def loadFile(path, sr=16000, time=3.0): spectrogram = Spectrogram(input_shape=(int(time * sr), 1), sr=sr) X = [] curr = 0 # indicates 1st and last file of speaker speaker_dict = {} print('Total speakers:', len(os.listdir(path))) c = 0 for speaker in os.listdir(path): if c % 10 == 0: print('Speakers done:', c) c += 1 print('Loading speaker: ' + speaker) speaker_path = os.path.join(path, speaker) speaker_dict[speaker] = [curr, None] X_speaker = [] for file_path in os.listdir(speaker_path): files = os.path.join(speaker_path, file_path) audio, rate = librosa.load(files, sr=sr) audio = np.expand_dims(audio, axis=1) spec = spectrogram.spectrogram(audio) X_speaker.append(spec) curr += 1 speaker_dict[speaker][1] = curr - 1 X.append(X_speaker) return X, speaker_dict
def saveBaselineIntensityImages(files, saveLoc: str = None, imageExt: str = "png"): """ Save a image file of the baseline as a function of time to the folder specified by saveLoc. """ if saveLoc == None: saveLoc = r"../baselineIntensityMaps" for i in tqdm.trange(len(files)): filename = f"../dig/{files[i]}" MySpect = Spectrogram(filename) peaks, _, heights = baselines_by_squash(MySpect) plt.plot( np.array(MySpect.time) * 1e6, MySpect.intensity[MySpect._velocity_to_index(peaks[0])]) plt.xlabel("Time ($\mu$s)") plt.ylabel("Intensity (db)") plt.title(f"{}") path = os.path.join( saveLoc, files[i].replace(".dig", "") + f"_baselineIntensity.{imageExt}") if not os.path.exists(os.path.split(path)[0]): os.makedirs(os.path.split(path)[0]) plt.savefig(path) # Reset the state for the next data file. plt.clf() del MySpect
def create_plot(self): if self.plot is not None: self.plot.close() self.toolbar.set_auto(True) if self.settings.display == Display.PLOT: self.plot = Plotter(self.notify, self.figure, self.settings) elif self.settings.display == Display.SPECT: self.plot = Spectrogram(self.notify, self.figure, self.settings) else: self.plot = Plotter3d(self.notify, self.figure, self.settings) self.set_fonts() self.toolbar.set_plot(self.plot) self.toolbar.set_type(self.settings.display) self.measureTable.set_type(self.settings.display) self.set_plot_title() self.figure.tight_layout() self.figure.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) self.redraw_plot() self.plot.scale_plot(True) self.mouseZoom = MouseZoom(self.plot, self.toolbar, self.hide_overlay) self.mouseSelect = MouseSelect(self.plot, self.on_select, self.on_selected) self.panel.SetFocus()
def createGallery(digsToLookAt: list = None, colormap="blue-orange-div", fileext="jpeg", transformData=False): if type(digsToLookAt) == type(None): digsToLookAt = DigFile.inventory(justSegments=True)['file'] digDir = DigFile.dig_dir() imageDir, _ = os.path.split(digDir) imageFold = "ImageGallery" imageDir = os.path.join(imageDir, imageFold) print(digsToLookAt) for i in range(len(digsToLookAt)): filename = digsToLookAt[i] print(filename) spec = Spectrogram(os.path.join(digDir, filename)) pcms, lastAxes = spec.plot(transformData, cmap=colormap) fileloc, filename = os.path.split( os.path.splitext(os.path.join(imageDir, filename))[0]) fileloc = os.path.join(fileloc, filename) for key in pcms.keys(): if "complex" in key: continue # There is not a graph with a name that contains complex. if not os.path.exists(fileloc): os.makedirs(fileloc) plt.figure(num=key) # Get to the appropriate figure. plt.savefig( os.path.join(fileloc, filename) + f' {key} spectrogram.{fileext}') plt.clf() del spec
def baselineTracking(spectrogram: Spectrogram, baselineVel, changeThreshold, skipUntilTime: float = 12e-6): """ Return the first time in microseconds that baseline's intensity value changes outside the changeThreshold. Use the average baseline value as the estimate """ baselineInd = spectrogram._velocity_to_index(baselineVel) runningAverage = spectrogram.intensity[baselineInd][ spectrogram._time_to_index(spectrogram.t_start + skipUntilTime)] startInd = spectrogram._time_to_index(spectrogram.t_start + skipUntilTime) for ind in range(startInd, spectrogram.intensity.shape[-1]): currentIntensity = spectrogram.intensity[baselineInd][ind] if (np.abs(currentIntensity) >= np.abs( (1 + changeThreshold) * runningAverage)) or ( np.abs(currentIntensity) <= np.abs( (1 - changeThreshold) * runningAverage)): # print(f"{changeThreshold}: {spectrogram.time[ind]*1e6}") return spectrogram.time[ind] * 1e6 runningAverage += 1 / (ind + 1 - startInd) * \ (currentIntensity - runningAverage) return spectrogram.time[ind] * 1e6
def __init__(self, weight_file, params_file): """Performs detection on an audio file. The structure of the network is hard coded to a network with 2 convolution layers with pooling, 1 or 2 fully connected layers, and a final softmax layer. weight_file is the path to the numpy weights to the network params_file is the path to the network parameters """ self.weights = np.load(weight_file, encoding='bytes', allow_pickle=True) if not all([weight.dtype == np.float32 for weight in self.weights]): for i in range(self.weights.shape[0]): self.weights[i] = self.weights[i].astype(np.float32) with open(params_file, 'rb') as fp: params = pickle.load(fp) self.chunk_size = 4.0 # seconds self.win_size = params['win_size'] self.max_freq = params['max_freq'] self.min_freq = params['min_freq'] self.slice_scale = params['slice_scale'] self.overlap = params['overlap'] self.crop_spec = params['crop_spec'] self.denoise = params['denoise'] self.smooth_spec = params['smooth_spec'] self.nms_win_size = int(params['nms_win_size']) self.smooth_op_prediction_sigma = params['smooth_op_prediction_sigma'] self.sp = Spectrogram()
def __init__(self, file_pth: str, train=True, random_state=None): super(Dataset, self).__init__() self.sp = Spectrogram() self.file_pth = file_pth self.train = train self.random_state = None self.train = self.read_data()
def __init__(self, file_pth: str, train=True, random_state=None): super(Dataset, self).__init__() self.sp = Spectrogram() self.file_pth = file_pth self.train = train self.random_state = None = self.read_data() datasets = train_test_split( if train: self.train = datasets[0] else: # actually this is test dataset self.train = datasets[1]
def make_spectrogram(pipe: PNSPipe, **kwargs): """ Compute a spectrogram using the passed kwargs or built-in defaults and set the pipe.spectrogram field. Default values are: wavelength = 1.55e-6 points_per_spectrum = 4096 overlap = 7/8 window_function = None form = 'power' """ from spectrogram import Spectrogram defaults = dict( t_start=kwargs.get('t_start'), ending=kwargs.get('ending'), wavelength=kwargs.get('wavelength', 1.55e-6), points_per_spectrum=kwargs.get('points_per_spectrum', 4096), overlap=kwargs.get('overlap', 7 / 8), window_function=kwargs.get('window_function'), form=kwargs.get('form', 'power'), ) allargs = dict({**defaults, **kwargs}) # list the arguments we use in the log for k, v in allargs.items(): pipe.log(f"+ {k} = {v}") pipe.spectrogram = Spectrogram(pipe.df, **allargs)
def mainTest(SpectrogramObject:Spectrogram, startTime:int, stopTime:int, signalJump:int=50, bottomIndex:int=0, topIndex:int=None, vStartInd: int=None): widths = [1,3,5,11,21] orders = [1,2,10] seam = [] velocities = SpectrogramObject.velocity time = SpectrogramObject.time for width in widths: for order in orders: signal, p_table, dp_table, botVel, topVel = seamExtraction(SpectrogramObject, startTime, stopTime, width, signalJump, bottomIndex, topIndex, order) plt.plot(velocities[botVel:topVel+1], dp_table[0]) plt.title("Total Minkowski" + str(order) +" Order Cost diagram with a window size of " +str(width) +" raw") plt.xlabel("Starting velocity of the trace (m/s)") plt.ylabel("Minimum value of the sum (|p_i - p_{i-1}|^" + str(order) + ") along the path") print("Here is a graph of the signal trace across time") plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) myplot = SpectrogramObject.plot() plt.xlim((SpectrogramObject.time[startTime], SpectrogramObject.time[stopTime])) myplot.plot(time[startTime: stopTime+1], velocities[signal], 'b-', alpha = 0.4, label="Minimum Cost") if vStartInd != None: # Compute the signal seam for assuming this is the start point. seam = reconstruction(p_table, vStartInd-botVel, botVel) myplot.plot(time[startTime: stopTime+1], velocities[seam], 'r--', alpha = 0.4, label="Expected Start Point") myplot.title("Velocity as a function of time for the minimum cost seam with Minkowski" + str(order)+ " and a window size of " + str(width) + " raw") myplot.legend()
def calc_spectrogram(self, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, '_spectrogram'): self._spectrogram = Spectrogram.from_waveform( self.signal, **kwargs ) return self._spectrogram
class SampleDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, file_pth: str, train=True, random_state=None): super(Dataset, self).__init__() self.sp = Spectrogram() self.file_pth = file_pth self.train = train self.random_state = None self.train = self.read_data() def __getitem__(self, index): # datasets[0][index][0] stage_layer, degc_layer = self.feature_layer(self.train[index][2]) img = self.sp.spec_array(self.train[index][0]) img = np.concatenate((img, stage_layer), axis=0) img = np.concatenate((img, degc_layer), axis=0) img = torch.tensor(img, dtype=torch.float32) target = self.train[index][1] target = torch.tensor(target) return img, target def __len__(self): return len(self.train) def feature_layer(self, features): stage = int(re.findall("\d+", features[0])[0]) degc = float(features[1]) stage_layer = np.full((224, 224), stage, dtype=np.int8) degc_layer = np.full((224, 224), degc, dtype=np.float) stage_layer = stage_layer[np.newaxis, :, :] degc_layer = degc_layer[np.newaxis, :, :] return stage_layer, degc_layer def read_data(self): datas = [] #self.file = "./sample_data.txt" with open(self.file_pth, "r") as f: header = f.readline() while 1: line = f.readline() if not line: break tmp = line.strip().split('\t') freq = list(map(float, tmp[4:])) features = tmp[2:4] # freq = list(map(float, tmp[1:])) # print(freq[-1]) label = int(tmp[0]) datas.append([freq, label, features]) return datas
def generate_graphs(directory): for file in os.listdir(directory): print(directory + file) if file.endswith(".dig"): # Then we have the right file. Spectrogram_Object = Spectrogram(directory + file) sampleSize = 256 full_length_spectra = Spectrogram_Object.spectrogram( 0, Spectrogram_Object.samples, sampleSize) colormaps = ["gist_stern", "tab20c", "tab20b", "terrain"] for colormap in colormaps: Spectrogram_Object.plot(full_length_spectra, sample_window=sampleSize, cmap=colormap)
def signal_finder(spectrogram: Spectrogram, baseline: np.ndarray, t_start: float, dt: int = 2, min_separation=200): # m/s """ Look above the baseline for a signal corresponding to a surface velocity. """ from scipy.signal import find_peaks t_index = spectrogram._time_to_index(t_start) spectra = np.sum(spectrogram.intensity[:, t_index - dt:t_index + dt], axis=1) try: # limit the region we look at to points above the baseline # get the index of the baseline blo = spectrogram._velocity_to_index(baseline[0]) + 5 if len(baseline) > 1: bhi = spectrogram._velocity_to_index(baseline[1]) - 5 else: bhi = len(spectrogram.velocity) - 1 velocity = spectrogram.velocity[blo:bhi] spectrum = spectra[blo:bhi] smax = spectrum.max() min_sep = int(min_separation / spectrogram.dv) peaks, properties = find_peaks(spectrum, height=0.05 * smax, distance=min_sep) heights = properties['peak_heights'] # produce an ordering of the peaks from high to low ordering = np.flip(np.argsort(heights)) peak_index = peaks[ordering] peaks = velocity[peak_index] hts = heights[ordering] # normalize to largest peak of 1 (e.g., the baseline) hts = hts / hts[0] return peaks[0] except Exception as eeps: print(eeps) return None
def analyze_region(spectrogram: Spectrogram, roi: dict): """ """ time, velocity, intensity = spectrogram.slice(roi['time'], roi['velocity']) # Do we want to convert to power? power = spectrogram.power(intensity) # let's look at the peak power at each time peaks = np.max(power, axis=0) speaks = sorted(peaks) threshold = speaks[int(len(peaks) * 0.04)] amax = np.argmax(power, axis=0) power[power < threshold] = 0.0 span = 30 nmax = len(velocity) - 1 times, centers, widths, amps = [], [], [], [] def peg(x): if x < 0: return 0 if x > nmax: return nmax return x for t in range(len(time) - 1): if power[amax[t], t] > threshold: acenter = amax[t] vfrom, vto = peg(acenter - span), peg(acenter + span) gus = Gaussian(velocity[vfrom:vto], power[vfrom:vto, t]) if gus.valid: times.append(time[t]) centers.append( widths.append(gus.width) amps.append(gus.amplitude) else: print(f"[{t}] {gus.error}") #power[power>=threshold] = 1 plt.pcolormesh(time * 1e6, velocity, power) plt.plot(np.array(times) * 1e6, centers, 'r.', alpha=0.5)
def calc_spectrogram(self, step_size=None, fft_resolution=None, scale_factors=None): self._spectrogram = Spectrogram.from_waveform( self.signal, step_size=step_size, fft_resolution=fft_resolution, ) if scale_factors is not None: = self._spectrogram.scale(scale_factors) return self._spectrogram
def __init__(self, spectrogram: Spectrogram, start_point: tuple, span: int = 80, rotate: bool = False, weightingVector: dict = {}, debug=False): """ Input: spectrogram: The object that we would like to trace a signal in. start_point: (t, v) The actual time and velocity values (not the indices) span: The number of velocity values up and down that you will check at the next time step. rotate: whether or not you want to use linear extrapolation and rotation at each time step. weightingVector: the weighting vector dictionary used to combine the available data into one matrix. Values must sum to one. The default is {intensity: 1} meaning to use only the intensity data. It will be in the same order as the availableData. If all the modes have been computed availableData will be ['magnitude', 'angle', 'phase', 'real', 'imaginary', 'intensity'] debug: Do you want to print debugging statements? """ self.spectrogram = spectrogram self.t_start, self.v_start = start_point self.span = span self.rotate = rotate self.weightingVector = weightingVector if ( weightingVector != {}) else { "intensity": 1 } self.debug = debug if self.rotate: raise NotImplementedError( "The rotate capacity for peak follower is not implemented.") # Now establish storage for intermediate results and # state. time_index is the index into the spectrogram.intensity # along the time axis. self.time_index = spectrogram._time_to_index(self.t_start) self.results = dict( velocity_index_spans=[], # the range of points used for the fit times=[], # the times of the fits time_index=[], # the corresponding point index in the time dimension velocities=[], # the fitted center velocities intensities=[] # the peak intensity ) # for convenience, install pointers to useful fields in spectrogram self.velocity = self.spectrogram.velocity self.time = self.spectrogram.time self.intensity = self.spectrogram.intensity self.dV = self.velocity[1] - self.velocity[0] self.dT = self.time[1] - self.time[0]
def get_data(self): print('Reading Data...') file_list = os.listdir(self.params['data_path']) file_list = [ os.path.join(self.params['data_path'], i) for i in file_list[:10] ] x_data = Spectrogram(filenames=file_list) self.x_train, self.x_test = train_test_split(x_data.spectrogram, test_size=0.3)
def __init__(self, user_dir, contains_vocals, n_samples): os.chdir(user_dir) # The line below makes a list of all the filenames in the specified directory, # while excluding names of subdirectories/folders self.filename_list = [name for name in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(name)] print('Processing songs from:' + user_dir) # For test set, n_samples = 24505 # For training set, n_samples = 46200 freq_size = 513 time_size = 23 self.n_samples = n_samples # These are dimensions of the matrix [X, Y] self.X = np.zeros((self.n_samples, freq_size, time_size,1), dtype=int) self.Y = np.zeros((self.n_samples,1), dtype=int) # This will ensure we are indexing correctly to put the x for our sample into our X matrix of all songs' data n_samples_so_far = 0 for i in range(len(self.filename_list)): filename = self.filename_list[i] # Iterates through each file name in the list print(filename) self.contains_vocals = contains_vocals spect = Spectrogram(filename, contains_vocals) x_is = spect.get_X() y_is = spect.get_Y() #print("x_is"+str(x_is.shape)) #print("y_is"+str(y_is.shape)) #print("samples so far "+str(n_samples_so_far)) n_song_samples = np.shape(y_is)[0] # I.e., how many samples did we make from the song # (song length (sec)*2, since 500ms segments used) upper_index = n_samples_so_far + n_song_samples # Each sample is a row in our array/matrix #print("upper index "+str(upper_index)) self.X[n_samples_so_far:upper_index, :, :,:] = x_is self.Y[n_samples_so_far:upper_index,:] = y_is n_samples_so_far = n_samples_so_far + n_song_samples # Updates how many samples we've done so far
class TestDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, file_pth: str, train=True, random_state=None): super(Dataset, self).__init__() self.sp = Spectrogram() self.file_pth = file_pth self.train = train self.random_state = None = self.read_data() datasets = train_test_split( if train: self.train = datasets[0] else: # actually this is test dataset self.train = datasets[1] def __getitem__(self, index): # datasets[0][index][0] img = self.sp.spec_array(self.train[index][0]) img = torch.tensor(img, dtype=torch.float32) target = self.train[index][1] target = torch.tensor(target) return img, target def __len__(self): return len(self.train) def read_data(self): datas = [] #self.file = "./sample_data.txt" with open(self.file_pth, "r") as f: header = f.readline() while 1: line = f.readline() if not line: break tmp = line.strip().split('\t') # freq = list(map(float, tmp[4:])) freq = list(map(float, tmp[1:])) # print(freq[-1]) label = int(tmp[0]) datas.append([freq,label]) return datas
def test(self, filenames): filenames = filenames[5:15] for filename in filenames: print(filename) test_data = Spectrogram(filenames=[filename]) decoded_spectrogram = test_data.spectrogram) #print_summary(, line_length=80) test_data.spectrogram_to_wav( spectrogram=copy.deepcopy(decoded_spectrogram), filename=filename.split("/")[-1]) test_data.visualize(filename=filename, spectrogram=decoded_spectrogram)
def __init__( self, spectrogram: Spectrogram, start_point, # either a tuple or a list of tuples max_acceleration=10000, smoothing=4, # average this many points on each side max_hop=500, # require peaks at successive time steps # to be within this many m/s direction=1, # go forward in time (1), backward (-1) ): span = max_acceleration * spectrogram.dt * 1e6 / spectrogram.dv super().__init__(spectrogram, start_point, int(span)) self.smoothing = smoothing self.max_hop = max_hop assert direction in (-1, 1), "Direction must be +1 or -1" self.direction = direction peaks, dv, heights = bline(spectrogram) # Let's take only the peaks greater than 10% of the strongest peak self.baselines = peaks[heights > 0.1] self.noise_level = spectrogram.noise_level() * 3
def runAgainstTestSet(testSetFilename, guessAtOptimalThres, guessAtOptimalSkipUntil, errorPower: int = 1): data = pd.read_excel(testSetFilename) # Ignore the samples that we do not have the full data for. data = data.dropna() data.reset_index() # Reset so that it can be easily indexed. files = data["Filename"].to_list() bestGuessTimes = (data[data.columns[1]] * 1e6).to_list() # This will be the same times for the probe destruction dataset. It is generally ignored currently. bestGuessVels = data[data.columns[-1]].to_list() d = {"Filename": files} d["ProbeDestructionEstimateTime"] = np.zeros(len(files)) d["Error Versus Label"] = np.zeros(len(files)) for i in tqdm.trange(len(files)): filename = os.path.join(os.path.join("..", "dig"), f"{files[i]}") MySpect = Spectrogram(filename, overlap=0) peaks, _, heights = baselines_by_squash(MySpect, min_percent=0.75) timeEstimate = baselineTracking(MySpect, peaks[0], guessAtOptimalThres, guessAtOptimalSkipUntil) d["ProbeDestructionEstimateTime"][i] = timeEstimate d["Error Versus Label"][i] = np.power(bestGuessTimes[i] - timeEstimate, errorPower) errors = d["Error Versus Label"] print(f"The statistics for the test set specified by {testSetFilename}\n") print( f"Avg: {np.mean(errors)} Std: {np.std(errors)} Median: {np.median(errors)} Max: {np.max(errors)} Min: {np.min(errors)}" ) return d
def __init__(self, spec: Spectrogram, time_chunk: int = 16, velocity_chunk: int = 16): self.spectrogram = spec self.time_chunk = time_chunk self.velocity_chunk = velocity_chunk powers = spec.power(spec.intensity) nrows, ncols = powers.shape nrows = nrows // velocity_chunk ncols = ncols // time_chunk self.intensity = ar = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) rows = np.linspace(0, nrows * velocity_chunk, num=nrows + 1, dtype=np.uint32) cols = np.linspace(0, ncols * time_chunk, num=ncols + 1, dtype=np.uint32) for row in range(nrows): rfrom, rto = rows[row], rows[row + 1] for col in range(ncols): ar[row, col] = np.mean( powers[rfrom:rto, cols[col]:cols[col + 1]]) self.time = spec.time[0:len(spec.time):time_chunk] self.velocity = spec.velocity[0:len(spec.velocity):velocity_chunk] vals = ar.flatten() vals.sort() self.spower = vals self.threshold = vals[int(len(vals) * 0.8)]
def setupForDocumentation(): # Set up filename = "../dig/CH_4_009.dig" t1 = 14.2389/1e6 t2 = 31.796/1e6 MySpect = Spectrogram(filename, mode = "complex") sTime = MySpect._time_to_index(t1) eTime = MySpect._time_to_index(t2) bottomVel = 1906.38 botInd = MySpect._velocity_to_index(bottomVel) topVel = 5000 topVelInd = MySpect._velocity_to_index(topVel) visualSignalStart = 2652.21 visSigIndex = MySpect._velocity_to_index(visualSignalStart) return MySpect, sTime, eTime, botInd, topVelInd, visSigIndex
def setupForDocumentation(): # Set up filename = "../See_if_this_is_enough_to_get_started/CH_4_009.dig" t1 = 14.2389/1e6 t2 = 31.796/1e6 MySpect = Spectrogram(filename) sTime = MySpect._time_to_index(t1) eTime = MySpect._time_to_index(t2) bottomVel = 1906.38 botInd = MySpect._velocity_to_index(bottomVel) topVel = 5000 topVelInd = MySpect._velocity_to_index(topVel) signalJump = 25 visualSignalStart = 2652.21 visSigIndex = MySpect._velocity_to_index(visualSignalStart) return MySpect, sTime, eTime, signalJump, botInd, topVelInd, visSigIndex
def plot_trace(self, spectrogram, trace_info, clim = [0.5, 1.5], color = 'r'): ''' plot traced coordinates in the dynamic spectrum ''' base0 = Spectrogram() base0.spectrogram = spectrogram fig0, ax0 = base0.plot_spectrogram(figsize = [12,8], subplot = 211, clim = clim, cmap = 'Greys_r', aspect = 0.2) base1 = Spectrogram() base1.spectrogram = spectrogram fig1, ax1 = base1.plot_spectrogram(fig = fig0, subplot = 212, clim = clim, cmap = 'Greys_r', aspect = 0.2) trace_info = self.idx2map(spectrogram, trace_info) idplt = trace_info["ID"] xplt= trace_info["indy"] yplt = trace_info["frequency"] # overplot traced drift bursts for i in np.arange(idplt.min(), idplt.max()+1): idx = np.where(idplt == i)[0] if len(idx) > 1: plt.plot(xplt[idx],yplt[idx], color = color) ylim = ax0.get_ylim() ax1.set_ylim(ylim)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Jun 02 23:35:05 2016 @author: Zhitao """ from trace import Trace from spectrogram import Spectrogram ########################## Import raw data. ################################### file_path = "C:/Users/Zhitao/Desktop/pywork/" # modify YOUR_PATH here sample = Spectrogram(file_path = file_path) sample.read_spectrogram() data = sample.spectrogram ########### Apply tracing over specific range in time and frequency. ########## t = Trace() trace_info = t.trace(data, mask = None) # Visualize traced structures. t.plot_trace(data, trace_info)
from tables import * import config import utils from spectrogram import Spectrogram conf = config.get_config() winsize = int(conf.get('Spectrogram', 'WindowSize')) nframes = int(conf.get('Tracks', 'LengthInSeconds')) * \ int(conf.get('Tracks', 'SampleRate')) stepsize = int(conf.get('Spectrogram', 'StepSize')) fftres = int(conf.get('Spectrogram', 'FFTResolution')) audio_folder = os.path.expanduser(conf.get('Input', 'AudioFolder')) numberofgenres = len(utils.list_subdirs(audio_folder)) wins = Spectrogram.wins(winsize, nframes, stepsize) bins = Spectrogram.bins(fftres) shape = Spectrogram.shape(wins, bins) class Track(IsDescription): """Description of a track in HDF5""" idnumber = Int32Col() name = StringCol(64) path = StringCol(512) genre = StringCol(32) # target = BoolCol(shape=(numberofgenres,)) target = Int8Col() spectrogram = Float32Col(dflt=0.0, shape=shape)
def seamExtraction(SpectrogramObject:Spectrogram, startTime:int, stopTime:int, width:int, bottomIndex:int=0, topIndex:int=None, order:int = None, verbose:bool = False, theta = None): """ Input: intensityMatrix: a 2d array [velocity][time] and each cell corresponds to the intensity at that point. startTime: index corresponding to the start time in the intensity matrix of the signal being considered. stopTime: index corresponding to the stop time in the intensity matrix of the signal being considered. width: How wide of a window that is being considered at each time step. The window will be split evenly up and down bottomIndex: Upper bound on the velocity. Assumed to be a valid index for sgram's intensity array. Defaults to zero order: the order of the minkowski distance function that will be minimized to determine the most well connected signal. Defaults to 2: minimizing the Euclidean distance between neighboring pixels. verbose: Boolean that indicates if you want there to be debugging print statements. Defaults to False: theta: The relative importance of the phase array to the amplitude array if applicable. It should be between 0 and 1. Output: list of indices that should be plotted as the signal as an array of indices indicating the intensity values that correspond to the most connected signal as defined by the metric. """ if stopTime <= startTime: raise ValueError("Stop Time is assumed to be greater than start time.") else: try: theta = float(theta) except TypeError: raise TypeError("Theta needs to be able to be cast to a float.") if 0 > theta: theta = np.exp(theta) # This will get between 0 and 1. if theta > 1: theta = np.exp(-1*theta) # To get between 0 and 1. if width % 2 == 1: width += 1 tableHeight = stopTime - startTime + 1 velocities = np.zeros(tableHeight, dtype = np.int64) # This will hold the answers that we are looking for to return. It is a list of indices. halfFan = width//2 bottomDP = bottomIndex + 1 if topIndex == None: topIndex = SpectrogramObject.velocity.shape[0] # I just want the maximum velocity index elif topIndex <= bottomIndex: topIndex = SpectrogramObject.velocity.shape[0] t, vel, real_raw_vals, ovals = SpectrogramObject.slice((SpectrogramObject.time[startTime], SpectrogramObject.time[stopTime]), (SpectrogramObject.velocity[bottomDP], SpectrogramObject.velocity[topIndex])) amplitudeArray = [] # This is will be the magnitude of the complex data. phaseArray = [] # This will be the phase of the complex data. if SpectrogramObject.computeMode == "complex": # We have the complex data. amplitudeArray = real_raw_vals # It will be the appropriate item in this case. phaseArray = np.arctan2(np.real(ovals)/np.imag(ovals)) elif SpectrogramObject.computeMode == "psd" or SpectrogramObject.computeMode == "magnitude": amplitudeArray = real_raw_vals # This is all that we will have as we cannot get the phase info. elif SpectrogramObject.computeMode == "angle" or SpectrogramObject.computeMode == "phase": phaseArray = ovals if verbose: print("new time shape", t.shape, "vel shape:", vel.shape) print("Before the transpose: real_raw_vals.shape", real_raw_vals.shape) print("real_raw_vals.shape = ",real_raw_vals.shape) print("bottomDP", bottomDP) print() print("t2-t1", stopTime-startTime) print("(t2-t1)*halfan", (stopTime-startTime)*halfFan) print() print(topIndex) print(bottomIndex+1) print() amplitudeArray = np.transpose(amplitudeArray) phaseArray = np.transpose(phaseArray) tableHeight, tableWidth = np.transpose(real_raw_vals).shape DPTable = np.zeros((tableHeight, tableWidth)) parentTable = np.zeros(DPTable.shape, dtype = np.int64) for timeIndex in range(2, tableHeight + 1): dpTime = tableHeight - timeIndex for velocityIndex in range(tableWidth): bestSoFar = np.Infinity bestPointer = None for testIndex in range(-halfFan, halfFan+1): # The + 1 is so that you get a balanced window. if velocityIndex + testIndex >= 0 and velocityIndex + testIndex < tableWidth: # then we have a valid index to test from. ampAddition = 0 phaseAddition = 0 if len(amplitudeArray) != 0: # Then it has been initialized. ampAddition = np.power(np.abs(amplitudeArray[dpTime+1][testIndex+velocityIndex]-amplitudeArray[dpTime][velocityIndex]), order) if len(phaseArray) != 0: # Then it has been initialized. phaseAddition = np.power(np.abs(phaseArray[dpTime+1][testIndex+velocityIndex]-phaseArray[dpTime][velocityIndex]), order) current = (1-theta)*ampAddition + theta*phaseAddition + DPTable[dpTime+1][velocityIndex+testIndex] if current < bestSoFar: bestSoFar = current bestPointer = velocityIndex + testIndex if verbose: print("The bestValue has been updated for time", t[dpTime], "and velocity", vel[velocityIndex], \ "to", bestSoFar, "with a bestPointer of ", vel[velocityIndex+testIndex], "at the next timeslice.") DPTable[dpTime][velocityIndex] = bestSoFar parentTable[dpTime][velocityIndex] = bestPointer # Now for the reconstruction. currentPointer = np.argmin(DPTable[0]) if verbose: print("The value of the current pointer is", currentPointer) print("The minimum cost is", DPTable[0][currentPointer]) velocities = reconstruction(parentTable, currentPointer, bottomDP) return velocities, parentTable, DPTable, bottomDP, topIndex
WHITE_CH4_SHOT/seg00.dig -- ??? opencv_long_start_pattern4 span=200 BLUE_CH1_SHOT/seg00.dig -- opencv_long_start_pattern4 span=150 BLUE_CH2_SHOT/seg00.dig -- ??? opencv_long_start_pattern3 span=200 BLUE_CH3_SHOT/seg00.dig -- opencv_long_start_pattern4 span=200 CH_1_009/seg00.dig -- opencv_long_start_pattern2 span=200 CH_3_009/seg00.dig -- opencv_long_start_pattern2 span=200 CH_4_009/seg01.dig -- opencv_long_start_pattern2 span=200 CH_4_009/seg02.dig -- opencv_long_start_pattern4 span=200 """ from ProcessingAlgorithms.preprocess.digfile import DigFile path = "../dig/BLUE_CH1_SHOT/seg00.dig" df = DigFile(path) spec = Spectrogram(df, 0.0, 60.0e-6, overlap_shift_factor= 1/8, form='db') spec.availableData = ['intensity'] # print(spec.time[200]) # gives user the option to click, by default it searches from (0,0) template_matcher = TemplateMatcher(spec,template=Templates.opencv_long_start_pattern5.value, span=200, k=20, methods=['cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED', 'cv2.TM_SQDIFF', 'cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED']) # masks the baselines to try and avoid matching with baselines or echoed signals template_matcher.mask_baselines() # get the times and velocities from matching
def mainTest(SpectrogramObject:Spectrogram, startTime:int, stopTime:int, bottomIndex:int=0, topIndex:int=None, vStartInd: int=None,verbose:bool = False): widths = [1,3,5,11,21] orders = [1,2,10] precision = 10 thetas = np.arange(precision+1)/precision # Get in the range of zero to one inclusive. seam = [] velocities = SpectrogramObject.velocity time = SpectrogramObject.time signalData = time*1e6 headers = ["Time ($\mu$s)"] basefilePath = "../DocumentationImages/DP/ComplexSpectra/" digfileUsed = for width in widths: for order in orders: for theta in thetas: hyperParamNames = "w " + str(width) + " ord " + str(order) + " Minkowski dist theta " + str(theta).replace(".", "_") signal, p_table, dp_table, botVel, topVel = seamExtraction(SpectrogramObject, startTime, stopTime, width, bottomIndex, topIndex, order, theta=theta) fname = "DP_Cost_Table time by vel " +hyperParamNames + ".csv" filename = basefilePath + fname np.savetxt(filename,dp_table,delimiter=",") fname = "Parent_Table time by vel " + hyperParamNames + ".csv" filename = basefilePath + fname np.savetxt(filename,p_table,delimiter=",") fig = plt.figure(num=1) plt.plot(velocities[botVel:topVel+1], dp_table[0]) plt.title("Total Minkowski" + str(order) +" Order Cost diagram with a window size of " +str(width) +" PercPhase:" + str(theta)) plt.xlabel("Starting velocity of the trace (m/s)") plt.ylabel("Minimum value of the sum ($\theta$|$\phi_i$ - $\phi_{i-1}$|^" + str(order) + "(1-$\theta$)|$Amp_i$ - $Amp_{i-1}$|^" + str(order) +") along the path") # manager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() # manager.window.Maximized() if verbose: print("Here is a graph of the signal trace across time") # extension = "svg" fname = "DP_Start_Cost " + hyperParamNames + extension filename = basefilePath + fname fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches = "tight") fig2 = plt.figure(num = 2, figsize=(10, 6)) ax = fig2.add_subplot(1,1,1) fig2Axes = fig2.axes[0] print(type(fig2Axes)) print(fig2Axes) SpectrogramObject.plot(axes=fig2Axes) plt.xlim((SpectrogramObject.time[startTime], SpectrogramObject.time[stopTime])) fig2Axes.plot(time[startTime: stopTime+1], velocities[signal], 'b-', alpha = 0.4, label="Minimum Cost") if vStartInd != None: # Compute the signal seam for assuming this is the start point. seam = reconstruction(p_table, vStartInd-botVel, botVel) fig2Axes.plot(time[startTime: stopTime+1], velocities[seam], 'r--', alpha = 0.4, label="Expected Start Point") fig2Axes.set_title("Velocity as a function of time for the minimum cost seam with Minkowski" + str(order)+ " and a window size of " + str(width) + " raw") fig2Axes.legend() # manager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() # manager.window.showMaximized() if verbose: fname = "Overlay Spectra " + hyperParamNames + extension filename = basefilePath + fname plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches = "tight") # Build the reconstruction of every possible starting velocity. Then, save them in a csv file. extension = "csv" fname = "Velocity Traces " + hyperParamNames + extension filename = basefilePath + fname for velInd in range(0, topVel-botVel+1): trace = reconstruction(p_table, velInd, botVel) header = "Starting Velocity " + str(velocities[velInd+botVel]) + "(m/s)" headers.append(header) meaured = velocities[trace] signalData = np.hstack((signalData, meaured)) signalData = signalData.reshape((topVel-botVel + 2, len(time))).transpose() # I want each column to be a velocity trace. # np.savetxt(filename, signalData, delimiter=",") df = pd.DataFrame(data=signalData, index=time*1e6, columns=headers) df.to_csv(filename) print("Completed the documentation for ", hyperParamNames)
tr = table.row i = 0 for filename, genre in gt.ground_truth.iteritems(): # Read file f = Sndfile(filename, mode='r') # Check against specs check_audio_file_specs(f, samplerate, encoding, channels) # Read logging.debug("Reading %s" % filename) frames = f.read_frames(lengthinseconds*samplerate) # Calculate Spectrogram logging.debug("Calculating spectrogram of %s" % filename) sg = Spectrogram.from_waveform(frames, windowsize, stepsize, windowtype, fftres) # Save in feature file tr['idnumber'] = i tr['name'] = os.path.basename(filename) tr['path'] = filename tr['genre'] = genre tr['target'] = gt.genres.index(genre) tr['spectrogram'] = sg.spectrogram logging.debug("Saving %s in HDF5 file." % filename) tr.append() i = i + 1 h5file.close()"Feature Extraction: spectrograms saved in %s." % features_path) else:
if x < 0: return 0 if x > nmax: return nmax return x for t in range(len(time) - 1): if power[amax[t], t] > threshold: acenter = amax[t] vfrom, vto = peg(acenter - span), peg(acenter + span) gus = Gaussian(velocity[vfrom:vto], power[vfrom:vto, t]) if gus.valid: times.append(time[t]) centers.append( widths.append(gus.width) amps.append(gus.amplitude) else: print(f"[{t}] {gus.error}") #power[power>=threshold] = 1 plt.pcolormesh(time * 1e6, velocity, power) plt.plot(np.array(times) * 1e6, centers, 'r.', alpha=0.5) if __name__ == "__main__": sp = Spectrogram('../dig/sample') roi = dict(time=(13.6636e-6, 35.1402e-6), velocity=(2393.33, 4500.377)) analyze_region(sp, roi) print("Hi!")
def __init__(self, path, which_set, feature="spectrogram", space="conv2d", axes=('b', 0, 1, 'c'), preprocess=False, seconds=None, window_size=None, window_type=None, step_size=None, tw_window_size=None, tw_window_type=None, tw_step_size=None, fft_resolution=None, seed=None, n_folds=4, run_n=0, verbose=False, print_params=True): super(AudioDataset, self).__init__() converter = space # signal is 1D if feature == "signal": space = "vector" converter = "signal" # inverting a spectrogram if the space is a vector doesn't make sense if space == "vector" and feature == "inv_spectrogram": feature == "spectrogram" feature_extractors = { "spectrogram": self.get_spectrogram_data, "inv_spectrogram": self.get_inv_spectrogram_data, "texture_window": self.get_texture_window_data, "signal": self.get_signal_data } spaces_converters = { "conv2d": AudioDataset.twod_to_conv2dspaces, "vector": AudioDataset.twod_to_vectorspaces, "signal": lambda x: x } index_converters = { "conv2d": lambda x: x, "vector": self.track_ids_to_frame_ids, "signal": lambda x: x } path = string_utils.preprocess(path) # init dynamic params tracks, genres = self.tracks_and_genres(path, seconds) samplerate = tracks[0].samplerate seconds = tracks[0].seconds if feature != "signal": spec_wins_per_track = len( Spectrogram.wins( seconds * samplerate, window_size, step_size ) ) if feature == "texture_window": tw_wins_per_track = len( TextureWindow.wins( spec_wins_per_track, tw_window_size, tw_step_size ) ) wins_per_track = tw_wins_per_track else: wins_per_track = spec_wins_per_track bins_per_track = Spectrogram.bins(fft_resolution) view_converters = { "conv2d": dense_design_matrix.DefaultViewConverter( (bins_per_track, wins_per_track, 1), axes ), "vector": None, "signal": None } view_converter = view_converters[converter] self.__dict__.update(locals()) del self.self if print_params: print(self)
add_row(next(loc), 0.9, 0.8, 0.5) # to faded yellow add_row(next(loc), 0.5, 0, 0.5) add_row(next(loc), 0, 0.5, 0) add_row(next(loc), 1, 0.75, 0.2) add_row(next(loc), 0.2, 0.2, 0.2) add_row(next(loc), 0, 0, 0) except: pass add_row(1, 0, 0, 0) return cdict roids = calculate_centroids() bounds = normalize_bounds(roids) cdict = build_cdict(bounds) from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap COLORMAPS[name] = LinearSegmentedColormap(name, cdict) return dict(name=name, centroids=roids, cmap=COLORMAPS[name]) if __name__ == '__main__': sg = Spectrogram('../dig/CH_4_009.dig') roids = make_spectrogram_color_map(sg, 4, "Kitty") sg.plot(cmap = roids["cmap"]) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.xlim((0, 50)) plt.ylim((1500, 5000))
class PanelGraph(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, panel, notify, settings, callbackMotion): self.panel = panel self.notify = notify self.plot = None self.settings = settings self.spectrum = None self.isLimited = None self.limit = None self.extent = None self.mouseSelect = None self.mouseZoom = None self.measureTable = None self.background = None self.selectStart = None self.selectEnd = None self.menuClearSelect = [] self.measure = None = None self.doDraw = False wx.Panel.__init__(self, panel) self.figure = matplotlib.figure.Figure(facecolor='white') self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self, -1, self.figure) self.measureTable = PanelMeasure(self) self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self, settings, self.hide_overlay) self.toolbar.Realize() vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vbox.Add(self.canvas, 1, wx.EXPAND) vbox.Add(self.measureTable, 0, wx.EXPAND) vbox.Add(self.toolbar, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(vbox) vbox.Fit(self) self.create_plot() self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', callbackMotion) self.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.on_draw) self.canvas.mpl_connect('idle_event', self.on_idle) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.on_size) self.timer = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.on_timer, self.timer) def create_plot(self): if self.plot is not None: self.plot.close() self.toolbar.set_auto(True) if self.settings.display == Display.PLOT: self.plot = Plotter(self.notify, self.figure, self.settings) elif self.settings.display == Display.SPECT: self.plot = Spectrogram(self.notify, self.figure, self.settings) else: self.plot = Plotter3d(self.notify, self.figure, self.settings) self.set_fonts() self.toolbar.set_plot(self.plot) self.toolbar.set_type(self.settings.display) self.measureTable.set_type(self.settings.display) self.set_plot_title() self.figure.tight_layout() self.figure.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) self.redraw_plot() self.plot.scale_plot(True) self.mouseZoom = MouseZoom(self.plot, self.toolbar, self.hide_overlay) self.mouseSelect = MouseSelect(self.plot, self.on_select, self.on_selected) self.panel.SetFocus() def set_fonts(self): axes = self.plot.get_axes() axes.xaxis.label.set_size('small') axes.yaxis.label.set_size('small') if self.settings.display == Display.SURFACE: axes.zaxis.label.set_size('small') axes.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize='small') axes = self.plot.get_axes_bar() axes.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize='small') def add_menu_clear_select(self, menu): self.menuClearSelect.append(menu) menu.Enable(False) def enable_menu(self, state): for menu in self.menuClearSelect: menu.Enable(state) def on_size(self, event): ppi = wx.ScreenDC().GetPPI() size = [float(v) for v in self.canvas.GetSize()] width = size[0] / ppi[0] height = size[1] / ppi[1] self.figure.set_figwidth(width) self.figure.set_figheight(height) self.figure.set_dpi(ppi[0]) event.Skip() def on_draw(self, _event): axes = self.plot.get_axes() self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(axes.bbox) self.draw_overlay() def on_select(self): self.hide_measure() def on_selected(self, start, end): self.enable_menu(True) self.selectStart = start self.selectEnd = end self.measureTable.set_selected(self.spectrum, start, end) def on_idle(self, _event): if self.doDraw and self.plot.get_plot_thread() is None: self.hide_overlay() self.canvas.draw() self.doDraw = False def on_timer(self, _event): self.timer.Stop() self.set_plot(None, None, None, None, self.annotate) def draw(self): self.doDraw = True def show_measureTable(self, show): self.Layout() def set_plot(self, spectrum, isLimited, limit, extent, annotate=False): if spectrum is not None and extent is not None: if isLimited is not None and limit is not None: self.spectrum = copy.copy(spectrum) self.extent = extent self.annotate = annotate self.isLimited = isLimited self.limit = limit if self.plot.get_plot_thread() is None: self.timer.Stop() self.measureTable.set_selected(self.spectrum, self.selectStart, self.selectEnd) if isLimited: spectrum = reduce_points(spectrum, limit) self.plot.set_plot(self.spectrum, self.extent, annotate) else: self.timer.Start(200, oneShot=True) def set_plot_title(self): if len(self.settings.devices) > 0: gain = self.settings.devices[self.settings.index].gain else: gain = 0 self.figure.suptitle("Frequency Spectrogram\n{0} - {1} MHz," " gain = {2}dB".format(self.settings.start, self.settings.stop, gain)) def redraw_plot(self): if self.spectrum is not None: self.set_plot(self.spectrum, self.settings.pointsLimit, self.settings.pointsMax, self.extent, self.settings.annotate) def set_grid(self, on): self.plot.set_grid(on) def draw_overlay(self): if self.background is not None: self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) self.draw_select() self.draw_measure() self.canvas.blit(self.plot.get_axes().bbox) def draw_select(self): if self.selectStart is not None and self.selectEnd is not None: self.mouseSelect.draw(self.selectStart, self.selectEnd) def hide_overlay(self): if self.plot is not None: self.plot.hide_measure() self.hide_select() def hide_measure(self): if self.plot is not None: self.plot.hide_measure() def hide_select(self): if self.mouseSelect is not None: self.mouseSelect.hide() def draw_measure(self): if self.measure is not None and self.measure.is_valid(): self.plot.draw_measure(self.measure, def update_measure(self, measure, show): self.measure = measure = show self.draw_overlay() def get_figure(self): return self.figure def get_axes(self): return self.plot.get_axes() def get_canvas(self): return self.canvas def get_toolbar(self): return self.toolbar def scale_plot(self, force=False): self.plot.scale_plot(force) def clear_plots(self): self.plot.clear_plots() def clear_selection(self): self.measure = None self.measureTable.clear_measurement() self.selectStart = None self.selectEnd = None self.mouseSelect.clear() self.enable_menu(False) def close(self): close_modeless()
allDigs = DigFile.inventory()[ "file"] # Just the files that are not segments. saveLoc = os.path.join( os.path.split(digFolder)[0], "TotalIntensityMaps\\Median\\") if not os.path.exists(saveLoc): os.makedirs(saveLoc) fractions = np.arange(10) fractionsL = len(fractions) data = np.zeros((fractionsL, len(allDigs))) data[:, 0] = fractions for i in range(len(allDigs)): filename = allDigs[i] path = os.path.join(digFolder, filename) spec = Spectrogram(path) inTen = np.sum(spec.intensity, axis=0) # Offset the values so that everything is non negative. inTen = inTen - np.min(inTen) for j in range(fractionsL): frac = np.power(10.0, -1 * fractions[j]) data[j, i] = len(threshold(inTen, frac)) del spec name = os.path.join(saveLoc, "NumberOfLowValuesVsFracOfMax.txt") np.savetxt(name, data)
class PanelGraph(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, panel, notify, settings, callbackMotion): self.panel = panel self.notify = notify self.plot = None self.settings = settings self.spectrum = None self.isLimited = None self.limit = None self.extent = None self.background = None self.selectStart = None self.selectEnd = None self.menuClearSelect = [] self.measure = None = None self.doDraw = False wx.Panel.__init__(self, panel) self.figure = matplotlib.figure.Figure(facecolor='white') self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self, -1, self.figure) self.measureTable = PanelMeasure(self) self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self, settings, self.on_nav_changed) self.toolbar.Realize() vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vbox.Add(self.canvas, 1, wx.EXPAND) vbox.Add(self.measureTable, 0, wx.EXPAND) vbox.Add(self.toolbar, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(vbox) vbox.Fit(self) self.create_plot() self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', callbackMotion) self.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.on_draw) self.canvas.mpl_connect('idle_event', self.on_idle) self.timer = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.on_timer, self.timer) def create_plot(self): if self.plot is not None: self.plot.close() if self.settings.display == Display.PLOT: self.plot = Plotter(self.notify, self.figure, self.settings) elif self.settings.display == Display.SPECT: self.plot = Spectrogram(self.notify, self.figure, self.settings) else: self.plot = Plotter3d(self.notify, self.figure, self.settings) self.toolbar.set_plot(self.plot) self.toolbar.set_type(self.settings.display) self.measureTable.set_type(self.settings.display) self.set_plot_title() self.redraw_plot() self.plot.scale_plot(True) self.mouseZoom = MouseZoom(self.plot, self.toolbar, self.hide_measure, self.draw_measure) self.mouseSelect = MouseSelect(self.plot, self.on_select, self.on_selected) self.draw_select() self.panel.SetFocus() def add_menu_clear_select(self, menu): self.menuClearSelect.append(menu) menu.Enable(False) def enable_menu(self, state): for menu in self.menuClearSelect: menu.Enable(state) def on_draw(self, _event): axes = self.plot.get_axes() self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(axes.bbox) self.mouseSelect.set_background(self.background) self.draw_measure() def on_nav_changed(self, _event): self.draw_measure() def on_select(self): self.hide_measure() def on_selected(self, start, end): self.enable_menu(True) self.on_draw(None) self.selectStart = start self.selectEnd = end self.measureTable.set_selected(self.spectrum, start, end) self.draw_measure() def on_idle(self, _event): if self.doDraw and self.plot.get_plot_thread() is None: self.canvas.draw() self.doDraw = False def on_timer(self, _event): self.timer.Stop() self.set_plot(None, None, None, None, self.annotate) def draw(self): self.doDraw = True def show_measureTable(self, show): self.Layout() def set_plot(self, spectrum, isLimited, limit, extent, annotate=False): if spectrum is not None and extent is not None: if isLimited is not None and limit is not None: self.spectrum = copy.copy(spectrum) self.extent = extent self.annotate = annotate self.isLimited = isLimited self.limit = limit if self.plot.get_plot_thread() is None: self.timer.Stop() self.measureTable.set_selected(spectrum, self.selectStart, self.selectEnd) if isLimited: spectrum = reduce_points(spectrum, limit) self.plot.set_plot(spectrum, extent, annotate) self.draw_select() else: self.timer.Start(200, oneShot=True) def set_plot_title(self): if len(self.settings.devices) > 0: gain = self.settings.devices[self.settings.index].gain else: gain = 0 self.plot.set_title("Frequency Spectrogram\n{0} - {1} MHz," " gain = {2}dB".format(self.settings.start, self.settings.stop, gain)) def redraw_plot(self): if self.spectrum is not None: self.set_plot(self.spectrum, self.settings.pointsLimit, self.settings.pointsMax, self.extent, self.settings.annotate) def draw_select(self): if self.selectStart is not None and self.selectEnd is not None: self.mouseSelect.draw(self.selectStart, self.selectEnd) def hide_measure(self): self.plot.hide_measure() def draw_measure(self): if self.measure is not None and self.background is not None: self.plot.draw_measure(self.background, self.measure, def update_measure(self, measure, show): self.measure = measure = show self.draw_measure() def get_figure(self): return self.figure def get_axes(self): return self.plot.get_axes() def get_canvas(self): return self.canvas def get_toolbar(self): return self.toolbar def scale_plot(self, force=False): self.plot.scale_plot(force) def clear_plots(self): self.plot.clear_plots() def clear_selection(self): self.measure = None self.measureTable.clear_measurement() self.selectStart = None self.selectEnd = None self.mouseSelect.clear() self.enable_menu(False) def close(self): close_modeless()