Example #1
File: brlib.py Project: rogervs/rig
def percent_attesting_current_epoch(state):
    if specs.get_current_epoch(state) <= specs.GENESIS_EPOCH + 1:
        if log: print("not processing justification and finalization")
        return 0.0

    current_epoch = specs.get_current_epoch(state)

    matching_target_attestations = specs.get_matching_target_attestations(
        state, current_epoch)  # Current epoch
    return float(
        specs.get_attesting_balance(state, matching_target_attestations)
    ) / specs.get_total_active_balance(state) * 100
Example #2
    def update_proposer(self, current_state):
        # This is a fairly expensive operation, so we try not to call it when we don't have to.
        # Update proposer duties for the current epoch.
        # We need to check for each slot of the epoch whether the validator is a proposer or not.

        current_epoch = specs.get_current_epoch(current_state)

        start_slot = specs.compute_start_slot_at_epoch(current_epoch)

        start_state = current_state.copy() if start_slot == current_state.slot else \
        self.store.block_states[specs.get_block_root(current_state, current_epoch)].copy()

        current_proposer_duties = []
        for slot in range(start_slot, start_slot + specs.SLOTS_PER_EPOCH):
            if slot < start_state.slot:
                current_proposer_duties += [False]

            if start_state.slot < slot:
                specs.process_slots(start_state, slot)

            current_proposer_duties += [
                specs.get_beacon_proposer_index(start_state) ==

        self.data.current_proposer_duties = current_proposer_duties
Example #3
def honest_attest_policy(params, step, sL, s):
    # Collect all attestations formed for slot s.

    # `state` is at w-[s+1]
    state = s['beacon_state']
    current_epoch = get_current_epoch(state)
    previous_epoch = get_previous_epoch(state)

    # `validator_epoch` is the epoch of slot s.
    # - If the state is already ahead by one epoch, this is given by `previous_epoch`
    # - Otherwise it is `current_epoch`
    if state.slot == compute_start_slot_at_epoch(current_epoch):
        validator_epoch = previous_epoch
        validator_epoch = current_epoch

    active_validator_indices = get_active_validator_indices(
        state, validator_epoch)
    slot_attestations = []

    for validator_index in active_validator_indices:
        # For each validator, check which committee they belong to
        (committee, committee_index,
         committee_slot) = get_committee_assignment(state, validator_epoch,

        # If they belong to a committee attesting for slot s, we ask them to form an attestation
        # using `honest_attest` defined above.
        if committee_slot + 1 == state.slot:
            print("validator attesting", validator_index, "for slot",
            attestation = honest_attest(state, validator_index)

    return ({'slot_attestations': slot_attestations})
Example #4
File: brlib.py Project: rogervs/rig
def propose_policy(params, step, sL, s):
    start = time.time()

    network = s['network']
    produced_blocks = [[] for i in range(0, len(network.sets))]
    attestation_indices = []

    for info_set_index, info_set in enumerate(network.sets):

        if log:
            print("Looking at info set index =", info_set_index, "time =",
                  time.time() - start)
        state = info_set.beacon_state

        current_epoch = specs.get_current_epoch(state)
        previous_epoch = specs.get_previous_epoch(state)

        # `validator_epoch` is the epoch of slot s-1.
        # - If the state is already ahead by one epoch, this is given by `previous_epoch`
        # - Otherwise it is `current_epoch`
        if state.slot == specs.compute_start_slot_at_epoch(current_epoch):
            validator_epoch = previous_epoch
            validator_epoch = current_epoch

        active_validator_indices = specs.get_active_validator_indices(
            state, validator_epoch)
        if log: print("Obtained active validator sets", time.time() - start)

        proposer_index = specs.get_beacon_proposer_index(state)

        if proposer_index not in info_set.validators:

        proposer_knowledge = nt.knowledge_set(network, proposer_index)
        attestations = [
            net_item[1].item for net_item in proposer_knowledge["attestations"]
        attestation_indices += [
            net_item[0] for net_item in proposer_knowledge["attestations"]
        if log: print("time before aggregation", time.time() - start)
        attestations = aggregate_attestations(state, attestations)
        if log: print("time after aggregation", time.time() - start)
        block = honest_block_proposal(state, attestations, proposer_index)
        if log: print("time after block proposal", time.time() - start)
        if log: print("time after appending", time.time() - start)

    if log: print("propose_policy time = ", time.time() - start)

    return ({
        'blocks': produced_blocks,
        'attestation_indices': attestation_indices
Example #5
def honest_attest(validator, known_items):

    # Unpacking
    validator_index = validator.validator_index
    store = validator.store
    committee_slot = validator.data.current_attest_slot
    committee_index = validator.data.current_committee_index
    committee = validator.data.current_committee

    # What am I attesting for?
    block_root = validator.get_head()
    head_state = store.block_states[block_root].copy()
    if head_state.slot < committee_slot:
        specs.process_slots(head_state, committee_slot)
    start_slot = specs.compute_start_slot_at_epoch(
    epoch_boundary_block_root = block_root if start_slot == head_state.slot else specs.get_block_root_at_slot(
        head_state, start_slot)
    tgt_checkpoint = specs.Checkpoint(

    att_data = specs.AttestationData(

    # Set aggregation bits to myself only
    committee_size = len(committee)
    index_in_committee = committee.index(validator_index)
    aggregation_bits = Bitlist[specs.MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_COMMITTEE](
        *([0] * committee_size))
        index_in_committee] = True  # set the aggregation bit of the validator to True
    attestation = specs.Attestation(aggregation_bits=aggregation_bits,

    #     print(validator.validator_index, "attests for slot", committee_slot)

    return attestation
Example #6
File: brlib.py Project: rogervs/rig
def attest_policy(params, step, sL, s):
    start = time.time()

    network = s['network']
    produced_attestations = [[] for i in range(0, len(network.sets))]

    for info_set_index, info_set in enumerate(network.sets):
        state = info_set.beacon_state

        current_epoch = specs.get_current_epoch(state)
        previous_epoch = specs.get_previous_epoch(state)

        # `validator_epoch` is the epoch of slot s-1.
        # - If the state is already ahead by one epoch, this is given by `previous_epoch`
        # - Otherwise it is `current_epoch`
        if state.slot == specs.compute_start_slot_at_epoch(current_epoch):
            validator_epoch = previous_epoch
            validator_epoch = current_epoch

        active_validator_indices = specs.get_active_validator_indices(
            state, validator_epoch)

        number_of_committees = specs.get_committee_count_at_slot(
            state, state.slot - 1)

        for committee_index in range(number_of_committees):
            committee = specs.get_beacon_committee(state, state.slot - 1,

            for validator_index in committee:
                if validator_index not in info_set.validators:

                attestation = honest_attest(state, validator_index)
                    [validator_index, attestation])

    if log: print("--------------")
    if log: print("attest_policy time = ", time.time() - start)

    return ({'attestations': produced_attestations})
Example #7
    def update_attester(self, current_state, epoch):
        # This is a fairly expensive operation, so we try not to call it when we don't have to.
        # Update attester duties for the `epoch`.
        # This can be queried no earlier than two epochs before
        # (e.g., learn about epoch e + 2 duties at epoch t)

        current_epoch = specs.get_current_epoch(current_state)

        # When is the validator scheduled to attest in `epoch`?
        (committee, committee_index,
         attest_slot) = specs.get_committee_assignment(current_state, epoch,
        if epoch == current_epoch:
            self.data.current_attest_slot = attest_slot
            self.data.current_committee_index = committee_index
            self.data.current_committee = committee
        elif epoch == current_epoch + 1:
            self.data.next_attest_slot = attest_slot
            self.data.next_committee_index = committee_index
            self.data.next_committee = committee
Example #8
def honest_attest(state, validator_index):
    # Given state w-[s+1], validators in committees of slot s form their attestations
    # In several places here, we need to check whether s+1 is the first slot of a new epoch.

    current_epoch = get_current_epoch(state)
    previous_epoch = get_previous_epoch(state)

    # Since everyone is honest, we can assume that validators attesting during some epoch e
    # choose the first block of e as their target, and the first block of e-1 as their source checkpoint.
    # So let's assume we are making an attestation at slot s in epoch e:
    # - If the `state` variable is at epoch e, then the first block of e-1 is a checkpoint held in
    # `state.current_justified_checkpoint`. The target checkpoint root is obtained by calling
    # `get_block_root(state, current_epoch)` (since current_epoch = e).
    # - If the `state` variable is at epoch e+1, then the first block of e-1 is a checkpoint held in
    # `state.previous_justified_checkpoint`, since in the meantime the first block of e was justified. This
    # is the case when s is the last slot of epoch $e$. The target checkpoint root is obtained by calling
    # `get_block_root(state, previous_epoch)` (since current_epoch = e+1).
    # ... still here?
    if state.slot == compute_start_slot_at_epoch(current_epoch):
        # `committee_slot` is equal to s
        (committee, committee_index,
         committee_slot) = get_committee_assignment(state, previous_epoch,

        # Since we are at state w-[s+1], we can get the block root of the block at slot s.
        block_root = get_block_root_at_slot(state, committee_slot)

        src_checkpoint = Checkpoint(

        tgt_checkpoint = Checkpoint(epoch=previous_epoch,
                                    root=get_block_root(state, previous_epoch))
        # `committee_slot` is equal to s
        (committee, committee_index,
         committee_slot) = get_committee_assignment(state, current_epoch,

        # Since we are at state w-[s+1], we can get the block root of the block at slot s.
        block_root = get_block_root_at_slot(state, committee_slot)

        src_checkpoint = Checkpoint(

        tgt_checkpoint = Checkpoint(epoch=current_epoch,
                                    root=get_block_root(state, current_epoch))

    att_data = AttestationData(index=committee_index,

    print("attestation for source", src_checkpoint.epoch, "and target",

    # For now we disregard aggregation of attestations.
    # Some validators are chosen as aggregators: they take a bunch of identical attestations
    # and join them together in one object, with `aggregation_bits` identifying which validators
    # are part of the aggregation.
    committee_size = len(committee)
    index_in_committee = committee.index(validator_index)
    aggregation_bits = Bitlist[MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_COMMITTEE](*([0] *
        index_in_committee] = True  # set the aggregation bits of the validator to True
    attestation = Attestation(aggregation_bits=aggregation_bits, data=att_data)

    return attestation