Example #1
                for type, msg, tid, main, key_ in entries:
                    msg_parts = split_index_msg(type, msg)
                    msgstr_parts = []
                    for part in msg_parts:
                        msgstr = catalog.gettext(part)
                        if not msgstr:
                            msgstr = part

                    new_entries.append((type, ';'.join(msgstr_parts), tid, main, None))

                node['raw_entries'] = entries
                node['entries'] = new_entries

        # remove translated attribute that is used for avoiding double translation.
        for translated in self.document.traverse(NodeMatcher(translated=Any)):  # type: Element  # NOQA

class RemoveTranslatableInline(SphinxTransform):
    Remove inline nodes used for translation as placeholders.
    default_priority = 999

    def apply(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        from sphinx.builders.gettext import MessageCatalogBuilder
        if isinstance(self.app.builder, MessageCatalogBuilder):

        matcher = NodeMatcher(nodes.inline, translatable=Any)
Example #2
    def apply(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        settings, source = self.document.settings, self.document['source']
        msgstr = ''

        # XXX check if this is reliable
        assert source.startswith(self.env.srcdir)
        docname = path.splitext(relative_path(path.join(self.env.srcdir, 'dummy'),
        textdomain = docname_to_domain(docname, self.config.gettext_compact)

        # fetch translations
        dirs = [path.join(self.env.srcdir, directory)
                for directory in self.config.locale_dirs]
        catalog, has_catalog = init_locale(dirs, self.config.language, textdomain)
        if not has_catalog:

        # phase1: replace reference ids with translated names
        for node, msg in extract_messages(self.document):
            msgstr = catalog.gettext(msg)
            # XXX add marker to untranslated parts
            if not msgstr or msgstr == msg or not msgstr.strip():
                # as-of-yet untranslated

            # Avoid "Literal block expected; none found." warnings.
            # If msgstr ends with '::' then it cause warning message at
            # parser.parse() processing.
            # literal-block-warning is only appear in avobe case.
            if msgstr.strip().endswith('::'):
                msgstr += '\n\n   dummy literal'
                # dummy literal node will discard by 'patch = patch[0]'

            # literalblock need literal block notation to avoid it become
            # paragraph.
            if isinstance(node, LITERAL_TYPE_NODES):
                msgstr = '::\n\n' + indent(msgstr, ' ' * 3)

            patch = publish_msgstr(self.app, msgstr, source,
                                   node.line, self.config, settings)
            # XXX doctest and other block markup
            if not isinstance(patch, nodes.paragraph):
                continue  # skip for now

            processed = False  # skip flag

            # update title(section) target name-id mapping
            if isinstance(node, nodes.title) and isinstance(node.parent, nodes.section):
                section_node = node.parent
                new_name = nodes.fully_normalize_name(patch.astext())
                old_name = nodes.fully_normalize_name(node.astext())

                if old_name != new_name:
                    # if name would be changed, replace node names and
                    # document nameids mapping with new name.
                    names = section_node.setdefault('names', [])
                    # Original section name (reference target name) should be kept to refer
                    # from other nodes which is still not translated or uses explicit target
                    # name like "`text to display <explicit target name_>`_"..
                    # So, `old_name` is still exist in `names`.

                    _id = self.document.nameids.get(old_name, None)
                    explicit = self.document.nametypes.get(old_name, None)

                    # * if explicit: _id is label. title node need another id.
                    # * if not explicit:
                    #   * if _id is None:
                    #     _id is None means:
                    #     1. _id was not provided yet.
                    #     2. _id was duplicated.
                    #        old_name entry still exists in nameids and
                    #        nametypes for another duplicated entry.
                    #   * if _id is provided: below process
                    if _id:
                        if not explicit:
                            # _id was not duplicated.
                            # remove old_name entry from document ids database
                            # to reuse original _id.
                            self.document.nameids.pop(old_name, None)
                            self.document.nametypes.pop(old_name, None)
                            self.document.ids.pop(_id, None)

                        # re-entry with new named section node.
                        # Note: msgnode that is a second parameter of the
                        # `note_implicit_target` is not necessary here because
                        # section_node has been noted previously on rst parsing by
                        # `docutils.parsers.rst.states.RSTState.new_subsection()`
                        # and already has `system_message` if needed.

                    # replace target's refname to new target name
                    matcher = NodeMatcher(nodes.target, refname=old_name)
                    for old_target in self.document.traverse(matcher):  # type: nodes.target
                        old_target['refname'] = new_name

                    processed = True

            # glossary terms update refid
            if isinstance(node, nodes.term):
                for _id in node['ids']:
                    parts = split_term_classifiers(msgstr)
                    patch = publish_msgstr(self.app, parts[0], source,
                                           node.line, self.config, settings)
                    patch = make_glossary_term(self.env, patch, parts[1],
                                               source, node.line, _id,
                    processed = True

            # update leaves with processed nodes
            if processed:
                for child in patch.children:
                    child.parent = node
                node.children = patch.children
                node['translated'] = True  # to avoid double translation

        # phase2: translation
        for node, msg in extract_messages(self.document):
            if node.get('translated', False):  # to avoid double translation
                continue  # skip if the node is already translated by phase1

            msgstr = catalog.gettext(msg)
            # XXX add marker to untranslated parts
            if not msgstr or msgstr == msg:  # as-of-yet untranslated

            # update translatable nodes
            if isinstance(node, addnodes.translatable):
                node.apply_translated_message(msg, msgstr)

            # update meta nodes
            if isinstance(node, nodes.pending) and is_pending_meta(node):
                node.details['nodes'][0]['content'] = msgstr

            if isinstance(node, nodes.image) and node.get('alt') == msg:
                node['alt'] = msgstr

            # Avoid "Literal block expected; none found." warnings.
            # If msgstr ends with '::' then it cause warning message at
            # parser.parse() processing.
            # literal-block-warning is only appear in avobe case.
            if msgstr.strip().endswith('::'):
                msgstr += '\n\n   dummy literal'
                # dummy literal node will discard by 'patch = patch[0]'

            # literalblock need literal block notation to avoid it become
            # paragraph.
            if isinstance(node, LITERAL_TYPE_NODES):
                msgstr = '::\n\n' + indent(msgstr, ' ' * 3)

            # Structural Subelements phase1
            # There is a possibility that only the title node is created.
            # see: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/doctree.html#structural-subelements
            if isinstance(node, nodes.title):
                # This generates: <section ...><title>msgstr</title></section>
                msgstr = msgstr + '\n' + '=' * len(msgstr) * 2

            patch = publish_msgstr(self.app, msgstr, source,
                                   node.line, self.config, settings)

            # Structural Subelements phase2
            if isinstance(node, nodes.title):
                # get <title> node that placed as a first child
                patch = patch.next_node()

            # ignore unexpected markups in translation message
            unexpected: Tuple[Type[Element], ...] = (
                nodes.paragraph,    # expected form of translation
                nodes.title         # generated by above "Subelements phase2"

            # following types are expected if
            # config.gettext_additional_targets is configured
            unexpected += LITERAL_TYPE_NODES
            unexpected += IMAGE_TYPE_NODES

            if not isinstance(patch, unexpected):
                continue  # skip

            # auto-numbered foot note reference should use original 'ids'.
            def list_replace_or_append(lst: List[N], old: N, new: N) -> None:
                if old in lst:
                    lst[lst.index(old)] = new

            is_autofootnote_ref = NodeMatcher(nodes.footnote_reference, auto=Any)
            old_foot_refs: List[nodes.footnote_reference] = list(node.traverse(is_autofootnote_ref))  # NOQA
            new_foot_refs: List[nodes.footnote_reference] = list(patch.traverse(is_autofootnote_ref))  # NOQA
            if len(old_foot_refs) != len(new_foot_refs):
                old_foot_ref_rawsources = [ref.rawsource for ref in old_foot_refs]
                new_foot_ref_rawsources = [ref.rawsource for ref in new_foot_refs]
                logger.warning(__('inconsistent footnote references in translated message.' +
                                  ' original: {0}, translated: {1}')
                               .format(old_foot_ref_rawsources, new_foot_ref_rawsources),
            old_foot_namerefs: Dict[str, List[nodes.footnote_reference]] = {}
            for r in old_foot_refs:
                old_foot_namerefs.setdefault(r.get('refname'), []).append(r)
            for newf in new_foot_refs:
                refname = newf.get('refname')
                refs = old_foot_namerefs.get(refname, [])
                if not refs:

                oldf = refs.pop(0)
                newf['ids'] = oldf['ids']
                for id in newf['ids']:
                    self.document.ids[id] = newf

                if newf['auto'] == 1:
                    # autofootnote_refs
                    list_replace_or_append(self.document.autofootnote_refs, oldf, newf)
                    # symbol_footnote_refs
                    list_replace_or_append(self.document.symbol_footnote_refs, oldf, newf)

                if refname:
                    footnote_refs = self.document.footnote_refs.setdefault(refname, [])
                    list_replace_or_append(footnote_refs, oldf, newf)

                    refnames = self.document.refnames.setdefault(refname, [])
                    list_replace_or_append(refnames, oldf, newf)

            # reference should use new (translated) 'refname'.
            # * reference target ".. _Python: ..." is not translatable.
            # * use translated refname for section refname.
            # * inline reference "`Python <...>`_" has no 'refname'.
            is_refnamed_ref = NodeMatcher(nodes.reference, refname=Any)
            old_refs: List[nodes.reference] = list(node.traverse(is_refnamed_ref))
            new_refs: List[nodes.reference] = list(patch.traverse(is_refnamed_ref))
            if len(old_refs) != len(new_refs):
                old_ref_rawsources = [ref.rawsource for ref in old_refs]
                new_ref_rawsources = [ref.rawsource for ref in new_refs]
                logger.warning(__('inconsistent references in translated message.' +
                                  ' original: {0}, translated: {1}')
                               .format(old_ref_rawsources, new_ref_rawsources),
            old_ref_names = [r['refname'] for r in old_refs]
            new_ref_names = [r['refname'] for r in new_refs]
            orphans = list(set(old_ref_names) - set(new_ref_names))
            for newr in new_refs:
                if not self.document.has_name(newr['refname']):
                    # Maybe refname is translated but target is not translated.
                    # Note: multiple translated refnames break link ordering.
                    if orphans:
                        newr['refname'] = orphans.pop(0)
                        # orphan refnames is already empty!
                        # reference number is same in new_refs and old_refs.


            # refnamed footnote should use original 'ids'.
            is_refnamed_footnote_ref = NodeMatcher(nodes.footnote_reference, refname=Any)
            old_foot_refs = list(node.traverse(is_refnamed_footnote_ref))
            new_foot_refs = list(patch.traverse(is_refnamed_footnote_ref))
            refname_ids_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
            if len(old_foot_refs) != len(new_foot_refs):
                old_foot_ref_rawsources = [ref.rawsource for ref in old_foot_refs]
                new_foot_ref_rawsources = [ref.rawsource for ref in new_foot_refs]
                logger.warning(__('inconsistent footnote references in translated message.' +
                                  ' original: {0}, translated: {1}')
                               .format(old_foot_ref_rawsources, new_foot_ref_rawsources),
            for oldf in old_foot_refs:
                refname_ids_map.setdefault(oldf["refname"], []).append(oldf["ids"])
            for newf in new_foot_refs:
                refname = newf["refname"]
                if refname_ids_map.get(refname):
                    newf["ids"] = refname_ids_map[refname].pop(0)

            # citation should use original 'ids'.
            is_citation_ref = NodeMatcher(nodes.citation_reference, refname=Any)
            old_cite_refs: List[nodes.citation_reference] = list(node.traverse(is_citation_ref))  # NOQA
            new_cite_refs: List[nodes.citation_reference] = list(patch.traverse(is_citation_ref))  # NOQA
            refname_ids_map = {}
            if len(old_cite_refs) != len(new_cite_refs):
                old_cite_ref_rawsources = [ref.rawsource for ref in old_cite_refs]
                new_cite_ref_rawsources = [ref.rawsource for ref in new_cite_refs]
                logger.warning(__('inconsistent citation references in translated message.' +
                                  ' original: {0}, translated: {1}')
                               .format(old_cite_ref_rawsources, new_cite_ref_rawsources),
            for oldc in old_cite_refs:
                refname_ids_map.setdefault(oldc["refname"], []).append(oldc["ids"])
            for newc in new_cite_refs:
                refname = newc["refname"]
                if refname_ids_map.get(refname):
                    newc["ids"] = refname_ids_map[refname].pop()

            # Original pending_xref['reftarget'] contain not-translated
            # target name, new pending_xref must use original one.
            # This code restricts to change ref-targets in the translation.
            old_xrefs = list(node.traverse(addnodes.pending_xref))
            new_xrefs = list(patch.traverse(addnodes.pending_xref))
            xref_reftarget_map = {}
            if len(old_xrefs) != len(new_xrefs):
                old_xref_rawsources = [xref.rawsource for xref in old_xrefs]
                new_xref_rawsources = [xref.rawsource for xref in new_xrefs]
                logger.warning(__('inconsistent term references in translated message.' +
                                  ' original: {0}, translated: {1}')
                               .format(old_xref_rawsources, new_xref_rawsources),

            def get_ref_key(node: addnodes.pending_xref) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str, str]]:
                case = node["refdomain"], node["reftype"]
                if case == ('std', 'term'):
                    return None
                    return (
Example #3
 def apply(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
     matcher = NodeMatcher(nodes.table, nodes.figure)
     for node in self.document.traverse(matcher):  # type: Element
         node.setdefault('align', 'default')
Example #4
    def build_devhelp(self, outdir, outname):
        # type: (str, str) -> None
        logger.info(__('dumping devhelp index...'))

        # Basic info
        root = etree.Element('book',
        tree = etree.ElementTree(root)

        # TOC
        chapters = etree.SubElement(root, 'chapters')

        tocdoc = self.env.get_and_resolve_doctree(self.config.master_doc,

        def write_toc(node, parent):
            # type: (nodes.Node, etree.Element) -> None
            if isinstance(node, addnodes.compact_paragraph) or \
               isinstance(node, nodes.bullet_list):
                for subnode in node:
                    write_toc(subnode, parent)
            elif isinstance(node, nodes.list_item):
                item = etree.SubElement(parent, 'sub')
                for subnode in node:
                    write_toc(subnode, item)
            elif isinstance(node, nodes.reference):
                parent.attrib['link'] = node['refuri']
                parent.attrib['name'] = node.astext()

        matcher = NodeMatcher(addnodes.compact_paragraph, toctree=Any)
        for node in tocdoc.traverse(
                matcher):  # type: addnodes.compact_paragraph
            write_toc(node, chapters)

        # Index
        functions = etree.SubElement(root, 'functions')
        index = IndexEntries(self.env).create_index(self)

        def write_index(title, refs, subitems):
            # type: (str, List[Any], Any) -> None
            if len(refs) == 0:
            elif len(refs) == 1:
                for i, ref in enumerate(refs):
                                     name="[%d] %s" % (i, title),

            if subitems:
                parent_title = re.sub(r'\s*\(.*\)\s*$', '', title)
                for subitem in subitems:
                    write_index("%s %s" % (parent_title, subitem[0]),
                                subitem[1], [])

        for (key, group) in index:
            for title, (refs, subitems, key) in group:
                write_index(title, refs, subitems)

        # Dump the XML file
        xmlfile = path.join(outdir, outname + '.devhelp.gz')
        with gzip.open(xmlfile, 'w') as f:
            tree.write(f, 'utf-8')
Example #5
 def apply(self, **kwargs):
     # type: (Any) -> None
     matcher = NodeMatcher(*self.TARGET_NODES)
     for node in self.document.traverse(matcher):  # type: nodes.Element
         node['docname'] = self.env.docname
Example #6
                    msgstr_parts = []
                    for part in msg_parts:
                        msgstr = catalog.gettext(part)
                        if not msgstr:
                            msgstr = part

                        (type, ';'.join(msgstr_parts), tid, main, None))

                node['raw_entries'] = entries
                node['entries'] = new_entries

        # remove translated attribute that is used for avoiding double translation.
        for translated in self.document.traverse(
                NodeMatcher(translated=Any)):  # type: Element  # NOQA

class RemoveTranslatableInline(SphinxTransform):
    Remove inline nodes used for translation as placeholders.
    default_priority = 999

    def apply(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        from sphinx.builders.gettext import MessageCatalogBuilder
        if isinstance(self.app.builder, MessageCatalogBuilder):

        matcher = NodeMatcher(nodes.inline, translatable=Any)
Example #7
 def run(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
     matcher = NodeMatcher(nodes.container, literal_block=True)
     for node in self.document.traverse(matcher):  # type: nodes.container
         newnode = captioned_literal_block('', *node.children, **node.attributes)
Example #8
    def build_qhp(self, outdir, outname):
        # type: (unicode, unicode) -> None
        logger.info(__('writing project file...'))

        # sections
        tocdoc = self.env.get_and_resolve_doctree(self.config.master_doc, self,

        sections = []
        matcher = NodeMatcher(addnodes.compact_paragraph, toctree=True)
        for node in tocdoc.traverse(matcher):  # type: addnodes.compact_paragraph

        for indexname, indexcls, content, collapse in self.domain_indices:
            item = section_template % {'title': indexcls.localname,
                                       'ref': '%s.html' % indexname}
            sections.append(' ' * 4 * 4 + item)
        sections = '\n'.join(sections)  # type: ignore

        # keywords
        keywords = []
        index = IndexEntries(self.env).create_index(self, group_entries=False)
        for (key, group) in index:
            for title, (refs, subitems, key_) in group:
                keywords.extend(self.build_keywords(title, refs, subitems))
        keywords = u'\n'.join(keywords)  # type: ignore

        # it seems that the "namespace" may not contain non-alphanumeric
        # characters, and more than one successive dot, or leading/trailing
        # dots, are also forbidden
        if self.config.qthelp_namespace:
            nspace = self.config.qthelp_namespace
            nspace = 'org.sphinx.%s.%s' % (outname, self.config.version)

        nspace = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9.\-]', '', nspace)
        nspace = re.sub(r'\.+', '.', nspace).strip('.')
        nspace = nspace.lower()

        # write the project file
        with open(path.join(outdir, outname + '.qhp'), 'w',  # type: ignore
                  encoding='utf-8') as f:
            body = render_file('project.qhp', outname=outname,
                               title=self.config.html_title, version=self.config.version,
                               project=self.config.project, namespace=nspace,
                               sections=sections, keywords=keywords,

        homepage = 'qthelp://' + posixpath.join(
            nspace, 'doc', self.get_target_uri(self.config.master_doc))
        startpage = 'qthelp://' + posixpath.join(nspace, 'doc', 'index.html')

        logger.info(__('writing collection project file...'))
        with open(path.join(outdir, outname + '.qhcp'), 'w',  # type: ignore
                  encoding='utf-8') as f:
            body = render_file('project.qhcp', outname=outname,
                               homepage=homepage, startpage=startpage)
Example #9
    def build_hhx(self, outdir, outname):
        # type: (str, str) -> None
        logger.info(__('dumping stopword list...'))
        with self.open_file(outdir, outname + '.stp') as f:
            for word in sorted(stopwords):
                print(word, file=f)

        logger.info(__('writing project file...'))
        with self.open_file(outdir, outname + '.hhp') as f:
                project_template % {
                    'outname': outname,
                    'title': self.config.html_title,
                    'version': self.config.version,
                    'project': self.config.project,
                    'lcid': self.lcid,
                    'master_doc': self.config.master_doc + self.out_suffix
            if not outdir.endswith(os.sep):
                outdir += os.sep
            olen = len(outdir)
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(outdir):
                staticdir = root.startswith(path.join(outdir, '_static'))
                for fn in sorted(files):
                    if (staticdir and not fn.endswith('.js')) or \
                        print(path.join(root, fn)[olen:].replace(os.sep, '\\'),

        logger.info(__('writing TOC file...'))
        with self.open_file(outdir, outname + '.hhc') as f:
            # special books
            f.write('<LI> ' + object_sitemap %
                     self.config.master_doc + self.out_suffix))
            for indexname, indexcls, content, collapse in self.domain_indices:
                f.write('<LI> ' + object_sitemap %
                        (indexcls.localname, '%s.html' % indexname))
            # the TOC
            tocdoc = self.env.get_and_resolve_doctree(self.config.master_doc,

            def write_toc(node, ullevel=0):
                # type: (nodes.Node, int) -> None
                if isinstance(node, nodes.list_item):
                    f.write('<LI> ')
                    for subnode in node:
                        write_toc(subnode, ullevel)
                elif isinstance(node, nodes.reference):
                    link = node['refuri']
                    title = html.escape(node.astext()).replace('"', '&quot;')
                    f.write(object_sitemap % (title, link))
                elif isinstance(node, nodes.bullet_list):
                    if ullevel != 0:
                    for subnode in node:
                        write_toc(subnode, ullevel + 1)
                    if ullevel != 0:
                elif isinstance(node, addnodes.compact_paragraph):
                    for subnode in node:
                        write_toc(subnode, ullevel)

            matcher = NodeMatcher(addnodes.compact_paragraph, toctree=True)
            for node in tocdoc.traverse(
                    matcher):  # type: addnodes.compact_paragraph

        logger.info(__('writing index file...'))
        index = IndexEntries(self.env).create_index(self)
        with self.open_file(outdir, outname + '.hhk') as f:

            def write_index(title, refs, subitems):
                # type: (str, List[Tuple[str, str]], List[Tuple[str, List[Tuple[str, str]]]]) -> None  # NOQA
                def write_param(name, value):
                    # type: (str, str) -> None
                    item = '    <param name="%s" value="%s">\n' % \
                        (name, value)

                title = html.escape(title)
                f.write('<LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">\n')
                write_param('Keyword', title)
                if len(refs) == 0:
                    write_param('See Also', title)
                elif len(refs) == 1:
                    write_param('Local', refs[0][1])
                    for i, ref in enumerate(refs):
                        # XXX: better title?
                        write_param('Name', '[%d] %s' % (i, ref[1]))
                        write_param('Local', ref[1])
                if subitems:
                    f.write('<UL> ')
                    for subitem in subitems:
                        write_index(subitem[0], subitem[1], [])

            for (key, group) in index:
                for title, (refs, subitems, key_) in group:
                    write_index(title, refs, subitems)