def __init__(self, name="sphero", color=None, addr=None): self._name = name self._addr = addr self._color = color self._orb = Sphero(addr) self._connected = False if (self._color is None): self._color = ColorRGBA(0, 0, 128, 0) elif (self._color == "blue"): self._color = ColorRGBA(0, 0, 128, 0) elif (self._color == "red"): self._color = ColorRGBA(128, 0, 0, 0)
def __init__(self, default_update_rate=50.0): self.update_rate = default_update_rate self.sampling_divisor = int(400 / self.update_rate) self.is_connected = False self._node_name = rospy.get_name() self._namespace = rospy.get_namespace() self._address = rospy.get_param("~adresa") self.robot = Sphero(self._address) self._init_pubsub() self._init_params() self.cmd_heading = 0 self.cmd_speed = 0 self.last_cmd_vel_time = self.last_diagnostics_time = self.power_state_msg = "No Battery Info" self.power_state = 0
from sphero_sprk import Sphero from communitysdk import list_connected_devices, MotionSensorKit devices = list_connected_devices() msk_filter = filter(lambda device: isinstance(device, MotionSensorKit), devices) msk = next(msk_filter, None) # Get first Motion Sensor Kit orb = Sphero() orb.connect() orb.set_rgb_led(0, 0, 0) if msk != None: previous_value = 0 def on_gesture(gestureValue): print('Gesture detected:', gestureValue) if gestureValue == "right": orb.set_rgb_led(255, 102, 26) orb.roll(20, 90) elif gestureValue == "left": orb.set_rgb_led(0, 255, 0) orb.roll(20, 270) elif gestureValue == "down": orb.set_rgb_led(102, 140, 255) orb.roll(20, 180) elif gestureValue == "up": orb.roll(20, 0) orb.set_rgb_led(255, 255, 0)
def get_goal(event, x, y, flags, param): global goal, goal_set if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: buff = map_to_xy(x, y) goal = [int(buff[0]), int(buff[1])] goal_set = True print("mouse click event") cv2.namedWindow("Frame") cv2.setMouseCallback("Frame", get_goal) goal_set = False #orb = Sphero("C9:93:8F:F1:91:E2") orb = Sphero("DA:06:00:55:3A:8D") orb.connect() print("Connection 1 Established") print( time.sleep(2) while True: (grabbed, frame) = frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=1200) height = np.size(frame, 0) width = np.size(frame, 1) frame = frame[int(1.3 * height / 10):int(9.1 * height / 10), int(1.75 * width / 10):int(7.6 * width / 10)] blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(frame, (15, 15), 0)
class SpheroNode(object): def __init__(self, default_update_rate=50.0): self.update_rate = default_update_rate self.sampling_divisor = int(400 / self.update_rate) self.is_connected = False self._node_name = rospy.get_name() self._namespace = rospy.get_namespace() self._address = rospy.get_param("~adresa") self.robot = Sphero(self._address) self._init_pubsub() self._init_params() self.cmd_heading = 0 self.cmd_speed = 0 self.last_cmd_vel_time = self.last_diagnostics_time = self.power_state_msg = "No Battery Info" self.power_state = 0 def _init_pubsub(self): self.heading_sub = rospy.Subscriber('set_heading_', Float32, self.set_heading, queue_size=1) self.cmd_vel_sub = rospy.Subscriber('cmd_vel_', Twist, self.cmd_vel, queue_size=1) self.color_sub = rospy.Subscriber('set_color_', ColorRGBA, self.set_color, queue_size=1) self.stabilization_sub = rospy.Subscriber('disable_stabilization_', Bool, self.set_stabilization, queue_size=1) self.angular_velocity_sub = rospy.Subscriber('set_angular_velocity_', Float32, self.set_angular_velocity, queue_size=1) def _init_params(self): self.connect_color_red = rospy.get_param('~connect_red', 0) self.connect_color_blue = rospy.get_param('~connect_blue', 0) self.connect_color_green = rospy.get_param('~connect_green', 255) self.cmd_vel_timeout = rospy.Duration( rospy.get_param('~cmd_vel_timeout', 0.6)) # program def start(self): try: self.is_connected = self.robot.connect() rospy.loginfo("Connected to Sphero %s" % self._namespace + "\n with address: %s" % self._address) except: rospy.logerr("Failed to connect to Sphero.") sys.exit(1) self.robot.set_rgb_led(self.connect_color_red, self.connect_color_green, self.connect_color_blue, 0, False) self.robot.start() def spin(self): r = rospy.Rate(10.0) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): now = if (now - self.last_cmd_vel_time) > self.cmd_vel_timeout: if self.cmd_heading != 0 or self.cmd_speed != 0: self.cmd_heading = 0 self.cmd_speed = 0 self.robot.roll(int(self.cmd_speed), int(self.cmd_heading), 1, False) r.sleep() def stop(self): # tell the ball to stop moving before quiting self.robot.roll(int(0), int(0), 1, False) self.robot.shutdown = True rospy.sleep(1.0) self.is_connected = self.robot.disconnect() self.robot.join() # commands def cmd_vel(self, msg): if self.is_connected: self.last_cmd_vel_time = self.cmd_heading = self.normalize_angle_positive( math.atan2(msg.linear.x, msg.linear.y)) * 180 / math.pi #print(self.cmd_heading) self.cmd_speed = math.sqrt( math.pow(msg.linear.x, 2) + math.pow(msg.linear.y, 2)) #print(self.cmd_speed) self.robot.roll(int(self.cmd_speed), int(self.cmd_heading), 1, False) def set_color(self, msg): if self.is_connected: self.robot.set_rgb_led(int(msg.r * 255), int(msg.g * 255), int(msg.b * 255), 0, False) def set_stabilization(self, msg): if self.is_connected: if not self.robot.set_stabilization(1, False) print('Stabilization on') else: self.robot.set_stabilization(0, False) print('Stabilization off') def set_heading(self, msg): if self.is_connected: heading_deg = int( self.normalize_angle_positive( * 180.0 / math.pi) print heading_deg self.robot.set_heading(heading_deg, False) def set_angular_velocity(self, msg): if self.is_connected: rate = int(( * 180 / math.pi) / 0.784) self.robot.set_rotation_rate(rate, False) def normalize_angle_positive(self, angle): return math.fmod( math.fmod(angle, 2.0 * math.pi) + 2.0 * math.pi, 2.0 * math.pi)
class SpheroNode(object): VERSION = "1.0" def __init__(self, name="sphero", color=None, addr=None): self._name = name self._addr = addr self._color = color self._orb = Sphero(addr) self._connected = False if (self._color is None): self._color = ColorRGBA(0, 0, 128, 0) elif (self._color == "blue"): self._color = ColorRGBA(0, 0, 128, 0) elif (self._color == "red"): self._color = ColorRGBA(128, 0, 0, 0) def connect(self): self._orb.connect() orb = self._orb.get_device_name() print("Connected to: " + orb['name']) rospy.loginfo("Connected to: " + orb['name']) version = self._orb.version() print("Model: " + str(version['MDL']) + " HW Version: " + str(version['HW'])) print("App Version: " + str(version['MSA-ver']) + "." + str(version['MSA-rev'])) print("Firmware Version: " + str(version['BL'])) rospy.loginfo("Model: " + str(version['MDL']) + " HW Version: " + str(version['HW'])) rospy.loginfo("App Version: " + str(version['MSA-ver']) + "." + str(version['MSA-rev'])) rospy.loginfo("Firmware Version: " + str(version['BL'])) self._connected = True def cmd_vel(self, twist): if (not self._connected): return self._orb.roll(int(twist.linear.x), int(twist.angular.z)) def set_tail(self, brightness): if (not self._connected): return self._orb.set_tail_light( def set_stab(self, flag): if (not self._connected): return goal_state = print("Setting it to: " + str(goal_state)) if (goal_state): print("Turning ON Stabilization") else: print("Turning OFF Stabilization") self._orb.set_stabilization(goal_state) def set_color(self, color): if (not self._connected): return self._orb.set_rgb_led(int(color.r), int(color.g), int(color.b)) def reset_heading(self, heading): if (not self._connected): print(self._name + " is not connected)") return print("Reset Heading") self._orb.set_heading(0) def set_position(self, pt): ''' Set Position of Sphero, in mm (automatically convert to cm here) :param pt: :return: ''' if (not self._connected): print(self._name + " is not connected)") return print("Setting Position to: \n" + str(pt)) x = int(pt.x / 10) y = int(pt.y / 10) self._orb.config_locator(x, y, 0) def set_heading(self, heading): if (not self._connected): print(self._name + " is not connected)") return print("Set Heading to: " + str( self._orb.set_stabilization(False) self._orb.set_tail_light(255) rospy.sleep(2) self._orb.roll(1, rospy.sleep(2) self._orb.set_heading(0) rospy.sleep(2) self._orb.set_tail_light(0) self._orb.set_stabilization(True) def init_ros(self): rospy.init_node(self._name, anonymous=True) topic_root = '/' + self._name # Subscriptions sub_cmd_vel = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + '/cmd_vel', Twist, self.cmd_vel, queue_size=1) sub_color = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + '/set_color', ColorRGBA, self.set_color, queue_size=1) sub_tail = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + '/set_tail', Int16, self.set_tail, queue_size=1) sub_stab = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + '/set_stabilization', Bool, self.set_stab, queue_size=1) sub_heading = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + '/set_heading', Int16, self.set_heading, queue_size=1) sub_heading = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + '/reset_heading', Int16, self.reset_heading, queue_size=1) sub_set_pos = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + '/set_position', Point, self.set_position, queue_size=1) # Publishables self.pub_odometry = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + '/odometry', PointStamped, queue_size=1) self.pub_velocity = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + '/velocity', PointStamped, queue_size=1) self.pub_accel = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + '/accel', Int16, queue_size=1) #self.pub_accel_raw = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + '/accel', PointStamped, queue_size=1) #self.pub_imu = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + '/imu', PointStamped, queue_size=1) #self.pub_gyro = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + '/gyro', PointStamped, queue_size=1) def pub_accelone_data(self, data): val = struct.unpack('>h', data) self.pub_accel.publish(val[0]) def pub_accel_raw_data(self, data): val = struct.unpack('>hhh', data) ps = PointStamped() ps.header.stamp = ps.point.x = val[0] / 4096 # assuming filtered values ps.point.y = val[1] / 4096 ps.point.z = val[2] / 4096 self.pub_accel.publish(ps) def pub_imu_data(self, data): ps = PointStamped() ps.header.stamp = ps.point.x = data['x'] ps.point.y = data['y'] ps.point.z = data['z'] self.pub_imu.publish(ps) def pub_gyro_data(self, data): ps = PointStamped() ps.header.stamp = ps.point.x = data['x'] ps.point.y = data['y'] ps.point.z = data['z'] self.pub_gyro.publish(ps) def pub_odom_data(self, data): ''' Publish Odometry data in mm :param data: :return: ''' if (len(data) == 0): return val = struct.unpack('>hh', data) ps = PointStamped() ps.header.stamp = ps.point.x = val[0] * 10 # assuming filtered values ps.point.y = val[1] * 10 self.pub_odometry.publish(ps) def pub_vel_data(self, data): if (len(data) == 0): return val = struct.unpack('>hh', data) ps = PointStamped() ps.header.stamp = ps.point.x = val[0] # assuming filtered values ps.point.y = val[1] self.pub_velocity.publish(ps) def setup_publishables(self): #self._orb.start_accel_callback(rate=10, callback=self.pub_accel_raw_data) #self._orb.start_IMU_callback(rate=10, callback=self.pub_imu_data) #self._orb.start_gyro_callback(rate=10, callback=self.pub_gyro_data) self._orb.set_stream_callback('odometer', callback=self.pub_odom_data, mask_id=2) self._orb.set_stream_callback('accelone', callback=self.pub_accelone_data, mask_id=2) self._orb.set_stream_callback('velocity', callback=self.pub_vel_data, mask_id=2) self._orb.update_streaming(rate=10) def my_ping(self, last_call): def my_streaming(self, last_call): self._orb.update_streaming(rate=5) def info(self): print("Sphero Node v" + SpheroNode.VERSION) print("Node: " + self._name + ", Color: (" + str(self._color.r) + "," + str(self._color.g) + "," + str(self._color.b) + "," + str(self._color.a) + ")") def main(self): self.connect() self.init_ros() rospy.sleep(2) self.setup_publishables() heartbeat = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(.05), self.my_ping) streaming = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(30), self.my_streaming) self.set_color(self._color) rate = rospy.Rate(40) # Hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rate.sleep()
#!/usr/bin/env python from sphero_sprk import Sphero import time import socket def successful_connection_led(): robot.set_rgb_led(200, 0, 0) for i in range(3): time.sleep(0.3) robot.set_rgb_led(0, 255 - 100 * i, 0) print("If connection was successful, sphero should now be green") print('Waiting for connection to Sphero...') robot = Sphero("F3:8D:AC:BE:FB:83") robot.connect() successful_connection_led() class Server(): def __init__(self, Adress=('', 5000), MaxClient=1): self.s = socket.socket() self.s.bind(Adress) self.s.listen(MaxClient) def WaitForConnection(self): print('Waiting for connection from client...') self.Client, self.Adr = (self.s.accept()) print('Got a connection from: ' + str(self.Client) + '.')
import _thread import pickle import matplotlib.pyplot as plt robots = [] blobs = [] goals= [[20,80],[50,60],[80,80]] counter = 0 costMatrix = np.empty([len(goals),len(robots)]) motionEnabled = True speed_min = 20 speed_max = 35 angle_step_max = 18 s1 = Sphero("C9:93:8F:F1:91:E2") s2 = Sphero("DA:06:00:55:3A:8D") s3 = Sphero("DC:F3:09:7B:4D:BB") #s4 = Sphero("F5:8F:A1:93:56:40") class balls: def __init__(self,identifier,xy=[0,0],available = False, isMoving = False, currentGoal = [0,0], old_xy = [0,0], speed = 0, heading = 0): self.identifier = identifier self.xy = xy self.available = available self.isMoving = isMoving self.currentGoal = currentGoal self.old_xy = old_xy self.speed = speed self.heading = heading