Example #1
    def test_acceleration_distribution(self):
        """Test how the acceleration is distributed along an distance.

        Expected behavior:
           The speed shall change much more in the beginning than towards the end, when measuring the change per
           meter (not per second).
        current_speed = 0.0
        target_speed = 30.0
        speed_calc = SpeedCalculator(target_speed=target_speed, current_speed=current_speed,
                                     target_acceleration=0.0, current_accleration=0.0,
                                     acceleration_limit=10.0, jerk_limit=10.0)
        distances = np.arange(0.0, 100.0, 1.0)
        speeds = [speed_calc.get_speed_at_distance(distance) for distance in distances]
        self.assertEqual(speeds[0], current_speed)
        self.assertEqual(speeds[-1], target_speed)

        # The speed should increase rapidly when going slow and then smooth out towards the target.
        previous_diff = np.inf
        diffs = []
        for speed1, speed2 in zip(speeds[:-1], speeds[1:]):
            diff = speed2 - speed1
            self.assertLessEqual(diff, previous_diff)
            previous_diff = diff
Example #2
    def test_imbalanced_acceleration(self):
        """Test non-equal current and target acceleration.

        First calculate a balanced acceleration curve as reference,
        then make sure that any values along that curve gives roughly the same output.

        Expected behavior:
            Continuing on an ongoing acceleration should produce similar result as in the initial calculation.
        target_speed = 30.0
        distances = np.arange(0.0, 100.0, 1.0)

        ref_speed_calc = SpeedCalculator(target_speed=target_speed, current_speed=0.0,
                                         target_acceleration=0.0, current_accleration=0.0,
                                         acceleration_limit=10.0, jerk_limit=10.0)
        ref_speeds = [ref_speed_calc.get_speed_at_distance(distance) for distance in distances]
        ref_accs = [ref_speed_calc.get_acceleration_at_distance(distance) for distance in distances]
#        plt.figure(1), plt.plot(distances, ref_speeds, 'r')
#        plt.figure(2), plt.plot(distances, ref_accs, 'r')
        for i in range(len(distances)):
            current_speed = ref_speeds[i]
            current_acceleration = ref_accs[i]

            speed_calc = SpeedCalculator(target_speed=target_speed, current_speed=current_speed,
                                         target_acceleration=0.0, current_accleration=current_acceleration,
                                         acceleration_limit=10.0, jerk_limit=10.0)
            speeds = [speed_calc.get_speed_at_distance(distance - distances[i]) for distance in distances[i:]]
            accs = [speed_calc.get_acceleration_at_distance(distance - distances[i]) for distance in distances[i:]]
            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(speeds, ref_speeds[i:], decimal=1)
            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(accs, ref_accs[i:], decimal=1)
    def __accelerate_to_speed_limit(self):
        """Set waypoints speed to accelerate the vehicle to max velocity."""

        # Base the acceleration on the velocity from preceding waypoint.
        current_speed = get_waypoint_velocity(self.preceding_waypoint)
        current_acceleration = self.preceding_waypoint.acceleration
        speed_calc = SpeedCalculator(
        distances = self.__calc_distances()
        for idx in range(len(self.waypoints)):
            speed = speed_calc.get_speed_at_distance(distances[idx])
            set_waypoint_velocity(self.waypoints, idx, speed)
            acceleration = speed_calc.get_acceleration_at_distance(
            self.waypoints[idx].acceleration = acceleration
Example #4
    def test_jerk_limit(self):
        """Test how the jerk limit affects acceleration

        Expected behavior:
            The acceleration up to target speed shall be faster as the jerk_limit is increased.
        current_speed = 0.0
        target_speed = 30.0
        previous_acceleration_distance = np.inf
        for jerk_limit in np.arange(5.0, 20.1, 2.5):
            speed_calc = SpeedCalculator(target_speed=target_speed, current_speed=current_speed,
                                         target_acceleration=0.0, current_accleration=0.0,
                                         acceleration_limit=np.inf, jerk_limit=jerk_limit)
            speeds = [speed_calc.get_speed_at_distance(distance) for distance in np.arange(0.0, 100.0, 1.0)]
            self.assertEqual(speeds[0], 0.0)
            self.assertEqual(speeds[-1], 30.0)
            # Check that the acceleration is faster when permitting more jerk.
            acceleration_distance = speeds.index(30.0)
            self.assertLess(acceleration_distance, previous_acceleration_distance)
            previous_acceleration_distance = acceleration_distance
Example #5
    def test_acceleration_limit(self):
        """Test how the acceleration limit affects acceleration

        Expected behavior:
            The acceleration up to target speed shall be faster as the acceleration limit is increased, up to some
            point where the limitation no longer have any effect.
        current_speed = 0.0
        target_speed = 30.0
        previous_acceleration_distance = np.inf
        is_acceleration_effectively_limited = True
        numFasterAccelerations = 0
        numEqualAccelerations = 0
        distances = np.arange(0.0, 100.0, 1.0)

        for acc_limit in np.arange(5.0, 25.1, 2.5):
            speed_calc = SpeedCalculator(target_speed=target_speed, current_speed=current_speed,
                                         target_acceleration=0.0, current_accleration=0.0,
                                         acceleration_limit=acc_limit, jerk_limit=10.0)
            speeds = [speed_calc.get_speed_at_distance(distance) for distance in distances]
            accs = [speed_calc.get_acceleration_at_distance(distance) for distance in distances]
            self.assertEqual(speeds[0], 0.0)
            self.assertEqual(speeds[-1], 30.0)
            self.assertTrue(all(accs <= acc_limit))

            acceleration_distance = speeds.index(30.0)
            if is_acceleration_effectively_limited:
                if acceleration_distance < previous_acceleration_distance:
                    numFasterAccelerations += 1
                    self.assertTrue(all(accs < acc_limit))
                    is_acceleration_effectively_limited = False
                    numEqualAccelerations += 1
                # Acceleration is no longer reaching the limit
                self.assertTrue(all(accs < acc_limit))
                self.assertEqual(acceleration_distance, previous_acceleration_distance)
                numEqualAccelerations += 1
            previous_acceleration_distance = acceleration_distance
        self.assertTrue(numFasterAccelerations > 0)
        self.assertTrue(numEqualAccelerations > 0)
    def __stop_at_waypoint(self, stop_idx):
        """ Reduce speed to stop at stop_idx.

        stop_idx : The waypoint index where the vehicle should reach a speed of zero.

        stop_idx += 1  # Offset for preceding waypoint

        # Calculate the reverse distances from the stop_idx and backwards.
        distances = [
        ] + self.__calc_distances()  # distance to preceding waypoint is 0
        distances = [distances[stop_idx] - distance for distance in distances]

        # Try more and more harsh jerk_limits until finding one that decelerate to stop in time.
        # When also unable to stop using the max permitted jerk limit, then deceleration is skipped.
        for jerk_limit in np.arange(2.5, self.jerk_limit, 2.5):
            # Create temporary lists with speed and acceleration to be modified below.
            speeds = [get_waypoint_velocity(self.preceding_waypoint)] + \
                     [get_waypoint_velocity(wp) for wp in self.waypoints]
            accs = [self.preceding_waypoint.acceleration] + \
                   [wp.acceleration for wp in self.waypoints]

            # Set the speed and acceleration after the stop_idx to zero.
            speeds[stop_idx + 1:] = [0.0] * (len(speeds) - stop_idx - 1)
            accs[stop_idx + 1:] = [0.0] * (len(accs) - stop_idx - 1)

            # Calculate the deceleration backwards from the stop_idx,
            # until reaching a speed that is greater than what was already requested.
            speed_calc = SpeedCalculator(

            for idx in range(stop_idx, -1, -1):
                speed = speed_calc.get_speed_at_distance(distances[idx])
                acc = -speed_calc.get_acceleration_at_distance(distances[idx])
                if speed > speeds[idx] or np.isclose(speed, speeds[idx]):
                        'Success: jerk_limit %s decelerates from %s m/s (>=%s m/s) at idx %s',
                        jerk_limit, speed, speeds[idx], idx)
                    stop_possible = True
                speeds[idx] = speed
                accs[idx] = acc

                    'Failed: jerk_limit %s only decelerates from %s m/s (<%s m/s) at idx %s',
                    jerk_limit, speed,
                    get_waypoint_velocity(self.preceding_waypoint), idx)
                stop_possible = False

            if stop_possible:
                for idx in range(len(self.waypoints)):
                    set_waypoint_velocity(self.waypoints, idx, speeds[idx + 1])
                    self.waypoints[idx].acceleration = accs[idx + 1]
            rospy.loginfo('Unable to stop from %s m/s in %s m',