airydisk' or 'gaussian'. radius (int, float, astropy.unit.Quantity): Radius of the PSF model that is the radius of the first zero in an AiryDisk model or the standard deviation of the Gaussian model. Scalar values will be interpreted in units of arcseconds. psf_resolution (int, float, astropy.unit.Quantity): Resolution of the model PSF, equivalent to the pixel scale of the array. Scalar values will be interpreted in units of arcseconds. shape (int, optional): Size of the model PSF along both axes. kwargs are forwarded to the model function. """ # Check input parameters if not isinstance(model, str): raise SpecklepyTypeError('model_psf', 'model', type(model), 'str') if isinstance(radius, Quantity): self.radius = radius elif isinstance(radius, (int, float)): logger.warning(f"Interpreting scalar type radius as {radius} arcsec") self.radius = Quantity(f"{radius} arcsec") elif isinstance(radius, str): self.radius = Quantity(radius) else: raise SpecklepyTypeError('model_psf', 'radius', type(radius), 'Quantity') if isinstance(psf_resolution, Quantity): self.psf_resolution = psf_resolution elif isinstance(psf_resolution, (int, float)): logger.warning(f"Interpreting scalar type psf_resolution as {psf_resolution} arcsec") self.psf_resolution = Quantity(f"{psf_resolution} arcsec") elif isinstance(psf_resolution, str): self.psf_resolution = Quantity(psf_resolution) else: raise SpecklepyTypeError('model_psf', 'psf_resolution', type(psf_resolution), 'Quantity') if isinstance(shape, int): center = (shape / 2, shape / 2) shape = (shape, shape) elif isinstance(shape, tuple): center = (shape[0] / 2, shape[1] / 2) else: raise SpecklepyTypeError('model_psf', 'shape', type(shape), 'int or tuple') if model.lower() == 'airydisk': model = models.AiryDisk2D(x_0=center[0], y_0=center[1], radius=float(self.radius / self.psf_resolution)) elif model.lower() == 'gaussian': stddev = float(self.radius / self.psf_resolution) model = models.Gaussian2D(x_mean=center[0], y_mean=center[1], x_stddev=stddev, y_stddev=stddev) else: raise SpecklepyValueError('model_psf', 'model', model, 'either AiryDisk or Gaussian') y, x = np.mgrid[0:shape[0], 0:shape[1]] self.psf = model(x, y) self.psf = self.normalize(self.psf)
def imshow(image, title=None, norm=None, colorbar_label=None, saveto=None, maximize=False): """Shows a 2D image. Args: image (np.ndarray, ndim=2): Image to be plotted. title (str, optional): Plot title. Default is None. norm (str, optional): Can be set to 'log', for plotting in logarithmic scale. Default is None. colorbar_label (str, optional): Label of the color bar. Default is None. saveto (str, optional): Path to save the plot to. Default is None. maximize (bool, optional): Set true for showing the plot on full screen. Default is False. """ if isinstance(image, np.ndarray): if image.ndim != 2: raise SpecklepyValueError('imshow()', 'image.ndim', image.ndim, '2') if isinstance(image, u.Quantity): unit = image.unit colorbar_label = "({})".format(unit) image = image.value else: raise SpecklepyTypeError('imshow()', 'image', type(image), 'np.ndarray') if norm == 'log': norm = clrs.LogNorm() plt.figure() plt.imshow(image, norm=norm, origin='lower') plt.title(title) if maximize: maximize_plot() # Colorbar cbar = plt.colorbar(pad=0.0) if colorbar_label is not None: cbar.set_label(colorbar_label) if saveto is not None: plt.savefig(saveto, dpi=300) plt.close()
def set_height(self, val): if isinstance(val, str): if val == 'text': val = 10 elif val == 'column': val = 5 else: raise SpecklepyValueError('Plot.set_height', argname='val', argvalue=val, expected="'text' or 'column'") self.figure.set_figheight(val=val)
def set_width(self, val): if isinstance(val, str): if val == 'text': val = 10 elif val == 'column': val = 5 else: raise SpecklepyValueError('Plot.set_width', argname='val', argvalue=val, expected="'text' or 'column'") elif not isinstance(val, (int, float)): raise SpecklepyTypeError('Plot.set_width', argname='val', argtype=type(val), expected='str or float') self.figure.set_figwidth(val=val)
def magnitude_to_flux(self, magnitude): """Convert magnitudes to flux values. Args: magnitude (int, float, or Quantity): Magnitude value Returns: flux (Quantity): Brightness converted into flux units. """ if isinstance(magnitude, (int, float, np.ndarray)): return 10**(magnitude / -2.5) * self.band_reference_flux elif isinstance(magnitude, Quantity): if magnitude.unit != Unit('mag'): raise SpecklepyValueError('magnitude_to_flux()', 'magnitude unit', magnitude.unit, 'mag') else: return 10**(magnitude.value / -2.5) * self.band_reference_flux
def create_long_exposures(self, alignment_method): """Compute long exposures from the input data cubes.""" # Initialize list of long exposure files long_exposure_files = [] # Iterate over input data cubes for file in self.in_files: # Read data from file cube = fits.getdata(os.path.join(self.in_dir, file)) image = None image_var = None # Compute collapsed or SSA'ed images from the cube if alignment_method == 'collapse': image = np.sum(cube, axis=0) tmp_file = 'int_' + os.path.basename(file) elif alignment_method == 'ssa': image, image_var = coadd_frames(cube=cube, tmp_file = 'ssa_' + os.path.basename(file) else: raise SpecklepyValueError('Reconstruction', 'alignment_method', alignment_method, expected="either 'collapse' or 'ssa'") # Store data to a new Outfile instance tmp_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, tmp_file)"Saving temporary reconstruction of cube {file} to {tmp_path}") tmp_file_object = Outfile(tmp_path, data=image, verbose=True) if image_var is not None: tmp_file_object.new_extension(name=self.var_ext, data=image_var) # Add the recently created file to the list long_exposure_files.append(tmp_file) return long_exposure_files
def normalize(array, mode='sum_circular'): """Normalizes the input array depending on the mode. Args: array (np.ndarray): Array to be normalized. mode (str, optional): Can be either 'sum' for having a sum of 1, 'max' for having a peak value 1, or 'sum_circular' for subtracting a constant and then normalizing to a sum of 1. Default is 'sum_circular'. Returns: normalized (np.ndarray): Normalized array, according to mode. """ if not isinstance(array, np.ndarray): raise SpecklepyTypeError('normalize', 'array', type(array), 'np.ndarray') if np.sum(array) == 0: raise ValueError("Normalize received an array of zeros!") if mode not in ['sum', 'max', 'peak', 'sum_circular']: raise SpecklepyValueError('normalize', 'mode', mode, "'sum', 'max', or 'sum_circular'") if mode == 'sum': normalized = array / np.sum(array) elif mode == 'max': normalized = array / np.max(array) elif mode == 'sum_circular': x, y = array.shape low_cut = array[0, int(y/2)] array = np.maximum(array - low_cut, 0) normalized = array / np.sum(array) else: normalized = None return normalized
def holography(params, mode='same', debug=False): """Execute the holographic image reconstruction. The holographic image reconstruction is an algorithm as outlined, eg. by Schoedel et al (2013, Section 3). This function follows that algorithm, see comments in the code. Most of the important functions are imported from other modules of specklepy. Args: params (dict): Dictionary that carries all important parameters. mode (str, optional): Define the size of the output image as 'same' to the reference image or expanding to include the 'full' covered field. Default is 'same'. debug (bool, optional): Set to True to inspect intermediate results. Default is False. Returns: image (np.ndarray): The image reconstruction. """"Starting holographic reconstruction...") file_archive = FileArchive(file_list=params['PATHS']['inDir'], cards=[], dtypes=[]) in_files = file_archive.files in_dir = file_archive.in_dir tmp_dir = params['PATHS']['tmpDir'] # Input check if mode not in ['same', 'full', 'valid']: raise SpecklepyValueError('holography()', argname='mode', argvalue=mode, expected="either 'same', 'full', or 'valid'") if 'apodizationType' in params['APODIZATION']: # Catch deprecated parameter name logger.warning( "Parameter 'apodizationType' is deprecated. Use 'type' instead!") params['APODIZATION']['type'] = params['APODIZATION'][ 'apodizationType'] if 'apodizationWidth' in params['APODIZATION']: # Catch deprecated parameter name logger.warning( "Parameter 'apodizationWidth' is deprecated. Use 'radius' instead!" ) params['APODIZATION']['radius'] = params['APODIZATION'][ 'apodizationWidth'] if params['APODIZATION']['type'] is None or params['APODIZATION'][ 'type'].lower() not in ['gaussian', 'airy']: logger.error( f"Apodization type has not been set or of wrong type ({params['APODIZATION']['type']})" ) if params['APODIZATION']['radius'] is None or not isinstance( params['APODIZATION']['radius'], (int, float)): logger.error( f"Apodization radius has not been set or of wrong type ({params['APODIZATION']['radius']})" ) # Initialize the outfile out_file = ReconstructionFile(filename=params['PATHS']['outFile'], files=in_files, cards={"RECONSTRUCTION": "Holography"}, in_dir=in_dir) # Initialize reconstruction reconstruction = Reconstruction( in_files=in_files, mode=mode, alignment_method='ssa', reference_image=params['PATHS']['alignmentReferenceFile'], in_dir=in_dir, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, out_file=params['PATHS']['outFile'], var_ext=params['OPTIONS']['varianceExtensionName'], box_indexes=params['OPTIONS']['box_indexes'], debug=debug) # (i-ii) Align cubes # shifts = get_shifts(files=in_files, reference_file=params['PATHS']['alignmentReferenceFile'], # lazy_mode=True, return_image_shape=False, in_dir=in_dir, debug=debug) shifts = reconstruction.shifts # (iii) Compute SSA reconstruction # image = ssa(in_files, mode=mode, outfile=out_file, in_dir=in_dir, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, # variance_extension_name=params['OPTIONS']['varianceExtensionName']) image = reconstruction.coadd_long_exposures() if isinstance(image, tuple): # SSA returned a reconstruction image and a variance image image, image_var = image total_flux = np.sum(image) # Stored for flux conservation # Start iteration from steps (iv) through (xi) while True: # (iv) Astrometry and photometry, i.e. StarFinder extract_sources(image=image, fwhm=params['STARFINDER']['starfinderFwhm'], noise_threshold=params['STARFINDER']['noiseThreshold'], background_subtraction=True, write_to=params['PATHS']['allStarsFile'], star_finder='DAO', debug=debug) # (v) Select reference stars print( "\tPlease copy your desired reference stars from the all stars file into the reference star file!" ) input("\tWhen you are done, hit a ENTER.") # (vi) PSF extraction ref_stars = ReferenceStars( psf_radius=params['PSFEXTRACTION']['psfRadius'], reference_source_file=params['PATHS']['refSourceFile'], in_files=in_files, save_dir=tmp_dir, in_dir=in_dir, field_segmentation=params['PSFEXTRACTION']['fieldSegmentation']) if params['PSFEXTRACTION']['mode'].lower() == 'epsf': psf_files = ref_stars.extract_epsfs(file_shifts=shifts, debug=debug) elif params['PSFEXTRACTION']['mode'].lower() in [ 'mean', 'median', 'weighted_mean' ]: psf_files = ref_stars.extract_psfs( file_shifts=shifts, mode=params['PSFEXTRACTION']['mode'].lower(), debug=debug) else: raise RuntimeError( f"PSF extraction mode '{params['PSFEXTRACTION']['mode']}' is not understood!" )"Saved the extracted PSFs...") # (vii) Noise thresholding psf_noise_mask = None for file in psf_files: with, mode='update') as hdu_list: n_frames = hdu_list[0].header['NAXIS3'] if psf_noise_mask is None: psf_noise_mask = get_noise_mask( hdu_list[0].data[0], noise_reference_margin=params['PSFEXTRACTION'] ['noiseReferenceMargin']) for index in range(n_frames): reference =[0].data[index], mask=psf_noise_mask) background = np.mean(reference) noise = np.std(reference) update = np.maximum( hdu_list[0].data[index] - background - params['PSFEXTRACTION']['noiseThreshold'] * noise, 0.0) if np.sum(update) == 0.0: raise ValueError( "After background subtraction and noise thresholding, no signal is leftover. " "Please reduce the noiseThreshold!") update = update / np.sum(update) # Flux sum of order unity hdu_list[0].data[index] = update hdu_list.flush() # (viii) Subtraction of secondary sources within the reference apertures # TODO: Implement Secondary source subtraction pass # (ix) Estimate object, following Eq. 1 (Schoedel et al., 2013) f_object = FourierObject(in_files, psf_files, shifts=shifts, mode=mode, in_dir=in_dir) f_object.coadd_fft() # (x) Apodization f_object.apodize(type=params['APODIZATION']['type'], radius=params['APODIZATION']['radius']) # (xi) Inverse Fourier transform to retain the reconstructed image image = f_object.ifft(total_flux=total_flux) # Inspect the latest reconstruction if debug: imshow(image) # Save the latest reconstruction image to outfile = image # Ask the user whether the iteration shall be continued or not answer = input( "\tDo you want to continue with one more iteration? [yes/no]\n\t") if answer.lower() in ['n', 'no']: break # Repeat astrometry and photometry, i.e. StarFinder on final image extract_sources(image=image, fwhm=params['STARFINDER']['starfinderFwhm'], noise_threshold=params['STARFINDER']['noiseThreshold'], background_subtraction=True, write_to=params['PATHS']['allStarsFile'], star_finder='DAO', debug=debug) # Finally return the image return image
def get_shifts(files, reference_file=None, mode='correlation', lazy_mode=True, return_image_shape=False, in_dir=None, debug=False): """Computes the the relative shift of data cubes relative to a reference image. This function iterates over a list of files and uses the module function get_shift in 'correlation' mode to compute the relative shifts of files with respect to a reference file. Args: files (list or array_like): List of files to align. reference_file (str, int, optional): Path to a reference file or index of the file in files, relative to which the shifts are computed. Default is 0. mode (str, optional): Mode of the shift estimate. In 'correlation' mode, a 2D correlation is used to estimate the shift of the array. This is computationally much more expensive than the identical 'maximum' or 'peak' modes, which simply identify the coordinates of the emission peaks and return the difference. Though these modes may be fooled by reference sources of similar brightness. Passed to get_shift() function. Default is 'correlation'. lazy_mode (bool, optional): Set to False, to enforce the alignment of a single file with respect to the reference file. Default is True. return_image_shape (bool, optional): Set to True for for returning the shape of the anticipated output image. Default is False. in_dir (str, optional): Path to the files. `None` is substituted by an empty string. debug (bool, optional): If set to True, it shows the 2D correlation. Returns: shifts (list): List of shifts for each file relative to the reference file. """ # Check input parameters if not isinstance(files, (list, np.ndarray)): if isinstance(files, str): files = [files] else: raise SpecklepyTypeError('get_shifts()', argname='files', argtype=type(files), expected='list') if reference_file is None: reference_file = files[0] elif isinstance(reference_file, int): reference_file = files[reference_file] elif not isinstance(reference_file, str): raise SpecklepyTypeError('get_shifts()', argname='reference_file', argtype=type(reference_file), expected='str') if isinstance(mode, str): if mode not in ['correlation', 'maximum', 'peak']: raise SpecklepyValueError( 'get_shifts()', argname='mode', argvalue=mode, expected="'correlation', 'maximum' or 'peak'") else: raise SpecklepyTypeError('get_shifts()', argname='mode', argtype=type(mode), expected='str') if not isinstance(lazy_mode, bool): raise SpecklepyTypeError('get_shifts()', argname='lazy_mode', argtype=type(lazy_mode), expected='bool') if not isinstance(return_image_shape, bool): raise SpecklepyTypeError('get_shifts()', argname='return_image_shape', argtype=type(return_image_shape), expected='bool') if in_dir is None: in_dir = '' # Skip computations if only one file is provided if lazy_mode and len(files) == 1:"Only one data cube is provided, nothing to align.") shifts = [(0, 0)] image_shape = fits.getdata(os.path.join(in_dir, files[0])).shape image_shape = (image_shape[-2], image_shape[-1]) # Otherwise estimate shifts else: shifts = [] # Identify reference file and Fourier transform the integrated image f"Computing relative shifts between data cubes. Reference file is {reference_file}" ) reference_image = fits.getdata(os.path.join(in_dir, reference_file)) if reference_image.ndim == 3: # Integrating over time axis if reference image is a cube reference_image = np.sum(reference_image, axis=0) f_reference_image = np.fft.fft2(reference_image) image_shape = reference_image.shape del reference_image # Iterate over files and estimate shift via 2D correlation of the integrated cubes for index, file in enumerate(files): if file == reference_file: shift = (0, 0) else: image = fits.getdata(os.path.join(in_dir, file)) if image.ndim == 3: image = np.sum(image, axis=0) shift = get_shift(image, reference_image=f_reference_image, is_fourier_transformed=True, mode=mode, debug=debug) shifts.append(shift)"Identified a shift of {shift} for file {file}")"Identified the following shifts:\n\t{shifts}") if return_image_shape: return shifts, image_shape else: return shifts
def coadd_frames(cube, var_cube=None, box=None): """Compute the simple shift-and-add (SSA) reconstruction of a data cube. This function uses the SSA algorithm to coadd frames of a cube. If provided, this function coadds the variances within a var cube considering the exact same shifts. Args: cube (np.ndarray, ndim=3): Data cube which is integrated along the zero-th axis. var_cube (np.ndarray, ndim=3, optional): Data cube of variances which is integrated along the zero-th axis with the same shifts as the cube. box (Box object, optional): Constraining the search for the intensity peak to the specified box. Searching the full frames if not provided. Returns: coadded (np.ndarray, ndim=2): SSA-integrated frames of the input cube. var_coadded (np.ndarray, ndim=2): SSA-integrated variances of the input cube or the variance map itself if provided as a 2D cube. """ if not isinstance(cube, np.ndarray): raise SpecklepyTypeError('coadd_frames()', argname='cube', argtype=type(cube), expected='np.ndarray') if cube.ndim is not 3: raise SpecklepyValueError('coadd_frames()', argname='cube.ndim', argvalue=cube.ndim, expected='3') if var_cube is not None: if not isinstance(var_cube, np.ndarray): raise SpecklepyTypeError('coadd_frames()', argname='var_cube', argtype=type(var_cube), expected='np.ndarray') if var_cube.ndim == cube.ndim and var_cube.shape != cube.shape: raise SpecklepyValueError('coadd_frames()', argname='var_cube.shape', argvalue=str(var_cube.shape), expected=str(cube.shape)) elif var_cube.ndim == cube.ndim - 1: if var_cube.shape[0] != cube.shape[1] or var_cube.shape[ 1] != cube.shape[2]: raise SpecklepyValueError('coadd_frames()', argname='var_cube.shape', argvalue=str(var_cube.shape), expected=str(cube.shape)) # Compute shifts peak_indizes = np.zeros((cube.shape[0], 2), dtype=int) for index, frame in enumerate(cube): if box is not None: frame = box(frame) peak_indizes[index] = np.array(np.unravel_index( np.argmax(frame, axis=None), frame.shape), dtype=int) # Compute shifts from indizes peak_indizes = peak_indizes.transpose() xmean, ymean = np.mean(np.array(peak_indizes), axis=1) xmean = int(xmean) ymean = int(ymean) shifts = np.array([xmean - peak_indizes[0], ymean - peak_indizes[1]]) shifts = shifts.transpose() # Shift frames and add to coadded coadded = np.zeros(cube[0].shape) pad_vectors, ref_pad_vector = alignment.get_pad_vectors( shifts, cube_mode=False, return_reference_image_pad_vector=True) for index, frame in enumerate(cube): coadded += alignment.pad_array( frame, pad_vectors[index], mode='same', reference_image_pad_vector=ref_pad_vector) # Coadd variance cube (if not an image itself) if var_cube is not None: if var_cube.ndim == 3: var_coadded = np.zeros(coadded.shape) for index, frame in enumerate(var_cube): var_coadded += alignment.pad_array( frame, pad_vectors[index], mode='same', reference_image_pad_vector=ref_pad_vector) elif var_cube.ndim == 2: var_coadded = var_cube else: raise RuntimeError( f"var_cube has unexpected shape: {var_cube.shape}") else: var_coadded = None return coadded, var_coadded
def extract_sources(image, noise_threshold, fwhm, star_finder='DAO', image_var=None, background_subtraction=True, write_to=None, debug=True): """Extract sources from an image with a StarFinder routine. Long description... Args: image (np.ndarray or str): Image array or the name of a file containing the image array. noise_threshold (float): Multiple of the uncertainty/ standard deviation of the image. fwhm (float): Expected full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the sources in units of pixels. star_finder (str, optional): Choose whether the 'DAO' or 'IRAF' StarFinder implementations from photutils shall be used. Default is 'DAO'. image_var (float or str): Variance of the image used for the StarFinder threshold (=noise_threshold * sqrt(image_var)). If not provided, the code extracts this value from sigma clipped stats. If provided as str-type, the code tries to use this as a key to the FITS file HDU list. background_subtraction (bool, optional): Let the StarFinder consider the background subtraction. Set False for ignoring background flux. Default is `True`. write_to (str, optional): If provided as a str, the list of identified sources is saved to this file. debug (bool, optional): Show debugging information. Default is `False`. Returns: sources (astropy.table.Table): Table of identified sources, None if no sources are detected. """ # Set logger level if debug: logger.setLevel('DEBUG') # Input parameters if isinstance(image, np.ndarray): filename = 'current cube' elif isinstance(image, str): "The argument image '{}' is interpreted as file name.".format( image)) filename = image image = fits.getdata(filename) image = image.squeeze() else: raise SpecklepyTypeError('extract_sources()', argname='image', argtype=type(image), expected='np.ndarray or str') # Prepare noise statistics mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(image, sigma=3.0) f"Noise statistics for {filename}:\n\tMean = {mean:.3}\n\tMedian = {median:.3}\n\tStdDev = {std:.3}" ) # Set detection threshold if image_var is None: threshold = noise_threshold * std else: if isinstance(image_var, str): # Try to load variance extension from file image_var = fits.getdata(filename, image_var) image_var = np.mean(image_var) threshold = noise_threshold * np.sqrt(image_var) # Set sky background if background_subtraction:"Considering mean sky background of {mean}") sky = mean else: sky = 0.0 # Instantiate StarFinder object if not isinstance(star_finder, str): raise SpecklepyTypeError('extract_sources', argname='starfinder', argtype=type(star_finder), expected='str') if 'dao' in star_finder.lower(): star_finder = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=fwhm, threshold=threshold, sky=sky) elif 'iraf' in star_finder.lower(): star_finder = IRAFStarFinder(fwhm=fwhm, threshold=threshold, sky=sky) else: raise SpecklepyValueError('extract_sources', argname='star_finder', argvalue=star_finder, expected="'DAO' or 'IRAF") # Find stars"Extracting sources...") sources = star_finder(image) # Reformatting sources table sources.sort('flux', reverse=True) sources.rename_column('xcentroid', 'x') sources.rename_column('ycentroid', 'y') sources.keep_columns(['x', 'y', 'flux']) # Add terminal output"Extracted {len(sources)} sources") logger.debug(sources) # Save sources table to file, if requested if write_to is not None:"Writing list of sources to file {}".format(write_to)) sources.write(write_to, format='ascii.fixed_width', overwrite=True) return sources
def combine(self, method='clip'): """Combine the frames of the stored files to a master flat. Args: method (str, optional): Method for the frame combination. Can be either 'median' for a conventional median combination without propagation of uncertainties (since the median does not allow for this) or 'clip' for sigma clipping and a subsequent estimate of the variance of the cube, followed by a mean combination. """ # Type check if not isinstance(method, str): raise SpecklepyTypeError('MasterFlat.combine()', argname='method', argtype=type(method), expected='str') # Read image frames from file"Combining the following file list to a master flat:") for index, file in enumerate(self.files):"{:4}: {}".format(index, file)) data = fits.getdata(os.path.join(self.file_path, file)) # Create a master flat if index is 0: flats = data else: np.append(flats, data, axis=0) # Collapse master flat along axis 0 if method is 'median': master_flat = np.median(flats, axis=0) master_flat_var = None elif method is 'clip': flats = sigma_clip(flats, axis=0, masked=True) master_flat = np.mean(flats, axis=0) master_flat_var = np.var(flats, axis=0) else: raise SpecklepyValueError('MasterFlat.combine()', argname='method', argvalue=method, expected="'clip' or 'median'") del flats # Normalize the master flat"Normalizing master flat in {method} mode...") if method is 'median': norm = np.median(master_flat) master_flat_normed = np.divide(master_flat, norm) master_flat_normed_var = None elif method is 'clip': norm = np.mean(master_flat) norm_var = np.var(master_flat) master_flat_normed = np.divide(master_flat, norm) master_flat_normed_var = np.divide(master_flat_var, np.square(norm)) + \ np.divide(np.square(master_flat), np.power(norm, 4)) * norm_var else: master_flat_normed = None master_flat_normed_var = None # # Store master flat to file # if not hasattr(self, 'masterfile'): # self.master_file = MasterFile(self.file_name, files=self.files, shape=master_flat_normed.shape, # header_card_prefix='HIERARCH SPECKLEPY') # Replace masked values by NaNs master_flat_normed = np.where(master_flat_normed.mask, np.nan, master_flat_normed) = master_flat_normed # Store variance in extension if 'master_flat_normed_var' in locals(): # Replace masked values by NaNs master_flat_normed_var = np.where(master_flat_normed_var.mask, np.nan, master_flat_normed_var) self.master_file.new_extension('VAR', data=master_flat_normed_var)
def ssa(files, mode='same', reference_file=None, outfile=None, in_dir=None, tmp_dir=None, lazy_mode=True, box_indexes=None, debug=False, **kwargs): """Compute the SSA reconstruction of a list of files. The simple shift-and-add (SSA) algorithm makes use of the structure of typical speckle patterns, i.e. short-exposure point-spread functions (PSFs). These show multiple peaks resembling the diffraction-limited PSF of coherent fractions within the telescope aperture. Under good conditions or on small telescopes, there is typically one largest coherent atmospheric cell and therefore, speckle PSFs typically show one major intensity peak. The algorithm makes use of this fact and identifies the emission peak in a given observation frame, assuming that this always belongs to the same star, and aligns all frames on the coordinate of the emission peak. See Bates & Cady (1980) for references. Args: files (list or array_like): List of complete paths to the fits files that shall be considered for the SSA reconstruction. mode (str): Name of the reconstruction mode: In 'same' mode, the reconstruction covers the same field of view of the reference file. In 'full' mode, every patch of the sky that is covered by at least one frame will be contained in the final reconstruction. reference_file (str, int, optional): Path to a reference file or index of the file in files, relative to which the shifts are computed. See specklepy.core.aligment.get_shifts for details. Default is 0. outfile (, optional): Object to write the result to, if provided. in_dir (str, optional): Path to the files. `None` is substituted by an empty string. tmp_dir (str, optional): Path of a directory in which the temporary results are stored in. lazy_mode (bool, optional): Set to False, to enforce the alignment of a single file with respect to the reference file. Default is True. box_indexes (list, optional): Constraining the search for the intensity peak to the specified box. Searching the full frames if not provided. debug (bool, optional): Show debugging information. Default is False. Returns: reconstruction (np.ndarray): The image reconstruction. The size depends on the mode argument. """"Starting SSA reconstruction...") # Check parameters if not isinstance(files, (list, np.ndarray)): if isinstance(files, str): files = [files] else: raise SpecklepyTypeError('ssa()', argname='files', argtype=type(files), expected='list') if isinstance(mode, str): if mode not in ['same', 'full', 'valid']: raise SpecklepyValueError('ssa()', argname='mode', argvalue=mode, expected="'same', 'full' or 'valid'") else: raise SpecklepyTypeError('ssa()', argname='mode', argtype=type(mode), expected='str') if reference_file is None: reference_file = files[0] elif isinstance(reference_file, int): reference_file = files[reference_file] elif not isinstance(reference_file, str): raise SpecklepyTypeError('ssa()', argname='reference_file', argtype=type(reference_file), expected='str or int') if outfile is None: pass elif isinstance(outfile, str): outfile = ReconstructionFile(files=files, filename=outfile, cards={"RECONSTRUCTION": "SSA"}) elif isinstance(outfile, ReconstructionFile): pass else: raise SpecklepyTypeError('ssa()', argname='outfile', argtype=type(outfile), expected='str') if in_dir is None: in_dir = '' reference_file = os.path.join(in_dir, reference_file) if tmp_dir is not None: if isinstance(tmp_dir, str) and not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir): os.makedirs(tmp_dir) if not isinstance(lazy_mode, bool): raise SpecklepyTypeError('ssa()', argname='lazy_mode', argtype=type(lazy_mode), expected='bool') if box_indexes is not None: box = Box(box_indexes) else: box = None if 'variance_extension_name' in kwargs.keys(): var_ext = kwargs['variance_extension_name'] else: var_ext = 'VAR' if debug: logger.setLevel('DEBUG') logger.handlers[0].setLevel('DEBUG')"Set logging level to DEBUG") # Align reconstructions if multiple files are provided if lazy_mode and len(files) == 1: # Do not align just a single file with, files[0])) as hdu_list: cube = hdu_list[0].data if var_ext in hdu_list: var_cube = hdu_list[var_ext].data else: var_cube = None reconstruction, reconstruction_var = coadd_frames( cube, var_cube=var_cube, box=box) else: # Compute temporary reconstructions of the individual cubes tmp_files = [] for index, file in enumerate(files): with, file)) as hdu_list: cube = hdu_list[0].data if var_ext in hdu_list: var_cube = hdu_list[var_ext].data logger.debug( f"Found variance extension {var_ext} in file {file}") else: logger.debug( f"Did not find variance extension {var_ext} in file {file}" ) var_cube = None tmp, tmp_var = coadd_frames(cube, var_cube=var_cube, box=box) if debug: imshow(box(tmp), norm='log') tmp_file = os.path.basename(file).replace(".fits", "_ssa.fits") tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, tmp_file) "Saving interim SSA reconstruction of cube to {}".format( tmp_file)) tmp_file_object = Outfile(tmp_file, data=tmp, verbose=True) # Store variance of temporary reconstruction if tmp_var is not None: tmp_file_object.new_extension(var_ext, data=tmp_var) del tmp_var tmp_files.append(tmp_file) # Align tmp reconstructions and add up file_shifts, image_shape = alignment.get_shifts( tmp_files, reference_file=reference_file, return_image_shape=True, lazy_mode=True) pad_vectors, ref_pad_vector = alignment.get_pad_vectors( file_shifts, cube_mode=(len(image_shape) == 3), return_reference_image_pad_vector=True) # Iterate over file-wise reconstructions reconstruction = None reconstruction_var = None for index, file in enumerate(tmp_files): # Read data with as hdu_list: tmp_image = hdu_list[0].data if var_ext in hdu_list: tmp_image_var = hdu_list[var_ext].data else: tmp_image_var = None # Initialize or co-add reconstructions and var images if reconstruction is None: reconstruction = alignment.pad_array( tmp_image, pad_vectors[index], mode=mode, reference_image_pad_vector=ref_pad_vector) if tmp_image_var is not None: reconstruction_var = alignment.pad_array( tmp_image_var, pad_vectors[index], mode=mode, reference_image_pad_vector=ref_pad_vector) else: reconstruction += alignment.pad_array( tmp_image, pad_vectors[index], mode=mode, reference_image_pad_vector=ref_pad_vector) if tmp_image_var is not None: reconstruction_var += alignment.pad_array( tmp_image_var, pad_vectors[index], mode=mode, reference_image_pad_vector=ref_pad_vector)"Reconstruction finished...") # Save the result to an Outfile if outfile is not None: = reconstruction if reconstruction_var is not None: outfile.new_extension(name=var_ext, data=reconstruction_var) # Return reconstruction (and the variance map if computed) if reconstruction_var is not None: return reconstruction, reconstruction_var return reconstruction
def __init__(self, in_files, psf_files, shifts, mode='same', in_dir=None): """ Initialize a FourierObject instance. Args: in_files (list): List of paths of the input files. psf_files (list): List of paths of the PSF files. shifts (list): List of integer shifts between the files. mode (str, optional): Define the size of the output image as 'same' to the reference image or expanding to include the 'full' covered field. Default is 'same'. in_dir (str, optional): Path to the input files. """ # Assert that there are the same number of inFiles and psfFiles, which should be the case after running the # holography function. if not len(in_files) == len(psf_files): raise ValueError( f"The number of input files ({len(in_files)}) and PSF files ({len(psf_files)}) do not " f"match!") self.in_files = in_files self.psf_files = psf_files self.shifts = shifts # Check whether mode is supported if mode not in ['same', 'full', 'valid']: raise SpecklepyValueError( 'FourierObject', argname='mode', argvalue=mode, expected="either 'same', 'full', or 'valid'") self.mode = mode if in_dir is None: self.in_dir = '' else: self.in_dir = in_dir # Extract padding vectors for images and reference image"Initializing padding vectors") # files_contain_data_cubes = fits.getdata(in_files[0]).ndim == 3 self.pad_vectors, self.reference_image_pad_vector = get_pad_vectors( shifts=shifts, cube_mode=False, return_reference_image_pad_vector=True) file_index = 0 image_pad_vector = self.pad_vectors[file_index] # Get example image frame, used as final image size image_file = in_files[file_index]"\tUsing example image frame from {image_file}") img = fits.getdata(os.path.join( self.in_dir, image_file))[0] # Remove time axis padding img = pad_array( array=img, pad_vector=image_pad_vector, mode=mode, reference_image_pad_vector=self.reference_image_pad_vector)"\tShift: {shifts[file_index]}")"\tShape: {img.shape}") # Get example PSF frame psf_file = psf_files[file_index]"\tUsing example PSF frame from {psf_file}") psf = fits.getdata(psf_file)[0]"\tShape: {psf.shape}") # Estimate the padding vector for the f_psf frames to have the same xy-extent as f_img dx = img.shape[0] - psf.shape[0] dy = img.shape[1] - psf.shape[1] psf_pad_vector = ((dx // 2, int(np.ceil(dx / 2))), (dy // 2, int(np.ceil(dy / 2))))"\tPad_width for PSFs: {psf_pad_vector}") # Apply padding to PSF frame psf = np.pad( psf, psf_pad_vector, mode='constant', ) if not img.shape == psf.shape: raise ValueError( f"The Fourier transformed images and PSFs have different shape, {img.shape} and " f"{psf.shape}. Something went wrong with the padding!") self.psf_pad_vector = psf_pad_vector # Initialize the enumerator, denominator and Fourier object attributes self.enumerator = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype='complex128') self.denominator = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype='complex128') self.fourier_image = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype='complex128')
def pad_array(array, pad_vector, mode='same', reference_image_pad_vector=None): """Pads an array according to the pad_vector and crops the image given the mode. Pads an array with zeros to match a desired field size. Intermediately, it always creates a 'full' image and only in 'same' mode it crops the edges such that the returned array covers only the field of the reference image. Args: array (np.ndarray): Input array that shall be padded to match the 'full' or 'same' fields. pad_vector (list): List of padding vectors, as obtained from get_pad_vectors(). mode (str, optional): Define the size of the output image as 'same' to the reference image or expanding to include the 'full' covered field. reference_image_pad_vector (tuple or list, optional): Used in `same` mode to estimate the position of the reference image and crop beyond. Returns: padded (np.ndarray): Padded array, matching the field of the reference image in 'same' mode, or the complete field in 'full' mode. """ # Check input parameters if isinstance(array, np.ndarray): if array.ndim not in [2, 3]: raise SpecklepyValueError('pad_array()', argname='array.ndim', argvalue=array.ndim, expected='2 or 3') else: raise SpecklepyTypeError('pad_array()', argname='array', argtype=type(array), expected='np.ndarray') # padded = np.pad(array, pad_vector, mode='constant') # Crop the image according to the desired mode if mode == 'same': # Take reference pad vector and adapt to correctly limit the image _r = reference_image_pad_vector # Pick only those pixels, covered by the reference image if array.ndim == 2: padded = padded[_r[0][0]:_adapt_max_coordinate(_r[0][1]), _r[1][0]:_adapt_max_coordinate(_r[1][1])] else: padded = padded[:, _r[0][0]:_adapt_max_coordinate(_r[0][1]), _r[1][0]:_adapt_max_coordinate(_r[1][1])] elif mode == 'full': # There is nothing to crop in 'full' mode pass elif mode == 'valid': raise NotImplementedError( "specklepy.core.alignment.pad_array does not support the 'valid' mode yet!" ) return padded
def get_shift(image, reference_image=None, is_fourier_transformed=False, mode='correlation', debug=False): """Estimate the shift between an image and a reference image. Estimate the relative shift between an image and a reference image by means of a 2D correlation ('correlation' mode) or by comparison of the emission peaks ('peak' or 'maximum' modes). Args: image (np.ndarray): 2D array of the image to be shifted. reference_image (np.ndarray): 2D array of the reference image of the shift. is_fourier_transformed (bool): Indicate whether the reference image is already Fourier transformed. This is implemented to save computation by computing that transform only once. mode (str, optional): Mode of the shift estimate. In 'correlation' mode, a 2D correlation is used to estimate the shift of the array. This is computationally much more expensive than the identical 'maximum' or 'peak' modes, which simply identify the coordinates of the emission peaks and return the difference. Though these modes may be fooled by reference sources of similar brightness. Default is 'correlation'. debug (bool, optional): Set to True to inspect intermediate results. Default is False. Returns: shift (tuple): Tuple of shift indices for each axis. """ # Check input parameters if not isinstance(image, np.ndarray) or image.ndim is not 2: raise TypeError( f"Image input must be 2D numpy.ndarray, but was provided as {type(image)}" ) if not isinstance(reference_image, np.ndarray) or image.ndim is not 2: raise TypeError( f"Image input must be 2D numpy.ndarray, but was provided as {type(reference_image)}" ) if not isinstance(is_fourier_transformed, bool): raise SpecklepyTypeError('get_shift()', argname='is_Fourier_transformed', argtype=type(is_fourier_transformed), expected='bool') if isinstance(mode, str): if mode not in ['correlation', 'maximum', 'peak']: raise SpecklepyValueError( 'get_shift()', argname='mode', argvalue=mode, expected="'correlation', 'maximum' or 'peak'") else: raise SpecklepyTypeError('get_shift()', argname='mode', argtype=type(mode), expected='str') # Simple comparison of the peaks in the images if mode == 'maximum' or mode == 'peak': peak_image = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(image, axis=None), image.shape) peak_ref_image = np.unravel_index( np.argmax(reference_image, axis=None), reference_image.shape) return peak_ref_image[0] - peak_image[0], peak_ref_image[ 1] - peak_image[1] # Using correlation of the two images elif mode == 'correlation': # Get the Fourier transformed reference image for cross-correlation if not is_fourier_transformed: f_reference_image = np.fft.fft2(reference_image) else: f_reference_image = reference_image # Fourier transform the image f_image = np.conjugate(np.fft.fft2(image)) # Compute the 2-dimensional correlation correlation = np.fft.ifft2(np.multiply(f_reference_image, f_image)) correlation = np.fft.fftshift(correlation) if debug: imshow(np.abs(correlation), title='FFT shifted correlation') # Derive the shift from the correlation shift = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(correlation), correlation.shape) shift = tuple(x - int(correlation.shape[i] / 2) for i, x in enumerate(shift)) return shift
def identify_sequences(self, source='sky'): """Identify observation sequences. Args: source (str, optional): Observation type of the images the shall be used to measure the sky background from. Options are 'sky' (default) and 'science'. Returns: sequences (list of Sequence): List of observing sequences. """ # Type check if isinstance(source, str): if source not in ['sky', 'science']: raise SpecklepyValueError('identify sequences', argname='source', argvalue=source, expected="'sky' or 'science'") else: raise SpecklepyTypeError('identify sequences', argname='source', argtype=type(source), expected='str') # Identify the observing sequences sequences = [] for setup in self.setups: for object in self.objects: # Query names and time stamps of science and sky files sky_files = self.filter({ 'OBSTYPE': source.upper(), 'OBJECT': object, 'SETUP': setup }) sky_time_stamps = self.filter( { 'OBSTYPE': source.upper(), 'OBJECT': object, 'SETUP': setup }, namekey='DATE') science_files = self.filter({ 'OBSTYPE': 'SCIENCE', 'OBJECT': object, 'SETUP': setup }) science_time_stamps = self.filter( { 'OBSTYPE': 'SCIENCE', 'OBJECT': object, 'SETUP': setup }, namekey='DATE') # Test the number of source files if len(sky_files) == 0: logger.warning( f"Did not find any sky observations for object {object} in setup {setup}. No sky " f"subtraction will be applied!") else: # Store the information in a new sequence sequences.append( Sequence(sky_files=sky_files, science_files=science_files, file_path=self.in_dir, sky_time_stamps=sky_time_stamps, science_time_stamps=science_time_stamps, source=source, object=object, setup=setup)) return sequences
def __init__(self, in_files, mode='same', reference_image=None, out_file=None, in_dir=None, tmp_dir=None, alignment_method='collapse', var_ext=None, box_indexes=None, debug=False): """Create a Reconstruction instance. Args: in_files (list): List of input data cubes. mode (str, optional): Reconstruction mode, defines the final image size and can be `full`, `same` and `valid`. The final image sizes is derived as follows: - `full`: The reconstruction image covers every patch of the sky that is covered by at least one frame in the input data. - `same`: The reconstruction image covers the same field of view as the image in the reference file. - `valid`: The reconstruction image covers only that field that is covered by all images in the input files. reference_image (int or str, optional): The index in the `in_files` list or the name of the image serving as reference in 'same' mode. out_file (str, optional): Name of an output file to store the reconstructed image in. in_dir (str, optional): Path to the `in_files`. tmp_dir (str, optional): Path to the directory for storing temporary products. debug (bool, optional): Show debugging information. """ # Check input parameter types if not isinstance(in_files, (list, np.ndarray)): raise SpecklepyTypeError('Reconstruction', 'in_files', type(in_files), 'list') if not isinstance(mode, str): raise SpecklepyTypeError('Reconstruction', 'mode', type(mode), 'str') if out_file is not None and not isinstance(out_file, str): raise SpecklepyTypeError('Reconstruction', 'out_file', type(out_file), 'str') # Check input parameter values if mode not in self.supported_modes: raise SpecklepyValueError('Reconstruction', 'mode', mode, f"in {self.supported_modes}") # Store input data self.in_files = in_files self.mode = mode self.out_file = out_file if out_file is not None else 'reconstruction.fits' self.reference_image = reference_image if reference_image is not None else 0 self.in_dir = in_dir if in_dir is not None else '' self.tmp_dir = tmp_dir if tmp_dir is not None else '' self.var_ext = var_ext # if var_ext is not None else 'VAR' = Box(box_indexes) if box_indexes is not None else None # Retrieve name of reference file self.reference_file = self.identify_reference_file() # Derive shape of individual input frames single_cube_mode = len(self.in_files) == 1 example_frame = fits.getdata(os.path.join(in_dir, self.in_files[0])) if example_frame.ndim == 3: example_frame = example_frame[0] self.frame_shape = example_frame.shape # Initialize image if single_cube_mode: self.image = np.zeros(self.frame_shape) self.shifts = (0, 0) else: # Compute SSA reconstructions of cubes or collapse cubes for initial alignments self.long_exp_files = self.create_long_exposures(alignment_method=alignment_method) # Identify reference tmp file self.reference_tmp_file = self.identify_reference_long_exposure_file() # Estimate relative shifts self.shifts = alignment.get_shifts(files=self.long_exp_files, reference_file=self.reference_tmp_file, lazy_mode=True, return_image_shape=False, in_dir=tmp_dir, debug=debug) # Derive corresponding padding vectors self.pad_vectors, self.reference_pad_vector = \ alignment.get_pad_vectors(shifts=self.shifts, cube_mode=False, return_reference_image_pad_vector=True) # Derive corresponding image sizes self.image = self.initialize_image() # Initialize the variance map self.var = np.zeros(self.image.shape) if self.var_ext is not None else None # Initialize output file and create an extension for the variance self.out_file = ReconstructionFile(files=self.in_files, filename=self.out_file, shape=self.image.shape, in_dir=in_dir, cards={"RECONSTRUCTION": "SSA"}) if self.var is not None: self.out_file.new_extension(name=self.var_ext, data=self.var)