def test_multiple_remotes(tmpdir, local, remote): """Test multiple remote URLs being carried over. :param tmpdir: pytest fixture. :param local: conftest fixture. :param remote: conftest fixture. """ origin_push = tmpdir.ensure_dir('origin_push'), ['git', 'init', '--bare']), ['git', 'remote', 'set-url', '--push', 'origin', str(origin_push)]) origin2_fetch = tmpdir.ensure_dir('origin2_fetch'), ['git', 'init', '--bare']), ['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin2', str(origin2_fetch)]) origin2_push = tmpdir.ensure_dir('origin2_push'), ['git', 'init', '--bare']), ['git', 'remote', 'set-url', '--push', 'origin2', str(origin2_push)]) new_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('new_root') clone(str(local), str(new_root), 'origin', 'master', '', None) output =, ['git', 'remote', '-v']) actual = output.strip().splitlines() expected = [ 'origin\t{} (fetch)'.format(remote), 'origin\t{} (push)'.format(origin_push), 'origin2\t{} (fetch)'.format(origin2_fetch), 'origin2\t{} (push)'.format(origin2_push), ] assert actual == expected
def test_no_exclude(tmpdir, local_docs): """Simple test without "git rm". :param tmpdir: pytest fixture. :param local_docs: conftest fixture. """ new_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('new_root') clone(str(local_docs), str(new_root), 'origin', 'master', '', None) assert new_root.join('').check(file=True) assert new_root.join('contents.rst').check(file=True) assert new_root.join('README').check(file=True) branch =, ['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']).strip() assert branch == 'master', ['git', 'diff-index', '--quiet', 'HEAD', '--']) # Exit 0 if nothing changed., ['git', 'diff-index', '--quiet', 'HEAD', '--']) # Exit 0 if nothing changed.
def test_exclude(tmpdir, local): """Test with "git rm". :param tmpdir: pytest fixture. :param local: conftest fixture. """, ['git', 'checkout', 'feature']) local.join('one.txt').write('one') local.join('two.txt').write('two') local.ensure('sub', 'three.txt').write('three') local.ensure('sub', 'four.txt').write('four'), ['git', 'add', 'one.txt', 'two.txt', 'sub']), ['git', 'commit', '-m', 'Adding new files.']), ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'feature']), ['git', 'checkout', 'master']) # Run. exclude = [ '.travis.yml', 'appveyor.yml', # Ignored (nonexistent), show warnings. 'README', 'two.txt', join('sub', 'four.txt'), # Only leave these. ] new_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('new_root') clone(str(local), str(new_root), 'origin', 'feature', '.', exclude) # Verify files. assert new_root.join('.git').check(dir=True) assert new_root.join('README').check(file=True) assert new_root.join('sub', 'four.txt').read() == 'four' assert new_root.join('two.txt').read() == 'two' paths = sorted(f.relto(new_root) for f in new_root.visit() if new_root.join('.git') not in assert paths == ['README', 'sub', join('sub', 'four.txt'), 'two.txt'] # Verify original repo state., ['git', 'diff-index', '--quiet', 'HEAD', '--']) # Verify unchanged. branch =, ['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']).strip() assert branch == 'master' # Verify new repo state. with pytest.raises(CalledProcessError):, ['git', 'diff-index', '--quiet', 'HEAD', '--']) branch =, ['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']).strip() assert branch == 'feature' status =, ['git', 'status', '--porcelain']) assert status == 'D one.txt\nD sub/three.txt\n'
def test_exclude_subdir(tmpdir, local): """Test with grm_dir set to a subdirectory. :param tmpdir: pytest fixture. :param local: conftest fixture. """ local.ensure('sub', 'three.txt').write('three') local.ensure('sub', 'four.txt').write('four'), ['git', 'add', 'sub']), ['git', 'commit', '-m', 'Adding new files.']), ['git', 'push', 'origin', 'master']) new_root = tmpdir.ensure_dir('new_root') clone(str(local), str(new_root), 'origin', 'master', 'sub', ['three.txt']) paths = sorted(f.relto(new_root) for f in new_root.visit() if new_root.join('.git') not in assert paths == ['README', 'sub', join('sub', 'three.txt')] status =, ['git', 'status', '--porcelain']) assert status == 'D sub/four.txt\n'
def push(ctx, config, rel_source, dest_branch, rel_dest, **options): """Build locally and then push to remote branch. First the build sub command is invoked which takes care of building all versions of your documentation in a temporary directory. If that succeeds then all built documents will be pushed to a remote branch. REL_SOURCE is the path to the docs directory relative to the git root. If the source directory has moved around between git tags you can specify additional directories. DEST_BRANCH is the branch name where generated docs will be committed to. The branch will then be pushed to remote. If there is a race condition with another job pushing to remote the docs will be re-generated and pushed again. REL_DEST is the path to the directory that will hold all generated docs for all versions relative to the git roof of DEST_BRANCH. To pass options to sphinx-build (run for every branch/tag) use a double hyphen (e.g. push docs gh-pages . -- -D setting=value). \f :param click.core.Context ctx: Click context. :param sphinxcontrib.versioning.lib.Config config: Runtime configuration. :param tuple rel_source: Possible relative paths (to git root) of Sphinx directory containing (e.g. docs). :param str dest_branch: Branch to clone and push to. :param str rel_dest: Relative path (to git root) to write generated docs to. :param dict options: Additional Click options. """ if 'pre' in config: config.pop('pre')(rel_source) config.update({k: v for k, v in options.items() if v}) if config.local_conf: config.update(read_local_conf(config.local_conf), ignore_set=True) if NO_EXECUTE: raise RuntimeError(config, rel_source, dest_branch, rel_dest) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Clone, build, push. for _ in range(PUSH_RETRIES): with TempDir() as temp_dir:'Cloning %s into temporary directory...', dest_branch) try: clone(config.git_root, temp_dir, config.push_remote, dest_branch, rel_dest, config.grm_exclude) except GitError as exc: log.error(exc.message) log.error(exc.output) raise HandledError'Building docs...') ctx.invoke(build, rel_source=rel_source, destination=os.path.join(temp_dir, rel_dest)) versions = config.pop('versions')'Attempting to push to branch %s on remote repository.', dest_branch) try: if commit_and_push(temp_dir, config.push_remote, versions): return except GitError as exc: log.error(exc.message) log.error(exc.output) raise HandledError log.warning('Failed to push to remote repository. Retrying in %d seconds...', PUSH_SLEEP) time.sleep(PUSH_SLEEP) # Failed if this is reached. log.error('Ran out of retries, giving up.') raise HandledError
def push(ctx, config, rel_source, dest_branch, rel_dest, **options): """Build locally and then push to remote branch. First the build sub command is invoked which takes care of building all versions of your documentation in a temporary directory. If that succeeds then all built documents will be pushed to a remote branch. REL_SOURCE is the path to the docs directory relative to the git root. If the source directory has moved around between git tags you can specify additional directories. DEST_BRANCH is the branch name where generated docs will be committed to. The branch will then be pushed to remote. If there is a race condition with another job pushing to remote the docs will be re-generated and pushed again. REL_DEST is the path to the directory that will hold all generated docs for all versions relative to the git roof of DEST_BRANCH. To pass options to sphinx-build (run for every branch/tag) use a double hyphen (e.g. push docs gh-pages . -- -D setting=value). \f :param click.core.Context ctx: Click context. :param sphinxcontrib.versioning.lib.Config config: Runtime configuration. :param tuple rel_source: Possible relative paths (to git root) of Sphinx directory containing (e.g. docs). :param str dest_branch: Branch to clone and push to. :param str rel_dest: Relative path (to git root) to write generated docs to. :param dict options: Additional Click options. """ if 'pre' in config: config.pop('pre')(rel_source) config.update({k: v for k, v in options.items() if v}) if config.local_conf: config.update(read_local_conf(config.local_conf), ignore_set=True) if NO_EXECUTE: raise RuntimeError(config, rel_source, dest_branch, rel_dest) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Clone, build, push. for _ in range(PUSH_RETRIES): with TempDir() as temp_dir:'Cloning %s into temporary directory...', dest_branch) try: clone(config.git_root, temp_dir, config.push_remote, dest_branch, rel_dest, config.grm_exclude) except GitError as exc: log.error(exc.message) log.error(exc.output) raise HandledError'Building docs...') ctx.invoke(build, rel_source=rel_source, destination=os.path.join(temp_dir, rel_dest)) versions = config.pop('versions')'Attempting to push to branch %s on remote repository.', dest_branch) try: if commit_and_push(temp_dir, config.push_remote, versions): return except GitError as exc: log.error(exc.message) log.error(exc.output) raise HandledError log.warning( 'Failed to push to remote repository. Retrying in %d seconds...', PUSH_SLEEP) time.sleep(PUSH_SLEEP) # Failed if this is reached. log.error('Ran out of retries, giving up.') raise HandledError
def test_bad_branch_rel_dest_exclude(tmpdir, local): """Test bad data. :param tmpdir: pytest fixture. :param local: conftest fixture. """ # Unknown branch. with pytest.raises(GitError) as exc: clone(str(local), str(tmpdir.ensure_dir('new_root')), 'origin', 'unknown_branch', '.', None) assert 'Remote branch unknown_branch not found in upstream origin' in exc.value.output # Not a branch. with pytest.raises(GitError) as exc: clone(str(local), str(tmpdir.ensure_dir('new_root')), 'origin', 'light_tag', '.', None) assert 'fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref' in exc.value.output # rel_dest outside of repo. with pytest.raises(GitError) as exc: clone(str(local), str(tmpdir.ensure_dir('new_root2')), 'origin', 'master', '..', ['README']) assert "'..' is outside repository" in exc.value.output # rel_dest invalid. with pytest.raises(GitError) as exc: clone(str(local), str(tmpdir.ensure_dir('new_root3')), 'origin', 'master', 'unknown', ['README']) assert "pathspec 'unknown' did not match any files" in exc.value.output # No origin., ['git', 'remote', 'rename', 'origin', 'origin2']) with pytest.raises(GitError) as exc: clone(str(local), str(tmpdir.ensure_dir('new_root3')), 'origin', 'master', '.', None) assert 'Git repo missing remote "origin".' in exc.value.message assert 'origin2\t' in exc.value.output assert 'origin\t' not in exc.value.output # No remote., ['git', 'remote', 'rm', 'origin2']) with pytest.raises(GitError) as exc: clone(str(local), str(tmpdir.ensure_dir('new_root3')), 'origin', 'master', '.', None) assert 'Git repo has no remotes.' in exc.value.message assert not exc.value.output # Bad remote., ['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', local.join('does_not_exist')]) with pytest.raises(GitError) as exc: clone(str(local), str(tmpdir.ensure_dir('new_root4')), 'origin', 'master', '.', None) if IS_WINDOWS: assert "'{}' does not appear to be a git repository".format(local.join('does_not_exist')) in exc.value.output else: assert "repository '{}' does not exist".format(local.join('does_not_exist')) in exc.value.output