def test_read(self): """ Test reading of HDF5 files. """ fn = tempfile.mktemp() d = Dataset(fn, 'w') tb = TargetBuffer(tags=['WI001'], name='White Island main vent', position=(177.2, -37.5, 50), position_error=(0.2, 0.2, 20), description='Main vent in January 2017') d.register_tags(['WI001', 'MD01', 'measurement']) t = ib = InstrumentBuffer(tags=['MD01'], sensor_id='F00975', location='West rim', no_bits=16, type='DOAS', description='GeoNet permanent instrument') i = rdtb = RawDataTypeBuffer(tags=['measurement'], name='1st round measurements', acquisition='stationary') rdt = rb = RawDataBuffer(target=t, instrument=i, type=rdt, d_var=np.zeros((1, 2048)), ind_var=np.arange(2048), datetime=['2017-01-10T15:23:00']) d.close() d1 = r1 = d1.elements['RawData'][0] self.assertEqual(, 'White Island main vent') self.assertEqual(list(r1.instrument.tags)[0], 'MD01')
def main(datapath, outputpath, start, end, pg=True, deletefiles=False): msg = "Data path is: {}\n".format(datapath) msg += "Output path is: {}\n".format(outputpath) msg += "Start date: {}\n".format(start) msg += "End date: {}\n".format(end) dates = pd.date_range(start=start, end=end, freq='D') if pg: ndays = len(dates) bar = Bar('Processing', max=ndays) for date in dates: if pg: else: print(date) outputfile = 'MiniDOAS_{:d}{:02d}{:02d}.h5'.format( date.year, date.month, h5file = os.path.join(outputpath, outputfile) if True: d = Dataset(h5file, 'w') # ToDo: get correct plume coordinates tb = TargetBuffer(name='White Island main plume', target_id='WI001', position=[177.18375770, -37.52170799, 321.0]) t = wpoptions = "{'Pixel316nm':479, 'TrimLower':30, 'LPFilterCount':3," wpoptions += "'MinWindSpeed':3,'BrightEnough':500, 'BlueStep':5, " wpoptions += "'MinR2:0.8, 'MaxFitCoeffError':50.0, " wpoptions += "'InPlumeThresh':0.05, 'MinPlumeAngle':0.1, " wpoptions += "'MaxPlumeAngle':3.0, 'MinPlumeSect':0.4, " wpoptions += "'MaxPlumeSect':2.0, 'MeanPlumeCtrHeight':310, " wpoptions += "'SEMeanPlumeCtrHeight':0.442, " wpoptions += " 'MaxRangeSeperation':5000, 'MaxRangeToPlume':5000, " wpoptions += " 'MaxPlumeWidth':2600'MaxPlumeCentreAltitude':2000, " wpoptions += "'MaxAltSeperation':1000, 'MaxTimeDiff':30," wpoptions += "'MinTriLensAngle':0.1745, 'MaxTriLensAngle':2.9671," wpoptions += "'SEWindSpeed':0.20, 'WindMultiplier':1.24, " wpoptions += "'SEWindDir':0.174}" mb1 = MethodBuffer(name='WidPro v1.2', description='Jscript wrapper for DOASIS', settings=wpoptions) m1 = station_info = {} location_name = 'White Island North-East Point' station_info['WI301'] = { 'files': {}, 'stationID': 'WI301', 'stationLoc': location_name, 'target': t, 'bearing': 6.0214, 'lon': 177.192979384, 'lat': -37.5166903535, 'elev': 49.0, 'widpro_method': m1, 'wp_station_id': 'NE' } station_info['WI302'] = { 'files': {}, 'stationID': 'WI302', 'stationLoc': 'White Island South Rim', 'target': t, 'bearing': 3.8223, 'lon': 177.189013316, 'lat': -37.5265334424, 'elev': 96.0, 'widpro_method': m1, 'wp_station_id': 'SR' } for station in ['WI301', 'WI302']: # Find the raw data raw_data_filename = "{:s}_{:d}{:02d}{:02d}.zip" station_id = station_info[station]['wp_station_id'] raw_data_filename = raw_data_filename.format( station_id, date.year, date.month, raw_data_filepath = os.path.join(datapath, 'spectra', station_id, raw_data_filename) if os.path.isfile(raw_data_filepath): try: with ZipFile(raw_data_filepath) as myzip: myzip.extractall('/tmp') except: msg = "ERROR 05: Can't unzip file {}" logging.error(msg.format(raw_data_filepath)) raw_data_filepath = None else: raw_data_filename = raw_data_filename.replace( '.zip', '.csv') raw_data_filepath = os.path.join( '/tmp', raw_data_filename) else: logging.error( "file {} does not exist".format(raw_data_filepath)) continue try: if not is_file_OK(raw_data_filepath): raw_data_filepath = None except Exception as e: print(raw_data_filepath) raise (e) station_info[station]['files']['raw'] = raw_data_filepath # Find the concentration data monthdir = '{:d}-{:02d}'.format(date.year, date.month) spectra_filename = "{:s}_{:d}_{:02d}_{:02d}_Spectra.csv" spectra_filename = spectra_filename.format( station_id, date.year, date.month, spectra_filepath = os.path.join(datapath, 'results', monthdir, spectra_filename) if not is_file_OK(spectra_filepath): spectra_filepath = None station_info[station]['files']['spectra'] = spectra_filepath # Find the flux data flux_ah_filename = spectra_filename.replace( 'Spectra.csv', 'Scans.csv') flux_ah_filepath = os.path.join(datapath, 'results', monthdir, flux_ah_filename) if not is_file_OK(flux_ah_filepath): flux_ah_filepath = None station_info[station]['files']['flux_ah'] = flux_ah_filepath flux_ch_filename = "XX_{:d}_{:02d}_{:02d}_Combined.csv" flux_ch_filename = flux_ch_filename.format( date.year, date.month, flux_ch_filepath = os.path.join(datapath, 'results', monthdir, flux_ch_filename) if not is_file_OK(flux_ch_filepath): flux_ch_filepath = None station_info[station]['files']['flux_ch'] = flux_ch_filepath fits_flux_ah, fits_flux_ch = FITS_download(date, station) station_info[station]['files']['fits_flux_ah'] = fits_flux_ah station_info[station]['files']['fits_flux_ch'] = fits_flux_ch try: read_single_station(d, station_info[station], date) except MiniDoasException as e: logging.error(str(e)) fn = raw_data_filename.replace('.zip', '.csv') fn = os.path.join('/tmp', fn) if fn is not None and os.path.isfile(fn): os.remove(fn) # Wind data windd_dir = os.path.join(datapath, 'wind', 'direction') winds_dir = os.path.join(datapath, 'wind', 'speed') sub_dir = '{:02d}-{:02d}'.format(date.year - 2000, date.month) winds_filename = '{:d}{:02d}{:02d}_WS_00.txt'.format( date.year, date.month, windd_filename = winds_filename.replace('WS', 'WD') winds_filepath = os.path.join(winds_dir, sub_dir, winds_filename) windd_filepath = os.path.join(windd_dir, sub_dir, windd_filename) if is_file_OK(winds_filepath) and is_file_OK(windd_filepath): # Read in the raw wind data; this is currently # not needed to reproduce flux estimates so it's # just stored for reference e = { 'direction': windd_filepath, 'speed': winds_filepath }, ftype='minidoas-wind', timeshift=13) gfb = e['GasFlowBuffer'] gf = d.close() try: verify_flux(os.path.join(outputpath, outputfile), 1.) except MDOASException as e: msg = str(e) logging.error(msg) if deletefiles: if h5file is not None and os.path.isfile(h5file): os.remove(h5file) for station in ['WI301', 'WI302']: files = [ station_info[station]['files']['raw'], station_info[station]['files']['fits_flux_ah'], station_info[station]['files']['fits_flux_ch'] ] for _f in files: if _f is not None and os.path.isfile(_f): os.remove(_f) if pg: bar.finish()
def test_readall(self): """ Produce a complete HDF5 file for 1 day of MiniDOAS analysis at one station. """ d = Dataset(tempfile.mktemp(), 'w') # ToDo: get correct plume coordinates tb = TargetBuffer(name='White Island main plume', target_id='WI001', position=[177.18375770, -37.52170799, 321.0]) t = wpoptions = "{'Pixel316nm':479, 'TrimLower':30, 'LPFilterCount':3," wpoptions += "'MinWindSpeed':3, 'BrightEnough':500, 'BlueStep':5," wpoptions += "'MinR2:0.8, 'MaxFitCoeffError':50.0," wpoptions += "'InPlumeThresh':0.05, 'MinPlumeAngle':0.1," wpoptions += "'MaxPlumeAngle':3.0, 'MinPlumeSect':0.4," wpoptions += "'MaxPlumeSect':2.0, 'MeanPlumeCtrHeight':310," wpoptions += "'SEMeanPlumeCtrHeight':0.442, 'MaxRangeToPlume':5000," wpoptions += "'MaxPlumeWidth':2600, 'MaxPlumeCentreAltitude':2000," wpoptions += "'MaxRangeSeperation':5000, 'MaxAltSeperation':1000," wpoptions += "'MaxTimeDiff':30, 'MinTriLensAngle':0.1745," wpoptions += "'MaxTriLensAngle':2.9671, 'SEWindSpeed':0.20," wpoptions += "'WindMultiplier':1.24, 'SEWindDir':0.174}" mb1 = MethodBuffer(name='WidPro v1.2', description='Jscript wrapper for DOASIS', settings=wpoptions) m1 = # Read in the raw wind data; this is currently not needed to reproduce # flux estimates so it's just stored for reference fn_wd = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'minidoas', 'wind', '20161101_WD_00.txt') fn_ws = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'minidoas', 'wind', '20161101_WS_00.txt') e2 ={'direction': fn_wd, 'speed': fn_ws}, ftype='minidoas-wind', timeshift=13) gfb = e2['GasFlowBuffer'] station_info = {} files = {'raw': os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'minidoas', 'NE_20161101.csv'), 'spectra': os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'minidoas', 'NE_2016_11_01_Spectra.csv'), 'flux_ah': os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'minidoas', 'NE_2016_11_01_Scans.csv'), 'flux_ch': os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'minidoas', 'XX_2016_11_01_Combined.csv'), 'fits_flux_ah': os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'minidoas', 'FITS_NE_20161101_ah.csv'), 'fits_flux_ch': os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'minidoas', 'FITS_NE_20161101_ch.csv')} station_info['WI301'] = {'files': files, 'stationID': 'WI301', 'stationLoc': 'White Island North-East Point', 'target': t, 'bearing': 6.0214, 'lon': 177.192979384, 'lat': -37.5166903535, 'elev': 49.0, 'widpro_method': m1, 'wp_station_id': 'NE'} files = {'raw': os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'minidoas', 'SR_20161101.csv'), 'spectra': os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'minidoas', 'SR_2016_11_01_Spectra.csv'), 'flux_ah': os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'minidoas', 'SR_2016_11_01_Scans.csv'), 'flux_ch': os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'minidoas', 'XX_2016_11_01_Combined.csv'), 'fits_flux_ah': os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'minidoas', 'FITS_SR_20161101_ah.csv'), 'fits_flux_ch': os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'minidoas', 'FITS_SR_20161101_ch.csv')} station_info['WI302'] = {'files': files, 'stationID': 'WI302', 'stationLoc': 'White Island South Rim', 'target': t, 'bearing': 3.8223, 'lon': 177.189013316, 'lat': -37.5265334424, 'elev': 96.0, 'widpro_method': m1, 'wp_station_id': 'SR'} self.read_single_station(d, station_info['WI301']) self.read_single_station(d, station_info['WI302']) d.close()