Example #1
 def _doAction(self, action):
         Execute the desired action implementation.
         WARNING: no exception handling is done here. If a new action is
         implemented and it is possible that this action raise an exception,
         it should be handled here.
         action      The action code identifying the method to be executed.
         Tuple containing [ Repeat, Object ] where Repeat must be boolean.
         If Repeat is true, the operation is repeated. Object is used
         when returning data after the operation is required.
     self._selectedAction = action
     LOG("Performing action: " + repr(action), level = LOG_LANG )
     if action == ACTION_ABORT:
         self._write("Execution aborted by user", {Severity:WARNING} )
         if REGISTRY.exists('EXEC'):
         return [False,False]
     elif action == ACTION_RESEND:
         self._notifyOpStatus( NOTIF_STATUS_PR, OPERATION_REPEAT )
         return self._doResend()
     elif action == ACTION_REPEAT:
         self._notifyOpStatus( NOTIF_STATUS_PR, OPERATION_REPEAT )
         return self._doRepeat()
     elif action == ACTION_RECHECK:
         self._notifyOpStatus( NOTIF_STATUS_PR, OPERATION_REPEAT )
         return self._doRecheck()
     elif action == ACTION_SKIP:
         self._notifyOpStatus( NOTIF_STATUS_SP, OPERATION_SKIPPED )
         return self._doSkip()       
     elif action == ACTION_NOACTION:
         return [False,True]       
     elif action == ACTION_CANCEL:
         self._notifyOpStatus( NOTIF_STATUS_CL, OPERATION_CANCELLED )
         return self._doCancel()       
     elif action == ACTION_HANDLE:
         self._notifyOpStatus( NOTIF_STATUS_SP, OPERATION_HANDLED )
         handle = Handle( code = self._failureCode, type = self._failureType, item = self._failureItem)
         raise handle       
         self._write("Unknown action: " + repr(action), {Severity:ERROR})
         if REGISTRY.exists('EXEC'):
         return [False,False]
Example #2
    def _doAction(self, action):
            Execute the desired action implementation.
            WARNING: no exception handling is done here. If a new action is
            implemented and it is possible that this action raise an exception,
            it should be handled here.
            action      The action code identifying the method to be executed.
            Tuple containing [ Repeat, Object ] where Repeat must be boolean.
            If Repeat is true, the operation is repeated. Object is used
            when returning data after the operation is required.

        self._selectedAction = action
        LOG("Performing action: " + repr(action), level=LOG_LANG)
        if action == ACTION_ABORT:
            self._write("Execution aborted by user", {Severity: WARNING})
            if REGISTRY.exists('EXEC'):
            return [False, False]
        elif action == ACTION_RESEND:
            self._notifyOpStatus(NOTIF_STATUS_PR, OPERATION_REPEAT)
            return self._doResend()
        elif action == ACTION_REPEAT:
            self._notifyOpStatus(NOTIF_STATUS_PR, OPERATION_REPEAT)
            return self._doRepeat()
        elif action == ACTION_RECHECK:
            self._notifyOpStatus(NOTIF_STATUS_PR, OPERATION_REPEAT)
            return self._doRecheck()
        elif action == ACTION_SKIP:
            self._notifyOpStatus(NOTIF_STATUS_SP, OPERATION_SKIPPED)
            return self._doSkip()
        elif action == ACTION_NOACTION:
            return [False, True]
        elif action == ACTION_CANCEL:
            self._notifyOpStatus(NOTIF_STATUS_CL, OPERATION_CANCELLED)
            return self._doCancel()
            self._write("Unknown action: " + repr(action), {Severity: ERROR})
            if REGISTRY.exists('EXEC'):
            return [False, False]
Example #3
    def cnv(self, timestamp):
        mydt = datetime.datetime(1,1,1)
        evaluated = False
        datefmtlist = [ 
            '%Y.%j.%H.%M.%S',    '%Y.%j.%H.%M',    '%Y.%j',
            '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S', '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M', '%d-%b-%Y',
            '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', '%Y-%m-%d',
            '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M', '%Y/%m/%d',
            '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M', '%d/%m/%Y',
            '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S', '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M', '%d-%m-%Y',
            '%d-%b-%Y:%H:%M:%S', '%d-%b-%Y:%H:%M', '%d-%b-%Y',
            '%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M', '%Y-%m-%d',
            '%Y/%m/%d:%H:%M:%S', '%Y/%m/%d:%H:%M', '%Y/%m/%d',
            '%d/%m/%Y:%H:%M:%S', '%d/%m/%Y:%H:%M', '%d/%m/%Y',
            '%d-%m-%Y:%H:%M:%S', '%d-%m-%Y:%H:%M', '%d-%m-%Y',
        abshourfmtlist = [
            '%H.%M.%S', '%H:%M:%S', '%H:%M:%S', '%H:%M',

        # Split timestamp and microseconds

        ms = 0
        if isinstance(timestamp, float):
            ms = (timestamp - int(timestamp)) * 1000000
        elif isinstance(timestamp, str):
            # Check if the seconds are in mm:ss format. Otherwise dont check for microsecods
            if not timestamp.find(':') == -1:
                items = timestamp.split('.')
                timestamp = items[0]
                if len(items) > 1: ms = int(items[1].ljust(6, '0'))

        # - ISO, European or OpenVMS date formats
        for fmt in datefmtlist:
            if not evaluated:
                    val = mydt.strptime(timestamp, fmt)
                    val = val.replace(microsecond = ms)
                    self.__fmt = fmt;
                    evaluated = True
        # - <int> or <float>
        if not evaluated and (isinstance(timestamp, int) or isinstance(timestamp, float) or isinstance(timestamp, long)):
            dd = int(timestamp / (3600 * 24)) 
            hh = int(timestamp / 3600) % 24
            mm = int(timestamp / 60) % 60 
            ss = int(timestamp) % 60

            val = datetime.timedelta(days = dd, hours=hh, minutes=mm, seconds=ss, microseconds=ms)
            evaluated = True     
        # +|-[dd] hh:mm[:ss]
        if not evaluated:
                tmp = timestamp
                if tmp[0] in ('+', '-'):
                    # Capture the sign ('+' in '+dd hh:mm:ss') and remove it
                    sign = 1
                    if tmp[0] == '-':
                        sign = -1
                    tmp = tmp[1:]
                    # Capture the day ('dd' in 'dd hh:mm:ss' if 'dd' exists)
                    items = tmp.split(' ')                    
                    mytime = items[0]
                    dd = 0
                    # In case we have '+hh:mm:ss' days = 0 and we go on with the time)
                    if len(items) == 2:
                        dd = eval(items[0].lstrip('0') or '0')
                        mytime = items[1]
                    # Capture the time ('hh' 'mm' and 'ss' in 'hh:mm:ss')
                    items = mytime.split(':')
                    hh = eval(items[0].lstrip('0') or '0')
                    mm = eval(items[1].lstrip('0') or '0')
                    ss = int(eval(items[2].lstrip('0') or '0'))
                    # Normalize in case we have hours > 23
                    # E.g. +2 26:00:00 becomes +3 02:00:00
                    dd = dd + hh // 24
                    hh = hh % 24

                    # Apply the sign
                    dd = dd * sign
                    hh = hh * sign
                    mm = mm * sign
                    ss = ss * sign
                    ms = ms * sign
                    val = datetime.timedelta(days = dd, hours=hh, minutes=mm, seconds=ss, microseconds=ms)
                    evaluated = True

        # Evaluated TODAY, NOW, YESTERDAY and TOMORROW
        if not evaluated:
            evaluated = True
            if REGISTRY.exists('TIME'):
                val = REGISTRY['TIME'].getUTC()
                val = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            if timestamp != NOW_STR:
                val = val.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
                if timestamp == YESTERDAY_STR:
                    val = val - datetime.timedelta(days = 1)
                elif timestamp == TOMORROW_STR:
                    val = val + datetime.timedelta(days = 1)
                elif timestamp != TODAY_STR:
                    evaluated = False
        # - hh:mm[:ss] is TODAY at hh:mm[:ss]

        for fmt in abshourfmtlist:
            if not evaluated:
                    mydt = mydt.strptime(timestamp, fmt)
                    val = REGISTRY['TIME'].getUTC()
                    val = val.replace(hour=mydt.hour, minute=mydt.minute, 
                                      second=mydt.second, microsecond=ms)
                    evaluated = True
        if evaluated:
            return val

        return None