Example #1
def test_coordset_multicoord_for_a_single_dim():
    # normal coord (single numerical array for a axis)

    coord1 = NDArray(data=np.linspace(1000., 4000., 5),
                     labels='a b c d e'.split(),

    coord0 = NDArray(data=np.linspace(20, 500, 5),
                     labels='very low-low-normal-high-very high'.split('-'),

    # pass as a list of coord -> this become a subcoordset
    coordsa = CoordSet([coord1, coord0])
    assert repr(
    ) == 'CoordSet: [x:[_1:wavelengths, _2:temperature]]'  # note the internal coordinates are not sorted
    assert not coordsa.is_same_dim
    assert coordsa.x.is_same_dim

    coordsb = coordsa.x

    # try to pass arguments, each being an coord
    coordsc = CoordSet(coord1, coord0)
    assert not coordsc.is_same_dim
    assert repr(coordsc) == 'CoordSet: [x:temperature, y:wavelengths]'

    # try to pass arguments where each are a coords
    coordsd = CoordSet(coordsa.x, coordsc)
    assert repr(
    ) == "CoordSet: [x:[_1:temperature, _2:wavelengths], y:[_1:wavelengths, _2:temperature]]"

    assert not coordsd.is_same_dim
    assert np.all([item.is_same_dim for item in coordsd])

    coordse = CoordSet(coordsb, coord1)
    assert repr(
    ) == "CoordSet: [x:wavelengths, y:[_1:wavelengths, _2:temperature]]"

    assert not coordse.is_same_dim
    assert coordse('y').is_same_dim

    co = coordse('x')
    assert isinstance(co, Coord)

    co = coordse('y')
    assert isinstance(co, CoordSet)
    assert co.name == 'y'
    assert co.names == ['_1', '_2']
    assert co._1 == coord1  # no reordering for the sub-coordset

    co = coordse[-1:]
    assert isinstance(co, CoordSet)
    assert co[0].name == 'y'  # should keep the original name (solved)
    assert co[0]["_1"] == coord1
Example #2
def test_ndarray_issue_23():
    nd = NDArray(np.ones((10, 10)))
    assert nd.shape == (10, 10)
    assert nd.dims == ['y', 'x']
    # slicing
    nd1 = nd[1]
    assert nd1.shape == (1, 10)
    assert nd1.dims == ['y', 'x']
    # transposition
    ndt = nd1.T
    assert ndt.shape == (10, 1)
    assert ndt.dims == ['x', 'y']
    # squeezing
    nd2 = nd1.squeeze()
    assert nd2.shape == (10, )
    assert nd2.dims == ['x']

    nd = NDArray(np.ones((10, 10, 2)))
    assert nd.shape == (10, 10, 2)
    assert nd.dims == ['z', 'y', 'x']
    # slicing
    nd1 = nd[:, 1]
    assert nd1.shape == (10, 1, 2)
    assert nd1.dims == ['z', 'y', 'x']
    # transposition
    ndt = nd1.T
    assert ndt.shape == (2, 1, 10)
    assert ndt.dims == ['x', 'y', 'z']
    # squeezing
    nd2 = nd1.squeeze()
    assert nd2.shape == (10, 2)
    assert nd2.dims == ['z', 'x']
Example #3
def ndarraymask():
    # return a simple ndarray with some data and units
    return NDArray(ref_data,
                   history='Creation with mask',
Example #4
def test_ndarray_sort():
    # labels and sort

    d0 = NDArray(
        np.linspace(4000, 1000, 10),
        labels="a b c d e f g h i j".split(),

    assert d0.is_labeled

    d1 = d0._sort()
    assert d1.data[0] == 1000

    # check inplace
    d2 = d0._sort(inplace=True)
    assert d0.data[0] == 1000
    assert d2 is d0

    # check descend
    d0._sort(descend=True, inplace=True)
    assert d0.data[0] == 4000

    # check sort using label
    d3 = d0._sort(by="label", descend=True)
    assert d3.labels[0] == "j"

    # multilabels
    # add a row of labels to d0
    d0.labels = "bc cd de ef ab fg gh hi ja ij ".split()

    d1 = d0._sort()
    assert d1.data[0] == 1000
    assert_array_equal(d1.labels[0], ["j", "ij"])

    d1._sort(descend=True, inplace=True)
    assert d1.data[0] == 4000
    assert_array_equal(d1.labels[0], ["a", "bc"])

    d1 = d1._sort(by="label[1]", descend=True)
    assert np.all(d1.labels[0] == ["i", "ja"])

    # other way
    d2 = d1._sort(by="label", pos=1, descend=True)
    assert np.all(d2.labels[0] == d1.labels[0])

    d3 = d1.copy()
    d3._labels = None
    d3._sort(by="label", pos=1,
             descend=True)  # no label! generate a warning but no error
def test_compare_ndarrays(IR_dataset_1D):

    nda1 = NDArray(IR_dataset_1D)
    nda2 = nda1.copy()

    assert not nda1.implements("NDDataset")
    testing.assert_ndarray_equal(nda1, nda2)

    # equality does not depend on title
    nda3 = nda1.copy()
    nda3.title = "xxx"
    testing.assert_ndarray_equal(nda1, nda3)

    # should have same units
    nda3.ito("km", force=True)
    with testing.raises(AssertionError):
        testing.assert_ndarray_equal(nda1, nda3)

    # almost equal ndarrays
    nda4 = nda1.copy()
    nda4.data += 1.0e-6
    with testing.raises(AssertionError):
        testing.assert_ndarray_equal(nda1, nda4)
    testing.assert_ndarray_almost_equal(nda1, nda4)
    with testing.raises(AssertionError):
        testing.assert_ndarray_equal(nda1, nda4, decimal=7)

    # data only
    nda5 = nda1.copy()
    nda5.ito("km", force=True)
    with testing.raises(AssertionError):
        testing.assert_ndarray_equal(nda1, nda5)
    testing.assert_ndarray_equal(nda1, nda5, data_only=True)
Example #6
def test_ndarray_sort():
    # labels and sort

    d0 = NDArray(np.linspace(4000, 1000, 10),
                 labels='a b c d e f g h i j'.split(),

    assert d0.is_labeled

    d1 = d0._sort()
    assert (d1.data[0] == 1000)

    # check inplace
    d2 = d0._sort(inplace=True)
    assert (d0.data[0] == 1000)
    assert d2 is d0

    # check descend
    d0._sort(descend=True, inplace=True)
    assert (d0.data[0] == 4000)

    # check sort using label
    d3 = d0._sort(by='label', descend=True)
    assert (d3.labels[0] == 'j')

    # multilabels
    # add a row of labels to d0
    d0.labels = 'bc cd de ef ab fg gh hi ja ij '.split()

    d1 = d0._sort()
    assert (d1.data[0] == 1000)
    assert_array_equal(d1.labels[0], ['j', 'ij'])

    d1._sort(descend=True, inplace=True)
    assert (d1.data[0] == 4000)
    assert_array_equal(d1.labels[0], ['a', 'bc'])

    d1 = d1._sort(by='label[1]', descend=True)
    assert np.all(d1.labels[0] == ['i', 'ja'])

    # other way
    d2 = d1._sort(by='label', pos=1, descend=True)
    assert np.all(d2.labels[0] == d1.labels[0])
Example #7
def test_ndarray_slice_labels():
    # slicing only-label array

    d0 = NDArray(labels='a b c d e f g h i j'.split(), title='labelled')
    assert d0.is_labeled

    assert d0.ndim == 1
    assert d0.shape == (10, )
    assert d0[1].labels == ['b']
    assert d0[1].values == 'b'
    assert d0['b'].values == 'b'
    assert d0['c':'d'].shape == (2, )
    assert_array_equal(d0['c':'d'].values, np.array(['c', 'd']))
Example #8
def test_ndarray_copy():
    d0 = NDArray(
        np.linspace(4000, 1000, 10),
        labels="a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j".split(),
    d0[5] = MASKED

    d1 = d0.copy()
    assert d1 is not d0
    assert d1 == d0
    assert not (d1 != d0)
    assert d1.units == d0.units
    assert_array_equal(d1.labels, d0.labels)
    assert_array_equal(d1.mask, d0.mask)

    d0 = NDArray(
        np.linspace(4000, 1000, 10),
            "a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j".split(),
            "bc cd de ef ab fg gh hi ja ij".split(),
    d0[5] = MASKED

    d1 = d0.copy()
    assert d1 is not d0
    assert d1 == d0
    assert d1.units == d0.units
    assert_array_equal(d1.labels, d0.labels)
    assert_array_equal(d1.mask, d0.mask)

    d2 = copy(d0)
    assert d2 == d0

    d3 = deepcopy(d0)
    assert d3 == d0
Example #9
def test_ndarray_copy():
    d0 = NDArray(np.linspace(4000, 1000, 10),
                 labels='a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j'.split(),
    d0[5] = MASKED

    d1 = d0.copy()
    assert d1 is not d0
    assert d1 == d0
    assert d1.units == d0.units
    assert_array_equal(d1.labels, d0.labels)
    assert_array_equal(d1.mask, d0.mask)

    d0 = NDArray(np.linspace(4000, 1000, 10),
                     'a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j'.split(),
                     'bc cd de ef ab fg gh hi ja ij'.split()
    d0[5] = MASKED

    d1 = d0.copy()
    assert d1 is not d0
    assert d1 == d0
    assert d1.units == d0.units
    assert_array_equal(d1.labels, d0.labels)
    assert_array_equal(d1.mask, d0.mask)

    d2 = copy(d0)
    assert d2 == d0

    d3 = deepcopy(d0)
    assert d3 == d0
Example #10
def ndarrayunit():
    # return a simple ndarray with some data and units
    return NDArray(ref_data, units='m/s', copy=True).copy()
Example #11
def ndarray():
    # return a simple ndarray with some data
    return NDArray(ref_data, desc="An array", copy=True).copy()
Example #12
def test_ndarray_methods(refarray, ndarray, ndarrayunit):
    ref = refarray
    nd = ndarray.copy()
    assert nd.data.size == ref.size
    assert nd.shape == ref.shape
    assert nd.size == ref.size
    assert nd.ndim == 2
    assert nd.data[1, 1] == ref[1, 1]
    assert nd.dims == ['y', 'x']
    assert nd.unitless  # no units
    assert not nd.dimensionless  # no unit so dimensionless has no sense

    with catch_warnings() as w:
        # try to change to an array with units
        nd.to('m')  # should not change anything (but raise a warning)
        assert w[-1].category == SpectroChemPyWarning

    assert nd.unitless

    nd.units = 'm'
    assert nd.units == ur.meter

    nd1 = nd.to('km')
    assert nd.units != ur.kilometer  # not inplace
    assert nd1.units == ur.kilometer
    assert nd.units == ur.meter

    # change of units - ok if it can be casted to the current one

    nd.units = 'cm'

    # cannot change to incompatible units

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        nd.units = 'radian'

    # we can force them

    nd.ito('radian', force=True)

    # check dimensionless and scaling

    assert 1 * nd.units == 1. * ur.dimensionless
    assert nd.units.dimensionless
    assert nd.dimensionless
    with raises(DimensionalityError):
        nd1 = nd1.ito('km/s')  # should raise an error
    nd.units = 'm/km'
    assert nd.units.dimensionless
    assert nd.units.scaling == 0.001
    nd.to(1 * ur.m, force=True)
    assert nd.dims == ['y', 'x']

    # check units compatibility

    nd.ito('m', force=True)
    nd2 = ndarray.copy()
    assert nd2.dims == ['y', 'x']
    nd2.units = 'km'
    assert nd.is_units_compatible(nd2)
    nd2.ito('radian', force=True)
    assert not nd.is_units_compatible(nd2)

    # check masking

    assert not nd.is_masked
    assert repr(nd).startswith('NDArray: ')
    nd[0] = MASKED
    assert nd.is_masked
    assert nd.dims == ['y', 'x']

    # check len and size

    assert len(nd) == ref.shape[0]
    assert nd.shape == ref.shape
    assert nd.size == ref.size
    assert nd.ndim == 2
    assert nd.dims == ['y', 'x']

    # a vector is a 1st rank tensor. Internally (it will always be represented
    # as a 1D matrix.

    v = NDArray([[1., 2., 3.]])
    assert v.ndim == 2
    assert v.shape == (1, 3)
    assert v.dims == ['y', 'x']
    assert_array_equal(v.data, np.array([[1., 2., 3.]]))

    vt = v.transpose()
    assert vt.shape == (3, 1)
    assert vt.dims == ['x', 'y']
    assert_array_equal(vt.data, np.array([[1.], [2.], [3.]]))

    # test repr

    nd = ndarrayunit.copy()
    h, w = ref.shape
    assert nd.__repr__(
    ) == f"NDArray: [float64] m.s^-1 (shape: (y:{h}, x:{w}))"
    nd[1] = MASKED
    assert nd.is_masked

    # test repr_html
    assert '<table style=\'background:transparent\'>' in nd._repr_html_()

    # test iterations

    nd = ndarrayunit.copy()
    nd[1] = MASKED

    # force units to change

    ndd = NDArray(data=np.random.random((3, 3)),
                  mask=[[True, False, False], [False, True, False],
                        [False, False, True]],

    with raises(Exception):
    ndd.to('second', force=True)

    # swapdims

    d = np.random.random((4, 3))
    d3 = NDArray(d,
                 mask=[[False, True, False], [False, True, False],
                       [False, True, False], [True, False,
                                              False]])  # with units & mask
    assert d3.shape == (4, 3)
    assert d3._data.shape == (4, 3)
    assert d3.dims == ['y', 'x']
    d4 = d3.swapdims(0, 1)
    assert d4.dims == ['x', 'y']
    assert d4.shape == (3, 4)
    assert d4._data.shape == (3, 4)

    # test iter
    for i, item in enumerate(ndd):
        assert item == ndd[i]

    ndz = NDArray()
    assert not list(item for item in ndz)

    assert str(ndz) == repr(ndz) == 'NDArray: empty (size: 0)'
Example #13
def test_ndarray_init(refarray, refmask, ndarray, ndarraymask):
    # initialisation with null array

    d0 = NDArray(description='testing ndarray')

    assert d0.implements('NDArray')
    assert d0.implements() == 'NDArray'

    assert isinstance(d0, NDArray)

    assert d0.is_empty
    assert d0.shape == ()
    assert d0.id.startswith('NDArray')
    assert d0.name == d0.id
    assert d0.title == '<untitled>'
    assert d0.ndim == 0
    assert d0.size is None
    assert not d0.is_masked
    assert d0.dtype is None
    assert d0.unitless
    assert not d0.dims
    assert not d0.meta
    assert hash(d0) is not None
    assert (repr(d0) == 'NDArray: empty (size: 0)')

    # assignement to basic write allowed properties

    d0.data = [1, 2, 3]  # put some data
    assert_array_equal(d0.data, np.array([1, 2, 3]))
    assert d0.dtype in TYPE_INTEGER
    assert d0.date.date() == datetime.now(timezone.utc).date()
    d0.date = datetime(2005, 10, 12)
    d0.date = "25/12/2025"
    assert d0.date == datetime(2025, 12, 25, 0, 0)
    d0.name = 'xxxx'
    assert d0.name == 'xxxx'
    d0.title = 'yyyy'
    assert d0.title == "yyyy"
    d0.meta = []
    d0.meta.something = "a_value"
    assert d0.meta.something == "a_value"
    assert d0[1].value == 2  # only a single element so we get a squeezed array
    d0.units = 'absorbance'
    assert d0.units == ur.absorbance
    assert d0[2] == 3 * ur.absorbance
    assert d0.dims == ['x']

    # initialisation with a scalar quantity

    d1 = NDArray(25)
    assert d1.data == np.array(25)
    assert d1.data.dtype in TYPE_INTEGER

    d1 = NDArray(13. * ur.tesla)
    assert d1.data == np.array(13.)
    assert d1.data.dtype in TYPE_FLOAT
    assert d1.shape == ()
    assert d1.ndim == 0
    assert not d1.dims
    assert d1.units == 'tesla'
    assert d1.values == 13. * ur.tesla

    # initialisation with a 1D array  quantity

    d2 = NDArray([13.] * ur.tesla)
    assert d2.data == np.array([13.])
    assert d2.shape == (1, )
    assert d2.ndim == 1
    assert d2.dims == ['x']
    assert d2.units == 'tesla'
    assert d2.values == 13. * ur.tesla

    # initialisation with a 1D vector quantity

    d3 = NDArray([[13., 20.]] * ur.tesla)
    assert_array_equal(d3.data, np.array([[13., 20.]]))
    assert d3.shape == (1, 2)
    assert d3.ndim == 2
    assert d3.dims == ['y', 'x']
    assert d3.units == 'tesla'

    # initialisation with a sequence

    d4 = NDArray((2, 3, 4))
    assert d4.shape == (3, )
    assert d4.size == 3
    assert d4.dims == ['x']
    assert not d4.is_masked

    # initialization with an array

    d5 = NDArray(refarray)
    assert d5.shape == refarray.shape
    assert d5.size == refarray.size
    assert not d5.is_masked

    # initialization with an NDArray object

    d6 = NDArray(ndarraymask)
    assert d6.title == '<untitled>'
    assert d6.shape == refarray.shape
    assert d6.dims == ['y', 'x']
    assert d6.size == refarray.size
    assert_array_equal(d6.data, refarray)
    assert d6._data is ndarraymask._data  # by default we do not copy
    # d6.data and ndarraym ask.data are however different due to the addition of un offset
    assert d6.is_masked
    assert_array_equal(d6.mask, refmask)
    assert d6.mask is ndarraymask.mask  # no copy by default

    # initialization with an NDArray object with copy
    d7 = NDArray(ndarraymask, copy=True)
    assert_array_equal(d7.data, refarray)
    assert d7.data is not ndarraymask.data  # by default we do not copy
    assert_array_equal(d7.mask, refmask)
    assert d7.mask is not ndarraymask.mask  # no copy by default

    # initialisation with a sequence and a mask

    d0mask = NDArray([2, 3, 4, 5], mask=[1, 0, 0, 0], dtype='int64')
    assert d0mask.shape == (4, )
    assert d0mask.is_masked
    assert d0mask.mask.shape == d0mask.shape

    # initialisation with a sequence and a mask

    d1mask = NDArray([2., 3., 4., 5.1], mask=[1, 0, 0, 0])
    assert d1mask.shape == (4, )
    assert d1mask.is_masked
    assert d1mask.mask.shape == d1mask.shape

    # dtype specified

    d8 = NDArray(ndarraymask, desc='with mask', dtype=np.int64)
    assert d8.shape == refarray.shape
    assert d8.data.dtype == np.int64
    assert d8.dims == ['y', 'x']
    assert d8.title == '<untitled>'
    assert d8.description == 'with mask'
    assert d8.desc == d8.description
    assert len(ndarraymask.history) == 1  # one line already in
    assert len(d8.history) == 2  # copy added

    # intialisation with only labels

    d9 = NDArray(labels='a b c d e f g h i j'.split(), title='labeled')
    assert d9.is_labeled

    # changing dims name
    d11 = NDArray(labels='a b c d e f g h i j'.split(),
                  history='Created from scratch')
    assert d11.dims == ['q']
    assert d11.author == 'Blake'

    assert '[  a   b ...   i   j]' in d11._repr_html_()  # comparison
Example #14
def test_ndarray_slicing(refarray, ndarray):

    ref = refarray
    nd = ndarray.copy()
    assert not nd.is_masked
    assert nd.dims == ["y", "x"]

    # slicing is different in scpy than with numpy. We always return
    # unsqueezed dimensions, except for array of size 1, which are considered as scalar

    nd1 = nd[0, 0]
    assert_equal(nd1.data, nd.data[0:1, 0:1])
    assert nd1 is not nd[0, 0]
    assert nd1.ndim == 2  # array not reduced
    assert nd1.size == 1
    assert nd1.shape == (1, 1)
    assert isinstance(nd1, NDArray)
    assert isinstance(nd1.data, np.ndarray)
    assert isinstance(nd1.values, TYPE_FLOAT)

    nd1b = nd.__getitem__((0, 0), )
    assert nd1b == nd1

    nd1a = nd[0, 0:2]
    assert_equal(nd1a.data, nd.data[0:1, 0:2])
    assert nd1a is not nd[0, 0:2]
    assert nd1a.ndim == 2
    assert nd1a.size == 2
    assert nd1a.shape == (1, 2)
    assert isinstance(nd1a, NDArray)
    assert nd1a.dims == ["y", "x"]

    # returning none if empty when slicing
    nd1b = nd[11:, 11:]
    assert nd1b is None

    # nd has been changed, restore it before continuing
    nd = ndarray.copy()

    nd2 = nd[7:10]
    assert_equal(nd2.data, nd.data[7:10])
    assert not nd.is_masked

    nd3 = nd2[1]
    assert nd3.shape == (1, ref.shape[1])
    assert nd3.dims == ["y", "x"]

    nd4 = nd2[:, 1]
    assert nd4.shape == (3, 1)
    assert nd4.dims == ["y", "x"]

    # squezzing
    nd5 = nd4.squeeze()
    assert nd5.shape == (3, )
    assert nd5.dims == ["y"]

    # set item
    nd[1] = 2.0
    assert nd[1, 0] == 2

    # set item mask
    nd[1] = MASKED
    assert nd.is_masked

    # boolean indexing
    nd = ndarray.copy()
    nd[nd.data > 0]

    # fancy indexing
    df = nd.data[[-1, 1]]

    ndf = nd[[-1, 1]]
    assert_array_equal(ndf.data, df)

    ndf = nd[[
        -1, 1
    ], INPLACE]  # TODO: check utility of this (I remember it should be related to setitem)
    assert_array_equal(ndf.data, df)

    # use with selection from other numpy functions
    am = np.argmax(nd.data, axis=1)
    assert_array_equal(am, np.array([7, 3]))
    amm = nd.data[..., am]
    assert_array_equal(nd[..., am].data, amm)

    # slicing only-label array

    d0 = NDArray(labels="a b c d e f g h i j".split(), title="labelled")
    assert d0.is_labeled

    assert d0.ndim == 1
    assert d0.shape == (10, )
    assert d0[1].labels == ["b"]
    assert d0[1].values == "b"
    assert d0["b"].values == "b"
    assert d0["c":"d"].shape == (2, )
    assert_array_equal(d0["c":"d"].values, np.array(["c", "d"]))