def init_context(self) -> None: self.context = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.copy() # Add special settings for latex_engine self.context.update(ADDITIONAL_SETTINGS.get(self.config.latex_engine, {})) # Add special settings for (latex_engine, language_code) if self.config.language: key = (self.config.latex_engine, self.config.language[:2]) self.context.update(ADDITIONAL_SETTINGS.get(key, {})) # Apply extension settings to context self.context['packages'] = self.usepackages self.context['packages_after_hyperref'] = self.usepackages_after_hyperref # Apply user settings to context self.context.update(self.config.latex_elements) self.context['release'] = self.config.release self.context['use_xindy'] = self.config.latex_use_xindy if self.context['date'] = else: self.context['date'] = format_date(self.config.today_fmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), language=self.config.language) if self.config.latex_logo: self.context['logofilename'] = path.basename(self.config.latex_logo) # for compatibilities self.context['indexname'] = _('Index') if self.config.release: # Show the release label only if release value exists self.context.setdefault('releasename', _('Release'))
def _html_page_context(app, pagename, templatename, context, doctree): context['last_updated'] = None lufmt = app.config.html_last_updated_fmt if lufmt is None or 'sourcename' not in context: return sourcefile = Path(app.confdir, pagename + context['page_source_suffix']) try: dates = [get_datetime(sourcefile)] except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.warning('Git error:\n%s', e.stderr, location=pagename) return except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.warning('"git" command not found: %s', e, location=pagename) return # Check dependencies (if they are in a Git repo) for dep in app.env.dependencies[pagename]: path = Path(app.confdir, dep) try: date = get_datetime(path) except Exception: continue else: dates.append(date) context['last_updated'] = format_date( lufmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), date=max(dates), language=app.config.language)
def __init__(self, document: nodes.document, builder: Builder) -> None: super().__init__(document, builder) self.in_productionlist = 0 # first title is the manpage title self.section_level = -1 # docinfo set by man_pages config value self._docinfo['title'] = self.settings.title self._docinfo['subtitle'] = self.settings.subtitle if self.settings.authors: # don't set it if no author given self._docinfo['author'] = self.settings.authors self._docinfo['manual_section'] = self.settings.section # docinfo set by other config values self._docinfo['title_upper'] = self._docinfo['title'].upper() if self._docinfo['date'] = else: self._docinfo['date'] = format_date(self.config.today_fmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), language=self.config.language) self._docinfo['copyright'] = self.config.copyright self._docinfo['version'] = self.config.version self._docinfo['manual_group'] = self.config.project # Overwrite admonition label translations with our own for label, translation in admonitionlabels.items(): self.language.labels[label] = self.deunicode(translation) # type: ignore
def __init__(self, builder, *args, **kwds): BaseTranslator.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.builder = builder self.in_productionlist = 0 # first title is the manpage title self.section_level = -1 # docinfo set by man_pages config value self._docinfo['title'] = self.document.settings.title self._docinfo['subtitle'] = self.document.settings.subtitle if self.document.settings.authors: # don't set it if no author given self._docinfo['author'] = self.document.settings.authors self._docinfo['manual_section'] = self.document.settings.section # docinfo set by other config values self._docinfo['title_upper'] = self._docinfo['title'].upper() if self._docinfo['date'] = else: self._docinfo['date'] = format_date(builder.config.today_fmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), language=builder.config.language) self._docinfo['copyright'] = builder.config.copyright self._docinfo['version'] = builder.config.version self._docinfo['manual_group'] = builder.config.project # In docutils < 0.11 self.append_header() was never called if docutils_version < (0, 11): self.body.append(MACRO_DEF) # Overwrite admonition label translations with our own for label, translation in admonitionlabels.items(): self.language.labels[label] = self.deunicode(translation)
def __init__(self, builder, document): # type: (Builder, nodes.document) -> None super(ManualPageTranslator, self).__init__(builder, document) self.in_productionlist = 0 # first title is the manpage title self.section_level = -1 # docinfo set by man_pages config value self._docinfo['title'] = self.settings.title self._docinfo['subtitle'] = self.settings.subtitle if self.settings.authors: # don't set it if no author given self._docinfo['author'] = self.settings.authors self._docinfo['manual_section'] = self.settings.section # docinfo set by other config values self._docinfo['title_upper'] = self._docinfo['title'].upper() if self._docinfo['date'] = else: self._docinfo['date'] = format_date(self.config.today_fmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), language=self.config.language) self._docinfo['copyright'] = self.config.copyright self._docinfo['version'] = self.config.version self._docinfo['manual_group'] = self.config.project # Overwrite admonition label translations with our own for label, translation in admonitionlabels.items(): self.language.labels[label] = self.deunicode(translation) # type: ignore
def html_page_context(cls, app, pagename, templatename, context, doctree): """Update the Jinja2 HTML context, exposes the Versions class instance to it. :param sphinx.application.Sphinx app: Sphinx application object. :param str pagename: Name of the page being rendered (without .html or any file extension). :param str templatename: Page name with .html. :param dict context: Jinja2 HTML context. :param docutils.nodes.document doctree: Tree of docutils nodes. """ assert templatename or doctree # Unused, for linting. cls.VERSIONS.context = context versions = cls.VERSIONS this_remote = versions[cls.CURRENT_VERSION] banner_main_remote = versions[cls.BANNER_MAIN_VERSION] if cls.SHOW_BANNER else None # Update Jinja2 context. context['bitbucket_version'] = cls.CURRENT_VERSION context['current_version'] = cls.CURRENT_VERSION context['github_version'] = cls.CURRENT_VERSION context['html_theme'] = app.config.html_theme context['scv_banner_greatest_tag'] = cls.BANNER_GREATEST_TAG context['scv_banner_main_ref_is_branch'] = banner_main_remote['kind'] == 'heads' if cls.SHOW_BANNER else None context['scv_banner_main_ref_is_tag'] = banner_main_remote['kind'] == 'tags' if cls.SHOW_BANNER else None context['scv_banner_main_version'] = banner_main_remote['name'] if cls.SHOW_BANNER else None context['scv_banner_recent_tag'] = cls.BANNER_RECENT_TAG context['scv_is_branch'] = this_remote['kind'] == 'heads' context['scv_is_greatest_tag'] = this_remote == versions.greatest_tag_remote context['scv_is_recent_branch'] = this_remote == versions.recent_branch_remote context['scv_is_recent_ref'] = this_remote == versions.recent_remote context['scv_is_recent_tag'] = this_remote == versions.recent_tag_remote context['scv_is_root'] = cls.IS_ROOT context['scv_is_tag'] = this_remote['kind'] == 'tags' context['scv_show_banner'] = cls.SHOW_BANNER context['versions'] = versions context['vhasdoc'] = versions.vhasdoc context['vpathto'] = versions.vpathto # Insert banner into body. if cls.SHOW_BANNER and 'body' in context: parsed = app.builder.templates.render('banner.html', context) context['body'] = parsed + context['body'] # Handle overridden css_files. css_files = context.setdefault('css_files', list()) if '_static/banner.css' not in css_files: css_files.append('_static/banner.css') # Handle overridden html_static_path. if STATIC_DIR not in app.config.html_static_path: app.config.html_static_path.append(STATIC_DIR) # Reset last_updated with file's mtime (will be last git commit authored date). if app.config.html_last_updated_fmt is not None: file_path = app.env.doc2path(pagename) if os.path.isfile(file_path): lufmt = app.config.html_last_updated_fmt or getattr(locale, '_')('%b %d, %Y') mtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(file_path)) context['last_updated'] = format_date(lufmt, mtime, language=app.config.language, warn=app.warn)
def _html_page_context(app, pagename, templatename, context, doctree): if 'sourcename' in context and 'page_source_suffix' in context: pass else: return pagename_as_repofile = ospj(wd['project_offset'], wd['t3docdir'], pagename + context['page_source_suffix']) v = wd['filedata'].get(pagename_as_repofile, (None, None)) timestamp = v[0] commit_hash = v[1] if timestamp is None:"[%s] %s :: not found" % (__name__, pagename_as_repofile)) return else:"[%s] %s :: found" % (__name__, pagename_as_repofile)) last_modified_dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, utc_tzinfo) last_modified = i18n.format_date(wd['html_last_updated_fmt'], date=last_modified_dt, language=app.config.language) # Try to assemble or guess a commit url commit_url_template = context.get('theme_project_commit_url') if not commit_url_template: # Maybe we can deduce the url needed repo_url = (context.get('theme_project_repository') or context.get('theme_project_issues')) if repo_url: # Github if repo_url.startswith(''): if repo_url.endswith('/issues'): repo_url = repo_url[:-7] elif repo_url.endswith('.git'): repo_url = repo_url[:-4] commit_url_template = repo_url + '/commit/%(commit_hash)s' # elif repo_url.startswith(''): if repo_url.endswith('/issues'): repo_url = repo_url[:-7] commit_url_template = repo_url + '/commit/%(commit_hash)s' # bitbucket elif repo_url.startswith(''): if repo_url.endswith('/src/master/'): repo_url = repo_url[:-12] commit_url_template = repo_url + '/commits/%(commit_hash)s' # gitlab elif "gitlab" in repo_url[:repo_url[8:].find('/')+8]: if repo_url.endswith('/-/issues'): repo_url = repo_url[:-9] commit_url_template = repo_url + '/-/commit/%(commit_hash)s' t3ctx = context['t3ctx'] = context.get('t3ctx', {}) t3ctx['commit_hash'] = commit_hash t3ctx['last_modified'] = last_modified t3ctx['last_modified_isoformat'] = last_modified_dt.isoformat() if commit_url_template: t3ctx['commit_url'] = commit_url_template % {'commit_hash': commit_hash}
def test_format_date(): date =, 2, 7) format = None assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date) == 'Feb 7, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='en') == 'Feb 7, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='ja') == '2016/02/07' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='de') == '07.02.2016' format = '%B %d, %Y' print(i18n.format_date(format, date=date)) assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date) == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='en') == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='ja') == u'2月 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='de') == 'Februar 07, 2016'
def correct_copyright_year(app: "Sphinx", config: Config) -> None: """correct values of copyright year that are not coherent with the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable (if set) See """ if getenv('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH') is not None: for k in ('copyright', 'epub_copyright'): if k in config: replace = r'\g<1>%s' % format_date('%Y') config[k] = copyright_year_re.sub(replace, config[k])
def set_document_metadata(rinoh_document, config, doctree): metadata = rinoh_document.metadata rinoh_logo = config.rinoh_logo if rinoh_logo: metadata['logo'] = rinoh_logo metadata['title'] = doctree.settings.title metadata['subtitle'] = _('Release') + ' {}'.format(config.release) metadata['author'] = date = or format_date(config.today_fmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), language=config.language) metadata['date'] = date metadata.update(config.rinoh_metadata)
def correct_copyright_year(app, config): # type: (Sphinx, Config) -> None """correct values of copyright year that are not coherent with the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable (if set) See """ if getenv('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH') is not None: for k in ('copyright', 'epub_copyright'): if k in config: replace = r'\g<1>%s' % format_date('%Y') config[k] = copyright_year_re.sub(replace, config[k])
def apply(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # only handle those not otherwise defined in the document to_handle = default_substitutions - set(self.document.substitution_defs) for ref in self.document.traverse(nodes.substitution_reference): refname = ref['refname'] if refname in to_handle: text = self.config[refname] if refname == 'today' and not text: # special handling: can also specify a strftime format text = format_date(self.config.today_fmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), language=self.config.language) ref.replace_self(nodes.Text(text, text))
def apply(self): config = self.document.settings.env.config # only handle those not otherwise defined in the document to_handle = default_substitutions - set(self.document.substitution_defs) for ref in self.document.traverse(nodes.substitution_reference): refname = ref['refname'] if refname in to_handle: text = config[refname] if refname == 'today' and not text: # special handling: can also specify a strftime format text = format_date(config.today_fmt or _('MMMM dd, YYYY'), language=config.language) ref.replace_self(nodes.Text(text, text))
def apply(self, **kwargs): # type: (Any) -> None # only handle those not otherwise defined in the document to_handle = default_substitutions - set(self.document.substitution_defs) for ref in self.document.traverse(nodes.substitution_reference): refname = ref['refname'] if refname in to_handle: text = self.config[refname] if refname == 'today' and not text: # special handling: can also specify a strftime format text = format_date(self.config.today_fmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), language=self.config.language) ref.replace_self(nodes.Text(text, text))
def init_settings(self): settings = self.settings = self.document.settings elements = self.elements = self.default_elements.copy() elements.update({ # if empty, the title is set to the first section title 'title': settings.title, 'author':, # if empty, use basename of input file 'filename': settings.texinfo_filename, 'release': self.escape(self.builder.config.release), 'project': self.escape(self.builder.config.project), 'copyright': self.escape(self.builder.config.copyright), 'date': self.escape( or format_date(self.builder.config.today_fmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), language=self.builder.config.language)) }) # title title = elements['title'] if not title: title = self.document.next_node(nodes.title) title = (title and title.astext()) or '<untitled>' elements['title'] = self.escape_id(title) or '<untitled>' # filename if not elements['filename']: elements['filename'] = self.document.get('source') or 'untitled' if elements['filename'][-4:] in ('.txt', '.rst'): elements['filename'] = elements['filename'][:-4] elements['filename'] += '.info' # direntry if settings.texinfo_dir_entry: entry = self.format_menu_entry( self.escape_menu(settings.texinfo_dir_entry), '(%s)' % elements['filename'], self.escape_arg(settings.texinfo_dir_description)) elements['direntry'] = ('@dircategory %s\n' '@direntry\n' '%s' '@end direntry\n') % (self.escape_id( settings.texinfo_dir_category), entry) elements['copying'] = COPYING % elements # allow the user to override them all elements.update(settings.texinfo_elements)
def set_document_metadata(self, rinoh_document, doctree): metadata = rinoh_document.metadata if self.config.rinoh_logo: rinoh_logo = Path(self.config.rinoh_logo) if not rinoh_logo.is_absolute(): rinoh_logo = self.confdir / rinoh_logo metadata['logo'] = rinoh_logo metadata['title'] = doctree.settings.title metadata['subtitle'] = _('Release') + ' {}'.format(self.config.release) metadata['author'] = date = ( or format_date(self.config.today_fmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), language=self.config.language)) metadata['date'] = date metadata.update(self.config.rinoh_metadata)
def content_metadata(self) -> Dict: """Create a dictionary with all metadata for the content.opf file properly escaped. """ writing_mode = self.config.epub_writing_mode metadata = super().content_metadata() metadata['description'] = html.escape(self.config.epub_description) metadata['contributor'] = html.escape(self.config.epub_contributor) metadata['page_progression_direction'] = PAGE_PROGRESSION_DIRECTIONS.get(writing_mode) metadata['ibook_scroll_axis'] = IBOOK_SCROLL_AXIS.get(writing_mode) metadata['date'] = html.escape(format_date("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")) metadata['version'] = html.escape(self.config.version) metadata['epub_version'] = self.config.epub_version return metadata
def content_metadata(self): # type: () -> Dict """Create a dictionary with all metadata for the content.opf file properly escaped. """ writing_mode = self.config.epub_writing_mode metadata = super(Epub3Builder, self).content_metadata() metadata['description'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_description) metadata['contributor'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_contributor) metadata['page_progression_direction'] = PAGE_PROGRESSION_DIRECTIONS.get(writing_mode) metadata['ibook_scroll_axis'] = IBOOK_SCROLL_AXIS.get(writing_mode) metadata['date'] = self.esc(format_date("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")) metadata['version'] = self.esc(self.config.version) return metadata
def content_metadata(self, files, spine, guide): """Create a dictionary with all metadata for the content.opf file properly escaped. """ metadata = {} metadata['title'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_title) metadata['author'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_author) metadata['uid'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_uid) metadata['lang'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_language) metadata['publisher'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_publisher) metadata['copyright'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_copyright) metadata['scheme'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_scheme) metadata['id'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_identifier) metadata['date'] = self.esc(format_date('YYYY-MM-dd', language=self.config.language)) metadata['files'] = files metadata['spine'] = spine metadata['guide'] = guide return metadata
def content_metadata(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Create a dictionary with all metadata for the content.opf file properly escaped. """ metadata = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] metadata['title'] = html.escape(self.config.epub_title) metadata['author'] = html.escape(self.config.epub_author) metadata['uid'] = html.escape(self.config.epub_uid) metadata['lang'] = html.escape(self.config.epub_language) metadata['publisher'] = html.escape(self.config.epub_publisher) metadata['copyright'] = html.escape(self.config.epub_copyright) metadata['scheme'] = html.escape(self.config.epub_scheme) metadata['id'] = html.escape(self.config.epub_identifier) metadata['date'] = html.escape(format_date("%Y-%m-%d")) metadata['manifest_items'] = [] metadata['spines'] = [] metadata['guides'] = [] return metadata
def init_settings(self): settings = self.settings = self.document.settings elements = self.elements = self.default_elements.copy() elements.update({ # if empty, the title is set to the first section title 'title': settings.title, 'author':, # if empty, use basename of input file 'filename': settings.texinfo_filename, 'release': self.escape(self.builder.config.release), 'project': self.escape(self.builder.config.project), 'copyright': self.escape(self.builder.config.copyright), 'date': self.escape( or format_date(self.builder.config.today_fmt or _('MMMM dd, YYYY'), language=self.builder.config.language)) }) # title title = elements['title'] if not title: title = self.document.next_node(nodes.title) title = (title and title.astext()) or '<untitled>' elements['title'] = self.escape_id(title) or '<untitled>' # filename if not elements['filename']: elements['filename'] = self.document.get('source') or 'untitled' if elements['filename'][-4:] in ('.txt', '.rst'): elements['filename'] = elements['filename'][:-4] elements['filename'] += '.info' # direntry if settings.texinfo_dir_entry: entry = self.format_menu_entry( self.escape_menu(settings.texinfo_dir_entry), '(%s)' % elements['filename'], self.escape_arg(settings.texinfo_dir_description)) elements['direntry'] = ('@dircategory %s\n' '@direntry\n' '%s' '@end direntry\n') % ( self.escape_id(settings.texinfo_dir_category), entry) elements['copying'] = COPYING % elements # allow the user to override them all elements.update(settings.texinfo_elements)
def content_metadata(self, files, spine, guide): """Create a dictionary with all metadata for the content.opf file properly escaped. """ metadata = {} metadata['title'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_title) metadata['author'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_author) metadata['uid'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_uid) metadata['lang'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_language) metadata['publisher'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_publisher) metadata['copyright'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_copyright) metadata['scheme'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_scheme) metadata['id'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_identifier) metadata['date'] = self.esc(format_date('%Y-%m-%d', language=self.config.language, warn=self.warn)) metadata['files'] = files metadata['spine'] = spine metadata['guide'] = guide return metadata
def content_metadata(self): # type: () -> Dict[unicode, Any] """Create a dictionary with all metadata for the content.opf file properly escaped. """ metadata = {} # type: Dict[unicode, Any] metadata['title'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_title) metadata['author'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_author) metadata['uid'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_uid) metadata['lang'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_language) metadata['publisher'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_publisher) metadata['copyright'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_copyright) metadata['scheme'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_scheme) metadata['id'] = self.esc(self.config.epub_identifier) metadata['date'] = self.esc(format_date("%Y-%m-%d")) metadata['manifest_items'] = [] metadata['spines'] = [] metadata['guides'] = [] return metadata
def __init__(self, *args): # type: (Any) -> None if isinstance(args[0], nodes.document) and isinstance( args[1], Builder): document, builder = args else: warnings.warn( 'The order of arguments for ManualPageTranslator has been changed. ' 'Please give "document" as 1st and "builder" as 2nd.', RemovedInSphinx40Warning, stacklevel=2) builder, document = args super().__init__(document, builder) self.in_productionlist = 0 # first title is the manpage title self.section_level = -1 # docinfo set by man_pages config value self._docinfo['title'] = self.settings.title self._docinfo['subtitle'] = self.settings.subtitle if self.settings.authors: # don't set it if no author given self._docinfo['author'] = self.settings.authors self._docinfo['manual_section'] = self.settings.section # docinfo set by other config values self._docinfo['title_upper'] = self._docinfo['title'].upper() if self._docinfo['date'] = else: self._docinfo['date'] = format_date(self.config.today_fmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), language=self.config.language) self._docinfo['copyright'] = self.config.copyright self._docinfo['version'] = self.config.version self._docinfo['manual_group'] = self.config.project # Overwrite admonition label translations with our own for label, translation in admonitionlabels.items(): self.language.labels[label] = self.deunicode( translation) # type: ignore
def __init__(self, dirname, filename, overrides, tags): # type: (unicode, unicode, Dict, Tags) -> None self.overrides = overrides self.values = Config.config_values.copy() config = {} # type: Dict[unicode, Any] if dirname is not None: config_file = path.join(dirname, filename) config['__file__'] = config_file config['tags'] = tags with cd(dirname): # we promise to have the config dir as current dir while the # config file is executed try: execfile_(filename, config) except SyntaxError as err: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_SYNTAX_ERROR % err) except SystemExit: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_EXIT_ERROR) except Exception: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_ERROR % traceback.format_exc()) self._raw_config = config # these two must be preinitialized because extensions can add their # own config values self.setup = config.get('setup', None) # type: Callable if 'extensions' in overrides: if isinstance(overrides['extensions'], string_types): config['extensions'] = overrides.pop('extensions').split(',') else: config['extensions'] = overrides.pop('extensions') self.extensions = config.get('extensions', []) # type: List[unicode] # correct values of copyright year that are not coherent with # the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable (if set) # See if getenv('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH') is not None: for k in ('copyright', 'epub_copyright'): if k in config: config[k] = copyright_year_re.sub(r'\g<1>%s' % format_date('%Y'), config[k])
def test_sphinx_rinoh_documents_defaults(tmp_path): rinoh_documents = [dict(doc='index', target='target')] today_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' app = create_sphinx_app(tmp_path, rinoh_documents=rinoh_documents, project='Project', release='1.2', author='Georgie', today_fmt=today_fmt, language='en-US') template_cfg = app.builder.template_configuration('book', LOGGER) document_data, = app.builder.document_data(LOGGER) rinoh_tree = DocumentTree([]) rinoh_doc = template_cfg.document(rinoh_tree) app.builder.set_document_metadata(rinoh_doc, document_data) assert rinoh_doc.metadata['title'] == 'Project documentation' assert rinoh_doc.metadata['subtitle'] == 'Release 1.2' assert rinoh_doc.metadata['author'] == 'Georgie' assert rinoh_doc.metadata['date'] == format_date(today_fmt, language='en-US')
def init_context(self): # type: () -> None self.context = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.copy() # Add special settings for latex_engine self.context.update( ADDITIONAL_SETTINGS.get(self.config.latex_engine, {})) # for xelatex+French, don't use polyglossia by default if self.config.latex_engine == 'xelatex': if self.config.language: if self.config.language[:2] == 'fr': self.context['polyglossia'] = '' self.context['babel'] = r'\usepackage{babel}' # Apply extension settings to context self.context['packages'] = self.usepackages # Apply user settings to context self.context.update(self.config.latex_elements) self.context['release'] = self.config.release self.context['use_xindy'] = self.config.latex_use_xindy if self.context['date'] = else: self.context['date'] = format_date(self.config.today_fmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), language=self.config.language) if self.config.latex_logo: self.context['logofilename'] = path.basename( self.config.latex_logo) # for compatibilities self.context['indexname'] = _('Index') if self.config.release: # Show the release label only if release value exists self.context['releasename'] = _('Release')
def config_inited(app, config): """Update the Sphinx builder. :param sphinx.application.Sphinx app: Sphinx application object. """ if not config.smv_metadata: if not config.smv_metadata_path: return with open(config.smv_metadata_path, mode="r") as f: metadata = json.load(f) config.smv_metadata = metadata if not config.smv_current_version: return try: data = app.config.smv_metadata[config.smv_current_version] except KeyError: return app.connect("html-page-context", html_page_context) # Restore config values old_config =["confdir"]) old_config.pre_init_values() old_config.init_values() config.version = data["version"] config.release = data["release"] config.rst_prolog = data["rst_prolog"] = if not = sphinx_i18n.format_date( format=config.today_fmt or _("%b %d, %Y"), date=datetime.datetime.strptime(data["creatordate"], DATE_FMT), language=config.language, )
def write_doc(self, docname, doctree, docnames, targetname): config = self.config rinoh_tree = from_doctree(doctree['source'], doctree, sphinx_builder=self) template_cfg = template_from_config(config, self.confdir, logger.warning) rinoh_document = template_cfg.document(rinoh_tree) extra_indices = StaticGroupedFlowables(self.generate_indices(docnames)) rinoh_document.insert('back_matter', extra_indices, 0) rinoh_logo = config.rinoh_logo if rinoh_logo: rinoh_document.metadata['logo'] = rinoh_logo rinoh_document.metadata['title'] = doctree.settings.title rinoh_document.metadata['subtitle'] = ('Release {}'.format( config.release)) rinoh_document.metadata['author'] = date = or format_date(config.today_fmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), language=config.language) rinoh_document.metadata['date'] = date outfilename = path.join(self.outdir, os_path(targetname)) ensuredir(path.dirname(outfilename)) rinoh_document.render(outfilename)
def init_context(self): # type: () -> None self.context = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.copy() # Add special settings for latex_engine self.context.update(ADDITIONAL_SETTINGS.get(self.config.latex_engine, {})) # for xelatex+French, don't use polyglossia by default if self.config.latex_engine == 'xelatex': if self.config.language: if self.config.language[:2] == 'fr': self.context['polyglossia'] = '' self.context['babel'] = r'\usepackage{babel}' # Apply extension settings to context self.context['packages'] = self.usepackages # Apply user settings to context self.context.update(self.config.latex_elements) self.context['release'] = self.config.release self.context['use_xindy'] = self.config.latex_use_xindy if self.context['date'] = else: self.context['date'] = format_date(self.config.today_fmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), language=self.config.language) if self.config.latex_logo: self.context['logofilename'] = path.basename(self.config.latex_logo) # for compatibilities self.context['indexname'] = _('Index') if self.config.release: # Show the release label only if release value exists self.context['releasename'] = _('Release')
def __init__(self, dirname, filename, overrides, tags): self.overrides = overrides self.values = Config.config_values.copy() config = {} if "extensions" in overrides: # XXX do we need this? if isinstance(overrides["extensions"], string_types): config["extensions"] = overrides.pop("extensions").split(",") else: config["extensions"] = overrides.pop("extensions") if dirname is not None: config_file = path.join(dirname, filename) config["__file__"] = config_file config["tags"] = tags with cd(dirname): # we promise to have the config dir as current dir while the # config file is executed try: execfile_(filename, config) except SyntaxError as err: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_SYNTAX_ERROR % err) except SystemExit: raise ConfigError(CONFIG_EXIT_ERROR) self._raw_config = config # these two must be preinitialized because extensions can add their # own config values self.setup = config.get("setup", None) self.extensions = config.get("extensions", []) # correct values of copyright year that are not coherent with # the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable (if set) # See if getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH") is not None: for k in ("copyright", "epub_copyright"): if k in config: config[k] = copyright_year_re.sub("\g<1>%s" % format_date("%Y"), config[k])
def test_format_date(): date =, 2, 7) # default format format = None assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date) == 'Feb 7, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='') == 'Feb 7, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='unknown') == 'Feb 7, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='en') == 'Feb 7, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='ja') == '2016/02/07' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='de') == '07.02.2016' # strftime format format = '%B %d, %Y' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date) == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='') == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='unknown') == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='en') == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='ja') == u'2月 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='de') == 'Februar 07, 2016' # LDML format format = 'MMM dd, YYYY' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date) == 'Feb 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='') == 'Feb 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='unknown') == 'Feb 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='en') == 'Feb 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='ja') == u'2月 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='de') == 'Feb. 07, 2016' # raw string format = 'Mon Mar 28 12:37:08 2016, commit 4367aef' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date) == format format = '%B %d, %Y, %H:%M:%S %I %p' datet = datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 7, 5, 11, 17, 0) assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet) == 'February 07, 2016, 05:11:17 05 AM' format = '%x' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet) == 'Feb 7, 2016' format = '%X' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet) == '5:11:17 AM' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date) == 'Feb 7, 2016' format = '%c' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet) == 'Feb 7, 2016, 5:11:17 AM' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date) == 'Feb 7, 2016'
def prepare_writing(self, docnames): # create the search indexer self.indexer = None self.docwriter = MarkdownWriter(self) self.docsettings = OptionParser( defaults=self.env.settings, components=(self.docwriter,), read_config_files=True ).get_default_values() self.docsettings.compact_lists = bool(self.config.html_compact_lists) # determine the additional indices to include self.domain_indices = [] # html_domain_indices can be False/True or a list of index names indices_config = self.config.html_domain_indices if indices_config: for domain_name in sorted( domain =[domain_name] for indexcls in domain.indices: indexname = "%s-%s" % (, if isinstance(indices_config, list): if indexname not in indices_config: continue # deprecated config value if indexname == "py-modindex" and not self.config.html_use_modindex: continue content, collapse = indexcls(domain).generate() if content: self.domain_indices.append((indexname, indexcls, content, collapse)) # format the "last updated on" string, only once is enough since it # typically doesn't include the time of day lufmt = self.config.html_last_updated_fmt if lufmt is not None: self.last_updated = format_date(lufmt or _("%b %d, %Y"), language=self.config.language, warn=self.warn) else: self.last_updated = None self.relations = self.env.collect_relations() rellinks = [] if self.get_builder_config("use_index", "html"): rellinks.append(("genindex", _("General Index"), "I", _("index"))) for indexname, indexcls, content, collapse in self.domain_indices: # if it has a short name if indexcls.shortname: rellinks.append((indexname, indexcls.localname, "", indexcls.shortname)) self.globalcontext = dict( embedded=self.embedded, project=self.config.project, release=self.config.release, version=self.config.version, last_updated=self.last_updated, copyright=self.config.copyright, master_doc=self.config.master_doc, docstitle=self.config.html_title, shorttitle=self.config.html_short_title, show_copyright=self.config.html_show_copyright, show_sphinx=self.config.html_show_sphinx, has_source=self.config.html_copy_source, show_source=self.config.html_show_sourcelink, file_suffix=self.out_suffix, language=self.config.language, sphinx_version=__display_version__, rellinks=rellinks,, parents=[], )
rinoh_document.metadata.update(metadata) if 'logo' in rinoh_document.metadata: logo_path = Path(rinoh_document.metadata['logo']) if not logo_path.is_absolute(): rinoh_document.metadata['logo'] = self.confdir / logo_path for key, default in METADATA_DEFAULTS.items(): if key in rinoh_document.metadata: continue rinoh_document.metadata[key] = default(self.config) METADATA_DEFAULTS = dict( title=lambda cfg: '{} documentation'.format(cfg.project), subtitle=lambda cfg: '{} {}'.format(_('Release'), cfg.release), author=lambda cfg:, date=lambda cfg: ( or format_date(cfg.today_fmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), language=cfg.language))) def fully_qualified_id(docname, id): return id if id.startswith('%') else '%' + docname + '#' + id def rinoh_document_to_document_data(entry, logger): if type(entry) in (list, tuple): entry = list_to_document_data(entry, logger) for key in ('doc', 'target'): if key not in entry: raise SphinxError("'{}' key is missing from rinoh_documents" " entry".format(key)) return entry
def prepare_writing(self, docnames: Set[str]) -> None: # create the search indexer self.indexer = None if from import IndexBuilder lang = self.config.html_search_language or self.config.language if not lang: lang = 'en' self.indexer = IndexBuilder(self.env, lang, self.config.html_search_options, self.config.html_search_scorer) self.load_indexer(docnames) self.docwriter = HTMLWriter(self) self.docsettings = OptionParser( defaults=self.env.settings, components=(self.docwriter,), read_config_files=True).get_default_values() # type: Any self.docsettings.compact_lists = bool(self.config.html_compact_lists) # determine the additional indices to include self.domain_indices = [] # html_domain_indices can be False/True or a list of index names indices_config = self.config.html_domain_indices if indices_config: for domain_name in sorted( domain = None # type: Domain domain =[domain_name] for indexcls in domain.indices: indexname = '%s-%s' % (, if isinstance(indices_config, list): if indexname not in indices_config: continue content, collapse = indexcls(domain).generate() if content: self.domain_indices.append( (indexname, indexcls, content, collapse)) # format the "last updated on" string, only once is enough since it # typically doesn't include the time of day lufmt = self.config.html_last_updated_fmt if lufmt is not None: self.last_updated = format_date(lufmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), language=self.config.language) else: self.last_updated = None logo = self.config.html_logo and \ path.basename(self.config.html_logo) or '' favicon = self.config.html_favicon and \ path.basename(self.config.html_favicon) or '' if not isinstance(self.config.html_use_opensearch, str): logger.warning(__('html_use_opensearch config value must now be a string')) self.relations = self.env.collect_relations() rellinks = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, str, str, str]] if self.use_index: rellinks.append(('genindex', _('General Index'), 'I', _('index'))) for indexname, indexcls, content, collapse in self.domain_indices: # if it has a short name if indexcls.shortname: rellinks.append((indexname, indexcls.localname, '', indexcls.shortname)) if self.config.html_style is not None: stylename = self.config.html_style elif self.theme: stylename = self.theme.get_config('theme', 'stylesheet') else: stylename = 'default.css' self.globalcontext = { 'embedded': self.embedded, 'project': self.config.project, 'release': return_codes_re.sub('', self.config.release), 'version': self.config.version, 'last_updated': self.last_updated, 'copyright': self.config.copyright, 'master_doc': self.config.master_doc, 'use_opensearch': self.config.html_use_opensearch, 'docstitle': self.config.html_title, 'shorttitle': self.config.html_short_title, 'show_copyright': self.config.html_show_copyright, 'show_sphinx': self.config.html_show_sphinx, 'has_source': self.config.html_copy_source, 'show_source': self.config.html_show_sourcelink, 'sourcelink_suffix': self.config.html_sourcelink_suffix, 'file_suffix': self.out_suffix, 'script_files': self.script_files, 'language': self.config.language, 'css_files': self.css_files, 'sphinx_version': __display_version__, 'style': stylename, 'rellinks': rellinks, 'builder':, 'parents': [], 'logo': logo, 'favicon': favicon, 'html5_doctype': html5_ready and not self.config.html4_writer } if self.theme: self.globalcontext.update( ('theme_' + key, val) for (key, val) in self.theme.get_options(self.theme_options).items()) self.globalcontext.update(self.config.html_context)
def test_format_date(): date =, 2, 7) # strftime format format = '%B %d, %Y' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date) == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='') == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='unknown') == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='en') == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='ja') == u'2月 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='de') == 'Februar 07, 2016' # raw string format = 'Mon Mar 28 12:37:08 2016, commit 4367aef' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date) == format format = '%B %d, %Y, %H:%M:%S %I %p' datet = datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 7, 5, 11, 17, 0) assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet) == 'February 07, 2016, 05:11:17 05 AM' format = '%x' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet) == 'Feb 7, 2016' format = '%X' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet) == '5:11:17 AM' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date) == 'Feb 7, 2016' format = '%c' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet) == 'Feb 7, 2016, 5:11:17 AM' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date) == 'Feb 7, 2016'
def prepare_writing(self, docnames): # create the search indexer self.indexer = None self.docwriter = MarkdownWriter(self) self.docsettings = OptionParser( defaults=self.env.settings, components=(self.docwriter,), read_config_files=True).get_default_values() self.docsettings.compact_lists = bool(self.config.html_compact_lists) # determine the additional indices to include self.domain_indices = [] # html_domain_indices can be False/True or a list of index names indices_config = self.config.html_domain_indices if indices_config: for domain_name in sorted( domain =[domain_name] for indexcls in domain.indices: indexname = '%s-%s' % (, if isinstance(indices_config, list): if indexname not in indices_config: continue # deprecated config value if indexname == 'py-modindex' and \ not self.config.html_use_modindex: continue content, collapse = indexcls(domain).generate() if content: self.domain_indices.append( (indexname, indexcls, content, collapse)) # format the "last updated on" string, only once is enough since it # typically doesn't include the time of day lufmt = self.config.html_last_updated_fmt if lufmt is not None: self.last_updated = format_date(lufmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), language=self.config.language, warn=self.warn) else: self.last_updated = None self.relations = self.env.collect_relations() rellinks = [] if self.get_builder_config('use_index', 'html'): rellinks.append(('genindex', _('General Index'), 'I', _('index'))) for indexname, indexcls, content, collapse in self.domain_indices: # if it has a short name if indexcls.shortname: rellinks.append((indexname, indexcls.localname, '', indexcls.shortname)) self.globalcontext = dict( embedded=self.embedded, project=self.config.project, release=self.config.release, version=self.config.version, last_updated=self.last_updated, copyright=self.config.copyright, master_doc=self.config.master_doc, docstitle=self.config.html_title, shorttitle=self.config.html_short_title, show_copyright=self.config.html_show_copyright, show_sphinx=self.config.html_show_sphinx, has_source=self.config.html_copy_source, show_source=self.config.html_show_sourcelink, file_suffix=self.out_suffix, language=self.config.language, sphinx_version=__display_version__, rellinks=rellinks,, parents=[], )
def prepare_writing(self, docnames): # create the search indexer self.indexer = None if from import IndexBuilder, languages lang = self.config.html_search_language or self.config.language if not lang or lang not in languages: lang = 'en' self.indexer = IndexBuilder(self.env, lang, self.config.html_search_options, self.config.html_search_scorer) self.load_indexer(docnames) self.docwriter = HTMLWriter(self) self.docsettings = OptionParser( defaults=self.env.settings, components=(self.docwriter,), read_config_files=True).get_default_values() self.docsettings.compact_lists = bool(self.config.html_compact_lists) # determine the additional indices to include self.domain_indices = [] # html_domain_indices can be False/True or a list of index names indices_config = self.config.html_domain_indices if indices_config: for domain_name in sorted( domain =[domain_name] for indexcls in domain.indices: indexname = '%s-%s' % (, if isinstance(indices_config, list): if indexname not in indices_config: continue # deprecated config value if indexname == 'py-modindex' and \ not self.config.html_use_modindex: continue content, collapse = indexcls(domain).generate() if content: self.domain_indices.append( (indexname, indexcls, content, collapse)) # format the "last updated on" string, only once is enough since it # typically doesn't include the time of day lufmt = self.config.html_last_updated_fmt if lufmt is not None: self.last_updated = format_date(lufmt or _('MMM dd, YYYY'), language=self.config.language) else: self.last_updated = None logo = self.config.html_logo and \ path.basename(self.config.html_logo) or '' favicon = self.config.html_favicon and \ path.basename(self.config.html_favicon) or '' if favicon and os.path.splitext(favicon)[1] != '.ico': self.warn('html_favicon is not an .ico file') if not isinstance(self.config.html_use_opensearch, string_types): self.warn('html_use_opensearch config value must now be a string') self.relations = self.env.collect_relations() rellinks = [] if self.get_builder_config('use_index', 'html'): rellinks.append(('genindex', _('General Index'), 'I', _('index'))) for indexname, indexcls, content, collapse in self.domain_indices: # if it has a short name if indexcls.shortname: rellinks.append((indexname, indexcls.localname, '', indexcls.shortname)) if self.config.html_style is not None: stylename = self.config.html_style elif self.theme: stylename = self.theme.get_confstr('theme', 'stylesheet') else: stylename = 'default.css' self.globalcontext = dict( embedded = self.embedded, project = self.config.project, release = self.config.release, version = self.config.version, last_updated = self.last_updated, copyright = self.config.copyright, master_doc = self.config.master_doc, use_opensearch = self.config.html_use_opensearch, docstitle = self.config.html_title, shorttitle = self.config.html_short_title, show_copyright = self.config.html_show_copyright, show_sphinx = self.config.html_show_sphinx, has_source = self.config.html_copy_source, show_source = self.config.html_show_sourcelink, file_suffix = self.out_suffix, script_files = self.script_files, language = self.config.language, css_files = self.css_files, sphinx_version = __display_version__, style = stylename, rellinks = rellinks, builder =, parents = [], logo = logo, favicon = favicon, ) if self.theme: self.globalcontext.update( ('theme_' + key, val) for (key, val) in iteritems(self.theme.get_options(self.theme_options))) self.globalcontext.update(self.config.html_context)
def test_format_date(): date =, 2, 7) # strftime format format = '%B %d, %Y' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date) == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='') == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='unknown') == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='en') == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='ja') == u'2月 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='de') == 'Februar 07, 2016' # raw string format = 'Mon Mar 28 12:37:08 2016, commit 4367aef' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date) == format format = '%B %d, %Y, %H:%M:%S %I %p' datet = datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 7, 5, 11, 17, 0) assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet) == 'February 07, 2016, 05:11:17 05 AM' format = '%B %-d, %Y, %-H:%-M:%-S %-I %p' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet) == 'February 7, 2016, 5:11:17 5 AM' format = '%x' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet) == 'Feb 7, 2016' format = '%X' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet) == '5:11:17 AM' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date) == 'Feb 7, 2016' format = '%c' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet) == 'Feb 7, 2016, 5:11:17 AM' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date) == 'Feb 7, 2016'
def test_format_date(): date =, 2, 7) # strftime format format = '%B %d, %Y' with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Test format_date() with no language argument -- this form will be # removed in Sphinx 7 (xref RemovedInSphinx70Warning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore") assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date) == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='') == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='unknown') == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='en') == 'February 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='ja') == '2月 07, 2016' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='de') == 'Februar 07, 2016' # raw string format = 'Mon Mar 28 12:37:08 2016, commit 4367aef' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='en') == format format = '%B %d, %Y, %H:%M:%S %I %p' datet = datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 7, 5, 11, 17, 0) assert i18n.format_date( format, date=datet, language='en') == 'February 07, 2016, 05:11:17 05 AM' format = '%B %-d, %Y, %-H:%-M:%-S %-I %p' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet, language='en') == 'February 7, 2016, 5:11:17 5 AM' format = '%x' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet, language='en') == 'Feb 7, 2016' format = '%X' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet, language='en') == '5:11:17 AM' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='en') == 'Feb 7, 2016' format = '%c' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet, language='en') == 'Feb 7, 2016, 5:11:17 AM' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=date, language='en') == 'Feb 7, 2016' # timezone format = '%Z' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet, language='en') == 'UTC' format = '%z' assert i18n.format_date(format, date=datet, language='en') == '+0000'
def prepare_writing(self, docnames): # create the search indexer self.indexer = None if from import IndexBuilder, languages lang = self.config.html_search_language or self.config.language if not lang or lang not in languages: lang = 'en' self.indexer = IndexBuilder(self.env, lang, self.config.html_search_options, self.config.html_search_scorer) self.load_indexer(docnames) self.docwriter = HTMLWriter(self) self.docsettings = OptionParser( defaults=self.env.settings, components=(self.docwriter, ), read_config_files=True).get_default_values() self.docsettings.compact_lists = bool(self.config.html_compact_lists) # determine the additional indices to include self.domain_indices = [] # html_domain_indices can be False/True or a list of index names indices_config = self.config.html_domain_indices if indices_config: for domain_name in sorted( domain =[domain_name] for indexcls in domain.indices: indexname = '%s-%s' % (, if isinstance(indices_config, list): if indexname not in indices_config: continue # deprecated config value if indexname == 'py-modindex' and \ not self.config.html_use_modindex: continue content, collapse = indexcls(domain).generate() if content: self.domain_indices.append( (indexname, indexcls, content, collapse)) # format the "last updated on" string, only once is enough since it # typically doesn't include the time of day lufmt = self.config.html_last_updated_fmt if lufmt is not None: self.last_updated = format_date(lufmt or _('MMM dd, YYYY'), language=self.config.language) else: self.last_updated = None logo = self.config.html_logo and \ path.basename(self.config.html_logo) or '' favicon = self.config.html_favicon and \ path.basename(self.config.html_favicon) or '' if favicon and os.path.splitext(favicon)[1] != '.ico': self.warn('html_favicon is not an .ico file') if not isinstance(self.config.html_use_opensearch, string_types): self.warn('html_use_opensearch config value must now be a string') self.relations = self.env.collect_relations() rellinks = [] if self.get_builder_config('use_index', 'html'): rellinks.append(('genindex', _('General Index'), 'I', _('index'))) for indexname, indexcls, content, collapse in self.domain_indices: # if it has a short name if indexcls.shortname: rellinks.append( (indexname, indexcls.localname, '', indexcls.shortname)) if self.config.html_style is not None: stylename = self.config.html_style elif self.theme: stylename = self.theme.get_confstr('theme', 'stylesheet') else: stylename = 'default.css' self.globalcontext = dict( embedded=self.embedded, project=self.config.project, release=self.config.release, version=self.config.version, last_updated=self.last_updated, copyright=self.config.copyright, master_doc=self.config.master_doc, use_opensearch=self.config.html_use_opensearch, docstitle=self.config.html_title, shorttitle=self.config.html_short_title, show_copyright=self.config.html_show_copyright, show_sphinx=self.config.html_show_sphinx, has_source=self.config.html_copy_source, show_source=self.config.html_show_sourcelink, file_suffix=self.out_suffix, script_files=self.script_files, language=self.config.language, css_files=self.css_files, sphinx_version=__display_version__, style=stylename, rellinks=rellinks,, parents=[], logo=logo, favicon=favicon, ) if self.theme: self.globalcontext.update(('theme_' + key, val) for ( key, val) in iteritems(self.theme.get_options(self.theme_options))) self.globalcontext.update(self.config.html_context)